Causes of ectoparasites in cat fur. Cat parasites transmitted to humans

Cats can become infected at any time. That is why it is very important to detect the disease in time pet and provide quality treatment.

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    In advanced cases, small kittens may develop anemia, which is treated with blood transfusions.

    Fleas don't live on human body, but can jump on people and bite them. This causes a specific reaction, manifested by severe itching and redness of the skin.

    If fleas are found on a cat or cat, the animal must be treated by special means. You can buy flea collars for cats at the pet store. special shampoos, sprays, aerosols, drops and tablets for fleas.

    In addition to treating pets, necessary measure is the processing of the apartment. There are special means for this. One of them is an insecticide, or dust, which is produced in powder form and supplied to the retail chain in packages under different names. The most popular: Baygon, Tornado, Clean House and Double. Among similar professional means against fleas there are granular preparations with the names: Chlorpirimark, Empire, Sinuan, Effective Ultra, Sinuan.

    Before treatment, the room should be wet cleaned, all items should be washed, pets should be removed from the apartment for several hours and act according to the instructions.

    When examined, a greasy brown coating and bites may be detected on the cat's ear. These signs make it easy to identify the disease. Diagnosis can be made by comparison with a photo of a sick animal.

    Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by examining secretions taken from the skin of the animal. To do this, a scraping is made on the affected area and sent to the laboratory of a veterinary clinic.

    Symptoms internal damage is hidden. But incorrect treatment may cause complications. Antifungal and antibacterial drugs ticks should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

    Subcutaneous mites are quite difficult to treat. For this, there are shampoos based on benzoyl peroxide, special oil solutions for external use, ointments and gels. In parallel with this, immunomodulatory drugs and vitamins are taken. In complicated cases, a course of antibiotic therapy is carried out.

    Elimination of lice-eaters is achieved by treating the animal's fur with an insecticidal dust or other anti-mite drugs with a similar spectrum of action. The procedure is carried out twice with a two-week interval.

    Humans can also be carriers of worms. The second group includes worms, which, in addition to living organisms, can be present in grass, soil, air, poorly processed fish and meat products.

    Several types of roundworms are known. Worms less than 12 cm long enter the stomach through the mouth, after which they are transported into the intestinal cavity. From here, along with the bloodstream, the larvae can penetrate into the lungs. Manifestations in animals are accompanied by increased salivation and vomiting. As a result, the larvae are swallowed again and re-enter the intestines. Here they grow and develop, turning into adult worms.

    If ingestion does not occur, this leads to the formation of capsules in the lungs, inside of which there are undeveloped larvae. The disease may be asymptomatic. Although sometimes in animals the pathology manifests itself as intestinal blockage, weight loss, loss of appetite, even refusal to eat. If left untreated, the disease can lead to the death of the animal.


    Nematodes - special kind worms transmitted from animals to humans. For a long time after infection, the disease is not accompanied by severe symptoms, but its consequences can be quite serious. Defeat can be fatal. The pathology is especially dangerous for kittens.

    Signs of helminthiasis:

    • blood streaks in feces;
    • diarrhea;
    • sudden weight loss.


    Treatment of helminthiasis in cats can be done at home. In most cases, to remove worms from an animal’s body, it is enough to give it a Bunamidine, Febantel or Fenasal tablet. To consolidate the result and the effect on helminths that are in the egg stage at the time of treatment, the medication should be repeated after two weeks.

    It is advisable to deworm cats once every 4 months. Prevention of the disease consists of excluding raw fish and meat from the animal’s diet.

    Pet owners should disinfect the premises and strictly adhere to hygiene rules.

Helminthic infestations pose a serious danger to pregnant cats, small kittens with immature immune system, weakened, exhausted animals.

Ticks on cats

Cats testing severe itching, rub their muzzle against various objects, shake their heads, and do not allow them to touch the sore ear. Possible promotion general temperature, chills, fever, intoxication. If you don't take action inflammatory process goes into inner ear, which could cause partial loss hearing

Ticks in cats can cause such serious illnesses such as: notoedrosis (cat scabies), cheyletiellosis, demodicosis.

Worms in cats

Symptoms of helminthic infestations in cats:

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea followed by constipation;
  • severely swollen tummy;
  • tousled, dull fur;
  • enhanced or vice versa decreased appetite;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • anemia, yellowness of mucous membranes.

Fluffy patients, depending on the condition and symptoms, may be prescribed systemic medications: immunomodulators, hepatoprotectors, multivitamin complexes, enzyme agents, herbal medicine, complex and local antibiotics.

With strong helminthic infestations Animals are given anthelmintics twice, with a break of 10-14 days. The dosage of anthelmintic drugs is calculated per 1-3-5 kg ​​of cat’s body weight. Before using the drug, be sure to consult your veterinarian.

Prevention of infections

In addition to attention, care, warmth, creation optimal conditions content, owners furry pets must provide proper care for their beloved animals.

Giving anthelmintics for cats, male cats should definitely do so a month before the planned mating so that the mother cat gives birth to strong and healthy offspring.

Do not neglect preventive vaccinations, which will provide specific immunity against most viral, infectious diseases. A veterinary specialist will help you select a vaccination schedule and medications.

Important! Kittens can be dewormed two weeks before preventive vaccinations, before and after changing baby teeth! Only clinically healthy animals are allowed to be vaccinated. Revaccination should be carried out annually.

It is equally important to systematically carry out the necessary hygiene procedures, care for ears and fur. furry pet. Owners and breeders of cats must choose the optimal diet and support the animal’s immunity with vitamin and mineral complexes and supplements.

The adult female worm produces fertilized eggs, which are passed in the feces of the infected cat. The eggs take several days to several weeks to develop into invasive stage larvae.

This is a relatively benign infection, but affected kittens may show vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and loss of appetite. If the disease is not treated, roundworms will lead to potentially life-threatening anemia (low red blood cell count) and, in extreme cases, gastric perforation. The infection should be taken seriously and treated aggressively.

Row medicines are effective for treating roundworm in cats.

Reducing exposure to feces from infected cats and prohibiting hunting are the best remedy prevention.

Infections dangerous to humans: eye larvae migrans. A disease caused by the migration of Tohosaga through tissue. Although this condition is rare, it is quite serious, especially when it occurs in children early age. It can be easily avoided by preventing Toxocara from ingesting eggs from contaminated soil or dirty hands.


Nematodes ( Ancylostoma, Uncinaria) are less than 1/2 centimeter long, thin, thread-like worms that attach to the intestinal wall of cats, where they feed on the host's blood.

Due to their small size, they are not visible in the stool of infected cats. Nematodes are long-lived and can live as long as the cat is alive. Less common than roundworms, the prevalence ranges from 10% to 60%.

Adult cats become infected with nematode larvae that penetrate the skin. Once entered, they migrate to the lungs and then the intestines, where they develop into adult worms. It is unclear whether cats can become infected by eating rodents that have larvae in their tissue or by ingesting milk that contains larvae.

Mild cases of hookworm infection cause diarrhea and weight loss; severe cases lead to anemia due to loss of blood from the intestines where the worms attach. In these cases, the cat's feces appear black and tarry due to the presence of blood in the stool. If too much blood is lost, the cat may die if left untreated. Fortunately, like roundworms, these worms are easy to diagnose and treat. The most effective and affordable hookworm treatment can be ordered by mail. Good sanitation and cleaning the litter box daily will help prevent disease.

Infections that are dangerous to humans: Nematode larvae (Ancylostoma) can penetrate human skin when the person is in close contact with contaminated soil. As they migrate under the skin, the larvae cause dermatitis. It is characterized by itching, irritation, and the development of long, linear lesions under the skin.


Tapeworms (cestodes) have flattened bodies that resemble a tape. The body consists of small head connected to a series of segments that are filled with eggs.

An adult tapeworm lives in small intestine with its head embedded in the mucous membrane. He sucks nutrients eaten by the owner.

When the segments furthest from the head become fully mature, they separate and are passed in the feces. These segments can be observed near the cat's tail.

The segments are about a quarter of a centimeter long, flat, and resemble grains of rice when fresh or sesame seeds when dry. When alive, they move by increasing and decreasing their length. Microscopic examination fecal samples may not always reveal the presence of tapeworms, because eggs are not transmitted individually, only as a group in segments.

Although the discovery of tapeworm segments can be quite alarming for cat owners, tapeworms rarely cause significant illness in cats.

Rodents and fleas can become infected by consuming tapeworm eggs from the environment. Cats become infected by ingesting infected rodents or by ingesting infected fleas. Modern drugs are very successful in treating tapeworm, but reinfection is common. Controlling the population of fleas and rodents will reduce the risk of infection in cats.

Infections dangerous to humans: Some types of tapeworm that cats have can cause diseases in humans; but good hygiene virtually eliminates the risk of infection.

Stomach worms

infection is even rarer than Ollanulus. Adult female worms, attached to the stomach lining, lay eggs, which are then passed on to an intermediate host, usually a cockroach.

Infections dangerous to humans: Neither Ollanulus nor Physaloptera are capable of causing disease in humans.

sp. (coccidia) microscopic single-celled organisms, causing disease coccidiosis. Almost all cats become infected Isospora Felis throughout life.

Infection occurs by eating a cyst (ovoid stage), which is passed in feces and matures in the soil. The cysts are contagious for six hours, after which they are excreted in the feces.

Cats can become infected by eating flies and cockroaches that carry .

The infection usually causes no problems in adult animals, but causes significant illness in kittens. In kittens, coccidia destroy the intestinal lining, causing mucous diarrhea.

Infected kittens may exhibit vomiting and decreased appetite. Good sanitation and hygiene will help control coccidia, but an accurate diagnosis, which is based on the detection of cysts, can only be made with the help of a veterinarian.

Cats cannot cause disease in humans.

Animals become infected by ingesting cysts present in the feces of another infected animal, usually a littermate.

Giardiasis is more common in several cattery animals due to its mode of transmission, and infection rates are higher in animals less than a year old.

Very resistant to freezing, chlorination tap water does not destroy cysts. After reception , it takes five to 16 days before the animal shows signs of diarrhea.

Acute or chronic, continuous or intermittent, diarrhea is the most common sign of infection, although most Giardia-infected cats do not show symptoms of illness. Although, they are a source of infection for other cats.

Depends on microscopic identification of cysts in stool or identification proteins in the same place when more complex molecular biological methods are used. For accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take several fecal samples, since cysts are not always present.

There are effective drugs for the treatment of giardiasis in cats, but resistance to them is common. Elimination infections in nurseries can be difficult, depending on proper treatment and recovery.

Infections that are dangerous to humans: It is unclear whether Giardia is contagious to humans or whether humans infect cats. Recent studies indicate the possibility of transmission to humans. Good hygiene eliminates the risk of accidentally ingesting cysts.


Infections dangerous to humans : can be transmitted to people, although most people infected with this organism do not show signs of illness. The exceptions to this are people with weakened immune systems and pregnant women.


Treatment may require one or more doses of medication as prescribed by your veterinarian. Whenever you use medication, be sure to follow the instructions carefully.


Diagnosis of pathology consists of examining a scraping from the affected epidermis, which is carried out in a veterinary laboratory. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor based on the analysis data obtained.

  • severe excitability;
  • loss of appetite up to complete refusal from food;
  • dehydration due to refusal to drink.

If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, the symptoms will become more pronounced.

What to do

Otodectosis is treated with ear drops and cleaning ears from dirt. Owners should treat two ears at once, regardless of whether the second ear is damaged or not. This is due to the fact that ticks are able to localize in inner ear, not accessible for visual inspection.

You can clean your pet's fur of lice by treating the hair with special products. After 14 days, the treatment should be repeated, since most drugs do not affect lice larvae.

  1. They develop exclusively in the body of the carrier. When a cat gets sick, the risk of infecting a person increases.
  2. The life cycle takes place not only in the host organism, but also in environment. Infection with such helminths can occur not only through contact with a sick person or animal, but also through consumption of unwashed fruits or waste.

The symptoms of the pathology are influenced by the type of helminth that infects the body.


The vital activity of these helminths can provoke the development of:

  • cough;
  • vomiting;
  • drooling in an animal.

Larvae can develop into sexually mature individuals by entering gastrointestinal tract. Only roundworm larvae can be found in the lungs - if they do not enter the intestines, capsules are formed from them. The larvae can also move into the intestines, causing the cat to cough.

This pathology may not manifest any symptoms, and in some cases roundworms can cause:

  • intestinal blockage;
  • sudden weight loss;


After prescribing treatment, the owner must devote all he can to caring for the animal in order to prevent re-infection of the pet.

These blood-sucking insects brown live almost everywhere. They can even be found in carpets, rugs and upholstered furniture. They are distinguished by their ability to perform huge jumps relative to their size. The habitat for fleas is mainly animal fur.

Fleas can carry helminths. Therefore, at the first signs of a flea infestation, it is necessary to take appropriate measures. It is necessary to treat not only the animal itself, but also the entire apartment. The cat must first be bathed. After this, treat the wool with an anti-flea agent, having first consulted with veterinarian on the topic of which drug is best to use.


Ear mites cause complications. Their presence can lead to otitis media, deafness, and meningitis. Treatment is carried out in the form of treatment with special drugs. It is first necessary to thoroughly clean the auricle from brown plaque.

Subcutaneous mites are less common. They live in the thickness of the animal’s skin, causing irritation and itching. As a result of scratching, crusts form and hair falls out in the affected areas. The disease can only be diagnosed in laboratory conditions by analyzing scrapings from the animal's skin. Based on the research results, treatment is prescribed.

lice eaters

Diseases caused by lice eaters occur mainly in long-haired cats. These are small wingless insects with a flattened body that live on the animal’s fur.


Flat roundworms, which can reach a length of 12 cm, are the most common in cats. The percentage of infection is especially high in kittens, for which ascariasis is sometimes fatal, causing intestinal blockage. Infection usually occurs through the soil, as a result of contact with a sick animal, eating rodents or through mother's milk.

Treatment and prevention of helminthiasis

As for man, then strict adherence hygiene rules are the main condition to avoid infection with helminths. It is also recommended for preventive purposes to take anthelmintic drugs all family members with pets.

Usually one dose of the drug is enough to rid the animal of helminths. Repeated procedure carried out after 2 weeks if the condition has not improved.