What is the best way to boost immunity for an adult and what not to do? Healthy children mean happy parents, or how to increase a child’s immunity using folk remedies at home: a selection of the best classical and original methods.

Any living organism that can resist various infections of viral or bacterial origin has immunity. Its origin can be either congenital or acquired. After chickenpox, for example, a person develops acquired immunity (and for life). Congenital may weaken due to some factors. How to improve immunity, that is, increase the resistance of our body infectious diseases, and will be discussed below.

Ways to boost immunity

According to theory official medicine healthy immunity is formed as a result of a balanced diet and healthy image life. Well, if there is still a lack of vitamins, then use pharmaceutical drugs and dietary supplements.

Traditional healers consider this issue much more broadly. They claim it's good immune system is formed from a person’s faith in himself and his good future, from his mood and personal qualities(give and receive), from his love for others and the whole world. Healthy Products and vitamins will not help if your attitude towards life is wrong.

There are also many foods and substances that help improve the body's resistance. So, how to boost your immunity? There are several simple and accessible ways.

Folk remedies for immunity

Nature created large number substances and plants that actively influence the improvement of the immune system. Traditional healers recommend using proven remedies such as propolis, dead bee, honey, bee bread, mumiyo, fruits, nuts, oats, garlic and many others. In all recipes, unless otherwise recommended, the medication is taken three times a day, preferably half an hour before meals.


Strengthen children's health and help improve the well-being of adults biological substances oats:

  • Half a glass of well-washed oat grains should be filled with water in the amount of one and a half liters overnight. In the morning, the infused grains are boiled in the same water for 1.5 hours. The boiling should not be violent, so the fire is kept very low. Store the strained broth only in the cold and for no more than 2 days. For children, the daily dosage starts at 1 hour. l. (6 months), one-year-old babies 1 tbsp will be required. l., two years old - 2 tbsp. l., from 5 years – 100 ml. Adults require 200 ml per day. Duration of use for positive result 1 month
  • You can make a decoction with milk instead of water. Wash well cold water a glass of grains and pour boiled milk. Take 4 glasses. The poured oats are kept on the fire for 2 minutes and left to brew for half an hour. A well-strained and squeezed decoction is taken one glass at a time. They drink it for two months, and then stop for 30 days and repeat the course. Children are given half a glass.


Here are two recipes for using chaga:

  • A piece of washed dried mushroom is poured into a small container with boiled water. Let it be completely covered with it and stand overnight. Next, the soaked body of the mushroom is ground and placed in the same water, but only heated to about 500C. The proportion of liquid and chaga should be 5:1. All this must be infused for 2 days, and then the infusion must be strained, thoroughly squeezing the mass. You should check the volume of liquid; if it is less than the original, then add as much cold water and also boiled water as needed. The product can be stored for 4 days in the cold. One-time dose – 1 glass. You can be treated for up to 5 months, with a mandatory break of 10 days between each of them.
  • The second option can be used for children. A collection is made from 2 parts of chaga, 1 part each of nettle leaves, angelica root and marigolds, add half a part each of dandelion and knikus roots. Mix all ingredients, pre-grinding. Take a tablespoon of the mixture and pour it into a container, pour it with cold water in a volume equal to 250 ml. Leave it overnight, and in the morning everything should be boiled and left (wrapped up) to steep for about half an hour. To a small child You should drink a quarter glass, the older person should drink half a glass. Take the drug an hour after eating.

Attention, nursing mothers, pregnant women, patients with dysentery and those with intolerance should not take this remedy.


This mountain resin consists of more than 80 components. Among them are vitamins, essential oils, resins, phospholipids, steroids, organic and fatty acids, alkaloids, macro- and microelements. Such a rich organomineral complex allows the use of mumiyo as a means of increasing immunity and improving hormonal levels.

Because this substance has a strong biostimulatory effect, it should not be used for a long time, as addiction is possible. Shilajit should not be used by people with bleeding, tumors and high blood pressure, as well as small children, nursing and pregnant women. How to boost your immunity folk remedies based on mumiyo, is given below:

  • Taking 7 g of mumiyo, dissolve it in a small volume of water so that a paste is obtained. Mix it with half a kilo of honey and use it for 20 days. Afterwards they take a ten-day break and continue the course for another 20 days. One-time dosage is a tablespoon. The product is stored in the cold.
  • For this recipe you will need mumiyo (5g), aloe leaves (100g), lemons (3 pcs.). The leaves are crushed and the juice is squeezed out of the lemons. All ingredients are mixed and left for a day. The dose is the same as in the previous recipe.
  • You can simply dissolve mumiyo (2 g) in heated water (10 tbsp) and take one tablespoon at a time. So they use the product for 10 days, and then take a break for 5 days and continue for the same amount.

Bay leaf

The famous seasoning can help not only in cooking, but also in improving health. Laurel has many beneficial properties, such as healing wounds, eliminating inflammation, improving digestion, fighting germs, lowering blood sugar and even eliminating the effects of stress. But, like most drugs, it also has contraindications. Thus, bay leaf should not be used during periods of exacerbation of kidney diseases, problems with the liver and cardiovascular system, and also if there is a disorder of protein metabolism. Do not use it in large quantities during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The recipe calls for boiling the bay leaves for 5 minutes. You will only need 5 g of them per 300 ml of water. The broth must be left to steep in a thermos for 4 hours. For one day, only a tablespoon of strained infusion is required. Treatment is carried out for 3 days, then there is a break for a period of 2 weeks and the course is repeated.


Folk remedies for improving immunity based on ginger root are very popular. A large number of substances included in its composition have, first of all, immunostimulating, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, as well as antispasmodic, adaptogenic and sedative effect. Despite the benefits of the plant, it has some negative properties and therefore in some cases it is better not to use it, namely:

  • children under 2 years old;
  • lactation period;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • gallstone disease.

The root can be used simply as an additive to teas, infusions, various dishes to improve disease resistance, or prepared according to special recipes:

  • Immunostimulating drink. 2 cm of root are cleaned, and top layer remove as thinly as possible. The surface layer contains the highest concentration of useful substances. Finely grate the prepared piece, add it to boiling water (2 liters) over low heat and cook for 10 minutes. Add half a lemon and sugar (2 cups) to the finished drink. If there is no allergy, then sugar can be replaced with honey for greater benefits. Use the product twice a day, half a glass or 200 ml.
  • Delicious medicine. Ginger can be combined with other foods that have similar action: freshly grated root (200 g), ground lemons with peel (2 pcs.), chopped dried apricots and figs (100 g each), a glass of mashed cranberries, honey (200 ml). Everything is mixed and used one teaspoon at a time. You can drink tea.

For those who have weak immunity, strengthening with folk remedies from propolis will be a suitable option, if there are no allergies.


Bees produce propolis for “household needs” in the hive. It contains a large amount of plant resins, essential oils, wax and tannins. This composition helps bees disinfect their homes. The product also has a good effect on strengthening defenses human body. Used as a preventative and stimulant. Infusions and tinctures are made from propolis:

  • For the tincture, chilled propolis is broken into small crumbs and poured with alcohol. The recipe uses 300 ml of alcohol and 80 g of propolis. The bottle for tincture should be made of dark glass. The product is infused for two weeks, and during this time it must be shaken thoroughly every day. Use the tincture by adding a few drops to drinks (tea, juice, milk, water).
  • For children, an infusion is made with water, but it can be stored for no more than a week. Grated propolis (30 g) is placed in water (1/2 cup) and boiled in a water bath for an hour. It must be stirred during the cooking process. The finished strained infusion is placed in the cold. It is enough to add 15 drops of the product to your drink to improve your health.

You can also boost your immunity using folk remedies using other beekeeping products.

Honey and bee bread

Honey has always been considered effective means in the fight against colds and other diseases. Vitamins, minerals, folic acid and other beneficial substances contained in honey help prevent diseases and increase the body's resistance.

Plant pollen collected by bees is put into honeycombs, filled with honey, and after some time turns into bee bread. It consists of more than 250 various substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Beekeepers who regularly consume bee bread enjoy good health and long life.

It should be noted that beekeeping products can cause allergies and therefore their use must begin with small doses. Children are given them only after one year. There may be contraindications, especially with diabetes mellitus or oncology.

Take honey and bee bread in combination, mixing one to one. Take one teaspoon at a time and wash it down with a small amount. warm water. For children, you should start with a quarter teaspoon, gradually increasing the dose with age. At 14 years old, this should already be half the adult norm.

Dead bees

Bees that naturally die in the hive (in small numbers) are called dead. The bodies of dead insects contain so many useful substances that they become an excellent tool for rejuvenating the body and increasing immunity.

The most suitable for treatment will be individuals that died between spring and autumn. It is necessary to check the dead meat for freshness; if there is mold or there is a bad smell, then it is unacceptable to use it. It is better not to use it for pregnant and lactating women; it should not be used to treat children under 10 years of age.

Strengthening the immune system traditional methods based on dead bees:

  • Ceiling 2 tbsp. l. bees and pour a glass of vodka or alcohol. Let it brew for 2 weeks. The tincture is well filtered and used twice a day, 20 drops. Course duration is 2 months.
  • You can dry the dead fruit in the oven and grind it into powder. First, take ½ part of a teaspoon and, gradually increasing the amount, bring it to full. Drink with water. The number of doses per day is the same as in the first option.
  • They also do this: they fry the dead meat in oil and, after cooling, chop it. Accept as above.


Not everyone likes garlic, but many of its components tend to boost immunity. True, there are diseases for which its use is prohibited:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Pregnant women and children under 3 years of age are not recommended to use garlic.

Recipes for using garlic:

  • Take garlic and honey in equal parts and mix. The garlic is pre-chopped. At one time you need a teaspoon of the mixture. Wash it down warm water.
  • You can make garlic syrup. To do this, squeeze the juice out of two heads of garlic, add ground lemon and half a kilo of honey. This syrup can be given to children one tablespoon at a time.
  • Children are also recommended to drink a glass of milk with 10 drops before bedtime. garlic juice. For younger age the number of drops is reduced.

There are folk remedies for boosting immunity that both children and adults like.

Fruit and vegetable recipes

Many famous fruits and vegetables provide benefits to the body. You just need to use them correctly:

  • Take half a kilo of crushed cranberries, a glass of finely chopped walnuts and 3 apples, cut into cubes with skin. All ingredients are placed in a saucepan and 0.5 kg of sugar is added. Pour it all over with a glass of water and put it on low heat. The mixture just needs to be boiled. To avoid burning, it is better to stir constantly. The finished fruit mix is ​​placed in a glass container and taken a tablespoon at a time. Children are given a teaspoon. Use fruit mixture Can be done twice a day with tea.
  • Mixing vegetables and fruit juices You can also strengthen your immune system. Fresh juices are made from carrots, beets, pomegranates and lemons. Vegetables take 1.5 kg, fruits per kilogram. All juices are poured into one bowl and a kilogram of honey is added. The drink is used internally, half a glass in the morning and the same amount in the evening.
  • Another delicious recipe Children always like it. For it, walnuts (300 g), dried apricots (150 g) and honey (150 g) are used. Dried apricots and nuts are ground and mixed with honey. It is better to store in the refrigerator. In between meals, eat a full teaspoon and the same before bedtime. When the prepared portion is finished, the next one can be made in a month.
  • You can add raisins and lemons to the above recipe. Then you will need 5 lemons, a kilogram of dried apricots, raisins, honey and nuts. Everything is twisted in a meat grinder (lemons with skins) and thoroughly mixed with honey. Store everything in a non-oxidizing container in the cold. Take two teaspoons per dose.

Raising immunity using folk remedies can also be done with the help of various herbs.

Herbal Recipes

The following recipes will help improve the body's resistance:

  • In the summer, herbs and fruits are collected and dried, and in the fall and winter they make an excellent immune-strengthening tea. So, take a third glass of the following ingredients: rowan and rose hips, birch, raspberry, strawberry and peppermint leaves, buckthorn bark. Dry leaves are ground, and the bark and fruits are crushed. All ingredients are mixed and placed in a screw-on jar. Used for brewing tea, you can drink it in any quantity and whenever you want, just not at night.
  • For the next recipe you will need fresh lemon balm leaves, about half a cup, and rose hips, about a handful. Pour this amount into half a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. You can drink unlimitedly every day.
  • This mixture consists of berries and herbs. Grind St. John's wort (half a glass) and elecampane root (2 tbsp.). Boil the herbs in an enamel bowl and leave until slightly warm. Take 0.5 liters of water. Squeeze a glass of juice from sour berries. It could be currants, lingonberries or cranberries. Combine the juice with the decoction and drink half a glass (preferably after meals) 2-3 times a day. You need to drink it for a week. Next take a week break and repeat.

How to increase immunity with folk remedies? One of them is goat milk, which is recommended even for infants.

Goat milk

This drink never causes allergies and is completely absorbed by the body of both children and old people. There are some cases when it is contraindicated. This happens with pancreatic diseases and obesity. Sometimes there are people with intolerance goat milk. And if a person has never drank it, then it is better to start with small portions. In order not to reduce concentration gastric juice it is not drunk before or immediately after meals. It is also useful for anemia or for recovery after a serious illness.

Do not neglect the wisdom of our ancestors, who knew how to boost an adult’s immunity using folk remedies. All his life a person tries to harden his body from diseases. Of course, the result will be, but will it be what he expected? Nobody wants to get sick, and for some reason, as soon as the body overcomes an infection, we immediately begin to sound the alarm. But we should have panicked long before the illness.

From early childhood, our grandmothers wrapped us in “a hundred clothes,” closed all the windows, and then wondered why their children were always sick, even when they became adults. And all because it was necessary to boost immunity from childhood.

Immunity is the defense of our body. It fights viruses, bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms. You need to strengthen it not when you are sick, but throughout your life. So take this into account and don’t make mistakes with your children’s health.

Types of immunity

Immunity is based on the recognition and removal of any foreign agents from the body. There are several types of immunity. But the very first of them that appears in a person is natural, or innate. This type of immunity is inherited by us from our parents and ancestors. And it starts working as soon as our body encounters an infection.

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To protect your health, you must lead a healthy lifestyle. If this happens to you life situation that the body needs to be immunized, then forward to traditional medicine. Exists huge amount methods that will help strengthen the immune forces of your weakened body. But first, let's list the factors that destroy the protective barrier of the human body, and tips to help cope with them:

  1. Bad environment. Try to get out into nature and fresh air more often.
  2. Poor nutrition. Healthy microflora intestines plays very important role in protecting the body from microbes.
  3. All types of nervous tension, stress. Pay more attention nervous condition body.
  4. Bad habits. Absolutely eradicate negative habits from your lifestyle. If you try and at the same time, say, smoke, then all your efforts will be in vain.
  5. Soreness. If there is chronic diseases, then you definitely need to cure them.

How to restore immunity depends only on you.

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Healthy and unhealthy foods

You can and should increase your immunity at any time of the year, throughout your life.

We completely exclude all junk food: fried, fatty, salty, spicy and alcoholic drinks. We only eat the right products, such as meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, seafood, dairy products. We steam all this. The diet should not contain excess amounts of protein, as this will cause rotting processes in the intestines, which, in turn, will reduce the resistance of our body. You need to eat a lot of greens and fiber, as greens contain many useful substances that contribute to general strengthening body, and fiber helps the development of beneficial bacteria in our intestines. Eliminate fermented products (beer, kvass, new wine) from your diet.

Another type of immunity is acquired. He is also specific. This type of immunity is formed by our body as a result of the fight against microorganisms or foreign substances throughout our entire life.

Here is a partial list of those products that should be on your kitchen table every day:

  1. Garlic and onion. They contain substances such as phytoncides, which have a destructive effect on pathogenic microflora. Yes, few of us like garlic, but you definitely need to overcome yourself.
  2. Raspberry. It fights fever and cough perfectly, and there is nothing tastier than raspberry jam.
  3. Lemon. Saturated with vitamin C. Many people do not know the fact that it is not vitamin C itself that has a stimulating effect on our body’s immunity, but ascorbic acid, in large quantities creating stress on our adrenal glands and thereby activating protective reactions in the body.
  4. Dairy products. The bacteria present in kefir colonize the intestines, and the microflora becomes beneficial, while harmful microbes die. Mechnikov also noticed that some settlements in Bulgaria have a large number of centenarians. All these people traditionally eat fermented milk product, whose sourdough recipe is passed down from generation to generation. The scientist studied this fact and came to the conclusion that our longevity and resistance to diseases directly depend on the state of the intestinal flora. So Mechnikov discovered a microbe, which he called the “Bulgarian bacillus”.
  5. Tomatoes. Contains substances that kill cancer cells.
  6. Honey. It includes a whole series enzymes that significantly accelerate metabolic reactions occurring in the body. It is rich in sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, iodine and chlorine. All elements are very necessary for people.
  7. Fruits, dried fruits, and various vegetables also contain many vitamins and microelements. They should be included in your daily diet.

And what is very important is drinking plenty of fluids. You should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. This can be not only water, but also other drinks, such as tea, compote, fruit juice, herbal and vitamin infusions.

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Healing decoctions and folk methods

Increasing immunity in adults using folk remedies is very useful. Nowadays, only a blind person will not see pharmacy advertising. Many pharmaceutical companies(in competition with each other) produces a large number of drugs to enhance immunity, so-called immunomodulators. Yes, perhaps some of them are of high quality, but they will not give a 100% result. Moreover, the price is not for the middle class of the population. So, let's turn to traditional medicine. How to strengthen the immune system of an adult using folk methods?

We present several useful recipes:

  1. Vitamin bomb. Take some walnuts, dried fruits and mix with a tablespoon of honey. Take one teaspoon of this mixture every day. Very tasty and incredibly healthy. Increased immunity is guaranteed.
  2. Suppressed rowan. Pass 500 g of rowan through a meat grinder, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and let it brew for a day. Then you can put it in tea or eat 1 tsp. in a day. Rowan contains amygdalin, which provides the brain with oxygen and relieves hypoxia (oxygen starvation).
  3. Teas with different useful herbs. Chamomile, mint, lemon balm, ginseng, echinacea - these are all vitamin herbs that will only improve immunity.
  4. Various infusions with ginseng, eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea, and lemongrass can be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy. They increase brain performance, eliminate fatigue, relieve nervous tension and improve memory.

How to strengthen the immune system of an adult using folk remedies growing in our country? You can use the following tools:

  1. Take 10 g of each herb: chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, nettle and lingonberry leaves. Boil all this for 20 minutes, let cool, strain through cheesecloth and leave to steep for a day. Then put it in the refrigerator and take 1 tbsp. l. before meals every day.
  2. A drink made from honey and linden flowers. Pour boiling water over the dried flowers, leave for 30 minutes, strain, add honey and citric acid. Cool the drink.
  3. Drink made from figs and carrots. Dried figs - 1 cup, carrot juice - 1 cup, honey - to taste. Rinse the figs well with warm water and pass through a meat grinder. Pour boiling water over the crushed mass, stir and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let steep for 1-2 hours, strain and cool. Then pour in carrot juice.
  4. Carotene drink. Water - 1 glass, carrot juice - 2 glasses, orange juice - 1 glass, lemon - 2 pcs., honey - 1 tbsp. l. Dissolve honey in boiled water cold water, mix with carrot, orange and lemon juice, cool. When serving, add a slice of lemon to the glass.
  5. Lingonberry tea. For 1 liter of drink: dried leaves Pour boiling water over the lingonberries, let steep for 20 minutes and strain.
  6. Oregano tea. Oregano should be collected and dried during the period when its flowers open. Especially aromatic mixed teas: from oregano, St. John's wort and mint; from oregano, rose hips and St. John's wort; from oregano, St. John's wort and currant leaves.
  7. Sea buckthorn grog. For 200 ml of drink: sea buckthorn juice - 30 ml, grape juice - 70 ml, rose hip juice - 70 ml, cinnamon - 0.2 g, cloves - 0.2 g, vanillin 0.01 g. The juices are combined with spices, heated to water bath, and then the drink is infused in a warm place for about 1 hour and filtered.
  8. A mixture of viburnum and honey. Take 3 parts viburnum and 1 part honey. We pass the viburnum through a meat grinder, mix it with honey, let it brew for a day and use 1 tbsp in tea. l. per glass.
  9. Sbiten with herbs. Take 2 glasses of water, honey - 1 tbsp. l., dried mint And pharmaceutical chamomile- 0.5 tsp each Mint and chamomile are poured with boiling water and infused without heating for about 1 hour, then the broth is filtered, mixed and the drink is served. You can heat the decoction, add honey and drink it hot. A decoction for sbiten can also be prepared from raspberry, currant, linden blossom and jasmine leaves. Strengthening the immune system with folk remedies in adults should be competent and moderate.

One of folk ways prevention viral infections is rinsing the nasal cavity with concentrated saline or soap solution. So, for example, many of you have noticed how sea water has a beneficial effect on recovery from colds (both chronic and acute). But everything is actually very simple: saline or alkaline solution, by irritating the nasal mucosa, stimulates the production of our own interferon, which, in turn, suppresses viruses, which is the natural defense of our body.

Activity immune defense associated with the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems. In order to very quickly increase the immunity of an adult, it is necessary to have a comprehensive effect on the entire body. In some cases, in order to achieve the desired result, a person has to change his lifestyle, because strengthening the immune system is almost impossible without giving up bad habits(smoking, alcohol abuse). It is very difficult to improve immunity if, due to certain circumstances (loss of loved ones, troubles in personal life, intense work that requires full physical dedication), the patient is in a state of constant stress.

Before you find out how to quickly boost an adult’s immunity, it is necessary to determine whether he really needs such stimulation. If the number of respiratory diseases of infectious etiology suffered during the year did not exceed four, the effectiveness of one’s own immune defense is considered normal.

Conclusions about a significant weakening of the body are made in cases where the patient often suffers from influenza or other viral and bacterial infectious diseases.

The need to urgently take action and look for ways to strengthen the immune system of an adult is indicated by the following signs:

  • severe course of acute respiratory diseases, usually accompanied by complications;
  • if the fight against acute respiratory infections, influenza and similar infectious diseases drags on for several weeks;
  • if small painful blisters appear on the skin around the lips and in other places, commonly referred to as a cold. Rashes caused by a virus herpes simplex, indicate a decrease in immune defense.

Disturbances in the functioning of the defense system are indicated by symptoms such as sleep disorders and neurotic conditions. Among the factors that provoke weakening of the body:

  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • Not balanced diet, lack of microelements, vitamins and other useful substances in the diet;
  • circadian rhythm disorders;
  • hereditary predisposition.

However, one of the main reasons that doctors associate with the weakening of the body’s protective function is stressful conditions and high loads on the body. nervous system. The fact is that as a result of stress, the hormone cortisol is intensively produced, which in excessive concentration can cause significant harm to the body. Normally, its amount is 10 mg/dl. In a person in shock, this figure rises to 180 mg/dl.

This increase in concentration is a kind of defensive reaction. The hormone provokes increased activity brain and all parts of the body that instantly respond to tasks and begin to act faster. For example, during physical activity it increases strength significantly. If the body constantly produces large amounts of cortisol, it has a destructive effect on the immune system. Consequences of prolonged high level cortisol:

  • decreased concentration of lymphocytes, which are one of the main elements of the immune system;
  • dysfunction of the cellular immune response;
  • dysfunction of local immunity, in particular weakening of the humoral response when infection penetrates the mucosa.

To boost an adult’s immunity at home, it is necessary to eliminate nervous strain. Means to enhance immunity in adults necessarily include cortisol blockers, including vitamin C, amino acids, antioxidants (vitamin E, carotenoids, trace elements Zn and Se, ascorbic acid), Omega-3 fatty acids.

All of the above components are contained in sufficient quantities in various products nutrition. Therefore, the first step towards restoring immune protection is organizing proper nutrition, careful, thoughtful selection of a diet that will provide the body with the necessary nutrients.

Drug therapy

To improve the body's resistance to infections, pharmaceutical drugs that enhance immunity are used. Before taking any drug, you must consult an immunologist and agree on treatment. To boost immunity in adults, several groups of drugs are used:

Among the adaptogens developed on the basis of synthetic components, Dekaris, Glutoxim, Gepon should be highlighted.

Patients who want to learn how to boost an adult’s immunity at home are advised to pay attention to folk remedies. Homemade remedies are safe because they are prepared from natural ingredients. They are quite effective when taken regularly over a long period of time.

Stimulation of immune defense with folk remedies

To increase the immunity of an adult using folk remedies, it will take a fairly long period of time. The use of folk recipes that boost immunity is a gentle therapy, and the achieved effect is usually sustainable. Folk remedies for immunity necessarily include homemade alcohol tinctures from medicinal plants.

For example, a tincture of ginseng root is prepared as follows: the dry root of the plant is ground into powder. 30 g of powder is poured into a liter of vodka (40°), left in dark place Let it sit for a month, then filter. The medicine is taken 40 drops, diluted in a small amount of water, once a day for 6–7 weeks. After three weeks of use daily dose increase to 40 ml. Other recipes to quickly boost your immunity:

Helps well in the fight against respiratory infections regular garlic. It contains selenium (Se), which plays an important role in the formation of the body's own defense. Garlic is added to various dishes during cooking. There is an effective folk recipe based on garlic and lemon:

  1. Finely chop the lemon along with the zest.
  2. The head of garlic is peeled and thoroughly ground.
  3. Mix both ingredients.
  4. The mass is poured chilled boiled water so that it completely covers the mixture.
  5. Then put it in a dark place to infuse for 4 days.

Store the finished product in the refrigerator and take a tablespoon every morning before meals.

Propolis and other bee products, aloe juice, mumiyo have an immunostimulating effect. Do not forget about general strengthening procedures, including dosed ones physical activity, hardening the body with dousing, contrast showers, cool baths. People prone to frequent colds are advised to take frequent walks. fresh air and get proper rest, sleep at least 8 hours.

Folk recipes do not lose their relevance, despite the emergence of a large number pharmaceutical drugs. However, before using any traditional healer remedy, it is recommended that you seek the approval of your physician. Some home remedies have contraindications. The doctor will help you choose the appropriate options, taking into account general condition patient's health.

Immunity is the body’s ability to resist various foreign agents, which can be bacteria, viruses, foreign bodies, toxic substances, etc. Since the immune system is closely connected with other systems (for example, nervous, vascular, endocrine), if its functioning is disrupted, not only it itself, but also the entire human body suffers. And, conversely, the immune system vigilantly monitors any disturbances in the functioning of other systems and organs.

The role of the immune system is especially important for humans, since viruses and other pathogens surround us everywhere and constantly attack us. They can enter the body in different ways: with food through the stomach, through minor damage skin, respiratory system, ears. People with weak immunity often suffer from such colds like ARVI or flu. Therefore, if you get colds more than 4-5 times a year, you should think about how to support your immunity.

Maintaining strong immunity is an important task for every person, because with good protection, almost no diseases are scary for either children or adults. Unfortunately, there is no such magic pill, which could easily give you absolute immunity to illness. To strengthen your immune system, you need, firstly, to reconsider your habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. This concept means complete failure from alcohol and smoking; physical activity which improves blood circulation and metabolism; healthy and balanced diet, in particular, eating foods rich in vitamins, iron, iodine; hardening, cleansing the body. In a “clean body,” pathogenic microorganisms have nothing to do.

Proper drinking regime is one of the main methods of cleansing the body. A person should drink at least two liters of water per day, and it should be purified using filters. It is unacceptable to drink tap water even after settling and boiling.

To boost your immunity, it is very important to include mineral-rich foods in your diet, such as red and yellow plant foods, walnuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. In addition, it is important to eat foods rich in vitamin C (lemon, sea buckthorn, black currant, rose hips, parsley). The immune system especially needs protein foods. Nutritious food must include meat, seafood, fish, seaweed, legumes. Be sure to consume dairy products, as they contain live bacteria that inhibit the development pathogenic microflora in the intestines.

With daily consumption of a variety of foods, our body is in to the fullest provided with micro- and macroelements. The liver plays a regulatory role: if certain minerals are in excess, it accumulates them, and if they are lacking, it releases them. This ensures homeostasis and high activity immune system.

Strengthen your immune system with natural remedies against all ailments

Today in every pharmacy you can find many various drugs, restoring immunity. But the immunostimulants and immunomodulators that the pharmaceutical industry now offers often do not bring the expected effect. Moreover, some of them have numerous side effects, which may represent real threat for health. That's why best solution There is no way to find anything other than boosting immunity with folk remedies.

In folk medicine, there is a group of traditional tips and recipes that help restore immunity. Natural remedies In many ways they are not inferior to synthetic ones, they are available, safe, and are actually effective. Traditional recipes for boosting immunity will help get rid of chronic fatigue, constant colds and improve the health of the body.

But it’s worth remembering that strengthening the immune system only herbal infusions impossible. To achieve the expected effect, you need to apply a whole range of measures and try many recipes. Let's figure out how to boost immunity using folk remedies.

Traditional tea recipes to strengthen the immune system

The most popular and useful folk drink is tea. To cook chamomile tea, you need to pour 2-3 tablespoons of chamomile into 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Use morning and evening.

To prepare tea based on anise, which increases the activity of protective cells and has antimicrobial effect, you need to pour a glass of boiling water into 1 teaspoon of anise fruit, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes and let it brew for half an hour. It is worth consuming 50 ml three times a day, half an hour before meals.

An excellent immune booster is rosehip tea. Rose hips need to be boiled for 3-4 minutes or left in a thermos overnight. One tablespoon of fruit is enough for half a liter of water; The resulting infusion should be drunk 200 - 500 ml per day.

How to increase immunity with folk remedies - compotes and uzvar - at home

Well-known folk remedies for increasing immunity are uzvars. Dried fruit uzvar contains a large amount natural vitamins, since dried fruits retain all the beneficial substances of fresh fruits. You can prepare such an uzvar from dried pears, apples, apricots, cherries, and strawberries. It is best to brew the drink in the evening and leave it to steep overnight, then strain, add honey or sugar to taste, and drink throughout the day.

Popular tonic for immunity - vitamin compote. It contains lemon balm, mint, chestnut flowers, fireweed, cranberries (or other berries, for example, viburnum, black currant, cherry, strawberry). Brew a spoonful of each herb in one liter of boiling water, add berries (quantity according to taste and availability) and let it brew for two hours. You need to drink compote in plenty: from half a liter per day

Recipe for jam and mixture for immunity

Strengthening the immune system with folk remedies is impossible to imagine without jam, which our grandmothers used to treat colds. The ancient vitamin dish includes half a kilogram of mashed cranberries, a glass of walnut kernels and 2-3 green apples with peel, diced, half a kilo of sugar. Mix the ingredients with half a glass of water, cook over low heat until boiling, then put into jars.

To strengthen your immune system, you can prepare a healthy and tasty mixture of nuts and dried fruits, which will give you a surge of energy and strength. To prepare, take a glass of raisins, dried apricots, walnuts, prunes, natural honey and one lemon. Grind all ingredients through a meat grinder and mix with honey. There is another recipe for a vitamin mixture: take 100 grams of raisins, dried apricots, figs, dried cranberries, various nuts; mix with natural honey and add a vanilla stick.

Recipes with ginger to boost immunity have been known since ancient times. It’s not difficult to prepare a healthy ginger dessert for tea: mix 100 grams of ginger, one lemon, 50 grams each of dried apricots, figs, prunes, and a glass of honey. There is another recipe for the mixture: take one glass of honey, 50 grams of ginger root, one lemon. Cut the citrus with the peel, removing the seeds; Peel and slice the ginger with a knife, place in a glass jar and mash with a masher. Add honey, then leave the mixture for two months in the dark and cold.

Vitamin baths – a calming and toning procedure

Baths with decoctions or natural infusions natural remedies- effective folk remedies for immunity. They not only strengthen the immune system, but also ease breathing difficult due to colds, soothe headaches and body aches. For a vitamin bath you will need leaves, dry fruits or twigs of raspberries, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, currants, rose hips or rowan in equal quantities. After mixing the ingredients, pour boiling water over them and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Add the resulting decoction to the bath along with a few drops of eucalyptus or cedar oil.

A bath with an infusion of herbs helps a lot: nettle, string, chamomile, burdock root, birch leaf. Herbs should also be taken in equal proportions, pour boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and pour into the bath. To restore immunity, improve tone and cheerful mood, you should take a bath with the addition of 4 drops of sage oil.

In order not to harm yourself and get maximum benefit from baths, follow certain rules:

  • take baths two hours after meals or an hour before;
  • do not exceed the optimal bath temperature of 37 degrees;
  • Be sure to rest after the vitamin bath for 15-20 minutes.

How to restore immunity with balms

Balms are popular folk remedies for boosting immunity. Place half a kilogram of washed and dried aloe leaves in the refrigerator for five days, then grind them using a meat grinder so that you get approximately three-quarters of a glass of puree. Add three quarters of a glass of honey and 350 grams of Cahors to the resulting mixture.

To prepare another one miracle balm take half a kilo of crushed walnut kernels, three hundred grams of honey and pour one glass of vodka. Then add one hundred grams of aloe juice and the juice of four freshly squeezed lemons, stir and leave in a slightly open container for 24 hours in a dark place. Like the previous balm, this mixture should be taken one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Restoring immunity by hardening

Hardening the body strengthens not only the immune system, but also health in general. Under the influence of external stimuli, the body tries to adapt to them, improving the functioning of almost all organs and systems. When hardening, a person’s well-being improves, performance increases, and the incidence of illness, primarily colds, is noticeably reduced.

Contrast rubbing for hardening is carried out alternately with hot and cold water. To enhance the cooling effect, you can use infusions of “cooling” and “warming” herbs. “Warming” infusions contain tansy, spruce or pine feet, yarrow. The “cooling” infusions include mint and lemon balm. Wring out the mitten soaked in the cold infusion and wipe your hands. Next, moisten another mitten in the hot infusion and gradually wipe the entire body. After the procedure, vigorously rub the skin until red.

Helps strengthen the immune system and contrast shower– variable effects on the body of cold and hot water. It is advisable to start and end this procedure with hot water, as it helps to relax the body and relieve spasms in the muscular system. Temper in a similar way You can also have a child: take two basins (one with cold and the other with hot water) and alternately dip the legs in the water. At the end of the procedure, put socks on the child.

Increasing immunity using folk remedies is a completely feasible task. It’s not at all difficult to eat healthy and delicious products, drink infusions or decoctions of herbs, adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Taking care of your health is working for the benefit of your body. But it is important to remember that the above methods of increasing immunity for adults and children are most effective when taken together. Regularly cleanse and strengthen the body, and then strong immunity will not allow diseases to invade your life.

Contents of the article:

Folk remedies for immunity are natural products or bio-raw materials that help increase the body's defenses without using medical supplies with artificially synthesized ingredients. This group includes food and beekeeping products, infusions and decoctions medicinal herbs, vitamin drinks. Need to consider: natural immunomodulators and immunostimulants should not be used uncontrollably; an overdose is just as dangerous as in the case of medications. If necessary natural remedy to boost immunity, you can buy it at a pharmacy or order it online - for immunity. It has proven itself well and can also be taken by children.

Principles of strengthening immunity with folk remedies

The main task of increasing immunity using folk remedies is to strengthen the innate immunity, which is genetically determined.

Principles of healing:

  • Healthy eating and eliminating or preventing dysbiosis. The intestines contain beneficial bacteria that are fully responsible for the absorption nutrients necessary for normal life. If the balance between beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms is disturbed, the body lacks healing elements, metabolic processes are imbalanced, immune status decreases.
  • Stabilization metabolic processes, prevention of intoxication. The accumulation of waste and toxins in the body creates conditions under which the defenses are reduced. Prescription drugs traditional medicine, speed up metabolic processes, help get rid of toxins.
  • Use of natural antioxidants. They circulate in the human body free radicals, provoking malignancy. When consumed natural antioxidants they are neutralized and removed from it.
  • Drinking enough liquid. Water participates in all metabolic processes and maintains body tone. With its deficiency, stabilization of the immune system is impossible.
  • Consumption of products in fresh or following technology culinary processing to preserve nutrients as much as possible. When making infusions and decoctions, the properties of the plant should also be taken into account.
To strengthen the immune system using folk remedies, you need to pay attention to the quality of the “raw materials” for healing. If the products were grown in an environmentally unfavorable environment, and the herbs were harvested incorrectly, collected in industrial areas, the treatment will be ineffective. Moreover, low-quality raw materials can cause intoxication, which will reduce the immune status.

Proper nutrition to strengthen immunity

The role of proper nutrition in strengthening the immune system is very important. Lack of food weakens the body, excess provokes obesity, an unbalanced diet leads to metabolic disorders. Products useful for strengthening the immune system can create the necessary balance of proteins/fats/carbohydrates or stimulate the organs of the immune system.

Healthy foods to strengthen your immune system

First of all, immunity-boosting foods are those in which high content useful substances. They themselves have therapeutic effect, anesthetize, lower temperature, have an anti-inflammatory effect and normalize the composition of beneficial intestinal flora.

List of the most useful products:

  1. Berries - cranberries, strawberries, currants of all types, raspberries;
  2. Fruits - citruses, apples, bananas;
  3. Vegetables - beets, carrots, garlic, onions, black radish, broccoli, sauerkraut;
  4. Fermented milk products - kefir, unsweetened yogurt;
  5. Roots - ginger;
  6. Greens - asparagus, green beans in pods;
  7. Cereals - lentils, buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice;
  8. Poultry meat - chicken, in particular chicken fillet, turkey;
  9. Animal meat - lean beef and rabbit;
  10. Fish and seafood - tuna, salmon, trout, kelp, lobster and lobster meat, shrimp;
  11. Seeds and nuts - Brazil nuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, sesame seeds, cumin;
  12. Oils - olive, butter, sesame.
The normal functioning of the body is ensured by nutrients: vitamins, macro- and microelements, proteins, carbohydrates, fatty acids - Omega 3 and Omega 6, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, dietary fiber. All these components are contained in products different types, and increasing immunity is possible only by drawing up a competent daily menu.

Recipes for strengthening immunity

Japanese scientists have proposed a daily menu option that can cope with the main tasks of proper nutrition - preventing a decrease in immunity and maintaining weight at the same level. In this case, you yourself have to decide how to distribute food throughout the day - for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

In a day you should “master” the following volume of products according to the Japanese version:

  • Fish - 150-200 g;
  • Eggs - 1 piece;
  • Red meat or poultry - 100 g;
  • Soy curd - 40-50 g;
  • Fruits - citruses or berries of your choice;
  • Vegetables - asparagus, broccoli, beets, carrots, 1 potato, greens - only 300 g;
  • Brown rice - 200 g;
  • A glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt;
  • At least 1.5 liters of liquid - green tea, clean water, berry fruit drinks.
European version of the menu to improve immunity:
  1. A glass of broth;
  2. Egg;
  3. White or red meat - 200 g;
  4. Vitamin salads - 200 g;
  5. Dish with fiber - porridge - 300 g;
  6. Fermented milk products - 2 cups;
  7. Fruits to choose from - 1 citrus, 1 banana, apples;
  8. Nuts - a handful;
  9. Guest dried apricots or raisins;
  10. Liquid - 1.5 l.
List of dishes that can be included in the menu to boost immunity:
  • Breakfast for immunity. Quail eggs beat the raw ones with a little garlic butter, and pour this mixture into a glass of live yogurt or kefir.
  • Bean soup. Red beans are soaked overnight chicken broth prepared in advance. Drain the water, place the beans in the broth, cook until softened, adding salt, pepper and bay leaf. When the beans are almost cooked, add lightly sautéed onions and potatoes to the pan, and 3-4 minutes before turning off - grated carrots, finely chopped celery root, crushed garlic, and pour in a little lemon juice. Before eating, add chopped cilantro or parsley to each plate. The soup should not be thick. Approximate proportions of the main ingredients: a glass of beans, 1.5 liters of broth, 2 potatoes.
  • Puree for immunity. Ingredients: aloe pulp - 7 leaves, honey - 3 tablespoons, walnuts - 4 pieces, milk - half a glass, lemon juice - a little, to taste. Mix the ingredients and let stand in a sealed container in the refrigerator for 2 days. Frequency of administration - 2 times a day, a teaspoon.
  • Cheesecakes with dried apricots. Dried apricots are washed and blotted with a paper towel. Cottage cheese is mixed with egg and flour, a little salt and sugar are added, and a not very stiff dough is kneaded. On last stage After kneading, add dried apricots cut into pieces. Form cheesecakes and place them on a baking sheet covered with oiled parchment. Bake at 180°C in a preheated oven for about 7 minutes. Dried apricots can be replaced with cranberries or currants - in this case, the berries are introduced into the dough as a filling. When serving, honey is added to cheesecakes with cranberries.
  • Beetroot cutlets. The beets are boiled and grated. Chicken fillet is boiled and tossed with onions and garlic. Beetroot is mixed with minced meat, add an egg, form cutlets and steam until cooked.
  • Turkey. Turkey meat is healthy in itself, but it is “fresh”, so it is customary to marinate it in advance. For the marinade, add crushed garlic, chopped coriander, salt, pepper to the yogurt, cut the meat into pieces and place in the marinade for 20 minutes. Then the pieces of meat are laid out in clay pots and poured with hot broth or boiling water. Place in the oven, preheated to 190 degrees, and bake for 45-50 minutes.
  • Vitamin salad. Ingredients: kiwi, tangerines, apple, almonds. Dressing - low-fat sour cream or unsweetened yogurt with coriander and cinnamon.
For sick and pregnant women, we can recommend the following mixture. Walnuts are crushed and nut-honey puree is made. Or more complex recipe: Mix equal amounts of walnuts, dried apricots, raisins, lemons, minced with peel, and honey. Take 3 tablespoons several times a day.

To boost immunity, you can add 100-200 g of berries, fruits, compotes or fruit drinks to your daily menu.

Drinks to boost immunity

The immunological effects of food can be enhanced with the help of special drinks and formulations.

The following remedies effectively increase immunity:

  1. Vitamin drink. It is quite “strong” and sweet, so when taken it can be diluted with water. Blackcurrant puree, 350 g, seasoned with 3 tablespoons of honey, diluted with a glass of water. Store in the refrigerator and reheat before use. You need to drink small portions throughout the day.
  2. Immune cocktail. Pour 100 g of strawberries, black currants, raspberries into a blender bowl, pour 1.5 cups of soy milk into it, add a handful of sesame seeds and beat. A great start to the day - boosts immunity and helps get rid of excess weight.
  3. Tea with rosehip. A tablespoon of bio-raw materials is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 2 hours. Drink like regular tea.
  4. Drink for immunity and rejuvenation. The medicine has complex composition: grind and mix 2 kg fresh roots celery and 200 g each of honey, garlic, horseradish rhizomes. Add 4 lemons, crushed together with the peel, to the mixture. The composition is transferred to a glass jar, closed with a lid and allowed to brew at room temperature 10-12 hours. Then open the jar, squeeze out the juice and take 2 teaspoons three times a day before meals, 20 minutes. The course of improving immunity is repeated twice with an interval of 5 days.
It is very important to monitor the functioning of the intestines - bowel movements should be regular.

If after eating there is no desire to fall asleep, there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach, the skin and hair look healthy, we can conclude that it was possible to create a daily menu in which the immune status is stable.

Folk remedies to strengthen the immune system

Special recipes for strengthening the immune system using bio-raw materials or bee products are used for prevention seasonal diseases, or when the disease is already developing. In this case, based on natural raw materials, they make up medicines- decoctions, infusions and mixtures.

Herbs to strengthen the immune system

Decoctions and tinctures - aqueous and alcoholic - are made from herbs for immunity; the ingredients are used either individually or in collections.

Recipes based on medicinal herbs:

  • Ginseng. Tincture for immunity with alcohol can be purchased at a pharmacy - the plant is not found in central Europe. You can also buy dry ginseng herb at the pharmacy; in this case, the tincture is brewed in the proportions of a teaspoon of herb per glass of water. Use 1/3 cup per day.
  • Eleutherococcus. A tincture of leaves and roots in alcohol is also purchased at the pharmacy. Do it at home water decoction: the roots are crushed, poured with boiling water in a volume ratio of 1 to 2, left to boil for 35-45 minutes in a water bath. Strain, take a tablespoon before meals - up to 4 times a day.
  • Black elderberry flowers. Brew like tea, infuse until intense color, drink half a glass before bed. The medicine is used from the age of 18.
  • Collection of walnut leaves. Insist in the usual way- a tablespoon of bio-raw materials per glass of boiling water. It is best to pour boiling water over the leaves in the evening and insulate the container. In the morning, strain the infusion and drink throughout the day.
  • Fruit picking. Hawthorn, rose hips and dried raspberries are mixed in equal quantities, brewed according to the usual scheme, and allowed to brew at room temperature.
  • Herbal collection. Made from lemon balm, mint, St. John's wort and linden blossom. Brew according to the usual scheme, drink a glass a day.
  • Multicomponent composition. They take ingredients such as black currant leaves, echinacea and dugout, lemon balm, rose hips, and linden blossom. Infuse the collection in a thermos in the evening as tea.
Every 3 weeks, the herbal infusion must be changed: the body gets used to it, and the immune system no longer responds to stimulation by the components.

Recipes for strengthening the immune system with bee products

Strengthening the immune system with the help of beekeeping products must be done very carefully - they have a high allergenic risk.

Let's look at the most effective folk remedies:

  1. Honey and olive oil. Honey mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1 to 1, put in the refrigerator. Children under 5 years old are given 0.5-1 teaspoon to dissolve in the morning, adults - a tablespoon.
  2. For the prevention of ARVI. Boil viburnum - a glass of berries in 0.5 liters of water, when they become soft, add to honey to taste. Drink 2 days in advance, diluting with water if the decoction seems strong. You can add honey before use.
  3. To restore immunity after exhausting exercise. Aloe is activated by wrapping the leaves in paper and keeping them in the refrigerator for a week. Squeeze out the juice. Make up the mixture: 1 part aloe juice, 2 parts liquid honey, 3 parts Cahors. Store in the refrigerator, drink three tablespoons - preferably before meals.
  4. "Pill" for immunity. During the epidemic season, a piece of propolis is glued to the tooth.
  5. Beebread treatment. Bread bread is mixed with honey - 1 to 1, diluted with a little warm water so that the structure is puree. Before each meal, take a teaspoon.
  6. Royal jelly for immunity. To avoid seasonal diseases, it is enough to dissolve 1 teaspoon of the product on an empty stomach. You can replace a natural biostimulant with a pharmaceutical one - Apitok or Apilak tablets. They are dissolved under the tongue according to the same scheme.
  7. Mixture wax moth and beebread. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities. Administration according to the usual scheme - the substance is absorbed under the tongue.
Contraindications to medical therapy: chronic kidney and liver diseases, acute inflammatory processes, including purulent ones, oncology, sexually transmitted infections.

The course of treatment with beekeeping products is no more than 2 months. You can repeat the recovery twice a year.

Essential oils for immunity

Essential oils secreted by plants with healing properties activate the immune system and normalize work hormonal system, stop activity pathogenic microorganisms, scattered in the air.

Ways to use essential oils for immunity:

  • Massage using essential oils. Oils of geranium, eucalyptus, rosemary, and thyme are used. IN pure form Essential oils are not used; they are mixed with massage cream or base oil. Proportions - 1 tablespoon of base and 3 drops of essential oil.
  • Aromatizing the air using an aroma lamp. Best combinations mixtures for immunity: 1 drop each - lemon, basil, verbena, tangerine; 2 drops each - orange, rosemary, ginger - 1 drop; 1 drop each - lemon balm, nutmeg, cedar, 2 drops each - mint, lavender. The proportions for refilling the aroma lamp are 4-7 drops per 15 m2.
  • Scented pendant. A pendant with 1-2 drops of oils for immunity is placed around the neck: eucalyptus, coniferous trees or citrus fruits.
When choosing essential oils for immunity, you need to pay attention not only to healing properties, but also on one’s own perception of odors. If you don't like the scent, medical procedure will turn out to be useless. In case of bronchial asthma and polyvalent allergies, immunotherapy with essential oils will have to be abandoned.

Home methods and remedies cannot cure HIV infection, tuberculosis, or stop the development of oncological processes and diseases caused by disorders metabolic processes, hormonal and autoimmune disruptions, but they will help you recover from radiotherapy and chemotherapy, speed up rehabilitation after surgery, prevent acute respiratory infections and stop the development of complications.

How to strengthen the immune system with folk remedies - watch the video:

When turning to folk remedies, you must inform your doctor. Not all ways home treatment combined with official medicine.