What does the body need nicotinic acid for? What is nicotinic acid used for? How is nicotinic acid useful for the body? Drugs, indications for use, reviews

Great benefit nicotinic acid, produced in tablets and ampoules for injections, has a beneficial effect on the body. This vitamin replenishes the deficiency of substances, improves health, has a positive effect on metabolic processes and energy production. Familiarize yourself with the indications for its use, dosage, and methods of administration. The amount of product used differs depending on individual characteristics.

What is nicotinic acid

Vitamin PP, B3 or nicotinic acid is an important substance for the body. Once inside, it breaks down to niacinamide, which is involved in the process of fat metabolism. The main purpose of the vitamin is to convert food into energy. Daily requirement in nicotinic acid it is 5-10 mg, for pregnant women – 15 mg. The attending physician prescribes it if indicated.

Benefits and harms

Nicotinic acid is harmful in the form of allergic reactions And peptic ulcer stomach, which intensify when taking it. The benefit of the drug is positive impact on metabolism and the following effects on the body:

  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • removes toxins;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • reduces inflammatory processes;
  • nicotine for blood vessels dilates them, thins the blood;
  • prevents atherosclerosis.


IN medical practice over-the-counter nicotinic acid preparations are used. They are produced in powder, tablet and ampoules formats. It is recommended to store all varieties away from sunlight, without children's access. The composition of the preparations includes pyridinecarboxylic-3-acid. This is crystalline powder white, poorly soluble cold water and alcohol, but highly soluble hot water.

Pharmacological action

Vitamin B3 plays important role to ensure the vital functions of the body, it is a component of the prosthetic groups of codehydrase enzymes. The latter transfer hydrogen and carry out redox processes. Vitamin B3, entering the body and being broken down into nicotinamide, transports phosphates. Without them, the disease pellagra develops.

Release form

According to pharmacological definitions, the following forms of release of this vitamin preparation are distinguished:

  • vitamin B3 in ampoules - 1 ml, glass ampoules, pH solution for injection 5-7;
  • powder for injection;
  • tablets (50 pcs.) – a drug to replenish acid deficiency, the active substance content is 0.05 g;
  • sodium nicotinate solution – 0.1% nicotine solution.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, the following application occurs in medicine: nicotinic acid V medicinal purposes:

  1. Electrophoresis with nicotinic acid is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis. The method quickly removes lactic acid from tissues affected by inflammation, relieves pain and swelling, and enhances the healing process. To carry out the procedure, a 1% solution is used, a course of 10 days, once a day.
  2. For the treatment of pellagra, improvement carbohydrate metabolism, mild forms of diabetes, liver diseases, heart diseases, ulcers, enterocolitis, poorly healing wounds, myopathy.
  3. Reducing the level of lipoproteins in the blood, lowering the concentration of triglycerides, treating hypercholesterolemia.
  4. A specific remedy for gastritis, vasospasm, brain.
  5. Stimulates hair growth (30-day course, rub 1 ml into the scalp every day), and according to reviews, eliminates dandruff.
  6. To actively lose weight, against cellulite - take 1 g tablets per day, several times a day.
  7. Prevention of diabetes, reduction of pain in osteoarthritis.
  8. Increased efficiency medicines for the treatment of depression, anxiety.
  9. Detoxification of the body, prevention of migraines.

Nicotinic acid preparations

The vitamin is an integral component of the drugs Vitaiodurol, Vicein, Xanthinol Nicotinate, Lipostabil, Nikoverin, Nikoshpan, Spazmokor. It is found in two forms - acid and nicotinamide. Both formats are active ingredients drugs have the same pharmacological purpose, similar therapeutic effect. Nicotinamide is included in the drugs:

  • tablets and solution for injection Niacinamide;
  • Nikonatsid;
  • Nicotinamide tablets and solution;
  • Apelagrin;
  • Niacin;
  • Nikoverin;
  • Enduracin.

Instructions for use of nicotinic acid

According to the annotation, vitamin PP can be used in the form of tablets (orally after meals) and ampoules (parenterally). As a preventive measure, adults are prescribed 0.015-0.025 g per day. For pellagra, take 0.1 g 2-4 times a day for 15-20 days, or inject a 1% solution of 1 ml twice a day for 10-15 days. For other diseases, adults take up to 0.1 g of the drug per day. If not side effects, in the treatment of atherosclerosis and lipid metabolism disorders single dose can be increased to 1 g, and the daily dose to 4 g.


Vitamin PP in tablets is used for long-term therapy and disease prevention. In the first case, they are recommended to be taken in autumn and spring for people with circulatory problems lower limbs. It is allowed to take 1-2 tablets three times a day, while simultaneously taking methionine preparations to protect the liver. If the patient has increased acidity of gastric juice, the medication is taken after meals, washed down mineral water or warm milk.

If you take pills before meals, it may cause discomfort: burning in the stomach, nausea. Dosage depends on age, weight and disease:

  • for prevention, up to 25 mg/day is taken;
  • when pellagra appears, 100 mg 3-4 times a day for 15-20 days;
  • for atherosclerosis 2-3/day, 3-4 doses;
  • if fat metabolism is impaired, take 500 mg once in the first week, twice in the second, three times in the third, course 2.5-3 months;
  • to increase lipoprotein concentrations high density, should be taken 1 g/day;
  • to reduce the risk of heart disease 500-1000 mg/day;
  • courses of therapy are repeated at monthly intervals.


The drugs can be administered in the form of subcutaneous, intravenous or intramuscular injections. Injections of nicotinic acid are administered into a vein slowly, in a stream, in a hospital setting due to possible risk severe allergic reactions. Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections approved for independent use at home. They are very painful, so you need to choose the right place.

The optimal sites for injections are upper part shoulder, anterior thigh, anterior abdominal wall provided there is no excess weight, the upper outer quadrant of the buttock. For subcutaneous administration, it is better to give injections in the area of ​​the forearm and the anterior wall of the abdomen. You can use 1.5 or 2.5% solutions for intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, administered 1-2 times a day. The dosage depends on the type of disease:

  • for pellagra and deficiency symptoms - 50 mg intravenously or intramuscularly 100 mg 1-2 times a day for a course of 10-15 days;
  • at ischemic stroke– 100-500 mg intravenously;
  • For other diseases and for children, tablets are used.

How to inject intramuscularly

After choosing a place, wipe it with an antiseptic, draw a solution into a syringe, release a few drops by lifting it up with a needle to expel air bubbles, give an injection, treat the puncture site with alcohol or chlorhexidine. For each injection, choose a new place, deviating 1-1.5 cm from the previous one. The intramuscular injection is done as follows: insert the needle deeply, slowly press the piston and release the solution.

Nicotinic acid during pregnancy and lactation

If pregnancy proceeds normally, vitamin PP is not prescribed. In cases of drug dependence, multiple births, placental dysfunction, liver pathology and biliary tract the drug is indicated for use. When carrying a child, the product eliminates spasms, improves blood circulation, and reduces its viscosity. Vitamin B3 prevents the formation of blood clots, blockage of placental vessels, reduces the risk of fetal death and premature birth. To increase lactation, tablets are indicated, but with caution and monitoring the child’s condition.

Use in children

Children under two years of age are contraindicated in taking vitamin B3 ampoule. The child can only be given the tablet format of the drug, orally after meals with cool drinks or mineral water. The dosage depends on the purpose:

  • for prevention – 0.005-0.02 g per day;
  • for pellagra – 0.005-0.05 g 2-3 times a day;
  • other diseases – 0.005-0.03 g 2-3 times a day.

Nicotinic acid and alcohol

Practicing doctors and scientists note the intoxicating effect of vitamin B3. It helps to quickly remove toxic substances from the body, binds free radicals, neutralizes the effect of poisons on cells of organs and tissues. The drug finds wide application when removing hangover syndrome, in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction, exposure to harmful substances in production.

Drug interactions

Before prescribing vitamin PP, tell your doctor if you are taking any other medications, as it has the following drug interactions:

  • when combined with fibrinolytics, cardiac glycosides and antispasmodics, it enhances the effect;
  • at simultaneous administration barbiturates, neomycin, sulfonamides, anti-tuberculosis drugs are accompanied by an increase in toxic effect;
  • increases the risks of side effects when used with antihypertensive drugs, aspirin, anticoagulants;
  • nicotinic acid develops toxic effect with lipid-lowering drugs;
  • reduces the severity of the effect of the antidiabetic medication system.

Alcohol compatibility

According to the instructions for use of vitamin B3, it is incompatible with alcohol and drugs that contain ethanol. Dangerous action there is an increase in the toxic effect on the liver, a decrease in the absorption of sequestrants bile acids. You should refrain from taking alcoholic beverages and medications while taking medicine.

Side effects and overdose

If the dose of vitamin PP is incorrectly prescribed, the following may occur: side effects:

  • redness of the face, upper part of the body (when taken on an empty stomach or by persons with hypersensitivity), fever;
  • dizziness;
  • urticaria, skin rash;
  • paresthesia (numbness of the limbs);
  • lowering blood pressure (with rapid intravenous administration);
  • gout;
  • acanthosis;
  • increased blood sugar levels;
  • increased frequency of arrhythmia attacks;
  • blurred vision due to retinal swelling.


Instructions for the use of vitamin B3 in ampoules and tablets contain instructions on contraindications:

  • severe forms hypertension, atherosclerosis (intravenously);
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • long-term use threatens fatty liver (you can get rid of this by combining the drug with foods rich in methionine, prescribed methionine preparations or lipotropic action)

Special instructions

The blurb included inside each nicotine package contains special instructions points to be observed when taking the product:

  • High doses of the vitamin are contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • During therapy, liver function should be regularly monitored;
  • use nicotinic acid with caution for hyperacid gastritis, ulcers (irritation of the mucous membrane), hepatitis, cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus;
  • not used to correct dyslipidemia in diabetics;
  • on initial stage use, the content of fats, sugars, uric acid;
  • Long-term use threatens the leaching of vitamin C.


By active active substance highlight the following structural analogues of the drug in question, having a similar therapeutic effect, produced by domestic or foreign manufacturers:

  • Niacin;
  • Nicotinic acid Bufus or Vial;
  • Enduracin;
  • Apelagrin;
  • Liplit;
  • Nicodon;
  • Nikonatsid;
  • Nicotene;
  • Nikovit;
  • Peviton;
  • Vitaplex.


Vitamin B3 preparations can be bought in an online store or ordered from a catalog through a pharmacy. The cost depends on the form of release and the manufacturer. Approximate prices:


Pharmacological action

Vitamin and lipid-lowering agent. In the body, nicotinic acid is converted into nicotinamide, which binds to coenzymes codehydrogenase I and II (NAD and NADP), which transport hydrogen, and participates in the metabolism of fats, proteins, amino acids, purines, tissue respiration, glycogenolysis, and synthetic processes. Replenishes deficiency of PP (vitamin B 3), is a specific antipellagric agent (vitaminosis of vitamin PP). Normalizes the concentration of blood lipoproteins; V high doses(orally 3-4 g/day) reduces the concentration of total cholesterol, LDL, TG, reduces the cholesterol/phospholipid index, increases the content of HDL, which has an antiatherogenic effect. Has a vasodilating effect at the level small vessels(including the brain), improves microcirculation, has a weak anticoagulant effect (increases the fibrinolytic activity of the blood).

The hypocholesterolemic effect is observed within a few days, and a decrease in TG is observed within a few hours after administration.


Hypo- and avitaminosis RR: pellagra, inferior and unbalanced diet(including parenteral), malabsorption syndrome (including due to impaired pancreatic function), rapid weight loss, gastrectomy, Hartnup disease ( hereditary disease, accompanied by impaired absorption of certain amino acids, incl. tryptophan), gastrointestinal diseases (celiac enteropathy, persistent diarrhea, tropical sprue, etc.).

Conditions of increased body need for vitamin PP: prolonged fever, diseases of the hepatobiliary region (acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis), hyperthyroidism, chronic infections, malignant tumors, prolonged stress, pregnancy (especially against the background of nicotine and drug addiction, multiple pregnancy), lactation period.

Hyperlipidemia, incl. primary hyperlipidemia (types IIa, IIb, III, IV, V).

Ischemic disorders cerebral circulation, obliterating diseases of the vessels of the extremities (obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud's disease), spasm of the vessels of the extremities, bile and urinary tract; diabetic polyneuropathy, microangiopathy.

Neuritis facial nerve, hypoacid gastritis, enterocolitis, colitis, long-term non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers.


Hypersensitivity to nicotinic acid.

For oral administration: gastric ulcer and duodenum in the acute phase, childhood up to 2 years (as a lipid-lowering agent).

For parenteral use: heavy arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, gout, hyperuricemia, childhood.


To prevent pellagra for adults, 15-25 mg/day orally, for children - 5-20 mg/day. For pellagra in adults, 100 mg orally 2-4 times a day for 15-20 days, parenterally - 10 mg 1-2 times a day for 10-15 days. Children orally - 5-50 mg 2-3 times a day. For other indications, adults: 20-50 mg (up to 100 mg), children: 5-30 mg 2-3 times a day. For ischemic stroke, 10 mg is administered intravenously.

Side effects

From the outside cardiovascular system: hyperemia of the skin of the face and upper half of the body with a feeling of tingling and burning; with rapid administration - a decrease in blood pressure, orthostatic hypotension, collapse.

From the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system: paresthesia, dizziness.

From the outside digestive system: at long-term use - fatty degeneration liver.

From the side of metabolism: with long-term use - hyperuricemia, decreased tolerance to, increased blood levels of AST, LDH, alkaline phosphatase.

Local reactions: pain at the site of subcutaneous and intramuscular injections.

Others: allergic reactions.

Drug interactions

Caution must be exercised when combined with antihypertensive drugs, anticoagulants, etc.

Nicotinic acid reduces the toxicity of neomycin and prevents the decrease in cholesterol and HDL concentrations induced by it.

Special instructions

Use orally with caution in patients with hemorrhages, glaucoma, gout, hyperuricemia, liver failure, arterial hypotension, hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (in remission).

Use parenterally with caution in patients with hemorrhages, glaucoma, liver failure, arterial hypotension, hyperacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers (in the acute phase).

During treatment it is necessary to monitor liver function.

It is not advisable to use for the correction of dyslipidemia in patients with diabetes mellitus.

To prevent liver complications, it is recommended to include foods rich in methionine (cottage cheese) in the diet or use methionine and other lipotropic agents.

Use in childhood


— for oral administration: children under 2 years of age (as a lipid-lowering agent).

— for parenteral use: children's age.

For liver dysfunction

Use with caution in patients with liver failure.

With long-term use of nicotinic acid in high doses, fatty infiltration of the liver may develop.

During treatment it is necessary to monitor liver function. To prevent complications from the liver, it is recommended to include rich foods (cottage cheese) in the diet or use methionine, lipoic acid and other lipotropic agents.

Instructions for use:

Nicotinic acid – vitamin preparation, also referred to as vitamin PP.

Pharmacological action

Nicotinic acid is a compound similar in structure to nicotinamide.

The use of niacin is important for stimulating blood circulation, brain activity, metabolism of amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, proteins.

This vitamin is of great importance for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It helps reduce cholesterol, lipoprotein and triglyceride levels - substances that clog blood vessels, contribute to increased blood pressure and the formation of blood clots, and limit blood supply.

Release form

Nicotinic acid is produced in tablets and in the form of a solution.

Indications for use of Nicotinic acid

The vitamin is administered intravenously, taken orally, subcutaneously and intramuscular injections nicotinic acid.

The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of pellagra, the treatment of mild forms of diabetes, heart disease, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, enterocolitis, gastritis with low acidity, poorly healing skin lesions, to relieve spasms of blood vessels in the brain, arms and legs, and kidneys.

The product is also included in complex therapy neuritis of the facial nerve, atherosclerosis, various infections.


The vitamin should not be administered intravenously for hypertension; do not use the drug for hypersensitivity.

In case of increased individual sensitivity to the drug, you can replace the acid with nicotinamide, except in cases where the acid was prescribed as a vasodilator.

Instructions for use of Nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid for prevention is prescribed for adults 15-25 mg, children 5-20 mg per day.

To treat pellagra, adults take nicotinic acid in tablets of 100 mg up to four times a day for 15-20 days. You can administer a 1% acid solution - 1 ml up to two times a day for 10-15 days. Children are given 5-50 mg two or three times a day.

For other indications, adults take the vitamin 20-50 mg, children – 5-30 mg up to three times a day.

As a vasodilator for ischemic stroke, 1 ml of nicotinic acid is administered intravenously.

Intramuscular and subcutaneous injections nicotinic acid, unlike intravenous administration painful. To avoid irritation, you can use sodium salt nicotinic acid.

Thanks to the ability of this vitamin to dilate blood vessels, nicotinic acid is useful for hair - it stimulates hair growth. To treat hair, the solution is rubbed into the scalp for 30 days, 1 ml (one ampoule).

Apply the solution to pure form, onto slightly damp, washed hair. After a month of hair treatment with nicotinic acid, the scalp is cleared of dandruff, the roots are strengthened, and the hair grows by 4-6 cm. If necessary, rubbing courses can be repeated periodically, with breaks of 15-20 days.

Nicotinic acid has been successfully used for weight loss. Weight correction is facilitated by the fact that the vitamin accelerates metabolism, helps cleanse blood vessels, level cholesterol levels, and remove heavy metals, toxins. The dosage of nicotinic acid for weight loss is individual for each person and is 100-250 mg per day. They usually take nicotinic acid in tablets, no more than 1g per day, several times a day. A reaction to acid in the form of redness of the skin and a flush of heat is considered normal. At increased acidity stomach secretions, take the vitamin only after meals.

Side effects

The use of nicotinic acid can cause: redness of the skin of the face, upper half of the body, rash, numbness in the extremities, dizziness, hot flash. These side effects go away on their own.

With rapid administration of the vitamin intravenously, blood pressure can drop sharply, and with prolonged use, even in high dosages the drug can provoke the appearance of fatty liver degeneration. To prevent this disease, the vitamin is prescribed simultaneously with methionine.

Nicotinic acid (niacin) is a biologically active substance that enters the human body with food. If cells and tissues are deficient in vitamins, the functioning of all vital systems is disrupted, immunity decreases, and appearance. Synthesized vitamin PP is used to replenish niacin. in the form of tablets and solution for parenteral administration. An overdose of nicotinic acid can be caused by non-compliance medical recommendations and improper storage.

Characteristics of the drug

Nicotinic acid is one of the vitamins that take an active part in redox processes. With the participation of niacin in the human body, the synthesis of enzymatic compounds occurs and the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids in tissues is regulated.

Vitamin PP overdose is often diagnosed in people trying to lose weight. overweight. The ability of nicotinic acid to accelerate metabolic processes is used by women for weight loss. As a rule, this leads to poisoning, excruciating headaches and severe depression.

The solid form of niacin is a white, odorless, fine-crystalline powder with a weak sour taste. Diluted poorly cold water, when boiling, it almost immediately goes into solution. Nicotinic acid is found in many foods, for example:

  • rye bread, buckwheat, beans;
  • meat, kidneys, liver;
  • mushrooms, beets, pineapple, mango.

The vitamin retains its properties after boiling and freezing. Artificial nicotinic acid was produced almost 200 years ago. For this purpose, nicotine was oxidized with chromic acid.

Pharmacological action of nicotinic acid

Often overdose biologically active substance occurs due to the desire of patients to achieve maximum therapeutic effects as quickly as possible. Nicotinic acid has the ability to accumulate in tissues, therefore it is used exclusively for course treatment. After laboratory tests The doctor will select an individual dosage and determine the period of use of the tablets required for therapy.

Despite the fact that the drug is a vitamin, intoxication with nicotinic acid leads to serious consequences for the body. The medicine should be kept out of the reach of small children, as they are always interested in neat bottles of pills.

In pharmacology and medicine, nicotinic acid is used not only to treat pathologies, but also to prevent relapses chronic diseases, prevention of vitamin deficiency. Niacin has positive impact on the human body:

  • Normalizes the metabolic processes of fats and carbohydrates.
  • Participates in the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Improves metabolism in cells and tissues.
  • Restores blood circulation in damaged areas internal organs and brain.
  • Reduces blood pressure, dilates blood vessels.
  • Normalizes oxidative processes and oxygen exchange.

The ability of nicotinic acid to accelerate metabolism and quickly be eliminated from the body is used to treat poisoning with poisons or toxic compounds. Vitamin PP solutions are used for detoxification therapy in case of overdose narcotic substances and ethyl alcohol.

Rational use of vitamin PP

An overdose of niacin develops when the rules for handling medications are not followed.. Cases have become more frequent acute poisoning nicotinic acid, which develops with external use of the drug for parenteral administration. Young women who suffer from heavy hair loss hair in postpartum period, rub the undiluted solution into the scalp overnight. As a rule, in the morning an unexpected effect awaits them:

  • painful headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • weakness, unsteadiness of gait due to a sharp drop in pressure;
  • burned itchy scalp.

Hair loss in nursing mothers is due to hormonal imbalance. This condition is temporary - it cannot be eliminated with ordinary vitamins, especially with such unusual use.

Nicotinic acid should not be taken on an empty stomach. In the absence of food, there is a risk of drug overdose, since the vitamin is characterized by high degree absorption. In addition to the symptoms of intoxication, there is a risk of irritation and ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

The drug is used in drug therapy the following diseases:

  1. Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spinal column, including as a solution for electrophoresis.
  2. Strokes of ischemic etiology.
  3. Atherosclerosis.
  4. Pellagra (pathology due to nicotinic acid deficiency).
  5. Poor circulation in the legs, trophic ulcers.
  6. Liver diseases.
  7. Glucose intolerance.

For preventive purposes, nicotinic acid is used to correct twilight vision and in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Pharmacological drug improves memory, helps increase the production of pepsin, enzymes and gastric juice in hypoacid gastritis.

Chronic overdose of nicotinic acid with long-term treatment can be prevented. To do this, the doctor prescribes periodic tests biochemical tests blood and urine. If the level of vitamin PP and its breakdown products in biological samples is exceeded, the number of tablets taken is reduced or the frequency of their use is reduced.

Clinical picture of overdose

In case of overdose The property of the drug to sharply reduce blood pressure is especially dangerous. In hypotensive patients, this condition causes dizziness, fainting, deep coma which can result in the death of a person. TO dangerous symptoms poisoning also includes:

  • a significant rise in temperature, flushes of blood to the face and upper body;
  • vomiting, nausea, decreased intestinal motility;
  • allergic reactions due to decreased functional activity of the liver;
  • profuse sweating, migraines, emotional instability;
  • decreased tactile, muscle, tendon reflexes;
  • difficulty swallowing food, dry mucous membranes;
  • slurred speech.

An overdose of vitamin PP can occur when it is used as the main ingredient in masks for rejuvenation. The ability of nicotinic acid to provoke a rush of blood to the face is used by women to renew the upper layer of the epidermis. Niacin penetrates the bloodstream, accumulates in tissues and causes intoxication.

Nicotinic acid and its derivatives in significant concentrations can have a depressive effect on the central nervous system. First, a person increases motor activity, an increase in strength, and then a state similar to a narcotic develops (lethargy, drowsiness, apathy).

First aid

After the first signs of overdose appear, you should call a doctor. There is no antidote for nicotinic acid, therefore, treatment will be aimed at eliminating the symptoms of poisoning. How you can help the victim:

  1. Lay him on his side, calm him down.
  2. Give her strong sweet tea and any adsorbents or enterosorbents.

It makes sense to cleanse the stomach during intoxication with nicotinic acid if the pills have been taken recently. Niacin is quickly absorbed by the tissues of internal organs and is also rapidly excreted from the body.

Nicotinic acid, injections, what they are prescribed for - this question often arises. The name may be a little misleading, but in reality it is very useful substance. It is actively used in medicine, because the so-called nicotine is a vitamin-like substance that has a beneficial effect on the body.

The benefits of nicotinic acid injections

The drug has a lot positive properties and its health benefits are impressive. If nicotine in the body is contained in sufficient quantity, then all organs and systems in it function clearly and correctly. Nicotinic acid, injections, what are they prescribed for? It is used for different purposes - for example, for:

  • restoration of impaired blood supply in separate areas body and brain;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • normalization of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • relieving detoxification symptoms during;
  • expansion and strengthening of blood vessels;
  • control of oxidative processes;
  • speedy conversion of sugar into energy;
  • improving bowel function;
  • memory improvements;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • correction of liver function;
  • putting the nervous system in order;
  • stabilization of hormonal levels;
  • control of hemoglobin synthesis.

Among other things, nicotine improves sleep, stabilizes blood cholesterol levels, takes part in the production of gastric juice and controls certain functions. digestive tract. By understanding what nicotinic acid helps with, and for what purpose the injections are prescribed, you can understand why doctors chose injections. Everything is simple with this - this way the drug penetrates the body faster and is distributed more evenly. In addition, the injections help prevent irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Nicotinic acid injections - indications

The substance can be taken both for treatment and as prophylactic. Nicotinic acid, injections, what are they prescribed for? One of the most common indications is a lack of vitamin PP - pellagra. The drug is effective for diseases of the cardiovascular system. It helps dissolve blood clots. Thanks to this, areas of blood vessels that were blocked open up.

Before you start using nicotinic acid, injections, the instructions for its use must be studied. From it you can find out that the medicine is also prescribed for:

  • spasms of blood vessels (limbs, brain, kidneys...);
  • hypoacid gastritis;
  • ulcers and wounds of various localizations that do not heal within long period time;
  • complications of diabetes;
  • liver diseases;
  • intoxications of various origins.

Nicotinic acid injections for osteochondrosis

This disease appears when the cartilage in vertebral discs, do not receive enough nutrition. As a result, structural changes begin to occur in them, and they become thinner. At the same time, the condition is worsening bone tissue, which is deformed and in some places becomes covered with growths. Nicotinic acid, injections, what are they prescribed for, in this case - how can they help? Very fast and efficient!

The injections begin to work almost immediately.

  1. They relieve the main symptoms of osteochondrosis, eliminate dizziness, restore the supply processes to tissues and organs nerve cells, normalize the general condition.
  2. Nicotine affects not only the general physical, but also mental state person – the drug gives vigor, lifts vitality, normalizes sleep.
  3. Injections of nicotinic acid, their useful property, accelerates blood microcirculation in soft tissues, due to which pain is reduced, and the regenerating properties of the drug contribute to a significant acceleration of the process of restoration of damaged cartilage tissue, muscles, ligaments, and vascular walls.
  4. Among other things, nicotine can normalize oxygen metabolism and activate oxidative processes.

Nicotinic acid for hair - injections

This substance is often found in hair care products.

  1. Nicotinic acid injections perfectly moisturize curls, enhance their growth, prevent hair loss and fight dandruff.
  2. The effect is due to the vasodilating property of the product, due to which blood flow improves and the hair follicles begin to receive more nutrients.

We have sorted out nicotinic acid, hair injections, and what they are prescribed, but you also need to know how to use the drug correctly. To make your hair healthier and full of strength, use the product for a month. Every day, the contents of one ampoule are applied to clean curls. Treatment can be done by hand or using a syringe without a needle. If 1 ml is not enough, you can use a second ampoule at a time, but no more.

There is no need to wash off the nicotine mask. Immediately after the procedure, goose bumps, a burning sensation, and redness may appear. This phenomenon is normal - it means that the remedy has begun to work. Another thing is headache, itching and rash. Such symptoms indicate individual intolerance and that hair treatment with nicotinic acid should be stopped. Those for whom the therapy is suitable will notice a growth of up to 3 centimeters in their curls within a month.

Nicotinic acid - injections for weight loss

Every body needs nicotinic acid. Optimal quantity– up to 20 milligrams per day. You can get it from food - meat and some plant products. A deficiency of the substance has a negative effect on health. This leads to a lack of serotonin, and to compensate for the deficiencies last organism tries, demanding high-calorie foods - cakes, buns, sweets.

How do nicotinic acid injections help you lose weight? Of course, she is not a fat burner. That is, just injections with extra pounds They can’t cope, but they can:

  • speed up processes; force gastric juice develop more actively;
  • injections contribute to the production of such an important substance.

Simply put, nicotine will discourage the desire to eat unhealthy, fatty, high-calorie foods and help you stick to proper diet and enhance metabolism.

Nicotinic acid, injections - instructions

To get the most from the drug, it must be used correctly. The regimen of nicotinic acid injections must be strictly followed, and it should be selected by a specialist. Standard scheme may not suit everyone. During treatment it is very important to take into account everything individual characteristics body. Otherwise, therapy will not help, or even harm and worsen the condition.

Nicotinic acid - dosage (injections)

The doctor should calculate the dosage and number of necessary injections per day. He also makes the decision to increase or decrease the dose. According to the standard, nicotinic acid, an injection solution, is injected into the body at a rate of 0.1 grams 2 - 3 times a day. If the patient tolerates this treatment well, the dosage may increase to 5 grams. This amount of the drug is usually prescribed for atherosclerosis or serious problems with fat metabolism.

How to give nicotinic acid injections intramuscularly?

The drug nicotinic acid, injections, are given slowly. To ensure that no traces remain on the body after the procedure - irritations, rashes, wounds - doctors use substances such as Sodium Nicotinate or Nicotinamide. There are different methods of administering injections:

  • intramuscular;
  • intradermal (it is chosen when it is necessary to compensate for the lack of vitamins);
  • intravenous (for this method, a 1% solution is diluted in saline).

Nicotinic acid - a painful injection or not?

Bad news, but it's true. The answer to the question whether an injection of nicotinic acid is painful or not is positive. With subcutaneous and intramuscular injection the patient feels the remedy very severe pain, burning. After the procedure, the skin turns red, some people develop a fever, but this is an absolutely normal reaction of the body. It’s worse if the injection has no consequences. In this case, you can suspect the presence of problems with blood circulation.

Nicotinic acid - injections and alcohol - compatibility

Another advantage of nicotine is that it can prevent ethanol poisoning - if you take it 10 - 12 hours before drinking alcohol, but it is undesirable for the substances to be in the body at the same time. Strong drinks neutralize the effect of the medicine, and it turns out that nicotinic acid and intramuscular injections were used in vain. In addition, ethanols increase the risk of adverse reactions. The same best option– give injections a few hours after alcohol enters the body.

Contraindications for nicotinic acid injections

Before starting a course of injections, you need to consult with a specialist and find out whether there are any contraindications to the use of the drug. Intramuscular injections of nicotinic acid are contraindicated for:

  • gout;
  • severe arterial hypertension;
  • severe form of atherosclerosis;
  • obvious violations of liver functions;
  • stomach/duodenal ulcer;
  • arrhythmias;
  • sinus tachycardia;
  • nephrosclerosis;
  • any inflammation;
  • allergies to nicotine.