Bioactive additives: benefit or harm? Is it possible to lose weight with fat burner supplements? Basic questions about dietary supplements Which companies produce the highest quality dietary supplements.


The Supreme Court (SC) of the Russian Federation stood up for the rights of buyers of dietary supplements, allowing ineffective drugs to be returned to sellers. He took this position on two civil cases involving pensioners from the capital region.

The Supreme Court noted that buyers are not required to understand medicines, therefore any misrepresentation about the properties of tablets should be interpreted in favor of the consumer.

“It is noteworthy that the Supreme Court pointed out to Russian judges the need to take into account the age of the victims, because dishonest companies often manage to persuade elderly people to buy dietary supplements, who spend considerable money on this,” said Pavel Odintsov, head of the press service of the RF Armed Forces.

Dietary supplements for cancer and beauty formula

Cases of attempts to return dietary supplements and funds paid for them that reached the highest court were considered in Moscow and the region; in both cases, pensioners suffered - 81 years old and 95 years old.

Thus, a 95-year-old man was asked to undergo a medical examination, which allegedly revealed a precancerous condition in him. Employees of a private clinic convinced the plaintiff to buy a special device and a set of drugs worth more than 400 thousand rubles.

However, later, at a municipal institution, doctors dispelled the pensioner’s fears, explaining that he did not have oncology and he did not need to use dietary supplements. The applicant immediately asked the seller to return the money and take back the drugs, but his complaint was left unanswered.

Then he tried to resolve the issue in court, but did not find understanding in the courts - the Domodedovo City Court of the Moscow Region rejected the claim, and the Moscow Regional Court recognized this decision as legal and upheld it.

The courts justified their position by the fact that the plaintiff purchased dietary supplements of his own free will, while all the necessary and reliable information about the product was communicated to him by the defendant.

The courts assessed the second case in the same way - an 81-year-old pensioner who heard an advertisement on the radio for the “Formula of Health and Beauty” and purchased drugs for 365 thousand rubles. However, there was no improvement in well-being from taking the medications, and the woman decided to return them, indicating that she planned to buy medicinal products, and not dietary supplements. But the Cheryomushkinsky court and the Moscow City Court left the plaintiff’s claims unsatisfied.

Conscientious seller

The Supreme Court called on the courts to show initiative during the process and themselves establish the dishonest behavior of one of the disputing parties, even if the second participant in the proceedings does not refer to this circumstance.

If the court sees an obvious deviation of the actions of a participant in civil transactions from conscientious behavior, it should not ignore this circumstance, the highest authority emphasizes.

“In this case, the court brings up for discussion circumstances that clearly indicate such dishonest behavior, even if the parties did not refer to them. If dishonest behavior of one of the parties is established, the court refuses to protect the right belonging to it in whole or in part, and also applies other measures to ensure the protection of the interests of the bona fide party (clause 2 of Article 10 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation),” the court explains.

He also recalls that the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” obliges the seller to promptly provide all necessary and reliable information about the product, including nuances that may affect his choice of purchase (Article 10).

Article 12 of the same law allows the consumer to refuse to execute the sales contract within a reasonable time and demand a refund if it becomes clear that the information communicated to him was not complete.

“It is necessary to proceed from the assumption that the buyer does not have special knowledge about the properties and characteristics of the product. The seller is liable if the non-conformity of the goods is associated with facts that he knew or could not have been unaware of and about which he did not inform the buyer,” notes the RF Armed Forces.

He also explains that the 95-year-old plaintiff bought dietary supplements only because he was misled about the threat to his life. Before this “examination,” the man had no intentions of purchasing such drugs and was not looking for supplements. These circumstances are legally significant, but the courts paid no attention to them, the court was surprised.

It also makes clear that courts must take into account the literal meaning of words and expressions used in contracts to determine its meaning and terms. And in the case of the injured resident of the Moscow region, a literal interpretation shows that he was not given complete information about the drugs he purchased, the highest authority points out.

In addition, the courts did not take into account that a number of additional mandatory requirements were established for biologically active additives: indication of full information about additives on the labels, a warning that dietary supplements are not medicines, a ban on remote or peddling sales, the Supreme Court pointed out.

Burden of Proof

Plenum of the RF Supreme Court No. 17 of June 28, 2012 imposes on the seller the obligation to prove that he fulfilled his obligations properly (clause 28), reminds the RF Supreme Court.

At the same time, the law on the protection of consumer rights obliges the buyer to provide all the necessary and reliable information about goods (works, services), ensuring the possibility of a competent choice, the highest authority points out, noting that the courts must remember that the buyer is not required to thoroughly understand the characteristics of the purchased product.

“When considering a consumer’s claims for damages, the court should proceed from the assumption that he lacks special knowledge about the properties and characteristics of the product,” the court reminds.

Meanwhile, in the case of an 81-year-old woman, the courts referred to the fact that the plaintiff did not prove the fact that she was not provided with adequate information about the drugs purchased.

Thus, the courts, in violation of the direct instructions of the law and the clarifications of the plenum of the Supreme Court, imposed the obligation to prove the lack of proper information on the plaintiff, who does not have special knowledge, while the defendant was obliged to prove the fact of providing appropriate information in a form accessible to the plaintiff, notes the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

He points out that the file contains only documents on state registration of products sold and certificates of compliance with uniform sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods.

However, these documents do not contain any information about the composition of the drugs, their properties, side effects, purpose, method of use, contraindications, expected effect of use, etc.

“That is, the conclusions about providing the plaintiff with proper information are not based on any evidence,” the highest authority concludes.

She notes that in both processes, the courts committed a number of significant violations that led to incorrect resolution of disputes. In this regard, the Supreme Court canceled all decisions made in both cases and sent them for new consideration in the appellate courts.

Irina Tumilovich

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When choosing a particular dietary supplement, any buyer prefers to purchase a high-quality product from a well-known, trusted brand. But how do you know who it is? Independent supplement industry experts routinely test products from a variety of manufacturers to help consumers identify brands that consistently produce high-quality products. Some companies undergo additional testing and certification to assure consumers that their products meet the highest quality standards. Therefore, when choosing any dietary supplement, it is good to start by checking the brand itself and its place in the ratings of manufacturers, as well as the certifications it has passed. conducts an annual survey of its subscribers on how satisfied they are with the vitamin complexes and dietary supplements they take. Based on responses from 10,326 people in November 2013, the top four brands were Swanson, Nutrilite, TruNature and Vitafusion. In addition to them, the top rankings, according to this survey, included Walgreens, Kroger, Vitamin Shoppe and Natural Factors. All of these brands produce various vitamin and mineral complexes and dietary supplements, which are available in pharmacies and vitamin centers around the world.

LabDoor went even further. They sent 75 vitamin and mineral supplements from various manufacturers to an independent laboratory to test their purity, potency, and the presence of artificial additives and colors. Some drugs contained fewer vitamins than indicated on the label, others contained artificial colors, but, however, all successfully passed the test for the content of harmful impurities and heavy metals. Based on the data obtained, LabDoor compiled a rating of multivitamin brands, and products from Carlson Labs, Nature's Way, Garden of Life, MusclePharm and Rainbow Light topped the list, receiving the highest ratings.

Consumer Reports tested more than two dozen multivitamin manufacturers in two independent laboratories and found that the supplements sold by supermarkets under their own brands in their chains, while significantly cheaper, performed as well in tests as many well-known national American brands. Using this information, they compiled a rating of top-quality dietary supplements, one of the criteria of which is cost, in other words, accessibility to consumers. Brands that took first place in this rating (costing no more than $2 per month): Costco, Walmart, DollarGeneral, Target, RiteAid, and CVS. According to the report, all these brands are the most affordable for consumers, while not inferior in quality to venerable manufacturers.

Additional Certification

Several independent organizations offer voluntary certification programs for dietary supplement manufacturers. These organizations, in addition to the standards set by the US Department of Health, use their own strict quality standards called Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). When purchasing, pay attention to brands that have certification from such organizations on the label. Among them we can highlight Natural Products Association, U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention and NSF. This is a sign of the highest quality dietary supplement. Labels may appear as follows: “NPA Certified,” “USP Verified,” or “NSF Certified.”

BIO active additives: benefit or harm?

Black list of dietary supplements: hellebore and others
Victims of Linus Paulling and vitamin overdose:
best the enemy of the good
"Placebo effect": the main thing is to believe
Misinformation that costs lives
Shark cartilage
Viturid - another panacea?

In recent years, bioactive supplements (BAA) have rapidly burst into our lives. They have replaced medicines on the shelves of pharmacies, annoying distributors offer them in the subway and underpasses, and they are delivered directly to your home by couriers from TV shops. How safe are dietary supplements?

In the USA, complications associated with taking dietary supplements are being studied very actively. Recently, one American agency published rather gloomy data: more than 2.5 thousand cases of side effects caused by dietary supplements have been officially registered, as well as more than 100 deaths associated with them. But of course this is the tip of the iceberg, and no one knows the true number of complications from dietary supplements. The conditions for their sale and reception are such that it is very difficult to link any incident with the dietary supplement. Ephedrine supplements account for the most victims - 900 registered complications and 44 deaths.

In second place in terms of yield of death are the so-called “diet teas” or “teas for weight loss,” the hormonally similar substance DHEA (can be hidden under different names) and even vitamins in high doses.

Manufacturers and traders of dietary supplements gained freedom in 1994, when a new regulatory law was passed in the United States. After this, a real boom began in the trade in dietary supplements. Supplements generously promised to slow down aging, reduce weight, improve memory, cleanse the body of toxins, protect the heart and even prevent the development of cancer. In Russia, dietary supplements promise even more, and cancer is offered not only to prevent, but also to cure.

The traditions of herbal medicine have deep roots, but we were still not ready for the advent of dietary supplements. Sometimes exotic plants that are not familiar to our medicine are used in dietary supplements. And those herbs that our doctors know are, as a rule, indicated on the packages under rare names that we do not use (after all, the more mysterious the composition of the dietary supplement, the higher its price).

And without knowing the composition of the herbs, it is impossible to assess either the effectiveness of the additive or its danger. Sometimes the degree of misinformation reaches the point of absurdity. Just one example. A friend of one of my patients was advised to take herbal tea "Gonseen", produced by the company "Doctor Nona", to cleanse the body. After two weeks of regular use, his sleep was disturbed and a strong diuretic effect developed. And all this started at a dose five times less than what was recommended. He turned to me for advice. But the composition of this tea was given in a Jesuitical way: of the eight herbs, only four were familiar, two were probably familiar (assuming that their names were given with slight errors), and neither a search in my extensive library nor in World Wide Web of the Internet. The known herbs were quite neutral, but what was hidden behind the others, and to what extent they were responsible for the development of complications (after all, maybe it was just a coincidence), it was impossible to establish.

Of course, the list of dietary supplements, like all other drugs and products, should contain the Latin names of herbs accepted in the scientific world. Only this will allow you to at least somehow navigate the world of dietary supplements. But manufacturers prefer to create fog, hiding behind some “Ma Huang” the familiar and unsafe ephedra. And behind Thai weight loss pills are drugs.

By the way, if psychotropic narcotic substances are officially found in Thai tablets (although for some reason this does not interfere with their advertising in newspapers and direct sales), then one can only guess about the incomprehensible dependence on products like Herbalife. I will not share rumors, I will only tell you about one of my patients with severe neurosis, panic attacks and an accompanying bouquet of diseases of the internal organs with severe weakness, who was “hooked” on Herbalife for two years. At the first appointment, when asked about taking regular (certified) vitamins (for example, undevit), the patient began to talk with a sparkle in her eyes about how she was taking much better vitamins in Herbalife.

According to legend, these are better purified vitamins. Although, what they need to be cleaned from so thoroughly is unknown to science. Moreover, there are only a few pharmaceutical giants in the world - producers of individual vitamins (located in “third world countries” due to environmental problems), from which all other pharmaceutical factories (small and not so small) purchase absolutely the same vitamin raw materials and produce various complexes (differing in the composition of components, brand promotion and, accordingly, in price).

Herbalife is also a “cellular nutrition” from a long list of herbs (I already shared my doubts with you about long-term use of any herbs at the beginning of this book). Distributors advise taking all this joy in natural doses (business is business). So, two years of taking the same herbs is obvious poisoning (taking into account her serious condition: physical and mental). But here’s an interesting detail: while praising the cleansing properties of Herbalife, the patient gave one example for credibility. One day she recently ran out of her favorite medications. And there was a forced break in receiving them for about ten days (money problems got in the way). At the end of this break, all her illnesses worsened, and even new symptoms appeared (typical withdrawal, like when weaning from a drug). Moreover, she did not accept my doubts about this, completely convinced that her body was simply so accustomed to good, expensive vitamins that it could not live without them. She even figuratively compared her habit of “cellular nutrition” with people’s habit of a good Mercedes (as if they wouldn’t agree to anything less). But, I hope, it is already obvious to you that this dependence is clearly not from vitamins.

I don’t know how her love for the “good” ended. At the second appointment, three weeks later, she showed some improvement (panic attacks, which in the past were resistant to tranquilizers and other chemicals, disappeared from homeopathic medicines), but weakness (mainly from chronic intoxication) remained. She didn't make an appointment with me anymore. Apparently, financial difficulties had an effect - after all, her favorite Herbalife is very expensive (and the Bolivar could not stand it for two).

Black list of dietary supplements (components of dietary supplements that are particularly hazardous to health)


Lately, hellebore powder, a plant of the ranunculaceae family, has become very popular. Ladies are sweeping away the miracle remedy in the hope of losing weight in record time, and at the same time “cleaning” their body of toxins. The fact that the weight remains in place is not so important. The worst thing is that it can cause harm.

In homeopathy, microdoses of hellebore (other names are black hellebore or hellebore - Helltborus niger) are used mainly for conditions close to prostration and loss of consciousness. Such conditions are observed with severe infections (for example, meningitis), drug abuse, and severe depression. Even in homeopathy, it is not recommended to take too weak dilutions of the drug (naturally, prepared only in a homeopathic pharmacy) due to its toxicity. Even the name of the buttercup family indicates the poisonous, “fierce” effect of these plants. Black hellebore root extract, when accumulated in the body, causes heaviness in the head, dizziness, a state of intoxication, sometimes nausea and vomiting (of central origin), and arrhythmia. When horses were poisoned with black hellebore leaves, they experienced severe weakness, increased heart rate and breathing, and diarrhea and death by the end of the second day. Thank God, no one eats its whole leaves. Usually “healers” recommend taking hellebore “at the tip of a knife” (although everyone’s knives are different, and gullible people often do not want to limit themselves to “useful herb”).


Often called ma huang, epitonin, sida cordifolia. This plant contains ephedrine and related stimulants. Complications from ephedra include cardiac arrhythmias and psychoses, heart attacks and strokes. By the way, some states in America have already banned dietary supplements with ephedrine.

Chaparral or dwarf oak (Chaparral)

Dietary supplements in the form of tea or tablets promise to prevent the development of cancer and “cleanse the blood.” They are associated with serious liver damage. Two deaths and dozens of cases of hepatitis and other liver diseases were reported.


Comfrey root has long been used externally to reduce swelling, but later began to be used internally. It contains alkaloids that are toxic to the liver and have been shown to be carcinogenic in animal studies. There has been one reported death from this supplement. It is banned in Canada and Germany.

DHEA (dehydroandroepisterone)

A hormone that is converted in the body into the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone. Labels for this supplement indicate that it may fight aging. There is no data to support this. But the supplement can increase the risk of developing cancer or lead to liver damage, even in cases where it is taken for a short time. 31 cases of side effects were registered.

Diet teas

This is what is usually called in the USA for herbal mixtures containing components such as senna, aloe, rhubarb, buckthorn, joster, and castor oil. All of them have a laxative effect and at the same time wash potassium out of the blood, contributing to arrhythmia. These types of tea are associated with side effects - diarrhea, nausea, and with long-term use - liver damage, intestinal atrophy and chronic constipation.

Pennyroyal: sometimes leads to spontaneous abortions

Sassafras- used to be used as a flavoring additive in the production of butter and beer, but is now prohibited in the United States. However, it is still sold in various “tonics” and teas. There is evidence that it causes liver cancer.

Victims of Linus Paulling and vitamin overdose (the best is the enemy of the good)

Vitamin C

Thanks to the aggressive advertising of the American Irwin Naturals campaign, in recent years the idea has become popular in Russia that almost all serious diseases, including cancer and atherosclerosis, can be cured with loading doses of vitamin C. “Clean blood vessels make your heart lighter” is the advertising motto used to promote Lysivit-S. The company emphasizes that the discovery belongs to the winner of two Nobel Prizes, L. Pauling. True, he does not specify that the famous physicist and chemist received the prize for topics far from medicine, and his interest in medicines and vitamins arose only in his old age. However, large-scale clinical studies conducted by American doctors after the laureate’s death yielded shocking results: loading doses of ascorbic acid do not prevent, but rather help the development of atherosclerosis and kidney stones. But the negative results of clinical trials did not stop its spread, since Lyzivit-S was cunningly registered not as a medicine, but as a food additive.

Vitamins A, E, D

Over the past few decades, medicine has placed great hopes on vitamin preparations (which also include microelements) in terms of protection against various diseases and stopping premature aging caused by aggressive free radicals (formed in the body under the influence of poor environment and smoking). Vitamin tablets have become a hot commodity in pharmacies, bringing billions in profits to their manufacturers. Vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene (used by the body to synthesize vitamin A) were especially advertised as “anti-radicals”. But can vitamins really work miracles? The optimism of previous years is being replaced by sobering up. “This is the biggest disappointment of my life,” admitted Dr. Charles Hannekens of Harvard University, presenting the results of a study conducted under his direction. Over the course of twelve years, 22 thousand doctors drank beta-carotene tablets or placebo (pacifiers). As a result, it became clear that the drug does not help either against cancer or against any other disease. In other studies conducted in the USA and Finland on smokers, the result was even more disastrous. For example, in Finland, 30 thousand smokers took beta-carotene, vitamin E or a placebo for four years. The incidence of lung cancer among beta-carotene consumers was 18% higher than other participants in the experiment. They were more likely to die from a heart attack. The longest life expectancy was observed in smokers who took placebo. After summing up such disappointing interim results, the experiment had to be stopped. It also turned out that in smokers, even a small overdose of vitamin A (or its predecessor, B-carotene), contributes to the development of cancer, since their highly carcinogenic compounds are formed inside the body. So smokers (even passive smokers, that is, those who are regularly “smoked” by loved ones) should not even get carried away with carrot juice.

But non-smoking citizens especially cannot relax. An overdose of vitamins A and D in any case causes intoxication and is dangerous for the liver and kidneys, and during pregnancy can cause fetal defects.

To close the topic of vitamin overdose, we can remember about other vitamins - water-soluble - group B. Their excess supply in the composition of drugs (natural overdose, that is, with food, is practically excluded here) is also fraught with various complications for the weak point of a particular person (according to the principle: where it’s thin, that’s where it breaks). But, fortunately, excess water-soluble vitamins usually do not accumulate and are well excreted by the kidneys (if they are in order). There is even a joke that Americans (the most passionate fans of complex vitamins) have the most expensive urine in the world.

Not just a vitamin

How can we explain the negative research results?

It has long been known that consuming vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits is good for health and reduces the likelihood of cancer. But can the protective effect of vegetables and fruits be reduced to the action of several vitamins? After all, even the group of carotenoids includes not only beta-carotene, but also more than a hundred other little-studied bioactive substances found in fruits and vegetables. You can also remember about fiber, which is necessary for cancer prevention, about the particularly useful structure of water (similar to the structure of melt water) in the juice of raw vegetables and fruits, about bacteria in fermented milk products that normalize intestinal flora. Replacing all this with just vitamins will not be enough.


Recently, selenium has been promoted (often included in vitamin complexes) as a powerful antioxidant that slows down aging. May be. But first, it should be noted that selenium, in principle, is not included in the metabolism of humans (and animals too). That is, this element is simply not found in the body of an ordinary healthy person (animal). Elemental selenium is low toxic. All selenium compounds are highly toxic. Toxic selenium diseases of livestock (known as alkali disease) have been described in various countries (in several areas in Canada, Columbia, Kansas, Nebraska and others). The soils there contain selenium in life-threatening concentrations. Alkaline disease is manifested by severe weakness, anemia, liver pathology, and convulsions. Selenium actively replaces the sulfur of proteins (more precisely, the amino acids methionine, cystine and cysteine), which leads to the destruction of keratins, and, as a consequence, to hair loss and splitting of nails. True, when taking selenium preparations it does not come to such a nightmare, since it is dosed in micrograms. And thank God!

"Placebo effect": the main thing is to believe!

Although, many of our bioactive food supplements sold in pharmacies or green shops are not at risk of an excess of any vitamins. Whatever pharmaceutical dietary supplements you take, all of them, as the advertisement claims, have been tested and approved by the Ministry of Health. The gullible buyer has no idea that the product was only tested for safety and the Ministry of Health guarantees that you will not be poisoned by it. But they are not officially tested for their usefulness and content of declared vitamins (since these are not certified medicines). One of the unofficial checks (commissioned by the TV program “Vprok”) showed that when taking many well-advertised remedies (for example, “longevity”), one will only have to rely on the placebo effect (improving well-being only through faith and self-hypnosis). And in order to get a daily dose of the most common simple vitamins (C, group B), you need to drink about 40 tablets of this bioactive supplement, which is inconvenient and, of course, expensive.

Misinformation that costs lives

Shark cartilage

It is much more dangerous if a pacifier is presented as a panacea for cancer. After all, the consequence of such “treatment” is, at best, terribly advanced stages of the disease (at worst, even poisoning).

Advertising hammers a clear idea into people's heads: sharks don't get cancer - it's all about the special properties of their body. Shark cartilage is sold with a bang all over the world and in Russia, however, the number of cancer patients not only does not decrease, but is also growing steadily. At a conference of the American Association for Cancer Research, it was found that sharks, like humans, are susceptible to cancer. According to the results of research by American oncologists, 23 forms of cancerous tumors were found in sharks, including liver cancer, and the healing properties of drugs from shark cartilage are simply a myth.

Viturid - another panacea?

Another “near-cancer” sensation was born in the city of Petrozavodsk. “Viturid” appeared - a 0.003% solution of mercury dichloride or sublimate. Its author, biochemist T. Vorobyova, claims that it is highly effective in the treatment of cancer, AIDS and other viral and bacterial infections. Thus, viturid is a panacea. After a successful advertising campaign, cancer patients from all over the country went to Petrozavodsk. True, there is no scientific data on cancer patients cured in this way. As always, there are only general phrases and thick noodles hung on people’s ears. There are also several well-known cases about the sad experience of some cancer patients using this course of treatment. Complications from this treatment are mercury intoxication with its various manifestations (the very possibility of which is for some reason denied by the “inventor”, although the doses there are clearly far from homeopathic), especially affecting the kidneys. But unlike official chemotherapy, such sacrifices were made absolutely in vain - the tumor did not shrink after these courses; on the contrary, it progressed.

Near-cancer sensations on the assembly line

The authors of “sensational” treatment methods (by the way, often not doctors, but biochemists, “food scientists”, apparently without the Hippocratic Oath it is more convenient to engage in such a business) always use the same scheme. First, they formulate their idea of ​​the causes and mechanisms of development of any disease, in which well-known facts are mixed with fiction (in the case of vituride, this is the loss of some mysterious “polarization” by a cancer cell). Then they explain that their drug (or method) restores exactly what is damaged during the development of the disease, but they “forget” to indicate in which scientific studies this was established. And to reinforce the learned material, they tell beautiful tales about thousands of patients whom they allegedly cured after doctors abandoned them. Such “noodles” are enough for a patient. But history, as a rule, is silent about such well-known statistics as the percentage of those cured, how long they are observed, what are the complications after treatment, what are the contraindications and restrictions when using a given drug or method.

It is unlikely that a drug will be discovered that can cure the entire population of the Earth with cancer, since tumors, the bouquet of concomitant diseases, and the constitution of people are different, and in principle there cannot be a single remedy. Only joint management of a cancer patient by a homeopath and oncologists can really save a person’s life (or, in an advanced stage, at least make it as easy as possible and prolong it).

Homeopathic office
Snezhinskaya M.Yu.

Helped us:

Vasily Isakov
Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Nutrition", member of the scientific advisory board of the Nutrilite Health Institute

1. How do you understand that the body needs a particular element?

All dietary supplements (dietary supplements) officially sold in Russia indicate that their use is possible after consultation with a doctor. This was done not because anyone doubts the need for vitamins and minerals in the diet. The question is different: people suffering from certain diseases need them in a larger or smaller dose; there are diseases for which some elements are contraindicated or must be used with caution. You can check this by trial and error, but it is wiser to trust a doctor - nutritionist or therapist who will assess your lifestyle and health status, level of activity, individual characteristics of the exchange and will express their thoughts.

On the other hand, there are population studies on how the average resident of Russian cities eats. Based on these data, we can safely say that taking a vitamin-mineral complex in which the doses of active ingredients do not exceed the recommended level of consumption (“Norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation” can be seen on the Rospotrebnadzor website), Suitable for any adult resident of our country.

2. Is it possible to overdose on dietary supplements?

The most toxic in case of overdose are fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K), which can accumulate in the body. Water-soluble (C and B), even with excess consumption, are easily excreted in the urine. But if a person follows the instructions for the drug, it is impossible to cause intoxication, since the doses of vitamins and minerals in dietary supplements are usually close to the consumption level and much less than those used for medicinal purposes. So cases of intoxication with dietary supplements are mainly associated with improper use fat-soluble vitamins registered as a medicine, that is, having a very high concentration.

3. Are dietary supplements sold in Russia high quality?

In any market, products range from very good to very bad and counterfeit. In the USA, for example, almost 30% of popular food additives are counterfeits, that is, what is written on the label does not correspond to reality. In our country, you should trust certified products from well-known manufacturers that have been on the market for more than one year. They have their own quality control system, their own production and a good reputation in the markets of different countries. It is important to understand that dietary supplements, which include many components, cannot be very cheap, since the production of such additives is a complex and costly process.

4. Is it possible to become addicted to dietary supplements?

What if the body learns to get everything it needs from pills and doesn’t want to get it from food, right? Tom the part of the intestine where vitamin absorption occurs does not care what their source was. It works with chyme - intestinal contents that resemble pureed soup in consistency, into which everything you eat, regardless of the original type of food, turns into.

5. Dietary supplements “for women”, “for healthy hair” – is this pure marketing?

If we are talking about products from a reputable manufacturer, its composition, of course, has a scientific basis. Insufficient intake or absorption of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D actually results in layered, brittle and lack of shine in nails. Moreover, these changes are described as clinical symptoms and are used in the diagnosis of diseases characterized by vitamin D deficiency. To keep hair in order, biotin, the same calcium, B vitamins and lecithin are needed. Therefore, if the selected supplement contains the necessary components, it will be useful.

But it's important to remember that taking dietary supplements is just a help in solving the problem. And the basis is always good nutrition and proper care for hair, nails, skin, and so on. But this is an idea that supplement marketers often miss. As a result, consumers expect a pill to solve all problems, but miracles do not happen.

Many people. Everyone has their own point of view, but we will try not to get hung up on these discussions, but to find out for ourselves the most important thing, what it is and which dietary supplements are the best at the moment.

Dietary supplements are a complex of biologically active substances that are consumed with food to enrich the human diet.

Some people mistakenly consider dietary supplements to be drugs, but they are NOT a drug. A doctor may prescribe a dietary supplement to enrich your diet, which will help you cope with the disease faster, in combination with pills, but it will not cure you.

The best dietary supplements should contain the following components:

  • Fermentation products
  • Minerals and vitamins,
  • Synthetic analogues of natural, natural food products.
  • Seafood,
  • Bee products
  • Ecologically pure medicinal plants.
  • Antioxidants,
  • Amino acids.

The best dietary supplements:


Regulates many biochemical processes in the body, for example, the absorption of calcium from the intestines, the absorption of vitamins, phosphorus and potassium.

Replenishing magnesium deficiency in the body, increasing the protective functions of the body, improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, is also taken for hair loss, osteoporosis, excessive irritability and sleep disturbances, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

One tablet contains 20 mg of magnesium.


Replenishing the lack of zinc in the body, normalizing fat metabolism, protects the body from viruses and pathogens.

Recommended for people with myopia, hypertension, diabetes, stomach ulcers, anemia, diarrhea, poor memory, dermatological diseases of non-infectious origin, vegetarians to increase the level of zinc in the body.

One tablet contains 5 mg of zinc.


Promotes the production of the female hormone - estrogen, forms bone tissue, taste sensations, helps form red blood cells, gives skin and hair a healthy appearance.

Restoring copper levels for scoliosis, anemia, infertility, menstrual irregularities, enlarged thyroid gland to reduce the hormone thyroxine, delayed sexual development in girls.

one tablet contains 2 mg of copper.


Participates in the body's absorption of calcium and phosphorus, in the proper metabolism of sugar and fats, and protects the body. Normalizes the body's immune activity, promotes the absorption of vitamins B1 and E, and plays a serious role during lactation.

Increasing the level of manganese in the body, with arthritis, osteoporosis, especially in older people, chronic fatigue, weakness and irritability, excess weight, increased levels of fats in the blood, a tendency to seizures and slow mental development.

One tablet contains 2 mg of manganese


Helps the functioning of the heart and endocrine system, keeps nerve tissue in shape, improves performance and the thinking process.

Restoring potassium in the body, improving the functioning of the heart muscle - myocardium, in case of blood pressure disorders and to maintain body tone.

One tablet contains 69 mg of potassium.


Promotes metabolic processes, wound healing, counteracts the toxic effects of heavy metals, and rejuvenates the body.

With slow growth of children, male (in frequent cases) infertility, hair loss, poor nail growth, reduced protective function of the body, liver dysfunction, dermatitis and eczema.

One tablet contains 0.21 mg of selenium.


Takes part in carbohydrate, hormonal, enzyme and fat metabolism. Improves well-being, digestion, helps to lose excess weight.

To improve metabolism, activity of the cardiac system, strengthen the immune system, with decreased sexual function in men, fatigue, insomnia, headaches.

One tablet contains 100 mcg of chromium.


Cobalt is part of vitamin B12, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, through better absorption of iron in the body, helps synthesize protein, form hormones in the thyroid gland, and takes part in cell division.

Restoring cobalt levels in the body, combating fatigue, weakness, fatigue, and poor memory. Helps with B12 anemia, delayed development in childhood, and neuropsychiatric diseases.

One tablet contains 0.08 mg of cobalt.


Calcium is the building material of our bones, teeth, tendons. Takes part in muscle contraction and relaxation, participates in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and enhances the body’s resistance to external stimuli.

For pain in bones, muscles, cramps, growth disorders, fractures, fatigue, weakness, hypocalcenosis, urolithiasis, allergies and immune disorders.

One tablet contains 408 mg of calcium aspartate.

Which companies produce the highest quality dietary supplements?

  • AD MEDICINE Limited
  • Vision International People Group

Where to buy quality dietary supplements?

The first and basic rule is not in stores. It is best to do this in a diagnostic center, where, after a complete diagnosis of your body, doctors will recommend to you which drugs are best to use in the fight against the disease.

Since such centers employ specialists who are familiar with the quality of the products, their effects, and useful new products, they will be able to give you good advice. By purchasing nutritional supplements after consulting with a licensed physician, you can be confident about your health.