Rune Laguz: Meaning and interpretation. Rune - lagus, laguz (laguz) interpretation, meaning of the rune

Laguz is a feminine rune. She is associated with the goddess Nerthus, whose sanctuary was located near the lake. Laguz is considered a powerful remedy and is used in white magic to influence the actions and decisions of other people. It is believed that if you visually draw the Laguz symbol in the area of ​​your opponent’s “third eye,” you can easily win an argument, get consent and affirmative answers to any proposals. Laguz also symbolizes love and the power of mutual attraction.

The meaning of the Laguz rune

The main meaning of the Laguz rune is water, or rather a stream to which one should surrender. This flow will lead a person to where his soul and consciousness really strive. In other words, it means following your intuition, not arguing with your inner self, but relying on it and going with it. According to the Old Norse translation, Laguz means "sorcery" or "mysticism".

The rune is responsible for the following energy flows:

  • Love;
  • emotions;
  • addictions;
  • intuition;
  • flexibility;
  • feelings.

Laguz personifies the strength that a person receives based on his life experience and his own mistakes.

Features of the Laguz rune

Laguz encourages not so much physical action as a change in moral and spiritual state. You are supposed to surrender to your intuition and listen to your own voice.

Reversed position of the Laguz rune

The inverted position of Laguz has several meanings:

  • a warning about possible danger from a woman who will soon appear in life and is capable of disrupting plans and hopes;
  • evidence that the chosen path is not correct. Or there is inaction that may have a negative impact in the future. In this case, it is necessary, relying on the inner voice, to take some action or make a decision;
  • inverted Laguz can also warn of possible overexertion, exhaustion of moral strength, going beyond the boundaries of the possible. You should stop, protect yourself, rest, and if possible, let everything take its course;
  • in business, an inverted Laguz signals the unclean thoughts of business partners, warns of betrayal and deception;
  • in fortune telling for love, an inverted rune warns of the wrong choice of a partner.

Runa Laguz in love

Laguz is considered an amulet that can attract love into life. Most often it is worn by single girls who want to find female happiness. The use of Laguz in family life is determined by the desire to stop emerging quarrels and conflicts; the rune has a positive effect on married couples, contributing to the return of former tender feelings.

In fortune telling for love, a straight rune testifies to pure and strong love, similar to the love of a mother for her child. If Laguz is inverted, you should be especially careful with your chosen one or chosen one. Perhaps there is a love spell or other evil thoughts. In other cases, an inverted Laguz signals betrayal.

Runa Laguz in a relationship

In relationships, the Laguz rune symbolizes:

  • high feelings;
  • attachment to a person;
  • sexuality;
  • harmony with your partner;
  • positive emotions.

The direct rune allows you to strengthen connections and trusting relationships, to become closer to each other physically and spiritually.

Rune Laguz in fortune telling

In fortune telling, Laguz symbolizes either an unmarried woman with strong energy and the ability to influence someone else’s life, or a female warrior.

The meanings of the runes can be different, it all depends on what the person is guessing at:

  • in fortune telling for love, Laguz can mean the presence of a loved one in life who is associated with esotericism. In this case, you should be wary of witchcraft spells;
  • in a business scenario, the rune can signal that a curse has been placed on a person and his success, preventing him from achieving his goals. Laguz will allow you to identify who caused the damage and understand the reasons;
  • in fortune-telling related to health, the presence of this rune can also speak of the evil eye, or the cause of a disease that has a mystical character. In this case, in addition to classical drug treatment, it is worth turning to an esotericist or trying traditional methods.

It is also worth paying attention to the position of the rune; it can be turned upside down, then the predictions can have the opposite meaning. You should also take into account the accompanying runes, which can radically change the meaning of Laguz.

Runes are an ancient tool that was used for various magical actions, including predicting fate, answering the questions that most concern a person, and, of course, revealing the situation in a love relationship. Runa Laguz can tell a lot about what is happening in a person’s personal life.

The runic sign “Laguz” will tell you about what is happening in the personal life of the person asking

This rune is considered quite positive. However, in the case of love spells, the opinions of practitioners who use runes as their tool are somewhat divided.

General semantic load of the rune

Before considering specific situational interpretations of runic signs, it is worth familiarizing yourself with their general meaning and main semantic load. This can be a pretty good help for more specific explanations.

The main meaning of the Laguz rune is premonition, following intuition. The energy of Mercury that fills this ancient symbol also makes it a sign of the feminine principle.

The Laguz rune is known as the water rune. The word “water” means a flow of liquid that can carry everything along with it. A person should follow the flow, which is in constant motion. Due to its connection with the element of communication, the rune is given a light green or turquoise color.

There is also a third general branch of the meaning of this runic symbol, namely:

  • protection of higher powers;
  • the opportunity to unleash the creative potential of people involved in music or other creative crafts;
  • speedy recovery and relief from vision problems.

The Laguz rune, which appears in the scenario, can also mean a quick reunion after separation, extinction and resolution of conflict situations.

To summarize, the main conclusion will be the fact that the overall meaning of the runic sign known as Laguz is quite positive. So its appearance in a reading is usually a good sign.

What does a rune in its upright position mean for relationships?

The meaning of the Laguz rune in love is quite positive. Its appearance in the scenario indicates the reciprocity of feelings, the cessation of all kinds of conflicts and separations. People in love can be sure that the near future will be filled with happiness and joy of family life, and the air will be filled with the sounds of wedding music.

The Laguz rune gives confidence that relationships are developing in the right direction, and the union can last for the rest of your life. In relationships there is reciprocity, intensity of emotions and strengthening of the connection between two people connected by threads of sincere feeling.

According to other sources, the meaning of the Laguz rune in love is a warning that magical intervention has taken place. Theoretically, the chosen one could resort to dark magic and make the person for whom the runes were laid out a victim of love spell magic.

However, this could also be done by the person’s relatives or close friends. It is quite difficult to prove the fact of intervention of higher powers. But it is still worth subjecting existing relationships to careful analysis and carefully monitoring whether there have been any sharp changes in priorities.

What is the meaning of the inverted position of the rune?

Quite often, inverted runic signs do not carry much positive information in their interpretation. This is especially true in cases where the conversation turns to love and relationships between a couple or spouses. The runic symbol Laguz is no exception to this rule.

In a relationship, the appearance of an inverted symbol does not promise a positive development of events. An inverted rune indicates to the querent that feelings have faded in his relationship, or that they did not exist at all. The emotions that a partner experiences cannot be called love, it is rather a feeling of fear or even hatred. Such a person is a punishment for the person who received this rune. And also, the appearance of an inverted rune may be a sign that there is deception or betrayal in the relationship. Women can interpret such a symbol as the presence of a rival.

An inverted Laguz runic sign can warn a woman that she has a rival in a relationship

For men, the main meaning of the inverted Laguz rune is a quick separation from your chosen one. The reason for this will be the interest in her of a person with greater influence. It is possible that the opponent used the services of strong black magicians and decided to cause damage to both the querent and his relationship. It is worth being attentive and careful to protect yourself from the consequences of the interference of magical currents.


The appearance of any rune sign in layouts can be interpreted differently. It all depends on what specific layout was made, and in what position this or that symbol fell out.

The rune, called Laguz, in most cases carries a positive meaning and good news.

Relationships are filled with harmony, feelings are mutual, and higher powers provide patronage and protection. A person’s intuition can lead him to achieve his goal and guide his life in the right direction.

An inverted runic symbol indicates that the protective cover over a person does not work, and the relationship is close to collapse. The reasons for this may be faded feelings or outside interference from a person who is interested in one of the partners or simply does not wish the person well and happiness. It is better to err on the side of caution and take steps to prevent personal disaster.

Rune name: Lagus, Laguz (Laguz)
The main meaning of the Lagus rune, Laguz (Laguz) is “the need to follow intuition.”
Additional meaning of the Lagus rune, Laguz: water, lakes, seas, fields, rivers. Rune Lagus, Laguz - rune of water and sailors. Rune of premonitions and fantasies.
Ancient Germanic name, meaning of the Lagus rune, Laguz: Laaz (Laguz)
Old Norse name, meaning of the Lagus rune, Laguz: lagur
Anglo-Saxon name, meaning of the Lagus rune, Laguz: Lagu
Ancient Celtic name, meaning of the Lagus rune, Laguz: La guss
Icelandic name name meaning of the rune Lagus, Laguz: Lögur

Rune Lagus, Laguz (Laguz) in the interpretation of its meaning speaks of the open sources of your subconscious, your intuition. Trust the guiding inner force, inner wisdom. Hear her and let her be your leader. Remember that the main meaning of the Lagus rune, Laguz (Laguz) is intuition. You will be able to see how wise the advice of your intuition is, how much you foresee its actions. Learn to trust it without additional assessments, but not passively, learn ever deeper interaction, and you will always win, since intuition never fails, even if its prompts seem illogical, as a result, it is always right.


RUNE – Lagus, Laguz (Laguz) interpretation, meaning of the rune. MORE DETAILS

It must be borne in mind that the movement of the flow of information from the subconscious can bring out whole layers of information, not always and not necessarily positive. A huge amount of suppressed fears, phobias, misunderstandings, aggression and other negative aspects often accumulate in the subconscious. When considering the meaning of the Lagus rune, Laguz (Laguz) when interpreting, you need to be able to perceive this information correctly, that is, be able to clear it by rewriting the minus to a plus. Be able to see its cause in every negative, and all aggression from your subconscious will be erased.

rune Lagus, Laguz (Laguz). Interpretation for fortune telling, the meaning of the Lagus rune, Laguz:

Main theses. Continuous movement; life process; height; recovery; Love; feelings; moon, premonition; a self-fulfilling prophecy.
In divination, the Laguz rune usually means that you are guided and protected by higher powers. This rune of creative potential is for musicians and visual arts workers. Laguz is the rune of premonition, imagination, leisurely departure, smooth change of direction. These forces carry you away like the waves of the ocean.

If the vessel is your mind, controlled and stable, in harmony with the universal forces, then you can enjoy renewal, intuition, growth and love. Whatever the situation, the main thing is to trust your sixth sense. This may seem frivolous and create a fear of losing control. But in this situation it is advisable to use exactly this behavior. You don’t need to stop and think, you don’t even need to be aware, otherwise you cannot avoid internal disagreements and stress.

Advice of the Lagus rune, Laguz. Advice of the Lagus rune, Laguz. Imagine that you are rushing with the flow, trust the waves, relax, try to feel safe. This is not the time for thinking and reflection. This is not the time to doubt your abilities, point them in the right direction. Be patient, and your fears will evaporate like dew in the sun.

Interpretation of the meaning of the Laguz rune when divining love or relationships.

When the Laguz rune appears, the rune alignment promises at first glance random, but extremely important meetings - acquaintances and contacts that appear under the sign of the Laguz rune will be very important for a long time. The Laguz rune is interpreted in the meaning of relationships as the rune of the feminine principle. Women are characterized by relaxedness and ease, both in romantic feelings and in family life. For your loved one, the Laguz rune foreshadows the appearance of a strong and intelligent woman in his life, who will turn out to be very significant.

Interpretation of runes. Rune Lagus, Laguz (Laguz) interpretation, meaning of the rune. Internal content:

Rune Lagus, Laguz (Laguz) is a rune, the meaning of which indicates the need to be guided by intuition. A time of detachment from external activity, a time of internal self-solitude. Time to penetrate the world of your sensual nature, your feelings, your emotions and stereotypes. It is necessary to restore order in your inner world, calm the raging sea of ​​emotions and hear the true voice of your intuition. Do not resist the flow of life - surrender to it, entrusting the steering wheel to your inner leaders, and be sure that these helmsmen will always skillfully choose the appropriate direction for the path of your life and the flow of events. Your task is to have fewer judgments and doubts – complete trust.

Interpretation of runes. Lagus, Laguz (Laguz) interpretation, meaning of the rune. Magic Application:

Overcoming difficult life challenges; the magic of romantic relationships (selection of a partner of convenience). Rune Lagus, Laguz (Laguz) supports a person in a difficult period for him, demanding in turn from him caution, tolerance, control over emotions and actions, diligence, prudence, courage.
Application in runic records (runescripts), also in the manufacture of runic amulets:
Laguz is the rune of intuition and imagination.

Increasing vital energy, well-being, sharpening intuition. RUNE – Lagus, Laguz (Laguz) will help develop and manifest hidden occult abilities, facilitates the processes of cognition and penetration into secrets. RUNE – Lagus, Laguz (Laguz) in ordinary life can contribute to marriage, ending separation and overcoming disagreements with a partner. The rune will also help to complete the research begun and resolve problems.

Use in rune records:

Rune Lagus, Laguz (Laguz) meaning in the entry - To establish contact with intuitive flows.
Rune Lagus, Laguz (Laguz) meaning in the entry - To increase the potential of energy and vitality (especially for women).
Rune Lagus, Laguz (Laguz) meaning in the entry - For the accumulation of internal energy.
Rune Lagus, Laguz (Laguz) meaning in the entry - In love magic.

The Laguz rune is traditionally associated with the image of water, but by no means in all its diversity. Laguz is rather a simple and sincere Hler (the god of the sea among the ancient Scandinavians) than his furious and persistent wife Ran (the embodiment of the storm).

  • The meaning of the Laguz rune: water, intuition, imagination
  • Rune transliteration: L (L)
  • Old Norse version of the name: lagur
  • Norwegian name: Laukr or Lögr
  • The name of the rune among the ancient Icelanders: Lögur
  • Name used by the Celts and Goths: Lagus
  • The name of the Laguz rune among the ancient Germans: Laaz or Laguz
  • Anglo-Saxon variant: Lagu

The meaning of the Laguz rune in fortune-telling practice can be reduced to the image of a lake, which among northern shamans was a symbol of peace, meditation, concentration and potential. And at the same time, this is a world of pure creativity, unlimited imagination, space of thought.

The meaning of the Laguz rune in the upright position

The meaning of the Laguz rune in the upright position is always positive, regardless of the context. This is renewal, joy, a new round of life, a new path. In business it is achieving a goal, in creativity it is revelation. Rune Laguz in a relationship says that everything happens as it should and you will be happy.

The meaning of Laguz can have many aspects depending on the other runes of the alignment, but almost always it is about the fact that you are moving in unison with the universe, so it completely helps you on your path. Laguz is often called the rune of poets and painters, but its meaning in this sense is broader - we are talking about a new flow, strong but soft, which smoothly turns you in the right direction and carries you forward.

The Laguz rune in love indicates that you listen to your heart and do the right thing, and if you still have doubts, it’s time to start acting, because a better moment may not present itself. For the sphere of love, Laguz is generally very positive; she speaks of moving forward together, of internal emotional growth, and trust.

Please note that in fortune telling, the meaning of the Laguz rune can often indicate the need to let go of the helm and give the ship the opportunity to move independently, obeying the gusts of the changeable wind. Here many may be afraid of losing control, but sometimes it is really necessary. Sometimes there is no other way to move forward, to find yourself.

Laguz in an upright position suggests that you should trust circumstances. Fears are far-fetched, you need to relax, stop worrying about what is happening. This will allow the mind and emotions to rest, so that they can then rush towards achieving their cherished goal with fresh strength.

The Laguz rune indicates that you are in vain questioning your talents and capabilities. You probably have doubts because of those around you who are passing on their own insecurities to you. Ignore them, be yourself, you can do more than you think!

The meaning of the Laguz rune in an inverted position

The meaning of the Laguz rune in an inverted position can be extremely negative in any aspect. This is an indication of an obstacle, an erroneous judgment, a lack of understanding of the truth behind what is happening. They hid something from you or you yourself did not understand something, because you were too bogged down in everyday problems and lost the purity of perception.

Inverted Laguz in love very often indicates betrayal, more often on the part of a woman. The remaining runes of the alignment, coupled with the characteristics of the situation itself, will be more accurate. Also, the meaning of an inverted Laguz may be associated with strong emotional stress, or perhaps you have simply chosen a goal that you either cannot achieve or really do not want. Here you have to stop and think hard.

The appearance of an inverted Laguz in a reading is always a warning. Warning about a crash, discord, critical error. That is, often we are not talking about the situation itself, but about its consequences, one of the probable futures. In a relationship, Laguz may indicate that you took wishful thinking, believed your feelings when you shouldn’t have. Betrayal may await you, and from those you trusted the most.

Another aspect of the meaning of the Laguz rune in an inverted position is a breakdown as a result of an attempt to overcome oneself. Perhaps you invested too much in the wrong direction (for example, in business), but were not able to get the desired return. In other words, you have spent energy, but now you are unable to replenish it. This is a problem, but a solvable one. Your assistant here is calm and time.

Remember that your powers are not limitless. And don’t forget that, following the absolute, sooner or later you will reach the edge and for most this is a total breakdown of the individual. So, perhaps, it is better to let the ideal remain unattainable. The Laguz rune in this sense gives you the key - you don’t have to give up the goal to understand that this is not really what you need.

An inverted Laguz in a fortune-telling reading can almost always be characterized by one succinct phrase - you are drowning in a puddle. And in order to get out of this situation, which has become difficult largely due to the fact that you have driven yourself into a corner or simply screwed it up, you need to take a break.

To break now means to lose what is important and dear to you. Moderate your nervousness, overcome temptation, suppress your excitement. And understand the main thing - no one will defeat your own demons for you.

Using the Laguz rune in rituals

Outside of a fortune-telling situation, the meaning of the Laguz rune allows you to use it to accumulate potential and increase vitality. In meditative practices, Laguz helps to strengthen intuition, demonstrate and develop occult abilities, and accelerate the comprehension of certain knowledge and secrets.

In a coastal context, Laguz can facilitate the movement of your ship through the changing waves of the world's oceans. It will make it easier and more accurate to perceive the world around you, in relationships it will provide the opportunity to interrupt the period of separation, heal wounds and get rid of quarrels. She will give an epic ending to the work, and will tell the scientist how best to summarize his research. Simply put, Laguz is a problem-solving rune.

Using the Laguz rune in runescripts

As in meditative practice, in runescripts the Laguz rune helps to accumulate strength, strengthen intuition, and find the right direction. For example, the combination “Gebo Laguz”, supplemented with the target rune, will level the scales and allow you to fight on the same terms with any opponent, even one significantly superior to you. But remember that sooner or later you have to pay for everything. And everyone pays, without exception.

The runescript “Soulu Laguz” will help you overcome a painful condition, recover from weakness and doubts. If this combination is supplemented with a target rune, then you can solve a specific health problem or understand the current situation by quickly identifying the source of the problems.

Another popular version of the runic notation “Ansuz Laguz” is a simple, and therefore most effective option for stimulating intuition. Such a runescript helps you understand yourself and/or the person you care about. “Ansuz Laguz” strengthens the connection with the subconscious, accumulated experience, the past, helps to comprehensively analyze what is happening, turning to those layers of reality that you usually don’t even notice.

In general, Laguz is used infrequently in runescripts, because the action of this rune is always continued in time, it is not an instant or even quick result. On the other hand, Laguz is a universal rune and its potential can only be compared with the potential of the Uruz rune, it is so strong and comprehensive.

Rune Laguz and its interpretation in shamanic esotericism

Laguz is the subconscious, its plasticity and unlimitedness. But - not lack of control, because the subconscious can and should be controlled. At the same time, Laguz is the core, the energy that permeates all layers of existence. And here it is important to note one fundamental point. In fact, many runes contain the semantics of potential, for example, Uruz. But Laguz is a potential not as a given, but a realized or realizable potential.

Northern shamans saw Laguz as a powerful cleansing force, which, like water, can be everywhere around us, we can feel it, sense it, although we are not part of it. That is why such power is best used for cleansing, in every sense. And it’s not for nothing that the image of a lake is often mentioned in connection with the Laguz rune, because even the Old Norse name of the rune “lagu” itself means “lake”.

Considering that water was originally considered the ideal substance for changing the phase of existence (the transition between worlds or states), it is not surprising that shamans called Laguz the gate. This is a rune of transition, depending on the context - liberation, rebirth, awareness and even revelation.

  • Potential of the Laguz rune: expanded perception, sharpening of intuition, liberation from what interfered.
  • Basic esoteric qualities: practical experience, plasticity, transition from one to another, meditation (related concepts are peace and concentration).
  • The practical aspect in esotericism: the rune helps you understand your own feelings and emotions, correctly interpret your experience and your desires.
  • Calling the Laguz rune: listen to your intuition and never forget about the experience gained.

Rune Laguz is a meditative image aimed at self-development. She helps everyone (adventurers, poets, scientists, lovers) and in everything (find what they want, achieve their goal). But most importantly, Laguz teaches how to be happy while remaining yourself.

Ancient Germanic name, meaning of the Lagus rune, Laguz: Laaz (Laguz)
Old Norse name, meaning of the Lagus rune, Laguz: lagur
Anglo-Saxon name, meaning of the Lagus rune, Laguz: Lagu
Ancient Celtic name, meaning of the Lagus rune, Laguz: La guss
Icelandic name name meaning of the rune Lagus, Laguz: Lögur

The rune of water, primarily flowing, moving water, energy flow. Witchcraft, magic using water. Powerful energy flow. This is the force that gives energy to knowledge coming from the bottom up. A movement whose basis and purpose is the exchange of energy. This is one aspect.

The second aspect is related to information exchange. This is a power that gives knowledge coming from the bottom up. Intuition, subconscious information.

The third aspect is related to the formation of personality. We have a powerful element rushing without stopping. And we have an equally powerful information flow coming out of the subconscious. Moreover, often, the second thread initiates the first. This second stream has everything. And the most important information, and instincts, phobias, and various habits, expressed in a persistent need. Who wins? Either you will be carried away by a wave, or you will be able to jump on this wave and rush on it to your goal, overcoming distances and obstacles. Either instincts and habits will form ropes out of you, or you will be able to overcome and use them to move forward, by redistributing energy. Here you use the energy that has already been released for the implementation of subconscious aspirations (subconscious aspirations include the mechanism for releasing energy) for some other purpose. So you will not be able to achieve success in the third aspect, the first and second aspects may turn out to be unattainable.

Prediction value

Direct position of the rune

Laguz personifies a woman and portends a quick resolution of all her problems. If this rune is in an upright position during fortune telling, then its meanings are as follows:
important events that will happen in the near future;
intuition, good memory;
abilities and talent;
long-awaited and well-deserved rest;
revaluation of values;
support from friends and influential people.

Since this rune is associated with feelings and emotions, in the upright position it denotes good emotions. Its occurrence in love relationships is especially favorable - here it will mean that the object has tender feelings for you, and maybe even strong affection and love (see the meanings of all runes in fortune telling for relationships here).

There is an expression “being in the flow”, and in layouts for life situations, the Laguz rune often shows that you are “in the flow” and this situation will “flow” in a direction favorable for you.

Also denotes in layouts things that you like, that you love. For example, your favorite job.

If you needed advice, then the fallen straight line Laguz can advise you to listen to your intuition, work with dreams, and also not be afraid (I just believe that the energy of love is opposite to the energy of fear). Sometimes he advises using magical means (although I am more inclined to the Evaz rune as a rune of magic). She also often advises going with the flow and not making sudden movements.

Somehow I got the direct Laguz rune in my monthly reading. Firstly, it was this month that I realized that I was in love with the man I was dating at the time. This is due to its meaning as a rune of love. Secondly, I moved to another apartment, and I cleaned this apartment a lot, washed, washed and washed, probably for more than a week from morning to evening. Horror. (this is me interpreting the Laguz rune as water and as a cleansing rune). In addition, it was this month that I got a job as a doctor in the blood service. And blood is the main fluid of our body.

Yes, here’s something else I think needs to be mentioned about Laguz in the upright position. It is often interpreted as passivity in a negative aspect, as a tendency to let everything take its course. I do not agree with this interpretation. For me, this rune is direct and, as a rule, always positive. And I really love it when it appears in layouts. And passivity for me is usually symbolized by an inverted Teyvaz or an inverted Raido.

Advice of the Lagus rune, Laguz. Advice of the Lagus rune, Laguz. Imagine that you are rushing with the flow, trust the waves, relax, try to feel safe. This is not the time for thinking and reflection. This is not the time to doubt your abilities, point them in the right direction. Be patient, and your fears will evaporate like dew in the sun.

Reversed rune position

If the Laguz rune is in an inverted position, then its meanings change:
impending misfortune;
the need for active action to get out of an unpleasant situation;
problems because of some woman.

In fortune telling for love, the appearance of an inverted Laguz is always very unfavorable. It will mean that there is no love anymore, or maybe there never was, and it is also possible that the object hates or is afraid of you. Also in these layouts it can symbolize a rival.

In layouts for other life situations, Laguz in an inverted position can be interpreted as meaning that this situation will bring a lot of pain, disappointment and other negative emotions. Or that you are rowing against the current (for me, rowing against the current does not mean struggling with difficult circumstances, but means rowing against the natural flow of life).

In addition, the inverted Laguz can symbolize your fears and the fact that you do not listen to your intuition at all, although it is already hoarse for you to scream.

Sometimes it is interpreted as a rune of negative magical effects.

Advice of the Lagus rune, Laguz. It looks like you are caught in a swamp. Try to control yourself: you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Use in magic

For magical purposes, the Laguz rune can be used for:
entering into a successful marriage;
preventing and resolving conflicts;
opportunities to influence people's opinions;
the emergence of new friendships;
penetration into secrets and mysteries.

Interpretation for one-rune fortune telling
If you get Laguz during one-run fortune telling, you should change your habits and views, get rid of shortcomings, increase your intellectual level, gain courage and pay attention to the circumstances and what is happening around you - perhaps life itself is leading you in the right direction.

Sphere of Intuition
You are not prone to abstract thinking, so you do not trust your intuition and do not listen to your inner voice. Your opinion and view of the circumstances are based on specific facts.

Sphere of Emotions
You can be called an emotional person, despite your practicality, seriousness and pedantry. Often you suppress your emotions, using a rational approach to any matter.

Field of professional activity
Due to your character and temperament, you can achieve considerable success in professions such as lawyer, politician, accountant, manager, etc.

Sphere of physical activity
You take on a large amount of work and cope with it successfully thanks to your excellent physical shape.

Sphere of the Mind
You are one of the people who are pedantic and practical. In resolving any issues, you use a rational approach and never give up in the face of difficult life circumstances and obstacles.


1. Tiwaz-Fehu-Laguz. The formula has been tested and has given good results. The person gains courage and stamina and is ready to begin a new stage and persevere forward in this new stage. Example: Applying this formula to a woman makes her a warrior woman.
2. ALU. Ansuz-Laguz-Uruz. Help of the gods. If you put Algiz at the end, then there will be protection of the gods. If you put Gebo at the end, then this is love given by heaven. At the same time, there is a common interpretation that the thematic rune should be placed first. And finish it with a dot at the level of the middle of the sign (separator). Or this sign - the separator - also looks like three vertical dots. Sowilo:Ansuz-Laguz-Uruz – luck given by the gods. Algiz:Ansuz-Laguz-Uruz – protection granted by the gods. Fehu-Othal:Ansuz-Laguz-Uruz – monetary (material) success, business success, bestowed by the gods.
4. Raidho-Eihwaz-Laguz. Safety on the road, while traveling. Good luck on the journey, ensuring the journey itself. There will be no problems or obstacles along the way.
5. Laguz-Gebo-Berkano-Sowilo. This is a women's love amulet. Here we are talking about the formation of powerful feminine properties, and the readiness to become a pole, potential, of feminine (Yin) energy, closing the Man-Woman chain, attracting masculine energy. But here there is an active female position - this is emphasized by the fact that the Laguz rune appears at the beginning.
Women's love amulet: Kenaz-Gebo-Laguz-Sowilo. Such a woman is an Amazon. Previously, in this amulet, instead of Sowilo, the Wunjo rune was placed, which added joy to the idea, but at the same time did not emphasize SUCCESS.
6. Tiwaz-Eihwaz-Laguz. Invulnerability in battle. It uses the strength of a man and the flexibility of a woman.
7. Laguz-Gebo-Berkano. Here we are building a Woman-Woman system. An active woman (Amazon) receives more strength, energy and Amazonian qualities (some correction occurs), and a passive Woman receives more feminine strength and qualities. Again, we can talk about correction. And Gebo ensures polarization and builds the Amazon-Woman chain itself.
8. Healing after surgery, tissue regeneration - Algiz-Laguz-Perhtro-Ingwaz.
9. Algiz-Laguz-Berkano-Sowilo - a healing formula that focuses on psychological factors. The second antidepressant is Algiz-Laguz-Uruz-Sowilo. The third is Algiz-Laguz-Kenaz-Sowilo. Here we are talking about the treatment of so-called obsessive states, clearly expressed fears, visions. The second application is issues related to vision. And here, first of all, this will concern “internal” vision. If we further work with this formula, then we can talk about the opening of the third eye with the Ehwaz-Laguz-Kenaz-Mannaz formula.
10. Kenaz–Algiz–Laguz – protection of fire and water. Protection of two energies.
11. Healing after surgery, tissue regeneration - Algiz-Laguz-Perhtro-Ingwaz.
12. Sowilo-Laguz-Mannaz–Laguz-Sowilo. A formula for overcoming an inferiority complex, uncertainty in thoughts, in oneself, in one’s ideas.
13. Laguz-Gebo-Sowilo - telepathy.
14. Laguz-Nauthiz-XXX-Nauthiz-Laguz. Disguise of coercion. If the target has a strong will, coercion can cause a backlash in him. Even knowing that he is wrong, a person will stand his ground. The effect of Laguz here masks the effect of the Nauthiz rune very well. The object itself finds a reason to abandon its previous decision, and Nauthiz successfully forces it to take the necessary actions. Applicable in any duress situation.

Vinany formulas:

Laguz-Jera-Laguz. Normalization of kidney function.

With kidney treatment: Laguz-Perthro-Jera-Perthro-Laguz

Normalization of the lymphatic system: Jera-Laguz-Jera.

FUTHARK Runic Alphabet and its Wizardry interpretation