Prosthetics for malocclusion. Preparing teeth for implantation and raising the bite

If you see a tight-lipped smile in the mirror, if you are embarrassed to show your own teeth even to yourself, then you need to decide to go to the dentist. Defects in appearance develop complexes and isolation. Communication with people has to be limited. Why can't you allow yourself to be better? Moreover, the technology of dentistry today is high, capable of “working a miracle” for any malocclusion. It is no secret that the reasons for dissatisfaction with the reflection in the mirror are crooked teeth or an incorrect bite. Correcting a bite with crowns is one of the most dramatic correction methods possible at any age.

What does it mean to a person? What are they?

Occlusion is the state of the teeth closing together. When closed, the closure is carried out tightly, which allows for finer grinding of food and better chewing.

The beauty of a smile is extremely important for any person. It is accepted among scientists that beauty determines the harmony of soul and body and is the main sign of health. An open and wide smile is the key to success both in business and in victories in your personal life.

If teeth are not a matter of embarrassment, but a reason for pride and confidence, then many possibilities of a commutative nature are revealed to a person.

And, on the contrary, not completely closing the teeth is not only unsightly. At malocclusion Poorly chewed food can lead to problems with the digestive system. Bite deformation does not allow for complete cleaning of the oral cavity; this provides an additional environment for development harmful bacteria, creates the preconditions for the development of caries and unpleasant odors from the oral cavity.

The listed shortcomings and problems lead to restrictions in communication and the development of uncertainty, to social self-isolation. In such a situation, there is no point in talking about the level of happiness or success.

In order not to repel people with complexes and not to cause unpleasant associations, you need to take care of an open smile, adorned with an even row of snow-white teeth, tune in to serious changes, which will become feasible when visiting the dental office.

Determining the correct bite

Only a specialist can judge the state of the bite. The correct bite is determined at the moment of complete closure of the teeth. Correctness depends on the evenness and density of the teeth adjacent to each other.

Dentists test the correctness of the bite by squeezing a special plate between the teeth.

People who have a correct bite can hardly imagine what difficulties even the slightest deviation can present - this circumstance indicates natural connection between the process of eating and other aspects of human life.

Those who have even a slight malocclusion know how difficult it is to pronounce some sounds and how difficult it is to chew food, and what a challenge a dialogue with a new acquaintance can be.

Bite testing may show the following abnormalities:

  • When the jaw moves forward, there is an additional load on the muscle that fixes the lower jaw. This deformation jaw joint may contribute to the emergence pain V temporal region, as well as provoke involuntary complete closure of the jaws. Constant stress without muscle relaxation leads to pain and fatigue.
  • When the jaw moves backward narrowing occurs respiratory tract, blood circulation becomes difficult. These deficiencies lead to possible respiratory arrest and metabolic disorders during sleep.
  • Malocclusion any kind leads to early tooth loss and can become a prerequisite for the development of diseases endocrine system, heart failure and even a shortened life span.

Prevention and, if necessary, treatment of bite is a necessary condition for physical and social health.

Dentists say that bite is first and foremost complex connections interactions of the body system, and only then the aesthetic side of the matter.

Methods for correcting bite

There are five main ways to correct the bite, each of which corresponds to the conditions of the structural features of the jaws and the state of the patient’s dentition.

  1. The path of a set of regular exercises. During exercise, the load falls on the chewing and facial muscles. Exercise helps prevent easy correction and correction of malocclusion. They also improve diction, form correct position jaws and develop muscle memory correct movement; With all the advantages of this method of bite correction, there are also disadvantages - this process is quite lengthy and requires a lot of time, effort and perseverance from a person.
  2. Way of using orthodontic appliances. Trainers, plates, mouthguards and braces are used in this capacity. They allow you to correct your bite at any age using physical impact. One of the most effective ways bite correction, the downside is some ease of use, and there are also restrictions on use for serious bite deformities.
  3. Path surgical intervention . Surgical correction is applied only to adult patients. The advantage is that it is possible to correct even the most complex malocclusion, negative side The point is that surgery is always a risk in itself.
  4. Complex method. The method combines the use of orthodontic and surgical intervention; This method good for drastic actions in terms of bite correction.
  5. Orthopedic correction (prosthetics). This includes replacement with a prosthesis extracted tooth, installation of veneers and crowns. The method allows you to correct your bite in the shortest possible time.

The most drastic solution for correcting the bite is correction through the installation of crowns. This procedure It is recommended by dentists when there are teeth in the dentition, the size of which does not correspond to physiological harmony, and also when some of them have large chips or are rotated relative to their own axis. Experts recommend this same method of correction in case of large interdental spaces.

A few words about crowns

is a product for micro prosthetics, which covers as protection the entire outer surface of the tooth prepared for prosthetics.

The main functions of crowns are to cover the damaged part of the tooth, protect the tooth with large fillings, and also serve as a protective shell for the implant. The crown can be used as a fastener for a dental bridge. A popular use of a crown is to change the color of a tooth to match the natural color or for another aesthetic effect.

Types of crowns

  • Stainless steel crown. The material is good as protective measure for temporary closure of a damaged tooth. A steel crown is also used in children's prosthetics.
  • Metals and metal alloys used for permanent prosthetic crowns. When installing them, a small part of the tooth covering is removed (since the thickness of the crown shell is minimal) and attached to cement. During use, such crowns cause the least damage to third-party teeth and are durable in themselves. The only disadvantages include the unnatural color.
  • Metal-ceramic crowns often used for prosthetics of front teeth, since you can choose a color close to natural.
  • All-ceramic crowns preferable for people with metal allergies. The disadvantage is that they are more fragile than the materials described above, and abrade the opposing teeth somewhat more.
  • Plastic crowns- these are the least expensive, but they wear out quickly, and they are also more susceptible to breakage and chips than others.

Bite correction by installing crowns

Permanent crowns usually require two or three visits to the dentist.

Procedure for correcting bite with crowns

  • During the first visit, the general condition of the teeth is diagnosed, and a specialist’s recommendation is to correct the bite. Coordination of work with the wishes of the patient. Teeth intended for microprosthetics with crowns are polished. Then, making impressions for the laboratory of both teeth ready for prosthetics and other teeth in the upper and lower rows to confirm that the crown will correct the bite. During the same visit, temporary crowns are installed while the permanent crowns are being made.
  • At the patient's second visit to the dentist, permanent crowns are installed. Correction of the bite is confirmed through testing.
  • A third visit to the dentist is possible if the patient begins to feel pain or discomfort. The dentist eliminates the cause of irritation or discomfort.

Conditions for proper crown care

The patient should remember that the installation of crowns does not replace hygienic oral care.

It is usually believed that if a tooth is covered with a crown, then it is completely protected, which is a deep misconception.

The tooth under the crown is also susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease.

Therefore, caring for crowns (and the condition of teeth in general) must be constant and thorough. You should brush your teeth with toothpaste at least twice a day.

And if it is observed increased sensitivity teeth, he may recommend brushing your teeth with a special paste for sensitive teeth, reducing the sensitivity threshold. Once a day, thoroughly remove food debris using dental floss.

There are a number of habits that you should not get carried away with for preventive purposes to keep fillings and teeth in good condition: you need to stop biting your nails, opening packages with your teeth, chewing caramel, etc.

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Statistics show that about 70% of the population of our country has some kind of bite problem. And often people do not strive to correct them, citing the fact that only public and wealthy people should take care of the beauty of their teeth. But, unfortunately, the aesthetic component is just the tip of the iceberg, and the main danger of malocclusion lies beyond the visible problems.

It is worth starting with the origin of this defect. Like most problems relating to bone tissue, malocclusion can be a consequence of:

  • a genetic pattern, because heredity has a primary influence on the formation of a child’s jaw;
  • diseases of the respiratory tract, for example, with forced mouth breathing, the growth of the facial part of the skull is disrupted, which causes the development of deformity;
  • injuries received during the development of the dentition;
  • bad habits in infancy, such as constant thumb sucking.

It is worth noting that even poor posture can cause malocclusion in a child. Banal scoliosis, due to improper functioning of the spinal muscles, can also affect the functioning of the jaws.

Types of malocclusion

The location of the jaws relative to each other is a determining factor in the process of diagnosing occlusion:

  • distal, during the development of which the upper jaw is more developed relative to the lower jaw. With such a deviation, the pressure is distributed unevenly, as a result back teeth take on the load of the front ones, which is fertile ground for the development of caries on them. The main feature of the distal bite is a disproportionately small chin. Over the years, it leads to the premature development of periodontal disease and periodontitis;
  • mesial, characterized by excessive protrusion of the lower jaw. A clear sign of this deformity is the patient’s protruding chin. This change contributes to impaired chewing function and early development inflammatory diseases teeth and gums;
  • deep, diagnosed upon entry upper teeth beyond the lower ones by a distance exceeding the length of their crown. Often, with this type of bite, the face has insufficient height, and the lip is constantly in an inverted position due to insufficient space. Over time, the first consequence may be periodontal disease, that is, loosening of the teeth, as well as permanent damage to the oral mucosa by the teeth.
  • open, representing the impossibility of closing the jaws with each other. This pathology can be observed both in the front part of the jaw and in the side. An invariably slightly open mouth, or general asymmetry of the face - that’s obvious signs open bite;
  • cross observed when one side of the jaw is underdeveloped. Such a deformation primarily impairs chewing function, since patients are forced to chew predominantly on one side of the jaw. The main goal of treatment is to align both sides of the jaw relative to each other.
  • dystopia, affecting the location of the teeth in their “own” place. Mostly it is a consequence of violation of the timing and sequence of teething. Teeth that have changed their location can injure the mucous membranes of the oral tissues and also lead to the development of erosions.

If a bite defect is detected on its early stage, then the treatment can be gentle, and the elimination of the problem is quite quick and inexpensive. That is why it is so important to conduct systematic preventive examinations.

The insidiousness of malocclusion

An incorrect bite entails a whole series of unpleasant consequences, some of which are very difficult to eliminate:

  • increased load on individual teeth, leading to accelerated abrasion of the enamel and, as a result, increased sensitivity;
  • disorders in the functioning of the articulatory apparatus. Often, malocclusion becomes the root cause of a lisp and other diction disorders due to the forced unnatural position of the tongue;
  • accumulation of plaque in places where teeth overlap, which leads to the development of caries, periodontitis and other diseases of the teeth and gums;
  • deformations in the area of ​​the temporomandibular joint, which is quite difficult to correct due to its three-dimensional structure;
  • in severe cases, difficulties with eating and breathing may also occur.

A bad bite can also result in headaches and even pain when chewing food.

Detection of malocclusion

There are several of the most obvious signs of a defective bite, allowing you to identify it yourself:

  • protruding lower jaw;
  • retracted upper lip;
  • unnaturally closing dentition;
  • unevenly growing teeth.

These are only the most obvious signs of existing deviations. Put more accurate diagnosis and only an orthodontist can prescribe appropriate treatment.

Prosthetics for malocclusion

If there is an advanced problem with the bite, the only way out is prosthetics, which can restore the proper row of teeth. There are several methods of prosthetics to combat bite problems:

mouth guard

It is a removable overlay on teeth made of transparent polymer that combats tooth curvature using pressure. Allows you to achieve results without noticeable discomfort and painful sensations. There are several types of mouthguards for correcting bites:

  • standard, made without taking into account personal characteristics. It has a low cost, but is not able to deal with complex cases of curvature;
  • thermoplastic, following the contours of the teeth thanks to individual production from a special polymer. Have short term manufacturing and wide possibilities for use, but have a slightly higher cost;
  • Invisalign, manufactured using a plaster model and using 3D modeling. The most expensive and effective type of cap. Able to cope with minor deformities without undue discomfort.


Thanks to their design, they are able to correct almost any dental deformation, with the exception of extremely complex cases requiring surgical intervention. There are 2 main types of braces:

  • vestibular, attached to the front part of the tooth;
  • lingual, placed on inner surface teeth, which makes them invisible to others.

They can be made from a variety of materials: metal, ceramics and even semi-precious stones.

Removable denture

Used in cases of almost complete absence of a number of teeth. It is made mainly from hypoallergenic acrylic and can be of the following types:

  • full, used in case complete absence teeth on the jaw, fixed to the gum directly;
  • partial, used in the absence of several teeth in a row and is attached both to the problematic jaw and to the remaining adjacent teeth.

They are distinguished by their durability and relatively low cost, as well as the possibility of individual selection due to the extremely wide range of colors of the products.


This type is a series of interconnected dental crowns on a metal base. They are rigidly attached to adjacent natural teeth with fixing elements. The chewing efficiency of the jaw is restored 100% and does not interfere with tactile, taste and temperature sensations. The use of metal in a structure can significantly increase its service life, but increases the final cost of the product.

This is how they put a “bridge” on the teeth


The most modern method of prosthetics for malocclusion. Implanted directly into bone tissue followed by fixation of the denture on it. The most durable method of all presented, with an almost lifetime guarantee. The aesthetic component of this method is also beyond any competition, because even upon closer examination it is impossible to distinguish the implanted structure from a natural tooth.

It is important to remember that up to approximately 7 years of age, a malocclusion can be corrected with the help of massage of problem areas and special gymnastics. It is necessary to wean the child from bad habits so that later he does not have to resort to complex, lengthy and expensive treatment methods.

Video - Malocclusion: how to fix it

Methods of insurance against malocclusions

It is worth remembering that the main causes of deviations are born in early childhood, so, for the most part, the responsibility for the crooked jaws of children lies with their parents. And if there is no obvious genetic anomaly, then you just need to adhere to the following simple rules:

RecommendationReasons for the development of deviationsWhat to do
Monitor your health during pregnancyMineralization of teeth begins in the 20th week of pregnancyControl the amount of calcium and fluorine-containing elements consumed
Feeding a newborn correctlyUneven muscle development due to improper suckingAttend proper operation facial muscles when sucking
Monitor your child's nasal breathingThe habit of breathing through the mouth causes an open biteMake sure your child breathes predominantly through their nose
Wean off bad habitsSucking fingers and pacifiers during the first teething may cause them to become crooked later.Monitor the occurrence of these habits and stop them as quickly as possible

It is worth remembering that each patient’s teeth are unique and require individual selection of treatment methods. Does not exist universal methods getting rid of the problem. Only a thorough diagnostic examination by a specialist will make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis based on photographs and casts.



The treatment is to raise the bite, the problem is that the teeth are worn out, AND THEN THE FILLINGS CHIP off, and a sore throat appears... Just raise the bite on the teeth to the teeth.


I'm not an orthopedist... but as far as I know -3-5 mm. It’s not critical for the joint... But in a year it’s still possible... Correct me if I’m wrong


Right. It is lifted orthodontically using bite pads. Long, tedious, but necessary...

​ ​ ​

I advise such patients to wear a special splint at night... until it comes to raising the bite. :-O


Ella, how do your patients feel about “nightguard?” Most deny it bad habit?


Colleagues, tell us about Nightguard.....I wonder what material it is made this a ready-made device or can it be individualized.......single jaw?


Everyone denies the bad habit. More often I recommend turning to your spouses, they usually confirm that your loved ones clench and grind their teeth at night. When complaining of joint pain, masticatory muscles, headaches, especially in the morning, then it’s easier to convince. I take a photo and show how the tooth looks ideally, and what happens as a result of their increased wear. After this, it is easier to convince you to wear a mouth guard. An impression is taken and a mouth guard is made in the office. I mainly do it on the lower jaw (less nauseating effect, easier to get used to). Some patients use an anti-snoring device, then put the mouth guard on the top. Special plates are sold that become soft when heated, and they are placed on the model, and a vacuum creates a sweaty seal. Cools down as soon as you stop heating. If someone makes a device for teeth whitening, then the principle is the same. It looks like thick rubber.


In some cases, I make a hard mouthguard, but they manage to gnaw through the soft one. Or I send the model (we take an impression and cast it in the office) to the laboratory, and there it is possible to make it from a different, harder material. The whole point of Nightguard is to eliminate tooth contact during sleep, to avoid further destruction of teeth and bone levels (there is interesting data on the relationship increased erasure teeth and loads on the ligaments, as a result, destructive disorders in the bones), as a result of gum recession.


Of the ready-made devices for combating bruxism, the most good result allows the use of the TMJ trainer, it was developed by an Australian dentist and is universal. The only thing you need to do sometimes. shorten the edges that may press on the gums. due to low teeth! (Y)


First splint with occlusion separation, then restoration if necessary


If restorations raise the bite without fixing it on crowns or inlays, then they will constantly chip and you will get tired of adjusting!


I correct generalized abrasion with prosthetics. (tr)


Do you use live teeth or do you prepare them? And how much do you raise your bite?


Sorry, Oleg, in Germany, crowns, veneers, and inlays are also considered restorations. That's what I meant.


Oleg, I don’t depulpate, except for atopic ones. I raise it by 3-4mm.


When deciding on prosthetics. Increased abrasion can be compensated or uncompensated. Compensated is the one when the vertical height of the bite is normal, and the teeth are worn out. There are two types of compensation. Due to the advancement of teeth and due to the extension of the dento-alveolar complex. The lip line is not deformed and the position of the head of the joint with the mouth closed is normal. With uncompensated abrasion, the vertical height of the bite is lost. The mouth becomes like a wallet and articular head slides onto the posterior ligament.


It is necessary to raise the bite ONLY in case of uncompensated abrasion. If you lift it while it is compensated, the patient will chatter his teeth during normal chewing and talking. He will also grind his teeth harder. Your restorations will fall apart within a couple of months, you may also need to make several canals - overload causes pulp necrosis and cracks. You can also provoke an exacerbation of TMD - dysfunction of the musculo-articular apparatus.



Studying the position of teeth is important point correct diagnosis And timely treatment. If you can't understand the form incorrect teeth, which you have, then you need to take the advice of an experienced doctor who knows a lot about orthodontics and can not only diagnose you, but also prescribe treatment.

Question: How to determine bite?

Answer: Determining the position of your teeth takes a few seconds, as it is visible to the naked eye. Use own eyes, with which you can study your teeth or ask anyone you know to do this. It is best to entrust this to an orthodontist, who will determine all the dimensions of the bite and be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

Question: Bite registration

Answer: This is a special record kept by the orthodontist. Bite registration includes: determining the boundaries of the teeth, studying jaw growth, studying the shift of the midline. Registration must be documented so that the patient has visual material all calculations. You need to register all the details that may later be useful during treatment (if there is a possibility of pathology).

Question: Change of bite

Answer: This is the replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones. This change in bite is completely completed by the age of 10 years. If there is a delay in the replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones, then you need to look for the reason, which will help you prescribe therapy in a timely manner that will speed up this change. A mixed bite is not corrected with braces, since the teeth have not yet moved into permanent form, which can be corrected without problems using a braces system. It is worth waiting a little and when the teeth become more stable and strong, carry out orthodontic treatment.

Question: How to treat a bite?

Answer: To get dental treatment, you need to see a doctor; you won’t be able to fix your teeth on your own. Treatment begins with a prepared treatment plan and then works on the teeth in such a way that they are corrected. All the intricacies of how to treat an overbite can be found in orthodontic books, which are specifically written to provide a deep understanding of what you will be doing. The teeth can be corrected with braces or clear aligners, which move the teeth perfectly. For serious cases, surgical methods are used.

Question: Where to correct the bite?

Answer: In any clinic that has dental orthodontics. Our doctors work under several medical clinics who treat malocclusion and this helps to accept any number of patients for consultations from different parts of the city. If you want to find out where to correct your bite, use our help in determining the most convenient clinic and selecting a first-class specialist. We will tell you not only where to fix your teeth, but also recommend any dentists and general practitioners.

Question: The bite has changed

Answer: If you notice changes in teeth that have been there since birth, then sooner or later you will have to see a doctor. Changes in the teeth may increase and then the bite will change very much, but to prevent this from happening, it is better to consult a doctor in time. If the bite has changed after an injury or after surgery on the jaw, you should also seek the help of an orthodontist, who will understand the reasons for the changes in the teeth and prescribe correct treatment. No changes should be left unattended, so it is important to notice problems with teeth and find good doctor who will fix these teeth.

Question: Bite surgery

Answer: Any surgical patient diagnosed with misaligned teeth needs bite surgery, which can correct almost any tooth. The operation is prescribed according to indications and is never performed on those patients whose teeth can be corrected orthodontically. Performing an operation for incorrect teeth should be carried out under full supervision from several specialists at once. Treatment will never be started if you have contraindications to correction and your condition is not satisfactory. If you agreed to surgery, then you must understand that there is always a risk and the teeth may not be corrected the way you would like.

Question: How to change your bite?

Answer: You need to change your bite on time, and here every year counts. If you don't take care of your teeth, you will lose in appearance and in your health. There are ways to fix it, which include several important factors: mechanical impact, control over correction, saving the result. If you don’t know how to change your bite, then we will tell you, try to answer all your questions and give you our recommendations. Without a doctor, there is no way to make your teeth straight and restore the position of all teeth, so only visiting a doctor can help solve this problem.

Question: Raise the bite

Answer: Changing irregular teeth means raising the bite to high level healthy condition when all the teeth are straight and there are no problems with the teeth performing anatomical and functional tasks. Raising the bite is necessary primarily for those patients whose teeth have visible signs of irregularities and interfere with the person’s appearance. If you have time to visit a doctor every month, then you can receive complete orthodontic treatment and your teeth will be straight for some time.

Question: How to correct an overbite in an adult?

Answer: To do this you need to select certain type brace system that must be installed or order orthodontic aligners. In adults, cases may occur when treatment with all known orthodontic methods cannot cure the pathology and surgical correction. Many clients often have a question: how to correct the bite of an adult, and many patients receive answers to their questions from the orthodontist. All patients are offered modern technologies that make the dental situation as easy as possible and help patients get rid of the problem of uneven teeth.

Please tell me what preliminary checks, examinations, examinations need to be carried out before dental prosthetics (in particular, to identify the abrasiveness of antagonist teeth in the case of metal-ceramic prosthetics)?

Good afternoon, Roman!

First of all, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the dentofacial system. Impressions, models, assessment of dental tissue abrasion, etc. The doctor will determine the best for you the best option prosthetics and restoration of the integrity of dental tissues and provide their recommendations.

asks Vlasenko Pavel Alexandrovich
answers Bedrik Irina

I am 75 years old. Age-related wear has occurred on the upper and lower dentition. I am looking for specialists with experience in reliable restoration.

Good afternoon, Pavel Alexandrovich!
Our clinic has the appropriate specialists to restore teeth due to pathological or physiological abrasion. It is necessary to consult the chief physician of the Bedrik clinic, Irina Alekseevna.

asks Elena Skvirski
answers Bedrik Irina

Hello and thank you in advance for your answer. With age-related wear of teeth, in the presence of healthy teeth, how would you recommend raising the bite, i.e. using composite restoration or dioxide crowns or something else that is effective and less damaging to the teeth. Thanks again for your answer.

good day, Elena! It is impossible to advise in absentia any of the options for raising the bite. But we can definitely recommend all-ceramic onlays for chewing teeth, and ceramic veneers or restorations for the front teeth. Zirconium dioxide crowns are not the best option if the teeth are intact.

asks Marina Malka
answers Bedrik Irina

Thanks for the answer. I was offered to make a temporary mouth guard that would need to be worn for about two months. What procedures can be performed without preparation to solve my problem? Thank you.

Good afternoon, Marina! A mouth guard is an absolutely correct solution to the issue, but in the future temporary Moc Up restorations are definitely needed. Temporary restorations are made without any damage to the teeth. Permanent restorations can also be performed without tooth preparation if the clinical situation in the oral cavity allows it.

asks Marina
answers Bedrik Irina

Hello. I have a problem with teeth wear. Bruxism was diagnosed. The chewing teeth were worn down by 3 ml. The clinic offered ceramic onlays for all teeth. It is mandatory for 18 chewing teeth, and restoration for the remaining 12 teeth to reduce the overall cost. But they still recommend upper jaw install only ceramics, since the restored material will darken over time, you will need to constantly come back for polishing. I have a question: can my problem be solved in a more gentle way? I'm afraid of the preparation, the grinding of teeth. After all, we are talking about all teeth. Is there a more gentle way? Thank you!

Good afternoon, Marina! The situation in your case is really complicated and requires integrated approach. It is necessary to improve the bite on all teeth. The clinic explained everything to you correctly. The only thing you didn’t mention was the period of adaptation to the new bite height, that is, wax up modeling and transfer to the oral cavity moc up. You also need to take into account the fact that at the moment most procedures can be performed with minimal intervention, that is, without preparation or with minimal preparation. Of course, this requires high manual skills from the doctor, but it is still doable if the doctor and the patient wish.

Tatiana asks
answers Bedrik Irina

asks Lemeshonok Tatyana Georgievna
answers Bedrik Irina

Hello, I was given a metal-ceramic crown on my upper front teeth (they were very worn out) The bite turned out to be uncomfortable, the upper and lower 2 teeth do not touch, underlip falls on upper teeth and bulges out unsightly, but they put it on permanent cement. Can something be fixed or not? The lower teeth have not been replaced with prosthetics, but are also somewhat worn out

Good afternoon, Tatyana Georgievna!
In your case, to correct the situation you will need to completely replace the crowns with possible increase bite New crowns will have to take into account all previous deficiencies.

asks Gladkikh NN
answers Bedrik Irina

Bridge for 14 teeth Good afternoon. I am installing lower jaw prosthetics. Problems: deep bite - upper the teeth practically overlap the lower ones and, as a result, severe grinding of the lower front ones. The doctor depulped all living front teeth, installed stump metal inlays and installed a temporary plastic prosthesis (for 3 weeks), raising the height of the teeth by several mm. This increases the bite. Then he plans to install a metal-ceramic bridge - but! for all 14 lower teeth a solid bridge! Claims that this reliable design is needed to raise the bite. And on the inside, under the tongue, a metal strip will be installed along this bridge. Is it possible to install a bridge, if not on each tooth separately, then at least split it into 2 parts? And is this tire really necessary inside??

Good afternoon

Based on the description of your situation, it is quite possible to cover each tooth separately, I don’t see any obstacles. Perhaps you have periodontitis and require dental splinting. At this stage, nothing permanent has been established in the oral cavity, you can discuss all treatment options with the doctors. Then it will be more difficult and more expensive, so if in doubt, get advice from other specialists. But you are absolutely right in your desire to split the structure.

asks Svetlana Kosenko
answers Bedrik Irina

Hello! The diagnosis was made - pathological abrasion teeth, many large fillings and discoloration, they offer full metal-ceramic prosthetics, but there are several healthy teeth, is it advisable to cover them with crowns if the problem is in color, but also of course in height. And what is such prosthetics? Are they separate crowns for each tooth?

Good afternoon, Svetlana!

Treatment of pathological tooth abrasion entails serious changes in the dental system. If everything is done correctly, there will be no problems and the body will gratefully accept the new height, but if you make a mistake, problems cannot be avoided. Before covering each tooth with an artificial crown, we recommend using temporary structures, on which you can rehearse the height, bite, etc. Only after temporary constructions can you think about permanent crowns, onlays, etc. Covering each tooth with metal ceramics is the most traumatic restoration option; there are more gentle ones. We recommend paying attention to ceramic inlays and onlays.

asks Valeria Petyukh
answers Bedrik Irina

Thanks for the answer!

Please tell me also, maybe the reason is the poor quality of the crown or the incorrect size of this crown, and therefore it wears off on the upper tooth?

Good afternoon, Valeria!

Most likely, the crown is of really poor quality, but if the quality were excellent, then your upper tooth would be worn out. We need to look for a common cause.

asks Valeria
answers Bedrik Irina

Hello! I was given a metal-ceramic crown a year and four months ago on teeth 6 and 7 (with a bridge), a week ago I noticed that a white spot had formed on the 6th, and metal was already visible in it. How normal is this and how long should aesthetics last (I mean eating enamel, as my doctor explained to me this situation)? And what can be done to preserve what we have? Thank you

Good afternoon, Valeria!

In your case, the top layer of enamel on the metal-ceramic crown has worn off. First of all, it is necessary to determine the causes of tooth wear, and they need to be looked for throughout the entire oral cavity. As a rule, tooth abrasion does not occur on one tooth; you need to look for more teeth that have suffered. In your case, the enamel on the artificial tooth has worn away, which is good from the point of view of the temporomandibular joint, otherwise it would have suffered. To maintain the height of the teeth, you need to find the reason why the bite height is decreasing.


My child’s teeth are very worn down; it’s clear that they are much smaller in height than before. What is this connected with? While I don’t mind the dairy ones, I don’t want the permanent ones to look like this

Good afternoon Wear of baby teeth can be due to a number of reasons:
1. Consumption of drugs or foods high in acids.
2. Carbonated drinks.
3. Roundworms in a child’s body.
4. Psychological trauma.
We need to figure out the cause and continue to look for correction options.

asks Marina Gennadievna
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

Good afternoon
I have bruxism. And when I read on the Internet, there is information that after treatment you can stop bruxing altogether. What does this mean and how to treat it. And what is the difference between cow and rat bruxism?

Good afternoon, Marina Gennadievna!
If 10 years ago bruxism was considered a pathology, now bruxism is considered as a variant of the norm. Of course, you need to be treated for the consequences of bruxism, but unfortunately, it is impossible to guarantee that you will completely stop bruxing. It is believed that we stop bruxing when the occlusal scheme is normalized. The treatment regimen for bruxism is very complex, and usually involves increasing the bite.

Rat Bruxist

Cow Bruxist

asks Irina
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

Good afternoon. The doctor diagnosed me with the first degree of tooth wear. What can you suggest to cure abrasion? Irina.

Good afternoon, Irina! The dentist cannot cure tooth decay; we can create conditions for the body to recover. In the case of the first degree of tooth wear, restoration of teeth with an increase in bite is recommended. Naturally, every tooth is subject to restoration.

asks Peter B.
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

Good afternoon. The enamel is coming off my teeth. Refined. I was sick. Then they darkened at the base and sank a little. I take care of my teeth. 31 year. Polymer fillings were cleaned and installed. Were growing worn out fangs. They advised me to make a mouth guard overnight and fluoridate it. Questions: What do you recommend? How much will it cost: panoramic x-ray, cleaning, making a night guard, polymer filling, fluoridation, examination. Thank you.

Good afternoon, Peter!
First of all, you need to find out the cause of tooth wear, and only then treat it. Everything you listed is a temporary solution to problems in the oral cavity. Price panoramic photo- 200 UAH, teeth cleaning depending on the category - 400-600 UAH, photopolymer restorations from 800 UAH, examination - 170 UAH.

asks Natalya.
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

I was examined by a dentist. And he said that the teeth are good, but there is grade 1 abrasion of the teeth. Offers crowns for almost all teeth. I'm in a panic and don't know what to do. Natalia.

Good day, Natalia! Teeth wear is a real scourge these days. The treatment method for tooth wear depends on the degree pathological process. In the first degree of pathological abrasion, we usually talk about tooth restoration with photopolymer materials. For lateral teeth, onlays made of pressed ceramics or gold are recommended. Hard materials such as zirconium are not suitable for onlays as they may cause stressful situation for the temporomandibular joint.
Therefore, the recovery method depends on the extent of the process and the doctor’s tactics.

asks Ruzina Tatyana Aleksandrovna
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

Two pieces of my teeth have broken off and are corroding. tooth enamel on the lower front teeth, what should I do?

Good afternoon, Tatyana!
We are talking about tooth wear, which can be caused by a number of reasons. Reasons may include loss of chewing teeth, improper prosthetics, bruxism, etc. For treatment, it is necessary to determine the causes of abrasion and only then engage in treatment. You can read about tooth wear

Zhanna asks
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

Good afternoon, I am interested in closing the diastema, 45 years old. Improve aesthetic appearance. Align age-related tooth wear. Recommend a gentle method. The bite is normal, special problems no with teeth. Thanks in advance!

Good afternoon, Zhanna! In your case we are talking about reducing bite, the height must be restored using modern methods treatment. The most gentle method is restoration, but it cannot be used on all teeth, since the photopolymer is also subject to abrasion. That is why dental restoration is combined with stronger ceramic inlays. Ceramic restoration installed on key chewing teeth, usually the sixth.
All manipulations can be carried out using the most gentle methods possible. All options can be discussed during a consultation.

asks Unknown
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

Good afternoon, when I was young I had deep pits and cavities on my teeth. Each filling is already flatter, and the dentist says that it cannot be done as before

Good afternoon In our youth, each of us has more pronounced and characteristic tooth morphological structures. In the process of life happens natural erasure dental tissues, as a result of which the tooth structures become less pronounced (grind in). That is why older people tend to have teeth with a less pronounced anatomy of the chewing surface. There are, however, exceptions, for example, with deep reserve overlap, they are always more pronounced fissures. But with pathological abrasion, teeth can become almost flat.

asks Marina Gennadievna
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

Good afternoon, please tell me I need to increase the height of the bite on both jaws. But on one side there are no lateral teeth on the upper jaw. I plan to get a removable denture, but the doctor insists on implants. What to do.

Good afternoon, Marina Gennadievna! I think you need to agree with the doctor’s opinion and find additional financial reserves for the installation implants. We won’t talk about the advantages of implants, but we will note that maintaining the bite height on the clasp prosthesis It won't work. It has mobility and the design conceived by the doctor will not work out.

asks Tatyana Vladimirovna
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

I have pathological wear of the front teeth of the upper and lower rows. How much does their restoration cost?

Good afternoon, Tatyana Vladimirovna! It all depends on the amount of lost dental tissue. Treatment of tooth wear is not easy and long-term treatment. If more than 3 mm is lost. dental tissues, we first recommend a temporary increase bite on temporary structures. Only after the teeth and joints have adapted to the new bite is the gradual replacement of temporary structures with permanent ones. Price restorations with increasing occlusion it ranges from 1000 to 1500 depending on the volume of lost tissue.

asks Irina Gennadievna
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

My bite was improved; initially there was severe tooth wear. How to check the uniformity of the bite increase. It seems to me that my teeth are unevenly restored.

Good afternoon, Irina Gennadievna! There are many quality control methods restorations. They are all very different simple and complex. The simplest method is a horseshoe-shaped carbon copy to display all contacts. It is also possible to make models and carry out functional diagnostics in the articulator. There are also simple methods, for example, we are interested in a certain sectarian of teeth. Then we shift the lower jaw towards the sectarian of interest and all the teeth, with the “correct increase”, move evenly (the leading one should be the canine). All these testing methods are for the doctor, not for the patient. Even if you find something wrong with your bite, you cannot do without a doctor.

asks Tatyana Sivkovich
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

Hello. Thanks for the advice, I appreciate your concern. Today I’m going to fix one of the parts again, but I don’t risk fixing it with permanent cement, because I’m trying to find a specialist who can express an independent point of view on what happened. From a human perspective, I’m trying to understand the orthopedist (I’m a doctor myself), but I really liked the phrase: “I have no right to lose the lottery a second time.” It’s a pity that medicine is a lottery, like everything else...

Good afternoon, Tatyana! Alas, quality medicine is not easy to find, even for doctors. Really, none of the specialists is willing to help you? Good luck in finding a doctor and a decent specialist. Or come visit us.....

asks Tatyana Sivkovich
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

Good evening. Thanks for the answer. It feels like the prosthetics of my lower jaw, as well as the repair, cannot be completed, but can be stopped. The orthopedist himself already says, I don’t promise anything, but go for 3 weeks, a month temporary fixation. Reading on the sites, an orthopedist with hands, this is a rare case and luck, like in a lottery, understandably the stingy one pays all his life, but 80 thousand... And tell me the tactics: they are not going to give the money, and they do not offer to redo the entire jaw. With the chief physician and head. I haven’t been able to meet yet, they seem to come rarely. If I understand the claim to Rospotrebnadzor and the court correctly? “Amicably” doesn’t work out, tho. fix the “masterpiece” and donate money. Who can do an examination of all the work, because in another clinic they say, we didn’t see what happened at the beginning?

Good afternoon, Tatyana! I can understand colleagues from other clinics, because they really didn’t see what it was like before prosthetics. As far as I understand, you don’t have pictures, casts, models, photographs. But in essence, this is no longer important as it was before prosthetics. The important thing is that you cannot use your new teeth. I cannot advise how to act in this case, since I am on the other side of the barricades, and even in another country. I think you need to consult a lawyer who handles such cases; at worst, you probably have a consumer rights society. But I know that clinics try not to bring such cases to “legal showdowns”, but negotiate peacefully in the first stages of the conflict. No private clinic does the examination; this is done by special authorized organizations. I think you need to negotiate with the clinic where you got prosthetics, and at the same time look for a doctor who can help you. You do not have the right to lose the lottery the second time.

asks Tatiana Sakovich
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

Hello, Irina Alekseevna. Thank you for your answer and happy holiday to you!!! When doing prosthetics, when the work is completed, are there any generally accepted criteria by which one can judge whether the work was performed by an orthopedist, because in my situation, since January 20, 2014, the structure is still in temporary fixation, periodically flies off 5 units on the left or on the right 9. Today, having attached it to the paste, the orthopedist no longer guarantees it, but recommended that you come back in a month, then he will adjust the height. There is some kind of “pocket” on one of the teeth, which will then be filled with cement. At the next fixation with inside I chipped some ceramics from a tooth. Because One of the parts was redone, I asked the chamfers not to be darkened and it turned out better, but they are different. The orthopedist said that when he fixes it, he will whiten it, he knows some way. Although I read that while the denture is temporarily fixed, the color can be changed by the dentist. Based on the above, the question arises, what work is considered completed? But it doesn’t work out amicably, i.e. 80 thousand payments and go in peace to another clinic? and a specialist in the profession for 40 years. By the way, the algorithm for prosthetics of the lower jaw is a one-piece prosthesis or can be joined in parts, but then it is probably equivalent. Thanks in advance.

Good afternoon, Tatyana! Happy March 8th to you too! First of all, I wish you health! End of work at prosthetics occurs when the orthopedic work is fixed with permanent cement, the patient and the doctor are satisfied with the final result of the work. In your case, the end of the work is not yet in sight. There is no point in walking around with temporary cement indefinitely; the doctor can grind teeth using permanent cement. Changing the color and shape of teeth in a technical laboratory no longer makes sense, since there is a high risk of damage to the ceramics. That is, each additional firing has a negative effect on the ceramics, especially those that have been in the patient’s mouth for 1.5 months. "Amicably" in my understanding, the clinic or completely redoes the work until normal condition, or returns the money (I think in your case the second option is more preferable). 40 years of experience is not a guarantee of quality work done. Experience- This is an important point, but by no means decisive. This, of course, does not mean that you need to go to an intern to treat your teeth; you need to take into account all aspects. After all, you can work for 40 years in the same place, using the same technologies. Or you can have 10 years of experience, but constantly strive for professional growth, looking for new solutions to problems every day. Each specialist decides individually how to install prosthetics for the lower or upper jaw. I can tell you that a one-piece denture on the lower jaw is much easier to install than 14 individual teeth.

asks Nikonov Yuri Mikhailovich
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

on the lower jaw, on the chewing teeth (45,46, 47) there was a bridge (crown, cast, crown) made of gold, on top there was one crown, on the incisor - gold. The orthopedist said: “We are changing the bridge from chewing teeth to metal” - and we changed it. result - the gold crown of the incisor was ground down to a hole - they removed it, then the front teeth were ground down, the upper ones by 2 mm, the lower ones by 3 mm, the metal bridge stands still. Therapists refuse to fill the front teeth, they say that the fillings will not hold, the prosthesis is from below very deep set, no antagonist teeth made of the same metal. and that the pathological wear of my teeth will increase, since my bite was lowered during the installation of the denture on the chewing teeth lower teeth, What do we have to do? please tell me, I'm really looking forward to it. Regards, Yuri.

Good afternoon, Yuri Mikhailovich! Indeed, there was a decrease in the bite due to not entirely correct prosthetics. Need to do panoramic shot(orthopantogram) can be done here all teeth, and with the picture go for a consultation with a competent prosthetist. You need to return the previous bite height by fixing it on the crowns. The rest can then be restored, and space will appear. Below I offer you a work option for an example with an increase in bite:

Tatiana asks
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

Hello. Thank you for your answer, but after visiting another clinic they told me that it is possible to get prosthetics differently..., i.e. the work was completed, and if something is not satisfactory, then together with the specialist who did the mirror, while the temporary cement can be remade, both the color and the shape... Today, i.e. On January 20, 2014, they made a two-part prosthesis for me, again they took impressions and made them, i.e. 9 and 5 units. On the one hand, I understand the doctor, with his 40 years of experience, he was probably mistaken, in the clinic they already explain to me that everything is being done for me and the doctor fixes it at his own expense, but somehow it’s done... The chewing teeth close together, and the incisors perform. I'm trying to get used to it while the entire structure is on temporary cement. I regretted that all the teeth were depulped and visually the lower jaw was really a prosthesis. Even biting into cheese is problematic, although now they say your top ones are very short, but at least they are alive. please tell me who is right and what to do in this situation? How can you change it? if all the teeth are ground down and I read that you need to make inlays if the tooth is missing at the root, and not at the pin? Thank you very much for the answer.

Good afternoon, Tatyana! I can’t help you from a distance, especially without photographs and pictures of your teeth. If you would like my consultation, please send additional information. It’s good that the clinic and the doctor don’t give up on you and are trying to fix the problem. But as far as I understand, they are not doing very well. How you can change this should be decided by the doctor, not you. Even if they write to you how to redo the work, you will not go to the doctor and teach him how to treat your teeth. Therefore, you need to decide whether you are finishing the work where you started... Or you make a volitional decision to amicably part with the previous clinics and find a new specialist. Alas, there is no third option!!! Sincerely, Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

Tatiana asks
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

Hello. A diagnosis was made - pathological abrasion (each specialist assesses the degree differently.) because the teeth are very fragile and began to break, the lower jaw was depulped and prosthetic with metal-ceramics, but because, in my opinion, there was, 3 on the left, an early crown, the specialist did not remove and installed the prosthesis in 2 stages: 9 teeth on the right, the old crown and 4 newly made ones. All new teeth were raised by 3-4 mm. The color was chosen to match the upper jaw (gray-yellow), because the upper jaw can no longer be whitened. In another clinic they said that prosthetics can be done in different ways, i.e. 9, 1, 4 tooth, but I can redo it, i.e. I will make the single one again merged with 4, because when temporarily attached, it differs in height by 1-1.5mm. Question: what is the best way to prosthetize the jaw, if, as they say, the volume is large, is it necessary to redo the smaller part (4+1), to what height can the bite be raised, especially since the upper teeth differ significantly in height. Although it is financially problematic, it can Maybe it makes sense to get upper prosthetics at the same time. Thank you, I really need your answer, because... The prosthesis was initially made without fitting, immediately with a metal-ceramic coating, and a single tooth was redone twice. all the work is questionable, redo it... Tell me, please, what period does adaptation take? How long does it make sense to wear a prosthesis on the lower jaw in the above situation using temporary cement? Thank you.

Good afternoon, Tatyana! You are not the only one who has doubts about this work. If there is an opportunity not to install these crowns and go to a good prosthetist, you need to take advantage of the moment. How high should it be raised? bite this should be determined by the prosthetist, not the patient. To do this, he calculates total loss height and then distributes it between the upper and lower jaws. Then temporary structures are made to raise the height of the bite. You walk with temporary teeth for some time, your body and joint get used to it. At the moment when you feel that you are as comfortable as possible with these temporary teeth, only then do you move on to step-by-step dental prosthetics. By the way, to increase the height of the bite, you can use not only metal-ceramic crowns. Look for a competent specialist or you can contact our clinic for a consultation.

Lina asks
answers Bedrik Irina Alekseevna

Hello. Yesterday I had a consultation with you about tooth wear and forgot to check whether I could restore the worn cutting edge on my front teeth.

We will be able to completely restore the worn cutting edge of the front teeth, but only after full recovery chewing teeth. This is a necessary stage of comprehensive rehabilitation in your case. If you have any additional questions, please contact us at:

Lina asks
answers Dental Smile Center

Hello. I am 26 years old. I was diagnosed increased abrasion teeth [stage: flattening of the chewing surface of the teeth, dentin is exposed in some places, underbite]. I had bruxism as a teenager, now teeth grinding is possible, but not confirmed. The teeth are straight, the bite is compensated. There are plobs here and there. I really would not want to grind down living teeth for crowns. Please tell me, is it possible to improve the bite in your center using ceramic dental inlays? Thank you for your reply.

Good afternoon, Lina! Dental Smile Center performs work of this level. For consultation you need to contact your primary doctor Dental Smile Center Bedrik Irina Alekseevna. First, you need to find out whether there are bruxing movements at the moment and only then plan treatment and restoration of the masticatory organ.