When to use resection of the apex of the tooth. Removal of the apex of the tooth root and inflamed tissues

IN oral cavity exists huge amount pathological microorganisms, the activity of which often leads to infection of the gums, spread inflammatory processes.

In some cases on soft tissues Pathological formations appear (cysts, abscesses, fistulas, boils, etc.) that require immediate treatment.

In this article we will look at one of the ways surgical treatment of these pathologies – resection (of soft tissue or tooth). The procedure allows you to remove defects and foci of inflammation, while maintaining the health of the adjacent tooth.

Many patients are interested in what “resection of the apex of the tooth root” is and why it is prescribed.

Manipulation is surgery, which is carried out by a dental surgeon in the area of ​​the tooth root. It allows you to amputate the affected areas of the root and block the inflammatory (infectious) process.

Tooth resection

As a rule, resection is prescribed in cases where standard treatment has not helped. endodontic treatment, since the operation is very labor-intensive and complex. As a result, it is possible to save healthy tooth and arch, removing the pathological formation without consequences or complications.

Most often, manipulation is prescribed in the case of diagnosis of periodontitis and deep periodontal disease, as well as for the removal of cysts, abscesses, granulomas, fistulas, etc.

Also, the need for the procedure can be caused by defects in the root canals (perforation, changes in structure, poor-quality filling, fracture of the apex, etc.), the consequences of wearing prostheses and implants, or a doctor’s mistake (a fragment of an instrument remains in the canal).

There are also contraindications to the operation:

  • periodontitis with tooth mobility;
  • periodontal disease (the necks of the teeth are exposed);
  • tumor in the tooth growth area.

When does resection become necessary?

Let us consider in more detail when and why this procedure is used.

Stages of the operation

Dentists explain to patients that this is a gum and tooth resection, how long it lasts and what stages it includes.

The duration of the operation ranges from half an hour to an hour. Its duration is influenced by the location of the formation and tooth, the size of the capsule, the stage of the disease and other factors.

Also, during the first days, try to eat liquid foods - soups, slimy porridges, pureed vegetables or chicken fillet, dairy dishes.

Before the day of suture removal, the patient should take a vacation, avoid heavy lifting, stressful situations, physical and psychological stress.

Complications after resection

Breakage of instruments in the tooth cavity is one of the reasons for resection of the apex of the tooth root.

As a rule, the consequences of resection of the apex of the tooth root ( photo below) can arise for several reasons.

According to statistics, resection gives good results, and in most cases completely eliminates pathologies (infections, foreign bodies, granulomas and cysts, other formations).

However, in some cases serious postoperative complications which will require expensive and lengthy treatment.

In order to cure a tooth when a cyst has formed at the apex of its root, it is necessary to perform surgical intervention - resection of the apex of the tooth root.

Surgery is performed for previously undiagnosed and untreated acute periodontitis.

The cystic formation has quite dense shell outside and purulent contents inside.

Its presence is determined when pain syndrome in the patient's tooth area. Also, X-ray examination will help determine the location and size of the cyst.

Indications for gum resection

The indication for resection is insufficient effectiveness of drug therapy.

Resection of the apex of the tooth root

When medicine is placed into the canal of an unfilled tooth to resolve the cystic neoplasm, but to no avail.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for intramuscular administration are also prescribed in the complex.

Gingival resection is performed when ineffective complex therapy after two months of treatment.

Surgical intervention is required:

  1. Patients who rarely visit the dentist and develop oral diseases;
  2. When the tooth is filled poorly or the filling has expired;
  3. People who are preparing for prosthetics;
  4. Cystic formations caused by poor-quality filling of dental canals and incomplete treatment;
  5. In case of infectious infection of the tooth canal and the addition of a secondary infection;
  6. If there is a pin installed in the dental canal and the dental canal is not properly filled, gum resection is prescribed;
  7. Availability cystic formation under the crown;
  8. When the cyst is larger than one centimeter in size, resection is also performed.

Carrying out the operation

The surgical procedure depends on the complexity of the case. In general last no more than one hour. Depends on the location of the cystic neoplasm and the location of the tooth in the oral cavity.

Remove cysts at the root apex front tooth easier, due to physical accessibility to it. Surgical intervention of chewing teeth requires more time.

Resection of the apex of the tooth root is absolutely painless, since the operation is performed under local anesthesia.

To carry out surgical intervention it is necessary to prepare the tooth. If an outdated filling was removed, then it is necessary to refill the dental canal two days before the operation.

Filling is not carried out in advance to prevent the addition of a secondary infection and not start.

The operation is scheduled for in a planned manner at the dentist-surgeon. Before the procedure, a conversation is held with the patient, in which the doctor explains the course of the upcoming procedure.

At strong fear the person is offered sedatives and emotionally prepare for the operation. Surgical intervention is performed under local anesthesia in the form of an injection into the gum.

To provide access to the tooth root, based on X-ray images, the doctor makes an incision in the gum. The tissue peels off and the bones are exposed.

Using a drill, the doctor saws off the top of the tooth root along with the cystic neoplasm, thereby performing a resection.

Under the influence of an anesthetic, the patient does not feel anything at this time, only hears the operation of the device.

When removing a cyst large size, in its place, to fill the cavity, a special bone tissue made of synthetic material is placed.

The gum is sutured using specialized suture material. The threads are self-absorbing and do not require removal.

A homeopathic sponge is inserted into the cut cavity, providing drainage for blood outflow and having a hemostatic effect.

Consequences of surgery

When surgery is performed by an experienced specialist, the tooth will last a long time after resection of the root apex.

The main point of surgical intervention is the removal of the cystic neoplasm and its base.

If you allow a small fragment to remain, then after some time it will be able to grow again in the same place.

When surgical intervention is performed by an illiterate specialist, the percentage of such cases does not exceed three units.

If sterility and aseptic rules are not observed, the dentist can introduce viruses through his own hands and instruments and cause a secondary infection.

Video on the topic

How to diagnose the problem and what to expect from gum resection, watch the video:

After surgery, you must follow the specialist’s recommendations. They consist of long-term antibiotic therapy prescribed individually for each patient. antiseptic solution. It is also necessary to attend professional examinations with the specialist performing the surgery.

Resection or apicoectomy of the apex of the tooth root is one of the types of tooth-preserving operations. It is carried out during inflammatory processes on or near the roots. Manipulation allows you to save the unit. In this case, the incisor, canine or molar practically does not lose its functions.

IN general outline The answer to what resection of the apex of a tooth root is is excision of the last third of the affected root along with purulent formations through an incision in the gum. The main indications are periostitis, granulomas and cysts. However, for the operation a number of conditions must be met:

  • cyst size from 1 cm in diameter - otherwise drug therapy is preferred;
  • 2/3 of the canals have been passed and sealed with high quality;
  • there is either a pin installed in the tooth - they are seated on heavy-duty glue, and their removal can lead to a root fracture;
  • installed crown or bridge - in this case, conservative treatment with refilling of the canals and filling medicines are not carried out: the prosthesis will have to be completely changed, which will significantly increase the cost of treatment.

The main indications are periostitis, granulomas and cysts.

Important! Resection is also indicated for fractures upper third root, tortuous canals or when they cannot be completed to the end after previous unsuccessful treatment.


Mostly, contraindications to resection are associated with periodontal diseases. Due to significant bone resorption and high risk tooth loss, apicoectomy is not performed for:

  • mobility of teeth III and IV degrees;
  • significant exposure of the cervix;
  • more than 5 mm deep.

Additional limitations are significant damage to the crown and cracks in the roots.

The operation is carried out in stages.

Important! Apicoectomy is not performed during periods of exacerbation of inflammatory processes at the root apex. First they shoot acute symptoms and only then is surgery scheduled.

Also root resection tooth Contraindicated in the presence of infectious diseases and severe cardiac pathologies. It is postponed until the patient’s condition stabilizes.

Operation technique

Resection of the apex of the tooth root is considered a complex operation. It requires specific skills and caution from the dentist. Apicoectomy takes place over several stages:

  1. Preparation. The root canals must be filled at least 2 days before surgery. If they were poorly treated along the entire length, they are opened, cleaned, expanded and refilled. If there is a problem only at the top, there is no point in re-treating it - it will be cut off anyway. If the tooth is “alive”, it is depulped and filled.
  2. Anesthesia. Infiltration or conduction anesthesia is administered.
  3. Providing access. An oval, trapezoidal or angular incision is made. The gums are peeling off. Using a bur, a hole is drilled.
  4. Direct resection. Through the hole made, the affected root is cut off with a fissure drill to the sealed area. The cyst, granuloma and affected tissue are scraped out.
  5. Drug treatment. The cavity is irrigated with antiseptics. If serious lesions are present bone tissue, the hole is filled with osteogenic materials by 80%.
  6. Stitching. The tissue flap is returned to its place and sutured. Drainage is installed in the oral cavity to ensure the drainage of blood, ichor, and saliva. Apply a pressure bandage. It can be removed after a few hours. A bag of ice is immediately applied to the face at the operation site for half an hour. Cold is needed to reduce swelling.

The root canals must be filled at least 2 days before surgery.

Resection lasts from 20 minutes to 1 hour. The duration of the manipulation depends on the location of the tooth. The easiest way to perform an apicoectomy is in the area of ​​the incisors and canines. It’s more difficult in the molar area.

Additional information! Another manipulation technique is laser resection. This method is minimally invasive: it injures less tissue, is painless, and provides better sterility. However, it costs several times more.

Minimum price normal operation– 3,000 rubles in Moscow clinics. While laser removal costs up to 15,000 rubles.


The recovery period lasts 2 – 3 weeks. On days 7–8, the sutures are removed if they were not applied with self-absorbable threads. Special attention require the first few days of rehabilitation. To avoid complications and speed up the healing process, it is recommended:

  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • do not eat or drink for the first 3 hours;
  • stick to a diet: eat chopped food at room temperature;
  • rinse your mouth antiseptic solutions after meals and at night, chlorhexidine is most often used;
  • brush teeth soft brush and paste with reduced abrasiveness;
  • refrain from eating solid food for 3 months: nuts, crackers, etc.

The recovery period lasts 2 – 3 weeks.

Important! Patients report swelling and toothache after surgery. This is fine. They should gradually subside and completely disappear on the 3rd – 5th day. To relieve symptoms, take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.


In some cases there are negative consequences. They appear because medical errors or under unfavorable anatomical conditions. For example, close proximity upper teeth to the maxillary sinuses.

The following complications are possible:

    • perforation of the nasal passages;
    • damage to the branches of the nerve and, as a result, loss of facial sensitivity - paresthesia;
    • extensive injuries to blood vessels;
    • recurrence of the cyst - in 1 - 3%, develops due to an incompletely cleaned cavity.

Resection allows you to extend the life of the tooth by several years. Previously, cysts and inflammation of the root apex were considered direct indications for removal. However, the operated unit is less stable and cannot fully perform its functions. Such teeth are used with caution as a support for prosthetics.

A pathological fear of the dentist is inherent in every person since childhood. Especially if he hears scary names. For example, resection of the apex of a tooth root. What is it, and should we be so afraid of it? However creepy toothache, which is familiar to everyone, leads us to the dentist’s office, where they make a diagnosis: pulpitis, granuloma, cyst. After this, they claim that tooth resection will be required.

A terrible toothache, which is familiar to everyone, brings us to the dentist's office, where a diagnosis is made

What is root apex resection?

In dentistry, this procedure is considered complex, so it is performed under local anesthesia. If the attending physician recommends it, then this is the only way to get rid of complex disease and save the tooth. The doctor will not suggest such a method until more gentle methods of treatment have been carried out. If a serious inflammatory process progresses in the root area, then it must be stopped, otherwise serious consequences are possible.

Typically, the dentist tries to localize the disease using endodontic treatment to stop the inflammatory process of the gums and roots. And if this does not help, they resort to the resection method. This must be done as quickly as possible. Typically, this operation is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • granuloma;
  • cyst;
  • fibroma;
  • periodontitis;
  • pulpitis;
  • a case where a fragment of a tool was left at the root;
  • poor quality canal filling;
  • root break;
  • root curvature.

Sometimes it is actually easier to remove a tooth, especially if the issue of a wisdom tooth is being resolved

Tooth loss is only a small part of the consequences. It is more sad if the inflammatory process affects adjacent teeth, inflammation of the gums begins, it is affected lymphatic system, and with the flow of lymph, inflammation can affect other human organs.

Important! If tooth root resection is prescribed, it means that serious inflammation has been detected, which must be urgently removed. Delay is fraught with serious consequences.

In such a situation there is no question: to do it or not? Do it, definitely! The situation is dangerous for health in general. And since this is a surgical intervention, you need to know how to prepare yourself for this.

What a person needs to know before an upcoming resection

It is already clear that it will not be possible to avoid surgery. This is a complex procedure, but it will help prevent removal, relieve gum inflammation and avoid serious consequences. Some patients prefer to pull out a tooth, simply not fully understanding what resection of the apex of the tooth root is. But in the dentition there are teeth that are important to preserve. Especially if the incisors and fangs are at risk.

In dentistry, this procedure is considered complex and is therefore performed under local anesthesia.

Sometimes it is actually easier to remove a tooth, especially if the issue of a wisdom tooth is being resolved. But sometimes deleting will not solve the problem. The word resection itself in translation means removal. But in in this case, this is not tooth extraction, but its salvation and elimination of the disease. With such an operation, the doctor is able to penetrate directly into the source of infection and quickly stop the inflammatory process, preventing the further spread of gum infection, which is dangerous not only for neighboring roots. ABOUT possible consequences already mentioned.

Despite the complexity of the procedure, the patient will not feel anything, as it is performed under local anesthesia. There is some discomfort and slight pain in the gum area after anesthesia. Most often, an operation of this nature is performed when the front row of teeth is at risk. The front teeth have one straight root, which greatly facilitates the operation.

Contraindications for resection

Despite the safety of the operation, there are still contraindications:

  • gum periodontal disease;
  • tooth mobility in the gum (periodontitis);
  • periadenitis (bone ligament disease);
  • cardiovascular or infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • epilepsy;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • cracks in the root of the tooth;
  • crown destruction.

Despite the complexity of the procedure, the patient will not feel anything, since it is performed under local anesthesia

The decision to prohibit or permit an operation is made solely by the attending physician in each individual case.

Important! Taking into account the seriousness of the upcoming operation, you should not trust your health to doctors with little experience or doctors of dubious reputation. Choose dentists with extensive professional experience.

How is the operation performed?

The entire operating process lasts from 30 minutes to one hour. It depends on the location of the tooth. The operation in the area of ​​the front teeth is faster. On the eve of surgery, the doctor checks the teeth for the presence of caries, and if there is any, the canal is filled. After this, at least two days must pass. Otherwise, a negative reaction to the filling may occur during the operation.

  1. The tooth in the area of ​​which the operation will be performed is filled with gutta-percha or phosphate cement. The canal is expanded, it is thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, then the filling material is liquid state injected into the canal. This is necessary so that the narrowest places of the root are closed.
  2. On the day of surgery, the attending physician conducts a test for anesthetic drugs and at positive reaction anesthetizes the site with an injection. It's not painful, but rather unpleasant.
  3. An incision is made in the gum so that the bone tissue is visible. After this, based on the projection, a small hole is made in the jaw bone tissue using a drill.
  4. Through this hole, the doctor identifies the root apex and separates it along with the cyst. After this, antibacterial and anti-infective drugs are injected into the location of the cyst.
  5. If after resection a large cavity has formed, it is filled with artificial bone tissue. This is done to quickly restore your own bone tissue.
  6. Sutures are placed and drainage is installed to drain the ichor from the operation site. The drainage is removed after a couple of days.

After the operation, the patient is given a bandage in the area upper lip, it can be removed after 12 hours. Your doctor may recommend applying ice. This is necessary in order to prevent the occurrence of hematomas.

The tooth in the area of ​​which the operation will be performed is filled with gutta-percha or phosphate cement

Postoperative complications

It is clear that swelling or hematomas are a completely normal postoperative phenomenon. Especially if you remember that resection of the apex of the tooth root is considered a complex operation. It penetrates into the bone tissue of the jaw, which can lead to the following consequences:

  • violation of the integrity of blood vessels;
  • nasal perforation;
  • alveolar trauma;
  • perforation of the maxillary sinus;
  • facial paresthesia.

This does not happen so often and only if the person has a complex anatomical structure facial bones, or upper teeth located close to the maxillary sinus. In such cases, surgery is carried out carefully, and the incisions themselves are made a little larger.

Paresthesia occurs if during the operation the facial nerve. In this case, additional complex treatment and physiotherapeutic procedures. This is another one of the most important facts, which requires extensive surgeon experience.

Pathological fear of the dentist is inherent in every person since childhood.

Leaving aside the negative, we can say that almost all operations go well, without consequences, and the patient goes home on the same day, where he independently carries out postoperative measures.

Postoperative measures

The doctor recommends refraining from excessive activity and, if possible, spending a couple of days in bed, excluding any physical activity. You can eat on the first day, but not earlier than three hours later. This must be soft food, which does not require thorough chewing.

Salty, spicy foods, hot or carbonated drinks should be excluded for now, as they are irritating factors. Should not be used toothpaste and rinse aids.

At this time, it is better to rinse your mouth with decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs. These could be:

  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • sage;
  • plantain;
  • yarrow or mixtures of these herbs.

Preparing decoctions is easy. You need to pour one spoon of herb into a glass of boiling water, leave, cool to body temperature and rinse your mouth. If you want to brush your teeth, then it’s better to use children’s toothpastes or fragrance-free tooth powder.

Nerves in the tooth

In the first two days, the patient may experience slight discomfort. The jaw bone was opened, so pain is considered normal. The use of anabolic steroids is not contraindicated. The dentist will recommend which ones. Two months after the resection, the patient must undergo x-ray to prevent relapse. Solid food not recommended for the next two to three months. It is best to grate apples and carrots.


Do not think that lotions and baths with medicinal herbs will help get rid of the inflammatory process. Herbs are good only after surgery. Heat can cause rapid growth cysts. Do not forget that such neoplasms are filled with pus. Heat can provoke its spreading in the bone jaw tissues, provoking new inflammatory processes.

Photo of a diseased tooth

Once in the lymph, the pus spreads throughout the body. Patients notice swelling in the jaw area, inflammation lymph nodes. In such a situation, all human organs that can be affected by infected lymph are at risk. Therefore, you should not subject your body to such tests, hoping that everything will resolve. Such diseases do not resolve; one must decide on resection, if the doctor strongly recommends it, spend a few minutes and get rid of the disease. Be healthy!

Tooth resection is a microsurgical operation to remove a cyst in the upper part of its root. Usually, purulent formations and growths form around the cyst, which without timely treatment cause negative consequences for the body. The main ones include the appearance of headaches, development chronic sinusitis, general malaise.

The operation is performed in dental clinics experienced surgeons using modern equipment and painkillers.

Main stages of the operation

The duration of the tooth root resection procedure can take from half an hour to one and a half hours. Thus, the front incisors and canines are in a place easily accessible to the doctor, the operation will take place quickly and without complications. But back teeth much more difficult to operate. The entire process is carried out under strong local anesthesia.

Preparatory process

Before the operation, the doctor examines the patient. The canals of the tooth must be sealed; otherwise, they are pre-filled several days before the resection.

Canal filling includes the following steps:

  • opening access to them;
  • cleaning and expansion using a file;
  • filling an empty root canal;
  • installation permanent filling or crowns.

Phosphate cement is used as a filling material, which has a long service life. The filling material hardens within a few minutes.


Resection of the tooth root upper jaw carried out using infiltration anesthesia, on the lower one - using conduction anesthesia. Ultracaine or lidocaine is used as an anesthetic.

The essence of infiltration anesthesia: An anesthetic is injected into the submucosal area of ​​the gum, spreads into the bone tissue and blocks the nervous response to pain.

The essence of conduction anesthesia: An anesthetic is injected into the tissue located next to the nerve of the tooth, the nerve is saturated with an analgesic, resulting in blocking the nerve response to pain.

The gums at the injection site of the analgesic turn white, which indicates the onset of the drug’s effect. Type of anesthesia - local.

Gum opening

Before performing the operation, it is necessary to ensure access to the root. For these purposes, the surgeon rips the gum with a scalpel, mucosal detachment occurs, as a result of which bone tissue becomes available.

Using dental burs, a hole is cut into the bone tissue to expose the upper root. Opening of the gums is accompanied by profuse bleeding.

The operation itself

The first stage of the operation is the discovery of the root, the second stage is cutting off its upper part. Cutting off occurs using a drill, extraction - using a scalpel. The result of a successfully performed operation is the surgeon's extraction of the upper root along with the growth or cyst.

In some cases, after surgery, an empty cavity forms in the gum. In order to fill the space and speed up the healing process, synthetic bone tissue is injected into the gum.

Gum stitching

To restore the gum structure, it is sutured suture material. For the outflow of formed after surgery bloody discharge, drainage is placed in the gum between the sutures. The patient is covered with a sterile gauze bandage and cold is applied to relieve swelling.

To better understand what resection of the apex of a tooth root is, we suggest watching the following video:

Rehabilitation period

The postoperative recovery period lasts from several days to a week. On the day of surgery, you should not eat anything next days Liquid meals are allowed. It is worth limiting the consumption of spicy, salty and solid foods (nuts, hard vegetables and fruits).

To prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes, the doctor prescribes mouth rinse by special means several times a day. Effectively rinsing the mouth with a decoction chamomile, St. John's wort or oak bark. Natural components in herbs relieve swelling and prevent the occurrence of purulent formations at the site of resection.

If, after a week, blood or pus is released from the wound, it is necessary to consult a specialist, take an x-ray and eliminate complications.

Indications for use

In cases where non-surgical intervention methods (endodontic treatment) cannot be effectively applied, the patient is prescribed a procedure called resection.


  • Availability purulent cysts more than one centimeter in size. Conservative treatment in similar cases turns out to be ineffective, its main disadvantages are: the duration of the process, frequent relapses;
  • The presence of filled canals and crowns on the tooth. With conservative treatment, first of all it is necessary to remove the crown, then unfill the canals and begin therapeutic procedures. Price conservative treatment big;
  • Availability in root canal metal pin. In dentistry, it is not recommended to remove pins, since during the procedure, a fracture of the tooth root often occurs, which is a prerequisite for its removal. Resection in this case is inevitable;
  • Poor quality filling of dental canals promotes the penetration of infection into them and, as a result, the development of cysts. Unsealing and refilling are not recommended; tooth loss may result from such manipulations

Tooth resection is a complex and painful operation, in many cases requiring a long recovery period, however, its main advantage is the preservation of the diseased tooth.

Contraindications for carrying out

In certain cases, carrying out surgery It is impossible to remove the upper part of the tooth. The main contraindications include:

  • periodontal disease of the second, third and fourth degrees;
  • presence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • presence of acute respiratory diseases;
  • cracks in the root of the tooth.

Not all teeth can undergo such surgical interventions. The operation is most conveniently performed on incisors and canines; it is not recommended to perform the procedure on chewing teeth.

Possible consequences of

Resection of the upper part of the tooth root is complex look surgical intervention. The dentist must have extensive experience in performing such procedures in order to avoid causing harm during resection.

Possible injuries during the operation:

  • damage to blood vessels;
  • damage to nerve endings;
  • damage to nearby healthy teeth;
  • introduction of infection.

Complications often arise after resection of the apex of the tooth root. The main ones:

  • profuse bleeding at the wound site;
  • gum decay at the site of resection;
  • the occurrence of swelling and swelling of the jaw;
  • numbness in the lower part of the face;
  • relapse.

In case of poor-quality removal of the tooth root and cyst, relapse occurs. This phenomenon usually occurs in acute form, requires surgical intervention.

Before choosing a clinic for treatment, it is recommended to study basic information about it, read reviews in order to get an appointment with qualified specialists with sufficient experience in performing such surgical interventions.


The price for performing the operation ranges from three to twelve thousand rubles. The cost varies depending on the location of the operation (in major cities the cost is often too high), depending on the quality of the materials used filling materials, on the quality of anesthesia, on the degree of neglect of the disease.

Table No. 1: Average cost operations in Russian cities

City Service Cost, rubles
Saint Petersburg Dentist consultation 200
Carrying out resection:
- single root 5500
- two-root 7500
- three-root 12500
Suture using silk 150
Suturing using supramid 550
Anesthesia 220
Moscow Initial consultation with a specialist for free
Consultation with a specialist and subsequent development of a treatment plan 350
Carrying out resection 6450
Silk suture 220
Anesthesia 270-350
Novosibirsk Initial consultation 300
Resection of the apex of the tooth root 5000
Suture 250
Anesthesia 250
Yekaterinburg Initial patient consultation 50
Performing tooth root resection 3500
Suture 100
Nizhny Novgorod Initial consultation 300
Resection from 2700
Anesthesia from 200
Important: the cost of materials is paid separately!

As can be seen from the table, the most high prices on dental services in Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is worth noting that medical centers There are many more people performing resection operations in large cities.

The prices in the table are approximate. More accurate information can be obtained by visiting a dental clinic.

The doctor will conduct an initial diagnosis, on the basis of which a treatment plan will be drawn up and the cost of care will be determined.