What to do if you have a persistent sore throat. Sore throat: a harmless cold or a quiet call about a serious illness? Inflammatory throat diseases

Every person has to deal with a cough. Currently, medicine knows many varieties of this disease. If wet cough does not cause much discomfort, the same cannot be said about dry. This is exactly what will be discussed further. You will find out why a person wants to cough. The most common causes of pathology will be described below.

Also from the material presented you can find out what kinds of throat remedies there are. They are very effective for sore throats and coughs.

Irritable Throat Syndrome

If you feel like your throat is sore and you want to cough, then this could be initial symptom irritated throat. There may be several reasons for this pathology. Quite often, ordinary soreness and irritation in the throat leads to coughing.

It is the most unpleasant of all its varieties. A person regularly feels that it is not only possible, but also necessary to treat such a pathology. Otherwise, you can get quite serious complications.

Why does my throat feel sore and I want to cough?

There can be many reasons for this pathology. Most often, the cause of irritation in the throat is a viral infection. In this case, the person soon begins to notice additional symptoms: runny nose, fever, headache.

If you have a sore throat and want to cough, then the cause may be a simple allergy. At the same time, for a long time you do not feel a deterioration in your health, and the doctor during the examination says that there is no reason to worry. Allergies must be treated. However, this must be done wisely.

If you have a sore throat and an uncontrollable cough, then this may be due to wrong image life. Heavy smokers often face this problem. It is worth noting that this symptom is very alarming.

There are a number of other reasons why a person has a sore throat and wants to cough. Only a doctor can determine what exactly is the reason for the development of the disease. To do this, the patient is prescribed a series of examinations and tests.

Sore throat remedies

Before using any remedy for the throat, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pathology. Otherwise, medications may simply not help you cope with the problem. To treat pathology, doctors use antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs, antiseptics, immunomodulators, antihistamines and so on. The list of medications can be endless. In addition, doctors use traditional medicine. Let's look at the most popular remedies that help cope with a sore throat and stop or prevent coughing.

Medicines for oral administration

So, you have found out why your throat is sore. Now you can select suitable treatment. Doctors strongly do not recommend doing this yourself. However, most patients do not go to doctors due to their busyness.

If the cause of the tickling is allergic reaction, then you need to apply antihistamines. These include Zyrtec, Suprastin, Fenistil, and so on.

If a viral infection occurs, immunomodulatory medications should be used. Among them are Derinat drops, Anaferon tablets, Kipferon suppositories and many others. If necessary, use antiviral drugs such as Aflubin, Antigrippin, and so on.

If the soreness is caused by bacterial growth, then antimicrobial medications are prescribed. Among them you can find “Amoxicillin”, “Amoxiclav”, “Sumamed” and so on.

Local impact

If you have a sore throat, what else can you treat? You can use products that have a local effect. All these drugs can be divided into sprays, lozenges and rinses.

Sprays are used to irrigate the laryngeal mucosa several times a day. Among such drugs are “Inhalipt”, “Cameton”, “Tantum Verde” and others.

Rinse should be used when there are contraindications to the use of other forms of medication. This often happens during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Rinse products include the following: “Furacilin”, “Miramistin”, “Chlorophyllipt” and so on.

Lozenges for resorption may contain medications or be exclusively natural. Among them are “Strepsils”, “Bobs”, “Doctor Mom”.

Folk remedies

If you do not want to take medications, then you can cope with a sore throat using folk remedies.

  • Lemon is an excellent emollient. You can drink warm tea with it added or suck the product.
  • Chamomile and sage relieve inflammation and have a healing effect. You can gargle an irritated throat with these solutions or drink them diluted.
  • Lemon restores immune protection body and defeats the infection. Cranberries and rose hips have the same effect.
  • You can get rid of a sore throat with home inhalations. Breathe over boiled potatoes or regular hot water.
  • To prevent coughing, which often occurs after a common sore throat, ventilate the room more often. Place garlic cloves and onion cut into rings around the room.

Summary and conclusion

Now you know what can cause tickling and coughing. Remember that inaction and delay can lead to complications. It is worth noting that much worse happens from the incorrect prescription and use of medications. Seek help from specialists. Only in this case will you be assigned suitable means from a sore throat.

You need to be especially careful if it occurs in a child. In this case, without medical care can't get by. Children's medications should be selected especially carefully, taking into account all the characteristics of the body.

Get treatment on time and don’t get sick!

Soreness is not a pleasant sensation. It is often accompanied by hoarseness, dry cough, and loss of voice. This disease attacks suddenly: you can feel great in the evening, and wake up in the morning with a “hedgehog in your throat.”

The respiratory organs are very delicate, and at the same time they work continuously. Violation of their function, which begins with mild manifestations, can lead to the development of a serious illness and even death.

Constantly sore throat: causes of discomfort

A sore throat can be caused by diseases of the throat itself, or it can be a symptom of dysfunction of other organs. Reason discomfort may become infected and non-communicable diseases. To determine why your throat feels sore, you need to analyze possible reasons unpleasant feeling.

Inflammatory diseases

  1. Pharyngitis- inflammation of the tissues of the pharynx. Can be caused by microorganisms chemical irritants, viruses, Candida fungi, sudden changes temperatures
  2. ARVI— respiratory diseases caused by pneumotropic viruses. The number of virus varieties reaches 300.

Non-communicable diseases

  1. Allergy. Perspiration often occurs with a form of allergic reaction such as hay fever (intolerance to plant pollen).
  2. Overstrain of the vocal apparatus. Broken voice - occupational disease from singers, lecturers and actors. Their vocal folds work hard, and often there is a temporary loss of voice - from hoarseness to complete silence.
  3. Diseases thyroid gland . With goiter, Graves' disease and any other pathology accompanied by an enlargement of the gland, it begins to put pressure on respiratory organs and this provokes soreness. Sick thyroid gland also reduces general immunity, and the mucous membrane of the throat becomes susceptible to infections.
  4. Reflux esophagitis. Inflammation of the esophageal mucosa. May be due to for various reasons and be a consequence of diseases of the digestive organs (stomach, esophagus). Acid contents are released from the stomach into the throat, causing chemical burn mucous membrane. In this case, it’s common to have a sore throat after eating.
  5. Throat injuries. May enter the respiratory system foreign objects (fish bones, large dust particles). If the object is sharp, it scratches the mucous membrane and inflammation develops at this site. Sometimes foreign bodies get stuck in the throat. They can be removed on their own with a stream of mucus or by coughing up; in rare cases, surgery is required.

The cause of a stuffy throat can be even such seemingly insignificant things as old toothbrush which has accumulated bacteria. Or polyps in the nose, which causes the patient to breathe through the mouth, which means that impurities contained in the air get into the throat.

Treatment of diseases that caused the problem

Depending on the lesion and the type of disease that causes a sore throat, treatment methods may vary:

  • taking tablets, lozenges, mixtures;
  • rinsing;
  • warming up;
  • inhalation;
  • surgical;
  • hot foot baths.

Most best effect provides a competent combination of several remedies and procedures for a sore throat. Treatment most often includes relieving inflammation, eliminating pathogens, healing affected organs and consolidating the resulting effect. And the most prudent add preventive measures- so that the disease does not become chronic.

Traditional remedies for sore throat

How to cure a sore throat traditional methods? Modern medicine has many ways to diagnose throat diseases - from tests to x-rays. If you monitor your health and do not overuse self-medication, anamnesis and information about previous diseases will help identify the causes of the disease.

Laryngitis, pharyngitis, viral lesions throat - diseases with which thousands of people consult doctors every year. But everyone's body is individual. Do not consider tickling to be a minor ailment. Thoughtlessly eliminating the cause of a sore throat, you can seriously damage other organs. Antibiotics and other tablets and medications for a sore throat should be prescribed by a doctor.

The pharmaceutical industry is constantly releasing new products. The same medicine can most often be purchased at various forms- for example, in the form of lozenges, sprays, medicines. At infectious lesions throat patients are most often prescribed drugs such as “Faringosept”, “Gexoral”, “Stopangin”, “Strepsils”, “Tantum-Verde”.

Very many expensive drugs The composition is identical to cheap ones. If you want to save money, take it to the pharmacy current list medicines with the same ingredients. For example:

  • Klacid and clarithromycin
  • Lazolvan and ambroxol
  • Omez and omeprazole
  • Sumamed and azithromycin
  • Chemomycin and azithromycin

The same list will be useful if the pharmacy does not have a medicine prescribed by a doctor, or vice versa - if you do not have a prescription for the desired medicine. It can be replaced with a similar one.

  • exclude too spicy, cold, hot foods from the diet;
  • no smoking;
  • drink sufficient quantity fluids - about 2 liters per day warm water, herbal tea, weak tea or milk with honey.

Folk remedies for treating throat

If you have a cold and a sore throat, the following: folk remedies can help:

  1. Onion oil. Fry finely chopped onion in a glass sunflower oil until a crust forms. Strain the oil through cheesecloth, cool and use as a rinse.
  2. Salt rinse- 1 tablespoon per glass of water, or propolis tincture solution - three drops for the same volume. Rinsing can be done every half hour.
  3. Mix in equal proportions carrot and beet juice, add a spoonful of honey per glass of juice, stir thoroughly. The medicine is taken at night.
  4. Foot baths with mustard. Add 2 tablespoons of dry mustard to water - as hot as your feet can tolerate. The feet should be lowered into a ready-made foot bath, and not filled with water. Soak your feet in the bath for 10-15 minutes, then dry them and put on warm wool socks.
  5. Inhalation potato broth . Boil unpeeled potatoes, cover with a towel and breathe hot air over the pan in which the vegetables were cooked for several minutes.
  6. Inhalations with herbs or essential oils have proven to be effective for sore throats. Brew chamomile, mint, eucalyptus sprigs or 2-3 drops of essential oil of these plants with boiling water in a wide plate.
  7. Warm compresses on the neck area. The drug should be used with caution in case of the inflammatory nature of the disease.

How and what to treat a sore throat in a child

During active games, children often scream loudly. A broken voice is a common occurrence. If a child has a sore throat, this may also be a symptom of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and indicate the presence of worms or roundworms. In this case, anthelmintic drugs are needed - "Piperazine", "Vermox", "Helmintox". Very often in childhood A simple operation is required to remove the adenoids, after which the problem of a sore throat disappears.

In general, treatment of a sore throat in children is treated with the same methods that are recommended for adults. The exceptions are children under 2 years of age, children with weakened immunity and developmental pathologies. When treating children, antibiotics should only be used as a last resort.

How to solve a problem during pregnancy

Illness during pregnancy is one of the most dangerous periods in a woman's life. Treatment of a sore throat during pregnancy can affect the development of the fetus, so the list of medications is limited and should prevail natural remedies. Drugs containing alcohol and hormones are contraindicated.

When you have a sore throat during pregnancy, a doctor should prescribe treatment. And to relieve discomfort while waiting for a diagnosis, you can gargle with chamomile and calendula decoctions, make herbal inhalations, drink warm milk with added butter.

ABOUT non-standard method Evgeny Green will tell you how to eliminate a sore throat and nose in the video below.

Let's sum it up! So, to treat a sore throat, what is most needed is correct diagnosis. It is useless to treat pharyngitis with antibiotics and do foot baths when the soreness is caused by esophagitis. But if you know the nature of your disease, treatment will be quick, inexpensive and effective.

A sore throat is an unpleasant symptom that should not be ignored. It is generally accepted that it appears against the background predominantly colds. In fact, a sore throat can be a sign of various diseases and conditions of the body.

A sore throat can occur not only due to pathogens. Causes of throat discomfort include:

  • colds;
  • laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis and tonsillitis in chronic and acute forms;
  • adenoiditis;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • dysfunction endocrine system;
  • digestive dysfunction;
  • neurological disorders;
  • allergic reaction;
  • being in a room with dry air;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • vitamin deficiency (deficiency of vitamins A, B, C);
  • inhalation of toxic fumes.

Important:Often a sore throat becomes a companion for those whose profession involves raising their voices. This group includes vocalists, actors, sports coaches and teachers.

Accompanying symptoms

Cases when only soreness is a concern are rare. It is usually accompanied by these symptoms:

  1. Dry mouth. The body may not suffer from dehydration, but there will be a feeling of dry mucous membranes in the mouth.
  2. Cough. It can be either rare and short, or systemic, paroxysmal.
  3. "Missing" voice. Most often, hoarseness is combined with a cough and is more pronounced after it.
  4. Sensation of a foreign object in the throat. We are talking about a “lump” and slight discomfort.
  5. Fluid requirement. The symptom is similar to the first one on the list, they usually complement each other.
  6. Unpleasant odor from the mouth. The reason for its appearance is mucous discharge.
  7. Discharge of mucus running down the throat. After discovering this symptom, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, as it indicates the presence of a disease.

Attention:An increase in temperature is also a symptom that indicates the need for specialist help.

Video - Sore throat. Why does this happen?

Diagnosis of the cause

Not worth doing curative measures before diagnosis by specialists. You can identify the cause of a sore throat using these procedures:

  • initial examination (examination of external organs, recording of complaints, etc.);
  • examination of the nasopharynx (endoscopy);
  • examination of the throat and larynx (pharyngoscopy and laryngoscopy);
  • X-ray;
  • analysis of microflora in laboratory conditions.

Attention: if the diagnosis has not been made, diagnostics of the functioning of the endocrine system is required and gastrointestinal tract. The examination will be carried out by an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist.


After a thorough diagnosis, the specialist prescribes treatment. Medicines are selected individually, but in most cases the doctor gives general recommendations. Please take into account useful measures, the adoption of which will speed up the healing process:

Attention: if the doctor revealed chronic tonsillitis, it is necessary to wash the tonsils of the palate. Corks can be washed either manually or using a machine.

With the permission of the attending physician, you can use the folk remedies indicated in the table.

Beet juiceGet juice from one fresh beetroot. Pour half a teaspoon into it apple cider vinegar. Drink a glass of juice once a day
Ginger teaCut the ginger root into slices and place in half a liter of water. Bring to a boil, then add three wedges of fresh lemon and a generous spoonful of runny honey. Drink tea anytime
Radish with honeyTake a large radish and cut out the center. Pour honey into its middle. Use it three times, two small spoons each
Honey with garlicGrate the head of garlic on a fine grater and mix it with two large spoons of honey. Take a teaspoon of gruel three times a day
Soda rinse with calendulaPour three large spoons of dry calendula with a liter of boiling water. Strain after half an hour and add five large spoons of soda to it. Rinse oral cavity and throat three times a day
Salt rinses with iodineDissolve a large spoon of baking soda in a large glass of warm water and add five drops of iodine. Rinse your mouth saline solution twice a day
Sage with honeyPlace two large spoons of dried sage in a saucepan with half a liter of water and bring to a boil. Add to hot mixture half a teaspoon citric acid and two large spoons of liquid honey. Rinse your mouth with this mixture if necessary. After the rinsing session, you can eat a small spoon of honey
Potato compressBoil a few potatoes in their skins. Make a puree out of them and add a large spoon of soda to it. Wrap the mixture in a bandage and apply it to your neck. It is advisable to lie with a hot compress for at least an hour.
Compress with cottage cheese and balmApply balm to your neck. Squeeze out the curd and wrap it in a gauze bandage. Place it on your neck and hold for an hour and a half
Mustard bath with oilsPour boiling water into a basin and pour into it several large spoons of dry mustard in powder form. Add a few drops of fir and lemon oil. Once the water is comfortable, soak your feet in it and soak for ten minutes.

Video - Sore throat: how to quickly cure it?


So that the unpleasant symptom does not bother you, and the body’s condition does not become a disease, it is recommended to adhere to these rules:

  1. Don't get too cold. Do not walk in wet clothes, protect your body not only from the cold, but also from the wind.
  2. Start treating colds immediately. If you find it difficult to make a diagnosis, contact a specialist. Start treatment when the first signs are detected.
  3. Heal diseases internal organs during. This applies to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland and, of course, respiratory diseases.
  4. Avoid infection. Avoid contact with people who have a cold, wear medical masks during flu epidemics, etc.
  5. Give up bad habits. Alcohol-containing drinks dry out the mucous membranes, and smoking provokes chronic sore throat and cough.
  6. Avoid contact with allergy triggers. Avoid allergens, even if they do not cause itching.
  7. Monitor the level of humidity in the house. Ventilate the room and use humidifiers if necessary. Preferably
  8. Do not inhale gases or toxic fumes. If there is no way to avoid them, use protective equipment(masks, respirators, gauze bandages, etc.).
  9. Don't put any strain on your vocal cords. Don't raise your voice unless necessary.

Important: often one of the causes of the disease, the symptom of which is a sore throat, turns out to be weak immunity. In order not to suffer from laryngitis, pharyngitis and other ailments, it is necessary not only to follow the above recommendations, but also to healthy image life. Also special attention you need to pay attention to proper nutrition.

Discomfort in the throat constant irritation, the desire to cough is perceived by most patients as obvious signs colds.

They rush to the pharmacy for advertised ones, use folk remedies, actively inhale essential oils and Borjomi water, but the unpleasant sensations do not disappear. Why do you always have a sore throat and want to cough? What should you do in such a situation?

Reasons why your throat constantly feels sore and you want to cough

The body's response to a stimulus. This means that there are certain local or systemic pathologies that provoke such symptoms. If patients have a constant sore throat and a desire to cough, such a nuisance can be eliminated only by accurately determining the cause that caused the irritation. Depending on the cause, the doctor will draw up a treatment regimen that will allow the patient to eliminate a constant sore throat and coughing in an adult.

Chronic bacterial or fungal infection

When considering the question of why a sore throat is constantly sore, doctors see the reasons in chronic, protracted infections.

If a bacterial pathology, for example, sore throat, or, has not been completely cured, then the disease threatens to become chronic form. The same can be said with regard to fungal diseases - oral candidiasis.

When the mucous membrane is damaged by a pathogen, it actively penetrates deep and affects its cells. If you constantly have a sore throat and want to cough, what kind of pathogen is it - a virus or a bacteria - the test results will help determine. When exposed to antibacterial drugs and antimycotic agents, the membrane of the pathogen is damaged, and it loses its ability to exist. There are also drugs that change the replication of DNA or RNA, as a result of which the pathogen cannot reproduce. All drugs that fight bacteria, viruses and fungi act in one way or another.

Important! During treatment, it is necessary to complete the course, otherwise the disease may recur.

Protecting itself from pathogenic agents, the body signals pathological process, and patients feel a constant sore throat, the causes of which must be promptly eliminated in order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux - common reason, why there is a constant sore throat and coughing in patients. The main reason is the penetration of gastric juice into the esophagus and irritation of its mucous membrane, which is transmitted to the pharynx area.

Coughing occurs mainly at night, and even asthma attacks are possible. Otolaryngological manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) include a feeling of pain and coma, soreness, and the need to clear the throat. Hoarseness of voice and coughing attacks also occur. Sometimes the disease has an atypical course and these symptoms will be the only manifestations of GER. IN in this case the pathology is considered as pharyngolaryngeal reflux, but it is still treated by a gastroenterologist.


When an allergen enters the body, it does not go unnoticed, and since a significant portion of allergens enter through the nose or mouth, it is logical that the nasopharynx is the first to react to the irritant.

If the patient persistent cough and sore throat, the reasons may lie precisely in allergies.

Allergies cause swelling of the mucous membrane, which can cause suffocation. The cause of irritation is pet hair, pollen, mold and dust, which a person does not even notice.

Important! Some people are allergic to cold; as a rule, it manifests itself in the form of lacrimation, a sharp feeling of lack of air, allergic rhinitis, dry mouth. Patients constantly have a sore throat and a cough that plagues them periodically with varying degrees of intensity.

Allergies often occur without any signs of viral or bacterial damage; patients are only bothered by a constant sore throat. The temperature does not rise, but fatigue may occur, headache. Usually, patients will soon be able to associate the occurrence of a sore throat with a specific allergen and find out why their throat feels sore and they want to cough.

Exposure to pollutants

Pollutants are substances that pollute the air, which, first of all, should include tobacco smoke and products resulting from the combustion of gasoline.

The air also contains dust, ash, nitrogenous compounds, ammonia compounds, hydrogen sulfide, lead, carbon monoxide and other elements of the periodic table.

If a person does not know why he constantly has a sore throat without a cold or allergies, it is worth paying attention to the presence of pollutants. When inhaling these compounds, a person first absorbs them through the nasopharynx. The natural response to the penetration of pollutants into the body is irritation of the throat, coughing and tickling, and with severe intoxication, nausea and vomiting may occur. Patients constantly have a sore throat and want to cough - this typical manifestations actions of pollutants.

Degeneration of pharyngeal epithelial cells

If you often have a sore throat, the cause may lie in the degeneration of epithelial cells. The functional epithelium is replaced by connective tissue cells that cannot perform the function of precursors. Atrophic processes, as a rule, occur with chronic inflammatory pathologies, but more often they are a consequence of constant exposure to pollutants, the main of which is tobacco smoke.

A change in the structure of the epithelium leads to a deterioration in the production of secretions, drying out of the mucous membrane, which is felt as dryness and a sore throat.

What to do if an adult has a sore throat or cough?

For most patients it becomes topical issue What to do if you constantly have a sore throat. This unpleasant symptom can be eliminated in several ways, but therapy will depend primarily on the cause identified in the patient. Let's look at how to help and eliminate a constant sore throat in various situations.

Antibacterial and antifungal therapy

If a person often has a sore throat and the doctor has identified a bacterial infection, he will be prescribed antibacterial drugs. Most often these are antibiotics:

  • macrolides;
  • cephalosporins;
  • fluoroquinolones.

Children are prescribed the same drugs, but in a smaller dosage. Treatment of bacterial infection must be carried out in to the fullest, to chronic pathology was completely eliminated.

If it is discovered why the throat is constantly sore, and it is identified fungal infection, then treatment is carried out with antimycotic agents. It is recommended to lubricate the affected areas with a 1% Candid solution, which contains the main active substance clotrimazole. Treat affected areas 3-4 times a day. Typically, significant improvements can be observed within 3–5 days after starting to use the drug, but it must be used until the symptoms of the pathology completely disappear.

For pain relief, you can use absorbable lozenges - Strepsils Intensive, Septolete Total.

Treatment of reflux

In order to treat gastroesophageal reflux, doctors recommend that patients normalize their diet: reduce portions, eat small meals, but often. This will help eliminate constant sore throat and cough.

Treatment of the disease takes from one to two months. Patients are prescribed drugs Ranitidine, Famotidine, Omeprazole, Esomeprazole, Rebeprazole and others.

Antihistamines, nutrition correction

In case of an allergic reaction of the mucous membrane of the throat, antihistamines are first used. Constant sore throat and coughing will help eliminate the drugs Suprastin, Eden, Diazolin, Clemastine, Loratadine.

Important! In case of complications, when patients develop Quincke's edema, it is necessary to induce ambulance. This situation threatens a complete cessation of breathing due to swelling, and qualified specialists are needed to help patients.

Avoiding exposure to smoke and other pollutants

If the causes of a constant sore throat without a cold are pollutants, you need to protect yourself from the effects harmful substances. It is impossible to completely get rid of the influence, but even in everyday life you can significantly minimize their impact on the body. Here are some tips:

  1. To get rid of smoke, try to avoid the company of smokers, as well as staying in places where you have smoked before.
  2. When making hotel reservations, indicate non-smoking rooms, otherwise you may be placed in a room where smoke residues are still in the air, on the curtains, and furniture.
  3. In restaurants, try to choose areas on the street, and the restaurants themselves - away from highways.
  4. Make it a rule not to smoke in your home - guests will respect the wishes of the hosts, so let them know about it.
  5. Report harm passive smoking to their children in order to correctly form their attitude towards smoking itself and towards protection from cigarette smoke.
  6. If possible, you should spend more time outside the city.
  7. In the city, it is not recommended to open windows for a long time if houses are located along the highway, near industrial zones, heating mains.
  8. It is better to take walks in the city in the park area, away from the roads.
  9. Minimize time spent at gas stations. Try not to refuel your car when traveling with children.
You need to take care of your health in every possible way.

If you constantly have a sore throat and a dry cough, the reason may be the effect of the virus on the body. As medicines applies:

  • Orvirem;
  • Rimantadine;
  • Arbidol;
  • Tamiflu;
  • Ingavirin.

Interferon preparations will be useful - Viferon, Kipferon, Interferon. This will eliminate the constant sore throat and coughing caused by the virus.


  1. The appearance of a sore throat is a sufficient reason to consult a doctor. If you find out in a timely manner why your throat is constantly sore and you want to cough, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms.
  2. A sore throat and persistent cough can occur due to inflammatory diseases caused by fungi or bacteria, gastroesophageal reflux, degeneration of epithelial cells, allergies and exposure to pollutants.
  3. If a dry cough occurs, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs and immunomodulators.
  4. The appearance of a sore throat is a reason to consult a doctor. If you find out in a timely manner why your throat is constantly sore and you want to cough, you can choose an effective and gentle treatment regimen.

A scratchy throat sensation is considered common. Tingling, tickling, and burning in the root of the tongue may also occur. If you have a constant sore throat, the cause is usually a dry cough. Sometimes there may be other unpleasant symptoms - hoarseness, lacrimation, suffocation. The causes, symptoms and treatment of persistent sore throat are discussed in the article.

Why does it appear?

The causes of constant sore throat and coughing are varied. This phenomenon arises due to:

Often the causes of a constant sore throat are associated with infectious processes and allergies. The symptom will be eliminated after the patient’s condition is restored. When you suffer from a constant sore throat, the cause may be a reaction to the development of pathology. It also appears from products that have an astringent effect - quince, persimmon, red wine, strong tea. The symptom appears after consuming them, but soon disappears on its own.

Relationship with other pathologies

The cause of a constant sore throat and coughing may be a period of cold, development viral infections, sore throat. The symptoms that arise are the result of inflammation in the pharynx. May also be observed following signs:

Another reason for a constant sore throat may be a change in the size of the thyroid gland. The symptom occurs when the organ enlarges, which is observed when there is a malfunction in its functioning. When the shape changes, the thyroid gland puts pressure on the trachea. The occurrence of soreness is considered a reflex reaction. Also likely to appear:

  • difficult breathing;
  • suffocation;
  • coughing.

If there is no timely treatment, further enlargement of the thyroid gland occurs. There is an increase in symptoms, in addition, there is difficulty in swallowing food and disruptions in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

It is also the cause of a constant sore throat. The symptom appears due to disruption of the central nervous system, syphilis, and brain cancer. With tickling, the following are likely to occur:

  • pain while swallowing;
  • feeling of presence foreign body;
  • tingling;
  • burning sensations.

The occurrence of soreness is observed in people who have a tendency to develop allergies. This symptom develops from exposure to respiratory tract dust, hairs, wool, pollen. In this case, coughing, tearing, and itching are observed. Perspiration appears from the development of candidiasis in the larynx. Irritation of mucous membranes occurs pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to unpleasant sensations.

After eating

The causes, symptoms and methods of treating persistent sore throat differ depending on the nature and intensity of the disease. This phenomenon often occurs after eating. Then it may be related to:

  1. Fungal diseases of the esophagus. Perspiration appears after eating fermented milk, yeast products, and sweets. In this environment, microorganisms rapidly multiply and penetrate from the esophagus into the oral cavity.
  2. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. When reflux gastroesophagitis occurs, part of the food mixed with gastric juice, penetrates the esophagus and larynx. This leads to irritation of the mucous membrane. Pain and burning also appear. If unpleasant sign appears during or after eating, as well as in a lying position, then the cause may be cholecystitis, gastritis, ulcers, orifices.
  3. Irritations, injuries to the pharynx. With damage to the throat mucosa foreign object inflammation develops. It causes a tickling sensation after hot or cold food, sour or salty foods. If a symptom occurs after any meal, this indicates severe tissue damage.

Occupational and environmental factors

First, the causes of a constant sore throat are identified. Treatment methods will depend on this. This feeling occurs when smoking for many years. The cause is believed to be hot tobacco smoke. Regularly penetrating the oral cavity, it dries out the mucous membranes. As a result, unpleasant sensations arise.

Itching occurs due to prolonged exposure to low humidity air. The symptom appears from a dry throat. It develops during the cold period, during the operation of heating devices.

A sore throat appears due to the penetration of chemical fumes into the respiratory system that are present in hazardous industries. The components can irritate the laryngeal mucosa, leading to soreness, coughing, lacrimation, and pain in the throat. chest. Irritation of the larynx appears when living in environmentally polluted areas, when being near mines and metallurgical plants.

Vocal cord tension

The cause of a constant sore throat in children and adults may be overexertion. vocal cords, which occurred from inflammation, a long conversation, a loud cry, trauma.

For soreness:

  • a hoarse cough appears;
  • there is a sore throat;

When itching appears:

  • hoarse cough;
  • sore throat;
  • partial or complete loss of voice.

This pathology often appears among teachers, speakers, and lawyers. Only a doctor can correctly determine the cause of this symptom. Therefore, if you experience prolonged sensations, you should consult a therapist.


Medical measures can help determine the causes of a persistent sore throat. Diagnostics involves performing the following procedures:

  1. Analysis of complaints and medical history. It is important for the doctor to know when this feeling arose and what other symptoms there are. He needs to be told whether there were any contacts with patients, as well as about diseases of the stomach and thyroid gland. Mandatory information is the nature of the food eaten and working conditions.
  2. Examination of the throat.
  3. Examination of the larynx. A detailed examination is performed using optical equipment - a rigid laryngoscope and a flexible fiber laryngoscope.
  4. Examination of the nose and nasopharynx with an endoscope.
  5. X-rays or computed tomography paranasal sinuses. The procedure is prescribed to exclude pathologies of the paranasal sinuses.
  6. A smear for pathogenic fungi or microflora with the determination of the sensitivity of microorganisms to various antibiotics.
  7. Consultations with a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist.


When the causes of a constant sore throat are identified, what should you do? The doctor prescribes treatment. The symptom is eliminated using different methods. They are selected based on the factor that caused this pathology.

If the cause is considered to be illness, the doctor performs treatment. For this purpose, parallel administration of different medications for tickling is prescribed. They are used to soften, moisturize the mucous membrane, and reduce the intensity of unpleasant sensations. If you have constant itching, you should not self-medicate. This leads to worsening pathology and complications.

Methods for eliminating the disease depending on the cause of the disease

When itching you need to:

  1. Quit smoking, drinking alcohol.
  2. Exclude sour, salty, hot, cold, spicy foods from the menu.
  3. Be silent no more.
  4. Drink warm drinks.

The following treatment methods directly depend on the cause that led to this symptom:

  1. For acute respiratory viral infections and colds it is required drug treatment illness. Gargling, using throat sprays, and sucking on softening lozenges help a lot.
  2. If the cause is hidden in a sore throat, then an appointment with an otolaryngologist is required. Then you need to take the medications prescribed by your doctor, rinse, and also follow bed rest.
  3. When an allergy is detected, it is necessary to avoid contact with the irritant and also take antihistamines.
  4. If you have gastrointestinal diseases, you should visit a gastroenterologist. You should go to bed no earlier than 3 hours after eating. Required special diet and sleeping on high pillows.
  5. Those with pharynx neurosis are examined by a neurologist, drink soothing drinks - milk with honey, tea with lemon balm or mint.
  6. Due to production and environmental factors, it is necessary to reduce the duration of stay in harmful conditions. Also needed therapeutic procedures that will help soften the mucous membrane of the throat - gargling, inhalation.
  7. If the vocal cords are overstrained, you need to give up smoking and long loud conversations (you will have to communicate in a whisper). It is also necessary to humidify the air in the room.


To eliminate soreness they use medical supplies with softening properties. They help eliminate inflammation in the area of ​​irritation and relieve discomfort. The most effective means are:

  1. Antihistamines. They help reduce swelling, inflammation, and eliminate irritation. Fast-acting 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation antihistamine medications are used: Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin, Pipolfen, Loratadine. For treating children and the elderly, it is better to choose medications in the form of syrups and drops for easier dosage calculation. For adults, tablets are more suitable. It should be taken into account that taking 1st and 2nd generation products leads to sedative effect, which affects performance and concentration.
  2. Preparations for resorption in the form of tablets, lozenges, cough drops. These include “Strepsils”, “Faringosept”, “Lizobakt”, “Doctor MOM”, “Neo-Angin”. When purchasing such products, you should read the instructions, which will help you understand the composition and dosage. The main components may be antiviral or antifungal substances. If the tickle does not appear from an acute respiratory infection, then menthol lozenges are needed. Children under 5 years old should not be given drugs from this group. Kids do not chew the “candy,” but swallow it. There will be no benefit from this.
  3. Sprays that eliminate irritation. This group includes products with lidocaine, as well as antibacterial or antiviral medications. Often prescribed are Strepsils Plus, Theraflu Lar, Septolete Plus, Ingalipt, Orasept.
  4. Drugs used to treat tonsils. Often such drugs are used in the treatment of children's throats. These are Hexoral, Lugol, Chlorophyllipt oily.

Doctors prescribe drugs from these groups to treat tickling if it is not a symptom of acute respiratory infections. When the mucous membrane is irritated, positive conditions are provided for re-infection - the activity of opportunistic flora, which is constantly present in the human body, increases. To prevent fungal or bacterial infection, the tickle needs to be eliminated.


When the causes of a persistent sore throat are identified, treatment should be aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptom. Inhalations are often prescribed for this. You will need a pan and a towel. The treatment session is carried out as follows:

  1. Pour water into the bowl, bring to a boil and allow to cool.
  2. You need to tilt your head over the container and cover yourself with a towel.
  3. The steam must be inhaled through the mouth for at least 5 minutes.

When performing inhalations, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Body temperature monitoring is required. If she more than normal, then you should not perform the procedure.
  2. Inhalations should be performed no earlier than an hour after meals.
  3. You should not go outside after the session. You have to wait at least half an hour.
  4. It is necessary to control that the temperature of the liquid is no more than 70 degrees, and the duration of the procedure is no more than 7 minutes.

For inhalations that are effective for a sore throat, you can use a solution of “Furacilin”, Kalanchoe juice, diluted with water (1:10), as well as decoctions medicinal herbs- sage, chamomile, coltsfoot.


If there is constant itching, you need to rinse. Treatment is carried out 5-6 times a day. After the session, you should not drink or eat for 20 minutes. While gargling you need to:

  1. Take warm liquid into your mouth.
  2. Throw your head back.
  3. Make the sound "y".

Solutions that reduce the intensity of itching are made from pharmaceuticals(“Furacilin”, “Chlorophyllipt”), as well as from familiar products - honey, ginger, soda, milk.

Traditional medicine

IN alternative medicine There is different methods, reducing the intensity of the disease or completely eliminating soreness. This may include:

  1. Drinking fluids large quantities. It is advisable to drink raspberry and herbal tea, decoctions based on rowan and rose hips.
  2. Performing herbal medicine. You need to spray onion into the air and garlic juice, eucalyptus and pine needle oils.
  3. Use for rinsing diluted beet juice, ginger.
  4. Applying compresses made from vodka.

Excellent results are provided through treatment with a product based on badger fat, lemon juice and honey. The components must be mixed in an amount of 2:1:1. The product should be taken 1 tsp. 3 times a day on an empty stomach.


Thus, a constant sore throat may be due to for various reasons. But, in any case, you should not ignore this symptom. Timely treatment will significantly improve a person’s condition and prevent complications from occurring.