Fortune telling technique using Lenormand cards. Lenormand fortune telling on playing cards

They can be different, depending on the task and the result that we want to get after fortune telling. Most of the layouts for the small deck are taken from the book by A. Kotelnikova “Lessons in Prediction with Maria Lenormand”.

(4 cards). To study a specific issue, we recommend the “Numerological” layout or, as it is also called, “Development and Advice”. When fortune telling, the serial number of the Lenormand card and the position of the card are actively used; combinations of cards are not taken into account in the layout. Only the value of the Lenormand card is taken into account. All 36 cards are used for the layout, but only 4 cards need to be revealed to determine the development of the issue.

To fortune-tell a situation and get a general idea of ​​a specific situation, you can use a simple “Situation” layout.

The layout of the Lenormand cards will tell you quite accurately about the prospects for the development of the situation without any special details. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller's personal card is used - the “blank” card. This layout has a very wide range of applications. It is indispensable in cases where you need to quickly and accurately get an idea of ​​​​a matter and find out the possible result.

(9 cards). For more detailed fortune telling and consideration of the situation that worries you, it is better to use the “9 cards” layout. Unlike the 4-card “Situation” layout, in this layout of the Lenormand cards, knowing their meaning, you can study a specific issue or serious problem in more detail. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller's personal card is used - the “blank” card.

(5 cards). To obtain information about the state of affairs in the professional life of the fortuneteller and advice on what can be done to improve the situation, a simple fortune-telling “Five Elements” using card numbers is used. The layout advice is based on adding the numbers of the first four Lenormand cards. Combinations of cards are not taken into account, only the position of the card and its meaning play a role. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller’s personal card is also used - the “blank” card.

. To describe relationships and existing feelings, determine what awaits the couple and what they can achieve together, they use the “Two” layout. “Significator” cards are laid out on the table, indicating the pair of interest. As a result of the layout, a characteristic of the relationship is obtained for each of the partners and for the couple as a whole, using the numerological meaning of the Lenormand cards.

(16 cards). For a more detailed study of relationships and obtaining final conclusions, the “Short” layout is used, it is also called the “Small” layout. The “short” layout is considered complex and requires some experience with Lenormand cards. It takes into account the independent meaning of each card, the position occupied, paired combinations of cards and the position relative to the “blank” card. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller’s personal card is also used - the “blank” card.

(21 cards). For a fairly detailed forecast for a short period of time, the “7 houses” layout is used. This layout is also considered quite complex. In addition to the independent meanings of each Lenormand card, fortune telling takes into account the position occupied and paired combinations of cards. This layout predicts events that usually occur within the next month. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller’s personal card is also used - the “blank” card.

(36 cards). To search for lost objects and missing people and determine the possible location of the loss and the direction of the search, use the “Search” layout. The meaning of positions is related to the accepted meanings of houses in astrology. In fortune telling, the Lenormand card, which is responsible for the loss, is determined, and by its position in the layout, the possible location of the loss is determined.

Layout "4 rows" (36 cards). For fortune telling for a certain period, the “4 rows” layout is used. Before laying out the cards, at the request of the questioner, determine the time for which the Lenormand cards are laid out, this can be a day, a month, a year or the rest of your life. The card of the questioner is found - the “significator”, in relation to which the entire layout is interpreted. See "The Big Deal".

(36 cards). To make a detailed forecast for a planned period of time, use the “Big Alignment” layout. The “Big Layout” is one of the most complex layouts; in this Lenormand fortune telling, experienced fortune tellers take into account the independent meanings of each Lenormand card, the positions of the cards, paired combinations of cards, the location of the cards relative to the “blank” card, and complex relationships with other cards. The position of the questioner’s card itself is also taken into account; it does not always end up in the center of the layout. The houses, mirrors and correspondence in which the interpreted cards are located are also taken into account. Consider the connection between significators, their position relative to each other.

To clarify some unclear points, immediately after the “Big Layout” they make a “4 rows” layout, in which 4 rows of 9 cards are laid out. They interpret incomprehensible cards in the “Big Layout” through the “4 rows” layout, clarifying the fortune-telling according to the same rules as in the “Big Layout”, considering the necessary card in a new position for it using houses, mirrors, correspondence and other relationships. The “4 rows” layout can be done as an independent layout and according to the same rules as the “Big layout”.

The layout (1 card) is an instant layout of one card by Maria Lenormand, it takes a minimum of time and allows you to quickly tell fortunes for the near future and foresee the events of the coming day.

(1 card) will tell you a lot about the person you are interested in, will reveal the most secret corners of his soul and prepare you to meet any person fully armed. The numerology of the date of birth and the serial number of the Lenormand card are actively used here.

(36 cards). To find out about upcoming important events in a certain period of time, use the “Gypsy layout”. Before shuffling the cards, as in the previous layout, you need to set the period of time that you will study. The “Gypsy layout” also takes into account not only the independent meanings of each Lenormand card, but also the location of the card relative to the questioner’s card and the relationship with other cards. The decisive point of interpretation is the card of the questioner. Gypsies call this form of interpretation "drawing a cross into the past, present and future." Knowing the meaning of each card position, it is easy to understand the meaning of the Lenormand cards in the Lenormand fortune-telling layout.

Layouts for fortune telling on the Lenormand astro-mythological deck are considered separately on the “” page and are used if it is necessary to obtain a detailed study of any issue and choose the right strategy for further behavior.

Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand (Le Normand or Lenormand) was born on May 27, 1772 in Alençon, a small town fifty leagues from Paris. Her father was a wealthy textile merchant. Even in the boarding school of the Benedictine monastery, where her father sent her, she became famous for her successful predictions: for example, the boss, whom little Maria predicted that she would not have long to stay in the monastery, was indeed soon transferred to another place.

With the death of their father, the family's wealth ended, and the Lenormands moved to Paris. There she first worked as a saleswoman, but soon her unusual talent in fortune-telling manifested itself and in 1790, together with a friend, she opened her own “salon” on the Rue de Tournon, in which she predicted the fate of willing ladies and gentlemen using cards, astrology and other methods.

Very soon, Mademoiselle Lenormand's salon gained enormous popularity. All the “light” of the then revolutionary Paris was in it. In 1793, the salon was visited by Marat, Saint-Just and Robespierre. She predicted violent death for all three. And so it happened: Jean-Paul Marat was mortally wounded by Charlotte Corday a few months later, and the other two were arrested and executed a year later.

But the greatest fame, of course, was brought to Marie Lenormand by her friendship with Josephine Beauharnais, the wife of the young General Bonaparte. At the first meeting, the fortune teller predicted a crown for her. Neither Josephine nor Napoleon himself believed the fortune teller at the time, but less than ten years had passed before the fortune-telling came true. Having come to power, Napoleon did not forget the lucky soothsayer: he presented her with a million francs, and she became the personal fortune teller of Empress Josephine. And she predicted not only a divorce from Napoleon, but even the defeat of the French army in Russia.

The cards that Maria Lenormand used for fortune telling were the most ordinary. Only she had her own interpretation, largely based on the rules of fortune telling introduced by Eteilla. After her death (1843), no special cards, much less notes about fortune-telling, survived, although Lenormand wrote a lot.

The most successful reconstruction of Maria Lenormand's system was undertaken by the Flemish fortune teller Erna Drusbeke. Erna Drusbeke van Enge was born in 1952 in Antwerp, into a Belgian-Dutch family. She is an artist, and has drawn various maps herself since childhood. She owns a divination system (and deck) called the Isis Tarot. Having become interested in the history of Maria Lenormand, Erna Drusbeke, who herself has quite good occult abilities, tried to restore her divination system from the memoirs of her contemporaries.

When fortune telling, Erna Drusbeke does not take into account the upright and inverted positions of the cards. To facilitate the work of intuition, Erna Drusbeke provided 36 cards of an ordinary French deck with symbolic drawings, the interpretation of which is not difficult: it is clear that the sun means joy, warmth and light, the ring means marriage, and the cross means suffering.

To interpret any card, it is also important which cards surround it. Thus, the relatively neutral card “Clover”, meaning expectation or hope, in combination with “Clouds”, “Mountain” and “Snake” foreshadows trouble, and with “Garden”, “Pisces” or “Bouquet” - success and good luck.

To get acquainted with the fortune-telling system of Maria Lenormand, we offer you several options for online fortune-telling, developed for these cards.

Dear friends, we are pleased to inform you that a deck of cards by Maria Lenormand has appeared on our website. Now, thanks to free online fortune telling by Maria Lenormand, you can find answers to all your questions.

For those who are not yet familiar with the French Sibyl - Marie Lenormand, we offer a brief excursion into her life. Maria's name is widely known outside of France. After all, it was she who predicted the Russian Decembrists Pavel Pestel and Sergei Muravyov-Apostol to die on the gallows, which at that time was not used at all in Russia. It was she who predicted glory, crown and wealth for Napoleon Bonaparte, and then defeat, exile and death alone, after he parted with Josephine, a woman sent to him from above. It was she who predicted the imminent death of the Russian Emperor Alexander the First if he did not abdicate the throne. It was she who told Marie Antoinette that she had very little time left to live, and that the guillotine lay ahead. It was the French Sibyl who revealed the terrible news to Marat, Robespierre and Saint-Just, the greatest figures of the French Revolution, that violent death awaited them. Thanks to such terrible predictions that always came true, Maria Lenormand was nicknamed Black Maria.

Lenormand, born in 1772, was raised in a Benedictine convent. It was there that her parents sent her. The girl was ugly: skewed shoulders, legs of different lengths. It was for this reason that, out of harm’s way, she was sent to be raised by sister nuns. By the age of sixteen, Maria had studied all the books on numerology and magic available in the monastery. It was at this age, and maybe even earlier, that she began to fulfill her first predictions. A deck of cards helped her in this, which Maria felt, in the literal sense of the word. The cards spoke to the fortuneteller. Until now, no one has been able to explain this phenomenon. However, the fact remains a fact.

In order to tell fortunes online using Maria Lenormand cards, you need to decide on the question that concerns you. Next, go to the required section and begin fortune telling.

You are holding in your hands a unique book that contains the most current methods of fortune telling with Madame Lenormand cards, as well as tells about their origin and describes the meaning of each card. With the help of fortune telling on Lenormand cards, you will be able not only to get independent advice about your own future, but also to find what is missing or find out how this or that person treats you. The book may be of interest to many people who want to look behind the veil of secrecy. For experienced practitioners it will be a good reminder, and for beginners it will be an excellent guide. The information offered here may turn out to be very relevant in light of the spread of other systems and traditions of fortune telling by cards, since the Lenormand system differs in many ways from the already familiar Tarot cards and other oracles. If you wish, it is not difficult to learn how to tell fortunes on cards on your own, because the information presented in this book is quite detailed: not only the cards themselves are described, but also different methods of fortune telling - from the simplest to the large gypsy layout. From the book you can also learn about how the tradition of fortune telling on these cards was born, and who exactly brought it to us in the form in which it currently exists. If you are just starting to guess, then when you pick up a deck of cards, trust your intuition, but remember that you are the masters of your own destiny!

From the series: Practical Magic (Phoenix)

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by liters company.

About Madame Lenormand's methods of fortune telling with cards

Before we begin to describe the various types of fortune telling using the Lenormand system, I would like to make a small digression.

The examples that will be given below intentionally begin with a description of simple methods of fortune telling, so that even an unprepared person can understand the system of fortune telling using a deck of cards developed by a famous soothsayer. And it's really not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Using simple layouts, over time you can get used to this unusual deck and remember the meaning of each card. The whole point is with what desire and interest one approaches fortune-telling, the process of which is somewhat similar to creativity and touches the very depths of the human “I”. Therefore, when picking up cards, you must not only want to know the future, but also try to release all the power of intuition and imagination, listening to your inner feelings. This approach will best help you understand what the cards want to say, especially since the images on the cards, as mentioned above, greatly contribute to this, that is, they are largely associative.

Next, fortune telling methods will be presented for every taste, giving you the opportunity to find out your future. For beginners, the simplest wish fortune telling is suitable, where just one card can tell you what to expect next and what to do to avoid danger or not be caught off guard by impending troubles. At the same time, when guessing for the future, a beginner can become familiar with the combinations of cards, as they are laid out in order one after another.

In addition, fortune telling will be described, which will certainly be of interest to people who want to find their other half or simply want to know what to expect from this or that person entering their life. Simple layouts for a new person or person will help them with this.

We will also talk about such a specific fortune-telling as a plan for finding a missing item. It in itself is very interesting and not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, and a detailed description and a diagram according to which you need to lay out the cards will help you understand it.

And then it will be possible to move on to more complex layouts, such as the small and large, or gypsy, layout, which a beginner can begin when he has fully mastered the basics of fortune telling - the meaning and combinations of cards.

Simple fortune telling for the future

Take a full deck of thirty-six cards and shuffle thoroughly, concentrating on your own thoughts and desires. Then start opening one card at a time from above, saying to yourself: “Ace, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king.” Without stopping opening the cards, after the king, continue the list, starting again with the ace. Put those cards that match the names in order aside.

When the deck runs out, start revealing the cards from the beginning without shuffling them and continuing to say the names in the same order.

Having done this three times, put the rest of the deck aside and begin to interpret the meaning of the matching cards based on their combination with each other.

Fortune telling for a person

This is a fairly simple fortune telling that will help you characterize a person. Find a Gentleman in the deck if you are fortune telling for a man, or a Lady if you are fortune telling for a woman, and place the desired card in the center of the table.

Focus on the image of this person. Then carefully shuffle the remaining cards and randomly draw three cards from the deck, which you place around the key one. After this, you can open the cards and see their meaning.

Fortune telling for a wish or for the future

This is a rather interesting way of fortune telling. Take a deck of thirty-six cards and choose the card that corresponds to the current hour, i.e. the desired number. For example, the Messenger is the first card, and it corresponds to one in the morning, and the twenty-fourth card, the Heart, will complete the day.

The central card will be the one drawn first. Place the deck face down, remove twelve cards from above, and place the thirteenth under the central one - this card will be responsible for the past. After this, shuffle the cards, take out the thirteenth card again and place it to the left of the central one - it will show the events occurring in a person’s life in the present. After counting the next thirteenth card, place it on the right - it will also indicate the present. And finally, the last card drawn in this way must be placed on top of the central card - it will represent the future. When the cards run out during the countdown, you will have to take the ones that have already been worked out and, shuffling them, count out the thirteenth card from their number.

Fortune telling by wish

Shuffle the deck of thirty-six cards very carefully and, having made a wish and concentrating on it, draw one card at random, which will be the answer to the question you asked and will tell you whether the wish will come true.

Fortune telling for search

This layout is specifically used to help find something lost, be it a person or a thing.

In this layout, the designation of positions is based on the meaning of houses that are accepted in astrology.

As in all other cases, before starting fortune telling, you must carefully shuffle the cards.

But there is one nuance in the scenario for a lost item - before you start shuffling the deck, you need to find a card that will symbolize the loss. How to do this?

If we are talking about finding a person, you will need the following cards:

28. Gentleman;

13. Child.

Each of these cards will represent a man, woman or child respectively. But sometimes other maps are used to find people, for example:

7. Snake – if you need to find an intruder or an attacker;

14. Fox - find a deceiver, a trickster;

15. Bear - find a missing boss or patron;

18. Dog - find a missing friend.

These cards will more accurately characterize the person you are looking for.

In addition, we often cannot find any thing, the fate of which is very worrying.

Other cards can serve this purpose. Here, some people have difficulty choosing the right cards, so it is better to use your imagination and approach fortune telling creatively.

For those who still find it difficult, we can offer some ready-made notations.

1. Messenger - various means of communication (cell phone, fax and the like), as well as all kinds of storage media (flash card, disk, etc.).

3. Ship – any means of transportation (cars, etc.).

9. A bouquet of flowers is a universal card that can be used to indicate any lost thing that means a lot to a person or was given by someone.

11. Scythe – weapons and cutting or piercing instruments.

21. Mountain – precious or semi-precious stones.

25. Ring – any jewelry.

26. Book – a book itself or any other paper storage medium.

27. Letter – correspondence, letters, documents.

33. Key – actual keys or other small metal objects.

34. Pisces - values, mainly money (if in combination with this card you choose, for example, any card of flowers - Clover, Bouquet of Flowers or Lilies - then in this way you can designate any beautiful thing or piece of art).

31. Sun - gold jewelry.

32. Moon – silver jewelry, any silver items.

Once the desired card is selected, carefully shuffle the deck. Then the cards are laid out three for each of the twelve houses and opened until one of the houses contains the card you need.

Information about the loss will need to be interpreted based on the combination of this card with two neighboring ones.

Map layout for search

Meaning of Houses

The First House is the personal space of the one who has lost something.

Perhaps this is a house or premises where this person spends a lot of time and also stores personal belongings. What is lost is very close and will definitely be found soon. The time that will be spent searching for a thing is calculated in hours or even minutes, and the direction in which to search is east.

Second House - perhaps an item that cannot be found is not lost in the literal sense of the word, but lost among other personal items, or may be in a box or safe where cash is usually kept. As a rule, this House directly points to places where money, jewelry cases or other valuables are kept. The search will also not take too much time; you should search in the direction of the northeast.

The Third House is most likely a place related to the possessions of familiar people, neighbors or relatives, but it can also be a place for activities. You should try to look for the lost item in places where books, letters, papers, and writing materials may be stored.

The item may be in the mailbox, if it is correspondence, or in your own car. It will be found within just a few days, the direction is northeast.

The Fourth House is guaranteed to indicate that what is lost is in your own home. This could be a room where your elderly relatives live, a kitchen, or a place where there is land - a garden or vegetable garden. In addition, there is a possibility that what was lost may be in the parental home or the home of close relatives. The item will be found within a few days, the direction is north.

Fifth House - the place of loss can be a children's room, a place for entertainment and relaxation, a bedroom, and in a broader sense - a theater, an exhibition, a gambling house, a disco and even a place for secret meetings of lovers. It is noteworthy that this item is not in plain sight and needs to be looked for more carefully than was done before. The search direction is north-northwest.

Sixth House - the place of loss could be a place of work or service, for example a government agency, hospital or clinic, and a room where meetings are held.

There is also a possibility that the item is in your own home, but in a place that serves as a personal office. It is also possible that this is a place where pets are kept. To find a lost item, you need to try hard and spend a lot of time searching for it. The direction in which to look for it is west of northwest.

Seventh House - what is lost is in the personal belongings of your spouse or partner, or perhaps a companion.

But more often than not, finding an item in this particular House makes it clear that it was most likely stolen and its return to the rightful owner is highly doubtful. The search direction is west.

The Eighth House is very unfavorable for loss. A person while searching for his thing may be in serious danger, or the thing itself may have already become unusable - disassembled or broken. The search direction is southwest.

Ninth House – the place where the item you are looking for is lost can be a temple, an institute or a church. It may also be located in the boss's office or in a building owned by a parent organization.

In any case, what you are looking for is very close. And, nevertheless, several months may be spent searching. The direction in which you should look for your loss is south-southwest.

Tenth House - the missing item is with your employers, at your workplace. However, this could be any place where you usually work or do business. The search in this case may last a few days, and the direction in which to search is south.

The Eleventh House represents the place where securities or financial documents are kept. True, there is a possibility that this place could be some kind of club or any other establishment where friends meet. It is possible that the lost item is in your own home and it makes sense to look for it in the living room. It can take weeks to find a lost item. The direction to look in is south-southeast.

Twelfth House - the missing item is located in a hard-to-reach, rather isolated place, perhaps where chemicals and various medications are stored.

This House can promise danger, as it represents secret enemies, hospitals and prisons. If the card you have chosen suddenly ends up in this house, then the chance of finding the loss is very small - it is well hidden. You should look for it east of southeast.

Card of the day

This is a fairly simple fortune telling that will help determine what to expect in the very near future - a kind of forecast for the day. Shuffle the cards thoroughly and place them all in a circle clockwise. Then focus on your desire to know what you can expect from the new day and open the card that you are drawn to.

By interpreting the meaning of the selected card, you can determine what awaits you that day.

Alignment for a new person entering life

Very often, when meeting or meeting someone, a person wonders what impression he made, what to expect from a new relationship, what other people think about it, what can happen in terms of feelings, friendship or partnership.

Lenormand cards will help answer these questions. To do this, you need to relax, clearly formulate your question and shuffle the cards.

The first card removed will answer the question: “What does this person think of me?”, the second - to the question: “How does this person (name) really feel about me?”, the third - to the question: “Will something happen between us?".

It is the third card that will help get rid of ambiguity in relationships and clearly determine what direction a new acquaintance will take.

A simple situation plan

This layout is really very simple. In order to start fortune telling, you need to take a form - the questioner's card - which will mean you or the person for whom you are telling fortunes, and then, focusing on the problem, select four cards from the deck in random order and arrange them around the form.

The first, topmost card will tell you what preceded the current situation.

The second card, lying to the left of the form, will show what opportunities a person has in a given situation. This may be an indication of some obstacles or outside help.

The third card, lying on the right, will reflect the desires and plans of the fortuneteller. She can also suggest an answer to a question tormenting a person.

And finally, the fourth card shows the future and the result that should be expected after the situation as a whole is resolved.

Complex layouts

Large, or gypsy, layout on the minor lasso Lenormand

This layout is more complex, has separate interpretations and includes two methods.

Usually, the so-called large layout of eight cards is used first, when they are laid out in four rows of eight cards each, and four more cards below. After this, if necessary, a second option for laying out the cards follows - in four rows of nine in each.

It would probably be correct to remind you that you should not lay out the cards in two ways just out of curiosity. This is done only if the first layout does not give accurate answers and leaves many doubts.

Big deal

Usually the gypsy layout gives a lot of information, and from this it follows that it is quite enough to lay out the cards in one of two ways and just carefully interpret their combinations. Before you start fortune telling and lay out the cards, you must make a guess for the specific time period of interest. And only after this can you begin to carefully shuffle the cards, remove them and lay them out according to one of the above-mentioned schemes.

How to lay out the cards - opening them immediately or first face up, and only then opening them - is not of fundamental importance, it is a matter of personal preference and habit.

In the Gypsy reading, less attention is paid to how the cards are combined. Here it is much more important to consider in which House the card is located. Thus, the interpretation of fortune telling depends not only on which House the other card is combined with, but also on the direction in which it is located. You need to count in order, starting from the very first, top left card and moving to the right.

House Meanings

House 1 – Messenger: House of good news, as well as all kinds of contacts and communication.

House 2 – Clover: modest happiness, little joy, transience of happiness, and also little money.

House 3 – Ship: travel, travel, all kinds of changes, an irresistible desire to visit foreign countries and travel long distances.

House 4 – House: family, constancy.

House 5 – Tree: health, age, duration of something.

House 6 – Clouds: negative emotions, doubts, fear, unreliability, uncertainty, worries.

House 7 – Snake: wise woman, betrayal, deception, insincerity, detours and complications.

House 8 – Coffin: completion, sadness, depression, problems, the end or the beginning of something new.

House 9 – Bouquet of flowers: gifts and invitations, flirting, wonderful person, creative hobbies.

House 10 – Spit: separation, separation, danger, suddenness of events.

House 11 – Broom: vanity, disputes and disagreements, gossip.

House 12 - Owls: nervous tension, talking on the phone or receiving messages, anxiety.

House 13 – Child: new beginning, purity and naivety.

House 14 – Fox: cunning, lies and deceit, concealment and mystery.

House 15 – Bear: in most cases it means a man, trust and support on his part, but sometimes jealousy.

House 16 – Stars: This is a unique House that deals most with issues of a magical nature, but can also indicate success and clarity in business.

House 17 – Storks: changes and changes, travel, nepotism.

House 18 – Dog: House of true friendship.

House 19 – Tower: loneliness, separation, separation, isolation.

House 20 – Garden: meetings, public and communication.

House 21 – Mountain: complexity, emerging obstacles and loads.

House 22 – Fork: options, spraying.

House 23 – Rats: unpleasant situations, theft, losses, and fear.

House 24 – Heart: emotions, love and friendship.

House 25 – Ring: relationship, connection, partnership agreement or marriage.

House 26 – Book: learning, mystery, knowledge.

House 27 – Letter: information in any form and format.

House 28 – Gentleman: card of a fortune-telling man.

House 29 – Lady: card of a fortune-telling woman.

House 30 – Lilies: chastity, spirituality, harmony.

House 31 – Sun: great happiness and a lot of energy.

House 32 – Moon: creativity, affection, feelings, past, emotions.

House 33 – Key: The house in which problems are resolved.

House 34 – Pisces: financial sphere.

House 35 – Anchor: work or professional sphere.

House 36 – Cross: karma, religiosity, faith and hope for the future.

The following figure shows the first and last cards (solid line), as well as the cards that will be located in the corners (dashed line).

1. As is already clear from the above, the very first card will be the one that lies in the Messenger’s House. This combination - House + card - affects the entire layout as a whole.

2. Then, counting cards from left to right in each row, you should look at the cards that are on the corners of the layout - these are 1, 8, 25 and 32. In this case, card 1 will be located in the upper left corner, card 8 in the upper right, card 25 is in the lower left corner, and card 32 is in the lower right. These cards will indicate to the fortuneteller the present time and current life situation.

3. In the very center will be what is in a person’s thoughts and heart and what worries him at the moment.

4. Now look at the top row. The first four cards will show the future, which must be fulfilled within about half a month, and the remaining four following them will show the future more distant.

5. The lowest four cards, which come last, represent future global events that, most likely, will not be prevented or changed in any way. These last cards are called Fate cards.

6. Having decided where the present and the future are, you need to find a “blank” card that will correspond to the person being told the fortune: for a man it is a Gentleman, and for a woman it is a Lady. Find in which house the form is located, and also note what place it occupies in the layout. If it is shifted to the left, it means that a person is waiting for renewal, important changes are coming in his life. This person plans his own future. In the case when the card is on the right side, the person lives with his past, which he does not want to let go of, and does not plan the future at all.

When the card is at the top, then emotions play an important role in a person’s life. Moreover, they guide him and influence absolutely everything he does.

The placement of the form below, on the contrary, will tell you about a person who is guided by logic and makes reasonable, well-informed decisions. But sometimes this can mean that a person is thinking too much, which causes unnecessary doubt and procrastination.

7. The next step will be to look at your personal and financial areas. Look for this information in the relevant Houses.

8. To see how this or that situation will change, you should make a “knight’s move” from the desired card, that is, mentally draw the letter “G” and read the combination of cards. They will tell you exactly in what manner events will develop.

10. To see who a person works, you need to look at what cards will surround the Tower.

11. The fortuneteller’s father will be described by those cards that are located between the Tower and the Bear, and between the Tower and the Snake you can read about the character of the mother.

12. The cards located at the feet of the form speak about upcoming events and what a person will do in the near future. The map above his head reflects his thoughts.

13. From the cards that are between the Gentleman and the Lady, you can read about the relationships of the partners, or rather, what is happening to them at the moment. It is very important whether the partners’ cards are currently facing each other or not and how close they are in the layout. All this helps to obtain additional information about their relationship.

If the results of fortune telling are not satisfactory, you can arrange the cards nine in four rows.

In other words, the card that was in ninth place needs to be moved up to the place after eighth. The cards of the second row will move only one, i.e. where the ninth card was, the tenth will appear. The same thing, without disturbing the order, will need to be done with the second, third and fourth row. You just need to remember that if a new layout is made, the Houses will no longer have an influence, only the place of the cards relative to each other is considered.

Small layout

For this fortune telling, Madame Lenormand's original deck of cards is intended, which contains more cards than a regular deck, and each of them has its own meaning. But besides this, what the meaning of the card will be also depends on the place where it is located. This layout is ideal for you if you need to study a topic in more detail.

Before starting fortune telling, be sure to focus on the situation and the image of the person if you are telling fortunes to someone else. Then, first of all, you need to choose a form, that is, a card that will represent either you or the person you are telling fortunes to.

For a woman it will be a Lady card, for a man it will be a Gentleman card. Next, randomly choosing cards from the deck, you need to lay them out in such a way that you get the positions as shown in the figure below.

There should be three positions - past, present and future.

Past – 9, 1, 16, 8, 7 and 15 cards. These cards will tell you about what preceded the situation in which the person found himself.

9th card - represents external non-physical intervention - advice or idea.

1 card – personal ideas and hopes of the fortuneteller in the past.

Small layout

8 and 16 cards are the personification of the physical plane, the events that preceded the current situation and influenced it. In this case, the 8th card is considered stronger, because it is closest to the form.

The 7th card is the personification of past experiences, emotions and feelings.

The 15th card is a subconscious plan, actions that were interpreted by the inner “I”.

Present – ​​10, 2, 6 and 14 cards. They talk about how a person feels at a given time.

10 and 2 cards are a person’s feelings and thoughts, while the 2nd card has a greater influence than the 10th card.

Cards 6 and 14 tell about what is happening in the soul and reflect a person’s feelings towards the current situation.

Future – 11, 3, 4, 12, 5, 13 cards that will lift the curtain of the future.

Cards 4 and 12 will tell about the main upcoming events of the physical plane, with the 4th card indicating the most immediate events, and the 14th card – more distant ones.

Card 3 – a person’s personal assessment of the general situation.

Card 11 – public judgment about the situation.

5 and 13 cards - emotions and feelings in the future, while the 5th card will reflect stronger feelings and emotions than the 13th card.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Fortune telling using cards by Maria Lenormand (Jan Dikmar, 2014) provided by our book partner -

Each card from Madame Lenormand's oracle contains 2 images, in the Big Lenormand deck there are 6 of them, this is a very complex deck that requires knowledge in several related areas, for example, astrology, numerology, geomancy, the language of flowers Selam, as well as knowledge of the mythology of Ancient Greece. In the Small Deck there are two images: the main picture, which is interpreted intuitively easily and is close in its meaning to the dream book, as well as a playing card - it is usually located on the side or top in the center - this part of the card is more difficult to interpret and for beginners it is recommended to guess, focusing on the main symbol. Later, with accumulated experience, you will be able to interpret the meanings of gypsy cards.

Traditionally, Lenormand cards are interpreted in an upright position, because Each card has several meanings at once, for example, the Child card can be a signifier of a child, indicate something new, excessive gullibility and naivety, inexperience, the birth of a child.

There are also bad-good-neutral cards in the deck, in addition, the cards are read in a special way, we will talk about this in more detail later: in pairs and triads, which also greatly expands the meaning of one card and does not require their inverted position. Depending on the Querent's question, each card can represent the person himself, some action, emotion, object or way of life. You can easily determine each specific meaning in a separate case when you study the basic meanings of the Lenormand cards. It is the key words that will help you understand the essence of the layout in relation to the question posed.

For example, the Garden card itself means public fame or collective initiative, and the Child means simplicity. The combination of the Garden and Child cards means: some social initiative will prevail due to its simplicity. This is not the same as Child and Garden, because if 2 cards fell together, then the second card describes the first, it characterizes the first card, its value becomes auxiliary to the main value. The location of the Lenormand cards in the layout greatly influences their interpretation. The Horseman and the Fox are false information or a cunning courier; and the Fox and the Horseman are a talkative deceiver, talking with his teeth, an agile criminal. The card that comes out first influences the next card, its meaning is secondary and more as an adjective or definition. The next additional map expands on this story, but also within the framework of the first map!

"Horseman and Fox" and "Fox and Horseman" - Not the same thing

  • Keywords - a list of words from which you can choose the most suitable ones for interpreting the meaning of the card in the layout.
  • Map description – description of the image on the map, taking into account the nuances.
  • Symbolism is the key symbolism of the card, it allows you to understand where the meaning and interpretation came from, because the images are archetypal and, in principle, easy to read.
  • Characteristics - at this point the connection of Lenormand cards with astrology, elements, organs in the body, dates and time frames, professions according to Lenormand cards, as well as an advice card, a warning card and a day card.
  • Character – the person under this card; people, occupation, main features.
  • The main value is a key block, because it reflects all the main aspects of interpreting the meanings of Lenormand cards. We compare cards whose main meanings are closely related, so that you can more accurately interpret their meanings and not get confused at first.
  • Negative value (Shadow of the card) – every card, even the best one in terms of its values, has a negative side, for example, from an overabundance of quality, this point is also worth taking into account. When a positive card is a description of a negative one.
  • Issues of personal relationships - the most popular topic for fortune telling is love and relationships. We tell you what the meaning of Lenormand cards is in fortune telling for love.
  • Issues of business and finance - the second most popular topic for fortune telling is work and money. We tell you how each card describes a given area of ​​life.
  • Medical issues - the main areas of health that each card describes are touched upon
  • Personality Map - questions are often asked about third parties; this description will help you characterize the person in general terms.
  • Interpretation of the card in the layout - we reveal the nuances of practical work.

Combinations with all cards from the Lenormand deck - gives clues to how you can independently compose interpretations by summing up the meanings of two cards. Combinations are presented here, but, naturally, not a complete list of all possible options, but only an example of how you can read the cards together. Essentially it’s like adding syllables or assembling sentences from a given noun, verb, adjective, definition, pronoun. When reading the layouts, you will come across various combinations that form Lenormand pairs and triads; they must always be analyzed individually and in the context of the question asked.