Is it possible to get pregnant while taking contraceptives. Pregnancy while taking birth control pills

Oral contraception - a type of protection against attack unwanted pregnancy, implying systemic administration of hormonal drugs. Preference for such a remedy is usually given to women who are in a permanent relationship with one man, but are temporarily not planning to replenish. Efficiency birth control pills- 99%, but only if all rules of use are followed. By protecting yourself in this way, it is possible to get pregnant, but this can only happen in certain situations.

Oral contraceptives and their types

Oral contraceptives (OCs) are pills whose active ingredients are estrogen and progesterone. The mechanism of their action is based on the abolition of ovulation; the hormones of the drugs prevent the maturation and release of the egg from the ovary, due to which it cannot be fertilized. In addition, the components of the tablets affect the uterine mucosa, making the mucus enveloping it thicker and thinning the endometrium, which significantly complicates the movement of penetrating sperm and the attachment of the egg, even if it is fertilized.

Based on the dosage of active substances, drugs are divided into several types:

  • contraceptives with microdoses - used for young girls (up to 25 years old) and for therapeutic purposes, if necessary, to undergo this kind of treatment (Jess, Klaira, Novinet);
  • low-dose contraceptives (Janine, Diane, Regulon) - can be prescribed to women after childbirth, as well as as part of a therapeutic course, if bleeding outside menstruation is observed when taking microdoses;
  • drugs with high doses hormones - can only be prescribed by a doctor and for the treatment of diseases or hormonal disorders (Tri-reglon, Ovidon);
  • mini-pill with one active substance(progesterone). The drugs Microlut, Lactinet, Orgametril act on separate areas reproductive system and block ovulation.

Photo gallery: types of oral contraceptives

The drug Diane-35 contains cyproterone and ethinyl estradiol, which block ovulation and create conditions unfavorable for pregnancy. The OK Qlaira blister contains 5 types of tablets, each of which contains a different amount active ingredients(estradiol and dienogest) Combination drug Tri-Regol with levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol has a contraceptive effect and normalizes the menstrual cycle Lactinet is a “mini-pill” drug, the effect of which is based on the content of desogestrel, which is allowed during breastfeeding. Janine is a low-dose single-phase drug, each tablet of which contains same number active components ethinyl estradiol and dienogest

Benefits of oral contraceptives

The advantages of this type of contraception are:

  • high efficiency;
  • the ability to regulate and control the cycle;
  • reduction in the duration of menstruation, profuse discharge;
  • natural sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • providing additional positive effects on the state of the body: elimination acne, treatment and prevention gynecological diseases(cysts, inflammatory processes).

It is important to understand that taking pills is only effective in preventing conception, but this method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Rules for using OK

A standard blister contains 21 hormonal tablets, which are important to follow when taking a whole series mandatory rules:

You can use oral contraception only after consulting a doctor, who will prescribe a specific method based on your current hormonal balance in a woman’s body and her health status. The method has a number of absolute contraindications:

  • breastfeeding and less than 6 weeks postpartum;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • liver diseases;
  • functional disorders in the kidneys;
  • excess weight (more than 30%);
  • predisposition to thrombosis;
  • bleeding from the vagina that is not of an established nature.

Chances of getting pregnant while taking birth control pills

Pregnancy while taking contraceptives is possible, but if the rules are strictly followed, it is unlikely. However, there are a number of factors that reduce the effectiveness of the pills and significantly increase the risk of conception.

Factors that reduce the effectiveness of tablets

The effect of blocking ovulation with hormonal pills can be influenced by the following factors:

  • lack of additional protective measures within 14 days after the start of the first course of taking contraceptives. During this period, the body is just adjusting to the supply of hormones from the outside, and ovulation may occur;
  • skipping a pill, especially for more than 12 hours;
  • diarrhea and vomiting that occurred within 3 hours after taking the next pill;
  • parallel use of others medications (antifungal agents, antibiotics, anticonvulsants and barbiturates - they reduce the degree of absorption in the intestine, which reduces the effect of the hormonal pill taken).

After taking OCs has been stopped (a break after a year's course or forever), at first you should not neglect barrier methods of contraception. There is such a thing as a rebound effect - 2-3 cycles after discontinuation, the likelihood of pregnancy is higher, since eggs that did not mature throughout the entire course begin to actively ripen. Thus, during ovulation, not 1–2 cells are ready for conception, but more (depending on the duration of taking contraceptives).

Incorrect selection of drug

An incorrectly selected drug is another reason that reduces effectiveness. this method contraception. The drug should be prescribed by a doctor based on test results and phenotypic characteristics of a particular woman:

  • for patients with a predominance of estrogen, drugs with medium and high dosage(Rigevidon, Lindinet);
  • a balanced phenotype requires second-generation agents (Novinet, Femoden, Tri-regol);
  • women with prevalence male hormones drugs with an antiandrogenic component are required (Yarina, Diane-35, etc.).

OK and alcohol

Alcoholic drinks have a lot of contraindications; they can affect not only the functioning of the body, but also the effect of a number of medications. Alcohol causes the liver to work more intensively, removing harmful toxic components from the body, in the process of which the estrogens supplied with the contraceptive are also neutralized. Therefore, while taking OCs, it is not recommended to drink alcohol, especially in large quantities - this will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug, and the likelihood of pregnancy will be higher.
Alcohol reduces the effect of birth control pills, increasing the risk of unwanted pregnancy

Pregnancy while using OCs: symptoms and risks

If you suspect pregnancy, or the fact has already been established, you must immediately stop taking the pills and consult a doctor. Considering this probability when using oral contraceptives, you should be attentive to your condition and take a test if you have symptoms, such as:

  • absence bloody discharge after the end of the 21-day pill cycle;
  • painful swelling of the mammary glands (the indicator is ambiguous, it can also be a side effect of hormonal drugs);
  • distortion taste sensations and addictions;
  • nausea, exacerbation of the gag reflex.

The question of the health of the unborn baby remains relevant for women who are faced with such a situation - will the pills affect its development? Many years of medical research have not established a direct relationship between the use of hormonal contraceptives and the condition of the fetus - the drugs are not dangerous until the age of 5 weeks, it is advisable to stop taking them by this time. From the 6th week, the baby’s genitals begin to form, and their development is sensitive to the hormonal state.

The likelihood of developmental pathologies in children who were conceived while taking oral contraceptives is no higher, and pregnancy management for such mothers is no different from other women.

Video: pregnancy while taking oral contraceptives

Conception when using oral method contraception is possible, even if all the rules are followed there is a 1% chance. Violation of the pill regimen, alcohol consumption and errors in drug selection significantly increase the risk. If pregnancy occurs despite the method of contraception used, do not worry - this does not pose any proven risks for the baby, and certainly is not an indication for termination.

However, there are certain conditions when such a “surprise” can occur. In order to determine these subtleties, you must also have general idea, which contraception exist at all.

Oral contraceptives

The oral method of contraception is considered the most common and reliable method contraception. Contraceptive medications are simple and effective to use, and are also quite accessible means. It is not recommended to choose them yourself, as you can significantly harm yourself.

Contraceptives should be prescribed by a doctor who excludes possible contraindications.

  • Height, weight and blood pressure measurements are also taken.
  • Often held additional research– blood and urine tests, and the woman also needs to undergo a smear test.

These actions are necessary in order to exclude possible diseases.

Hormonal drugs use the “doubles” effect. Synthetically produced analogs of ovarian hormones are used.

Combination drugs

The most popular are combination products. However, modern means almost the same composition. To block ovulation, it is enough to use drugs that contain 0.02 mg ethinyl estradiol. Such low dosage products are recommended for young girls.


There are tablets with different effects. When taken, cervical mucus becomes thick under the influence of progestin. This prevents sperm from moving forward and fulfilling their purpose.

These pills are called mini-pills. Among them are:

  • Continuin,
  • Exluton.

But you need to know that their reliability is significantly lower than that of such combined agents, like Belara, Lindinet 20, Tri-regol (three-phase agent), Regulon, Novinet, Jess plus. Some of them can be used immediately after an abortion.

However, there are certain advantages:

  • Quantity breast milk does not decrease when taking them. In this regard, they are approved for use by nursing mothers.
  • Their use very rarely leads to problems with the heart and blood vessels, which is preferable for women after 35 years of age.
  • Mini-pills are also recommended for use by smokers.

Cases in which pregnancy is possible

It should be borne in mind that pregnancy is possible even when taking birth control pills. Cases in which such a “surprise” is possible are described in the instructions for the use of contraceptives.

For example, the description of a drug such as Lindenet 30 indicates the likelihood of becoming pregnant when using this drug. When used correctly, this is only 0.05%.

How to take birth control pills correctly so as not to get pregnant is the main question facing young women. Many people who find themselves in this situation believe that the oral contraceptive was chosen incorrectly. However, most likely, this statement is not true if the remedy was selected together with a gynecologist.

At the same time, if the medicine was chosen independently, then an error is possible. The product may be intended for nursing mothers. These contraceptives contain significantly less hormones. In this regard, their use may well lead to unwanted pregnancy.

In order to avoid similar situation, you must carefully read the description of the drug used and follow medical advice. The basic rules on how to avoid getting pregnant while taking birth control pills include:

  1. Any similar drugs, according to the instructions, should be taken on time. In addition to doing this daily, you must adhere to the same hour of use. The delay in admission should not exceed 12 hours. More delay leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the product.
  2. If vomiting occurs in within three hours after taking the pill there is a recommendation for immediate reuse medications. This is necessary due to incomplete absorption of the previous dose. The same action is necessary for recurring diarrhea.
  3. The answer to the question How long should you take birth control pills initially? to avoid getting pregnant, it is recommended to use additional measures protection for the initial two weeks.
  4. Parallel use of some pharmaceuticals (Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Griseofulvin, Phenobarbital) and even herbs from the “arsenal” traditional medicine(St. John's wort) leads to low effectiveness of contraceptives. The simultaneous use of such medications contributes to poor absorption in the intestines or accelerated breakdown of contraceptive drugs in the liver.
  5. Taking alcohol together with such drugs leads to an accelerated removal of estrogens from the body. This “causes” the lack of ovulation suppression effect.

What to do if a woman becomes pregnant and is taking birth control pills?

Indeed, in this case there appears a lot anxious thoughts about the future development of the fetus and the course of the pregnancy itself. However, there is no particular cause for concern in this situation.

If the "event" occurred within first four weeks from the start of using the medication, then this does not threaten any to the expectant mother, nor her offspring. The drug has not yet had time to accumulate in the body. However, if menstruation does not occur later than this period, then you must stop taking the contraceptive drug until you are completely sure that there is no pregnancy. There are tests for this.

A more reliable method is to donate blood for an hCG test.

It should be remembered that there are many years of statistics that claim that in this case the chance of having a defective child does not exceed the statistical average. This study is confirmed by the appearance of quite large quantity healthy children all over the world. Gynecologists do not consider the fact of conception while taking contraceptive medications to be a contraindication for pregnancy.

From diversity various drugs and the most effective means of protection against unwanted pregnancy, according to gynecologists, are oral contraceptives, since they account for only 1% of cases of unplanned conception. The popularity of birth control pills is largely due to the ease of their use, but sometimes it happens that even with strict adherence to the rules for taking oral contraceptives, a woman can feel the first signs of pregnancy.

According to the conclusion of the expert group of the World Health Organization, today this type of contraception is the most effective. Its reliability level is almost 98%, so it is not at all surprising that hormonal drugs preferred by more than 50 million women around the world.

The mechanism of action of such drugs is aimed at performing the following functions:

  • suppression of the process of maturation and release of the egg from the ovary;
  • thickening of secretion in the cervix. This results in sperm being unable to penetrate the uterus.

Before starting to take hormonal contraceptives, it is always advisable to consult a gynecologist, and it is also necessary to warn him about the use of these drugs simultaneously with other medications.

But this type of contraception is not always preferable. When a woman has many sexual partners and there is a risk of contracting severe infections, it is better to resort to a barrier method of protection - condoms. However, if you are married and do not plan to add to your family in the near future, oral medications- this is what will suit you.

The need to consult a gynecologist when taking oral contraceptives is to prescribe the woman the right drugs with minimal side effects. For example:

  1. Non-combined tablets (mini-pills) with progestogen change the viscosity of the cervical mucosa and also prevent ovulation. These medications are taken daily from the first day of menstruation, at approximately the same time. If one dose was missed, then in order not to lose the contraceptive effect you need to be on the safe side additional funds contraception.
  2. Other oral contraceptives should also be taken at the same time every day. Sometimes they may contain potent substances, which have certain contraindications and side effects. That is why such drugs must be prescribed by a doctor.

Pregnancy with OK

Cases where pregnancy occurs during and after taking birth control pills are quite rare. If conception does occur against the background of contraception, then there is no need to worry. As follows from many years obstetric practice, defective children in such cases are born no more often than the statistical average. Hundreds of healthy newborn children are convincing proof of this.

In addition, the use is not a contraindication hormonal contraception upon conception, since the amount of hormones does not pose a particular danger to the development of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother. Pregnancy during oral contraception considered completely ordinary.

Symptoms of pregnancy while taking OCs

Finishing the next plate of tablets, designed for 21 days, a woman can observe in herself scanty discharge, looking like menstrual bleeding. After its completion, you need to continue taking the pills again.

But it happens that after a 21-day course of contraception, the critical days are delayed and then the woman begins to look for an appropriate excuse. In addition, if the delay is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • pain in the mammary glands. This is an ambiguous indicator, since it may also indicate side effects hormonal drugs;
  • nausea and gag reflex. It can manifest itself during the day, either mildly or against a background of general malaise;
  • distortion of taste. This symptom is typical in early pregnancy, when the traditional habitual diet can cause disgust in a woman. Taste preferences change: you always want to eat something unusual.

If the above symptoms are not included in the list of side effects from taking contraceptives, then the fact of pregnancy should not be ruled out. As a consolation, a woman can use the test, but its result may be distorted due to excessive concentrations of hormones in the body.

You cannot prescribe a course of pills for yourself, as excess hormones can negatively affect your health. In this case, it is best to consult a doctor who can correctly diagnose the condition of the female body.

When can you get pregnant?

Simultaneously with the use of oral contraceptive pills, conception can occur in the following cases:

  • if you take oral contraceptives for only a few days and do not use barrier methods of protection. The fact is that the first cycle of taking pills involves the use of additional contraception, since OCs begin to act with maximum protection after two weeks of daily oral use;
  • the protective effect of the drug will be much lower if the pill regimen has been disrupted for more than 10 hours. The likelihood of conception will increase;
  • with incorrectly selected contraceptives. For example, medications for breastfeeding mothers contain fewer hormones than conventional birth control pills.

The effectiveness of medications to protect against unwanted pregnancy may be reduced when taken simultaneously with other medications. These drugs include: erythromycin, tetracycline, rifampicin, phenytoin, phenobarbital and griseofulvin. Even seemingly harmless things pose a threat herbal infusions, such as St. John's wort.

The components of these drugs reduce the absorption of hormones in the intestine, thereby reducing the contraceptive effect. The same applies to alcohol, the toxic effects of which the liver tries to get rid of as quickly as possible, while neutralizing the estrogen contained in the tablets.

Reasons for conception with OK

Almost every woman who buys a box of OK begins to take them conscientiously, forgetting that sometimes pills alone are not enough. According to gynecologists, the cause of pregnancy is not a low-quality contraceptive; in fact, its effectiveness can be weakened by certain factors.

  1. Pregnancy after birth control pills will occur if the schedule of use has been violated. It often happens that a woman does not attach much importance to the sequence of taking the drug. This inattention can become a serious mistake and main reason, according to which the oral contraceptive will not perform its protective functions. Before you start using OK, it is important not to forget that you should take the pills from the first day menstrual cycle, every day at the same time of day. If you forget to take the pill at the prescribed time, you can still do it within 12 hours and no later.
  2. Vomiting and diarrhea. In case of vomiting after taking OK, you must take another tablet again so that the concentration of the drug in the body does not decrease. When you experience diarrhea while taking birth control pills, then over the next 10 days you need to use additional method contraception, for example, barrier.
  3. Simultaneous use of hormonal contraception with other therapeutic drugs. Supplements, antibiotics, and even herbs can reduce the protective effect of anti-pregnancy medications. If there is a need for joint reception, then you need to study the instructions for use in detail and consult a doctor. The gynecologist will tell you what the effects of certain pharmacological agents on the effectiveness of contraceptives. Self-medication in in this case It's dangerous to do.
  4. A break between doses is one of the conditions, if not met, the likelihood of conception increases. There must be at least a 7-day break between the current and next course of taking pills. One day of skipping can disrupt the entire schedule and increase the risk of conception. In this case, the ovaries return to their usual work and begin to produce eggs ready for fertilization. The same applies to the situation when a woman forgets to take the medicine one day.

By strictly following the rules for using oral contraceptives, conception can be avoided. If you do make a mistake and become pregnant, you should stop taking birth control during pregnancy. An additional course will help reduce the risk of fetal pathology folic acid. All in all, accidental pregnancy if OK, it proceeds normally and does not differ from the planned one.

Delayed menstruation while taking OK

A situation often arises in which a woman using oral contraceptives experiences a delay in menstruation. The first thing that comes to mind is pregnancy, but this is not always the case, because contraceptives contain hormones that are more or less related to work reproductive system. On our own hormonal contraceptives can provoke a delay in menstruation, so if you have not missed pills or taken other medications, then do not panic. Critical days will begin, but with a slight delay.

You should be wary in cases where a week before starting to use the OC, a woman had unprotected sexual intercourse, she was sick and took pharmacological preparations or violated the intake schedule.

Until a woman is absolutely sure that she is not pregnant, she should stop using contraceptives.

Pregnancy after taking OK

This question worries many women who, after many years of use hormonal pills began to think about having a baby.

Even if pregnancy occurs while taking contraceptives, no problems should arise. However, it also happens backlash, when over the years of using protective tablets in female body a certain dose of hormones accumulates, which is dangerous for the development of the fetus and can even lead to infertility.

The recovery period depends entirely on the woman’s age; the older she is, the longer it will take. The first break between doses should be at least 2 months.

Very often for a woman who cannot get pregnant for a long time, the doctor specifically prescribes birth control pills to stimulate the ovaries. The fact is that while taking the pills, they are in calm state, but after cancellation they begin to work with redoubled force. Then the desired pregnancy occurs. As a rule, a woman takes the drug for the 3rd cycle and, on the fourth, if she refuses it, becomes pregnant.

Oral contraceptives during pregnancy

It would seem that birth control pills lose their relevance during pregnancy. But there are situations when a woman does not yet know about her interesting situation and continues to take medications. In this case, concerns about whether additional doses of hormones could harm the baby are justified.

Over the course of many years medical research Doctors were unable to establish a direct connection between taking oral contraceptives and child developmental defects. It turned out that such pills are not dangerous for the fetus if a woman takes contraceptives during pregnancy for no more than 5 weeks. From the 6th week, the fetus already develops genital organs, which are very sensitive to the effects of large amounts of hormones.

Doctors prescribe such drugs to pregnant women after a thorough study of hormonal levels, if the expectant mother has problems with her work. hormonal system. Also in the first trimester, hormones are necessary to prevent a possible miscarriage.

Rules for using OK

Most experts believe that oral contraception is a safe and convenient method of birth control, provided correct observance instructions for use. To minimize the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy while using birth control, you must strictly follow the recommendations of your gynecologist:

  1. Do not self-medicate; only a doctor can choose the right oral contraception for you.
  2. The tablets should be taken for 21 days from the beginning of the menstrual cycle, then take a week break and start again from the first day of bleeding.
  3. Follow a clear schedule; take one tablet at the same time every day.
  4. In the first month of using OCs, it is better to use additional contraception (suppositories or condoms).
  5. If you vomit after taking it, take another tablet immediately, as the first one may not have been absorbed.
  6. Do not abuse alcohol while using hormonal medications at the same time.

Pregnancy while taking contraceptives. Video

According to doctors and the media, oral contraceptives are the most reliable protection from pregnancy. But birth control pills are not an extremely reliable means, and pregnancy can occur in some cases. Such situations are described in the instructions for contraceptives, but not all women study such an extensive amount of information.

Many people believe that negative factor– this is the use of the “wrong” oral contraceptive with a low content of hormones. However, in practice it turns out that almost all modern contraceptives have a similar composition of components. For young girls, the doctor prescribes low-dose drugs that contain 0.02 mg of ethinyl estradiol. This amount of substance is enough to block ovulation.

When taking contraceptives with estrogen, the formation of the dominant follicle in the ovary is blocked, and the woman becomes temporarily infertile. There are tablets of a different principle of action that do not guarantee 100% blocking of the onset of ovulation, but thicken cervical mucus to a consistency that does not allow sperm to pass out of the vagina. Such tablets (popularly called mini-pills) are inferior combination tablets in reliability, however side effects less on their part.

Taking the mini-pill does not reduce breast milk production, so these pills are prescribed even to nursing mothers. Taking them less often provokes the development of problems in the cardiovascular system, which allows them to be prescribed to women over 35 years of age (heavy smokers who smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day). Since there is still a small risk of becoming pregnant, doctors recommend birth control pills to women who have reduced fertility, which is typical for nursing mothers and women over 35.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

  1. The instructions for all oral contraceptives clearly state that they must be taken at a strictly prescribed time, since a delay of more than 12 hours in taking them reduces the contraceptive effect. In other words, you can get pregnant while taking birth control pills.
  2. The situation is different - 3 hours have not passed since taking the contraceptive pill. How does a woman vomit? Then you need to immediately take an additional tablet, since the first one is not completely absorbed. Similar actions taken in case of repeated diarrhea. If a woman has problems with the intestines and stomach, doctors recommend using a Ring ring or a special patch.
  3. The reliability of tablets may be reduced by other medicines or the use of traditional medicine. The greatest “damage” to the reliability of birth control pills comes from antibiotics, which are often prescribed for treatment colds. One of the most powerful means Traditional medicine is St. John's wort. When taking it, you should take into account the fact that after completing the course of treatment, St. John's wort tincture affects the body over the next two weeks. Therefore, if you are protecting yourself with pills, you cannot self-medicate. When prescribing treatment, you must notify your doctor about the method of contraception you are using; it is possible that you will have to use a barrier method during treatment. vaginal cap or condom) or chemical contraception (spermicides). The same is done in situations where there is a risk of reducing the effectiveness of the contraceptive.

The effectiveness of birth control pills decreases if a woman experiences regular bleeding and intermenstrual discharge. During the first 3 months of taking medications, the body gets used to them, so such phenomena are considered normal. A high risk of becoming pregnant while taking the pills occurs in the first 7-14 days from the moment of taking the pills, if you do not take additional protection. These restrictions are typical only for the first cycle; they are not present in subsequent cycles.

What can happen if a woman becomes pregnant while taking contraceptives? Taking the pills for the first 3-4 weeks does not affect the fetus and is not a reason for abortion. But if menstrual bleeding does not occur between taking pills (a week's break), do not rush to open the next package - make sure that you are not pregnant.

The most reliable "determinant" of pregnancy– blood test for hCG or use a pregnancy test. For some women, when taking pills, periods do not come, or they are scanty and end quickly. This is a completely normal reaction to the action of low-dose drugs taken, since the endometrium of the uterus is not able to grow to the required thickness at which detachment occurs - menstruation.


Despite the perfection and high cost of oral contraceptives, they do not provide a 100% guarantee of protection. Therefore, girls are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills. There are several reasons for this that need to be understood.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

Pregnancy while taking birth control pills occurs for a number of reasons, although this happens only in 30% and most often when the rules for using medications are not followed. First, let's figure out how conception occurs, because it is not always possible to get pregnant when using oral contraception, but only during ovulation.

At this moment, the woman’s body produces special hormones, and drugs increase estrogen in the blood. As a result, it is blocked FSH production, due to which ovulation does not occur in the body. There are two main types of drugs: the first increases the amount of estrogen and increases the viscosity of secretions; the second complicates the passage of sperm to the uterus, which is completely unreliable.

If a girl becomes pregnant while taking contraceptives, the reason lies in the following:

  • missed appointment time;
  • wrong choice;
  • side effects such as nausea.

Attention! The action of the drugs is blocked by taking antibiotics, herbs such as St. John's wort and alcohol. Because of this, the liver works at an accelerated rate, removing “extra” estrogen from the body.

What is the chance of getting pregnant while taking birth control pills?

If we look at the statistics, about 25% of girls face this problem, most often due to missing doses or antibiotic treatment. We can say for sure that the process is completely controlled by the woman, and medications should be selected only under the supervision of a doctor.

Reasons why pregnancy may occur while taking birth control pills

Oral contraceptives and pregnancy are incompatible things if the instructions are followed. Reasons when things don't go according to plan:

  1. Irregularity. Medicines must be taken on time. Taking medications delayed for more than half a day will not have the desired effect.
  2. Vomiting after taking a contraceptive. If a girl vomits less than 3 hours after taking the pill, then she should urgently take another one. The same steps should be taken for diarrhea.
  3. Traditional methods of medicine. Many medicinal herbs are natural antibiotics, so the effect of the tablets is dulled. During treatment folk remedies should additionally be used barrier method contraception.
  4. Colds. Many medications that are intended to speed recovery are antibacterial in nature, which is already known to blunt the effects of oral contraceptives.
  5. Bleeding and copious discharge in between menstruation. If a woman experiences such phenomena, then in the first two weeks of the course it is necessary to additionally protect herself during sexual intercourse.
  6. Using a non-combined oral contraceptive also reduces the production of hormones in small quantities. This suggests the low effectiveness of such funds.
  7. Stress, lack of sleep. Sometimes emotional stress affects the way medications work, resulting in hormonal background The girls become unstable.
  8. Alcohol. First, it can cause vomiting, and emptying the stomach prevents the pill from being absorbed. Secondly, girls often experience spotting after drinking alcohol.

Rules for taking oral contraceptives

How to take birth control pills during pregnancy early stages and before its onset, you need to check with your gynecologist before starting the course. The rules are also indicated in the instructions for each drug. Taking medications is necessary certain time and you can’t miss it. If you miss it, you need to take a pill within the next 12 hours, and then follow the standard schedule.

The first tablet should be taken on days 2-4 of the cycle. At first, you will have to use additional means of protection during sexual intercourse, since at the beginning of the course the drug did not have time to activate in the body. A week after taking the first pack of tablets, you should start taking the second, periodically consulting with your doctor if you have any questions or possible side effects.

Signs of pregnancy while taking birth control pills

You can become pregnant while taking birth control, but the symptoms and signs of this condition may not be typical for a normal planned conception:

  • painful sensations in the chest, heaviness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • low performance, apathy and decreased body tone;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • spotting brown discharge from the vagina;
  • delay of menstruation.

Such symptoms when taking birth control pills indicate pregnancy, if other factors are excluded. pathological conditions. To make sure, it is better to immediately do a test for the content of hCG in urine or go to a antenatal clinic.

Pregnancy test while taking birth control pills

It is possible that a girl took birth control pills and became pregnant, but it was not immediately clear. Often in the early stages the test does not show positive result, although the fetus is already forming and growing. This occurs due to the fact that the baby hormone HCG enters the woman’s body one of the first, but appears in the blood only at 10-12 weeks.

The longer the delay, the more accurate the analyzes and tests will be.

As an exception menstrual bleeding may be present until the 2nd month of pregnancy. If you have any suspicions, it is advisable to see a doctor, especially if the rules for using medications have not been followed.

How do birth control pills affect pregnancy?

There is no point in taking birth control during pregnancy. If the fetus is already developing, then the use of contraceptives will not affect it in any way and will not cause any defects until the 5th week. But at 6 weeks, the child’s genitals form, which are very sensitive to the effects of such medications.

In some cases, the gynecologist specifically prescribes hormones to a woman if her background is unstable.

What happens if you take birth control during pregnancy?

Gynecologists do not consider the use of oral contraceptives during fetal development a contraindication. Since the amount of hormones released by the drug is not so large as to harm the child and the expectant mother. This is also not a cause of abortion, but it is recommended to stop taking birth control pills if you are pregnant as soon as possible.

Ectopic pregnancy while taking birth control pills

An ectopic or imaginary pregnancy occurs extremely rarely when taking contraceptives, as proven by many years of research. Tablets reduce the risk of developing ectopic pregnancy, inflammation and tumors by 30%. Medicines also help restore normal menstruation after hormonal imbalance or surgical intervention and prevent the development of cysts.

Consequences of pregnancy while taking birth control pills

When using contraceptives, you should not worry about the further development of pregnancy if you stop taking contraceptives in time. In this case, the girl is not in danger of infertility. On the contrary, after stopping the course, the work of the ovaries increases, which increases the chance multiple pregnancy. The main thing is to immediately determine your condition, go to the doctor and stop taking medications, especially hormonal ones.


Every girl who is interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills should know that such a possibility exists, although this is only an exception to the rule. It usually happens when the doctor’s instructions are not followed or due to unstable hormonal levels.

To avoid problems with the use of oral contraceptives, you should regularly check with your doctor and listen to your body’s reactions.

Doctors' opinion

Sokolenko Inna Sergeevna, 38 years old, gynecologist, doctor highest category, Moscow

Birth control pills – effective method contraception, which works only with individual selection of drugs and compliance with basic rules. At the same time, they do not have an impact on the further ability to conceive and bear a child. Even in the first weeks of pregnancy they do not cause any harm, but I do not recommend taking them without consulting a gynecologist. T, CityText review

Dubovaya Anna Olegovna, 43 years old, obstetrician-gynecologist, kmn, Ufa

Despite the effectiveness of contraceptives, it is possible to become pregnant while taking birth control pills, so I advise combining them with other means of birth control, especially in the first months after prescription. Tablets are selected individually, after tests have been completed. If you take medications strictly according to instructions, o side effects or you don’t have to worry about the consequences.

Kotelevskaya Marina Nikolaevna, 46 years old, gynecologist at the district clinic, Voronezh

Many patients often do not comply with regular medication intake, which is why they end up with unpleasant consequences. It is very important not to rely only on the effect of the pills and to follow all the rules for taking medications and personal hygiene.