Preparations for restoring the microflora of the vagina - an ambulance for dysbiosis. Dysbiosis and suppositories for its treatment

Women Health is quite fragile and can suffer from the aggressive effects of many factors. Various viral, bacterial and fungal diseases can attack organs reproductive system if certain circumstances favor it. Yes, and taking various medications adversely affects the condition of the organs. genitourinary system. So antibacterial drugs, especially with prolonged use, can lead to a violation normal balance microflora female organs. The topic of our conversation today will be the regeneration of the vaginal microflora after antibiotics, we will discuss drugs that will help to cope with this problem.

Violations of the microflora of the vagina may initially not disturb the patient's well-being at all. But in the absence of adequate correction over time, there may be unpleasant symptoms: burning, itching, visible swelling and redness of the external genital organs, excessive dryness of the vagina, etc. If such symptoms appear, you should visit your gynecologist and undergo a full examination. The specialist will help you choose those medicines that will ensure the restoration of microflora and will be most effective in your case.

As is known, at full health epithelial tissues The vaginal cavity is inhabited by acidophilic lactoflora, the so-called bacteria capable of producing lactic acid. It is acidophilic lactoflora that is 95% of all bacterial particles that are normally found on the surfaces of the mucous membranes of the vagina. And the lactic acid produced by it performs protective functions, preventing the activity of pathogenic or opportunistic organisms.

Antibiotics destroy not only pathogenic particles, but also representatives of normal microflora. After a course of such therapy, the number of lactobacilli on the surface of epithelial tissues is noticeably reduced. Accordingly, there is a decrease in the production of lactic acid, a change in the acidity of the vagina. Why is the restoration of the vagina required, or rather indicators of its acidity. This contributes to the activity of aggressive and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

Preparations for restoring the vagina after antibiotics

There are quite a few medicines contributing to the normalization of the microflora in the vagina. But it is better that they are prescribed by a doctor after an appropriate examination.

The basis of therapy is usually special vaginal probiotics, which contain lactobacilli. And in order to reach the maximum positive effect, you need to use the means double action, which will stimulate the restoration and growth of the epithelium, and populate the mucous membranes the right amount healthy microorganisms.

The drugs of choice are usually vaginal tablets "Laktogin" (Vagilak), "Gynoflor" or "Ecofemin".

Preparations to restore the microflora of the vagina should be used from about the fourth to fifth day antibiotic therapy. Usually they are used just before bedtime, once a day. And the optimal duration of vaginal probiotic therapy is six to twelve days, depending on the recommendations of the specialist.

It is worth noting that recovery from antibiotics with the listed drugs can sometimes cause itching, burning, redness and swelling. Usually, such symptoms do not require interruption of the course of therapy, but if they appear, it is still worth consulting a doctor.

After the end of the course of microflora regeneration after antibiotics with vaginal tablets, it is worth waiting one week. In the absence of any negative symptoms doctor may also prescribe additional application VaginormaS. Such vaginal tablets effectively restore the full balance of vaginal acidity, thereby stimulating the activity and development of healthy microflora. Vaginorm C is usually used for one week.

More preparations for the microflora of the vagina:

Among the drugs that can be used to normalize the microflora of the vagina after taking antibiotics, it is worth highlighting the Bifidumbacterin candles. Such a tool should be used once or twice a day for five to ten days. The medicine has absolutely no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance.

Sometimes Kipferon is used to treat violations of the vaginal microflora. Such a medicine incorporates an immunoglobulin complex preparation, as well as human interferon alpha-2b. Kipferon helps to successfully cope with many conditions that require the use of antibiotics. But only a doctor can prescribe it.

The medicine is usually used twice a day, introducing one or two suppositories deep into the vagina. The optimal duration of therapy is one and a half weeks.

Even as preparations for the vagina for the treatment of microflora disorders, Normloflorin-B or Normoflorin-L drugs can be used. The tool is intended for internal use- it should be taken twenty to thirty milliliters (two to three tablespoons) once or twice a day. It is best to take it half an hour before a meal. Before each use, dilute the powder with food liquid (1: 3) and drink immediately. The optimal duration of such treatment is two to four weeks.

Therapy of the disturbed microflora of the vagina should be carried out under the supervision of a qualified gynecologist.

Women are created to procreate. They bear, give birth and feed children, and therefore their body is very sensitive to any adverse factors. Pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, as well as stress and hypothermia significantly undermine the protective functions of the body, causing the development bacterial infection into the vagina. These infections include candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis, otherwise known as thrush and bacterial vaginosis. These diseases disrupt the microflora in the vagina, and therefore you can completely get rid of them only by restoring the balance beneficial bacteria.

Many women who have had to deal with these unpleasant ailments at least once have repeatedly wondered how to restore the microflora after thrush. Therefore, one should consider what pharmaceutical products help restore the acidic environment in the vagina, preventing the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Candidiasis develops after infectious and other diseases that reduce immunity, under the influence of the Candida fungus. The fungi themselves are not alien, as they are constantly present in the human body, taking part in metabolic processes.

In organism healthy women their number is very limited. Lactobacilli, which form a protective film in the vagina, do not allow them to multiply. The film acts as a physiological barrier that protects the vaginal mucosa from exposure pathogenic bacteria.

Influenced various factors lactobacilli die, and their place is occupied by opportunistic microorganisms - Candida fungi. Thus, there is a violation of the acid-base balance. Even getting rid of the signs of candidiasis after application antibacterial drugs, it is impossible to gain confidence that the thrush has receded.

Antibiotics destroy fungal infection, however, they are not able to restore a healthy microflora. Quantity beneficial microorganisms remains insufficient to ensure that candidiasis does not return after treatment.

As you know, thrush is dangerous for the development of relapses and the transition of the disease to chronic form. Therefore, at the final stage of treatment, the restoration of microflora after thrush is required, which consists in normalizing the acid-base balance in the vagina by colonizing beneficial bacteria.

Ways to restore microflora

After thrush or bacterial vaginosis, women need to go through a recovery phase to create a physiological barrier that will serve reliable protection against harmful bacteria.

Special candles, which include lacto- and bifidobacteria, help to achieve the desired results. They are inserted into the vagina, which allows you to deliver beneficial microorganisms directly to the lesion.

How Candles Work

The use of suppositories after treatment of thrush to restore microflora allows you to reduce the level of acidity to normal, which varies between 3.4-4.5. Vaginal suppositories are a probiotic - a product containing live microcultures.

Candles may also include the following components:

  • lactic acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • herbal extracts with anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.

The presence of additional components is necessary for the restoration of tissues damaged by pathogenic bacteria. In turn, lactobacilli, which are the basis of these drugs, reacting with the mucous membrane, begin to produce acid. Probiotics also contain bifidobacteria - living microorganisms that have an anti-inflammatory effect and help strengthen the immune system. For this reason, after taking antibiotics, doctors recommend that patients take oral preparations containing bifidobacteria.

Overview of popular drugs

Pharmaceutical companies offer many medical preparations made in the form of candles and vaginal tablets, which are able to restore normal acidity in the vagina. The following medicines are most popular:

  • Lactobacterin;
  • Bifidumbacterin;

Lactobacterin and Bifidumbacterin

These drugs contain live lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Candles contribute to the destruction of a number of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria. Therefore, they can be used as the main treatment for thrush and bacterial vaginosis.

After insertion into the vagina, the suppositories react, converting the glycogen produced by the epithelium into lactic acid. Live microorganisms restore the physiological barrier, contribute to the restoration of the mucous membrane and increase immunity.

These drugs are absolutely harmless, and therefore can be prescribed at any stage of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

The composition of the drug, produced in the form of suppositories, contains live acidophilic lactobacilli, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Acylact promotes the conversion of glycogen produced in the vaginal environment into lactic acid, restoring the acid-base balance, and increasing local immunity.

This drug is available in the form of vaginal tablets. It consists of the following components:

  • live acidophilic lactobacilli;
  • estriol.

Having cured candidiasis after antibiotic therapy, the purpose of vaginal tablets is to restore the normal microflora in the vagina, which is facilitated by their active components.

Acidophilic lactobacilli have antibacterial activity, inhibiting the activity of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. Estriol restores epithelial cells, improving the functions of the physiological barrier.

This drug is available in the form of vaginal tablets, the main component of which is ascorbic acid. Vitamin C has an antiseptic effect on the walls of the vagina and disinfectant action, reducing the acid-base balance and inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

The composition of the vaginal capsules "Vagilak" includes acidophilic lactobacilli, as well as ascorbic acid. Their use allows both to restore the flora after thrush, and to exclude the possibility of developing relapses of the disease.

The active substance of Femilex suppositories is lactic acid, which is a waste product of lactobacilli. With the help of these candles it will be possible to restore normal level pH and the required amount of lactobacilli, which will become a reliable obstacle to the reproduction of fungi.

This drug is available in the form of suppositories and contains acidophilic lactobacilli that restore the physiological barrier and help maintain a normal acid-base balance in the vagina.

Ecofemin can be used not only as a restorative therapy after the treatment of thrush and bacterial vaginosis, but also as prophylactic, preventing the development of inflammatory processes in the vagina.


Candidiasis develops due to any factors. Therefore, even getting rid of this disease and restoring normal microflora should not relax. In order to avoid recurrence of the disease in the future, certain rules should be followed:

  • antibacterial and hormonal preparations should be taken only in consultation with the attending physician;
  • special attention should be paid to personal hygiene, especially the cleanliness of the external genitalia;
  • pickled, sweet and salty foods that provoke the reproduction of the fungus should be excluded from the diet;
  • in the absence of a permanent partner during sexual intercourse, it is necessary to use a condom.

Girls should remember that wearing thongs provokes the development of inflammatory processes. Therefore, they need to be changed to comfortable cotton underwear.

Our body has many defenses against aggressive intrusions from the outside. In general, the prevention of various kinds of diseases is engaged in the immune system. However, this complex mechanism consists of smaller and at the same time important details. One of them is a healthy and complete microflora of our body. It is the balanced ratio of beneficial and conditionally pathogenic bacteria that protects the digestive tract and female genital organs from the development of various pathological conditions. However, under the influence of certain factors, this balance may be disturbed, which requires the use of certain means of influence to restore it. Today we will talk about preparations in the form of a candle to restore the microflora of the vagina.

Most often, such therapy is prescribed to women who are faced with such unpleasant ailments as thrush or sexually transmitted infections. In certain cases, such dysbacteriosis develops against the background of certain hormonal disorders and hypothermia. Provoking a problem may not be enough proper hygiene. In addition, a fairly common cause of microflora disturbance is consumption antibiotic drugs. Sometimes this condition occurs against the background of intestinal diseases or when climatic conditions change. The restoration of microflora helps to normalize the immunity of the walls of the vagina, which helps prevent the growth and reproduction of pathogenic particles.

It is worth considering that for the proper treatment of vaginal dysbacteriosis, several important measures should be taken. So it is necessary to take tests to determine the presence of pathogenic bacteria. If any genital infections are detected, it is worthwhile to carry out their full treatment. Means for the normalization of microflora should be selected exclusively by a doctor, and after a course of therapy, it is worth passing control tests to confirm the result.

Candles restoring the microflora of the vagina

To date, on the shelves of pharmacies you can find many drugs with this effect. We will consider only a few of them.


According to the developers very sparing and at the same time effective impact Phytocandles, which have the name Vagikal, have a female body. They must be used within ten days. During this period, the drug effectively copes with pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic organisms, which helps to restore the immunity of the vaginal mucosa. Candles Vagical contain calendula extract, it has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.

Also, the drug has surprisingly active antioxidant properties, due to which the fast healing and restoration of cell structures. Therapeutic calendula has a stimulating effect on the processes of tissue regeneration, accelerating the formation of new functional cells. Its use helps to develop the vaginal epithelium quite quickly and naturally without the formation of scar tissue.


This medicinal composition It comes in the form of vaginal tablets and contains a couple of active ingredients, namely lactobacilli, as well as the hormone estriol. Among other things, Gynoflor is a source of lactose, which is important for the active reproduction of beneficial microorganisms. This medicine considered safe for health despite hormonal composition. Estriol has only a local effect, stimulating the restoration of vaginal tissues.

The drug is usually used for six days in a row, administering it immediately before bedtime. The maximum duration of treatment with Gynoflor is twelve days. If necessary, after one to two weeks, you can repeat the course of therapy.


Each suppository of this drug contains 50 million CFU of bifidobacteria. They are used for therapy vaginal dysbacteriosis, and to combat microflora disorders digestive tract. The medicine helps to suppress the development of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria, as well as to populate the walls of the mucous membranes with bifidobacteria. Its use effectively restores the normal acidity of the body. For achievement positive result the drug should be administered intravaginally in the amount of one suppository once or twice a day for five to ten days (the duration of treatment may be longer, depending on the complexity of the patient's condition). The medicine is considered quite safe and can be used during the period of bearing a child, it is also great for treating the elderly.

Vaginorm S

The main active ingredient of this drug is ascorbic acid. Its use leads to a significant antiseptic effect and to a decrease in the acidity of the vagina. Due to this, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic flora are suppressed, which stimulates active growth. positive bacteria. Vaginorm C is usually used for six days, but treatment can be extended for several weeks or even months. The medicine is administered immediately before bedtime, once a day.

Before you carry out therapy with any of the described drugs, you should consult a doctor.

The normal microflora of the vagina is, first of all, an acidic environment in which the number of beneficial bacteria is higher than the harmful ones. How to restore the microflora of the vagina? There are several harmless, but very effective ways.

The first signs of problems with the microflora

Violations of the microflora of the vagina at first glance are completely invisible. However, there are some deviations in the body. First of all, this is manifested in the discharge. They acquire an unnatural shade and smell. Sometimes they cause itching and irritation. This is the first symptom indicating that there are fewer beneficial bacteria in the microflora, and more pathogenic ones.

Secondly, the vaginal microflora is disturbed if there is an absolute dryness of the vagina during sexual intercourse. This is a symptom only if dryness is not an anatomical feature. Lack of lubrication during intercourse signals a change in the state of the acidic environment of the vagina.

Violation of the microflora of the vagina is not always immediately noticeable

"Thrush" or Candida fungus - is also a type of violation of the microflora of the vagina, which requires treatment under the supervision of a specialist. Unsystematic and self-treatment can lead to aggravation of the state of microflora.

If there are no signs of a violation of the state of the microflora of the vagina, then only a doctor can determine it, based on tests (smear). The smear determines the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the vagina, as well as the percentage of other bacteria that do not lead to the disease. Any deviation from the norm is the reason for the treatment or prevention of the development of sexual diseases.

Causes of microflora disorders?

To relieve the symptoms and begin treatment, first of all, you need to understand the causes of problems with the microflora. The most common cause the occurrence of vaginal dysbacteriosis is a weakening general immunity. For example, after hypothermia or transferred serious illness. It also causes disturbances in the microflora of the vagina taking antibiotics, which “kill” all bacteria not only in the intestines, but also in the vagina. in mind anatomical features in women, these two areas are closely interrelated.

Another popular cause of problems with the microflora in the vagina is a violation hormonal background. For example, due to taking hormonal drugs or during pregnancy. Failure of the cycle of menstruation also leads to a change in the state of the normal acidic environment in the vagina. Climate change is also affecting female body. It is noted that a sharp flight from winter to summer leads to vaginal dysbacteriosis.

Any sexually transmitted disease can cause vaginal dysbacteriosis. Before restoring the microflora, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment for the causative disease. In parallel with this, you can use preventive drugs to maintain an acidic environment in the vagina.

How and how to restore the normal acidic environment in the vagina?

All medications must be appointed by a gynecologist, since only he can take into account all the physical characteristics of each particular woman. Treatment is mostly topical, that is, in the form of suppositories, sprays and vaginal tablets. As an addition to local treatment drugs are also prescribed general action. These can be probiotics, which include a sufficient amount of lactobacilli to restore the vaginal microflora and components that help restore the vaginal epithelium.

Restoring healthy microflora is easy

Among all modern drugs are popular such as:

  • candles "Lactobacterin" to restore the microflora of the vagina (introduced at night);
  • candles "Kipferon" used by courses;
  • vaginal tablets "Gynoflor", used in one course;
  • spray "Epigem", intended both for the treatment of vaginal dysbacteriosis, and for the prevention of this disease.

These three proven remedies do not harm the body and are designed for any age of a woman, regardless of the causes of microflora problems.

Folk ways can also help restore normal condition microflora of the vagina. And, above all, washing with kefir. To do this, dilute 1: 1 kefir and warm water, wash with this solution at night, then rinse with running water.

Douching with chamomile decoction is no less effective. The only thing worth preparing for is that chamomile dries the skin, you need to use it very carefully. Pour in a tablespoon chamomile two glasses of boiling water, let it brew and cool. Douche every evening for ten days.

But the widespread traditional medicine It is better not to use tampons with kefir or honey at night. Firstly, store-bought yogurt is not as useful as it is advertised. Secondly, such tampons can only aggravate the state of the microflora.

In order not to restore the microflora of the vagina, it is necessary to minimize the risks of problems against this background. When prescribing courses of antibiotics, pay attention to which concurrent drugs are prescribed to you, and whether there are any among them that support normal environment vagina and intestines.

Vaginal dysbacteriosis often occurs without pronounced symptoms and can lead to serious consequences- infertility or complications during pregnancy. Candles to restore the microflora of the vagina help to avoid similar states At the same time, due to the mild action, they can even be used for prevention purposes.

Why do we need candles to restore microflora in women

Suppositories from dysbiosis can only be used after the appointment of a doctor who will determine the causes of the development of the disease. At the same time, the specialist prescribes antibiotics to the woman, which destroy pathogenic flora(fungus), settled on the walls of the genital organs. Candles from thrush are more popular than tablets, because they contain a lower concentration of active ingredients and have a more gentle effect. therapeutic effect.

Since most gynecological pathologies, including thrush, require complex treatment, antibiotics and suppositories that restore the microflora of the vagina are prescribed in without fail. The main advantage of using local preparations is their direct impact on the focus of pathology (in this case are pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, suppositories for dysbacteriosis are convenient to use, do not harm a woman's health, since they have practically no side effects. Suitable even for pregnant women.

Candles for restoring microflora after treatment of thrush are safe and available without a prescription, but it is not recommended to treat them on their own. Only a doctor can deliver accurate diagnosis and establish the cause of dysbacteriosis. It is possible to diagnose an infection only by examining the material (a smear from the vagina). After receiving the results, the doctor selects the treatment, which consists in taking antibiotics. Upon completion of the course, the use of candles that restore the flora of the genital organs and intestines begins.

How suppositories from dysbacteriosis work in gynecology

Candles for microflora in gynecology contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in different proportions, so when choosing a drug for dysbacteriosis, you should know their number in the female vaginal environment. Only a doctor can find out, who, on the basis of the results of the examination, will prescribe remedies to help cure the disease. The mechanism of action of suppositories from thrush is simple:

  • the suppository is inserted into the vagina, where, under the influence of temperature, the capsule melts, and active substances spread along the walls of the body;
  • because the vagina is permeated with many blood vessels, already after 15 minutes the medication enters the circulatory system and destroys candidal spores;
  • the drug is also effective local action, restoring the acidic flora of the organ (nevertheless, it is worth treating the violation after the thrush has been eliminated, since lactic acid can create favorable conditions for the development of the fungus).

Which candles to choose for the normalization of microflora in women

Modern pharmaceuticals offers a wide range of medicines for restoring the vaginal flora after thrush: such products help to normalize the balance of microorganisms in the mucous membrane of the organ. Any medicines should be selected by a doctor based on the form and severity of the pathology, the presence of concomitant infections. As a rule, to normalize the microflora, probiotics are prescribed, which are included in the composition of lactobacilli.

Since at inflammatory process or infectious lesion genital organs are destroyed upper layer epithelium, beneficial substances it will be impossible to linger inside the vagina and after a week they are removed from the body. Taking probiotics alone will not solve the problem, so you should use drugs with complex action, which will simultaneously supply healthy microorganisms and restore the epithelium of the genital organs. So, lactobacilli will be able to gain a foothold on the integral shell and the vaginal microflora will be restored.

Candles with lactobacilli

Excellent therapeutic effect have vaginal probiotics containing lactobacilli. In this case, only complex preparations against dysbacteriosis are suitable, which will restore the epithelium of the genital organs and fill the vagina with healthy microorganisms. List suitable means, which are used to treat thrush and for the preventive purpose of the disease:

  • Gynoflor (contains the hormone estriol);
  • Lactogin;
  • Ecofemin;
  • Vagilak.

If, after a weekly therapeutic course, the symptoms of the pathology have not disappeared, the doctor may prescribe Vaginorm C suppositories, which effectively normalize the acid-base balance of the vagina, thereby developing healthy microflora. The course of treatment with Vaginorm C lasts at least a week. Additionally, Bifidumbacterin or Lactobacterin suppositories can be used, which are treated for 10 days, placing 1 suppository daily at night. The last candles, restoring the microflora after thrush, in parallel increase the woman's local immunity.

Candles with lactic acid

To normalize the vaginal environment and increase the local protective functions of a woman, special suppositories containing lactic acid are used. Depending on the composition and mechanism of action, the drugs can be used at night or in the morning. In addition to suppositories, gynecologists recommend using internal bifidobacteria concentrate to improve microflora. Following the recommendations of a doctor, you will reduce the risk of a recurrence of the disease by 10-12 times. What suppositories for restoring microflora after treatment of thrush are used:

  1. Vaginorm S. The remedy helps to restore the level of acidity. The main component of Vaginorm C is ascorbic acid, which suppresses pathogenic bacteria and stimulates the growth of healthy microorganisms. As a rule, candles are used for 6-7 days, introducing 1 suppository at night. The drug is affordable a wide range female patients.
  2. Femilex. Suppositories suppress the development of pathogenic flora, reduce the level of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Active ingredient Femilexa is a lactic acid that creates an acid reserve that prevents the development of fungi in case of alkalization of the microflora against the background infectious diseases.
  3. Lactobacterin. It is recommended to use the drug to restore vaginal pH after thrush, increase local immunity and normalize metabolism. Its plus is the low price.

How to restore microflora with Bifidumbacterin

Getting on the mucous membranes of a person, bifidobacteria begin to multiply actively, gradually displacing pathogenic fungi. Due to their concentration in Bifidumbacterin, fast growth acid environment into the vagina and the body effectively resists the disease, and the microflora is cleared on its own. The drug is perfect for treating the effects of thrush.

However, the reception of funds is permissible only after gynecological examination and doctor's prescription: if candidiasis is not the cause of the symptoms, then treatment can provoke the manifestation of gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis. Recommended daily dosage the drug is 2 suppositories (before going to bed and immediately after getting up). The course of therapy lasts at least 10 days.

Suppositories with nystatin

Before starting the use of suppositories, it is necessary to do a culture of secretions to determine the sensitivity of fungi to active ingredient medicines. Sometimes Nystatin is ineffective, and treatment with the drug will do nothing but waste time during which the disease will progress. This remedy is one of the relatively delicate and helps not only to restore the vaginal microflora, but also to destroy the pathogens of pathology - Candida.

Nystatin can be used both for therapy and for the prevention of thrush, but it is undesirable to treat pregnant and lactating women with these suppositories. Another contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. It is better to use suppositories after menstruation, while the treatment lasts 2 weeks. The recommended dosage is 2 suppositories per day, the price of the drug is affordable.