Can I eat cornflakes while breastfeeding? Corn flakes and sticks during breastfeeding.

The diet of a nursing mother has been and remains a topic of eternal debate. Nutritionists with conservative views persuade mothers to observe strict dietary restrictions, while more advanced specialists believe that a nursing woman is allowed to eat whatever she wants. The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle.

Of course, diversify your diet during the period natural feeding a woman simply has to, but she needs to do this wisely, carefully selecting foods for her table. For example, even many supporters of progressive ideas have great doubts about corn flakes. And here the question arises not so much about their usefulness, but about the quality of the product itself. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Breastfeeding and corn flakes

Corn flakes have been one of the most popular products for many decades. Children especially love them, but adults also do not refuse this delicacy. But besides the beautiful ones taste qualities and easy digestibility by the body, corn flakes are still very useful. Therefore, a nursing woman may well supplement her diet with this wonderful and inexpensive product. Flakes have a lot of positive properties:

  1. They are very nutritious as they are rich in minerals and vitamins.
  2. Improves intestinal motility, which promotes regular bowel movements.
  3. The product almost never causes allergies in a child.
  4. At regular use Helps normalize blood cholesterol levels.

Considering everything positive qualities, any nursing woman can diversify her diet with corn flakes. True, such an innovation should not be done until the baby is three months old. And one more important point: the technology of preparing the product and the additives included in its composition are of great importance. For example, glazed cereals containing honey and baked milk can cause allergies and intestinal upset. Therefore, it is better to use a product with such additives.

About harm and benefit

Any product that appears on the table of a nursing mother is always considered from these two positions: positive qualities and disadvantages. Corn flakes help a woman after childbirth restore the balance of strength in the body, saturate it vitally essential minerals, which are abundant in corn. The combination of all the elements contained in the flakes replenishes the energy reserves of a newborn baby. After all, a growing body needs a lot of energy. In addition, all cereals, and corn is part of their group, are capable of providing additional a whole series useful actions:

  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • stimulate immune forces;
  • activate the flow of bile, which is beneficial for digestion in general;
  • have a beneficial effect on brain activity.

Obviously, all of the listed characteristics are equally useful for mom and baby. And since natural corn flakes do not contain harmful additives such as gluten, they may well become one of the main components of the diet.


During breastfeeding, safety should always be in the foreground. Therefore, it is not recommended to overuse corn flakes, since their excessive presence in a woman’s diet can result in weight gain. Cereals cannot be used as a meal replacement; the product can only be used as a snack, as it quickly satisfies hunger. Cereals can be a high-calorie second breakfast dish.

Product selection rules

With proper placement of accents in the menu of a nursing mother, corn flakes will definitely demonstrate their capabilities. If the product good quality. You can determine this criterion if you pay attention when purchasing:

  1. On the technology of product preparation.
  2. Ingredients (natural flakes will contain no preservatives or dyes).
  3. The presence of potential allergens, which, in principle, is also included in the list of additives - chocolate, honey, sweeteners.

These components add calories to the product, but can cause allergic reaction in a baby.

How to eat cereal

Special rules for using such simple dish, like cereal, has not been developed, although there are several options suitable for mothers:

  1. You can dilute the flakes with hot boiling water or tea. Cow's milk is not recommended in the first months.
  2. To enhance the taste of the dish, you can add some dried fruits.
  3. It is recommended to combine corn flakes with berries and freshly squeezed juice.
  4. If a woman has diabetes or has intestinal problems, it is better to avoid cereal. This restriction also applies to ladies with curvy figures.

By following the tips given here, every nursing mother will only enrich her diet with one more healthy dish. At correct use If a woman eats corn flakes, the growing child’s body will receive all the substances necessary for its development.

Video: cereal - benefits and harm

Despite the fact that breakfast cereals are a relatively new product in our country, they are firmly entrenched in the morning menu of many families.

That is why many young mothers are interested in whether it is possible to eat Fitness cereal when breastfeeding or can they be dangerous for the baby? In this article we will try to weigh the pros and cons, and finally answer all the questions mothers have about this controversial product.

Today, corn flakes are a very popular product loved by many. It's hard to believe that they appeared by an absurd accident.

The invention of corn flakes is attributed to the owners of the Battle Creek boarding house, the Kellogg brothers. According to one version, the corn flour, from which some dishes were prepared in the sanatorium, had deteriorated a little. Since this product was strictly registered, the brothers decided, no matter what, to use it to prepare dough. However, the cooking did not go well: the dough curled and broke into lumps and flakes.

Desperate, the Kellog brothers decided to use the dough at all costs, and fried the resulting lumps. To everyone's surprise, some of the cereal became fluffy and crispy. At their own peril and risk, the brothers served the resulting dish to the table. And they were right: cereal with milk and marshmallow pieces became one of the most favorite dishes at the Battle Creek boarding house.

Subsequently, the brothers slightly changed the recipe, which made the cereal more popular. In 1894, the Kellogs patented their invention and by 1906 they were engaged in mass production breakfast cereals. In the USA, this product gained incredible popularity by the middle of the twentieth century, and several decades later it came to us.

The benefits of cereal for a nursing mother

Corn flakes are presented as a healthy and dietary product. Let's try to figure out whether this is true or not. So, what are the benefits of corn flakes for breastfeeding?

  • This product contains a large amount of vitamin A, which is necessary to ensure normal immunity. In addition, this vitamin helps restore healthy skin, hair and nails, which is simply necessary for every woman after childbirth.
  • Corn flakes contain vitamin PP. This vitamin is necessary for the restoration of the body after pregnancy. In addition, this element has a beneficial effect on work circulatory system, regulates cholesterol levels and promotes the conversion of sugar and fats into energy.
  • The flakes contain vitamin E, which normalizes metabolism in the body of mother and child. In addition, this element is necessary to improve blood circulation and supply cells with oxygen.
  • This product contains quite a lot of cobalt, magnesium, zinc and potassium, which are necessary for the full development of the newborn’s body.
  • Glutamic acid, which is contained in cereals, improves brain function.
  • Corn flakes contain many amino acids, including tryptophan. This substance is necessary for the production of serotonin, which is called the hormone of joy. This hormone helps fight postpartum depression and tone the mother’s body, exhausted by lack of sleep and overwork.
  • Corn flakes contain a large amount of fiber, which stimulates the gastrointestinal tract.

As you can see, corn flakes are a real treasure trove. useful substances when breastfeeding a newborn. However, it's not that simple.

Harm of corn flakes during breastfeeding

Sadly, corn flakes during breastfeeding can be harmful not only to the baby, but also to the mother. Why exactly is this product dangerous?


Some cereals contain 17% sugar. total mass product. Large amounts of sugar can cause metabolic disorders and create a feeling of false hunger.

In addition, sugar can provoke an allergic reaction in the baby and wash out of the body B vitamins and calcium, which are necessary for the full development of the baby’s body.

Stabilizers, flavors and other “chemicals”

Corn flakes often contain all kinds of sweeteners and flavor enhancers, which can negatively affect the functioning of the body.

Honey, chocolate and icing

Most cereals today come with various additives. These components are harmful to the baby and can cause allergies, and therefore “enriched” flakes should not be included in the diet of a nursing mother.

Can a nursing mother eat corn flakes?

As you can see, everything is very ambiguous. On the one hand, the composition of this product is rich in incredibly useful substances; on the other hand, some ingredients may be too dangerous. So is it ok to have corn flakes while breastfeeding or not?

Yes, a nursing mother can have corn flakes. The main thing is to take precautions.

  • Do not use this product until your baby is at least 4 months old. Until this age, fiber, which makes up most of the flakes, will contribute to gas formation in the child’s fragile gastrointestinal tract.
  • When introducing the product into your diet for the first time, eat a few teaspoons of flakes and monitor the reaction. If your baby’s body does not react to a new dish during the day, gradually increase the portion.
  • Avoid coated cereals and breakfast cereals with various additives. If you do not want to eat this dish in pure form, diversify it with permitted dried fruits.
  • Carefully study the composition before purchasing. Choose breakfasts that contain as little sugar and various flavor enhancers as possible.
  • Don't get carried away with the cereal. Use them no more than 2-3 times a week.
  • Do not replace cereal with a full meal. This product is recommended to be consumed as a light snack.

In addition, we should not forget about the dishonesty of many manufacturers. For example, many packages are crowned with the inscription: “Recommended by the Nutrition Research Institute.” In fact, the Nutrition Research Institute cannot recommend or not recommend this or that product. The task of this organization is only to check products for the presence of hazardous substances in their composition.

If you see a similar inscription on a pack, you should know that the manufacturer is deceiving you. This means that it is not worth buying such a product.

So we figured out whether a nursing mother can eat corn flakes. Be careful when choosing products, and your child will only benefit!

Speaking about whether such a product can be eaten by a nursing mother, it should be noted that corn flakes are best digestible Therefore, an allergic reaction is very rare. This factor during breastfeeding is very important, since the body infant At such a time, he is just beginning to get used to new food.

ADVICE: If a nursing mother plans to eat corn flakes that do not contain various additives, then there is nothing dangerous to health. But, if we are talking about a product that is glazed, with the addition of honey or baked milk, then you should refrain.

From what month?

Despite the fact that natural corn flakes cannot bring anything bad to the baby’s body, this does not mean that they can be eaten at any time. Until the child reaches the age of 3 months, you should refrain from consuming such a product.

If the baby shows a tendency to allergic reactions, then the mother can start eating cereal no earlier than the baby is 4 months old.

Can it be in a child’s diet?

Maybe only in this case you should exercise maximum caution, since the baby’s body is different hypersensitivity. So, you need to follow these rules:

  • When the first tasting is carried out, the baby can be given very little flakes (to be more specific - no more than 3 tablespoons). The product can be served in any form (with milk, water, provided that it is not introduced into the diet in dry form).
  • In the first 2 days, you need to carefully monitor the baby’s body’s reaction. the slightest changes bowel movements should warn the young mother. An important negative manifestation is a rash on the skin.

From what age?

As already mentioned, a three-month-old baby can already have corn flakes in complementary foods (if there are no special restrictions in the form of an allergic reaction). If, after starting to consume such a product, the baby’s body does not make itself felt negative manifestations, which means the amount of complementary foods can be increased. A baby can consume a maximum of 70 grams of product per day, but not more than 250 grams per week.

Despite the fact that there are a lot of useful substances here, experts recommend that in the first six months after lactation you eat corn flakes cooked not with milk, but with water. Milk contains cow protein, which can be dangerous.

Then gradually the water can be diluted with milk, and you can completely cook corn flakes in milk when the baby has reached the age of six months. The baby's first complementary feeding is often carried out with just such a product.


For mother

A nursing mother receives many benefits from moderate consumption of the product. The fact is that after childbirth female body lacks minerals and vitamins, and cereal contains all this in large quantities.

For the baby

Corn has a strengthening effect on the human immune system, the baby’s body receives a large amount of energy and normalizes blood pressure, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened.

Consuming grains prevents constipation and removes bile from the body.. Thanks to the consumption of corn, the baby's strength increases, he grows and develops normally. There are no problems with digestion, he adapts to new conditions faster.

ATTENTION: The product does not contain gluten or lactose, and this factor plays a role important role when breastfeeding. There is no fear of an allergic reaction; this applies to both children and adults.


For mother

  1. Do not forget that such food is not related to dietary food. There is sugar, butter and flour, so you should not eat corn flakes regularly and in large quantities, as this can lead to excess weight.
  2. You should not eat the product as a main dish when you are hungry. It is best consumed as a snack; it is quite possible to eat it for a second breakfast or afternoon snack.

For babies

For the first time, the baby can be given a taste of cereal no earlier than after 3-4 months. Monitor the body's reaction very carefully - if there are any negative signals, you should stop consuming the product for at least a month.

If the baby’s body does not show a negative reaction after two days, you can continue to feed him cereal, but the portions should increase gradually! Under no circumstances should you overeat; the maximum single portion cannot exceed 100 grams, otherwise everything can end very badly.

It is strongly not recommended to give the product to your child more than 2 times a week.. If these rules are neglected, the baby may have an upset stomach.

Reasons why you should discard the product

Of course, vitamins and other useful substances are contained here in large quantities. But the thing is that almost all the vitamins that are indicated on the packaging are of artificial origin.

That is, most everything useful that is contained in corn is simply removed during heat treatment. Manufacturers, in order to lull parents' vigilance, supply the product with artificial vitamins.

But not only is this of no value, it is also extremely harmful to health, not only of the mother, but also of the baby, which is especially important.

Very it is important that such a product is not the main dish for breakfast. If you start your day with sweets, you may soon suffer from diabetes mellitus, as well as other diseases. Also, if your baby’s day starts with sweets, there is no doubt that he will soon develop unfaithful feelings. taste preferences. And this often becomes the reason for increased consumption harmful products in the future.

Important! The main ingredient of such a product is cooked corn grain, which does not have a shell, and not corn flour. At elevated temperature the mass is squeezed out and dried, it is clear that after such a procedure there are not many useful properties left.

How to choose and what to pay attention to?

If you decide to consume corn flakes in moderation, you need to choose appropriate products and pay attention to the following aspects:

  • A nursing mother should choose exclusively unglazed corn flakes. Do not forget that glazed products contain a lot of dyes and preservatives, all of which often cause an allergic reaction. The functioning of the baby’s intestines is often disrupted under the influence of such factors.
  • You should never choose cereals that contain additives! It is especially worth giving up products that contain honey and chocolate; there are a lot of them on the modern market. Such additives add calories to food, which often causes rashes in infants.

Rules of use

It's better to dilute the flakes hot water , use tea or cow's milk not recommended. If there is a need to enhance the taste, you can add dried fruits, you can use fresh juice and berries.

Nursing mothers who suffer from diabetes or have overweight, problems with the intestines and stomach.


It becomes clear that mothers who are breastfeeding can eat corn flakes. But only if you follow certain rules, especially when it comes to the quantity of food consumed and its quality. And you should never forget that when breastfeeding, a mother is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the health of the baby, and his body is extremely fragile.

Corn is a staple in many people's diets. Most of them don't even know about it. Carbonated drinks are made from corn syrup, flour is used to make baked goods, and starch is also produced from this vegetable.

Corn is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements that everyone needs. But what about breastfeeding (BF)? It is important for a nursing mother to know all the pros and cons of this product, only then decide for herself to eat it or refuse.

Composition and benefits of corn

Corn has positive influence for nursing mothers. It consists in tissue rejuvenation and normalization of work reproductive system. Below are the nutritional values ​​per 100 grams of product consumed.

NutrientQuantity% of the norm in 100 g
Calorie content325 kcal19.3
Squirrels10.3 g13.6
Fats4.9 g8.2
Carbohydrates60 g28.4
Dietary fiber9.6 g48
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.38 mg25.3
Vitamin B4, choline71 mg14.2
Vitamin B5, pantogenic0.6 mg12
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.48 mg24
Vitamin H, biotin21 mcg42
Vitamin RR, NE3.2 mg16
Potassium, K340 mg13.6
Silicon, Si60 mg200
Magnesium, Mg104 mg26
Phosphorus, P301 mg37.6
Iron, Fe3.7 mg20.6
Cobalt, Co5.3 mcg53
Manganese, Mn1.09 mg54.5
Copper, Cu290 mcg29
Molybdenum, Mo28.4 mcg40.6
Selenium, Se30 mcg54.5
Chromium, Cr8 mcg16
Zinc, Zn1.73 mg14.4

It can be concluded that corn is rich dietary fiber, thiamine, vitamin B5, pyridoxine, biotin, vitamin PP, potassium, silicon, iron, magnesium, copper, selenium, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, chromium, phosphorus and cobalt. Fresh or cooked cobs contain vitamin C and choline, which are absent in flour or cereals.


In most cases, corn is beneficial for the body of the mother and the newborn. She:

  1. Fights slagging in the body.
  2. Prevents the occurrence of anemia in mother and child.
  3. Stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  4. Normalizes metabolism.
  5. Normalizes blood sugar levels.
  6. Resists allergic reactions.
  7. Has a positive effect on the beauty of hair, skin and nails.

There is such a disease - celiac disease. This is when gluten protein is contraindicated. It is found in flour and pasta, barley, oats, wheat, rye. For patients with celiac disease, corn is a real godsend, since it does not contain gluten.


Corn is completely absorbed by the body and has virtually no contraindications. The exception is unripe fruits or improperly prepared dishes with vegetables.

Cereal is contraindicated for nursing mothers with:

  • intestinal diseases;
  • blood clots in blood vessels and predisposition to thrombosis;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.

Effect on lactation and milk composition

Corn has a beneficial effect on the health of mother and child. Many doctors recommend this product for use, but only in correct form. Some even claim that corn affects milk levels. The assertion is not supported scientific research, so it is more of a guess.

Excessive consumption of this product can cause headaches and stool upset in women. Since the food that a nursing mother eats directly affects the baby’s well-being, gas formation and other problems also arise for him.

What about gluten? It is not present in the cereal itself, but there are often cases when other flour gets into the raw materials at the plant. Therefore, mothers of children with celiac disease should not take risks; it is better to exclude corn during lactation.

Introduction to diet

During lactation, you should start eating corn with caution. After all, many products based on it are not only undesirable, but also contraindicated for breastfeeding. Experts have different opinions, but most argue that it is better to introduce corn into the diet closer to 6 months from the birth of the child. During this period, the baby’s body is already stronger and ready to absorb the beneficial substances contained in the vegetable.

It is better to start consuming cereal in boiled form.

The cob should be boiled for at least 3 hours. Then, after consuming a small portion of the product (no more than a teaspoon of grains) before 12 noon, you should observe the reaction of the baby’s body. If after a day an allergic reaction, gas formation or colic does not appear, then there is no need to be afraid of the product.

Porridges also do not pose a danger to babies. But it is important to ensure that the cereal does not contain any foreign ingredients.

Over time, you can include dishes with corn flour in your diet. Their maximum consumption is once every 3–4 days.

Boiled corn

It is better to start introducing boiled corn into the diet during lactation from the second month of the baby’s life.

At first, a minimal amount of product will be enough. If negative reactions does not follow during the first 24 hours, then there is no longer any need to be afraid of corn.

Some breastfeeding mothers experience heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, diarrhea or nausea. If the baby does not feel any discomfort, then you should still try to exclude the vegetable from the diet.

Canned corn

Eat canned corn with hepatitis B it is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that preservatives are used to preserve it, which have absolutely no benefit to the health of the woman and child.

Also, cans, packaging and bottles from many other products are treated from the inside with a toxic substance, bisphenol. It is so harmful that it develops in the human body:

  1. Diseases of the endocrine and reproductive system.
  2. Disturbances in brain development.
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. Diabetes mellitus.

Therefore, it is better to forget about canned corn during breastfeeding, and maybe for the rest of your life.

In rare cases, you can allow it in salads. And if you have a special love for this product, it is recommended to consume it a maximum of once a week, a tablespoon. Or try preparing vegetables in advance yourself. To do this you will need:

  • Boil the cobs over low heat;
  • remove all grains from the fruit;
  • boil half a liter of water;
  • add 15 grams to prepared containers granulated sugar, a pinch citric acid and half a teaspoon of salt;
  • fill the contents with prepared water;
  • pasteurize the jars for 15 minutes, roll up and wrap for two days.

Such a product homemade will retain all the benefits and vitamins, unlike canned food. But even he, at frequent use, can provoke gas formation in mother and child.

If a canned product still remains in the mother’s diet, then you should be able to select it correctly. It is necessary to purchase a product with transparent packaging that allows you to fully see the contents. In addition, the container in which the product is stored must not be damaged. If the seal is broken, bacteria enter the container, which triggers the processes of rotting and mold development in the packaging.

Corn porridge

Corn porridge, unlike a boiled product, can be eaten from the moment the baby is born. It is hypoallergenic and improves weight gain of the baby and mother. Therefore, if a woman is prone to obesity, then eating such a dish is better within reasonable limits.

When complementary foods are introduced into a child’s diet, preference should be given to natural cereals rather than special products (for example, products from Nestle). These products contain many harmful additives, artificial flavors and sugar.

You shouldn’t trust products labeled “gluten-free” or “dairy-free porridge.” They are produced in factories, together with gluten-containing and dairy products. If there is still a need to search for such products, then it is better to give preference to the “hypoallergenic” tag.

Corn sticks

This is a high-calorie product, not always made from natural flour. Most often, corn sticks are made from grain mixed with harmful additives.

Typical composition of corn sticks

Since this product has no benefits for the body, it is not recommended for women to use it during lactation. It can cause allergies or digestive problems.


This corn product retains everything beneficial properties main ingredient. You just need to be more careful about the composition of the product and take into account its calorie content. Often honey or icing is added to the cereal, which are also allergens for the baby. It is also worth choosing products that do not contain flavorings, emulsifiers and dyes.

You can eat corn during breastfeeding, but only in the form of boiled cobs, flakes and porridges. All other products from this vegetable are not recommended or contraindicated. It is also very important to read the composition on the package before buying cereal in a store. Flavors, dyes and other additives do not provide any benefit to a growing child’s body.

Dessert for today - video about 10 interesting facts about corn.

Many breastfeeding women try to simultaneously combine three issues related to nutrition: making it filling and tasty, reducing cooking time and ensuring safety for the baby. child's body. Corn flakes are an excellent solution to these problems. Let's take a closer look at this product and find out how to use it correctly for a nursing mother.

What is the benefit of the product?

Corn flakes are a common and favorite delicacy for many. However, it turns out that they are not only tasty, but also beneficial for the body of a nursing mother.

  • They contain a large amount of vitamins A, PP, E, as well as microelements such as cobalt, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium and others.
  • Glutamic acid activates metabolic processes in the brain and helps improve memory.
  • Among large quantity amino acids contained in this product, the main place is occupied by tryptophan. It is this amino acid that is the basis for the body’s production of serotonin, the hormone of joy. Breastfeeding women often suffer from a lack of this hormone due to constant lack of sleep and overwork.
  • Natural pectins perform an antioxidant function, preventing the development of various tumors.
  • Fiber improves digestion and stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. It is believed that a nursing mother should not consume foods that contain a lot of fiber in large quantities, so as not to cause intestinal colic and bloating in a newborn baby.
  • Starch helps preserve nerve cells and participates in the growth of muscle tissue.


Except useful qualities It is necessary to note the not very beneficial properties of the flakes.

  • Contrary to popular belief, they do not belong to dietary products. The sugar, flour and butter they contain make the product very filling, which can cause excess weight if consumed regularly. And this problem is very relevant for women who are breastfeeding.
  • Sugar icing, chocolate or honey are often added to the cereal. These products increase the calorie content of the cereal, which is not very healthy for a nursing mother, and can also cause an allergic reaction in a small child.
  • If you eat them on an empty stomach (for example, for breakfast), then due to the large amount of sugar contained in them, the level of insulin in the body increases sharply. As a result, hunger comes faster than after a regular breakfast. Therefore, nutritionists recommend that breastfeeding women consume corn flakes as an afternoon snack, or to satisfy hunger throughout the day.