Interstitial lung disease treatment with folk remedies. How to treat lungs at home with folk remedies? Sage: the ideal inhalation treatment

Pneumonia is a dangerous disease. Characterized by severe pneumonia. If the first signs of illness occur, you should immediately consult a doctor, otherwise adverse consequences for health and life may develop. No treatment for pneumonia can be achieved using medications, but treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies is also quite effective. Using folk recipes and combining them with medications, you can cure the disease much faster.

The development of the disease can be sudden and very rapid. The factors behind its appearance are various.

  1. Complications after illnesses associated with colds.
  2. Penetration of harmful microorganisms into the lungs.
  3. Consequences of chest trauma.
  4. Surgical intervention.

Symptoms of pneumonia during the developmental stage are very similar to those of a viral infection.

  1. The temperature rises sharply to 40 degrees.
  2. Persistent persistent cough.
  3. Chills.
  4. Pale skin.
  5. Weakness in the body.

If you have these signs, it is important to seek medical help immediately.

When treating pneumonia at home, you should adhere to strict bed rest. It is necessary to drink enough fluid. If the severe cough has disappeared, you are allowed to take a warm bath, which will speed up the resorption of the lesions and improve the blood supply to the lungs. The air in the room where the patient stays must be saturated with oxygen. It is necessary to ventilate the room every day, which will reduce bacteria that enter the air through coughing.

How to choose the best method?

When the diagnosis of lung disease is confirmed, pneumonia is treated with folk remedies. The most popular recipe in this case is not determined, due to the individuality of each patient’s body. Initially, in order to know how to treat pneumonia, you need to start from the severity of the symptoms.

The main syndromes include:

  • general intoxication;
  • catarrhal;
  • lung damage;
  • hematological changes.

General intoxication syndrome

Appears with pneumonia due to the release of pathogen toxins into the blood, an inflammatory process develops at the location of viruses and bacteria. To determine it, you need to know the signs.

  1. Pale skin.
  2. The heart contracts at an increased rate.
  3. Respiratory movements increase.
  4. Excitement at the emotional level, apathy.
  5. Loss of consciousness.
  6. Vomit.
  7. Nausea.

The typical manifestation of the disease is fever, which cannot be normally affected by any antipyretic drug.

Recipes for intoxication syndrome.

  1. Brew coltsfoot leaves. For a glass of water, 2 tablespoons of herbs. Leave for half an hour, drink ¼ cup 3 times a day.
  2. Rosehip tea will boost your immunity. It has a calming effect after treatment.
  3. Boil a glass of milk, add a teaspoon of pork fat and honey. When the resulting mixture has cooled, add a raw egg to it. Stir and drink. Drink the product 3 times a day for a month.

Treatment with folk remedies listed above helps reduce fever after 7 days.

Catarrhal changes

This syndrome is represented by destruction and separation of the bronchial and alveolar epithelium. It can be observed at the initial stage of development of pneumonia. The main symptom of the disease is a cough, which removes mucus from the respiratory tract and makes breathing easier.

To eliminate catarrhal syndrome, folk remedies will also help.

  1. Inhalations using horseradish. You will need to chop the horseradish root, put it in a container, inhale for 15 minutes, stopping for the same amount of time. The procedure lasts 2 hours.
  2. Grind the elecampane root and cook for 10 minutes. Leave for 10 minutes and then wrap for 4 hours. Drink 4 times a day before meals.
  3. Mix chopped plantain and honey in equal quantities. Use 1 tablespoon up to 4 times a day to remove sputum 20 minutes before meals.
  4. Cut the boiled potatoes in half and place them on your chest. Wrap yourself in a towel. Leave until the product has cooled down. On average 2 hours.

Lung cleansing

For lung disease, folk remedies are used if inflammation of the exudate in the alveoli is confirmed. An x-ray will be required. Pathology can be determined independently.

  1. Dyspnea.
  2. Increased temperature.
  3. Wheezing.
  4. Hard breathing.
  5. The bronchi are narrowed.
  6. The pulmonary sound is shortened.

With infiltrative changes in the lungs, narrowing of the bronchi occurs. It can be determined by the patient's wheezing breathing.

To treat pneumonia in an adult, the traditional option is antibiotics. At the same time, along with them, it is possible to use folk remedies.

  1. Brush the crust of rye bread with garlic. Eat as often as possible, as garlic contains antibacterial properties.
  2. Garlic inhalation. You need a plastic container with holes to make in it. Chop the garlic and put it on the bottom. Inhale garlic vapors.

Hematological syndrome

This syndrome is observed in cases of dangerous pneumonia that requires etiological treatment. Traditional methods are used for inflammatory changes in the lungs.

Calciumite is used. Previously, it was used for bleeding, fever, and cough. To prepare it you will need:

  • lemons – 10 pieces;
  • eggs – 6 pieces;
  • jar of honey;
  • cognac – ¾ cup.

Place the eggs and shells in a jar, pouring the juice of squeezed 10 lemons over them. Cover the container with gauze and then wrap it in dark, thick paper. Place the jar in a warm place. Wait until the eggshell is completely broken. Next, you need to heat the honey, then cool it and pour the previously prepared mixture into it. Pour the medicine into a dark container and store in a cool place. Drink 1 teaspoon mixture 3 times a day after meals.

The prepared product cannot be stored for more than 3 weeks.

Traditional healing methods

Traditional methods of treatment in the fight against pneumonia have many positive results. Many people have been using folk recipes for a long time, dating back to the times when there was no cure for pneumonia.

The following methods are used to treat pneumonia:

  • infusions;
  • decoctions of medicinal plants;
  • compresses;
  • lotions.

The effectiveness of traditional methods is quite obvious, since natural ingredients include the necessary substances and microelements necessary for the patient to ease the development of the disease and recover quickly.

Pneumonia should be treated together with therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

The disease develops quite severely in older people. The disease attacks them more often than in their youth. Treatment of pneumonia in adults is more difficult due to concomitant diseases, for which not all drugs may be suitable. In this case, folk remedies for pneumonia are often put to the fore.


Herbal infusion

It is necessary to combine oregano with the root and leaves of coltsfoot. Then pour the mixture with hot water and leave to infuse for an hour. Strain the infusion and drink half a glass 2 times a day before eating.

Honey products

To make an infusion with honey, you will need to mix a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of anise seeds and salt, and bring to a boil. Strain the infusion and consume every 2 hours.

For pneumonia, use a warm compress based on honey, with the addition of mustard and vodka. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients in equal proportions and place the compress overnight between the shoulder blades, on the right chest area.

To prepare a decoction of aloe and honey, grind an agave leaf, add 300 grams of honey and pour a glass of water over the floor. Boil the mixture for 2 hours. Drink 1 large spoon 3 times a day.

Decoction of medicinal herbs

Take marshmallow root, sage, licorice, pine buds, and anise in equal proportions. Boil water and pour in the mixed ingredients. Drink the decoction for a week, ¼ cup, every 3 hours.

Aloe Recipes

A balm made from agave leaves drenched in honey, which has previously been diluted with Cahors, will help cure pneumonia. The balm needs to be infused for 2 weeks. Drink before meals 3 times a day.

An effective and tasty recipe is an infusion of aloe and birch buds. Mix honey with Cahors in a 1:1 ratio. You also need light grapes - 2 cups, an aloe leaf, a large spoon of birch buds. Infuse the mixture for a week. Use 60 grams per day.

Plantain compress

This method is quite simple. It is necessary to apply washed plantain leaves to the chest and back. Place a cloth on top and wrap it in cellophane. Then you can dress in a warm sweater or cover yourself tightly with a blanket. The next morning the symptoms of the disease should go away.

Garlic and onion

Among the many recipes for lung disease, treatment is not complete without garlic and onions. Vegetables are useful for a weakened body, as they contain phytoncides (artificial antibiotics), which help cleanse and strengthen the respiratory system.

For acute pneumonia, garlic juice is an excellent help. To prepare it, you need to chop the garlic and put it in a container, tightly closing the lid. The garlic should release its juice within 3 hours. Then pour 1 liter of Cahors into the juice and leave the mixture to infuse for 2 weeks. Filter the resulting infusion. Drink 1 large spoon every hour.

This folk remedy will also help with purulent pneumonia. You can prepare an infusion of garlic. You will need to grind 10 heads of the product and pour in 1 liter of vodka. Place in a dark place and leave for 8 days.

An excellent remedy for pneumonia is a decoction of milk and onions. You need to boil 2 onions in milk for 5 minutes. Strain and leave the broth for four hours. Drink 1 spoon every 3 hours.

Folk remedies are very effective and efficient, good helpers for curing pneumonia. Thanks to traditional medicine, you can increase your immunity, activate your defenses when fighting illness, and recover quickly. When treating, it is important to follow the recommendations of a specialist and understand that these drugs are an auxiliary element of the main therapy.

Not really

- this is a large list of processes, most often of an inflammatory nature, that affect the tissues and pleura of the lungs. Such diseases usually require long-term treatment and the use of several medications at once. To reduce the negative impact on the body resulting from drug treatment of the lungs and to speed up recovery, you can use traditional medicine, which is very easy to prepare at home.

Existing lung diseases

Lung diseases can be divided into several groups according to their origin. This includes congenital pathologies and defects of the respiratory system, genetic abnormalities, diseases caused by poor environmental conditions, infections and hypothermia. The most common diseases are acquired, which are caused by hypothermia, complications of other diseases, or the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the human respiratory tract. Sometimes inflammatory and infectious processes are affected by the negative influence of the environment, which impedes recovery and worsens the patient’s condition.

There are several of the most common pulmonary diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • alveolitis;
  • emphysema;
  • pneumothorax.

This is only a small list of pulmonary diseases, but it is for their treatment that traditional medicine can be used if doctors do not see any contraindications to their use.

Indications for the use of folk remedies

Traditional treatment cannot always be used for diseases of the respiratory system, especially when it comes to the lungs. There are several points that you need to pay attention to before starting treatment with folk remedies.

Severity of the disease. In some cases, only inpatient treatment is provided. You cannot refuse it and try to self-medicate.

The age of the patients - infants, elderly people, pregnant women - should be observed by a specialist for any disease. Folk remedies can only be used if the doctor gives permission. Doctors usually recommend the safest remedies: chamomile tea, linden infusion and berry fruit drinks. Tendency to allergies: the likelihood of developing allergies from traditional medicine recipes is higher than from taking synthetic drugs.

Treatment of lungs with folk remedies is used only as an auxiliary method. Diseases of the respiratory tract require an integrated approach, so not only medications are used, but also physiotherapy. Non-traditional recipes can be used as the only treatment for the lungs only after recovery, to restore the overall tone of the body and prevent relapses.

The use of herbal decoctions and infusions

Herbal decoctions and infusions are very easy to prepare at home. You can collect the plants for their preparation yourself, or you can purchase them in pharmacies - and this option is the most convenient; there is no need to doubt the quality of the raw materials. Almost all pulmonary diseases are accompanied by a cough and expectoration, so the main means for treating the lungs are infusions with an expectorant effect. The recipes are very simple: just brew a teaspoon of the herb in 200 ml of boiling water, wait 20 minutes and you can drink the remedy.

The most useful herbs:

  • St. John's wort;

You can prepare combined herbal infusions.

Take 2 tablespoons of crushed elecampane and marshmallow roots, one spoon of oregano and pour into a thermos. Pour the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water and leave for about 3-4 hours. Drink the resulting infusion in 3 doses after meals.

Take leaves, rhizomes and horsetail, fennel and pine buds in equal parts. Mix everything and steam 2 tablespoons of the mixture in a thermos, pouring a glass of boiling water. The infusion will be ready in two hours, after which you can drink 50–100 ml twice a day.

To restore the pulmonary epithelium damaged after an illness, decoctions of violets, horsetail and thyme are very useful. You can prepare one-component decoctions: bring a spoonful of raw materials to a boil in a glass of water, or prepare a collection of several types of herbs.

For the treatment of lungs, products based on juniper, spruce, cedar, fir and pine needles are suitable. The needles need to be thoroughly washed and filled with two glasses of water. Boil over low heat or a water bath for 20–30 minutes. Strain the resulting product and drink a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Use of inhalations

Among traditional medicines, inhalations are popular. Hot inhalations using herbs are very useful. Steamed plants have many properties:

  • liquefying;
  • bronchodilators;
  • coughing;
  • antimicrobial;
  • healing.

Inhalations can be done using an ordinary saucepan, a small basin or a kettle - a decoction is poured into them, and the sick person is asked to bend over the container, cover with a towel and inhale the medicinal vapors. You can use special steam inhalers, but you should not inhale with herbal decoctions in compression inhalers - most of them are not suitable for this. It should be remembered that the temperature of the inhalation liquid should not exceed 60 °C for adults and 40 °C for children.


Leave a handful for 20 minutes in a glass, then dilute with boiling water.

The most popular folk recipe is to boil unpeeled potatoes, mash them and inhale their vapors. You can add a spoonful of butter.

Boil several young spruce or pine branches with buds in 500 ml of water. This folk remedy can be improved by adding 2-3 drops of essential oil of any coniferous tree.

Brew a handful of eucalyptus leaves with 2 cups of boiling water. You can add eucalyptus or fir.

Inhalations are considered the most effective means of treatment if the base includes several plants at once. You can take any herbs:

  • birch leaves;
  • calendula flowers;
  • St. John's wort;
  • oregano;
  • , or .

The herbs are poured with 1 liter of boiling water, the container is closed with a lid, and when the product has cooled down a little, you can begin inhalation.

Cold inhalation is effective for bacterial inflammation: finely chop several onions or grate 5-6 cloves. Inhale vapors rich in phytoncides directly from the saucer.

Recipes for balms for the treatment of lung diseases

Folk remedies such as balms are useful for treating lungs. Some of them are taken orally, while others are used to rub the chest. They take a little longer to prepare, but the healing effect helps get rid of cough in a short time.

Remedy No. 1

For 2 hours, keep the mixture in a water bath, which includes three ingredients, 500 g each:

  • ripe berries, along with twigs;
  • natural honey;
  • chopped onions.

When the product is removed from the heat, pour in 100 ml of freshly squeezed lemon and aloe juice. Take a teaspoon three times a day until the cough is completely cured.

Method No. 2

For this balsa, it is important to prepare it correctly: a plant that is at least three years old should not be watered 2 weeks before removing the leaves. Take only the largest leaves (6–8 pieces), rinse, wipe, wrap in newspaper and put in the refrigerator for 7–10 days.

After the expiration date, finely chop the leaves and pour 500 ml of liquid honey, put on the lowest heat and cook until the aloe leaves become soft. At the same time, boil two glasses of water, to which add 150 g. birch buds and 50 gr. linden color. When the broth has cooled, it needs to be strained.

Pour a glass of heated olive oil into the mixture, and then the vegetable decoction. Mix everything thoroughly and store in the refrigerator. Take 25 ml three times a day after meals.

Method No. 3

Infuse the honey-vegetable balm in a dark place for 10 days. To prepare it, honey, 70% alcohol, freshly squeezed juices, and beets are taken in equal parts. Pour all this into a glass container, close with a plastic lid, wrap the top with film and tie tightly with an elastic band. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.

Method No. 4

Grind 1 liter of fresh sea buckthorn berries into a paste or grind in a blender. Pour a liter of refined sunflower oil into this mass and place in a dark place for a week. After the expiration date, strain through a sieve and store in the refrigerator. Take a dessert spoon in the morning and evening after meals.

Grinding mixtures

Recipes for folk balms for rubbing most often contain natural animal fats: goose, and badger fat, which must be melted and then add auxiliary products.

Popular folk recipes:

  • Melted fat and crushed fat are taken in equal proportions.
  • Add 1 teaspoon each of turpentine and camphor oil to the lard.
  • In 200 gr. add 20 grams of melted fat. propolis tincture.
  • Add a little mustard powder to the fat.

Recipes without fat:

  • Add a little sea salt to 4 tablespoons of liquid honey, and cover the rubbed breast with a cabbage leaf.
  • Mix vodka and honey in equal quantities.
  • Add a couple of drops of chamomile, eucalyptus, fir or juniper essential oil to the melted butter.

The chest and back area are rubbed with such balms, but the heart area is not affected; after rubbing, a film is applied on top and they dress warmly or lie down under a blanket for at least 40 minutes. The use of such folk remedies provides improvement in the condition within a few days after the start of treatment.

Sunday, July 22, 2012 22:57 + to quote book

Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2000 09 (165)
I would like to offer a recipe that my mother used to cure me. In 1951, I fell ill - I had a high fever and found it difficult to breathe. We were taken to the hospital in the city. It turned out: darkening of the right lung up to the fourth rib. I was 14 years old then. They prescribed penicillin and other drugs, but treated it with a prescription that my mother used for colds (she died at the age of 99). This recipe has helped many people in our village.
Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of birch buds, infused in 0.5-0.7 liters of grape wine for 1 week in a warm place so that the resin comes out of the buds. The buds will become swollen and green.
400 g of honey (forbs, white, slightly yellowish color), 200 g of carrot juice, 200 g of aloe juice from fresh, healthy leaves, 200 g of birch bud infusion (prepared in advance). You will get 1 liter of mixture. Leave everything for a day and drink 30 g 3 times a day. This jar is enough for 10 days.
After three days, lethargy disappears and appetite appears. During treatment, instead of brewing tea, use apricots: boil it with honey and drink 1 liter of decoction per day. Preferably fresh milk, fat content 4-5%, or warm cream. Eat 1-2 raw eggs per day. Plus fresh air, walks.
I am now 62 years old, and when the flu comes into the house, we treat it with this mixture.
Address: Tarasevich Valentina Aleksandrovna, 644069, Omsk, st. 20th North, no. 28.

“Pneumonia” is a phrase that bridges the gap between doctors and non-doctors. It helps explain the complex mechanisms of the disease in a simple way. The average person does not need to know what is happening in the body at the current moment in time. To assess the danger and begin treatment, it is enough to hear only two words from the doctor: “pneumonia.” This article will help you understand both adults and children.


In the medical community, this phrase is not used; it is replaced by the completely familiar and well-studied pneumonia. Morphologically, this is an inflammation of the lung tissue with the participation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa or saprophytic microflora of the lungs themselves. The process itself is accompanied by all the characteristic symptoms: pain, swelling, redness (we don’t see it, but it’s there), fever and dysfunction. In addition, fluid leakage from the lesion into the pleural space is often observed.


As is usually the case in medicine, there are several categories into which all types of pneumonia can be grouped:

  1. By localization:
    - focal, when inflammation occupies a small area of ​​the lung parenchyma, sometimes involving the bronchus;
    - segmental - the infiltrate has reached the size of one or several segments;
    - lobar - a whole lobe is involved in the pathological process;
    - confluent, when several lesions unite to form a larger one;
    - total - extends to the entire lung or both.
  2. For lung damage:
    - one-sided;
    - two-sided.
  3. By origin:
    - primary - is an independent disease;
    - secondary - develops against the background of another illness or a long stay on strict bed rest.
  4. By infection:
    - community-acquired, that is, ordinary pneumonia;
    - hospital, nosocomial or nosocomial, i.e. developed after a person’s admission to a medical institution.
  5. By pathogen:
    - bacterial;
    - viral;
    - fungal;
    - aspiration;
    - toxic.

Transmission routes

The main way to get an infection of the respiratory system remains through the airborne route. People cannot help but breathe, which means there is a terrible mixture of gases, bacteria, viruses, pollutants and particulate matter in the air. But, in addition to gas exchange with the external environment, the lungs also communicate with the internal environment of the body through blood and lymphatic vessels. Therefore, it is impossible to exclude the route of infection from another inflammatory focus, which is the primary source of bacterial spread.

Pathogenetic picture

When the pathogen enters the upper respiratory tract, it moves with the air flow deep into the bronchial tree. This is where the bacteria stop and begin to form a colony, causing acute bronchitis of varying degrees of complexity and severity.

When a colony of microorganisms moves from the bronchial cavity to the pulmonary parenchyma, doctors talk about pneumonia. If measures are not taken, the disease spreads further to healthy tissue and foci of elimination appear in other organs. As the disease progresses, intoxication, oxygen deficiency, and, in some cases, heart failure increase. The right lung is most often affected, since its main bronchus is shorter and wider than the left.

Clinical manifestations

As a rule, it is quite difficult to immediately distinguish pneumonia from bronchitis. Both of these diseases are manifested by fever, cough, and sputum. But after a short time, when intoxication increases, fever appears with strong temperature changes in the morning and evening, pain during breathing, sputum becomes purulent and has an unpleasant odor.

Objectively, the disease is manifested by moist rales and crepitus, decreased conduction of sounds (vocal tremor, bronchophony), as well as the appearance of a shadow on a plain radiograph of the lungs.

In any case, you should not immediately after a slight cough run for a medical reference book and look at the section “Pneumonia. Symptoms in adults." How to treat this disease, we will consider below.

Other types of pneumonia

  1. Atypical. It is called so because its course is completely different from the “classical” manifestations of pneumonia. The onset is smooth, with a slight dry cough. Patients complain of a predominance of headache and muscle pain, nausea, and weakness. There may be no changes at all on chest X-rays.
  2. Secondary. It is divided into several subspecies.
    - aspiration - after inhalation of foreign bodies, gastric contents or chemicals (acids, alkalis);
    - septic, with a predominant picture of acute sepsis;
    - hypostatic, when the patient adheres to strict bed rest for a long time or is on mechanical ventilation;
    - immunodeficiency, opportunistic infection caused by a general decrease in the body’s resistance to infections;
    - post-traumatic - the focus of inflammation coincides with the site of injury.

How to treat pneumonia if it is secondary? It is necessary to get rid of what caused the disease. This will be the most effective tactic in this case, since symptomatic therapy may be ineffective in this situation.


The main methods for studying patients with a preliminary diagnosis of pneumonia are:

  • a general blood test that will show a picture of acute inflammation (increased ESR, a shift in the leukocyte count to the left to younger forms, anemia);
  • biochemical blood test (acute phase indicator, dysproteinemia, increased immunoglobulin levels);
  • blood gas composition (pulse oximetry), shows the degree of respiratory failure;
  • culture of sputum on solid media to determine the pathogen;
  • Gram stain of bacteria;
  • X-ray of the chest organs in several projections;
  • CT, MRI (if necessary).

Additional research methods, mainly affecting the diagnosis of complications, include pleura, bronchoscopy, angiopulmonography and other invasive procedures. They are resorted to quite rarely, since for the patient it is associated with uncomfortable sensations, and with the development of modern visualization technology, these manipulations can be avoided.

Treatment of pneumonia

Doctors today often ask the question: “How to treat pneumonia?”, and not because they did not study well at the institute or, in the wake of innovations in their industry, forgot how to do it. On the contrary, various approaches to solving this problem, a wide range of etiotropic drugs and auxiliary agents expand the possibilities of selecting the right therapy.

The only, but significant, disadvantage is that ordinary people, who have a vague idea of ​​what pneumonia is, try to act as an aesculapian themselves. This usually happens as follows: a person notices what he thinks are alarming symptoms, and immediately rushes... no, not to the clinic, but to the computer to enter a query like “pneumonia, symptoms.” Good Uncle Google will tell him how to treat this disease, just like that, as a bonus.

After that, our man runs to the pharmacy, buys antibiotics, just the kind that will definitely get you through, and quickly, in a couple of days, relieves all his symptoms. With this, his mission is completed. The medications helped, I can go back to work and into battle. But the disease has not gone away, it sits and waits for any opportunity to return, and those who caused it have now become more resistant to treatment.

Let's figure out how to do the right thing.

Non-drug methods

With the typical development of the disease, the question of where to treat pneumonia does not even appear on the agenda. Of course in the hospital! There you can create optimal conditions for recovery. This includes bed rest, a varied balanced diet, plenty of alkaline drinking and adequate sleep. Physical activity is out of the question. After complete clinical and laboratory recovery, approximately two to three months must pass before the patient is allowed to attend physical education or exercise independently.

2. Home care

If you nevertheless decide to take such a step as treating pneumonia at home, then you will need all the endurance and patience to care for the patient. First of all, the room temperature should be no higher than 18-22 degrees Celsius. Less is possible, but more is not advisable, since during a fever the already dry air will irritate the mucous membranes and aggravate inflammation. The second is wet cleaning. The ideal option is twice a day, but if this is not possible, then at least once a day. It is not recommended to use disinfectants, as they can also affect


Since one of the symptoms of pneumonia is cough, this must be taken into account when prescribing therapy. It is advisable to determine the type of cough: dry or wet, and only then select a medicine. According to the treatment protocols, in the presence of a dry cough, it is necessary to transform it into a wet one so that sputum separation begins, and for a wet cough, select a mucolytic for better expectoration of mucus.

There are situations when a cough only interferes with recovery, exhausting the patient, but without bringing significant relief. In this case, drugs are used that affect the cough center. The goal of therapy is to stop the uncomfortable symptoms.

Antibiotic therapy

Global question: “How to treat pneumonia with antibiotics?” occupies the minds of not only practicing doctors, but also scientists who are well aware of the threat from uncontrolled antibiotic therapy. Due to the incorrect selection of drugs, bacteria become resistant to the treatment; they produce substances that neutralize the effect of the drugs. When there are a lot of such bacteria, this is already a serious problem, because it becomes more and more difficult to eliminate them from the body.

But before you panic and run away from the hospital, you should still listen to what the doctor tells you. Believe me, he knows a little better how to treat pneumonia than your mother, mother-in-law, neighbor and even the Internet.

To begin with, the specialist will take the necessary tests, then, as a trial approach, will prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic, usually a penicillin. And for three days he will monitor the dynamics of his patient’s health. If there are positive changes, then everything is going well, and there is no need to change the drug. If after three days the situation has not changed or worsened, then it makes sense to think about changing the leading drug to a stronger one. In any case, in a week the results of a microbiological study should arrive, which will show the sensitivity of microorganisms to available types of drugs.

Sometimes you can observe atypical pneumonia - symptoms without fever. How to treat this condition? Yes, almost the same as regular inflammation. But it is extremely difficult to notice that a patient is developing pneumonia if there is no fever, which means that the help of a doctor will be required.

If a child gets sick

How to treat pneumonia in children is a completely different story. You shouldn’t wait for ARVI or bronchitis to turn into pneumonia. It is better to immediately contact your local pediatrician for professional help. He will be able to determine whether hospitalization is needed, how serious the child’s condition is and how to treat him.

As a rule, in general, the rules for treating pneumonia in children are not very different from those in adults. The regimen is prescribed to bed, and sometimes strict bed rest, plenty of drinking, daily wet cleaning, moderate ambient temperature. The cough is corrected with medication, flora is cultured and antibiotics are prescribed.

It is important to remember that not all of them are suitable for children. There are entire groups of drugs that are not used in pediatrics due to their toxic effects on the liver, kidneys, nervous system and sensory organs. Under no circumstances try to treat a child at home, guided by your own knowledge, experience or advice from people far from medicine.

Outpatient treatment or home hospital

How to treat pneumonia at home when it is not possible to take sick leave at work or school? This is somewhat more difficult than simply going to a doctor and shifting all responsibility onto him, but you can try.

First of all, in order to cure pneumonia, you need to diagnose it in yourself. The criteria for pneumonia have already been described above, so we will not dwell on them. So, you have found out that there is a disease, which means it needs to be stopped so that you can fulfill your professional duties. To do this, you should adhere to strict bed rest for at least several days, drink a lot and often (especially alkaline mineral water), and eat nutritious broths.

There is no point in lowering the temperature if it stays within 37-38 degrees. This is a good sign that the body is trying to cope with the infection. Take antibiotics according to the instructions, do not forget about mucolytics and immunomodulators to increase the body's resistance.

This is just a small list of how to treat pneumonia. In modern medicine, there are special protocols in which therapy is scheduled in stages, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body and the course of the disease. Therefore, trust your health to professionals.

Traditional medicine

How to treat pneumonia with folk remedies? After all, there will probably be opponents of official medicine who will decide that their body copes with diseases much better than everyone else’s, which means they can experiment.

Folk remedies are good only as an addition to medications, but not as independent treatment. So, it is recommended to eat honey, black elderberry jam, and drink raspberry tea. And physical methods for better expectoration include inhalation over boiled potatoes, warm foot baths, mustard plasters and cupping. But these manipulations are already a thing of the past due to the use of interferon drugs and antibiotics of the latest generation.

Duration of treatment

How long does it take to treat pneumonia? Minimum three weeks for both adults and children. Relief of the condition may occur within a week, but final recovery with resorption of pathological foci in the lungs will not occur earlier than 21 days from the start of treatment.

In addition, do not forget about additional therapy, in addition to antibacterial therapy, which also has its own deadlines. In any case, you should not count on quick relief from the disease. Recovery is a rather painstaking process.

The article describes in sufficient detail how to treat pneumonia at home and on an outpatient basis. This will help you make the right decisions regarding your health.

Folk remedies for treating lungs

Traditional medicine has accumulated many effective recipes for improving lung health, proven over centuries. Herbs and teas combined with fasting and cleansing can work wonders. Contraindications for cleansing the lungs with the help of medicinal preparations are kidney stone disease, stage III hypertension, individual intolerance to one or another component of the collection.

· Boil 20 g of crushed elecampane roots over low heat in a glass of protium water for 10 minutes. Leave in a thermos for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

· Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of dry plantain leaves in a thermos with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day before meals. Helps with coughing attacks.

· Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of fresh plantain leaves with 3 tbsp. spoons of honey. Place in a tightly closed saucepan on a warm stove for 3-6 hours. You will end up with a syrupy liquid. This syrup should be taken 1 teaspoon before meals. Helps children very well.

· Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of kidneys with a glass of boiling water from protium water. Leave in a thermos for about an hour, strain. Drink 1-2 sips when you feel the urge to cough.

· Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried black elderberry flowers in a thermos 0.5 liters of boiling water from protium water. Leave for about an hour, strain. Drink 100–200 ml warm at night. You can add a little honey.

· Thanks to its special volatile properties, anise “breaks up” mucus clots and promotes its removal. Anise is usually used in combination with other plants, aiding their medicinal properties.

Anise fruits – 1 part, coltsfoot leaf – 1 part, cowshed flowers – 1 part, mallow flowers – 2 parts, self-seeding flowers – 2 parts, thyme herb – 2 parts, marshmallow root – 2 parts, licorice root – 5 parts. Infuse 1 tbsp. spoon of the collection in a glass of cold magnetized protium water for 2 hours. Then bring to a boil and pour into a thermos, leave. Drink 50 g of warm broth from a thermos 3-4 times a day.

· Oregano contains special essential oils that soften mucus and promote its removal. Therefore, it is considered a good expectorant. Oregano is used alone and in the form of collections. Oregano herb – 1 part, marshmallow root – 2 parts, coltsfoot leaf – 2 parts. Brew 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water in protium water. Leave in a thermos. Take 1/2 cup after meals.

· Viburnum viburnum. The taste is bitter, astringent - an antagonist of mucus. An excellent expectorant. A decoction of flowers and fruits is used.

To enhance the effect, you can add honey. Pour 1 glass of fruit into 1 liter of hot protium water (can be magnetized), boil for 10 minutes. Pour into a thermos, add 3 tbsp. spoons of honey. Drink 1/2 glass 3-4 times a day.

· Radish has a bitter taste, which is a mucus antagonist. Squeeze the juice out of the grated radish and take 1-2 tbsp with honey. spoons before meals. The juice only needs to be prepared for one day! Store it in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container during the day.

You can get juice in other ways.

· Cut a hole in the radish and fill it with honey. Close the hole with a piece of radish and leave for about 4 hours. Drain the resulting juice and take 1 tbsp. spoon before eating.

· Cut the raw radish into very thin slices (6-8 pieces). Drizzle each slice with herb honey. When the sweet juice appears, take 1 tbsp. spoon every hour.

The above plants have healing properties due to their essential oils, which quickly disappear. Therefore, prepared infusions and juices should be stored tightly closed, do not overfill or strain. They should be consumed within a day, and new ones should be prepared the next day.

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