How can a person strengthen his nervous system and psyche? Good night, kids. Herbs that strengthen the nervous system

We got nervous, it doesn’t happen to anyone, got worried, and it passed. And it happens that nervous tension does not let go, it accumulates, accumulates. Either a session at the university begins, or a speech in public, or you run into evil authorities. Nerves are seriously strained. What to do in such a situation, how to calm down? It's actually very easy to do. Psychologists offer three simple but ironclad exercises that will help relieve nervous tension in just one minute.

Our daily life is that on our ways There are constantly various pitfalls, whirlpools, and obstacles. Everything that interferes with our measured life path and makes us nervous, leading us first to irritation and then to stress.
But there is no need to despair. There are three simple ones rules, which can easily help restore peace of mind and help you forget about nervous worries.

The first method is as follows - in visualization. In order to calm down and stop being nervous, you need to imagine a virtual image in your mind. Everyone knows that with the help of vision we receive most of information about the world around us. According to scientists, the best image to recreate it in your own mind is a combination of water and white.

In order to quickly calm down, necessary sit down, relax, quickly restore your breathing. Then you need to close your eyes and imagine white cool water in front of you. Note that the water should not be transparent, but white.

First you need to imagine that it is water reaches top of your head, you have to imagine the coolness from the touch of water. Then the water seems to flow down onto your eyes, lips, shoulders, chest, and, in the end, white covers you completely: from your heels to the top of your head. You need to clearly imagine the coolness of the water and enjoy it for about thirty seconds.

After this, you need to imagine how this water slowly flows off you onto the floor and goes into the funnel. You need to very clearly imagine the funnel in your imagination. This is where all your problems and causes of stress go. After this, you need to take a deep breath and open your eyes.

Relieve tension second way better in the bathroom. If you are wearing a tie or scarf around your neck, it is better to take them off. You need to wet your hands with cool water, and slowly, slowly touch your neck, first with one hand, then with both. It is necessary to gently rub your neck and shoulders with your hand, gradually increasing the pressure of your fingers. After about forty seconds, you need to achieve maximum pressure with your fingers on your neck. After reaching the peak, you should begin to gradually reduce the pressure and finish with a light and gentle touch. After such a massage, you need to rinse your neck again with cool water.
This exercise is perfect fits for the fair half of humanity, since their neck is more sensitive than that of men.

And finally, the last third exercise. It takes less than a minute.
You need to pick up a piece rough fabric, a towel will do, but the coarser the better. Take a deep breath and squeeze the towel in your hands as hard as you can, twisting it as if squeezing it. Note that it is very important that the towel is dry. Twist it with all the strength you have, clench your teeth, close your eyes tightly, tense all your muscles as much as possible. And then suddenly unclench your hands and drop the towel on the floor. After this exercise, you will feel completely relaxed, especially in the neck and arms.

All these exercises simple. They will help you quickly come to your senses and calm down in any situation, no matter what it is - an important meeting, a performance on stage or an exciting date.
The main thing is to take care of yours nerves and remember that there are actually very few things in the world that are truly worth worrying about.


If left untreated, stress can have four consequences: cognitive, subjective, behavioral and physiological. The first includes decreased performance, inability to concentrate on a task, and decreased attention. TO subjective consequences may include bad mood, aggression, weakness and anxiety, low self-esteem, fatigue. The most common behavioral consequences of stress are alcoholism, smoking, overeating, drug addiction, increased risk of accidents, and emotional instability. The latter direction is characterized by increased pressure, dilated pupils, increased blood sugar and an unreasonable feeling of heat or cold.

The danger of stress lies in the fact that each person has his own level that he can tolerate. So, for one person, some factor may seem like a trifle that does not require attention, but for another person this same factor will turn out to be a severe nervous shock. It is worth noting that the mechanism of stress and breakdown in all people is almost identical. It is also very important that there is group stress, which occurs when an entire group finds itself in unfavorable conditions.

As a result of studying stress, it was determined that more than 50% of residents of the Russian Federation are in a state of stress. However, 80% of them suffer chronic form stress. To reduce this indicator, you need to know how to strengthen the nervous system and get rid of stress.

First of all, you need to reconsider your vigor and sleep patterns. First you need to listen to desire own body. If getting up at 6 am is unrealistic for you, then if possible, don’t get up. Perhaps you are simply one of the percentage of people who produce cortisol not between 4 and 5 a.m., but a little later.

But if getting up early is important to you, then reconsider the time you need to go to bed. Lack of sleep even for 1 hour can lead to impairment in the long term. cerebral circulation, increased risk of heart attack and stroke, diabetes mellitus and violations by immune system. In addition, already in 2007, scientists from the University of California proved that as a result of lack of sleep, an irrational psycho-emotional response to the world around us.

If you are wondering how to strengthen your nervous system, then most likely you have already noticed increased anxiety and nervousness. To overcome the general deterioration of your condition, resentment towards others and yourself, the desire to eat all your problems, go to bed before 24 hours. It has been proven that in the presence of neurasthenia, a person feels worse at night. Falling asleep by this time, you may not experience emotional stress. In addition, neurophysiologists believe that if you fall asleep before 00, the brain rests much better.

Try to go for a walk every day fresh air. Saturation of cells with oxygen and additional activity will only have a positive effect on the entire body. In addition, find a set of exercises to perform daily. You should not pay attention to sports in its full understanding. Exercise should be more of a light exercise.

Sex will help you overcome stress. But this method of strengthening the nervous system is worth paying attention to if your partner is permanent. Otherwise, fickle connections can only bring unnecessary problems and stress.

Review your diet. Do not neglect foods that are rich in iodine. Their deficiency may contribute to decreased function thyroid gland which can lead to lethargy, bad mood, fatigue and decreased performance. You can't overeat. If you notice this habit, then start counting calories or at least writing down everything you eat in a diary. In addition, there is a whole series foods that help strengthen the nervous system: seafood, lean meat, fish, beef liver, cottage cheese, asparagus, citrus fruits, banana, greens and unpolished grains.

Water treatments can perfectly help strengthen the nervous system and get rid of stress. They help like regular baths at a comfortable temperature (36-37oC) with the addition of sea ​​salt or essential oils, or without them. Hot tubs can also help relieve stress. This procedure is also commonly called a pearl bath. This massage of many bubbles can help relieve muscle tightness.

Can be used contrast shower and Charcot's shower. Thanks to a stream of water affecting certain areas of the skin, the nervous and vascular systems person. As a result, chronic fatigue syndrome and other symptoms disappear depressive disorders.

If possible, it would be a good idea to visit the bathhouse. It’s not for nothing that it is believed that this will help cleanse not only the body, but also the soul. A bathhouse implies a whole range of activities, a certain ritual that can relieve nervous tension.

If the above methods fail to get rid of stress, then you can try using breathing exercises. There are several methods. Strelnikova’s gymnastics and the Buteyko method are considered popular. Exercise can have an impact on sympathetic division nervous system. Deep and slow breathing can calm you down. And some adherents respiratory system claim that the methods can save a person even from bronchial asthma. It is better to perform exercises using the Buteyko method using a video. Otherwise, you may practice using the wrong technique.

If financial capabilities allow, then a relaxing massage will help strengthen the nervous system. It is best if it is performed by a professional. But you can also practice self-massage. Another way to get rid of stress is meditation. But here it is necessary to delve deeply into the technology that came to us from Hinduism. As a result of certain postures, the presence of special music, favorable smells, meditation allows you to detach yourself from problems and find peace. Everything that seemed like a problem, thanks to meditation, can become insignificant and not requiring special attention.

If none of the above methods to overcome stress and strengthen the nervous system have helped, then you should think about the possibility of taking medical psychological help.

“People who don’t deal with anxiety die young.”


If you carefully think about the well-worn cliche “everything”, then it becomes clear why these nerves need to be strengthened, and the nervous system needs to be trained, toned and stimulated. So that there is no disease, but there is health.

Connected by one goal, bound by one chain...

Body and psyche are connected like lovebirds. Every change inside is reflected outside. And, on the contrary, everything external turns around internal state. It is not for nothing that there is such a direction in medicine as psychosomatics, which tries to establish a clear connection between the course of mental processes and their influence on the physiological state of a person.

All this in the near future may come back to haunt us with serious problems that will radically affect the quality of life. It will change and, as is clear, not for the better.

The question “why strengthen your nerves” is clear as day. Mental nerves need the same care and training as the body. Then the person will be harmoniously healthy (physically and mentally). And health is a guarantee of a full, active and active life.

There are a great many methods for strengthening the nervous system and psyche, and they can be roughly divided into 2 groups: training for the body and training for the psyche. Let's focus on the first group.

Strengthen the body to calm the nerves and psyche

You can strengthen your body, nerves and psyche if you follow these recommendations:

  1. You need to train your body leveling up physical activity . Movement is life. This is easy to see with an example deceased. As Vysotsky sang: “Everyone ran away from the noise and scream, only the dead man did not run away.” All living things must move, and as actively as possible. During running or vigorous walking, all the stress hormones we have accumulated are intensively consumed by the body. They are stress hormones to help run away from fear and danger, and not lie in their way (or on the sofa).
  2. Nutrition is a matter of principle. Correct! Food is a responsible matter and should not be approached in a hurry. The principle of nutrition for the glory of health is to provide the body with everything necessary substances, vitamins, minerals, amino acids.
    Just filling your stomach with whatever you have to on the go is wrong. And the echo of spells: “don’t overeat”, “don’t eat at night”, “don’t abuse” never ceases in the air.
  3. Be gone, unhealthy addictions. Instead of breakfast - coffee with a cigarette... This ritual makes you wake up in the morning, serving as a light tonic. You can stop there. And it’s best to completely quit smoking, drinking, using stimulants and other destructive habits. The short exciting effect of nicotine is replaced by a phase of sharp inhibition. To get a new portion of vigor and tone the brain, one cigarette is followed by another, a third... But the excitation phase is becoming shorter and shorter, and the inhibition phase is longer. At a certain stage, the body no longer reacts with a flash of excitement. Instead of a short tonic charge, the smoker begins to experience fatigue, irritation, weakness and drowsiness. It's the same with coffee. After the next portion, it no longer gives a boost of energy, but takes away the last one.
  4. Hardening and winter swimming. Water is an indispensable condition for existence. Aquatic environment- these are dozens of ways to strengthen nervous system. Hardening creates an “impenetrable” immunity, invigorates, forces the body to “wake up” and withdraw its reserves. Winter swimming is an extreme form of hardening. It seems strange, but “walruses” are surprisingly healthy and balanced people. Such a powerful physiological stress, which the body receives when immersed in an ice hole, will launch all your armored trains standing on the sidings.
  5. Bath and sauna– a recognized method for cleansing the body and soul. High temperatures, hot steam in combination with a birch broom very quickly cures any blues, and the grateful body responds with pleasant languor, relaxation and cleared consciousness.
  6. IN water you need not only to swim, harden and steam. It also needs to be correct and in sufficient quantities drink. The 8 glasses method is widely known. If you believe the primary sources, then exactly this volume of water should pass through the channels of our body per day, washing it, clearing mucus from the intestinal walls, removing decay products and organizing the correct water balance.
  7. Massage, self-massage– the most powerful remedy against all sorts of ailments. The trouble is that the body gradually loses flexibility and joint mobility. Metabolic processes go poorly, stagnation and tension appear in the muscles. Powerful self-massage until you break out in a sweat will perfectly disperse stagnant blood and strengthen metabolic processes, will give you vigor and a sea of ​​energy.
  8. Sleep and rest area. Deep, healthy sleep will help strengthen the nervous system. In sleep, the body is restored, renewed cells, the brain rests. Lack of sleep, shallow sleep, frequent awakenings, waking up early quickly weakens the nervous system. A person becomes lethargic, apathetic, dull, has difficulty thinking and concentrating. In communication, lack of sleep manifests itself in outbreaks of irritation and aggression. You need to sleep with all sources of noise turned off: TV, telephone, radio, computer. The sleeping room should be well ventilated. Coffee and smoking breaks before bed will destroy your good intentions, because... have the property of overexciting the nervous system. Sleep in the dark. Darkness is a condition for the production of melatonin (the hormone of calm and sleep). If you are already used to falling asleep to the sound and light of the TV, get out of the habit. Screen flickering and flashes of light interfere with the production of the sleepy hormone.
  9. Nature– another natural assistant in creating a strong psyche and a healthy nervous system. The calmest and most harmonious people are tourists of all stripes. Hiking, water, cycling tourism is a wonderful and natural way relax the nervous system. Nature heals itself. All you have to do is get out of the city, sit by the river and watch the sun reflect in the water. You will return home peaceful and spiritualized. Communication with nature can not only easily recreate the psyche, but also treat severe physical ailments.

Healthy food for nerves - eat and relax!

Nutritionists have created special diet for those who want to stop worrying and start living. Without the substances and microelements necessary for a person, which he receives for dining table, nerve cells do not cope with their tasks in full.

Lack of magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine weakens the nervous system and its interaction with internal organs.

Magnesium – necessary element, responsible for relaxing muscles, transmitting and receiving nerve impulses. His sources:

  • mineral waters;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • beans;
  • wheat bran.

Eat oatmeal, pearl barley, millet, and buckwheat more often. These cereals contain large reserves of magnesium.

Phosphorus is a trace element that reduces muscle tension and tones the nervous system. It is found in organ meats, milk, beans and cereals.

Calcium is a regulator of neuromuscular impulses. Despite all its importance for the strength of bones and teeth, the nerves need it no less. And sometimes even more. In such cases, the body “removes” it from the bones, directing it to where it is most needed. Sources of calcium:

  • dairy products;
  • cabbage of all varieties and spinach;
  • nuts;
  • poppy and sesame seeds;
  • soybeans and wheat.

Potassium – promotes the coordinated functioning of muscles and nerves, serves as a prevention of depression and. The lack of potassium is compensated for by enriching your table with plant and dairy products, as well as low-fat varieties meat and fish.

  • vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, melons, watermelons, bananas);
  • dried fruits (figs, raisins, prunes);
  • cereals ( wheat flour and bran, rye bread, oatmeal and buckwheat);
  • nuts (walnuts, pine, peanuts, almonds);
  • meat and fish (beef, rabbit, tuna, flounder, cod).

Iron – provides full-time job thyroid gland, responsible for normal metabolism and formation nerve fibers. There is a lot of iron in meat and liver. Any meat is suitable, and the darker it is, the more iron contains.

The following products are rich in this element:

  • river fish, sea fish, seafood;
  • eggs (chicken, duck, quail);
  • fruits, dried fruits;
  • green vegetables;
  • bread and cereals.

Iodine is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones. A deficiency of the hormone thyroxine causes serious illnesses exchange. Violation hormonal balance– apathy, lethargy, depression, chronic fatigue and irritable weakness. The lack of iodine is compensated by adding seaweed, sea fish and seafood to the diet.

Foods for the nervous system that make us happy:

Vitamins and sedatives for nerves

To strengthen the nervous system and psyche, certain vitamins and medications are needed.

Nerves react very favorably to vitamin B and very poorly to its deficiency.

The most convenient way is to purchase an inexpensive package of Pentovit. This is a blister of 50 tablets that contain the entire group of this vitamin.

B vitamins lower levels, relieve stress, normalize mood and even restore nerve cells. They improve thought processes, strengthen memory, give vigor and efficiency.

Vitamin C copes well with stress and improves mood. Vitamin E calms the nervous system. Vitamin A slows down the aging of nerve cells, improves sleep; its deficiency will lead to lethargy, fatigue and some general lethargy.

Tinctures, herbal mixtures, syrups, drops and tablets are the main forms of sedatives

Novo-Passit syrup is more appropriate for mild forms of neurosis, it makes it easier to fall asleep and soothes.

Valocordin, Valoserdin drops, Zelenin drops reduce central nervous system excitation and have a sedative and hypnotic effect. Also these funds remove vegetative-vascular symptoms.

The best tablets that restore the balance between inhibition and excitation of the nervous system are:

  • Glycine;
  • Persen;
  • Donormil.

But the first thing you need to do to strengthen your nervous system is to stop being nervous about every reason and without it, here’s how to do it:

“Lord, give me the strength to change what I can change, give me the courage not to worry where nothing depends on me and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.” This prayer is excellent advice for those who are constantly nervous about everything. There is no need to be nervous, you just need to study your problems. And act according to this appeal.

It is also worth remembering that:

Everyone should know how to strengthen the nervous system, because none of us is immune from. Overwork, chronic lack of sleep, stress, poor ecology - these are some of the most important and important factors, negatively affecting our psyche and nerves. When “nerves are to hell”, you don’t want anything, there is only one desire left - to restore your nerves, so that the desire for life returns, and a positive worldview improves. That's why your favorite site useful tips the site will tell you today about how to restore the nervous system.

How to strengthen the nervous system at home

The most the best way recovery is rest. Certainly ideal option- is to go on vacation to warm countries near the sea. Sea air, the sound of the surf, clean air and the gentle sun have a positive effect on a person’s psycho-emotional health. That's why we always return after vacation full of strength and energy. If it is not possible to get out for so long and far, but you need to give yourself a break, go to the country or just for a long walk in nature on your day off. Beautiful nature, greenery and birdsong away from the bustle of the city will help you recover and gain strength. Colorful and delicate flowers will help restore your nerves; delivery of inexpensive flowers in Moscow is a great way to cheer yourself up and do something pleasant to a loved one.

You must understand and remember that to restore the nervous system without good sleep it won't work. 8 hours of sleep daily is enough for the body, but you should not deprive yourself of precious hours of rest under any circumstances. At chronic lack of sleep a person’s memory deteriorates, nervousness increases, immunity decreases, and processes premature aging brain

Correct way to restore your nerves balanced diet. It is especially important for women. Your diet should always contain fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries, with the help of which the body will draw healthy vitamins and minerals. For mental health and a sense of calm, seafood consumption is important because sea ​​fish rich in essential polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3. In addition to seafood, this substance is found in olive and linseed oil, and in some quantities in fruits and vegetables. Don't limit your intake meat products Protein is important for a person's solid emotional health. Give preference chicken meat, turkey meat, as well as beef.

Try to rest on time, eat well, get rid of bad habits, and then your nerves will be in perfect order.

Folk remedies

The recipes given below have proven themselves well as folk remedies for strengthening nerves.

Composition 1

Mix 100 grams of calamus root with the same amount of mullein flowers and 100 grams of mint. Using a coffee grinder, grind the herbs to a fine powder. Two tablespoons herbal collection pour two glasses of boiling water. It is advisable to prepare the decoction in the evening in a thermos, and then after brewing overnight, the product will be ready for use in the morning. In the morning, strain the infusion and take half a glass four times a day on an empty stomach.

Composition 2

Pour two tablespoons of centaury herb into a thermos with two glasses of boiling water. Also, let the broth brew until the morning, strain in the morning and take four times a day on an empty stomach.

Composition 3

During the period when honeysuckle begins to bloom, pick some of its branches for yourself to strengthen the nervous system. Using a coffee grinder or blender, grind the branches to flour. Pour one teaspoon of chopped honeysuckle branches with a glass of boiling water, simmer the broth over low heat for five minutes. Remove from heat and strain. Honeysuckle decoction is taken one tablespoon three times a day.

Strengthening a teenager's nerves

Children often have increased nervousness due to a lack of vitamins and minerals. certain group. So children are most susceptible nervous exhaustion when there is a lack of calcium in their body. With a lack of calcium, the child becomes more irritable, nervous and restless. Of course, you can give your child a vitamin complex that contains calcium, but you shouldn’t forget about good nutrition. IN daily diet The child's diet must include dairy products.

A lack of B vitamins contributes to rapid fatigue and excessive excitement in children. To improve a child’s attention, increase his performance and strengthen his nerves, it is necessary to include foods with high content B vitamins. These are foods such as meat, seafood, beans and dairy products.

Remember that a child will quickly get tired and be inattentive during the day if he has not had a hearty and nutritious breakfast. Don't forget to give your child a handful of nuts in the morning to strengthen his nerves. But dinner should be lighter, and the evening meal should take place no later than three hours before bedtime, so that the child does not go to bed early. full stomach, otherwise there can be no question of any proper rest at night.

Nothing will help strengthen a child’s nerves as well as rest and entertainment. Spend time outdoors with your child more often, take family outings into nature, where you can play outdoor games. During the holidays, the child should rest; do not overload him with tasks if you see that he is tired. Make sure that your offspring does not spend a lot of time on the computer playing games. Computer battles are very overloading baby brain and psyche, which does not help strengthen the nervous system. And only such a comprehensive approach (nutritious balanced nutrition, intake vitamin complex and proper rest) will help strengthen your child’s nervous system. ­

We can't escape stress. But you can learn to strengthen your nerves and quickly normalize your psyche. This will help avoid serious complications and chronic illnesses. Modern techniques, medicinal preparations and folk remedies will help balance the state of mind.

Professor Katsuzo Nishi considers nervous strength to be a source of enthusiasm and happiness. He developed 7 "rules strong man", which will help restore, accumulate and maintain nerve health:

  1. Don't be afraid to face your fears. Exposed, they leave forever.
  2. Be determined to let go of the burden of past failures. This will help quickly restore peace of mind.
  3. To conserve your energy, learn to let go of resentment.
  4. Think only about good things. The nervous system cannot withstand the onslaught of negative thoughts.
  5. Do not deny yourself daily pleasures. A trip to the theater, a meeting with friends, an interesting book - all this restores spiritual harmony.
  6. Help people. This way you can improve your relationship with them. Remember: love and friendship are the best prevention for the psyche.
  7. Constantly tell yourself that everything is fine with you. This is important for recovery internal balance and strengthening the nerves.

By following these rules, you can quickly correct your lost mental balance and strengthen your central nervous system.

How to improve brain function with vitamins

CNS cells need proper nutrition. The most important role it contains vitamins of the following groups:

  1. A – prolongs the youth of the body, strengthens the membranes of neurons; its sources are egg yolk, dried apricots, carrots, red meat.
  2. B1, B6, B12 – vitamins that restore metabolism, strengthen stress resistance, improve sleep and mood; found in cereals seaweed, nuts, beans, bananas, liver, potatoes, prunes, seafood, beef.
  3. C – gives strength, helps increase resistance to disease, strengthens nerve cells; Citrus fruits, melons, spinach, and tomatoes are considered storehouses of this vitamin;
  4. D – is responsible for a positive attitude, promotes exit from; contained in egg yolk, butter, fish oil.
  5. E – saturates the brain with oxygen, allowing you to quickly recover from stress; Foods rich in this vitamin: sunflower oil, nuts, eggs.

Strengthening the nervous system with minerals

In addition to vitamins, normal brain function requires a complex of microelements. It includes:

  • phosphorus is a neuron generator found in cucumbers, beans, eggs, fish, mushrooms, and wheat grains;
  • sulfur is a source of oxygen contained in cucumbers, almonds, radishes, garlic, strawberries, and onions;
  • zinc is a natural antidepressant extracted by nerve cells from sprouted wheat and bran;
  • calcium is a mineral that helps restore nerve cells in muscles; Dairy products, many fruits and vegetables are rich in calcium;
  • iron is a substance that ensures the restoration of energy balance; found in mushrooms, fish, apples, green vegetables;
  • magnesium is a nerve calmer found in almonds, chocolate, and chicory.

How to cure neurosis with medications

Modern pharmacology has a large arsenal of drugs that are ready to help the nervous system return to normal. It’s just important not to self-medicate.

Medicines prescribed for neuroses:

  • Barbovalum – an effective fighter against nervous tension and high blood pressure
  • Valocordin is a drug that saves you from fears and relieves anxiety
  • Adaptol – a medicine against anxiety and irritability with a hypnotic effect
  • Afobazol is a medication for adults that improves attention and memory, prevents dizziness, and relieves stress.

Is it possible to treat nerves with folk remedies?

After have a hard day It is quite possible to recover with the help of folk remedies. To do this, you can take the following actions:

  • take a bath with essential oils and sea salt;
  • drink tea with lemon balm or mint;
  • prevent insomnia with a tincture of hop cones with honey.

How to strengthen a child's nervous system

Training a child’s resistance to various stress factors is the task of wise parents. The child’s nervous system is still weak: it needs reliable protection. It is impossible to protect a child from all problems, but to teach him to adapt to unfavorable conditions possible and necessary.

Here are the skills that a child should acquire before school:

  • the art of self-hypnosis, driving away “bad” thoughts and obsessive childhood fears;
  • relaxation techniques that allow you to unwind after stress;
  • art therapy, which helps to throw out negativity on a piece of paper while drawing.


I usually calm down with herbal teas. Now I actively use the BIO line from Evalar. There are 2 soothing tea- morning and evening. I like the evening one better - after it I sleep like a groundhog)))

Comment on the article "How to strengthen the nervous system"

The nervous systems of all women are approximately the same. And how did they live during the war with such nerves or in Stalin’s camps? The lyceums will not go anywhere, but we need to take care of our nerves. How to strengthen the nervous system. How to relieve stress: vitamins, minerals and advice from a psychologist.

Yes and also nervous parents. Please advise how I can put my daughter’s nervous system in order? Now I understand that it was necessary to wait a few more years for adoption, but Kolya caused very significant damage to the health and nervous system of his household.

How to strengthen the nervous system. Strengthening the nervous system minerals Is it possible to treat nerves? folk remedies? How to strengthen a child's nervous system. How to treat nerves????

Diseases, symptoms and their treatment: tests, diagnosis, doctor, medicines, health. Treated by psychotherapists and psychiatrists. A girl I know took antidepressants for 2 years and at the same time went to a psychologist for sessions.

Of course the nervous system is shaky. For those born at 7 months there should generally be special treatment. How to strengthen the nervous system. Strengthening the nervous system with minerals How to cure neurosis with medications How to harden...

Nervous tic - need advice. A child (6 years old) often squints (blinks his eyes) + increased intracranial pressure. We have been treating Diacarb + Asparkan for 1.5 months - no results yet. We were at the appointment today, they said continue to drink for another month. Girls, maybe someone has had this...

And they were traditionally offered folk remedies at the pharmacy. Home remedies will not help here; you need an examination and medications. Is it possible to treat nerves with folk remedies?

Try to find this, maybe you sell a similar system, or maybe you can order it directly from the manufacturers, I have no idea how much it costs; We have friends who used a similar system, the last time I talked to my mother she said that her daughter was not...

Health without drugs. Which is better? Folk remedies or medical drugs? Diseases, symptoms and their treatment: tests How to strengthen a child’s nervous system But chemicals I don’t want it in the form of tablets, drops or sprays from the pharmacy... Discussion.

How to strengthen the nervous system. Strengthening the nervous system with minerals. How to strengthen a child's nervous system. We can't escape stress. What can a newborn do?

Caring for elderly relatives, relationships, treatment, caregivers, conflict situations, help, grandparents. Sonapax is also often prescribed - it is both harmless and more modern medicine- but it didn’t suit us - it didn’t improve the situation at all.

who calms the nerves? My nervous system doesn't handle the load well. Strengthening the nervous system with minerals How to cure neurosis with medications Is it possible to treat nerves with folk remedies?

How to strengthen the nervous system. Strengthening the nervous system with minerals Is it possible to treat nerves with folk remedies? How to strengthen a child's nervous system.

Are you sure it's the nervous system? Maybe what other one was meant? But you asked to talk not about hardening in order not to get sick, but about strengthening the nervous system - hence some bewilderment.

Please tell me the names of medications to calm the nervous system for adults. I read here often, but I don’t remember the names. And the search doesn’t work. I sat for a long time strong drugs, they only make it worse later.

Well, I’ll tell you, I coped with terrible depression and nervous breakdowns after my dad's death only thanks to homeopathy. By the way, a medicine like Hell is pseudo-homeopathy, not classical homeopathy. And after them it is more difficult for a classical homeopath to help you...

How to treat nerves???? Tell me, friends, what should I drink to relieve my nerves? My husband walks around all nervous, constantly worried about work. the slightest difficulty immediately causes great nerves, does not sleep properly, can this cause nerves to be treated with folk remedies?

A neuropathologist had a syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability. She prescribed herbs, glycine and pantogam. Yesterday I read in the newspaper about a massage for children that relieves nervous tension, stress. head massage only.

Section: Pharmacies, medicines and vitamins ( sleeping pills over the counter). Is it possible to treat nerves with folk remedies? How to harden a child’s nervous system But you don’t want to use chemicals in the form of tablets, drops and sprays from the pharmacy...

Calcium and the nervous system. Girls, could you tell me if there is any connection between a lack of calcium and an “unstable” nervous system (I probably didn’t say it quite right, but nothing else comes to mind). We're talking about 1.5 one year old child allergic to everything...