Deviated nasal septum: dangerous consequences. Consequences of scoliosis: causes, treatment methods, complications, medical advice

Nasal septum- this is an anatomical formation, which is a plate that divides the nasal cavity into two halves. Its front part is formed cartilage tissue, and the back one is a thin bone. A deviated nasal septum is a fairly common disease that occurs at any age and is characterized by a whole range of symptoms.

Depending on the cause of the deviated nasal septum, there are several types of this disease:

  1. Physiological curvature is most often diagnosed in adolescence. The deformity develops as a result of a discrepancy between the growth rates of the cartilaginous and bone parts of the nasal septum.
  2. With prolonged pressure on the cartilaginous part of the septum foreign bodies, compensatory curvature of the septum develops.
  3. occurs in men 3 times more often than in women, since males are much more likely to be injured.

Symptoms of a deviated nasal septum

Schematic representation of the nose and paranasal sinuses. In the upper picture - the norm, in the lower picture - a curvature of the nasal septum.

The severity of the symptoms of the disease depends on how severely the septum is deviated. A slight deviated septum that causes no symptoms occurs in many people. In such cases, treatment is usually not required.

The following symptoms are characteristic of this disease:

  1. , right up to him complete absence. With a unilateral curvature, airflow disturbance will be observed on one side of the nose. It should be noted that in many patients with severe deformation of the nasal septum, this symptom may be completely absent.
  2. Due to impaired nasal breathing.
  3. Dryness in the nasal cavity.
  4. Frequent inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses are sinusitis (, sinusitis), resulting from a violation of the outflow of secretions from the sinuses through the nasal passages. Accumulation of secretions in the cavity paranasal sinuses creates favorable conditions for the development of infection.
  5. In some patients, when the disease persists for a long time, nasal congestion forms in the nasal cavity, which makes breathing even more difficult.
  6. Changes in the shape of the nose, which most often occurs due to injuries to the nose.

Treatment of deviated nasal septum

This disease is characterized by changes in the osteochondral structures, so elimination of the curvature of the nasal septum is performed surgically. Conservative therapy, aimed at alleviating the symptoms of the disease, is usually not very effective.


An endoscopic operation during which a defect in the nasal septum is corrected is called “septoplasty”. The surgical approach is performed through the nasal cavity; no incisions are made on the face. Duration surgery, performed under general or local anesthesia, usually does not exceed one hour. At the end of the operation in nasal cavity gauze swabs and special silicone retainers are installed, which are removed a day after surgical intervention. Therefore, the patient usually does not need to stay in the hospital for more than a day. 5–7 days after septoplasty, the patient recovers completely nasal breathing, and all other signs of the disease disappear.

If a deformity of the nasal septum is detected in childhood Septoplasty is performed after the child reaches the age of 14 years. The exception is when the child has severe symptoms of the disease or often has infectious sinusitis. In such a situation, the operation can be performed under general anesthesia children over 6 years old. Surgery diseases in early childhood should be performed only after a thorough examination of the patient, as a result of which it will be proven that the cause of the symptoms is precisely the curvature of the nasal septum.

Laser treatment

Deviated nasal septum on MRI.

This is enough new method treatment of deformities of the nasal septum, which has a number of limitations, but is nevertheless successfully used in otorhinolaryngology. This treatment method is based on the effect of a laser beam. Certain areas of the cartilaginous part of the nasal septum are heated to the required temperature and fixed in correct position using tampons for a day. The duration of the manipulation carried out under local anesthesia, does not exceed 15 minutes. Treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis and involves virtually no discomfort to the patient. Treatment of deformities of the nasal septum with a laser is possible only in cases where only its cartilaginous part is curved and the cartilage has not been broken.

Many patients diagnosed with this disease refuse treatment because they believe that the symptoms of the disease do not significantly impair their quality of life. Before refusing treatment or deciding whether it is necessary, you should understand the dangers of a deviated nasal septum, since the consequences of the disease can be very diverse. It has been scientifically proven that as a result of impaired nasal breathing, the brain does not receive 10–15% of oxygen, which affects the ability to work in adults and the mental development of children. In addition, changes are observed in the hematopoietic, cardiovascular and reproductive systems of the body. Due to violations in immune system patients tolerate the effects less well unfavorable factors environment, especially hypothermia, which significantly increases the risk of infectious diseases respiratory system.

A specialist talks about the dangers of a deviated nasal septum:

Spinal scoliosis is a common disease that causes misalignment of the vertebrae. Most often, curvature of the spine occurs in childhood. The causes of the disease are improper sitting at the table, excessive movements during dancing or sports, violation metabolic processes in the body, congenital pathology or hereditary factors. When scoliosis is diagnosed, the consequences can be serious. If you do not seek help from a specialist in time and do not carry out appropriate treatment, curvature of the spine can cause discomfort, lead to a deterioration in appearance and even make a person disabled. The health effects of scoliosis on initial stages not big. The first degree of the disease is easily cured in a short period of time.

The consequences of scoliosis are related to the degree of curvature of the spine. High degree progression of the disease significantly worsens a person’s quality of life. There are four stages of development of scoliosis.

The first includes a slight change in the angle of curvature of the spine - up to 10 degrees. It is impossible to visually see the pathology of the first stage; it can only be detected by X-ray examination. This easy stage scoliosis, which can be cured quickly using a conservative method.

The second stage includes the development of pathology, the angle of curvature of which ranges from 10 to 25 degrees. It can be seen externally. In this situation, the shoulders are not at the same level with a significant deviation. The disease progresses rapidly, but if you start therapeutic methods treatment and performing certain exercises, you can stop the further development of scoliosis.

The third stage of scoliosis development occurs when the curvature angle reaches from 26 to 50 degrees. Significant changes are noticeable in the height of the forearm, shoulder blades, and ribs. As therapy, wearing a special corset is prescribed to fix the vertebrae in the correct position. IN severe cases even at the third stage of development, surgical intervention can be used.

The fourth stage of disease progression includes pathology in which the angle of curvature exceeds 50 degrees. This is a severe form of the disease that has big influence for performance internal organs and systems. Generally, surgical intervention is required because conservative methods treatments do not give positive results.

The danger of scoliosis

The consequences of scoliosis can be different. In the initial stages, stooping appears, posture is disturbed, and asymmetry of body parts occurs. In addition, a patient with scoliosis constantly suffers from pain in the back, which occurs after active physical activity. When deformed spinal column In addition to the fact that many organs and systems of the body suffer, a person’s normal lifestyle is disrupted, and fatigue occurs.

With pathology of the thoracic spine, deformation or displacement of the ribs occurs, which leads to disruption of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. In this situation, breathing becomes difficult, the shape of the lungs changes, their blood circulation is disrupted, as well as the functionality of the heart muscle. Changes in the functioning of the heart and lungs begin gradually. In addition, there is an increase in blood pressure, disturbances in heartbeat, metabolic processes and normal functioning other internal organs, pinched nerves occur, and shortness of breath is felt during physical exertion.

In the lumbar region, scoliosis leads to sedentary lifestyle life, incorrect posture, abnormalities in the development of the spine, many diseases - polio, rickets, lack of calcium. With lumbar curvature, swelling of the legs occurs, weakening of the abdominal muscles, disruption of work in the area urinary canal, gastrointestinal tract. For the body, the most dangerous period in the case of spinal curvature is considered to be the period of growth and development. The disease can progress and lead to psychological disorders in the body and to dangerous complications. The danger of the disease is that paralysis of the lower extremities may occur, resulting in disability. This leads to the fact that a person cannot perform any actions without outside help. In old age, I suffer from pain in the lumbar region and a feeling of fatigue.

There is also considerable danger from the development of pathology in cervical spine spinal column. Most often this is due to age characteristics child, when the muscle frame lags behind in growth, and the bones increase at a rapid pace. Injuries can lead to pathology, various diseases spinal column. Signs include rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and weakness.


There are congenital and acquired scoliosis. Congenital pathology is much less common, and acquired spinal curvature is a fairly common phenomenon. Often on early stages a person does not notice deviations in spinal region or simply doesn't care about it. It is important to consult a doctor in time, since identifying scoliosis in the early stages, especially in children, is of great importance in eliminating the defect and preventing its further development. As you know, the consequences of scoliosis pose a danger to human health. All changes associated with progression of this disease, occur gradually. At first it all starts with slight shortness of breath, and gradually the person’s condition worsens to a situation in which it becomes impossible to make any movements.

People with scoliosis most often encounter bronchitis, pneumonia, coronary heart disease, and hypertension. Curvature of the spine in thoracic region creates stress on the heart and lungs and causes disruption in their normal functioning. But scoliosis can be corrected, and the disorder can be eliminated normal performance heart muscle is quite difficult.

Severe can lead to disability with subsequent negative impact on the psycho-emotional state of a person. In childhood or adolescence, if the pathology is significantly noticeable, constant appeal attention and ridicule from other children can lead to complexes, withdrawal and feelings of inferiority. Most often on late stages progression of the disease requires surgical intervention and subsequent conservative treatment.

Scoliosis is a common disease that is diagnosed in every 4-6 people out of 1,000.

To many it seems “harmless”, but this impression is deceptive. can reduce the patient’s quality of life, negatively affect his appearance and even lead to disability. Therefore, at the first signs of a problem, you should immediately consult a doctor: in the initial stages it can still be treated conservative treatment.

Degrees of curvature

The risk of scoliosis in each specific case depends on the severity of the pathology. There are four degrees of development of the disease:

  • The first degree is the lightest, the curvature is only 10 degrees. The pathology is invisible to the eye and can only be seen on an x-ray. If the problem does not progress, it is considered normal. It is not capable of causing any complications and does not prevent a person from living a normal life.
  • Second degree - the angle of curvature is 11-25 degrees. The pathology is noticeable to the eye: in a person, one shoulder girdle becomes higher than the other. In this case, the patient requires therapy, as scoliosis progresses rapidly.
  • Third degree - curvature ranges from 26 to 50 degrees. The problem is clearly reflected in the patient’s appearance: he has different heights of his shoulder girdles, shoulder blades and ribs, and his waistline shifts to one side. The patient is prescribed to wear a corset or undergo surgery to fix the vertebrae in the correct position.
  • The fourth degree is the most severe, in which the curvature reaches 50 degrees. This defect is immediately noticeable in the patient’s appearance; all organs and systems are affected. Treatment is possible only surgically; conservative therapy is no longer able to produce results.

The consequences of scoliosis can be the most severe, so patients even with the first degree of the disease need to carefully monitor their health. If they notice that the pathology is progressing, they should immediately consult a doctor. In particularly severe cases, curvature of the spine can cause complete disability.

What are the dangers of scoliosis of the thoracic and cervical spine?

Cervicothoracic and thoracic scoliosis of 2-4 degrees can cause respiratory and heart failure. A person experiences displacement of the ribs, which leads to a decrease in the vital capacity of the lungs and a deterioration in their blood supply. The deformed one compresses the right parts of the heart, which leads to disruption of their functioning.
The consequences of scoliosis of the thoracic spine increase gradually. Initially, when brisk walking or when running, shortness of breath appears, and it is difficult for a person to climb stairs. Then problems with blood pressure begin, and the heart rate increases. The cardiogram demonstrates numerous pathologies: from arrhythmia to myocardial damage.
Medical research shows that most people with scoliosis also have coronary heart disease. This problem can be eliminated with the help of drugs that improve blood supply to the myocardium.
Increased arterial pressure, which occurs against the background of spinal curvature, is difficult to treat pharmaceuticals. Compression of the nerve roots complicates this problem, so choose the optimal drug therapy For such patients only a very experienced doctor can.
Scoliosis can lead to compression vertebral artery, which is located in the cervical region. This condition is called compression in medicine. It is very dangerous because it leads to a decrease intellectual abilities person and disruption of the thinking process. Prolonged compression can lead to irreversible changes in the brain, which means irreparable harm to the individual as a whole. Finally one more thing serious consequence pathologies - cerebral hemorrhage and stroke.

Scoliosis of the lumbar region and its dangerous complications

Lumbar scoliosis leads to disturbances in the functioning of the urinary, sexual and digestive systems. To the number adverse consequences caused by pathology include:

  • increased frequency of urination, especially at night;
  • weakening of the abdominal muscles;
  • constipation and accumulation of gases in the intestines;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • the occurrence of congestion in the stomach, kidneys and pelvic organs.

Curvature of the spinal column leads to compression of the nerve roots located in the lumbar region. As a result, the consequences of scoliosis become even more unpleasant and serious:

  • headache and back pain occurs;
  • the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted;
  • appear muscle spasms and numbness of the limbs;
  • a person's buttocks and legs hurt.

The most severe consequence of the pathology is complete paralysis of the lower extremities, which immobilizes a person, making him disabled.
Curvature of the spinal column negatively affects reproductive function among women. They may face complications such as infertility or chronic inflammation genitals.
There is an identified connection between scoliosis in a child and his psychological development. In children with severe pathology There may be stiffness and fear of other people.

Disability and psychological problems

Scoliosis can lead to disability. According to statistics, 47% of people with the fourth degree of pathology are completely disabled. They can't even perform simple tasks around the house and require outside care.
Another cause of disability is compression of the vertebral artery. Prolonged compression leads to disturbances in thinking and irreversible changes in the personality portrait. A cerebral hemorrhage can be fatal. Heart failure can lead to a heart attack.
Scoliosis that occurs in a child or adolescent can cause deep psychological trauma. Such children experience a feeling of inferiority, and frequent ridicule and questions from others lead them to isolation and self-hatred. It is difficult for such children to study; they may experience problems with memory and assimilation of new information.

requires careful diagnosis and mandatory treatment. In the early stages, this problem can be solved using conservative methods, returning the spinal column to its original configuration. Do not delay therapeutic measures until later: curvature can lead to serious consequences, including loss of the ability to move independently and disability.

Today, scoliosis is the most common disease among schoolchildren. There are many reasons for the development of this disease. However, like any other pathology, it is easier to prevent than to treat. In this article we will talk about the causes of the development of the disease, as well as how to treat it and what are the consequences of scoliosis. Please read the information provided carefully in order to arm yourself and protect yourself as much as possible. So let's get started.

What is scoliosis

Before you begin to understand what the consequences of scoliosis are, it is very important to find out what this pathology is. According to doctors, scoliosis of the spine is its curvature, which can be to the left or right side, and also in both directions simultaneously.

The consequences of scoliosis are very dangerous, as it is twisting, and this can lead to serious deviations in the development of internal organs. In addition, this disease can contribute to the formation intervertebral hernias, radiculitis and many other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Symptoms of scoliosis

Of course, the very first sign of the disease is, for example, one shoulder is slightly lowered, while the other is slightly raised. However, impaired aesthetic appearance is not the only manifestation of the disease. In addition, the disease is accompanied painful sensations in the spine, as well as deterioration of its mobility. Most often, this pathology is acquired as a result of improper life activities. Scoliosis usually begins to develop in school-age patients.

What are the main reasons for the development of the disease

The consequences of scoliosis can be the most dire. Therefore, it is very important to identify the disease in time and begin its treatment. Most often, this disease develops in school-age children in the presence of an asymmetrical and incorrect load on the back. The spinal muscles begin to turn the spine to the left or right side. This muscle tension also changes the position of the ligaments. But if the disease begins to acquire severe form, then this can lead to such a consequence of spinal scoliosis as vertebral dystrophy.

Exists a large number of reasons that contribute to the development of this pathology. Namely:

Existing degrees of curvature

The consequences of spinal scoliosis depend on the degree of the disease. Scientists distinguish four stages of the disease, each of which is characterized by its own course, as well as complications. Let's look at each of them.

First stage

In the first degree, the curvature is noticeably slight and amounts to no more than ten degrees. At the same time, it is almost impossible to notice the problem with the naked eye. This can only be done during X-ray studies. If the patient’s condition does not change for a long time, then the disease will not lead to any serious deviations. This means you can simply ignore it, visiting a doctor from time to time to check the condition of your spine.

Second stage

The consequences of stage 2 scoliosis are already more significant. At this stage, the curvature of the spine is already more noticeable and amounts to up to 25 degrees. Usually the second stage very quickly turns into the third if treatment is not started in time. Therefore, scoliosis at this stage needs to be given Special attention and start immediate treatment.

Third stage

The consequences of third-degree scoliosis are even more frightening. This stage of pathology is characterized by curvature of the spine up to fifty degrees. In this case, the problem is not only of a noticeable aesthetic nature, but can also seriously threaten health. If you pay attention to the patient's appearance, you may notice how one shoulder is higher or lower than the other, the waistline is shifted, and the shoulder blades and hips are of different heights. To eliminate the third stage of the disease, it is very important to use comprehensive measures treatment, which may include surgical intervention. At the same time, the third form also quickly develops into the fourth if treatment is not started in time.

Fourth stage

According to doctors, the consequences of fourth-degree scoliosis are the most severe. The spine is curved by fifty degrees, and it is very easy to notice such a pathology. Just look at the patient. The curvature is so severe that many organs of the body suffer from it. According to doctors, this stage of the disease can lead to very bad consequences. Surgery for grade 4 scoliosis is the only treatment method.

Features of treatment

In fact, any stage of scoliosis can be cured. The main thing is not to ignore your health and start treatment as early as possible. Usually schools carry out special checks to identify this pathology in its earliest stages of development. It is in childhood that it is easiest to get rid of it.

So, let's look at the most popular treatment methods.

Wearing a special corset

This product will help get rid of the consequences of scoliosis for the body starting from the second stage of the disease. Such a corset, with its long-term use, capable of providing wonderful healing effect. However, it is very important to select a product together with your doctor. Only in this case will wearing it make sense.

Performing special gymnastics

Performance special exercises will significantly speed up the healing process. The doctor will select exercises individually, depending on the type of disease. The main thing is to do physical therapy regularly. Only in this case can good results be achieved.

Manual therapy method

Carrying out a special massage helps to relax the muscles located along the spinal column, as well as improve joint mobility. This massage technique helps improve blood circulation, which slightly slows down the ossification process. Manual method can improve posture at any age. However best results can be achieved by schoolgirls under sixteen years of age.

Carrying out surgery

The disease in the first and second stages is very easy to cure using conservative methods. The third stage also responds well to this treatment. However, if conservative methods do not help, and the pathology continues to progress, doctors may prescribe surgery at the third stage to exclude the fourth.

If the disease has already reached the fourth stage, this can be fraught with serious consequences. In this case, surgical intervention simply cannot be avoided. Special metal devices are surgically inserted into the spine to correct curvatures and help get rid of unwanted consequences.

Quite often, the main goal of surgical intervention is to relieve pain syndrome, because if the disease is advanced, the pain can be simply unbearable. By using surgical method You can prevent further curvature, as well as give your body a more aesthetic appearance.

What are the consequences of scoliosis

Curvature of the spine of the third and fourth degree can lead to very serious health consequences. That is why it is very important to notice the pathology at its earliest stage and begin treatment in a timely manner.

Curvature of the thoracic region

The consequences of scoliosis in adults can be the most dire. If the pathology affects the cervicothoracic region, then this can be fraught with many consequences. Namely:

  • pinching spinal nerves;
  • circulatory and metabolic disorders;
  • displacement and deformation of the internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity;
  • deformation chest;
  • the occurrence of pathologies in the development of the genitourinary organs.

In the presence of this type of scoliosis, many diseases of the internal organs can occur. The heart, lungs, digestive and genitourinary systems are most often affected.

Disorders of the lumbar spine

Such spinal curvatures can also have very dangerous consequences. Except severe pain in the back, a large number of diseases of the internal organs also occur. Quite often, patients suffer from pathologies genitourinary system, which are accompanied by very frequent urination. In addition, there are a large number of other consequences, namely:

  • the occurrence of problems with the intestines (the patient begins to suffer from constipation and excessive gas formation);
  • abdominal muscles begin to gradually weaken;
  • congestion occurs in the pelvic organs and kidneys;

  • pinched nerves lead to neurological disorders, which make themselves felt in the form of headaches, dizziness, pain, loss of sensitivity, and paralysis.

As you can see, the consequences can be truly dire. Therefore, start treatment immediately. Scoliosis (surgery, consequences are described in this article) requires urgent treatment, and it is best to do this in childhood, when the skeleton is not fully formed.

Preventive measures

Also in school age It is very important to do this. After all, curvature of the spine is a disease that is much easier to prevent than to cure. Doctors give special recommendations for parents that must be followed. Only in this case will you be able to maintain beautiful posture and health of your child.

So, let's look at the main preventive measures:

  • Using a special orthopedic mattress. It would seem that sleeping on a soft feather bed is much more comfortable. However, you can get used to an orthopedic mattress very quickly. This product helps preserve correct position spine during sleep.
  • The child should not be allowed to sit at the table for a very long time. Mental activity should always alternate with physical activity. That is why it is very important during breaks at school not to sit at a desk, but to walk along the corridor. It is also very important to attend physical education classes and sports sections.
  • It is very important to monitor your diet. IN daily diet must include products that have sufficient quantity nutrients and vitamins.
  • It is equally important to choose the right orthopedic backpack. Bags that are carried on one shoulder will in any case lead to problems with the spine. Therefore, take this issue seriously.

  • It is also very important to learn how to sit at the table correctly. This needs to be done not only for children, but also for adults. Notice how you are sitting right now. In fact, sitting with a perfectly straight back is quite a rare event for today.


In this article we talked about what scoliosis is, how to treat it, and what consequences this pathology can lead to. Once again it is worth saying that the disease must be treated immediately, otherwise it will lead to very serious consequences. It is also important to monitor your posture. In fact, it is not so easy to sit and walk with a straight back all day. To do this, you need to regularly perform gymnastics to strengthen your back muscles. It is also worth taking care of good nutrition and management the right image life.

Typically, scoliosis in the first, second and third stages responds well to conservative treatment. However, at the fourth stage it is no longer possible to do without surgical intervention, since the health consequences can be extremely dangerous. Severe scoliosis can lead to pinched nerves and deformation of internal organs. This will greatly worsen your health and may lead to fatal outcome. Take care of your health right now and straighten your back.

Incorrect posture not only looks unsightly, but can also lead to disability. The consequences of scoliosis are global and apply to all organs and systems of the body. Scoliosis in the initial stages responds well to treatment, therefore, when you notice the first signs of curvature in yourself or in your child, think about how dangerous scoliosis is and what the consequences of ignoring the problem can be.

IN early age curvature of the spine can be caused by improper sitting at the table, while working on the computer, when one hand clicks the mouse, so it sticks out a little forward. Even innocent music lessons can result in the development of scoliosis. The child’s body is so flexible and mobile that even constant movements with a bow can lead to involuntary displacement of the vertebrae. Other reasons include: metabolic disorders, increased range of motion in joints, congenital pathology spine, bad heredity.

The consequences of scoliosis depend on how much the disease has progressed:

  1. The first stage is the easiest. The curvature is no more than ten degrees. The pathology cannot be diagnosed visually; changes are noticeable only x-ray. The first degree of scoliosis does not pose a great danger, since it does not affect the quality of life;
  2. In the second stage, the angle is more than 10 degrees and can reach 25. The deviation is noticeable upon visual inspection: one forearm becomes lower than the other. This is an intermediate stage, scoliosis is easily treated with physical therapy;
  3. At the third stage, the curvature reaches 50 degrees. The human figure becomes asymmetrical. Therapy for grade 3 involves wearing a special corset. The need for surgical intervention is imminent;
  4. At the fourth stage, the angle of curvature exceeds 50 degrees. Pathology affects the functioning of internal organs. Conservative therapy is already ineffective; patients are indicated for surgical intervention.

Why is scoliosis dangerous?

At first, stooping, poor posture, different levels of shoulders, and asymmetry of body parts appear. On late stages An intercostal hump appears and the chest is deformed. Scoliosis of the spine is accompanied by pain that occurs after physical exertion and during a long static position of the body. Patients complain of fatigue.

Curvature of the spine forces people to adjust their lifestyle: they should not make sudden movements or lift heavy objects. Sports such as badminton, basketball and volleyball are prohibited. In athletes, one side of the body develops more, and this can aggravate the course of the disease. Dancing and gymnastics should be approached with caution, because they involve rotational movements, which should be avoided when there is a lateral displacement of the spinal column.

With scoliosis, the spine can curve either to the right or to the left. At the same time, the shoulder blades and ribs begin to protrude. Often in the thoracic region, displacement occurs in left side, and in the lumbar region - to the right. Then the spine takes on an S-shape.

In the thoracic region

With thoracic scoliosis, all organs located within the chest are affected. Consequences of scoliosis in the thoracic region:

  • Pinched nerve;
  • Vertebral artery syndrome;
  • Displacement of organs;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Development of pathologies of internal organs.

When the spinal column is deformed, almost all systems of the body are affected: from the genitourinary to the respiratory.

Thoracic scoliosis at all stages except the first leads to respiratory failure and to the heart. The ribs are connected to the spine, so when the cervicothoracic region is deformed, their displacement is observed. This leads to a change in the shape of the lungs; with maximum inhalation, the amount of air taken in decreases. Lateral deformation is dangerous due to heart pathology, manifested in the form of dysfunction of the right part of the organ caused by compression and disruption of the blood supply to the lungs.

Disturbances in the functioning of the heart and lungs are not immediately noticeable. The first sign is difficulty breathing when physical activity. It is enough to climb the stairs and shortness of breath will appear. Further, the patient experiences increased blood pressure and heart rate increases. Electrocardiography can diagnose heart rhythm disturbances and even myocardial damage.

People with scoliosis suffer from coronary disease hearts. For ischemic heart disease, doctors prescribe medications that improve blood circulation in the heart muscle.

High blood pressure resulting from displacement of the spinal column is not normalized when taken medicines. When treating hypertension, specialists rarely pay attention to the condition of the patient’s spine. But what about hypertension? obvious symptom scoliosis.

  • You might want to know: How to treat scoliosis at home

In the lumbar region

Curvature in the lumbar region results in a whole complex of disorders. Consequences of scoliosis in lumbar region:

Scoliosis causes increased bone fragility, called osteoporosis. The most severe complication is squeezing spinal cord and further paralysis of the legs, up to complete immobilization.

Suffering and nervous system. Mental disorders- frequent companions of scoliosis. Curvature of the spine is considered especially harmful during periods of growth and development. This is dangerous because it leads to psychological trauma, for example, in the form of complexes about imperfect appearance. A teenager may feel inferior due to ridicule from peers. The child is afraid of the progression of the disease and possible surgical intervention.

Juvenile idiopathic scoliosis results in blurred vision, muscle twitching, reflex pathology, and loss of sensitivity.

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