Ultraviolet irradiation indications and contraindications. Features of the ultraviolet skin irradiation procedure

Characteristics of the method. UFO is the therapeutic use of ultraviolet radiation from artificial sources. According to the biological effect on the body and depending on the wavelength, the UV spectrum is divided into three zones (see paragraph 5.2, table 1).

Equipment. Sources for UV irradiation are divided into two groups:

- Integral emitting the entire spectrum of UV rays (OUSh-1 devices for individual general and local irradiations, ON-7 - irradiators for the nasopharynx, OUN 250 and OUN 500 - tabletop ultraviolet irradiators for local irradiations). In all of these emitters, the source of UV rays is a high-pressure mercury-quartz tubular (HQT) arc lamp of varying power (HRT-100, -250, -400, -1000 W).

- Selective emitting a certain part of the UV spectrum (UV or DUV, DUV in combination with SUV). The source of AF rays are bactericidal arc lamps of the DB type, used in devices for disinfecting premises in the absence of people (OBN-1 - bactericidal wall irradiator, OBP-300 - bactericidal ceiling irradiator, etc.) and in devices for local irradiation of limited areas of the skin and mucous membranes (BOP-4 - portable bactericidal irradiator, BOD-9 - arc bactericidal irradiator). To produce SUV rays, fluorescent erythema lamps made of uviol glass of the LE type (LE-15, LE-30) are used. The phosphor covering the inner surface of uviol lamps provides emission with a peak in the region of 310–320 nm. DUV emitters are used in devices for general ultraviolet irradiation for the prevention and treatment of UV deficiency.

Primary mechanisms of action. The mechanism of action of UV rays is based on the process of absorption of light quanta by atoms and molecules of biological tissues. The energy of UV radiation quanta is sufficient for the formation of electronically excited states of molecules (internal photoelectric effect), destruction of ionic and covalent bonds. The energy of excited molecules, when they return to their original (unexcited) state, initiates photochemical processes, which include photosynthesis(formation of more complex biological molecules), photoisomerization(formation of molecules with new physicochemical properties from precursor molecules), photolysis(decomposition of protein molecules with the release of large amounts of biological active substances, such as histamine, acetylcholine, heparin, prostaglandins, kinins, etc.). Photoelectric and photochemical processes caused by the action of ultraviolet light quanta occur in the upper layers of the skin, since the depth of penetration of UV rays into tissue is a fraction of a millimeter (up to 0.6 mm). The formation of biologically active substances and changes in the functional state of nerve receptors of the skin under the influence of UV rays provide a powerful flow of afferent impulses to the centers of nervous regulation with the formation of the body's response at the metameric-segmental or general level. In addition to the neuro-reflex mechanism, UV rays are also characterized by a neurohumoral effect, since large amounts of biologically active substances from the skin are carried through the bloodstream throughout the body, causing functional changes all organs and systems. The main local phenomenon that provides the neuro-reflex and neurohumoral mechanism of action of ultraviolet radiation is the formation in the skin ultraviolet (or photochemical) erythema. Any part of the UV range, when the irradiation intensity increases above a certain level, causes the appearance of persistent skin hyperemia at the site of exposure due to the local accumulation of photodestruction products and the development of aseptic inflammation. UV erythema is characterized by the presence of a latent period (3–12 hours), uniformity, clear boundaries, and persists for up to 3 days.

The severity of UV erythema, its nature, as well as other photoelectric and photochemical processes occurring in the skin, have their own characteristics depending on the spectrum of the current UV irradiation and its dose. DUV rays have a weak erythema-forming effect, since they predominantly trigger reactions such as photosynthesis. They are selectively absorbed by tyrosine molecules, causing their decarboxylation with the subsequent formation of melanin pigment. Provide activation of epidermal macrophages. SUV rays They trigger predominantly the photolysis reaction and form free radicals, since quanta of mid-wave UV radiation have significant energy. SUV rays are characterized by a pronounced erythema-forming effect with a maximum peak at a wavelength of 297 nm. They are selectively absorbed by 7-dehydrocholesterol (provitamin D) and, through a photoisomerization reaction, convert it into cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). KUV rays having the most high energy quantum, cause denaturation and coagulation of the protein. Selectively absorbed by nucleic acids, causing their photolysis. The lethal mutations that occur lead to cell death, including bacterial and fungal ones. The erythema formed during EUV irradiation has a reddish color with a bluish tint due to the expansion of subcapillary veins, develops earlier and disappears faster than that caused by SUV rays.

Physiological reactions. The direction and nature of physiological reactions depends on the dose and spectrum of UV radiation. Low doses of DUV and SUV rays that do not cause erythema ( suberythemal), are used primarily for general irradiation and have a positive effect on the functional state of almost all organs and systems of the body:

Improve the processes of higher nervous activity, activate cerebral circulation;

Stimulate the sympathetic-adrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal systems;

Stimulate all types of metabolism, primarily phosphorus-calcium, reduce atherogenic fractions of blood lipids, sugar levels during initial hyperglycemia;

Have an immunomodulatory effect;

Improves the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system;

Stimulate erythropoiesis, increase hemoglobin levels.

Large doses of UV radiation ( erythematous) increase the imbalance between the processes of inhibition and excitation in the cerebral cortex, reduce the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, lead to a violation of the ratio of T-cell subpopulations, a decrease in their activity and inhibition of antitumor reactions, and therefore are used only for local irradiation.

Local erythema therapy provides increased local immunity due to long-term activation of microcirculation, increased phagocytic activity of leukocytes, and activation of T-lymphocytes (helper link). Increased hemolymphoperfusion of irradiated areas of the body, including those related to the corresponding metamer internal organs, helps reduce inflammatory edema and reduce exudation phenomena. Irritation by the products of photodestruction of the extensive receptor field causes an intense flow of afferent impulses entering the cerebral cortex and causing delocalization of the pain dominant. At the periphery, parabiosis of the terminal areas of nerve afferents occurs due to their overstimulation with large quantities of biologically active substances.

Therapeutic effect.Suberythemal doses of DUV and SUV rays: immunomodulating, pigment-forming, trophic, reparative, desensitizing, vitamin-forming, antirachitic, hardening, general strengthening (increasing the body's resistance).

Erythemal doses: bactericidal (especially KUF), anti-inflammatory, analgesic, desensitizing, trophic.

Specific action. Medium-wave and long-wave ultraviolet irradiation in suberythemal doses should be used more widely for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, since with ultraviolet deficiency, a decrease in the overall resistance of the body, secondary immune failure, and autonomic dysfunction with a predominance of tone naturally develop parasympathetic system, and in childhood - rickets.

Erythemal doses have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and have a bactericidal and mycocidal effect (in superficial inflammatory processes), which determines their widespread use for purulent inflammatory diseases skin, subcutaneous fat and mucous membranes.

Methodology. When choosing a treatment method with UV rays, the radiation spectrum and dose of UV rays are important. To dose ultraviolet radiation in physiotherapeutic practice, the Gorbachev-Dahlfeld biological method is used, based on assessing the severity of the erythema reaction of the patient’s skin. The dose unit in this method is one biological dose. One biodose is a dose of ultraviolet radiation, measured over time, causing minimal (threshold) erythema from a certain distance (usually 50 cm). Doses that do not cause erythema (i.e., less than 1 biodose) are called suberythemal. Doses from 1 to 8 biodoses are erythematous, and there are small erythemal doses (1-2 biodoses), medium (3-4 biodoses), large (5-8 biodoses). Doses over 8 biodoses are called hypererythematous.

General UV exposure(individual or group) are carried out from integral or long-wave emitters, starting with suberythemal doses according to the main, accelerated and delayed irradiation scheme.

Children require special attention during general exposures. Weakened and premature children begin to be irradiated with 1/10–1/8 biodose, older ones - with 1/4 biodose. Irradiation is carried out every other day (3 times a week), gradually increasing daily dose up to 1 1/2-1 3/4 biodoses. The radiation dose remains at this level until the end of the course.

Local UV irradiation carried out from integral or short-wave emitters to areas of the body with an area of ​​no more than 600 square meters. cm in erythemal doses. Methods of local UV irradiation: directly on the lesion; irradiation of reflexogenic zones; fractionated irradiation; irradiation by fields; extrafocal irradiation (on a body area symmetrical to the lesion);

Rules for erythemotherapy: repeated irradiations of the same area are carried out as the erythema fades - after 1–3 days, increasing the dose of subsequent irradiations by 25–100% of the original (less often than the previous one). The same area is irradiated 3–6 times, except purulent wounds, bedsores and mucous membranes, for which up to 10–12 impacts are allowed.

In childhood, local UV irradiation is allowed from the first days of life, general - from 1 month. With local ultraviolet irradiation, the impact area ranges from 50 square meters. cm in newborns up to 300 sq. cm in school-age children. Erythemotherapy usually begins with 0.5–1.0 biodose.


General UV irradiation is used for the following purposes:

Increasing the body's resistance to various infections, for hardening;

Prevention and treatment of rickets in children, pregnant and lactating women;

Treatment of common pustular skin diseases and subcutaneous tissue;

Normalization of the immune status in chronic sluggish inflammatory processes;

Stimulation of hematopoiesis;

Compensation ultraviolet deficiency.

Local UV irradiation is used:

In therapy - for the treatment of arthritis of various etiologies, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma;

In surgery - for the treatment of purulent wounds and ulcers, bedsores, burns and frostbite, infiltrates, purulent inflammatory lesions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, mastitis, erysipelas, initial stages obliterating lesions of the vessels of the extremities;

In neurology - for the treatment of acute pain syndromes in peripheral pathology nervous system, consequences of traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, polyradiculoneuritis, multiple sclerosis, parkinsonism, hypertension syndrome, causalgic and phantom pain;

In dentistry - for treatment aphthous stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, infiltrates after tooth extraction;

In ENT practice - for the treatment of rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, peritonsillar abscesses;

In gynecology - in complex treatment acute and subacute inflammatory processes, with cracked nipples;

In pediatrics - for the treatment of neonatal mastitis, navel weeping, limited forms of staphyloderma and exudative diathesis, pneumonia, rheumatism;

In dermatology - in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, pyoderma, etc.

Contraindications. General to physiotherapy, hyperthyroidism, systemic lupus erythematosus, liver and kidney diseases with insufficient function.

Purpose(example). Diagnosis: purulent wound of the leg.

Write: UV radiation from the BOP-4 apparatus to the wound area with the capture of healthy tissue (+1–1.5 cm around the perimeter) with 6 biodoses + 2 biodoses up to 12, daily, No. 4 (6).

Note on the cliché: Area of ​​influence.

Purpose(example). Diagnosis: lumbosacral osteochondrosis in the acute phase. Lumbodynia syndrome.

Write: UV radiation from the OUSH-1 apparatus to the lumbosacral region with 4 biodoses + 1 biodose up to 8, every other day, No. 4 (6).

Note on the cliche: Area and area of ​​influence in sq. cm.

Treatment of ENT diseases is carried out in various ways. The therapy may include both medications and a variety of procedures, including special place occupies the Ural Federal District. Very often performed UV treatment of the nose.

UFO, or as it is also called Tube-quartz, helps to cope with various unpleasant symptoms of ENT diseases. The principle of the method is based on the use of ultraviolet radiation. Many studies have shown that ultraviolet light in moderate quantities can provide good therapeutic effect. He has bactericidal effect, which allows you to get rid of microbes and viruses that caused various diseases.

Using ultraviolet radiation, irradiation of the throat, throat, nose and other parts of the body is performed. Ultraviolet radiation has a shallow penetration method, which avoids negative consequences, but at the same time this effect is enough to activate organic bioprocesses.

Tube-quartz provides the most useful short rays that have the following positive effects:

  • Elimination of the inflammatory process.
  • Removal pain syndrome.
  • Improved blood circulation.
  • Increasing general organic resistance to the action of unfavorable factors.
  • Promoting tissue regeneration.
  • Acceleration of recovery processes after injuries.
  • Bactericidal effect to suppress pathogenic microflora.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes.

When tissue is exposed to ultraviolet rays, biological release occurs. active ingredients, which enter the bloodstream, increase blood flow to the affected area, transporting leukocytes to the site of the inflammatory process.

Thanks to this wide range actions, physiotherapy is successfully used in the treatment of various ENT diseases. Very often, UV irradiation of the nose and pharynx is performed, since these areas are most susceptible to the inflammatory process.


UV irradiation of the pharynx and nose is necessary to eliminate the manifestations of unpleasant symptoms in various diseases. It is used in the following cases:

  1. Inflammation maxillary sinuses. The procedure is performed after washing the sinuses. The action of ultraviolet rays is aimed at the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.
  2. Salpingootitis. This disease is a consequence of rhinitis acute form. When treating a disease, tube-quartz affects the mucous membrane of the back wall of the pharynx, as well as the nasal passages. Separately, irradiation of the external auditory canal can be performed.
  3. Tonsillitis chronic form. The action of the rays is directed to the palatine tonsils using a tube that has an oblique cut.
  4. ORZ. The treatment method is used at the very beginning of the development of the disease. The pharynx and nose are irradiated.
  5. Flu. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the procedure is not performed. It is appointed after all the acute symptoms to prevent the development of complications. The places where ultraviolet rays are exposed are the throat and nose.
  6. Angina. The procedure is prescribed in the first days of the development of the disease. In this case, the patient should not have purulent plaque and high temperature. When the disease is in catarrhal form, can be prevented further complication tonsillitis. The procedure is also relevant in recovery period, after clearing the tonsils of pus. This allows for faster recovery.
  7. Acute rhinitis. Tube-quartz is prescribed both at the beginning of the development of the disease and during its subsidence. This allows you to exclude a secondary type of infection, as well as avoid various complications. The throat and nose are irradiated.
  8. Sinusitis and sinusitis. The method is relevant only for the catarrhal form of the disease. When performing it, it is important that there is no pus; it is also prescribed during the recovery period.
  9. Adenoids. With the help of ultraviolet irradiation, you can remove swelling and disinfect the mucous membranes. Helps avoid the development of inflammation.
  10. Rhinitis. The method is very effective for all forms of bacterial rhinitis. It actively eliminates inflammation, suppressing pathogenic microflora.

Ultraviolet therapy is also effective in the treatment of otitis media, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other ENT diseases.


The UFO procedure is performed in the clinic and hospital. There are also devices that can be used at home, but following all the doctor’s recommendations and strictly following the instructions.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Special sterile tubes are selected for each patient. They may have different shapes and diameter, this is necessary for convenient use of the element for the nose, pharynx and ears.
  2. When the tube is selected, the lamp turns on and heats up to the set temperature.
  3. You need to start the course of treatment in a few minutes. Further, the duration of the session increases.
  4. When the procedure is completed, the quartz is turned off.

Quartzization methods will directly depend on the type of disease. For example, for acute pharyngitis, irradiation of the back of the pharynx is performed. This therapy should be carried out once every 1–2 days. The initial biodose is 0.5. Then it is gradually increased to 1–2 biodoses. The frequency of exposure is determined individually.

In the case of chronic tonsillitis, a tube with an oblique cut is used. The procedure begins at a biodose of 0.5, after which it is increased to 2 biodoses. The right and left tonsils are irradiated in turn. The course of treatment is 2 times a year.

UV irradiation of the nose can be done for various forms of rhinitis. The tube is inserted alternately into each nasal passage. For chronic rhinitis, the method is used several times a year.

Use at home

You can also use Tube-quartz at home. For this purpose, a special device “Sun” is provided. It provides safe doses ultraviolet irradiation. Before starting treatment with such a device, you should consult your doctor, as contraindications may be identified.

As for children, their treatment is carried out with special care. A course of quartz therapy should last no more than 5–6 days. The session is performed once a day or every other day. The method can be used more often, depending on the nature of the disease. To conduct such therapy for a child, it is important to visit a pediatrician and find out if this is possible if you decide to use quartz at home.

Also prerequisite To carry out the procedure, there is no high temperature. In some cases, the session will be canceled even if low-grade fever. For example, when a patient has a temperature of 37.2 degrees, but there is a purulent runny nose.

The nature of treatment and its duration are determined only by a doctor, after a thorough diagnosis and diagnosis.


Despite high efficiency UVB may be contraindicated. In such cases, it is better to abandon the ultraviolet treatment method so as not to cause negative consequences.

The main contraindications are:

  1. Presence of oncological diseases.
  2. Increased sensitivity to light.
  3. Nosebleeds.
  4. Tuberculosis.
  5. High temperature.
  6. Acute purulent inflammation.
  7. Intoxication of the body and fever.
  8. Increased fragility of blood vessels.
  9. Arterial hypertension.
  10. Gastric ulcer.

The presented list of contraindications is far from complete, so you should consult your doctor before using the procedure.

The effectiveness of therapy directly depends on the correctness of its implementation. Self-medication is very dangerous.

Mechanism therapeutic effects

When ultraviolet radiation quanta are absorbed in the skin, the following photochemical and photobiological reactions occur:

Destruction of protein molecules;

Formation of more complex molecules or molecules with new physicochemical properties;

Formation of bioradicals.

The severity of these reactions with the manifestation of subsequent therapeutic effects are determined ultraviolet radiation spectrum. Based on wavelength, ultraviolet irradiation is divided into long-, medium- And shortwave. From the standpoint of practical physiotherapy, it is important to distinguish the zone of long-wave ultraviolet rays (DUV) and the zone of short-wave ultraviolet rays (SWUV). DUV and AF radiation are combined with medium wave radiation, which is not specially distinguished.

There are local and general effects of UV rays.

Local the effect manifests itself in the skin (UV rays penetrate no further than 1 mm). It is noteworthy that UV rays do not have a thermal effect. Externally, their effect is manifested by redness of the irradiation site (with short-wave irradiation after 1.5-2 hours, with long-wave irradiation after 4-6 hours), the skin becomes swollen and even painful, its temperature rises, and redness lasts for several days.

With repeated exposure to the same area of ​​skin, adaptation reactions develop, which is externally manifested by thickening of the stratum corneum and deposition of melanin pigment. This, in its own way, is a protective-adaptive reaction to UV rays. The pigment is formed under the influence of DUV rays, which are also characterized immunostimulating effect.

The rays of the KUF zone have a powerful bactericidal effect. KUV rays are absorbed primarily by proteins contained in the cell nucleus, while DUV rays are absorbed by protoplasmic proteins. With sufficiently intense and prolonged exposure, destruction of the protein structure occurs, and as a consequence of this, the death of epidermal cells with the development of aseptic inflammation. The destroyed protein is broken down by proteolytic enzymes, biologically active substances are formed: histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and others, and the processes of lipid peroxidation are enhanced.

UV rays stimulate cell division activity in the skin, as a result, wound healing processes are accelerated, the formation of connective tissue. In this regard, they are used to treat slow-healing wounds and ulcers. Neutrophil and macrophage cells are activated, which increases the skin's resistance to infection and is used for treatment and prevention inflammatory lesions skin.

Under the influence of erythemal doses of UV rays, the sensitivity of the nerve receptors of the skin decreases, therefore UV rays are also used for reducing pain.

General action depending on the dosage, it has humoral, neuro-reflex and vitamin-forming effects.

The general neuro-reflex effect of UV rays is associated with irritation of the extensive receptor apparatus of the skin. The general effect of UV rays is caused by the absorption and entry into the bloodstream of biologically active substances formed in the skin and stimulation of immunobiological processes. As a result of regular general exposures is happening strengthening local defensive reactions . Impact on endocrine glands is implemented not only by humoral mechanism, but also through reflex effects on the hypothalamus.

Vitamin-forming effect UV rays stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D under the influence of UV rays.

Ultraviolet irradiation also has desensitizing effect, normalizes blood clotting processes, improves lipid (fat) metabolism. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the functions of external respiration improve, the activity of the adrenal cortex increases, the supply of oxygen to the myocardium increases, and its contractility increases.

Therapeutic effect: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, immunostimulating, restorative.


Suberythemal and erythemal doses of ultraviolet radiation are used in the treatment of diseases such as acute neuritis, acute myositis, bedsores, pustular diseases skin, erysipelas, trophic ulcers, slow-healing wounds, inflammatory and post-traumatic diseases joints, bronchial asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis, spicy respiratory diseases, chronic tonsillitis, inflammation of the uterine appendages. Also to improve recovery processes - for bone fractures, normalize phosphorus-calcium metabolism

Short-wave ultraviolet irradiation is used for acute and subacute diseases of the skin, nasopharynx, inner ear, respiratory diseases, for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the skin and wounds, skin tuberculosis, prevention and treatment of rickets in children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as for air disinfection.

Local UV irradiation skin shown:

in therapy - for the treatment of arthritis of various etiologies, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma;

in surgery - for the treatment of purulent wounds and ulcers, bedsores, burns and frostbite, infiltrates, purulent inflammatory lesions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, mastitis, osteomyelitis, erysipelas, initial stages of obliterating lesions of the vessels of the extremities;

in neurology - for the treatment of acute pain syndrome in pathology of the peripheral nervous system, consequences of traumatic brain and spinal injuries, polyradiculoneuritis, multiple sclerosis, parkinsonism, hypertension syndrome, causalgic and phantom pain;

in dentistry - for the treatment of aphthous stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, infiltrates after tooth extraction;

in gynecology - in the complex treatment of acute and subacute inflammatory processes, with cracked nipples;

in pediatrics - for the treatment of mastitis in newborns, weeping navel, limited forms of staphyloderma and exudative diathesis, atopy, pneumonia;

in dermatology - in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, pyoderma, herpes zoster, etc.

ENT - for the treatment of rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis, peritonsillar abscesses;

in gynecology - for the treatment of colpitis, cervical erosion.

Contraindications to UV irradiation:

Irradiation should not be carried out at elevated body temperatures. Main contraindications to the procedure: malignant neoplasms, tendency to bleed, active tuberculosis lungs, kidney disease, neurasthenia, thyrotoxicosis, photosensitivity (photodermatoes), cachexia, systemic lupus erythematosus, circulatory failure of II-III degree, hypertension Stage III, malaria, Addison's disease, blood diseases. If during the procedure or after its completion there appear headache, nervous irritation, dizziness and others unpleasant symptoms, then you need to stop treatment and consult a doctor. If a quartz lamp is used to disinfect premises, then at the time of quartzing there should be no people or animals in it.


Using ultraviolet light, the room is disinfected. Can be carried out quartzing the room what is effective method fight and prevent various diseases. Quartz lamps are used in medical, preschool institutions and at home. You can irradiate a room, children's toys, dishes, and other household items, which helps in the fight against morbidity during periods of exacerbation of infectious diseases.

Before using a quartz lamp at home, you should definitely consult your doctor about contraindications and appropriate dosage, since there are certain conditions for using special equipment. Ultraviolet rays are biologically active and can cause serious harm if used improperly. The sensitivity of the skin to UV radiation varies among people and depends on many factors: age, skin type and its qualities, general condition body and even the time of year.

There are two main rules for using a quartz lamp: Be sure to wear safety glasses to prevent eye burns and do not exceed the recommended exposure time. Safety glasses, as a rule, come complete with a device for UV irradiation.

Conditions for using a quartz lamp:

Areas of skin that are not irradiated should be covered with a towel;

Before the procedure, it is necessary to let the device work for 5 minutes, during which time a stable operating mode is established;

The device must be located at a distance of half a meter from the irradiated skin area;

The duration of irradiation increases gradually - from 30 seconds to 3 minutes;

One area can be irradiated no more than 5 times, no more than once a day;

At the end of the procedure, the quartz lamp must be turned off; a new session can be carried out 15 minutes after it has cooled;

The lamp is not used for tanning;

Animals and domestic plants should not enter the irradiation zone;

Turning the irradiator on and off must be done wearing light-protective glasses.

Some treatment methods:


For the purpose of prevention viral diseases The mucous membrane of the nose and the posterior wall of the pharynx are irradiated through tubes. Procedures are carried out daily for 1 minute for adults (0.5 minutes for children), for one week.

Acute respiratory diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma:

Yes, irradiation chest for pneumonia, it is carried out over 5 fields using a perforated localizer. First and second fields: half back surface chest - right or left, upper or lower. The patient's position is lying on his stomach. Third and fourth fields: lateral surfaces of the chest. The patient's position is lying on the opposite side, with his arm thrown behind his head. Fifth field: the anterior surface of the chest on the right, with the patient lying on his back. Irradiation time is from 3 to 5 minutes per field. One field is irradiated on one day. Irradiation is carried out daily, each field is irradiated 2-3 times.

To make a perforated localizer, you need to use a medical oilcloth measuring 40*40cm and perforate it with 1.0-1.5 cm holes. At the same time, you can irradiate the plantar surfaces of the feet from a distance of 10 cm for 10 minutes.

Acute rhinitis:

In the initial period of the disease, ultraviolet irradiation of the plantar surfaces of the feet is performed. Distance 10cm for 10 minutes, 3-4 days.

UV irradiation of the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx is carried out using a tube. Dose from 30 seconds with daily gradual increase to 3 minutes. The course of irradiation is 5-6 procedures.

Acute tubo-otitis:

The area of ​​the external auditory canal is irradiated through a 5mm tube for 3 minutes, the course of irradiation is 5-6 procedures.

Acute pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis:

UV irradiation of the anterior surface of the chest, trachea, and posterior surface of the neck is performed. Dose from a distance of 10 cm for 5-8 minutes; as well as ultraviolet radiation of the posterior pharyngeal wall using a tube. During the procedure, you must pronounce the sound “a-a-a-a”. Dose 1 min. The duration of irradiation increases every 2 days to 3-5 minutes. A course of 5-6 procedures.

Chronic tonsillitis:

Ural Federal District palatine tonsils performed through a tube with an annular cut. The procedure is performed with wide open mouth and the tongue pressed to the bottom, while the tonsils should be clearly visible. The irradiator tube with a cut towards the tonsil is inserted into the oral cavity at a distance of 2-3 cm from the surface of the teeth. The UV ray is directed strictly at one tonsil. During the procedure, you must pronounce the sound “a-a-a-a”. After irradiation of one tonsil, the second is irradiated. Start with 1 minute after 1-2 days, then 3 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

Chronic periodontal disease, acute periodontitis:

UV irradiation of the gum mucosa is carried out through a tube with a diameter of 15 mm. In the irradiation zone, the lip and tongue are moved to the side with a spatula or spoon so that the beam falls on the mucous membrane of the gums. By slowly moving the tube, all mucous membranes of the gums of the upper and lower jaw. The duration of irradiation during one procedure is 10-15 minutes. The course of irradiation is 6-8 procedures.

Acne vulgaris:

UFO is carried out in turn: the first day is the face, the second day is the anterior surface of the chest, the third scapular region backs. The cycle is repeated 8-10 times. Irradiation is carried out from a distance of 10-15 cm, the duration of irradiation is 10-15 minutes.

Purulent wounds:

After cleansing a purulent wound from necrotic tissue and purulent plaque, UV irradiation is prescribed to stimulate wound healing, immediately after treating the wound. Irradiation is carried out from a distance of 10 cm, time 2-3 minutes, duration 2-3 days.

Furuncle, carbuncle, abscess:

UFO continues before and after independent or surgical opening of the abscess. Irradiation is performed from a distance of 10 cm, duration is 10-12 procedures. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

Some physiological ailments can be overcome not only pharmacological preparations, but also physiotherapy procedures. Such techniques are widely used in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. One of the common methods of physiotherapeutic influence is ultraviolet irradiation. Next, we will consider in detail what it is, how the procedure is carried out, and how effective it is in individual pathologies nasopharynx.

The essence of the technique

Ultraviolet technique, or as it is also called UVR, is a method of therapeutic exposure to electromagnetic waves on a specific area. Electromagnetic radiation cannot be seen with the naked eye. This method is actively used to combat pathologies of inflammatory etiology. The influence of electromagnetic rays allows you to achieve liberation biological substances, such as histamine and others. Subsequently, entering the circulatory system, these elements contribute to increased blood flow to the irradiated area, thereby ensuring the movement of leukocytes to the lesion.

The main effects of the procedure:

  • relieving the inflammatory process;
  • analgesic effect;
  • ability active recovery tissues, accelerating their regeneration after receiving various kinds injuries;
  • disinfection. Quartzization kills pathogenic microorganisms on the surface of the lesion and in the wound area;
  • normalization various types metabolism, such as protein, lipid and others.

It is important to remember that ultraviolet radiation is prescribed for children to combat rachitic pathology. It affects the skin and stimulates the production of vitamin D, which is often deficient in children, especially in winter.

Areas of application

The versatile effects of ultraviolet irradiation make it possible to use it to treat various types of diseases. Most wide application this technique is observed with therapeutic treatment ENT diseases. It is recommended to carry it out in the following cases:

  1. For sore throat or sore throat in the first few days, especially with the so-called catarrhal form. During this period the patient should not have elevated temperature and purulent plaques. At this stage active influence rays on enlarged tonsils prevents the spread of infection. In addition, the procedure is recommended during the rehabilitation phase, when sore tonsils have already been cleared of ulcers and the patient’s condition has stabilized. Irradiation then makes it possible to reduce rehabilitation time and speed up the recovery process.
  2. For various manifestations of sinusitis and sinusitis. Electromagnetic waves are prescribed during the catarrhal period of the disease, during a period when there is no stagnation of purulent formations, or at the rehabilitation stage, to accelerate regeneration processes.
  3. With enlarged adenoids in young children. This method reduces swelling and disinfects the mucous membrane. Course manipulations work to prevent the spread of swelling and inflammation.
  4. For rhinitis. Prescribed for bactericidal control at any stage of disease development.
  5. For treatment of hearing organs. UV irradiation is used, in particular, for therapy purulent otitis. This allows you to destroy pathogenic microorganisms and reduce the inflammatory process.
  6. For pharyngitis or damage to the posterior wall of the nasopharynx area. Applicable in acute period, as well as in the chronic form.

It is important that electromagnetic radiation is prescribed to enhance the local response immune system, especially during seasonal exacerbations, as well as to eliminate vitamin D deficiency. In addition, there are a number of conditions for which doctors prescribe additional physiotherapy.

Before starting, you should make a clear diagnosis and establish the cause of the damage to the nose and pharynx. In addition, this technique has a number of features and limitations that can cause harm and may contribute to the development of severe exacerbations.

Contraindications for use

When prescribing, it is worth considering not only huge amount positive effects, but also a number of serious contraindications for use:

  • all types of oncological pathologies;
  • lupus of the autoimmune type and other manifestations of high susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation;
  • the presence of ulcers, intoxication, fever and fever;
  • anatomical predisposition to bleeding and diagnosed vascular fragility;
  • at established diagnoses- tuberculosis, and others.

It is worth considering the limitations and possible consequences, therefore the UFO must write out qualified specialist. The prescription of physiological therapy during pregnancy is permitted in consultation with the attending physician. These methods of exposure are allowed to be used by the expectant mother if inflammation develops in the nasopharynx area only after consultation with an ENT doctor.

Features and nuances

UFO can be performed in a hospital or emergency room. For this purpose, specialized equipment is used that is capable of producing required level radiation. For home use A special portable ultraviolet emitter has been developed. It is much more compact than a stationary device and can be used to treat both adults and children.

Features and highlights:

  • local irradiation is carried out using special sterile tubes, which come in various shapes and sizes;
  • to stabilize the parameters, the lamp warms up for several minutes;
  • quartzing begins with a couple of minutes, then increases the time in several stages;
  • After completion, the device is turned off, and the patient must be ensured a state of rest for half an hour.

Determination of the area of ​​quartzization is carried out depending on the disease. For example, when diagnosing acute pharyngitis subject to irradiation back wall throats. It is done daily or every other day, gradually increasing the biodose from 0.5 to 2x. For tonsillitis, in particular chronic tonsillitis, a special beveled tube is used to warm both tonsils, one by one. For otitis media, the external ear canal, and rhinitis requires the insertion of a tube into the sinuses. For preventive measures It is enough to do quartzing several times a year.

The Betterton Hearing Center offers a wide variety of ENT procedures. More details on the website

Full description

UVR is ultraviolet radiation, and ultraviolet rays are part of the general electromagnetic spectrum with the shortest wavelength. In irradiated tissues, light energy is transformed into chemical and other types of energy, and at the same time released large number biologically active substances (histamine, serotonin, etc.), which are carried throughout the body through the bloodstream and cause complex responses various organs and systems. The therapeutic effect of UFO is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, immunostimulating and general strengthening effect. UFO also has systemic effects. It is known to reduce blood pressure, affects vitamin D metabolism and calcium metabolism, as well as the population of T cells in the peripheral blood. And finally, ultraviolet radiation provides a certain psychological, distracting, that is, placebo effect. The combination of these effects explains the ability of UV irradiation to significantly reduce the feeling of itching in systemic diseases. In this regard, it is worth noting that in the autumn-winter period, when we lack natural ultraviolet radiation and the body’s immune forces are reduced, it is useful to visit the solarium, however total time Staying in the solarium should not exceed 30-35 minutes per week. Ultraviolet irradiation blood (UFOK) is used for chronic infections, purulent-inflammatory diseases (furunculosis, pyoderma, phlegmon, purulent bronchitis, adnexitis, pyelonephritis, etc.), immunodeficiency states, atherosclerosis, bronchial asthma, rheumatoid polyarthritis, peptic ulcer, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, during the rehabilitation of postoperative patients. To perform UVOC, the patient’s vein is punctured and the blood from it passes through the system through a device in which it is irradiated with UV rays and then returned back. The procedure consists of numerous phases of blood collection and return and can last up to 1 hour.

Indications for ultraviolet ray therapy

General UV therapy is used to increase the body's resistance to infections, in the treatment and prevention of rickets, for dermatological diseases with common skin lesions (pyoderma, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis etc.), for the correction of solar ultraviolet deficiency, stimulation of hematopoiesis, immunostimulation in low-grade inflammatory diseases. During the procedure, the patient is in a special cabin with mirrored walls and vertically positioned ultraviolet lamps. Local UV therapy Local UV therapy is used in the treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, arthritis, osteomyelitis, burns, bedsores, purulent wounds, neuritis, spinal osteochondrosis, local forms dermatological diseases, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis, aphthous stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, weeping navel in newborns, etc. The procedure is carried out with devices for local UV irradiation. The distance from the patient to the emitter and the procedure time are selected in accordance with the individual biodose.

Contraindications to UVB therapy

Except general contraindications light therapy, ultraviolet radiation is contraindicated in cases of albinism, precancerous skin lesions, dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, xeroderma pigmentosum.

We take your health very seriously,
That's why
before starting the procedures, a mandatory consultation with a physiotherapist

Have with you:

  • Passport
  • ECG results (no later than 1 year)
  • General blood test (no later than 2 months)
  • General urine test (no later than 2 months)
  • for women, consultation with a gynecologist (no later than 1 year)
These examinations can be completed at your local clinic for free or the examination data can be done on site at the PhysioClinic by appointment (Consultation with a gynecologist 1129 RUR, general analysis blood - 436 rubles, general urine analysis - 354 rubles, ECG - 436 rubles.