What to do if your hair falls out a lot in the fall. Why does increased hair loss occur in autumn? Proper nutrition against seasonal hair loss

On the crystal evenings of October, many notice that their hair begins to fall out like autumn: their curls become dull, brittle, and lifeless. Of course, some impressionable people immediately panic, which only worsens their hair problems. So why does hair fall out so much in the fall, and what should you do to once again enjoy thick, healthy hair? Let's figure it out.

Why does hair fall out in autumn?

The main cause of hair loss in the fall is the “cunning” hormone estrogen, the amount of which sharply decreases in the blood with the appearance of the first yellow leaves on the trees. A sharp decrease in the amount of estrogen in the fall is a natural, genetically determined process. Therefore, a kind of “molting” at this time of year should not scare you. But if you notice that your hair is falling out a lot in the fall, you should think about how to stop or minimize this process.

According to trichologists, severe hair loss in the fall is due to changes in temperature and the change of season. Unexpected exposure to cold constricts the blood vessels in the scalp, which disrupts the blood supply to the hair follicle. Blood, and with it nutrients, stop flowing to the bulbs, and the curls die.

The cause of hair loss in the autumn is ultraviolet radiation, which is so beloved by women. Can't deny yourself the pleasure of soaking up the rays of the July sun? In the fall, it’s time to pay for pleasure: ultraviolet radiation increases the activity of testosterone (male hormone) and increases the number of free radicals responsible for the transition of curls to the hair loss phase.

Don’t forget that autumn “goes hand in hand” with stress - after a hot summer you have to work a lot, and for many people the school year begins. And just in the “golden time”, the reduction in daylight hours begins, and the body produces less and less of the “happiness hormone”, serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood. Increased agitation also constricts blood vessels, disrupting the blood supply to the hair follicles.

Hair falls out in autumn: what to do?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to stop autumn hair loss. If you do not suffer from hormonal imbalance, chronic stress, neurosis or other internal diseases, problems with curls will disappear on their own in 4-6 weeks.

But we hasten to please you - you can reduce the severity of the problem as much as possible. Don't want your hair to fall out a lot in the fall? Then follow a few simple rules:

1. Don’t “torment” your favorite curls

In autumn we always have to “pay” for summer pleasures. Is it worth putting additional stress on your hair by changing its color and texture? Avoid dyeing and perming during the cold season.

2. A hat is your best friend

Do you dream that your hair does not flutter in the wind, and that your hairstyle always maintains aristocratic neatness? Then think, is your love for Audrey Hepburn worth your hair health? Instead of experimenting with harsh styling products, look for a collection of sophisticated headpieces. This way your hair will not suffer from the cold of the off-season.

3. Remember about vitamins

Vitamins A, C, E, as well as selenium, magnesium, and phosphorus will help strengthen curls. To nourish your body with them, you should include foods rich in them in your diet. Fruits, vegetables, fish oil, butter, sour cream, and nuts should become your regular treats in the fall and winter.

Proven vitamin complexes are also great for nourishing hair. For example, the vitamin-mineral complex ALERANA® is a real storehouse of amino acids, minerals and nutrients that will not only strengthen the hair follicles, preventing their loss and splitting, but also improve the condition of the scalp and, of course, give a person an excellent mood and a boost of energy.

4. Wash your hair as needed

Horror stories about how your grandmother’s cousin’s sister’s daughter’s daily hair washing led to hair loss are nothing more than folk tales. Hair should be washed as it gets dirty. Believe me, a greasy, inflamed scalp will only cause dandruff, but will not improve the condition of your hair.

5. Take care of your hair

Properly selected shampoos, conditioners and other external products will help strengthen your hair. Masks with essential oils of jojoba, rosemary, fir and beya will not only strengthen your curls, but also make them shiny and silky.

So, now you know how to make seasonal hair loss invisible and painless. But if simple methods do not help your hair resist the autumn cold, and hair loss continues for more than 4-6 weeks, you should consult a trichologist to identify possible problems with the functioning of internal organs. We hope the autumn blues will pass unnoticed for your hair!

Seasonal hair loss is not a myth. We figured out what exactly affects the health of curls during the cold season.


The lack of sun and the reduction in the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet does not go away without leaving a trace - the body begins to experience a lack of vitamins. Most often in the fall we lack vitamins A, C, E and group B. The result is fatigue, mood swings, stress, extra pounds and hair loss.

Fans of diets low in vegetable fats and proteins are also at risk. Fragility, lack of shine and hair loss are sure signs of a lack of these elements in the body.


Cold, bad weather and short daylight hours also take their toll: maintaining a good mood becomes increasingly difficult. To add to the stress factors, you can add the beginning of the school year and the traditional increase in the number of tasks at work towards the end of the year. It becomes more and more difficult to cope with the load.

During emotional stress, a muscle spasm “squeezes” the hair root, and it stops receiving oxygen and necessary nutrients in the same volume, weakens and falls out.


Do you like to go without a hat in the fall? Be prepared for your hair to start falling out. Due to the cold, blood supply to the scalp deteriorates. This leads to a lack of nutrition of the hair follicles and, as a result, to hair loss.


Due to a lack of vitamins, the immune system weakens, so we begin to get sick more often. Colds, flu, pharyngitis, sore throats - this is an incomplete list of what you have to deal with during the cold season. Long-term illnesses, as well as certain medications, can also cause hair loss.

To cope with such a problem, you need to approach treatment comprehensively.

From the inside.Add more seafood, red fish and nuts to your diet - they contain omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids necessary for beautiful and healthy hair. Don't forget about dairy products - they contain protein and calcium, which are necessary for the structure of cells. And be sure to take a course of a special hair complex. Trichologists most often recommend Pantovigar - thanks to a special combination of components necessary for hair, it helps not only stop hair loss, but also restore lost hair volume.

Outside. Every day, do a scalp massage along with special anti-hair loss serums - this will increase blood flow to the hair area and improve nutrition of the hair follicles. If this is not enough, you can try a course of mesotherapy. Drugs delivered through injections remain in the tissues for as long as possible and manage to have a pronounced effect.

It's Indian summer, and my friend pulled on her hat. - What's happened? - you ask. - Hair falls out in the fall! - she sighs. One can only sympathize: indeed, seasonal hair loss in women occurs both in autumn and spring. However, you can not only grieve together, but also find an answer to current questions: why hair falls out in the fall, and how to deal with it.

Why does hair fall out

Let's start with the fact that the process of their loss is quite natural, and there is no need to be afraid of it. Each hair grows from a so-called follicle - a “bag” of tissue surrounding the root. Growth comes from the root - it is its cells that divide in the follicular sac. Sebaceous glands are located between the follicles. The intensity of their work determines the type of scalp - oily (with active glands), normal or dry. Hair goes through three stages of growth:

The first phase is anagen. It is characterized by active division of root cells and hair growth. Normally, approximately 80-90% of the hair is in the growth phase, and it lasts about 3 years.

The second phase is catagen, when root cells stop dividing. In an atrophic follicle, the hair root shrinks and is “pulled” to the surface of the scalp. The catagen phase lasts about a month.

In the third - telogen phase - the follicle is at rest, the hair barely holds in it and can fall out even from mild exposure. Between 20 and 40% of the hair on the head is in the telogen phase.

These phases replace each other cyclically. On average, hair “lives” 25 cycles.

Therefore, if you lose between 80 and 150 hairs per day, there is nothing to worry about. But if your hair begins to fall out in clumps, or your hair has noticeably thinned out, it’s time to sound the alarm, regardless of whether hair loss occurs in autumn, winter, spring or summer.

Causes of hair loss

If the process already resembles baldness, you need to start by identifying the causes of this scourge. First of all, you should check the presence of:

diseases of the endocrine system;

hormonal imbalances - for this reason, “male/female pattern baldness” often begins;

diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys.

Some medications cause hair loss as a side effect. It also happens that hair grows from a lack of minerals and trace elements in the body, from nervous tension and stress.

How to wash your hair

Why else do weakened hair fall out a lot in the fall? The shampoo, conditioner, or mask you're using may not be right for you. If the products are chosen incorrectly, they will only cause harm. Remember: shampoo is selected according to your scalp type, conditioner - according to your hair type. Remember that conditioners and masks are applied only to the “body” of the hair, stepping back a couple of centimeters from the roots. You should not overexpose them - it is better to wash them off before the specified exposure time. This approach will avoid the problem of hair that is greasy at the roots and dry at the ends.

Why does hair fall out a lot in autumn?

Hair can react poorly to care not only because the products are chosen incorrectly. Evaluate the composition: if you find lauryl sulfates in it, part with the bottle, no matter how much it costs. There is research evidence that sulfates, penetrating through the scalp, have a toxic effect on the body and accumulate in the kidneys and liver. In addition, many sulfates are carcinogenic and can also cause allergies. The greatest danger is sodium laureth sulfate (SLS). Sulfates are added to shampoos for two reasons: they provide abundant foam when washing and clean literally “squeaky clean.” But there is nothing good in such cleanliness: the acid-base balance of the skin is disturbed. The scalp dries out and “dry” dandruff appears. Dry hair becomes brittle and begins to fall out. Diethanolamine in skin care products is also dangerous due to an allergic reaction. Another harmful component of shampoos and conditioners are parabens. These are preservatives designed to extend the shelf life of products.

Why does hair fall out a lot in autumn?

Another worst enemy of curls in washing, care and styling products is silicone. At first glance, everything is fine: after using a product with silicone, the hairstyle becomes shiny, the hair becomes smooth, easy to comb and holds the style for a long time. The harm is this:

silicone is a synthetic substance, which in itself is no longer useful;

By gluing the scales, including on split ends, silicone accumulates in the body of the hair over time, making it heavy, and sooner or later your hair will begin to fall out;

Silicone also accumulates around the hair follicle, blocking its access to oxygen, disrupting blood circulation in the root zone. The skin “does not breathe” and lacks nutrients, which also increases the amount of hair loss.

How to wash your hair

They say that washing every day is harmful, but this is more a myth than truth. Hair needs to be washed as it becomes dirty, otherwise the greasy scalp will very quickly react with the appearance of “oily” dandruff. Sebum clogs the follicles, preventing normal metabolism and nutrition of the root, and as a result, the hair becomes thinner and begins to fall out. Therefore, wash your hair as needed. It is very good to wash your hair with a special brush - plastic with a rubber “bristle”. The soft teeth will not only massage the scalp, causing blood flow, but will also help cleanse it of dead cells. The skin will begin to breathe better, the supply of nutrients to the roots will noticeably improve, and autumn hair loss will stop. After washing your hair, it is good to use nettle infusion or water with lemon juice to make your hair shine.

Why does hair fall out a lot in autumn?

The main assistant oil in the fight for a thick braid is burdock. Castor oil also works great: with regular use, the quality of hair significantly improves and its growth accelerates. But keep in mind that thick castor oil is washed off only after the second or third wash.

Causes of autumn hair problems

So, we carried out an audit on the shelf in the bathroom, mastered the brush for washing hair and selected recipes for natural masks. Now let's look at the seasonal causes of hair loss. Without consulting a trichologist, you can name several reasons why hair falls out so much in the fall.

The first reason is a small amount of sunlight

When exposed to sunlight, the body produces vitamin D, without which calcium cannot be absorbed. And your hair needs calcium, so we include leafy herbs and green vegetables in our diet: parsley, sorrel, broccoli. We energetically gnaw on nuts and seeds. Beans, peas and barley are also good.

The second reason is a lack of one or several vitamins at once.

In autumn, the body spends more energy on heating the body and supporting the immune system, so there may not be enough resources. As a rule, hair falls out due to a lack of vitamins A, B5, B6, C, E.

Why does hair fall out a lot in autumn?

Of course, it is better to determine by analysis which vitamins you are lacking and replenish the reserve purposefully. If this is not possible, then the most useful and effective in solving the problem of seasonal thinning of hair are vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (PP, nicotinamide, nicotinic acid), vitamins B5 (pantothenic acid) and B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin H (biotin ), folic acid, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin A (retinol), vitamin E. Hair also suffers from a lack of microelements, including calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium. Here are the substances you should treat your curls with in the fall:

B vitamins will be provided by cereals, potatoes, spinach, seeds and nuts, which, by the way, also contain selenium;

vitamins A and E are present in apricots, tomatoes, and sweet red peppers. But these products should not be subjected to long-term heat treatment - vitamin A does not like this;

It becomes this way due to central heating and heating appliances, and also because in the fall we do not ventilate apartments and offices too often. What to do? Humidify the air! You can purchase a special device or place any containers with water around your home or office: vases with flowers or glass balls, jugs for watering plants, and finally, ordinary bowls. By humidifying the air, you also take care of your skin: tightness or peeling no longer threatens you.

Reason four - walking without a hat

On the street, the head becomes hypothermic, so the blood vessels, including those of the skin, narrow. Hair stops receiving the necessary nutrition from the bloodstream.

Why does hair fall out a lot in autumn?

Cold makes hair dry: by narrowing the pores of the scalp, it does not allow the sebaceous glands to fully function. Hair begins to break and fall out. So a hat in the fall is a true friend of curls!

The fifth reason is impaired immunity

Sore throats, viral diseases, and seasonal depression require additional strength from the body to fight and recover. Hair loss can be a consequence of taking medications or nervous stress. Soothing herbal teas and vitamin fruit infusions will help you cope with this. So, in order not to hide your fairly thinning curls under a scarf or beret by spring, we build a hair care regimen: choose the right shampoos and masks, wear a hat, serve vitamins and get enough sleep to maintain hair health. And healthy hair is beautiful hair!

The search for an answer to the question of why hair loses its attractiveness and falls out should begin with identifying the reasons, the elimination of which will make it possible to easily solve the problem and restore attractiveness. Autumn is a period of serious testing for the body; adaptation to natural phenomena is accompanied by a decrease in estrogen, which ensures hair growth.

Why does hair lose strength in autumn? Changing the temperature regime affects the condition of the hair: the vessels that provide nutrition are narrowed, the bulb is sorely lacking nutrients, neglect of hats is very dangerous, will negatively affect the hairstyle, and can lead to the development of serious diseases.

Causes of loss

Depression is a common phenomenon in the fall; the fair sex is especially vulnerable to a psychological crisis and reacts painfully to every little thing. Stress is accompanied by poor circulation, the only way to protect your hair is to work on yourself, if necessary, use sedatives and herbal infusions.

Proper nutrition is the basis of health, an indicator of which is hair; changes in structure and hair loss are a reason to review your diet. Difficulties with creating a varied menu that meets the needs of the body are eliminated in the fall.

Professional cosmetologists and medical workers will answer how to react to hair that remains on clothes and a comb, and why the cause should be determined.

First of all, don’t panic, the curls should fall out, the main thing is to control the process. The norm is 50–100 hairs during the off-season; if the amount has changed significantly, listen to your body, the possibility of diseases cannot be ruled out:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • deficiency of microelements and vitamins;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • allergic reactions.

A medical examination will allow you to eliminate doubts; if suspicions are not confirmed, proceed to develop an individual program that corresponds to your capabilities and lifestyle.

The masks have been given emergency status; regular procedures will help restore luxurious curls. Ready-made masks provide comfortable use and save time; it is recommended to give preference to products from companies whose reputation is beyond doubt.

The effectiveness of folk recipes has been confirmed by practical use by representatives of different generations. If your hair is falling out, use an arsenal of natural remedies.

Yolk combined with honey

Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of burdock oil, natural honey, 2 egg yolks, rub into the skin with light massage movements until you feel a pleasant warmth. To maintain the temperature, wrap your head with cling film and a woolen scarf. In parallel with nutrition, the mask eliminates dandruff.

Thanks to the pleasant aroma, the procedure brings pleasure and lifts your spirits, which is especially important in the fall.

Nettle and oil

Nettle is very popular; in the fall you can rinse your hair with a decoction of fresh herbs. Oil nettle is considered more effective; to prepare it, simply mix dry herbs and vegetable oil and leave the product in a cool place for a week. Apply the finished mask an hour before washing, to dry hair.

Fermented milk mask

If your oily hair is falling out or starting to split, pay attention to a simple mask of sour milk or kefir, which should be distributed over the entire length, wrap your head in a terry towel, and leave for 30 minutes. Refrain from using shampoo to wash your hair after applying the mask; water with lemon juice (acid) is enough.

Aloe and skate mask

The product has unique properties; hair will stop falling out, acquire a magnificent shine, and rapid growth will pleasantly surprise you. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and cognac, 1 yolk, rub into the roots, warm, enjoy the pleasant warmth, rinse after 20-30 minutes. If you have started to fight the problem, be patient, one mask is not enough, regular procedures will help you achieve a positive result, which should be repeated at intervals of 5-7 days depending on your hair type.

Bread and water

Rye bread, soaked in water, greatly helps against hair loss for those with oily hair, slightly dries out the skin, and nourishes. The prepared gruel is infused for an hour, applied in a thin layer, lightly massaged, insulated, and washed off after an hour. Shampoo is not recommended for use.

Mustard oil mask

Mustard has won recognition from supporters of traditional medicine; when proportioned, it is very helpful in the fight against hair loss, and also stimulates active growth. Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of mustard powder with water, until a thick paste forms, add 1 tbsp. spoons of sugar, vegetable oil, ideally burdock, 1 yolk, rub into the roots, leave for 30 minutes. This mask is very popular among balding men and gives a chance for hair restoration at any age.

Onion mask

If you really want long hair, pay attention to a mask using onions; the specific smell of the product is a feature due to which many refuse the recipe. The result that can be achieved with the help of a mask is worth the small sacrifices; hair will be restored after dyeing and curling, will stop falling out, and will shine with a healthy shine. Grate a large onion, squeeze out the juice, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor or burdock oil, 1 yolk, 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac, 1 teaspoon each, lemon juice and honey, apply for 1 hour.

Professional help

Hair loss is a very common problem that is successfully combated in beauty salons and salons. The use of modern methods is practiced, thanks to which the curls are restored and do not fall out.

  • Mesotherapy.
  • Injection techniques.
  • Laser treatment.

Modern equipment and innovative products make it possible to shorten the period of struggle with the “autumn problem”; luxurious hair will become a source of pride for you. Refrain from purchasing products of dubious origin, if you cannot visit a beauty salon, limit yourself to folk remedies.

Products for protection

Proper nutrition has a positive effect on both hair and mood, and will protect against autumn depression. Fish takes pride of place in the beauty diet; fatty varieties will help stop hair loss: salmon, and a budget option - mackerel. Omega-3 is an elixir of health for hair; signs of its deficiency are dry, brittle hair. It is recommended to supplement the vegetarian menu with flaxseed oil, which compensates for the lack of fish dishes.

Legumes are a source of protein, without which it is impossible to grow beautiful hair; the content of zinc, iron, and biotin is especially important for the fair sex. The secret to female beauty is three cups of beans or lentils per week.

Meat is a source of protein; regular consumption, stewed and boiled, will protect the body from weakness.

Eggs are a dietary product and a common breakfast option for people who prefer a healthy lifestyle.

Dairy products are necessary to saturate the body with calcium and protein; in combination with nuts, they have a unique effect on the condition of the hair.

Carrots have a positive effect on skin condition and are an accessible source of vitamin A.


It is easier to prevent hair loss than to deal with the problem. Do not neglect the recommendations regarding healthy eating, choose a stylish headdress that you will wear with pleasure. Treat problems philosophically, avoid stress and conflict situations.

  • Regular massage is an effective way of prevention, improves blood circulation, carried out with your fingertips or a soft brush.
  • Do not fall victim to exhausting diets, the body needs a varied diet. Find time for prolonged brushing, at least 5 minutes before bed.
  • Avoid hair dryers and straightening irons, the regular use of which will lead to the need for long-term hair restoration.

If possible, enlist the support of a professional cosmetologist; practical experience will help you develop an effective program to combat hair loss.

Women are more susceptible to autumn “shedding”, since with cold weather the level of estrogen in the body decreases. Hormone deficiency leads to increased irritability, frequent mood swings, forgetfulness, and loss of strength. Lack of estrogen negatively affects the condition of the hair: it weakens, becomes thinner, looks dull and lifeless, grows slower, and breaks out more.

Causes of excessive hair loss, in addition to hormonal imbalance, may include:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diets or monotonous menu;
  • taking medications;
  • decreased immunity due to colds;
  • busy work schedule;
  • spasms of blood vessels in the scalp caused by cold weather.

In the fall, tufts of hair that fall out when washing or combing are practically the norm. With the onset of stable frosts, hormonal levels, as a rule, stabilize, and accelerated hair thinning stops. It makes sense to consult a trichologist if slow hair growth is accompanied by dry or oily dandruff and itching. Qualified treatment is required for a prolonged period of increased hair loss (more than 1-2 months) and noticeable hair degradation.

With seasonal hair loss, hair seems to be everywhere: on clothes, pillows, in the bathroom. Their number increases sharply on the comb. If you look carefully in the mirror, you can see that the parting on your head has become wider. People around you can also notice that the quality of your hair has deteriorated. Lack of volume, scalp showing through the hair, lifeless appearance of curls - all this makes you think about additional care aimed at strengthening and protecting.

You need to start taking care of your hair with nutritional correction. Your diet should include a lot of fish and nuts - foods rich in Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. Foods that are good for hair are seeds, bananas, kiwi, milk, kefir, soy, beef liver, spinach. Instead of muffins and white bread, it is better to eat bran bread: it contains a lot of fiber, biotin, panthenol, and B vitamins. If you have severe hair loss, you should take a vitamin-mineral complex.

Salon procedures will also be effective. Keratinization, carried out with medicinal compositions based on AHA acids, natural keratin, and vegetable oils, allows you to quickly restore weakened hair. Hair that is frequently dyed, permed, or blow-dried should be protected with biolamination. For radical recovery, injection and hardware methods are more suitable: mesotherapy, laser therapy, plasma lifting, electrotrichogenesis.

You can improve the condition of your hair yourself - with the help of professional products. Shampoos containing mild surfactants, biotin and peptides delicately cleanse the scalp and restore the structure of damaged hair. Growth activators - balms, tonics, sprays, lotions - improve blood microcirculation, providing hair follicles with adequate nutrition.

It is recommended to include concentrates in the care program for weakened hair. The basis of the drug formula Hair Concentrating Serum from the South Korean manufacturer Dermahil lies a complex of biomimetic peptides. The serum contains the “beauty vitamin” biotin, salicylic acid, extracts of ginkgo biloba, oriental thuja, and purslane. The product must be used daily for several months.

Therapeutic spray “R” SYSTEM 4 series, thanks to the liquid keratin in the composition, quickly revives the hair. Makes them stronger, more elastic, shiny. Thus, it slows down the process of hair loss and improves the appearance of hair. Kosmoteros balm with lactic acid enzymes, arnica and hops, strengthens hair follicles and eliminates dry hair. Hair Nutrition Pack Mask from Dermaheal restores hair from the inside, saturating the skin with amino acids and peptides. The phytoextracts contained in the product - sophora roots, eucalyptus leaves, grapefruit fruits - improve blood circulation.

Ampoule lotion R.25 PAPPA REALE Based on royal jelly, it provides complete nutrition to the hair follicles. For hair loss accompanied by oily seborrhea, it is recommended to use URTINOL with nettle extract. If the cause of hair thinning is dry scalp, this drug will help DSM from Dixon. The serum contains silk proteins and is suitable even for sensitive scalp. Ampoule products are used for hair mesotherapy. At home, they can be applied to the scalp under a mesoscooter.


In the fall, you should provide your hair with gentle care: wash your hair only with warm water, use sulfate-free shampoo, and resort to blow-drying only occasionally. Wear a hat to protect against wind and cold. Complete your basic hair care program with masks and serums. Strengthen stress resistance and immunity, because the beauty of your hair directly depends on the health of the body as a whole.

So, the main reason for autumn hair loss in women is a natural decrease in estrogen levels. Frequent colds, food restrictions, stressful situations, and low temperatures can increase hair loss. To strengthen hair, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes, use cosmetics with keratin, lactic acid, biotin, nettle, hop, and ginkgo biloba extracts.

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