Where does the expression “the toad strangles” come from? Toad strangles...chest

Where did the expression “toad strangles” come from?

    This expression comes from a disease that is associated with the heart, the disease is called angina pectoris and with this disease it is difficult for a person to breathe, which is why they said that the toad is suffocating in the chest. Now this expression means the greed of a person, that when you ask him for something, he begins to breathe heavily, which means he is greedy.

    The phraseological unit toad strangles denotes a feeling of acute envy and greed. Not all people have this feeling, but it still exists. This is often observed even in friendly or neighborly relationships. If a neighbor bought, for example, a cool car or a yacht, then the envious person will be strangled by a toad :)

    The origin of this expression comes from the fact that angina pectoris used to be called the disease angina pectoris, which is characterized by pain in the chest and attacks of suffocation. With severe envy, the symptoms will be similar.

    I first heard this expression from my father. This expression means that you feel sorry for money for what you would like to buy. But the origin of this expression is completely different. For a very long time, pain in the heart and slight suffocation have been called angina pectoris. That's what they said: the toad strangles.

    Previously, angina pectoris, accompanied by difficulty breathing, pain in the chest and heart, was called angina pectoris. She tormented, for example, famous writer Evgenia Zamyatina. The symptoms were similar to strangulation.

    Now this means greed, stinginess, reluctance to part with money for the sake of some kind of purchase, even an important one.

    Unfortunately, I can’t vouch for the reliability of my VERSION, but I believe that previously coronary heart disease was called Pectoris Pectoris. That’s right! This disease is characterized not only by pain in the heart, but also by a feeling of suffocation, as if some kind of stone was placed on your chest (toad) and it strangles you! The expression itself means that it is a pity to give something to someone or to share something with someone! And this, as usual, is stress!! Stress is one of those aspects that causes attacks coronary disease heart, in other words - angina pectoris!! This is my version!! I don’t know how true it is, but in any case it is quite convincing and believable!! Be healthy and do not suffer from angina pectoris! You can even vote for my answer!!)))):(unless of course the toad strangles you!!)))):

  • Where does the expression strangling a toad come from?

    Origin of the expression strangling toad has nothing to do with this cute creature. Previously, angina pectoris was called heart disease. Therefore, if a person wants to do something and at the same time doubts whether it is worth it, then he may experience signs characteristic of angina pectoris: rapid breathing, excitement, darkening of the eyes. That's why they say it's his.

  • Previously, attacks of pain in the heart were called angina pectoris. This is now called angina. Therefore, with pain in the heart area and difficulty breathing, they said that angina pectoris is suffocating. This often happened when the person began to get nervous. This is where this expression comes from.

    First, we need to define what this expression means. And it refers to a greedy, envious person. And envy often takes your breath away, problems with breathing begin, it becomes more frequent, and there is tightness in the chest. And these are signs of angina pectoris, and it used to be called angina pectoris. So she allegedly strangles.

    Oddly enough, this expression “toad strangles” has come into common use and it originated from a heart disease. called angina. During attacks of this disease it becomes difficult for a person to breathe and this condition was called angina pectoris. This is where the toad strangles came from.


The heart is a muscular-hollow organ that works on the principle of a pump. Its wall consists of three layers: endo, myo and epicardium. The main load falls on the myocardium - the heart muscle, the fibers of which contract, ensuring continuous blood flow throughout the body. Along with the initial segments large vessels the heart is enclosed in a membranous sac - the pericardium, or pericardial sac. The heart cavity consists of 4 chambers (2 atria and 2 ventricles), separated by septa. Between the atria and ventricles, as well as between the ventricles and the main vessels, there are valves that prevent the blood from flowing back. The atria receive blood from the largest veins of the body, supply it to the ventricles, which push it into the main arteries - the aorta and pulmonary trunk.


Like any other organ, the heart must receive nutrition and oxygen and be freed from accumulated metabolic products. Therefore, despite the fact that its cavity simultaneously contains up to 600 ml of blood, the heart also receives it through its own circulatory system, which is called the coronary. The coronary arteries arise from the very initial section of the aorta and supply blood to the myocardium. They entangle the heart from the outside like a crown and form intramural branches that penetrate the thickness of the myocardium, providing nutrition to all its layers. It is when they narrow that angina develops.

Cardiac cycle

The heart not only has its own blood supply, it has a certain automaticity. This means that, in principle, it can contract without the influence of the nervous system. Many people probably remember experiments from their school biology course. The heart of a frog, removed from its body and placed in saline solution capable of independent contractions. This happens due to the presence in it of the so-called. pacemaker - clusters of cells that produce impulses. Of course, in our body the heart is affected by autonomic nervous system, which, however, is not subject to control. Those. we cannot set the heart to a certain frequency, we cannot stop it.

The symptoms of angina pectoris, widely described in Russian classical literature, do not lose their relevance to this day. This term, introduced by Heberden back in the 18th century, has today been replaced by a more scientific one - angina pectoris.

What kind of illness?

Angina pectoris is a form of coronary heart disease. Most common cause angina pectoris is atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. The plaque that forms on their wall narrows the lumen of the blood vessels. The narrower the artery, the less possibility of adequate blood supply to the myocardium and the greater the chance of feeling pain.

Where does the pain come from?

By definition, angina is pain in chest, caused by a discrepancy between the myocardial oxygen needs and the possibility of its delivery. For example, in conditions physical activity To provide the necessary oxygen to skeletal muscles, the heart must pump 30% more blood than at rest. Accordingly, you yourself should receive 30% more. If, for some reason, this cannot be ensured, oxygen deficiency appears in the myocardium, and then pain. The mechanism of pain is associated with the formation and accumulation of a certain factor in the suffering cardiac tissue - substance P (from pain). This substance is irritating nerve endings, which transmit information to the pain center. It's obvious that this mechanism extremely important and necessary, because the resulting pain forces a person to stop and stop the physical activity that his heart cannot provide him with.

We make the diagnosis ourselves.

Angina can be stable or unstable. If your attacks are approximately the same in duration and intensity, and occur under conditions specific to you, it is not difficult to guess that you are dealing with stable angina.

    If you suffer from chest pain that occurs during exercise, your diagnosis is stable angina pectoris. Watch yourself. Notice how far you can walk on level ground without pain or shortness of breath? How many floors do you climb? Your doctor will definitely ask about these numbers, because... they are important for the choice of treatment tactics and prognosis. Based on them, you will be assigned to one of four classes of this disease.

    Do pain attacks occur at rest? You are experiencing stable angina at rest. Its development is based on a decrease coronary circulation due to vasospasm. In most cases, it is combined with stable angina pectoris.

    Have you experienced all the delights of angina pectoris for the first time? You have new-onset angina.

    Are episodes of pain becoming more frequent, lengthening, or requiring more medication? You have been overtaken by progressive angina.

New-onset and progressive angina is combined into the general class of unstable angina. This diagnosis is quite serious, so do your best to save your health! Unstable angina ( pre-infarction state, spicy coronary insufficiency) occupies an intermediate position between stable angina and acute heart attack myocardium. The maximum period during which this diagnosis can be heard is limited to a month. It is generally accepted that during this time, unstable angina transforms either into stable angina, or into a heart attack, or into the disappearance of attacks altogether.


Methods used to diagnose angina include ECG, incl. with stress tests, myocardial scintigraphy, radionuclide ventriculography, two-dimensional echocardiography, coronary angiography, etc. We will focus on those that are most often used in clinics in Ukraine.

Don't be afraid to take an ECG!

Why do you, a person with chest pain, need an examination? Firstly, your pain may not be angina pectoris at all, but, for example, a disease of the esophagus. Secondly, if it is, after all, angina pectoris, it would be nice to know how deeply it managed to hit you. And are you fighting it effectively?

Electrocardiogram - as simple as possible and at the same time extremely informative method diagnosis of angina pectoris. It has long been in practice as a routine examination and, nevertheless, the vast majority of patients believe that if they are prescribed an ECG, death is near. Although most often this study is done prophylactically.

So, on the ECG you can see specific signs angina pectoris. The problem is that they do not exist at rest, which is why they were invented special methods their detection.

Holter monitoring consists of continuous recording of an ECG over a period of time (usually 24 hours). In this case, the patient is weighed with special sensors and electrodes and leads a normal lifestyle. And the device works continuously: records are kept blood pressure, heart rate, ECG is recorded. This research method makes it possible to “detect” episodes of ischemia, compare the time of their appearance on film with the presence of pain, as well as physical or emotional stress, and evaluate the severity pathological changes and the effect of therapy. As a result of the research, you will receive a tape recording your heart affairs, which needs to be deciphered. That is, a “holter” is not a tonometer, the readings of which are obvious. Accordingly, it is pointless to acquire one for the purpose of constant use and continuous wearing; anyway, you won’t be able to figure it out without a professional. Better spend it once similar study at the clinic.

It is quite possible that if angina is suspected, you will be forced to work hard: walk on a treadmill (called a treadmill) or ride a special bicycle (bicycle ergometer). For what? To detect signs of insufficient blood supply to the myocardium during exercise. These so-called Stress tests are the most valuable method for diagnosing angina pectoris. They calculate the maximum permissible load for you, attach electrodes for ECG recording - and off you go. Pedal until signs of heart pain appear. This means the result is positive - there is angina pectoris. If you have reached required level load and at the same time you feel great - the result is negative - there is no angina pectoris.

In cases that are difficult to diagnose angina pectoris, coronary angiography is performed, the information content of which is extremely high. to you through the femoral or subclavian vein a catheter will be inserted. Then they will lead him to coronary arteries and they will release them contrast agent. After this, a series of x-rays will be taken. Using coronary angiography, you can determine the extent, location and number of stenotic (narrowed) areas of the arteries.

Have you come to terms with your angina diagnosis? Now realize that your whole life must change. Of course, only if you want to live long and fully.

First of all, to prevent further deterioration of the condition, you need changes in lifestyle. Listen to these tips even if you are not and do not want to relate to those suffering from this disease. So:

Now let's talk about medications. From now on, taking them will become an integral part of your daily routine. What will you use and for what purpose? Drugs that dilate coronary vessels: nitrates, β-blockers, calcium channel blockers.

Goal one: prevent angina attacks. Used for a long time active remedies the above groups (nitrosorbide, atenolol, diltiazem, etc.). And every day, most often twice a day. Mostly these are tablets that you need to swallow without chewing.

Goal two: stopping an attack of angina. If it does develop, the drugs of choice are fast-acting forms: these are nitrates (nitroglycerin in tablets, applications, aerosols, ampoules) and nifedipine in tablets. The most common drug is nitroglycerin. Now it should take its rightful place in your daily luggage: carry it in your bag, in your pocket, anywhere, as long as you take it with you. Most often, these products are placed under the tongue, although aerosols are becoming increasingly common.

Treatment usually begins with the simplest and cheapest means - nitrates. If they are ineffective or poorly tolerated, there is concomitant pathology connect other groups. Increasingly widespread in recent years get surgical methods treatment of coronary heart disease. Naturally, only a specialist can determine the indications for them. Therefore, find a doctor whom you can trust and whose recommendations you will follow. He will do research for you, prescribe medications, and tell you about the operation.

The forecasts of cardiologists are frankly frightening: by 2020, the number of people with heart disease will approximately double! What to do? Take care of prevention! This means less fatty foods, more movement and positive emotions.

Don't have time to change your habits? Too lazy to part with a soft sofa, give up a stupid TV show and a three-course dinner? Why ruin your life with restrictions, diet, and training?

People usually start moving when they “suddenly” appear sharp pain in the heart, tachycardia at the slightest physical effort, shortness of breath. You can no longer go outside without nitroglycerin. What is this? Angina pectoris is a “sure path” to a heart attack!

Such a diagnosis

Angina pectoris (or otherwise angina pectoris) is chronic course coronary heart disease (CHD), when there is a narrowing of the lumen of the vessels that supply the heart muscle. This is because from the inside they are “overgrown” with cholesterol (fatty) plaques.

These “growths” interfere with normal blood flow and nutrition to the heart. There is a great danger that a blood clot will attach to the plaque. This creates a huge risk of heart attack!

Ischemic disease can manifest itself various violations heart rate. Extrasystoles may occur - individual interruptions, disruption of heart rhythm until atrial fibrillation, more rare cases - the development of heart block.

What's important? With angina pectoris, a person does not feel discomfort at rest. But as soon as you start climbing the stairs, downhill, or actively working physically, a feeling of heaviness, pressure, and pain in the chest appears. This happens because as the pulse increases, the heart needs a larger volume of oxygen, and the affected coronary vessels cannot provide it with this volume.

Two reasons

Today, the diagnosis of “angina pectoris” is established with high accuracy using bicycle ergometry (otherwise known as a stress test): an ECG is performed during physical activity, when the patient pedals a special “medical bicycle”. Sometimes more complex studies are needed, which are carried out at the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Cardiology".

Where and why does angina appear? There are two categories of reasons. Some can be prevented, while others, unfortunately, are very difficult to fight. For example, with a hereditary predisposition. If in the family the father or immediate paternal relatives under 55 years of age had a myocardial infarction or sudden death or the mother (or her immediate relatives) is under 65 years of age, then the likelihood of developing angina increases several times.

How and with what to help?

During an attack, a person needs tactical - immediate treatment - pain relief. And then strategic - long-term, which prevents the development of myocardial infarction or sudden death.

Ambulance, almost instant help for patients with angina pectoris - nitroglycerin and organic nitrates - modern derivatives of nitroglycerin. Within 1.5-2 minutes after taking the medicine, the blood vessels of the heart dilate and the pain goes away.

A big help for sick people is a group of drugs called beta-blockers, which reduce heart rate both at rest and during physical activity, thereby reducing the need for large quantities oxygen and an angina attack does not develop. Essentially, beta-blockers are antagonists of adrenaline, which not only causes an increase in heart rate, but can lead to immediate blood thickening and thrombosis.

Taking these drugs “extinguishes” not only stress, but also morning adrenaline, which is produced during pre-awakening - five o'clock in the morning, causing a sudden attack in patients.

Two more groups of drugs that are indispensable in the treatment of angina pectoris are calcium antagonists, which dilate not only the coronary vessels, restoring microcirculation throughout the body. At the same time, these drugs lower blood pressure.

If we talk about strategic drugs, this is a whole group of drugs called statins and, of course, all affordable aspirin. They thin the blood, preventing the formation of a blood clot in the coronary vessels; reduce blood cholesterol levels. Under their influence, the atherosclerotic plaque becomes flatter and does not cover the entire lumen of the vessel.

Aspirin can be called a life-saving remedy! 100 mg per day should be taken by all patients with angina pectoris, as well as those who are at risk (has a hereditary predisposition, smokes, is ill diabetes mellitus). Cardiomagnyl also has a similar effect to aspirin. These tablets have a coating that protects the gastric mucosa from irritation.

"Bread" for the heart

For arrhythmia, vegetative neuroses, atherosclerosis, and manifestations of coronary heart disease, preparations based on hawthorn help. Since ancient times, this plant has been called “bread of the old heart.”

An alcoholic tincture of hawthorn flowers or an extract from its fruits should be taken 20-30 drops, 3-4 times a day, with water.

People who have had a heart attack should drink 2-3 cups of tea made from hawthorn flowers and leaves. Improvement usually occurs after 1.5-2 months.

If stress, nervous and physical overload have caused neurotic pain in the heart, prepare a medicinal cocktail, mix:

  • lemon balm tincture
  • essential valerian drops
  • mint tincture
  • hawthorn

Take 20-30 drops with a small amount of water. It will definitely become easier.

Start the engine

To keep your heart healthy, after 40 years of age, constantly monitor your blood pressure numbers. And remember that the readings are 140/85 mmHg. are the boundary between normality and pathology. And the main thing in the prevention of angina pectoris is early diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension.

Second: watch your total cholesterol levels! To do this, you can get a referral from your treating physician for biochemical analysis blood.

After 30-35 years, reconsider your diet! Give up fatty varieties meat, sour cream, butter, whole cow's milk, eggs (no more than two per week). More fish and seafood. It is preferable to make vegetable side dishes for meat dishes rather than “potato and pasta”.

It is important to monitor your sugar level, because the violation carbohydrate metabolism keeps pace with cholesterol.

Taking care of your heart, quit smoking! Nicotine leads to narrowing of the lumen coronary vessels, and if you smoke one cigarette, the blood vessels spasm for an hour. Imagine if even a pack a day is not enough for someone? This is why smokers often become patients of cardiac surgeons.

And one more thing: fill your life with positive emotions. Forgive all insults, forget sorrows, rejoice more!

If in solving a financial and material problem one has to be guided by the dual feeling of “both wanting and itching,” then the experiences that engulf a person fully fall under the definition of “a toad is strangling.”

This expression appeared in the Russian language at the beginning of the 20th century, but why it is used as a synonym for greed is not reliably known. And although there are several versions of its appearance, none of them gives a comprehensive answer.

Medical toad

In Russian medical dictionaries next to the concept of angina pectoris is its outdated name - angina pectoris - it is accompanied general weakness, darkening of the eyes, discomfort in the heart area of ​​a pressing and squeezing nature.

Previously, patients who experienced such pain, describing their condition, stated that a huge toad was sitting on their chest, not allowing them to breathe fully. And doctors could notice with the naked eye that due to short-term oxygen starvation their faces were painted in greenish-gray tones, reminiscent of the coloration of a warty amphibian.

Similar signs of asphyxia appear with sore throat, which in the old days was called “throat toad” and was depicted in books as a huge toad located in the throat of a cold person. Really sore tonsils with white dots they are very reminiscent swollen cheeks amphibian, which makes breathing difficult.

Such symptoms of anxiety and slight suffocation are characteristic not only of patients with angina and sore throat, but also of a person experiencing stress from an unwillingness to part with money or other property due to his greed.

This is how supporters explain the expression in question medical version its origin.


Another option is offered by fashion historians, who find the origins of the expression “toad crushes” in the word “jabot” - a frill of lace or fabric around the collar of a men’s shirt. Having entered the European style in the 17th century, the frill initially lay in lush folds to waist level, and in the 19th century it acquired a very uncomfortable configuration, since it was completely concentrated around the neck and, raising the cheeks, constricted the throat and breathing.

Having difficulty enduring the torment of this item of costume, Russian gentlemen probably repeated the phrase “the toad is strangling” more than once, which the common people modified into the phraseological unit “the toad is strangling.”

Witch Toad

Toads were very popular among witchcraft. All kinds of fortune tellers and spell casters used them as important component drugs that were used by envious people to harm a more successful and rich rival.

With the help of toads they caused damage and the evil eye, which often became the cause unexpected death person. In fairy tales, the toad also acts as an evil spirit into which witches turned to strangle enemies. So it can be suggested that the idiom “toad crushes” may have mythological roots.


The source of the phrase “the toad is crushing” may be the dialect word “jabota”, which in the south-east of Russia meant everyday troubles and worries.

The peasants had so many pressing matters that, in a figurative sense, they could well strangle a person. However, from this play on words it is not clear how the expression “a toad crushes” is connected with stinginess.

Monument to the Toad

On the embankment of the Ukrainian city of Berdyansk, a bronze monument to a toad with the laconic name “Envy-vice” was recently erected. And although the name is emblazoned in large print on the front side of the sculpture, townspeople prefer to call it “Greedy Toad.”

A toad busily sitting on the heads of a man, woman, child and old man with a cigar in his mouth reflects the well-known truth that envy or greed is characteristic of people regardless of age, gender and social status.

The owner of two phones, hung with jewels, is a greedy Berdyansk toad with a wad of eurocurrency in to the fullest reflects the meaning of the expression “the toad is strangling.”

If in solving a financial and material problem one has to be guided by the dual feeling of “both wanting and itching,” then the experiences that engulf a person fully fall under the definition of “a toad is strangling.”

This expression appeared in the Russian language at the beginning of the 20th century, but why it is used as a synonym for greed is not reliably known. And although there are several versions of its appearance, none of them gives a comprehensive answer.

Medical toad

In Russian medical dictionaries, next to the concept of angina pectoris, its outdated name is listed - angina pectoris - it is accompanied by general weakness, darkening of the eyes, discomfort in the region of the heart of a pressing and squeezing nature.

Previously, patients who experienced such pain, describing their condition, stated that a huge toad was sitting on their chest, not allowing them to breathe fully. And the doctors could notice with the naked eye that due to short-term oxygen starvation, their faces were painted in greenish-gray tones, reminiscent of the color of a warty amphibian.

Similar signs of asphyxia appear with sore throat, which in the old days was called “throat toad” and was depicted in books as a huge toad located in the throat of a cold person. Indeed, inflamed tonsils with white dots are very reminiscent of the swollen cheeks of an amphibian, which makes breathing difficult.

Such symptoms of anxiety and slight suffocation are characteristic not only of patients with angina and sore throat, but also of a person experiencing stress from an unwillingness to part with money or other property due to his greed.

This is how the expression in question is explained by supporters of the medical version of its origin.


Another option is offered by fashion historians, who find the origins of the expression “toad crushes” in the word “jabot” - a frill of lace or fabric around the collar of a men’s shirt. Having entered the European style in the 17th century, the frill initially lay in lush folds to waist level, and in the 19th century it acquired a very uncomfortable configuration, since it was completely concentrated around the neck and, raising the cheeks, constricted the throat and breathing.

Having difficulty enduring the torment of this item of costume, Russian gentlemen probably repeated the phrase “the toad is strangling” more than once, which the common people modified into the phraseological unit “the toad is strangling.”

Witch Toad

Toads were very popular among witchcraft. All kinds of fortune tellers and spell casters used them as an important component of potions, which were used by envious people to harm a more successful and rich rival.

With the help of toads they caused damage and the evil eye, which often became the cause of the unexpected death of a person. In fairy tales, the toad also acts as an evil spirit into which witches turned to strangle enemies. So it can be suggested that the idiom “toad crushes” may have mythological roots.


The source of the phrase “the toad is crushing” may be the dialect word “jabota”, which in the south-east of Russia meant everyday troubles and worries.

The peasants had so many pressing matters that, in a figurative sense, they could well strangle a person. However, from this play on words it is not clear how the expression “a toad crushes” is connected with stinginess.

Monument to the Toad

On the embankment of the Ukrainian city of Berdyansk, a bronze monument to a toad with the laconic name “Envy-vice” was recently erected. And although the name is emblazoned in large print on the front side of the sculpture, townspeople prefer to call it “Greedy Toad.”

A toad busily sitting on the heads of a man, woman, child and old man with a cigar in his mouth reflects the well-known truth that envy or greed is characteristic of people regardless of age, gender and social status.

The owner of two phones, hung with jewels, the greedy Berdyansk toad with a wad of eurocurrency fully reflects the meaning of the expression “the toad is strangling.”