What to do if you step on a nail? How to quickly cure a puncture in your leg caused by rusty objects? Stepped on a rusty nail: how to treat it.

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For various reasons, quite often and unexpectedly, people find themselves in such an unpleasant and painful situation as being wounded by a nail. In addition to the fact that at such a moment severe pain is felt, those who had to step on a nail are at risk of developing gangrene and tetanus.

Therefore, it is important to learn the procedure for first aid for such an injury.

I stepped on a nail, what should I do?

First of all, you need to carefully remove the nail from your leg and try to compress the area near the wound. This is necessary in order to squeeze out some of the blood, which may contain rust and dirt left behind by the nail. This simple action is very important because this way you can avoid infection. Therefore, the sooner this action is done, the better.

It is very important to pay attention to the nail itself to determine whether it is rusty or not. It is also important to inspect the area around you and make sure that there are no other nails nearby, because re-piercing your leg can significantly complicate the situation.

Initially, you need to realize the following: if a person steps on a nail, it will be difficult for him to understand what to do next until he gets out of a stressful state. To bring yourself to your senses, you need to take deep breaths several times and, if necessary, sit down. Next you need to head home. If there is a hospital nearby, then you can safely go to the emergency room.

Treatment of the wound

The first natural way to somehow influence the puncture site is to apply plantain, but you shouldn’t place much hope on this technique. Especially if a person steps on a rusty nail.

At home, the wound site must be treated. For these purposes, hydrogen peroxide (3%), a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a special ointment are suitable. If none of the above is at home, then you can use ordinary laundry soap to wash the puncture site, but this, of course, is not the best option.

Another way to thoroughly clean a wound is to pour warm water into a basin and dissolve a few crystals of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to hold the injured leg in such water, while simultaneously massaging it near the wound. This will help clean the puncture and squeeze out dirt.

Using ointment

One of the current options for treating a wound is Vishnevsky ointment. This is a very popular medicine that has a wide spectrum of action. It contains xeroform, tar and castor oil. The value of these components lies in the fact that each of them has antiseptic properties. And this is of great importance if the patient steps on a rusty nail. This ointment will be able to eliminate the infection and promote rapid healing.

To avoid dirt getting into the wound, it needs to be treated with brilliant green and iodine. In principle, any alcohol-containing product (cognac, vodka, etc.) will do.

The treatment process is not limited to caring for the foot when a person steps on a nail. Not many people know what to do after the leg is already bandaged. First you need to understand a simple principle - the dressing needs to be changed. It is better to do this three times a day, more is possible.

At the same time, it is better to bandage your leg at night with bandages that will be soaked in a salt solution, without alcohol-containing components. This recommendation is explained by the fact that salt acts as a strong adsorbent. This fact means that during the drying process, the salt will remove all harmful elements from the wound. And one more important point - such a bandage should breathe, which means there is no need to cover it with bags at night.

Visit to the clinic

If someone steps on a nail, the foot becomes swollen and other complications (hyperemia) appear, then the most logical solution would be a visit to the hospital. The fact is that along with rust, tetanus spores can get into the wound. If the victim is not vaccinated against it, then there is a real risk of death (25% of all cases of infection). Death occurs due to asphyxia, which is a consequence of paralysis of the heart muscle and spasm of the respiratory tract.

Therefore, if rust was noticed in the wound after a person stepped on a nail, first aid should be supplemented by a visit to the clinic, since it is in this place that the patient will be able to receive competent and effective assistance.

In the absence of vaccination (before the injury) and the presence of a wound from a rusty nail, the victim is injected with anti-tetanus serum.

If the doctor detects signs of suppuration in the wound area, he will most likely prescribe an antibacterial agent (by mouth) and also prescribe the use of an ointment. It is also worth considering the fact that there is always a risk of Pseudomonas aeruginosa getting into the wound, which can lead to gangrene, and quickly. Therefore, if you delay a visit to the doctor, you may end up facing a problem such as disability or loss of a limb.

Treatment of tetanus

If it so happens that the victim was infected with tetanus when he stepped on a nail, only doctors should determine how to treat it. It is worth noting that the rehabilitation process for tetanus is long - sometimes more than three months in a hospital setting. And even after treatment is completed, residual symptoms of the disease may appear: spinal deformity, muscle weakness and limited joint mobility. For this reason, a patient who has survived tetanus will have to be observed by a neurologist for 2 years.

Why is it important to go to the emergency room?

The first reason is the quick reception. If you have to make an appointment with a regular doctor and wait in line, which is completely irrelevant if you are injured, then in the case of a traumatologist, you can get qualified help without waiting. And this is important, especially if rust got into the wound after the victim stepped on a nail. The traumatologist knows very well what to do with such a problem as a puncture with a nail and will be able to provide quick, effective assistance.

In addition, an anti-tetanus vaccination will be given. Moreover, the doctor will issue a sick leave certificate, which may be useful for those who are actively working. When all treatment measures have been taken, every effort must be made to quickly heal the wound. This means that you should not put any weight on the injured leg, and in principle you should try to step on it as little as possible.

Thus, if you react quickly and competently, you can avoid the negative consequences of being injured by a nail, even a rusty one.

Puncture wounds of the foot: first aid. What to do if you pierced your leg with an old rusty nail?

The article is written for informational purposes only, and under no circumstances can it be used as a guide for self-medication without the participation of a doctor.

Ingredients of a first aid kit to help with a foot puncture with a nail:

  1. Sterile bandage 7 cm wide.
  2. Sterile wipes.
  3. A bottle of antiseptic Miramistin, Chlorhexidine.
  4. A bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Ointment Levosin, Levomikol
  6. Ampoule or spray of chloroethyl.
  7. Antibiotic Tsiprolet tablets 500 mg – 6-10 pcs.

What to do if you do step on a dirty and rusty nail?

  • Immediately squat down, try not to move your leg, lift it higher.
  • Do not remove a nail from your leg if the nail has completely penetrated your leg or is deeply embedded and cannot be removed easily: you will have to put a bandage around the nail and go to the doctor. If the nail does not go deep and is easily removed, carefully remove it.
  • If there is a lot of blood flowing from the wound, tightly press your hand with a handkerchief or bandage around the nail, or the wound itself if the nail has been removed. Continuous compression of the wound with your hands for 10 minutes can stop even severe bleeding. After stopping the bleeding, the skin around the wound should be carefully washed with clean warm water and soap and treated with an antiseptic: miramistin, chlorhexedine. If the nail is removed, the wound is washed with a stream of antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide from a syringe without a needle. After washing the wound, water-soluble ointment Levosin or Levomikol should be applied to it and to the skin around it.
  • To reduce pain, the wound can be “frozen” with chlorethyl, spraying it from a distance of 20-40 cm around the wound from a can or ampoule until the skin whitens. Treatment with chlorethyl can be repeated on the second day after injury - this will reduce inflammation and reduce pain.
  • After treatment, it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the wound, and place the leg in an elevated position (on pillows) to reduce swelling.
  • To prevent the development of infection, the antibiotic Tsiprolet is taken in tablets of 500 mg 2 times a day for 3 days.
  • The wound is observed for 3-5 days with daily antibacterial treatment and dressing changes. The leg should be motionless, in an elevated position. If no complications develop during this period (purulent inflammation of soft tissues), then the wound heals by 7-10 days.
A nail injury to the foot requires immediate medical attention in the following cases:
  • if the nail is not removed, the leg is pierced through,
  • if the nail was in the ground, old, with rust,
  • if bones or tendons have been damaged,
  • if the wound size is more than 1 cm,
  • if fragments of nails, rust, earth remain in the wound,
  • tetanus toxoid was not administered or was administered later than 10 years ago,
  • if the wound is festering, the leg is swollen, red, pus is oozing from the wound, pain is “pulsating” in the leg, the leg is “numb”, you can’t step on your leg, the foot doesn’t bend, you can’t sleep at night because of the pain, your body temperature has risen.

Further treatment in this case will be prescribed by the doctor.

To avoid foot injuries caused by punctures from nails or other sharp objects, on a construction site you should wear work shoes with a steel plate in the sole, or put homemade insoles made of aluminum or thick plastic in regular shoes.

Attention! All articles are for informational purposes only and under no circumstances can be used as a guide for diagnosing and treating diseases independently, without the participation of a doctor. Articles may contain errors and inaccuracies and reflect the subjective opinion of the author. If you or someone you love gets sick: please seek help from a doctor and do not self-medicate!

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Accidentally puncturing a leg with a rusty nail is quite dangerous for a person, as it can cause a wide range of both local and systemic problems. What to do if you step on a rusty nail? If a person accidentally pierces his leg with a rusty nail, how to treat the wound? Is it necessary to see a doctor? You will read about this in our article.

What to do if you step on a nail with your foot

If a person pierces his leg with a rusty nail, do the following:

  • Removing a nail from a leg. If the object does not go deep into the lower limb, you can pull it out yourself. Carefully examine the area where the skin is damaged and try to gently and slowly pull the edge of the object. If it does not come out, or severe bleeding begins, then the procedure must be stopped, after which it is necessary to contact a surgeon, traumatologist or other medical specialist who can provide the necessary assistance;
  • Treat wounds with antiseptic agents. Produced with safe local antiseptics - hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin, potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine, miramistin;
  • Treat surfaces near the wound with antiseptic agents. Carried out with iodine or brilliant green;
  • Make a dressing. Performed with sterile hygiene supplies. It is advisable not to use cotton wool on an open wound, as it will be difficult to remove once the skin and damaged soft tissues have dried. It is better to use bandages, but wrap them moderately rather than tightly. In this case, the number of turns should be close to 4-5 layers.

Danger of tetanus

If a person pierces his leg with a rusty nail, then his risk of developing tetanus increases significantly. This disease is an acute invasive bacterial infection that affects the nervous system.

Tetanus is transmitted by contact, and the main pathological agent is Clostridium tetani, a gram-positive, spore-forming, obligate anaerobic bacillus. In general, the causative agent of tetanus is present everywhere in nature.

The danger is tetanus exotoxin, produced by vegetative forms of the pathogen under special conditions involving the complete absence of oxygen, temperatures from 37° to 39°, and high humidity.

Most often, high concentrations of gram-positive rods are observed in agricultural areas in soils, pastures, vegetable gardens, fields and orchards.

If a person has a deep wound or skin damage, the necessary conditions for development are created for the pathogen, and it begins to produce a toxin that penetrates through the motor fibers of the peripheral nerves into the blood and medulla oblongata.

Further development of the infectious disease are pronounced symptoms in the form of tonic contractions of striated muscles, paralysis of reflex arc neurons, and general muscle rigidity throughout the body.

In the absence of help and adequate therapy, the preconditions for paralysis of the respiratory organs and heart muscle are formed.

A patient with tetanus requires immediate hospitalization in a hospital and complex therapy with the introduction of serum, cleaning the primary source of infection, organizing total muscle relaxation, as well as supporting the vital functions of the body.

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Treatment of a puncture of the leg with a rusty nail

What to do if you pierce your leg with a rusty nail? After initial treatment of the wound and application of an appropriate bandage, it is advisable to go to the emergency room or to a surgeon to undergo diagnostics, which would exclude the potential development of complications. However, quite often people neglect qualified help and stay at home for some time.

If signs of a bacterial infection or other complications appear, especially those with symptoms of tetanus, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Drug therapy

The basis for further drug treatment in general is the continued use of antiseptics with regular dressing changes, as well as the use of antibacterial drugs in situations where a person exhibits signs of a secondary bacterial infection. Typical medications for the treatment of a nail puncture in the leg:

  • Baneocin. An ointment that has an antibacterial and bactericidal effect on the skin and soft tissues. The drug must be applied after basic antiseptic treatment up to 3 times a day;
  • Levomekol. This ointment contains methyluracil and chloramphenicol. The combined effect of the two substances stimulates the regeneration of soft tissues, partially prevents the development of infection and alleviates the symptoms of the inflammatory process. Levomekol should be applied to dry skin and wounds 4-5 times a day;
  • Dalatsin. Local antibiotic. Penetrates deeply into the skin and soft tissues, acts predominantly against gram-positive pathogenic flora;
  • Levofloxacin. Broad-spectrum antibiotic. Used systemically as an addition to topical antibacterial ointments. The dosage regimen and dosage are prescribed individually by the attending physician.

Traditional methods

Any folk methods given below cannot be a full replacement for local antiseptic treatment or the use of antibiotics in the presence of a secondary bacterial infection.

It is rational to use home-prepared remedies as an addition to the main treatment if a person has pierced his leg with a nail, after mandatory consultation with a surgeon or other specialized specialists who have prescribed an individual treatment regimen. Popular folk methods:

  • Plantain. Plantain leaves can be used as a basic antiseptic in “field” conditions when no other means are available. Before using the plant, you should rinse it well under running water (as well as the wound site), then thoroughly knead until the juice appears, apply to the wound, and wrap with a bandage;
  • Baths with soda solution. Take 1 liter of hot water and add 3 teaspoons of soda to it. Mix the liquid thoroughly, cool to an acceptable temperature and steam the injured leg in it for no more than 15-20 minutes at a time. The procedure is repeated several times a day for 5 days;
  • Honey. Take 20 grams of high-quality honey, mix with clean water in a ratio of 1 to 1, then dip a bandage in the product and apply to the puncture site. After 2 hours, remove the lotion. Repeat the procedure twice a day - morning and evening;
  • Onion. Take 1/2 of a medium-sized fresh onion, bake it in the oven, cool to room temperature and apply to the wound, securing it with a bandage. Keep the remedy for one hour, repeating the procedure each time with a new half of the onion two to three times a day for five days. The compress will help quickly draw out the pus and weaken the local bacterial infection.

What to do if your leg is swollen

The formation of a local tumor on the leg in the area of ​​a puncture with a rusty nail usually indicates the development of a secondary bacterial infection. As a rule, the latter is accompanied by other symptoms, including a local rise in temperature, general weakness of the body, and pain. What should you do if you pierced your foot with a nail and it became swollen?

The general treatment regimen for a swollen leg caused by a puncture with a rusty nail:

  • Opening the wound. It is carried out with surgical instruments in order to gain direct access to damaged soft tissues;
  • Primary antiseptic treatment. It is performed directly in the wound using any available local antiseptics - hydrogen peroxide, miramistin, chlorhexidine, furatsilin solution;
  • Secondary antiseptic treatment nearby skin. It is carried out with more aggressive local antiseptics against the skin located around the wound. Typical preparations are iodine, brilliant green;
  • Applying antibacterial ointment. It is performed in cases where there are clear signs of a bacterial infection. Typical drugs are levomekol, clindamycin, baneocin.

Possible complications

The most common consequence of a leg injury from a rusty nail is the high likelihood of developing secondary bacterial infections. An insufficiently well-treated wound, lack of qualified and timely surgical care creates the preconditions for local, and in some cases, systemic pathological processes in soft tissues.

The latter lead to suppuration in the area of ​​damage, as well as global infection up to gangrene and sepsis. In addition, there are risks of developing tetanus, the treatment of which requires immediate complex therapy and a subsequent long recovery period.

In what cases is it necessary to visit a doctor?

A mandatory visit to a doctor is necessary in the following cases:

  • Formation of a strong inflammatory process and swelling that does not go away for more than 3 days. In this case, we are talking about the development of a bacterial infection, requiring both conservative therapy and, in some cases, surgical treatment;
  • The appearance of signs of tetanus. If there are primary signs of tetanus, you must immediately contact qualified specialists for treatment. At the initial stage, symptoms include nagging pain in the wound area of ​​moderate intensity, the appearance of involuntary contractions of the masticatory muscles, and spasms of the facial muscles. As the pathological process develops, the rigidity of all muscles of the body, convulsions, and unbearably painful reaction to touch, sounds, and light rapidly increase.

A surgeon or traumatologist treats foot punctures with a rusty nail. If necessary, other specialized specialists are also involved in the therapy process.

Walking barefoot or in open shoes can injure your feet on sharp objects that may be in the grass on the footpath. This can happen to anyone, both children and adults. If you step on a rusty nail, it can be dangerous not only to your health, but also to your life. In such cases, the necessary measures must be taken as quickly as possible.

Stepped on a rusty nail: what is the danger?

This incident should not be taken lightly as it can cause serious problems if medical attention is not provided. When a rusty nail penetrates the skin, not only bleeding and tissue damage occurs, but also infection and tetanus. Infection and tetanus can cause death. The sooner you start treating the wound, the better - don’t waste a minute!

What to do if you step on a rusty nail: emergency measures

After you injure your foot with a sharp object, you need to treat the wound immediately. But what exactly? We will talk about this below.

If a child steps on a nail, consult a doctor immediately . The tendons may be damaged, which may result in lameness in the future.

First, you need to remove the sharp object from the foot, then apply a bandage or cotton wool to the wound for 2-3 minutes to reduce bleeding. If the nail is stuck too deeply, you must call an ambulance and do not try to remove the object yourself until doctors arrive.

Now we treat the wound with a disinfectant , ordinary alcohol or peroxide, brilliant green, iodine, miramistin and other antiseptics will do. As a last resort, wash the wound with vodka. Then we apply a gauze bandage to the damaged area, this will prevent bacteria from entering the wound. Clean the wound every 5-6 hours using a clean dressing. Try not to bandage the foot too tightly so as not to disrupt the blood circulation.

After treating a wound at home, it is advisable to consult a doctor. He will prescribe you antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, and, if necessary, vaccination.

If the wound is bleeding, the swelling does not disappear within 2-3 days after the incident, the body temperature has increased and your health has worsened, you need to seek emergency medical help.

Remember that if the wound is deep, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. It is possible that not only tissues are damaged, but also tendons and ligaments. At the hospital you will be decontaminated, given a tetanus injection, and prescribed antibiotics. When treating a wound at home, you cannot be sure that the infection has not spread to the blood.

How can you get infected through a nail?

One of the most serious dangers of a nail injury to the foot is infection with tetanus. And the longer you put off visiting the hospital, the worse it gets. We recommend getting a tetanus shot even if the wound is not too deep. After all, a nail can have not only rust, but also various infections and particles.

In addition to tetanus, through a wound you can become infected with gangrene and blood poisoning. In these cases, the infection goes into the blood, toxins destroy the cells.

What to do if you step on a rusty nail with your foot? The sooner you treat the wound with an antiseptic, the better. But even this may not protect you from blood poisoning, which is why you need to see a doctor in the next couple of days.