I sweat a lot after giving birth. Causes of increased sweating after childbirth: the influence of various factors on the body

After the birth of the baby, various changes occur in the mother's body. Sweating is common after childbirth. Severe sweating can occur at different times of the day and have different locations. Some women experience increased sweat production under the breasts, while others sweat in the armpits, forehead, legs and other parts of the body. Although excessive sweating after delivery is normal, you should still consult a doctor.

It is important to understand the problem; if smelly and sticky sweat is produced, this may signal problems after childbirth.

Causes of increased sweating after childbirth

If after giving birth a woman begins to sweat heavily at night or during the day, this may indicate problems in the body. Sweating most often occurs in women during breastfeeding (BF), since this process causes hormonal imbalance. The following are the causes of sweating after childbirth:

  • Restoration of the body. After childbirth, the body gets rid of excess fluid that has accumulated during the entire 9 months of bearing the baby.
  • Lack of estrogen. After a natural birth or cesarean section, a nursing mother experiences a clear lack of estrogen, which provokes hyperhidrosis of the whole body.
  • Baby crying. Such emotions of the child provoke not only milk production, but also heavy sweating. It takes a nursing mother more time to cope with the problem of sweating.
  • Stress and depression after childbirth. During the postpartum period, every second woman experiences depression, fatigue, and stress, which leads to increased sweating.

When should you see a doctor?

It is necessary to schedule a visit to the doctor if your health worsens, if you have a fever or excessive sweating.

Sweating during sleep and during the day is most intense after childbirth. Moreover, it intensifies with feeding. If the problem does not go away for a long time and the woman continues to suffer from sweating, then it is necessary to consult a doctor. A doctor's consultation is necessary in the following cases:

  • sweat is released in large quantities and literally pours;
  • sweat began to smell bad;
  • there is constant weakness in the daytime and fatigue;
  • feeling of constant desire to drink;
  • high temperature and febrile condition.

It is especially important to pay attention to body temperature, as they may indicate the development of an infectious disease. In this case, additional symptoms will appear:

  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • pain when passing urine;
  • convulsive state;
  • redness and hardness of the mammary glands;
  • difficulty breathing, fainting.

If a caesarean section was performed and after childbirth the woman notices sweating and bleeding from the wounds, then this is also a good reason to consult a doctor. If you do not see a doctor in a timely manner, you may develop inflammation, mastitis, significant bleeding and postpartum depression. It is necessary to carry out differential diagnostics, which will help to exclude the following diseases that cause sweating after the birth of the baby:

  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • diabetes mellitus and others.

Necessary treatment measures

General principles of therapy

The norm for drinking water after childbirth is two liters.

If after childbirth a strong smell of sweat appears, which causes discomfort to the woman, you need to consult a doctor and solve the problem. It is often possible to get rid of increased sweating after childbirth by following general therapeutic measures:

  • Maintaining drinking balance in the body. Reducing the daily amount of fluid will only worsen the problem. After childbirth, a woman should drink 2 liters of water per day.
  • Regular contrast showers. You should rinse your breasts before feeding, especially if a woman sweats in this particular area.
  • Normalization of the nervous system. It is necessary to protect a woman after childbirth from stress, anxiety and worries that contribute to increased sweating. Mommy should get more rest and spend more time outdoors.
  • Balanced diet. After childbirth, the woman’s diet is adjusted, especially if the baby is pregnant. It is possible to prevent and eliminate sweating by eliminating spicy, fatty and fried foods from your diet.
  • Correct selection of clothes. A nursing mother should take the choice of nursing bra and other clothing very seriously, since synthetic materials provoke increased sweat production.

If you notice an unpleasant smell of sweat after childbirth, then as prescribed by your doctor, you can use safe deodorants that will not adversely affect the baby.

How effective are folk remedies?

If the smell of sweat appears after childbirth, then it is possible to use folk remedies. They are selected individually by the attending physician and are safe for mother and child. It is recommended to make baths, healing decoctions and infusions for oral and external use. The recipes presented in the table are especially effective.

Soda solutionPour 2 tbsp. l. baking soda 250 ml warm waterWipe problem areas several times a day
Stir thoroughly until the soda is completely dissolved
Oak bark infusionFor 250 ml of boiling water use 2 tbsp. l. oak bark
The medicine is infused for 30 minutes
Essential oilAdd a few drops of essential oil to warm water
Stir thoroughly
Chamomile lotionsPour 5 tsp. chamomile inflorescences 500 ml boiling waterA cotton swab is dipped into the resulting medicine and applied for several minutes in the most sweaty areas
Let sit for 60 minutes
Add 1 tsp to the broth. baking soda
Mix thoroughly

Young mothers complain that after permission they sweat profusely. During pregnancy and after it, a woman’s body undergoes great tests, so it needs time to fully recover.

As a consequence of such changes, hypergyrosis is likely, which occurs even with the slightest activity. This usually goes away 6-8 weeks after the baby is born. But it is necessary to distinguish normal processes from alarming symptoms of diseases. Let's look at these issues, and also why after childbirth the sweat began to smell strongly.

Due to the characteristics of each organism, every mother experiences hyperhidrosis in her own way. For some, only the armpits, back, forehead, legs or palms heat up, while for others the whole body heats up at once. Of course, this feeling is unpleasant. Many ladies say that “I sweat a lot in my sleep.” Indeed, most sweat is produced at night, but there will also be a lot of it during the day. Often new mothers complain that they began to wake up in a cold sweat after giving birth.

Despite the fact that each woman experiences increased sweating after childbirth individually, it occurs for the same reasons.

Changes in hormonal levels

It is known that throughout pregnancy and during lactation, hormonal levels are constantly changing. This mainly concerns the hormones prolactin and oxytocin, the concentration of which varies depending on the period. This increases the load on the pituitary gland, which produces these hormones. There is a load on all systems and especially on the nervous one. In this regard, there is a need to cool the body, which occurs through hyperhidrosis.

In addition, constant changes in hormone concentrations lead to increased heart rate, which equates to little physical activity. Therefore, liquid is released for cooling. Hormonal changes also confuse the nervous system, as a result of which false signals can be transmitted to the secretion glands. So mom started sweating a lot.

The production of the hormone prolactin affects the water-salt balance, which also affects hyperhidrosis: the retention of excess fluid leads to the fact that it begins to be excreted through the skin.

In the third part of pregnancy, the load on the kidneys increases, as the amount of fluid in the body changes in the pregnant woman. In addition, due to the pressure of the fetus on the internal systems, it is difficult to remove it through urination. Immediately before the resolution itself, the amount of all liquids will increase by more than 30%, but this is quite normal and even necessary for the normal resolution process.

When the baby is already born, the part is no longer needed, and the need arises to get rid of it. This occurs through urination and active hyperhidrosis. Depending on the physiological characteristics of the woman, the process takes from 1 week to a whole month.


It is quite natural that, because she is forced to eat more. This is vital because carrying a child requires a lot of energy. And as you know, excess fat is not removed as easily as water.

Kilograms additionally load the joints, cardiovascular and genitourinary systems. In addition, a thick layer of fat disrupts thermoregulation and causes different parts of the body to sweat profusely after childbirth.

Under no circumstances should you be on a strict diet! This will not only disrupt lactation, but will also worsen the already weakened condition. A doctor can help you establish proper nutrition.


In stressful situations, you may have noticed how your palms or forehead become wet. This happens because the nervous system sends signals to the sweat glands that it controls, thereby activating their work. The birth of a baby is very stressful for the body, since changes in its functioning occur very quickly and dramatically.

In addition, the mother bears responsibility for the baby’s life. Understanding the level of responsibility has a huge psychological burden.

This type of stress is compared to the feelings felt before speaking to a very large audience.

What to do?

This problem goes away on its own within 7-14 days, in the rarest cases you sweat for up to 3 months.

If the problem does not resolve, you should be examined by a doctor, as this may be a symptom of a serious illness, especially if there is a strong and strong smell of sweat.

Here are a few simple rules that can almost completely prevent the problem:

  1. Personal hygiene. No matter how trivial it may sound, you need to take a shower every day. Water procedures cleanse skin pores clogged during the day, preventing disruption of skin thermoregulation. Pores clogged with dust prevent the skin from breathing, which complicates the recovery process.
  2. Wear loose clothing made from natural materials. Such clothing helps prevent overheating and also allows the body to breathe.
  3. Good sleep. If sweating at night after childbirth begins to bother you, the first thing to do is pay attention to your night outfit and bedding, and specifically to the material from which they are made. It must be natural. This will allow you to maintain the necessary heat balance. You need to sleep in a well-ventilated area. For both mother and her child, the optimal temperature in the bedroom is 19-20 degrees.
  4. Proper nutrition. It is necessary to minimize fatty, fried and spicy foods, including fast food. Salt your food less, as excess salt retains water in the body. In addition, such food increases the load on the gastrointestinal tract, causing heat, which in turn is accompanied by heavy sweating after eating.
  5. Physical activity. Light, regular exercise will help you get rid of excess weight and water. It is enough to devote at least 15 minutes a day to this. But if you have undergone surgery, the level of physical activity is discussed individually in consultation with a doctor. Don't forget to walk more in the fresh air.
  6. Peace of mind. Maintain inner calm and try not to succumb to unnecessary stress.

It is strictly forbidden to reduce the amount of water you drink. At first glance, it may seem that reducing the amount of drinking will reduce the amount of fluid released. But this is dangerous because the woman will face dehydration. In addition, the level of lactation decreases, the water-salt balance is disturbed, the liquid itself secreted by the sweat glands becomes very salty, and then the armpits begin to smell very strongly.

In pursuit of a slim figure, do not go on strict diets. This will worsen the quality of the milk, since it will not contain enough microelements necessary for the child. All the vitamins and minerals you and your baby need come through food.

Medicines and traditional medicine

Among the drugs to combat severe sweating, those that contain natural and safe ingredients are prescribed. The choice here is small: burnt alum, talc or baby powder. These preparations absorb excess water from the skin and create a protective film on it. The product is carefully applied in a thin layer to the skin.

Do not apply powder to your chest and armpits before feeding your baby. Even if the drug was applied a long time ago, it is better to wash the application area with soap. But you should use powder or any decoction from traditional medicine strictly after prior consultation with a specialist.

Folk remedies are no less effective. Here are some recipes for people who have bad armpits:

  • Oak bark decoction. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of bark into a liter of water and place in a water bath. After 20 minutes, remove the broth and wrap it until it cools completely. In the evening, before going to bed, take a bath with the addition of this product. For better results, you can add 15-20 drops of tea tree essential oil.
  • When there is a very strong smell of sweat, a soda solution will remove the smell. 5 tsp Pour baking soda into one glass of warm water. Stir well until the soda is completely dissolved. This product should be used to wipe the areas that are most susceptible to hyperhidrosis.
  • Essential oils of lavender, fennel, bergamot, and cedar will help remove the smell of sweat after childbirth. Just add a couple of drops of oil to a glass of water and wipe your skin with it.
  • Chamomile tincture. Pour 3 tablespoons of flowers into a liter of boiling water. Leave for about an hour, then add a tablespoon of soda. Use for lotions.
  • If increased sweating after childbirth occurs on the face, it is recommended to wash your face with cold, strong tea or milk. A mask made from fresh tomatoes, as well as rubbing with lemon slices, will be no less effective.

Listen to your feelings, they will never let you down. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor even if you have such seemingly harmless problems as smelly sweat. The life of your baby depends on your health conditions.

We will talk about a sensitive topic: "". We will discuss the causes of excessive sweating in nursing mothers and consider possible ways to reduce sweating. I admit frankly, and I was not spared from severe sweating, the reasons for which lie in the changed hormonal background of a woman.

Excessive sweating in women: causes and treatment

It’s rare that after giving birth, having started breastfeeding, someone is left with a thick head of hair, usually the hair just falls out (), and some muscle sagging is added to everything else - the butt disappears, but if you’re not lazy, how can you reduce sweating? I will try not only to reveal the causes of hyperhidrosis (the medical name of the problem), but also to tell how nursing mothers should not treat this temporary feature of your body.

Photos of hyperhidrosis in nursing mothers

Excessive sweating - causes of hyperhidrosis

Since we are talking exclusively about breastfeeding women, hormonal levels rule the roost. It’s hard for the body, because it needs to instantly rebuild. The body needs sweat itself as a way of thermoregulation. Here are some reasons for excessive sweating after childbirth:

  • After childbirth, the body independently undergoes a kind of “shrinkage of the body”, removing excess fluid from the tissues through sweat.
  • A strong lack of extragen (compared to pregnancy) is a clear provocateur of hyperhidrosis, and every second nursing mother in the first months irritably considers how to reduce sweating.
  • The body has not had time to rebuild itself after pregnancy and actively continues to cool down, sweating, so that the body and the fetus inside do not overheat, entailing the threat of miscarriage (this was the case during pregnancy).
  • The baby's crying causes not only a rush of milk, but also active sweating.
  • Excess weight.

Excessive sweating in women: causes and treatment after childbirth interested me like no one else. Now everything has returned to normal, but I remember the first 2-3 months with horror. As soon as my baby cried, the milk rushed in madly, and I started to sweat. The first 2 months were especially difficult - continuous excitement and stress. I gained a fair amount of weight during pregnancy, so I was sweating all over: between my breasts, my stomach, under my arms. The smell of sweat also changed; it became (for me personally, reminiscent of pungent onions). I constantly sniffed myself and showered 5-6 times a day (each time after feeding and pumping). It was awkward to discuss this problem, but the heat of 30 degrees outside and the endless hot flashes forced me to call... the gynecologist. They explained to me that very soon, as soon as I stop cowardly over the child like a mother hen, everything will get better, and I will stop looking for the causes of severe sweating, but at the same time they sent me to take a test for stress hormones:

  • Cortisol,
  • Prolactin (surprisingly).

There was also a blood test for sugar (when the sugar level increases, hanging hyperhidrosis is also observed)

My cortisol went through the roof fivefold(!).

She told me that severe sweating, the causes of which we found out in nursing mothers, is divided into areas of localization:

  • General (when everyone is in a sweat),
  • Local increase in sweating (hair and face, chest and armpits, feet and palms).

If such symptoms do not disappear after 6 months (provided that you are breastfeeding all this time), you should immediately go to an endocrinologist or neurologist.

I'll tell you how my story ends. When Anechka turned 2 months old, we went for another weigh-in, and it turned out that in the second month our daughter had gained as much as 2 kg. After this event, I somehow quietly stopped being bothered by such a question as excessive sweating in women: causes and treatment.

How to reduce sweating - what a nursing mother should not take

Unfortunately, no one knows in advance how long excessive sweating will bother him. A nursing mother should absolutely not take special medications to solve such a delicate situation. If your doctor (do not self-medicate) advises you to “drink” something from the list below, then you most likely forgot to mention that you are a nursing mother:

  1. Formidron,
  2. Formagel,
  3. Teymur's paste.

They are dangerous because they are made from formaldehyde. The following four drugs block the production of certain hormones:

  • Clonidine,
  • Benzotropine,
  • Oxybutin,
  • beta blockers.

They have very dangerous side effects: impaired speech function, difficulty swallowing food, difficulty urinating and constipation. Do you need anything from this set?

If you are offered “herbal preparations”. I recommend asking their basis. Because the following products are produced based on BELADONNA (a very poisonous plant):

  • Bellataminal,
  • Bellaspon.

And 3 or 4 more drugs, which at the beginning contain the “bela” root.

If the drugs are not worth using, then what should we do? Which is the answer to the topic of this article: “excessive sweating in women: causes and treatment.” Nursing mothers can use only centuries-tested folk methods.

How to reduce sweating - traditional methods

photo of sage - herb for sweating

Tea parties with herbs will save you. For a long time, sage flowers have been used in Rus', and the recipe is still relevant today. Take a tablespoon of sage flowers and add hot water (not boiling water). Infuse and drink in small sips. The secret lies in magnesium, which is found in abundance in the plant. However, you should not drink it without breaks for more than a month. The next plant is lemon balm (2 teaspoons per glass of well-hot water). This is the case. If your feet sweat a lot, then a decoction of oak bark is a proven remedy. If your armpits sweat a lot and the nursing mother has a fairly calm baby, you should try compresses in the armpit area from marshmallow roots.

New mothers after childbirth are faced with quite interesting symptoms of body recovery. One of the unusual problems is increased sweating - this is not the kind of sweating that occurs after prolonged exercise or physical labor, but completely unexpected and unreasonable. So, a young mother may start to sweat even after holding the baby in her arms for a little while - just a couple of minutes and the unpleasant problem makes itself felt again.

What to do if you start sweating a lot after giving birth - it is impossible to answer this question exactly, since it is almost impossible to determine the cause. Sweating is a normal reaction to increased blood circulation, which provokes increased work of the body's glands (sweat, sebaceous and others). To increase blood circulation, it is enough to do physical labor - if you have little mobility, even a quick step will lead to sweating.

Sweating is not a problem, but a process necessary for normal life that regulates the water-salt balance in the body. But why exactly do young mothers have to face this problem “double the size”? After all, even tilting the torso downwards - it was necessary to pick up an object from the floor - leads to increased sweating and general malaise. There are physical factors that lead to the problems presented, which will be discussed later in the article.

What happens at first

Increased sweating after childbirth is a normal reaction of the body. The fact is that during pregnancy the body underwent serious stress, even if the expectant mother did not depress herself with physical activity. Heavy sweating after the birth of a child is a reaction to the corresponding recovery of the body.

  • Firstly, there is a concept of general weakness - when a person is sick, the slightest exertion leads to an increase in sweating. This is explained by an increase, and often a decrease, in blood pressure and a corresponding narrowing or dilation of blood vessels, respectively. A woman after childbirth is weak, so in the first few days she may suffer from increased fluid secretion.
  • Secondly, women after childbirth are forced to actively take care of the child, caring for which also requires an investment of effort. For a young mother weakened after pregnancy, even changing clothes and walking with a baby in her arms is a significant physical activity.
  • Thirdly, caring for a child after pregnancy is psychological stress for a young mother. As a rule, she is faced with numerous troubles and questions that at first she does not know how to solve. This results in emotional stress, albeit short-term, which also causes an increase in blood pressure, thereby provoking increased sweating.

The presented prerequisites often haunt a young mother during the first weeks. Subsequently, gradual stabilization occurs, which is why the symptoms noticeably decrease every day.

This is interesting: In most cases, young mothers suffer from increased sweating after childbirth in the first 1-2 weeks. The cause is hormonal changes, which immediately after pregnancy are restored to their previous regime.

About the norms

Excessive sweating after childbirth is not a pathology. But this should be considered only on the condition that profuse sweating occurs in the first 2-3 months, although normally the unpleasant problem should go away within the first two weeks after the birth of the baby.

The norm is understood as the release of sweat during movement. If sweating occurs at rest during the day or during sleep at night, provided the room temperature is optimal, you should consult a doctor.

This is important: Increased sweating during pregnancy and after childbirth at rest often indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. This also indicates a malfunction of the sweat glands or kidneys, which provoke fluid accumulation - with the development of such a pathology, a woman experiences swelling in the morning or throughout the day. Therefore, to avoid problems, you should consult a doctor for an examination.

Physiological explanations

Despite the fact that increased sweating at rest is not the norm, every second young mother experiences this after pregnancy. This is due to an increase in thermal energy - this indicator increases at night to a greater extent than in the daytime after playing sports. Therefore, in the absence of additional signs - pain, increased body temperature, general weakness and aching bones - you should not sound the alarm, but only in the first 2 weeks after birth. This time should be enough to remove excess fluid from the body. Why does this happen?

Removing fluid

The first reason for increased sweating is the increased work of the kidneys, which is aimed at removing excess fluid from the body. During pregnancy, the body stored water for use in order to ensure appropriate development of the fetus - this provoked an extra load on the kidneys, causing the woman to suffer from sweating.

Now, after giving birth, you still have to endure problems with water balance - in the first week, the kidneys work in an enhanced mode, trying to excrete all the excess fluid. The process may take another week, but no more.

Hormonal disorders

The second reason is associated with a low level of the hormone estrogen in the body of a young mother. As a rule, estrogen is an indicator of the normal functioning of the female reproductive system. A decrease in the amount of the hormone gives a signal to the hypothalamus - this part of the brain is responsible for body temperature. Receiving the signal, the hypothalamus understands the fact that a stressful situation is developing, similar to impending hypothermia. Therefore, you have to compensate for the problem by sweating profusely. This reason for the development of trouble with the separation of fluid often occurs after a cesarean section, especially an emergency one - the body and hormonal levels were “working” in the usual mode, but they were unexpectedly interrupted.

Endocrine disorders

The third reason is disruption of the functioning of the endocrine system. If the thyroid gland overworks, the level of hormones exceeds the norm - this is more similar to the symptoms of menopause in women. Unreasonable flashes of sweating are far from normal after childbirth, so it is better to consult a doctor to get examined and take hormone therapy for a faster recovery after the birth of the child.

What to do about sweating

To avoid increased sweating, a young mother after giving birth should listen to the following expert advice:

  • You should not immediately resort to the practice of dietary nutrition to restore your figure. Firstly, a woman herself needs vitamins and beneficial microelements for faster recovery after the birth of a child. And secondly, the newborn baby needs to be provided with nutritious milk.
  • A young mother should adhere to proper nutrition - meals at least 4-5 times a day, the menu consists mainly of first courses. The diet should also include buckwheat with milk - this is beneficial for breast milk, the baby and the woman, since this grain normalizes water balance and prevents sweating.
  • A woman should drink a lot of water - water - at least 1.5 liters per day. Lack of fluid will not eliminate sweating, but will only make it worse.
  • Rest and sleep are required - fatigue will lead to a general depressing state when you have to deal with the general weakness that is present immediately after the birth of a child.

From all of the above, it should be concluded that excessive sweating after the birth of a child is not a pathology, but only in certain cases and situations. In the first 2 weeks after birth, you should not pay attention to the presented signs, unless there are additional troubles in the complex. In the following weeks, you should pay attention to a decrease in sweat secretion. If there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor immediately.

One of the unpleasant postpartum symptoms is excessive sweating after childbirth. Carrying a child is a kind of stress for any woman’s body. During this period, changes occur in absolutely all organs and systems. During the birth of a baby, the body experiences stress again, so it can react in different ways, including increased sweat production.

The reasons that influence the onset of the development of this phenomenon may be different. One of these is considered to be hormonal imbalance. If the birth of a baby causes a woman to sweat profusely, then this is normal. In this way, the body tries to get rid of excess fluid in the body.

Often a woman notices that swelling has begun to appear and the urge to urinate has become more frequent. It should be understood that the urinary system is directly involved in the process. Absolutely all systems and organs work with double load and try to get rid of accumulated fluid.

There are cases when a woman does not encounter this phenomenon during pregnancy, but it manifests itself after the birth of the child. Symptoms may worsen during stressful situations. Sweat may appear if the girl is a little nervous.

More about hormones

Why does a woman start to sweat? The hypothalamus is a part of the brain that is responsible for regulating body temperature. It is this zone that incorrectly perceives information about a violation of estrogen levels and gives a signal to immediately generate an increased temperature. The body's reaction to this phenomenon is manifested by excessive sweating.

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis are most often noticeable at night, due to the fact that the body produces even more heat when it is at rest. But it happens that a woman notices hyperhidrosis in the morning, and some mothers experience profuse sweating around the clock. Some women begin to sweat just before milk flows.

Increased sweating after childbirth can last from several weeks to two months. Women who breastfeed experience discomfort for some time. Breastfeeding also stimulates sweat production.

Unpleasant feeling

As a rule, hyperhidrosis lasts no more than a week in this case. However, there are cases in which sweating accompanies a woman for several months. Mothers who feed babies know this firsthand.

At the same time, different parts of the body may sweat: some complain that their feet sweat, others claim that their armpits sweat, and others say that sweat appears on the head and buttocks. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the symptoms of hyperhidrosis manifest differently in each person.

Unfortunately, sweating isn't everything. As sweat starts to appear, the woman soon begins to notice that she smells bad. Bacteria that multiply in a humid environment release certain products, which is the cause of the unpleasant odor.

This problem can be solved

A woman who begins to sweat a lot after childbirth should understand that this symptom will soon go away. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to be nervous and worried. Stressful situations must be avoided. If a woman is constantly in a dejected state, then this negatively affects the baby himself.

This problem can be solved if you follow a number of simple rules:

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to nutrition. The food that enters a woman’s body must be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals. A woman who does not exclude fatty and salty foods from her diet is unlikely to get rid of hyperhidrosis. It is recommended to give preference to lean meats and fish, eat as much dairy products and whole grain cereals as possible. Food should under no circumstances harm the child.
  2. With increased sweating, the fair sex tries to reduce fluid intake. This opinion is wrong. Women do not know that doing this is prohibited. If you drink too little liquid, you can only harm the baby, as milk production will be impaired. A mother who has given birth needs to drink at least 2 liters per day to restore water balance in the body. A constant supply of fluid to the body will help normalize metabolic processes.
  3. Many mothers do not pay enough attention to sleep and rest at night, but this is of great importance. It is recommended to have a good rest, ensure that you get good sleep, and walk in the fresh air as much as possible. With the help of light exercises you can normalize your water balance.
  4. Basic hygiene rules alleviate a woman’s condition and make life much more comfortable. Frequent showers and proper clothing can partially help solve the problem of hyperhidrosis.

If a woman complains that she sweats a lot after giving birth, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • exclude any spices during cooking;
  • eat as many cereals, vegetables and legumes as possible;
  • be sure to eat first courses;
  • For those who sweat during sleep, it is recommended to go to bed in light clothing.

It is preferable to wear clothes that allow the skin to breathe. If things are made from natural fabrics, they feel comfortable. The best material is cotton. You should try to avoid wearing synthetic clothing.


Physical condition plays a big role in the life of every woman. At the same time, it is not necessary to pile yourself up with heavy physical training. To keep your body in good shape, you should spend a few minutes doing morning exercises. Get up in the morning and go to bed before 11 pm.

Doctor consultation

There are a number of cases that require immediate consultation with a doctor. If the smell of sweat after childbirth bothers you for a long time, you should ask your pediatrician a couple of questions. The doctor not only monitors the baby’s health, but can also give some valuable advice to the young mother. You can seek help from a gynecologist.

A real specialist will help you understand the issue of sweating and give all the necessary answers. At the same time, don’t be nervous or afraid to ask something. The problem of severe sweating after childbirth haunts many women, but it can be dealt with.

Introduction to Sweating

A woman experiences a strong surge of emotions if she is unable to cope with the problem on her own. The qualifications of the attending physician play a huge role in this. Recommendations and a correct explanation of the situation will help the girl improve her emotional state.

But at the same time, you need to make sure that the young mother does not have the following symptoms:

  1. Presence of high temperature. Fever indicates that some kind of infection has entered the body.
  2. Any symptoms that indicate a disorder in the functioning of the kidneys, thyroid gland and other hormonal disorders.
  3. If the symptoms go away, but after a while the woman begins to sweat profusely again, it is worth checking with a doctor. Perhaps it's a common cold.

Almost all women sweat after childbirth. For the body, this is as necessary as daily food. It's unpleasant when it smells strongly, but you shouldn't panic. Constant monitoring of the body’s condition will help you not to miss the most important things and solve the problem in a timely manner.