Constant headache, nausea, weakness. Unstable blood pressure

Headache and nausea, what it could be and how to relieve it unpleasant symptoms? Let's first try to find the cause of the disease.

Very often people complain that they are being pursued by a strong headache, nausea, weakness throughout the body. Each of these symptoms can be caused by a dozen diseases, which are not so easy to identify. Nausea and vomiting, as a rule, occur against the background of disorders of the digestive tract, general weakness and severe headaches can be caused by injuries, disorders of the nervous system and a host of other provoking factors. If these symptoms appear all together, doctors recommend not treating them as individual diseases, but to look for the reason that provoked their manifestation.

1 Causes of the condition

The first place among the reasons that cause headaches and headaches is occupied by traumatic brain injuries and subsequent disorders of the nervous system. If there are no emotional or mechanical traumas in lately If you haven’t, then among other possible reasons that could cause headaches, the following can be noted:

  • brain tumor;
  • migraine;
  • obesity;
  • glaucoma;
  • sunstroke;
  • poisoning;
  • allergies to medications;
  • meningitis;
  • borreliosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • arterial hypertension.

Frequent headaches and nausea - what are they? Often people ask this question, and in most cases they hope that it will go away on its own. Headache and mild nausea are the first sign of a brain tumor. If the pain does not stop, and you have no idea what exactly could have caused this condition, do not waste time and immediately go to the doctor. If the tumor is detected at an early stage, the treatment process will be much more effective and shorter. Special attention you need to pay attention to exactly what time your headache and nausea begin. If they torment you in the morning, then this is a clear sign neoplasms in the brain.

2 Symptoms and types of migraine

You can recognize a migraine without any special symptoms; this disease is characterized by paroxysmal headaches. If a person suffers from migraines, it is very difficult for him to be in brightly lit rooms and tolerate loud noises. Often all these symptoms are accompanied by vomiting. The duration of attacks varies for each patient, it all depends on the degree of damage to the blood circulation in areas of the brain. In some cases, headache and nausea may continue for several days. With age, migraine attacks become more frequent, so it is better to treat the disease in the early stages so that complications do not arise with age.

Modern medicine also identifies cervical migraine; it is slightly different from the usual one. At cervical migraine the patient feels pain starting at the base of the neck and spreading to half of the head. The pain occurs in attacks and can last from 20 minutes to an hour.

3 Symptoms of meningitis, borreliosis

Headache, systematic nausea, high temperature And dark spots on the body, they can say that a person has meningitis. With this disease, it is very difficult for the patient to straighten his knees and lower his head to his chest, as the membranes of the spinal cord and brain become inflamed. It is impossible to diagnose the disease yourself. Often there is a tingling sensation in the hands, numbness and a feeling of pressure in the forehead. Only in a hospital setting after a series of studies can a qualified doctor diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

As for a disease such as borreliosis, if it is present, patients have a headache and nausea, and they are also worried about general weakness in the body and severe dizziness which interferes with normal movement.

4 Stroke, hypertension, obesity

Stroke attacks sometimes begin with dizziness, pain and nausea. If you have problems with cardiovascular system and you observe these symptoms, call a doctor immediately.

Arterial hypertension has long earned the name “silent killer”, since with it pain symptoms almost do not appear. Some people can be sick for years arterial hypertension and not even realize it. If you have a persistent headache, doctors constantly remind you of the need to control your blood pressure.

Possible headaches and a sharp decrease in vision, may be excess weight. To normalize your condition, you need to go on a diet or exercise.

5 Sunstroke or viral infection

Excessive sun exposure can cause nausea and headaches. In common parlance, the complex of these symptoms in the summer is called “sunstroke.” The headache is pulsating in nature. It can be eliminated using conventional painkillers. Often, after overheating, a patient experiences vomiting and an increase in temperature. Doctors are constantly reminding beachgoers about sun exposure precautions. Ignoring these recommendations can have a detrimental effect on your well-being and result in hospitalization.

Fever in combination with headache and nausea may indicate flu or acute viral infection. If the above symptoms are accompanied by a runny nose, then there is a high probability that you can cope with this disease at home on your own. Many people often face colds and, for sure, have their own methods of dealing with them.

6 Headache in women

Women during menstruation often experience a worsening of their condition - nausea and headache. These symptoms are also accompanied by abdominal pain. Typically, you can get rid of the cause of this headache by taking painkillers.

Nausea and systematic headaches often accompany women in the first months of pregnancy. Doctors call this condition toxicosis. There is no need to treat toxicosis yourself; it will go away in the second trimester of pregnancy. If nausea and vomiting have not stopped, be sure to contact your gynecologist to rule out possible pathologies fetal development, miscarriage and premature birth.

Many doctors consider vegetative-vascular dystonia to be the disease of the century, since thousands, or even millions of people on the planet suffer from it. The first symptoms that the patient complains of are headache, constant nausea and severe dizziness. The pain can spread to all parts of the head, or it can be concentrated in some specific areas. The nature of the headache can be very diverse:

  • aching;
  • pricking;
  • aching;
  • blunt.

Along with pain in the head area, pale areas of the skin on the body and attacks of nausea are observed.

7 Glaucoma and a number of other causes

Sometimes, after prolonged reading, while being distracted by some other matter, a person is accompanied by a certain “intoxication” - everything goes around before his eyes, there is a feeling of constriction in the head and there is the urge to vomit. If pain in the head that joins these symptoms is accompanied by decreased vision, then this may be a clear sign of glaucoma.

Headache and vomiting can often occur due to food poisoning or be a reaction to taking medicines.

Headaches and nausea may occur in people with diabetes who have ignored the doctor’s recommendations and violated their diet or medication schedule. Severe headaches occur in girls with anorexia. In order to accurately make a diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account not only the symptoms, but also the events that took place in the coming days, for example, lunch in a restaurant, mechanical injuries, emotional shocks, hypothermia, depression, etc.

Headache and nausea may occur after overuse alcoholic drinks. The morning after the party, a person feels a severe headache, which indicates oxygen starvation brain. Blood cells cannot supply oxygen in the usual amount to the brain due to the presence of alcohol in the blood. Nausea can be explained by the fact that your body is trying to get rid of alcohol breakdown products.

During the treatment process, they not only reduce headaches, but also completely eliminate the root cause of their occurrence. After a thorough examination, which can only be done by a qualified doctor, you will be prescribed a course of treatment. The results obtained will determine how exactly you are treated - with medication or surgery.

If you notice a headache and nausea, do not try to treat yourself or diagnose the disease yourself, this will not lead to anything good. Without the appropriate equipment and knowledge, you will not be able to even really detect the cause, let alone completely improve your health. In rare cases, when it is not possible to see a doctor, take citramon, analgin, aspirin or another headache remedy. It wouldn't hurt to measure your blood pressure. If it is high, you need to take medications to normalize it. To cope with bouts of vomiting and nausea, at least for a short time, you can take activated carbon. Often all of the above symptoms are accompanied by chills, so the patient needs to be wrapped in a warm blanket or blanket.

Headache: types, causes, how to cure

Headache, weakness, dizziness

The headache is always serious sign illness, you should not ignore it. Remember that treatment should not be delayed, rescheduling it for a more convenient time; in most cases, it will never come, and a disease in an advanced state is much more difficult to cure. Don't neglect your health, love yourself and let preventive examinations will become the norm for you.

The most common illness that occurs in people of any age category- headache. For many similar condition becomes so habitual that they stop even thinking about the causes of headaches and nausea.

People often attribute pain to fatigue or sudden change weather conditions, rushing to take the treasured analgesic tablet instead of seeking advice from a specialist and identifying the true root cause.

A vicious circle can be created - a person has a headache and feels sick, he takes medicine. Over time he becomes a hostage similar situation: after getting used to one drug, looks for a new one effective remedy and this continues for years until complications arise.

Common causes of headache and nausea

The appearance of a headache can serve as a signal of the onset of human body various deviations in the activity of organs and systems.

A center located in the brain stem is responsible for the feeling of nausea. As a rule, such sensations - nausea, vomiting, headache - are symptoms indicating a malfunction of the digestive tract, or the formation of pathology in it.

If, as a result of the diagnostic procedures carried out, it was determined that everything is normal with a person’s digestion, pathologies from the nervous system should be excluded. Headache, weakness, dizziness, nausea can accompany many neurological pathologies. For example, migraine, tumor neoplasm, meningitis.

At the same time the reason pain In the area of ​​the head, a traumatic brain injury may occur: a bruise or concussion, accompanied by swelling of the brain tissue. Similar negative impact provokes an increase in intracranial pressure parameters, causing severe headache and nausea.

Pathologies accompanied by headaches

Specialists have to differentiate the symptoms of pain in the head among many pathologies. Among the most frequently encountered are:

  • Migraine- more typical for the beautiful part of the population, but can also affect the courageous half of humanity. Severe headache (most often one-sided), nausea, visual and olfactory hallucinations, intolerance to bright sunlight and loud beeps are the most characteristic clinical manifestations migraines. The duration of attacks varies - from several hours to 1-2 days. Often inherited from parents. Caused by overwork stressful situation, intake of certain foods.
  • Frequent headache and nausea, difficult to respond to drug therapy, can serve as symptoms of the formation tumor process in structures human brain. Directly depending on the localization of the negative process, other clinical manifestations also occur: decreased hearing or vision acuity, memory impairment, or impaired coordination of movements. Carrying out diagnostic procedures (MRI or CT scan of the brain) will help make an adequate diagnosis.
  • An infectious pathology associated with inflammatory manifestations in the membranes of the brain - meningitis. The most characteristic symptoms will be: nausea, fever, weakness, headache, vomiting, which does not bring noticeable relief to the person. Attempts to bring the head to the sternum fail. The person’s condition worsens every hour, so at the first suspicion of this terrible pathology, hospitalization is necessary.
  • Hypertension– is called by experts “the scourge of human society.” Up to a certain point, it can be asymptomatic, making itself felt only by periodic headaches, weakness, and nausea. If you have hypertension among your immediate family, experts recommend purchasing a tonometer and monitoring blood pressure parameters. Adequate treatment tactics help to relieve unpleasant symptoms and achieve stabilization of blood pressure numbers.
  • Use poor quality food, or without appropriate heat treatment, leads to food poisoning, manifesting itself with symptoms: headache, nausea, stomach pain, low-grade fever (persistent increase in body temperature). Symptoms develop immediately after eating a low-quality dish, so it is possible to trace a clear relationship. Other symptoms include: dizziness, severe weakness, and possibly diarrhea.
  • Viral infection– on initial stage manifests itself as nausea, fever, headache. And only then does a more characteristic clinical symptoms. Timely contacting a specialist and carrying out adequate therapeutic tactics helps to stop in a short time frame, to avoid complications.

Other causes of headaches

  • In the female part of the population, symptoms: headache, mild nausea, lack of menstruation can serve signs of pregnancy. It is recommended to take a home test and visit a specialist obstetrician.
  • Stressful situations deplete the human body, which signals a negative state with drowsiness, nausea, and headache. Drying down pain with medications is not a solution; it is recommended to analyze the situation and try to avoid stress in the future. By solving the root cause, a person thereby gets rid of headaches.
  • Overwork– another common root cause of headaches in modern man. The intense pace of life leaves too little time for proper rest. Which leads to the formation of chronic pain in the head.
  • Having negative habits such as smoking, alcohol abuse, frequent visit night entertainment establishments - all this also leads to the fact that a person has a headache in the morning and feels sick. Experts especially emphasize: healthy image life is the key to longevity and the absence of severe somatic pathologies.
All of the above causes of pain in the head must be confirmed by appropriate diagnostic procedures. Self-medication is absolutely prohibited, especially in cases where you feel sharp pains, increasing over time.

Deterioration in health is manifested by a complex of symptoms – nausea, weakness, dizziness. There are many reasons for this.

Doctors identify groups of diseases with common symptoms:

  • Intoxication of various etymologies;
  • Trauma and pathological formations in the brain;
  • Dysfunction of metabolic processes;
  • Pre-stroke condition;
  • Osteochondrosis of the neck;
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • A disorder that is psychogenic in nature;
  • Infectious eye diseases;
  • Middle ear infections;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Problems with the vestibular system;
  • Sharp decline blood sugar levels;
  • Overstrain is not only physical, but also mental;
  • Long, sharp, severe stressful situations;
  • Menstrual cycle in women.

Other symptoms are added to the symptoms described. The clinical manifestation of symptoms characterizes the pathology in the functioning of the organ. Allows you to differentiate the category of the disease. It is easier for the doctor to make appointments when the accurate description condition. Treatment is prescribed strictly individually, taking into account the complex of symptoms. Can be observed as side effect when taking medications.

Poisoning is caused by toxins that appear in excess in the body. The blood carried the substances to the organs. These symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting and specific signs caused by a certain type toxin. Nausea occurs as defensive reaction body. Leads to vomiting. The patient feels the change in condition immediately.

Preventing nausea is not recommended. This means reducing the level of toxins in the body. Body temperature rises to 39 degrees. Constant headache getting worse. In the stomach discomfort. Poisoning with drugs can result in death.

Cerebral blood flow disorders

Blood pressure increases. High value becomes dangerous. Narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels acts as a cause of weakness. Feels dizzy. Nausea worsens. The brain does not receive enough oxygen. There is noise in the ears, mental activity and concentration decrease.

They may be harbingers of severe brain diseases of infectious etymology. Concussion and traumatic brain injury are characterized by a weak state and nausea. Brain tumors provoke severe pain in the head, changes in body temperature. During a stroke, speech is affected and movements are uncoordinated. It is not recommended to relieve pain on your own. The doctor must examine and prescribe treatment.

Metabolic disorders

Metabolism may be disrupted in the body necessary substances diets, lack of vitamins, fasting, dysfunction endocrine system, the presence of inflammation. Nausea, vomiting and weakness are accompanied by disorders gastrointestinal tract. Flaw nutrients often causes headaches and nausea. There is no proper functioning of organs. Gastritis is the main picture of manifestation. The tongue becomes coated gray. On palpation, pain is felt in the stomach.

Disorders in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system

Inflammation of the interdisc space with osteochondrosis or hernias manifests itself in the listed symptoms. They come and go suddenly. Additionally, there is a gait disturbance, sudden pain at the site of the lesion spinal column, posture changes. The condition is observed without fever.

Reduced physical activity contributes to the development of the disease. Must pass full examination body, do tomography. This will prevent negative consequences in the future.

Psychogenic disorders

Suffering emotionally unbalanced people, overly sensitive and receptive. The symptoms are complemented by the presence of sudden fear, consciousness is confused, breathing becomes difficult, sweating increases. There is powerlessness, a reluctance to rise up and act. Emotive vomiting in an adult occurs in the morning. The condition is stopped medications.

Eye diseases

Inflammation optic nerve characterized by three characteristics. The eyes begin to water. In this case, drops are prescribed. To these are added unpleasant feelings in the eyes, vision is impaired, dots appear before the eyes, and “spots” flash. The face may be affected by convulsive sensations.

Diseases caused by viruses and infections

Almost all diseases caused by viruses and infections are accompanied by the symptoms listed above. There may be increased heaviness in the head, lethargy, apathy, and loss of appetite. General malaise and the heat makes the situation worse. Pathogenic organisms spread from high speed. Body temperature rises to 38 degrees and above, rhinitis.

Muscle pain may be present severe cough. The body is freezing. There is dizziness. The work of the heart is disrupted. The degree of intoxication due to viruses is determined by the doctor, for which it is necessary to be observed by a doctor and follow the dosage of prescribed medications.

Nervous system dysfunction

The main symptoms of problems with nervous system dizziness, nausea and weakness appear. Diseases are differentiated by accompanying symptoms. Weak expression makes differentiation difficult. In the morning there is increased sweating, changes in blood pressure, increased heart rate. Vegetative-vascular dystonia often occurs. Determined in children adolescence during a growth spurt. Internal systems and the organs do not suffer.

Iron deficiency and hypotension

A low level of hemoglobin in the blood leads to a decrease in blood pressure. When physical activity the condition becomes pronounced. Occurs when there is a lack of air in the room, transport, disturbances in food intake. A person constantly feels weak in the body. A sudden change in body position leads to dizziness. The next symptom that follows is fainting. For staging correct diagnosis should go laboratory test. Anemia may occur concomitant disease. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Hearing problems

The functioning of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted. The reason is inflammatory processes in the middle ear. A person feels stuffy ears. Accompany the condition sharp pain, tinnitus, hearing loss may occur. Injuries eardrum expressed in the same symptoms. The ability to maintain balance may be affected. The symptoms disappear with intense training.

Pregnancy or menstrual cycle

In women, these symptoms appear during periods of pregnancy and blood loss. There is no underlying disease. No treatment required. Reasons - hormonal changes. Nausea at certain smells. Body temperature can range from normal to 37 degrees. Get enough rest and take a walk in the fresh air.

During pregnancy, drowsiness accompanies the listed symptoms. Some types of food help relieve nausea acidic foods. The problem lasts the first trimester. With blood loss, the discomfort lasts up to three days. With termination menstrual flow symptoms disappear. Women celebrate their appearance a few days before the start of menstruation. The use of drugs would be inappropriate.

Changes in blood sugar levels

Changes in glucose levels lead to metabolic imbalances. Observed during work disorders thyroid gland. Fainting, darkness before the eyes, and chills may be present. The liver cannot cope with the level of toxins on its own. Acetone appears in the blood. Vomiting occurs. May be accompanied by loss of consciousness. Affects kidney function. Dehydration sets in. Blood increases viscosity. Transportation useful substances is violated. Tissues and organs suffer. In diabetes mellitus it leads to a state of precoma.

Mental or physical stress

Weakness occurs with overexertion. This is typical for managers and workers involved in manual labor. Increased responsibility and inability to relax are the causes of overstrain. Headache occurs without visible reasons. The weakness does not disappear even after good rest or sleep. Skin color changes. Sleep patterns are disrupted. Nervousness comes from fatigue. Man cannot control it. There is a lack of desire to do work. If the condition starts, hand tremors are possible. Appetite decreases.

Sharp stress

The head is spinning in gusts, the feeling of nausea intensifies, and the slight weakness intensifies. May end in fainting. The causes may be severe stressful conditions: notification of death, serious illnesses. Stress factors include exam days, changes in workplace, conflict in work systems and family. Negative influence for the basic needs of the body. Violation noted eating behavior. A sharp decrease in the ability to concentrate attention and performance. Performance is falling. Treated with medication.

Headache is an extremely common problem. It torments both adults and children, both men and women. In itself, this trouble cannot be considered a disease, since it is a manifestation of disorder in the body, from minor to extremely dangerous.

Often people not only have a headache, but also experience other headaches. associated symptoms. In this article you will learn why you have a headache and nausea, why this condition can occur, how to deal with it, and in what cases it is necessary to seek emergency treatment. medical care to the hospital.

The relationship between the head and the digestive organs

All systems in the human body work together. Man is unified system, and not only biological processes are interconnected, but also psychological ones with physiology and vice versa. It does not happen that the stomach functions on its own, the liver on its own, and the brain on its own.

Nausea and vomiting are a disruption in the process of absorption, digestion and assimilation of food. Digestion processes are regulated by the subcortical medulla and occur unconsciously to a person, but if a problem occurs in one organ, of course, the problem is transferred to another. If nausea, headache, nausea and headache occur, you must first understand the source of the disease.

Headache and nausea: main causes

As they say, all diseases come from nerves. A common consequence of overwork is severe headache and nausea. If you work non-stop for several days in a row, forget to get a good night’s sleep and eat food on time, then the consequences will not take long to arrive, and will be exactly like this - a severe headache and nausea. This condition often occurs due to life difficulties, difficult events, experiences. If you are suspicious, prone to anxiety and mood swings, you are not the best person. easy period in life, you may experience headaches. These sensations appear at any time of the day, but in the morning they are weakly expressed, but during the day they intensify and become especially pronounced in the evening.

What to do in this case? To begin with, normalize environment. If for some reason this is not yet possible, there is a rush at work or troubles continue, buy lungs at the pharmacy sedatives. Valerian root tincture and motherwort tincture are suitable. Some people get help homeopathic remedies. Recommendations to turn off phones and forget about work can help, but not for those suffering increased anxiety and hyper-responsibility to people, their symptoms will increase.

Tip: if you feel nauseous, take a Validol tablet under your tongue. This safe medicine with a slight calming effect. Mint taste relieves nausea.

If you have frequent headaches and nausea, the reasons for this condition may lie in arterial hypertension, high blood pressure. This disease is common among men over 40 years of age, especially those who abuse alcohol, fatty foods, also in women after menopause. IN separate group at risk – persons with increased body weight. Characteristic symptoms– headache, nausea, irritability, redness of the face. The headache hurts very much, it can feel like it’s splitting. Blood pressure can increase in any person due to physical or nervous load, a medical examination is required to make a diagnosis of hypertension.

What to do? If you constantly have a headache and feel sick in the morning, first check your blood pressure with a blood pressure monitor. different times days. Each person has an individual “working” pressure, but the norm is no more than 120 by 80 millimeters. If it is higher, go to the doctor so that he can select the treatment for you. A healthy lifestyle, weight loss and control are also indicated.

Unlike hypertension, migraine more often affects women. If a woman has a headache and feels nauseous, especially if the headache is localized in the forehead, with high degree most likely the diagnosis will be exactly that. Other signs of migraine: sudden attacks of gradually increasing pain in the background general health and without other symptoms. During an attack, the headache and nausea are so intense that the person is barely able to move or even open his eyes. Loud sounds And bright light cause unbearable pain. The attack lasts from several minutes to two to three hours, then passes completely, leaving behind only weakness and a feeling of weakness. Migraines often occur in the morning.

What to do? For rare migraine attacks, you can get by with painkillers that are sold in pharmacies - analgin, ibuprofen, took, spasmalgon and others. Sometimes they don't work, which means you have to go to the doctor. A trip to the doctor is required if attacks become more frequent and especially if they begin to appear every day. Although migraines occur more often in women, men are not immune to this disease either.

Signs of severe gastrointestinal poisoning are often not headaches and nausea, but diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration. But if you feel unwell regularly, have a headache and feel nauseous, then the reasons may well lie in intoxication of the body.

How can you be poisoned? First of all, with alcohol, even if you drank just one glass of wine, champagne or beer the day before, individual intolerance and even allergies are quite likely. This is not necessarily the same hangover that occurs in the morning, but rather an unpleasant sensation in the head and nausea. Usually the forehead hurts, the pain is combined with nausea.

Are you a teetotaler and don’t allow yourself a drop? Then check your surroundings. Start with a gas burner: many people experience headaches due to a small gas leak in the apartment and permanent poisoning. If the gas is completely fine, check how well ventilated the room in which you sleep is. You may not notice the toxins, but they will poison you to the point of nausea. Even exhaled at night is a toxin carbon dioxide, so don’t forget to ventilate the bedroom.

In addition to gas and lack of oxygen, the cause household poisoning or individual intolerance may become:

  • Insect repellents, especially cockroaches and mosquitoes
  • Pollen from flowers and trees
  • Pet hair
  • Cosmetics, including hair creams and shampoos
  • Dust in the room due to lack of wet cleaning
  • Air pollution from exhaust gases

In any case, try to find the reason, and the solution may be to refuse causing allergies cosmetics, more thorough cleaning or antihistamines.

Anyone can get this disease, but it occurs more often in women and children. Intracranial pressure is characterized by compression of blood vessels, especially during sleep, and headaches in the temples and back of the head, usually in the morning. Intracranial pressure is diagnosed using MRI.

Nausea and headaches due to intracranial pressure due to malnutrition of the brain; disturbances also extend to the subcortex, which is responsible for digestive tract. The pain ranges from mild to very intense.

What to do? Treatment intracranial pressure aimed at reducing excess liquid in the pericerebral membranes. Diuretics and drugs that improve blood circulation are prescribed. But the doctor must make a diagnosis.

Tip: will help fight headaches in the morning mint tea. Replace coffee with it and you will feel much better.

Dangerous symptoms

If your headache and nausea occur occasionally or you have already established the cause, then do not worry. But there are situations when immediate help is required.

  • Meningitis is dangerous infectious disease. A headache in the back of the head not only hurts, but causes unbearable suffering. The disease is accompanied by high fever and vomiting that does not bring relief.
  • Encephalitis - the symptoms are similar, it is most often caused by a bite encephalitis tick. There may be a disturbance in the patient's behavior.
  • Brain tumors - when they occur, the head often hurts, the sensations are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, auditory and visual hallucinations. The temperature does not rise or rises slightly.

Do not immediately panic if you have an accompanying mild nausea headache. In the vast majority of cases, the malaise is not serious and goes away without medical intervention. But for your own peace of mind, and especially if the situation repeats, you should undergo an examination by a doctor and get an accurate diagnosis.

If you feel nauseous and have a headache, it is quite possible that your body reacts this way to various irritants: stress, poor nutrition, insufficient sleep, alcohol. But you should be wary if you observe these symptoms for at least a week and they noticeably worsen your quality of life: they force you to take sick leave, interfere with rest, or interfere with your appetite or sleep.

Traditional analgin, activated carbon (in case of poisoning) and cold compress They only remove the symptoms, but you can’t limit yourself to them every time if nausea and headaches are systematically present in your life.

Household reasons

These reasons are familiar to everyone and do not require contacting a specialist. You can cope with these conditions at home.

  1. Overwork. Headache and nausea will pass after complete physical and emotional rest.
  2. Motion sickness. Symptoms will disappear after the end of the trip or other factors that caused the patient to become seasick.
  3. Hangover. It does not require visiting a doctor if it goes away within a day, gradually smoothing out.


Since migraines tend to recur, it is important to eliminate them possible reasons, therefore, simultaneously with drug treatment A visit and consultation with a psychotherapist or help from a psychologist may be recommended.


Inflammation meninges, which occurs due to infection of brain tissue by infections. Common symptoms:

  1. It is difficult for a person to indicate the location of the headache. The pain intensifies sharply with the slightest movement. They often say: “my head hurts everywhere.”
  2. Temperature rises to 40 degrees.
  3. Severe weakness and loss of physical and mental strength sets in.
  4. Vomiting occurs, but does not bring relief.

Symptoms that indicate deterioration:

  1. Consciousness becomes confused: a person can see everything “as if in a fog”, not clearly understand and not realize where he is.
  2. Physical excitability and irritability sharply increase.

Other reasons

For the following reasons headache and nausea are among the many symptoms.

Headache and nausea may occur if a person:

  1. There are traumatic brain injuries or injuries to the cervical spine, e.g. cervical osteochondrosis. You should immediately call " ambulance“if a blow to the head, even a slight one, was received recently, and the condition continues to be supplemented by: weakness, drowsiness, convulsions, vomiting, memory loss and hearing and vision impairment.
  2. Predisposition to strokes and ischemic spectrum diseases.
  3. High blood pressure inside the skull. This is also a symptom large number diseases. Accompanied by: regular pain, nausea, but no vomiting; “spots” and “stars” before the eyes, pronounced reduced fatigue and a decrease in the quality of mental activity (people quickly get tired of mental work(.
  4. There are visual impairments (consult an ophthalmologist).
  5. Colds, ARVI.
  6. Increased blood pressure. Along with headache and nausea: throbbing pain in the back of the head and temples, weakness, a feeling of panic and anxiety (or fear), numb fingers. Risk group: people leading a sedentary lifestyle coupled with bad habits.
  7. Allergy attack. Specialists who will help are an allergist and a psychologist.
  8. Diabetes mellitus. Headache and nausea may occur when blood glucose levels increase (in this case, you should consult an endocrinologist).
  9. Hormonal changes: pregnancy (especially 1st and 3rd trimesters, menstruation period).

First of all, you need to see a doctor. Most likely, he will prescribe:

  1. Undergoing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  2. X-ray (for example, cervical spine).
  3. Blood tests: for sugar, infections.

Don't resort to self-treatment antibiotics without the recommendation of the attending physician.

Which doctors should I visit?

  1. First of all, visit a neurologist for diagnosis and treatment - in person or ask an experienced doctor a question online.
  2. Go to a chiropractor's office. Headaches can be caused by so-called “clamps” in the cervical spine And shoulder girdle. Chiropractor is a specialist who can effectively relax these areas.
  3. Psychologist or psychotherapist. The problem is often psychogenic in nature.

A persistent headache combined with nausea is a reason to go to the hospital and get tested.