How to purify ethyl alcohol at home.

Fans of their own alcoholic liqueurs should know all the ways to purify alcohol at home. After all, high-quality purification of homemade moonshine, vodka or alcohol creates a drink that is not only much tastier, but will also make the next morning much more pleasant with the absence of a hangover.

Each of us has more than once wondered why from some drinks a person gets slightly intoxicated and does not suffer from a hangover, while others simply knock him off his feet, switch off consciousness and significantly undermine his health. The problem is the presence of foreign impurities in alcohol, which appear during low-quality alcohol purification.

Moonshine is considered one of the highest quality alcoholic beverages obtained through the distillation of raw materials. But the increased content of fusel oils in home-distilled products gives a not very pleasant smell and taste.

Those who make moonshine themselves or make tinctures with alcohol know very well that purification is necessary mandatory stage preparing high-quality alcoholic beverages.

It should be noted that all options for purifying alcoholic beverages from fusel oils are effective, but differ in the degree of effectiveness.

Experts recommend cleaning the product diluted to strength less than 35 degrees. This alcohol concentration allows fusel oils to separate more quickly from the water-alcohol mixture. Therefore, the lower the degree of the drink, the higher the quality of its purification.

In any case, the moonshine must be left for 1–2 days, and the alcohol must be diluted with soft spring water. And the product It's better to clean it chilled. You can check alcohol or vodka for purity at home. A piece of glass or a small mirror, which must first be washed with hot water and soda, is suitable for this.

There is no need to wipe the glass; let it dry on its own and become crystal clear without streaks. Now you can drop a few drops of alcohol on it and leave it to dry. If there are no streaks left on the glass, then the alcohol contains no fusel oils or other harmful impurities.

And the last stage of verification - you need pour distilled water over the glass. The liquid should not roll off as if it were spilled on a greasy surface. If the alcohol has passed the test and no harmful impurities were found in it, then there is no need to clean it.

Methods for purifying moonshine at home

Home winemakers claim that purifying moonshine or vodka using charcoal and activated carbon is the fastest and most reliable. Coal perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors and absorbs harmful impurities.

Vodka purification. You will need activated carbon, Enterogel or birch charcoal (it gives the best results). Pour into a saucepan, finely crush and add alcohol at the rate of 50 grams per 1 liter.

This mixture is infused for 7 days and needs to be stirred periodically. The drink is then filtered. To improve the result, this procedure can be carried out several times, replacing the coal with fresh one.

Two ways to clean moonshine:

  1. During the first distillation of moonshine, a funnel is used to drain the moonshine into a jar. You need to place a cotton pad in layers, small fractions of coal, then larger ones and cover with several cotton pads.
  2. Pour coal into a container with moonshine at the rate of 50 grams per 1 liter of liquid and let stand for 7-14 days, then strain through cheesecloth and cotton wool.

These two methods are excellent options for cleaning moonshine before re-distilling.

The well-known potassium permanganate quickly and efficiently purifies both moonshine and vodka. You need to take 3 grams of potassium permanganate and dilute it in 300 grams of warm water to make the solution homogeneous.

Next, add a spoonful of baking soda and a spoonful of salt to the solution. Then the mixture is poured into 3 liters of alcohol and left for 12 hours. The drink should lighten and give sediment. The settled moonshine or alcohol must be filtered through a layer of cotton wool.

Milk is an excellent clarifier for vodka or moonshine. The protein of this product contains albumin and casein - substances that can bind molecules of harmful impurities and fusel oils of an alcoholic drink, causing them to precipitate.

The result is a high quality drink with a mild taste. For 20 liters of vodka or moonshine with a strength of 40–50 degrees, 200 ml of milk is required. Milk must have fat content no more than 1.5% and be pasteurized.

Milk cleaning steps:

  • pour milk into alcohol or moonshine;
  • mix thoroughly;
  • close the lid and leave for 7 days in a dark place at room temperature;
  • for the first five days, the mixture must be shaken periodically to allow the reaction to occur;
  • and then it takes two days for the mixture to settle;
  • At the last stage, the drink is filtered through several layers of cotton wool.

If the drink is still cloudy, you can throw in the skin of any citrus fruit and leave it for a day. It is believed that milk is best cleanser for alcohol and moonshine, since this is how vodka is purified in production. Under the influence of alcohol, milk curdles, harmful particles stick to it and fall out along with the sediment.

Interesting! Some distillers are right making moonshine from milk. To do this, take sugar, yeast, peas, milk and water, which are mixed together. This mixture is infused for a day, and then distilled twice and this drink does not require purification.

Egg white

Cleaning moonshine or alcohol from fusel oils can be done with egg whites, similar to milk cleansing. To do this, 3 liters of alcohol you need to take two proteins.

The egg white is whipped in one glass of warm water and poured into the drink. The mixture is shaken for five days, and then settled for two days and filtered through cotton wool.


An old, proven and effective way to purify vodka or moonshine is freezing. The container with the drink (an aluminum pan with a lid is suitable) is left in the freezer for 12–14 hours.

During this time, water and fusel oils remain on the walls of the vessel, and only pure alcohol will remain in the container. At the same time, the strength of the drink becomes higher. All that remains is to pour the vodka into another container.

Fruit cleansing

To remove harmful impurities from the product and give it a special taste, you can clean alcohol or moonshine using fruit.

For 3 liters of product with a strength of about 25 degrees, take one carrot and one apple. The fruit is cut into large pieces and added to the drink. After 2-3 days, fibers will begin to peel off from the fruit. This means it’s time to pull them out and filter the liquid.


To neutralize the acetic acid formed in moonshine, you can use baking soda. This inexpensive product can be found in any home.

Soda is used in proportion 10 grams per liter of moonshine. It is enough to leave the mixture for 12–14 hours, more is possible, but this is not important. To remove sediment, cotton wool is used, through which you need to pass moonshine.


Purifying alcohol with vegetable oil is one of the unusual and original methods. This procedure becomes possible only because alcohol and oil cannot mix. But fusel oils are attracted to oil droplets like a magnet.

For such cleaning it is necessary to take 20 grams of odorless oil per liter of alcohol. The container with the mixture must be shaken thoroughly and this procedure must be repeated 5-6 times, every five minutes. The mixture settles for 12 hours.

After the alcohol has settled, it is necessary drain it through a straw, lowered to the bottom. You can turn the bottle over, let the oil film rise and carefully drain the suspension through a slightly loosened cap. Remaining liquid is filtered using regular cotton wool.

Rye bread for cleaning alcoholic beverages

In previous years, purifying moonshine or alcohol with fresh rye bread was considered the most effective and safest.

Fusel oils are well absorbed into bread, the alcohol becomes transparent, loses its specific taste and acquires a pleasant aroma.

When choosing this method of purifying alcohol or moonshine, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Moonshine or alcohol must first be cleaned with egg white or other absorbent.
  • For a liter of moonshine, take exactly 100 grams of bread.
  • To purify alcohol, only the crumb without the crust is used.
  • For greater effect, it is better to crumble the crumb thoroughly.
  • The bread crumbs are poured into a bottle of moonshine or alcohol and mixed well.
  • The container must be tightly sealed and left in a cool, dark place for three days.
  • The precipitate must be filtered off, but the bread pulp is not squeezed out.
  • Careful filtration helps get rid of the yellowish tint that the drink takes on.

Purifying alcohol with a water filter

The simplest and fastest cleaning method is to clean alcohol or moonshine using a home water filter. Any filter will do, such as Aquaphor or Barrier.

To do this, you need to pass alcohol or moonshine through a filter. at least twice. Such filters cannot be used for water!

Obviously, even the most expensive alcohol or homemade moonshine needs to remove harmful impurities. If you apply one or more purification methods, as well as secondary distillation for moonshine, then it will be a great product, which will be better in quality than any factory product.

And no hangover will threaten you, but only if you know when to stop! It is important to remember that excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health!

Attention, TODAY only!

To obtain high-quality alcohol, it is necessary to take certain measures throughout the entire technological process. When preparing mash, it is necessary to use high-quality raw materials and yeast. After the fermentation process, it is necessary to keep the mash before distillation until it is completely clarified. When distilling, it is necessary to constantly ensure careful adherence to the recommendations set out on the website.

But, despite all efforts, after distillation, alcohol still contains harmful impurities. In industry, a whole arsenal of technical means is used to purify alcohol after distillation. This means treating it with various chemicals, filtering it through a large number of filters, holding it under certain conditions, etc.

Methods for purifying vodka


In the past, they used settling of raw alcohol together with water with rapid cooling (taking it out into the cold immediately after distillation), transferring it into another container after settling and freezing, and filtering the raw alcohol. It was carried out through various materials - felt, cloth, felt; river, sea and quartz sands, crushed stone, cotton fabric, linen, cotton wool, charcoal and others.

Filtration through coal occupies a special place in Russian distillation. It has now been proven that charcoal of different types of wood has different absorption abilities, that it is impossible to directly filter through rectified alcohol charcoal, but it is necessary to dilute it with water up to 40%. The honor of discovering the purifying effect of charcoal during the rectification of alcohol belongs to the St. Petersburg pharmacist T. E. Lovitz, later an academician, which he did in 1785. Lovitz first distilled bread wine over coal powder, and obtained a purer product than without the use of coal. Subsequently, he found that simply shaking wine with coal without distillation and heating eliminates the bad smell and taste, the yellow color of the wine absorbed from the barrels. By this time, factories began to produce stronger alcohol, from which they began to prepare somewhat purified grain wine. A new operation has appeared in bread wine technology - diluting alcohol with cold boiled water. Lowitz's discovery also contributed to an improvement in the quality of wine compared to grain wine, which was produced directly from raw low-proof alcohol in home distilleries.

Purifying alcohol with activated carbon at home is quite affordable and gives very good results. Activated carbon can be purchased at pharmacies, but purchasing such carbon in sufficient quantities is often not economically justified. Activated carbon is of fairly good quality and can be made at home in the required quantities. Moreover, after mastering your own recipe for preparing activated carbon (type of wood, quality of logs, method of burning wood, extinguishing coals, etc.), you can get purified alcohol with taste qualities that no one else has. Indeed, in the old days, the quality of distillers’ drinks was often distinguished by the quality of the activated charcoal used for filtration.

Activated carbon can be prepared from many types of trees. The absorption capacity of coals for different types of wood is different and decreases in the order listed: beech, birch, pine, linden, oak, spruce, aspen, alder, poplar. In this case, it is recommended to use logs freed from bark, without knots and core from tree trunks no older than 50 years. Cooked chocks are burned on a fire (all cooked chocks must be put into the fire at the same time) until there are no flames above the fire, but only heat from the coals. In general, the state of the fire when you can put potatoes in it for baking or place skewers with kebabs over it. Now you need to select larger coals from the fire, lightly shake off the coal dust from them, put them in some kind of container (for example, a clay pot) and cover tightly with a lid. After the coals have extinguished and cooled, they must be taken out, lightly blown off coal dust, crushed in a mortar, but not very finely, and sifted on a thick sieve to remove dust and fines.

Better quality activated carbon can be obtained by placing coals from a fire in a colander, which then needs to be held over a pan of boiling water to extinguish the coals with steam. However, you should not put the coals in water.

A filter can be made from activated carbon prepared in this way. To do this, you need to take a watering can of suitable size, put a little cotton wool on the bottom, and then put a piece of gauze. Pour activated carbon onto gauze at the rate of 50 g per liter of alcohol intended for filtering and wrap the edges of the gauze inside the watering can so that the carbon does not float up. For complete purification, alcohol must be passed through such a filter 2-3 times. It must be remembered that the slower the filtration process, the better the cleaning.

You can clean with activated carbon in another way. Pour charcoal into a container with alcohol at the rate of 50 g per liter and vigorously shake the mixture. Repeat shaking several times during the day. Then leave the mixture for a week and filter through gauze or filter paper.

Purification of alcohol using potassium permanganate is carried out in the following order. In a separate bowl, potassium permanganate is diluted in boiled water at the rate of 1-2 g per liter of moonshine. The solution of potassium permanganate is poured into alcohol and mixed thoroughly, and then left for 8-9 hours. After a precipitate has formed, the alcohol is filtered through flannel or filter paper. After such treatment, to improve the quality, it is advisable to re-distill the alcohol.

Additional distillation of alcohol also helps to purify it. In this case, for additional distillation, it is recommended to dilute the alcohol with boiled water (if necessary) to an alcohol content of no more than 40%. During re-distillation, it is also necessary to first select the light fraction (in a volume of 3-8%) with a boiling point of up to 75°C, then the main - improved fraction with a boiling point of no more than 85°C.

The third fraction, enriched with fusel oils, need not be collected. Before the second distillation, the alcohol can be infused with various aromatic substances of plant origin.


1. The use of coagulates in the distillation process, that is, the introduction into vodka of such natural biologically active coagulating materials that interact with alcohol impurities and remove these impurities in the process of distillation of alcohol. These include: skim milk, whole eggs, egg whites.
2. Sometimes freshly baked black bread was used as a coagulant.
3. Ash, potash, and soda were also used as a “cleaner,” and in a mixture with which the highest purification was achieved—the production of quadruple rectified alcohol.
4. In the old days, purely wine-making methods of purification - freezing and gluing - were also used for the finished product - vodka. Freezing was a purely Russian and cheap technique, quite effective. Another operation - gluing - made it possible to perfectly clean vodka from all kinds of impurities and odors. It consisted of adding fish glue (karluk) to vodka that had been left to settle, which, having combined with fusel oils and impurities, was then retained by simple filtration through cotton cloth.
5. Along with purification methods, Russian distilling also used methods to improve the organoleptic properties of the vodka drink; they added: hops, forest herbs, and the juice of some forest berries.

It should be noted that it is most advisable to purify alcohol after the first distillation when the alcohol content is no more than 40-45%. This is due to the fact that the greater the concentration of alcohol, the more difficult it is to part with impurities. In addition, during purification (especially when filtering through activated carbon), it is necessary to maintain the temperature of the alcohol as low as possible.

Alcohol purification

It is no secret that low-quality alcohol causes many illnesses and even deaths of people. But alcohol is quite often used for medicinal purposes, including oral administration in the form of pepper and various tinctures. In addition, alcohol is used for external use (disinfecting wounds, cauterization, etc.), so harmful substances contained in low-quality alcohol can penetrate the human body through the skin. Therefore, it is very important that the alcohol used is free of toxic substances and harmful impurities.

However, despite all the measures taken to purify the alcohol during production (during the preparation of the mash, during fermentation and during distillation), it is still impossible to obtain a pure product. This also applies to wine.

To purify alcoholic beverages, it is recommended to use filters containing activated carbon. It not only cleans the drink, but also eliminates unpleasant odors and improves taste. In addition, the wine brightens, getting rid of color absorbed from outside.

In Russian distilling, coal for filtration began to be used a long time ago. In 1785, the St. Petersburg pharmacist T. E. Lovitz, who later became an academician, was the first to discover the purifying ability of coal during the distillation of alcohol. In his experiments, Lovitz distilled alcohol over coal powder and at the same time obtained a purer product than with conventional distillation. The same scientist discovered that simply shaking wine without heating or rectification improves the taste and color of the drink and eliminates unpleasant odors.

In addition, the following discovery was made: filtration through carbon can be effectively carried out by first diluting the alcohol with cold boiled water to 40% or after the first distillation, when the proportion of alcohol contained does not exceed 45%. Good results are justified by the fact that the higher the concentration of alcohol, the more it retains impurities and, accordingly, the more difficult it is to purify. During this process, it is important to keep the temperature of the alcohol as low as possible. Soon this discovery began to be applied in wineries. As a result, the quality of the wines has improved significantly.

As mentioned above, you can make an activated carbon filter yourself. In this case, you can use either activated carbon, purchased directly from a pharmacy, or homemade carbon, made from wood.

In the latter case, by selecting certain tree species, it is possible to obtain alcohol with different taste qualities that are not available from any other manufacturer.

To make a filter at home, you need to take a pan of a suitable size with a hole made in the bottom. Place a thin layer of cotton wool and a piece of gauze on the bottom of the pan. Activated carbon is poured on top of the gauze at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter of alcohol intended for filtration. The coal is covered with the edges of gauze so that it does not float to the surface. After this, you can pour alcohol into the prepared container.

It should be remembered that different types of wood have different adsorbing properties, that is, the composition of the substances they absorb varies to some extent. This is the reason for the taste and quality differences between wines purified by different filters.

To clean the alcohol as best as possible, it is recommended to pass it through a similar filter 2-3 times. The finer the powder, the denser the filter will be, and the filtration process itself will be slower, but the alcohol passed through the filter will be better purified.

Another way to purify alcohol is to pour activated carbon into a container with alcohol at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter and shake the resulting mixture well. It is recommended to do this shaking several times during the day. After this, the alcohol, together with activated carbon, is infused for about a week, after which it is filtered through gauze or filter paper.

Purifying alcohol at home gives very good results.

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It is no secret that low-quality alcohol causes many illnesses and even deaths of people. But alcohol is quite often used for medicinal purposes, including oral administration in the form of pepper and various tinctures. In addition, alcohol is used for external use (disinfecting wounds, cauterization, etc.), so harmful substances contained in low-quality alcohol can penetrate the human body through the skin. Therefore, it is very important that the alcohol used is free of toxic substances and harmful impurities.

However, despite all the measures taken to purify the alcohol during production (during the preparation of the mash, during fermentation and during distillation), it is still impossible to obtain a pure product. This also applies to wine.

To purify alcoholic beverages, it is recommended to use filters containing activated carbon. It not only cleans the drink, but also eliminates unpleasant odors and improves taste. In addition, the wine brightens, getting rid of color absorbed from outside.

In Russian distilling, coal for filtration began to be used a long time ago. In 1785, the St. Petersburg pharmacist T. E. Lovitz, who later became an academician, was the first to discover the purifying ability of coal during the distillation of alcohol. In his experiments, Lovitz distilled alcohol over coal powder and at the same time obtained a purer product than with conventional distillation. The same scientist discovered that simply shaking wine without heating or rectification improves the taste and color of the drink and eliminates unpleasant odors.

In addition, the following discovery was made: filtration through carbon can be effectively carried out by first diluting the alcohol with cold boiled water to 40% or after the first distillation, when the proportion of alcohol contained does not exceed 45%. Good results are justified by the fact that the higher the concentration of alcohol, the more it retains impurities and, accordingly, it is more difficult to purify. During this process, it is important to keep the temperature of the alcohol as low as possible. Soon this discovery began to be applied in wineries. As a result, the quality of the wines has improved significantly.

As mentioned above, you can make an activated carbon filter yourself. In this case, you can use either activated carbon, purchased directly from a pharmacy, or homemade carbon, made from wood.

In the latter case, by selecting certain tree species, it is possible to obtain alcohol with different taste qualities that are not available from any other manufacturer.

To make a filter at home, you need to take a pan of a suitable size with a hole made in the bottom. Place a thin layer of cotton wool and a piece of gauze on the bottom of the pan. Activated carbon is poured on top of the gauze at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter of alcohol intended for filtration. The coal is covered with the edges of gauze so that it does not float to the surface. After this, you can pour alcohol into the prepared container.

To clean the alcohol as best as possible, it is recommended to pass it through a similar filter 2-3 times. The finer the powder, the denser the filter will be and the filtration process itself will be slower, but the alcohol passed through the filter will be better cleaned.

Another way to purify alcohol is to pour activated carbon into a container with alcohol at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter and shake the resulting mixture well. It is recommended to do this shaking several times during the day. After this, the alcohol is infused together with activated carbon for about 1 week, after which it is filtered through gauze or filter paper.

Purifying alcohol at home gives very good results.

It should be remembered that different types of wood have different adsorbing properties, that is, the composition of the substances they absorb varies to some extent. This is the reason for the taste and quality differences between wines purified by different filters.

Practical publication “Treatment with activated carbon”

Medical alcohol and vodka are fortified drinks that are used for various purposes. Unfortunately, they are not always pure and often contain various impurities and additives harmful to the human body. Therefore, before drinking them, it is important to know how you can purify vodka at home, without using any complex technological processes or other alcohol-containing drinks.

Scientific research has proven that the quality of any alcoholic drink prepared at home depends on its strength. It is believed that the lower the temperature of a homemade drink, the purer it is. When using medical alcohol, it is always diluted with filtered water so that the hydrometer readings are no more than 42 degrees.

When people make their own moonshine, vodka, tincture or balm at home, very often the finished product has an unpleasant smell, taste or cloudy color. To avoid such consequences, you need to know the methods for purifying alcoholic beverages.

For example, you can purify medical alcohol at home in many ways, which are also suitable for cleaning homemade or store-bought vodka. Moreover, such methods are very simple and do not require any additional or complex equipment. The fastest and most elementary way: use paper to make a funnel and put cotton wool in the hole. Then very slowly drive the vodka through this homemade device.

Alcohol and vodka are widely used in everyday life for various purposes. In medical practice, they are used to prepare medicinal balms, rubs or tinctures. They are also used to complement holiday feasts, as they form the basis of many cognacs and other drinks. Therefore, it is very important to use only a high-quality product that does not contain any foreign impurities or harmful substances.

At home, regardless of the ingredients used in the preparation of vodka or moonshine, impurities often remain that spoil the taste or smell of the product. It becomes unsuitable for further use. Therefore, many home methods, after the drink is fully prepared, are based on mandatory cleansing.

Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate can be purchased through the pharmacy chain. It can be used to quickly and effectively purify alcohol at home. This method will also help soften the taste and remove unpleasant odors from homemade vodka.

Cleaning technology:

  1. For 1 liter of any alcoholic drink you will need only 2 grams of potassium permanganate. You need to mix the ingredients.
  2. Let the solution sit for 20 hours. That is, you need to wait for a precipitate to form. Depending on the quality of the vodka or alcohol, this time may be reduced. If the vodka has few impurities, then most likely it will only take 10 or 12 hours.
  3. After a precipitate forms, the solution is filtered.

This process can be carried out in the simplest way using a homemade paper funnel and cotton wool. It can also be made from a plastic bottle, the bottom of which has been pre-cut. The best option is paper towels folded in several layers.

Cleaning with baking soda is a fairly common method. This method can remove many harmful impurities from the drink and remove the unpleasant odor.

Cleansing technique:

For filtration, you can use a homemade filter made of paper and cotton wool or a layer of fine cold charcoal.

Purifying vodka with potassium permanganate or soda is a fairly quick and simple method. However, no less popular is the method of cleaning with a chicken egg, which can be replaced with milk. These products enter into chemical reactions with alcohol, as a result of which they coagulate.

Step-by-step cleansing process:

  1. For 1 liter of moonshine you will need two eggs. First you need to separate the yolks from the whites. To cleanse, you only need whites, which must be beaten until foam forms.
  2. This protein foam is poured into moonshine (vodka, alcohol).
  3. Stir.
  4. The drink is allowed to settle for 2 or 3 hours, and then the liquid is drained. There should be some sediment left at the bottom of the dish.
  5. Filtered.

Similarly, milk is used, which also reacts and curdles, forming a sediment. This method allows you to remove harmful impurities from alcohol-containing drinks. Milk or protein draws them in and acts as sorbents.

Technology with black bread

This method of purifying vodka at home is also very effective, but few people know about it. It is very simple and allows you to get rid of harmful impurities and fusel oils that are in the drink.

Before purifying vodka with black bread, you must first use another purification method, for example, using potassium permanganate or chicken protein.

Cleansing with black bread:

  1. Place a small piece of black bread in a container with vodka for several hours.
  2. After the composition has infused, the liquid must be drained.
  3. Filter the drink.

This method will not only help get rid of fusel oils, but also improve the taste and aroma of the alcohol-containing drink. And if you use well-fried rye crusts or slightly burnt pieces of black bread, the vodka will additionally acquire a golden color.

Another great way to help rid your drink of fusel impurities. It does not require any special tools or equipment. This technique involves the use of low temperatures, that is, vodka can be purified by freezing. As a result of freezing, impurities that are in the drink form sediment on the walls and bottom of the container. Moreover, the alcohol itself is not frozen and remains unchanged.

The technology is very simple: the container with the drink is frozen, and then it is poured into a clean container. It is necessary to wait several hours so that the freezing process is complete and all the impurities are transformed into ice.

Important! Freezing should be carried out at a temperature of minus 30 degrees Celsius.

The second method: the drink that needs to be cleaned is poured into a bag and placed in the freezer for 4 or 5 hours. As soon as the time is up, take it out, make a hole in the bag and drain the liquid. Ice with harmful impurities is thrown away. The advantages of freezing: the alcohol-containing drink is purified and becomes stronger in degrees. Cons - its volume is slightly reduced.

This technology allows you to make the drink not only cleaner, but also makes it transparent. It also gains degrees and becomes stronger. Another advantage is the speed of such cleaning, since freezing takes a maximum of only 5 hours.

Vodka or alcohol can be purified using activated carbon. Any absorbent substances always bind harmful impurities together and absorb them. This technique allows for cleansing not only of the human body, where it is most often used, but also of alcohol-containing drinks.

Activated carbon is considered one of the most common and popular sorbents. It is very cheap and is sold in any pharmacy, so there is no problem buying it and using it in the future for cleansing. Coal is used to remove bluish oils and other harmful substances and impurities. Activated carbon is sold in tablets, and Enterosgel can also be used as a substitute.

Applications of activated carbon:

  1. The tablets are poured into a container and crushed to a powder.
  2. Then they need to be filled with vodka at the rate of 50 g of tablets per 1 liter of drink.
  3. The mixture must be infused for 6-7 days and the composition must be shaken and stirred periodically.
  4. At the end of the period, it must be strained and filtered.

Important! To improve the result and obtain a product with good characteristics, it is advisable to repeat this process two or even three times. Activated carbon must be constantly changed with each cleansing.

In the old days, in many countries, alcoholic beverages were purified in a variety of ways. Depending on the region of residence, certain plants and devices were used. In Rus', violet roots were used to remove the unpleasant smell of moonshine and its taste. They had to be mixed with one spoon of candied honey per 1 liter of liquid. Later, people began to use sugar instead of honey. This drink was put in a dark place and infused for 15 hours, and then it was passed through several layers of cotton fabric.

The second most popular method was the method of purifying alcoholic beverages using sand and coal. Cold (cooled) coals were finely ground. The river sand was first washed in clean water and thoroughly listened to, and then mixed with coals. Thus, a filter was formed through which moonshine and homemade vodka were passed. This was done slowly, in a thin stream.

There is a myth that you can purify vodka using silver. In fact, this is not true, since silver ions prevent the necessary bacteria from growing and developing. For example, moonshine is prepared from mash, and this requires fermentation of yeast. Silver prevents them from developing. Therefore, it is excellent for purifying water, but in no case should it be used in alcohol-containing drinks.

Alcohol testing

Many people believe that if the alcohol is 100 degrees, then it does not need purification. In most cases, this strength is very rarely found in any alcoholic beverages. And besides, it does not guarantee that the alcohol does not contain foreign impurities and fusel oils. Therefore, any drink that contains alcohol must be checked.

Glass or any mirror can be suitable for this. Before starting the test, the smooth surface must be thoroughly washed, first with very hot water, and then rinsed with cold water. The surface should dry naturally. Then take a few drops of vodka or alcohol and pour it onto the prepared glass. You need to wait for the liquid to completely evaporate. Conditions should be normal: room temperature, without heaters or fans. At the end of the test, there should be no traces left on the glass.

Improved taste and smell

When preparing homemade tinctures or balms, fruits, herbs and berries are often used. They improve the taste and aroma of drinks.

Here are some tips:

Every housewife wants to decorate her holiday table and surprise her guests. Balms and fruit and berry liqueurs, prepared with your own hands with special care, warmth and love, will not only help decorate it, but will also impart a joyful mood to the special event.

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