Large cities of Asia description. What are the largest cities in Asia?

Asia is the largest part of the world, which is washed by three oceans. The vast territory of the world is occupied by 54 states (5 of which are partially recognized). Asia is one of the very first parts of the world, distinguished since ancient times, approximately from the 10th-11th centuries BC.

The region of Asia Minor has long been distinguished - the westernmost part of Asia, which is a peninsula known as modern Türkiye. The region is washed by four seas and in ancient times was called Anatolia (from Greek - “east”). It is noteworthy that the Asian part of Turkey is still called Anatolia (Anadolu).

Part of the world Asia

The largest part of the world is home to more than half the world's population, and, accordingly, it is here that the largest cities in the world are located. The Asian territory covers 43.4 million square kilometers and is home to 4.2 billion people of different nationalities and religions. A real oriental bazaar of cultural curiosities. It is worth emphasizing that this is currently the most dynamically developing region in the world, the so-called “Asian economic miracle.”

Largest cities in Asia

A third of the largest cities are located in China, which is not surprising since it is the country with the largest population. Below is a list of the largest Asian metropolitan areas with a population of more than 3,500,000 people. Thus, the 40 largest cities in Asia are:

Shanghai (China) - 17.8 million people. Shanghai is the “Asian Tiger”, the largest and most economically developed city in Asia.
Istanbul (Türkiye) - 13.6 million people. Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) is a beautiful ancient city and cultural center of the country, which has a strategically important location.
Karachi (Pakistan) - 13.2 million people.
Mumbai (formerly Bombay, India) - 12.4 million inhabitants.
Beijing (China) - 11.7 million inhabitants. The current capital of China and one of the most beautiful ancient cities of the Celestial Empire.
Guangzhou (China) -11 million inhabitants. One of the largest trading cities in the country.
Delhi (India) - 11 million people. Capital of India.
Dhaka (Bangladesh) - 10.8 million inhabitants.
Lahore (Pakistan) - 10.5 million inhabitants.
Shenzhen (China) - 10.5 million people.
Seoul (Republic of Korea) - 10.4 million people. Capital of South Korea.
Jakarta (Indonesia) - 9.7 million people. Capital of Indonesia.
Tianjin (China) - 9.3 million people.
Tokyo (Japan) - 8.9 million people. Capital of Japan.
Bangalore (India) - 8.4 million people.
Bangkok (Thailand) - 8.2 million people. Capital of Thailand.
Tehran (Iran) - 8.2 million people. Capital of Iran.
Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) - 7.1 million people.
Hong Kong (China) - 7.1 million people. Hong Kong, like Shanghai, is an “Asian tiger”. In the middle of the last century it was a fishing village.
Hanoi (Vietnam) - 6.8 million people. Capital of Vietnam.
Hyderabad (India) - 6.8 million people.
Wuhan (China) - 6.4 million people.
Ahmedabad (India) - 5.6 million people.
Baghdad (Iraq) - 5.4 million people. Capital of Iraq.
Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) - 5.2 million people. Capital of Saudi Arabia.
Singapore (Singapore) - 5.2 million people. The island-state-city of the same name.
Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) - 5.1 million inhabitants.
Ankara (Türkiye) - 4.9 million people.
Chennai (India) - 4.6 million inhabitants.
Yangon (Myanmar) - 4.6 million people.
Chongqing (China) - 4.5 million inhabitants.
Kolkata (India) - 4.5 million people.
Nanjing (China) - 4.4 million inhabitants.
Harbin (China) - 4.3 million people.
Pyongyang (DPRK) - 4.1 million inhabitants. Capital of the DPRK.
Xi'an (China) - 4 million people.
Chengdu (China) - 3.9 million inhabitants.
Xinbei (China) - 3.8 million people.
Chittagong (Bangladesh) - 3.8 million people.
Yokohama (Japan) - 3.6 million inhabitants.

World of travel


19.03.17 12:31

Asia is wonders that even an experienced tourist will not immediately discover, Asia is beautiful cities, Asia is snow-white beaches and magical islands, Asia is mountain ranges and ancient temples. This wonderful part of the world attracts millions of travelers: some simply enjoy it, while others open new horizons (including in their minds). What are the cities of Asia, the most beautiful places worth visiting?

Mix of architectural relics and futurism: Asian cities

Beijing: a very ancient capital

The most beautiful cities in Asia are undoubtedly Chinese metropolises, skillfully combining ancient architectural relics and ultra-modern architecture. Beijing, which has remained the capital of China for more than eight centuries, offers a vibrant mix of history and today. Tombs of legendary dynasties and the mausoleum of the 13 Ming emperors, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall of China, built before our era by the first ruler of the state, Tiananmen Square, Chairman Mao Memorial Hall - everyone will find something to their liking in this Asian city. Beijing has several shopping districts with a mind-boggling variety of goods. In addition to the traditional shopping districts (Wangfujing and Qianmen), lively street markets offer everything a pampered shopaholic will love.

Shanghai: the world's largest metropolis

The largest city in China and one of the most important cities in Asia, Shanghai offers you the chance to see the past, present and future all at once. It is also the country's most prosperous city and a major economic and cultural center. The Huangpu River divides Shanghai into two regions: Pudong and Puxi. The former's cityscape looks like a futuristic scene from The Jetsons, dominated by the bulbous Shanghai Broadcasting and Television Tower. In Puxi, walking along the charming promenade will give you a taste of old Shanghai. After dark, the metropolis does not fall asleep, nightclubs and bars are open until dawn, cinema centers show Chinese and foreign films, and theaters offer a variety of genres: from opera and drama to acrobatics and puppets.

Hong Kong: Gateway between West and East

Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, is a kind of gateway between West and East, a financial, banking, and trade center, the birthplace of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. Hong Kong's cosmopolitanism is incredible. You can admire the stunning floating islands and enjoy a cup of tea in a quaint modern hotel with a high-rise pool and panoramic windows, admire the traditional Chinese architecture at Ngong Ping Village, and then take a tram to the top of Victoria Peak: an unparalleled view! This beautiful Asian city includes more than 200 offshore islands. And when evening covers Hong Kong with a velvet blanket, the skyscrapers come to life: myriads of lights light up on them, as if you are watching an enchanting light show.

Hanoi: an elegant collage of Chinese and French styles

The capital of Vietnam, Hanoi, is charming in its own way and unlike other cities in Asia. It looks like an elegant collage of Chinese and French architecture (after all, for a good half of the twentieth century, Hanoi remained the capital of Indochina, which belonged to France). The well-preserved Old Quarter is an intricate labyrinth of thousand-year-old streets, squeezed between the ancient walls of the Hanoi Citadel and the Red River. Monuments in the colonial style, the mausoleum with the embalmed body of Ho Chi Minh, shady boulevards, hundreds of pagodas, lakes, picturesque parks - all these attractions of the beautiful Asian city can be explored by taking a ride in an inexpensive taxi.

Bangkok: exotic for every taste

Another perfect combination of old and new, East and West is Bangkok. The romance of the Chao Phraya River, floating markets, golden palaces, quaint pagodas, noisy exotic nightlife - the capital of Thailand knows how to please the traveler! The Grand Palace is a mixture of amazing temples and royal chambers, and houses an important relic of Thailand - the Emerald Buddha, a 15th-century sculpture of very fine workmanship (the figurine is actually made of jade). Relax in Dusit Gardens with its manicured European style, stroll through Siam and Pratunam squares and don't miss the opportunity to visit Phra Nakhon, which houses Wat Pho, the home of the Reclining Buddha.

Singapore: fantastic and cosmopolitan

The cityscape of the Asian city-state of Singapore looks like it was ripped out of a science fiction book: all these bizarre buildings, reminiscent of either alien flowers or mushrooms, are unique. Over the past half century, Singapore has developed very rapidly and has become a major economic center with a high standard of living, modern infrastructure and luxury hotels. It is considered a paradise for shopping lovers, and families with children will have a great time at the Sentosa resort. Magnificent architecture, amazing Botanical Gardens, Chinatown and Little India, Malaysian dishes with anchovies, hot peppers, coconut and cucumbers, five-spice pork ribs, delicious British tea cakes - Singapore is also a cosmopolitan city in Asia.

Ubud: Bali's best resort

The tranquility of the village of Ubud in Bali (Indonesia) is a Mecca for those who want to immerse themselves in nature with its untouched beauty, culture and ancient relics. In addition, Ubud is considered one of the best resorts in Asia. Order the famous Balinese massage, aromatherapy, acupressure, reflexology course, immerse yourself in the bright colors of the landscape, walk through the ruins of ancient temples - it’s so great! In the nearby nature reserve you'll find hundreds of mischievous long-tailed macaques. Spend time with these pranksters, when else will you get the chance?

Kathmandu: Mecca for climbers and artifact lovers

The beautiful Asian city of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, is surrounded by a valley with an endless number of historical and cultural attractions, seven of which are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Including the Buddhist stupa Swayambhu, the Hindu temples of Pashupati and Changu Narayan. Travelers can blend into the diverse crowd of locals among the Durbar monuments or join a group of climbers in the Thamel region. The shops are full of real treasures: cashmere, pashmina, wool, scarves and handmade carpets.

Mumbai: a bright enchanting “hive”

It is generally accepted that the Indian metropolis of Mumbai is complete chaos; there is no avoiding a crowd of local residents, consisting not only of ordinary passers-by, but also of intrusive merchants, beggars, street musicians, and old yogis. In fact, even this Asian city has peaceful corners. Stroll along Chowpatty Beach, visit Mani Bhavan, the house where Mahatma Gandhi lived. A variety of street food is sold at every turn - not only something banal and spicy, but also savory and gourmet dishes, and real delicacies. Shopping is a separate oriental adventure! The counters are bursting with jewelry made from semi-precious stones, multi-colored silks, and saris with embroidery. In all this you will feel like an Arabian princess. And if you take a trip to Dharavi, the area made famous by the Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire, you'll see just how densely populated Asian cities can be.

Seoul: from the heights of the incredible tower

Seoul is the bustling, vibrant economic, cultural and business center of South Korea and one of the most beautiful cities in Asia. Here skyscrapers rise above Buddhist temples. The best way to admire the panorama of the metropolis is at the top of Namsan Peak - here stands the incredible Seoul Tower. Fantastic food will satisfy the tastes of gourmets: assorted grilled beef, unlimited servings of side dishes (amazing combinations), soups, fresh vegetables, spicy sauces. Seoul's nightlife is thriving, the people are hospitable, you will never get bored!

Phuket: a province of wonderful islands and beaches

In addition to the most beautiful cities in Asia, we have included two more incredible places on our list that are a must-see. First up is Phuket, a charming province of Thailand. It has attracted travelers for centuries, as the main trade route between India and China lay here. Today, beach holidays dominate here. There are more than fifteen large beaches with magnificent white sand in the region - they are located in close proximity to each other, so it is easy to choose your favorite. Some of them are on stunning rocky islands. The sunsets here are a sight to behold, some of the best in all of Southeast Asia: the sun lazily and slowly sets behind the horizon, framed by the edge of the turquoise sea. Coastal restaurants offer dishes from fresh seafood, local vegetables, aromatic herbs and spices, and homemade noodles.

Boracay Island: The Diamond of the Philippines

The tiny island of Boracay in the Philippines is becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination. According to a survey on one very reputable website, it is the second best island for a holiday in the world (another site put the tropical Philippine island in first place). The heart of this fabulous place is White Beach. Almost three miles of stunning silver-white sand - an absolute delight! Nearby there are cafes, bars, hotels, shops offering a variety of goods (including scuba diving). Divers flock to this paradise island like flies to honey. It’s so great to glide across the azure surface on a sailboat, admire the incredible sunset, and at night enjoy live music and dancing with fiery torches.

Some corporations became so powerful that new words such as corporatocracy or corporatism entered the English language. There is practically no place left on the planet where people are not clients or employees of these powerful companies. As you already know from our other shows, after "OK", the word "Coca-Cola" is one of the most popular words in the world, while the richest man on the planet, Bill Gates, is also recognizable as Jesus Christ or Adolf Hitler. Without even knowing it, many of us today may have eaten a Nestle-owned product, watched a television program on a Disney-owned channel, or even chatted online with a friend who once worked at McDonalds. Today we look at the largest of these giants, in this episode of Infographic World: The Most Powerful Corporations in the World. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and hit the bell button so you can be part of our subscriber squad. First of all, we should note that we will not be compiling a list of ten, but will choose the largest companies based on how interesting they are. For example, Chinese utility corporations are huge because China has the largest population in the world. However, they are not recognizable to many people outside of China. Today we will stick to companies that most of you have had experience with. One of these giants is Apple, so large that we once compared it to a small country. If you've watched the show, you know that in 1976, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak formed Apple. You also know that 100,000 employees worldwide are larger than the population of a small city, and that the company's revenue was $215 billion in 2016, more than the GDP of 75 percent of 195 countries in the world. Apple's popular product is the iPhone, and in 2016 the company celebrated the sale of its billionth phone. In fact, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are the best-selling smartphones of all time. I think Apple sold about 220 million of them. Earlier this year, The Guardian reported that Apple became the first company to be worth $800 billion. Most likely, the third founder of Apple, Ronald Wayne, is biting his elbows, since he sold his stake in the company at one time for only 800 bucks. His stake these days would be worth around $75.5 billion. Wayne was much older than the other co-founders and said he found it difficult to keep up with them. In an interview, he said: “If I had stayed at Apple, I probably would have driven the richest man to the cemetery.” Let's stay with the tech companies for a while longer. In the top ten tech companies in terms of annual revenue, you'll find Amazon; Co-founder of Google, Alphabet; Korean Samsung; creators of the Windows operating system, Microsoft. You won't find Facebook here yet, although it is quickly becoming one of the things we spend the most time on every day. Facebook's 2016 revenue was just over $26.5 billion, which is much less than the tech companies mentioned above. However, this figure is growing at an astonishing rate and has only recently reached the $500 billion mark. As Wall Street sees tech giants like these ruling the future, these numbers are expected to start crossing the three trillion dollar revenue mark very soon. The social media blog announced this year that it has an audience of more than 2 billion monthly active users, compared to YouTube's 1.5 million. and YouTube are listed above Facebook, although they are inferior in terms of page views. Facebook has done this in a fairly short time and it is said that it can influence the way we think, what we buy, our everyday emotions. The Facebook community of 2 billion is larger than any country on Earth, and has a significant share of all 7.5 billion people living on the planet. If it's not the biggest money maker yet, it may be the most powerful technology company in the world in terms of influencing our lives. However, 5.5 billion people do not use Facebook, or at least are not active users. According to the latest United Nations report, about 3.8 billion people in the world use the Internet, that's 51 percent of the world's population. In North America, this number may be 88 percent, in Europe - 79 percent, in Asia and Africa - only 46 and 31 percent, respectively. However, all those who are not online are not free from the influence of large corporations. The next two mega-corporations are companies that you can't help but be a client of, no matter where you live. One such company is the Dutch-British consumer company Unilever, which is today the world's largest consumer goods company. There are over 400 brands, many of which you probably buy. Some of these brands are Dove and Lux ​​personal care products, Lipton tea and names such as Skippy, Hellman's, Comfort, Flora, Rexona, Surf, Vaseline, Ponds, Sunsilk, Clear and Signal. According to their website, the products Unilever is used by more than 2.5 billion people every day in 190 countries. The corporation's income in 2016 was about 63 billion dollars. Forbes puts the company's market value at 143.9 billion dollars. When it comes to consumer goods and their global dominance, it is different. a company that you are undoubtedly a lifelong customer of is the Swiss company Nestle. Their website states that they are the world's largest food and beverage company. Their brands include Nescafe, Milo, Kit-Kat, Maggi, and many children's brands. milk and food products, bottled water, cereals and ice cream. The corporation's global reach is amazing - 196 countries and more than 2,000 brands. Nestlé also owns 447 factories in 86 countries and employs 333,000 employees. Revenue for 2016 was just over $90 billion. Like Facebook, Nestle may not make the biggest profits, but in terms of influence, it is a company that sells its products to many different populations and cultures. The Nestle Corporation is said to be worth about $229.5 billion. When we talk about the influence of the most powerful companies, this also includes the people who use their products in their work. The third largest company by brand capitalization is Microsoft; the $500 billion behemoth employs about 18,000 people. Alphabet has about 60,000 employees. This is nothing compared to the fast food giant McDonald's. If you saw our episode on McDonalds, you know that the company employs 1.9 million people in its 35,000 restaurants in 119 countries. In the US it is said that approximately one in eight people have worked for a McDuck restaurant chain at some point in their lives. The latest statistics available state that McDonalds sold a total of about 300 billion burgers in 2014. Since 2015, they have sold about 550 million Big Macs every year. So, we know that this fast food giant can feed every person in the world many times over. How much money does the company make? Forbes states that McDonald's annual revenue in 2016 was $24.6 billion, but the total corporate value is quite low for this list, at only $106.4 billion. If we don't include the military, McDonalds is the second largest employer in the entire world. The largest employer is the American corporation Walmart. It employs 2.3 million people, according to PrisonPolicy, and the same number of Americans are incarcerated in prisons across the United States. This number is also slightly smaller than the entire population of the UK's second largest city, Manchester. You will find Walmarts in 28 countries around the world, they have 11,695 stores. The company was purchased in 1945 by a businessman named Sam Walton. His idea was to sell products in large quantities and at low prices. As a company, not a corporation, it is the largest in the world. Forbes puts Walmart's revenue at $485.3 billion and its company value at $221.3 billion. The other two leaders by size and revenue are automobile companies. These are the Japanese Toyota and the German Volkswagen Group. Toyota employs more than 364,000 people and currently has approximately $249.9 billion in revenue and a total value of $171.9 billion. The Toyota Corolla is the best-selling car of all time, with more than 43 million units sold. Next on the list is the Ford F-Series, followed by the Volkswagen. These are the VW Golf (30 million sold) and the VW Beatle (23 million sold). VW is much bigger than Ford. It employs 626 million people in 26 countries. Total revenue is over $240 billion. The company is currently worth about $75 billion. In terms of assets worth $458.7 billion, VW is huge. Called the "Group" because they also own Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Porsche, Ducati, SEAT, Škoda, as well as commercial vehicles. So, is the influence of such giant companies on society good or bad? Let us know about it in the comments! Also, be sure to check out our other video called “10 Ways the Government Is Spying on You! Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe to the channel. See you next time!

One day, my wife asked me a question: “What do you love more: me or history?” I smiled mysteriously, quietly hugged her and... went to Asia, which is full of monuments, various kinds of artifacts dating back to before our era. And is it possible to choose the most interesting place among the abundance of greatness. Is it possible to determine the best among equals? Therefore, I visited a number of the largest cities, which I think are worth telling about.

A little about Asia

Asia - part lightand, who gave a home to most representatives of the human race. And in response they built the most beautiful cities that have become "Asian tigers" in our timetourism and trade, and amaze their guests not only with their greatness, but also with their unique “highlights”.

Many divide Asia into regions, highlight three as follows:

  • Middle East;
  • Western Asia;
  • Far East.

Although such a division not entirely accurate. From a geographical point of view more correct apply the following classification:

  • Western Asia;
  • South Asia;
  • Central Asia;
  • East Asia;
  • Southeast Asia.

The largest cities in Asia

In geography there are about forty largest Asian cities,a third of which belong to China, which is not at all surprising given their population size. And now, I ask for your attention, before you largest cities in Asia:

  • - Chinese city, aka " Asian tiger" - the largest and most developed city in all of Asia. Population - almost eighteen million people.
  • - Turkish city, aka former Constantinople -the heart of the "second Rome"". Population - thirteen and a half million people.
  • Karachi- Pakistani city with population thirteen million people.
  • - Indian city with population twelve and a half million inhabitants.
  • - the capital of the "celestial country"", filled with the wind of history. The population is almost twelve million inhabitants.
  • Guangzhou- again a Chinese city, and for some reason I’m not surprised. Also, this one of the largest trading cities, Where eleven million people found our home.