West Handler White Terrier and small children. West Highland White Terrier, snow-white, robust









Tendency to train


Attitude towards children


Dear, dear fool to lead. Hands reach out to him to shake his shaggy head. The small white terrier evokes only positive emotions. Where did this miracle come from?

History of the breed

The West Highland White Terrier is one of the Scottish terriers, and it is not recommended to call the breed English in the presence of Highlanders. The White Highland Terrier, the Scotch Terrier and the Cairn Terrier are the national pride of Scotland.

Westie, Cairn and Scottie are close relatives and have the same history until the beginning of the 19th century. Terriers were kept for hunting small animals in holes and crevices. Fox, badger, and also otter on the banks of rivers and lakes were of hunting interest to poor people. For such work, dogs of a lively disposition, independent and even reckless were selected.

In Scotland, Burrow Terriers had an additional requirement: rough coat and short legs. The harsh climate, cold water of mountain rivers and rocky terrain had an effect.

The selection was based on working characteristics, but light-colored puppies were not favored, and if such appeared in the litter, they tried to destroy them. Fortunately, this prejudice was not shared by Sir Edward Donald Malcolm.

The colonel liked light-colored dogs, and he also considered the white color safer for hunting. When a red terrier, soiled with earth, crawls out of a hole, he can be confused with a fox and shot.

On his estate in Poltalloch, Malcolm began targeted breeding and managed to produce sufficient stock of one type and color. In parallel, but in an atmosphere of rivalry, two more enthusiasts acted: the Duke of Argyll of Roseneath and Dr. Flaxman. All three showed the resulting terriers at exhibitions at the end of the 19th century.

Initially, half-tallochs, as show visitors called them, came in two colors - white and light cream, often with spots, and rosenites were white. Dr. Flaxman succeeded in producing pure white Scotch Terriers. All dogs differed in head shape and coat structure.

There were still more common features: small erect ears, raised tail, compact body on short strong legs. And the character is passionate, fearless. Ultimately, these breed groups merged into one, adopting Malcolm's desired type of dog, but with a white coat.

Development of the breed

The first breed club was formed in 1904 in Scotland, and three years later in England. Until the First World War, the breed experienced a real boom; at that time, dogs were valued very highly - hundreds of pounds.

For a long time, Westies were bred in parallel with Cairn Terriers; this practice was banned only in 1924.

The West Highland White Terrier club developed in spurts, wars greatly slowed down the dynamics and set the breed back.

The number of livestock in England and Scotland was stabilized only in the 50s, after which the small white terrier quickly became an international favorite. True, along with its popularity, the Westie lost its hunting practice and became a completely decorative breed.

This was a logical consequence of improving the exterior. As a relatively young breed, the first thing that the breed needed was to establish a pure white color. This was achieved by compromising the quality of wool.

Further improvement of the breed went in the direction of grooming, and the Westie acquired an original hairstyle. In addition, the terrier has grown a little at the withers, lengthened his neck and straightened his top line. He became so interesting and stylish that in 1976, for the first time in the history of the breed, he won the main exhibition of the United Kingdom - Crufts.

The West Highland White Terrier is common, apart from Europe, in North America and Japan, mainly in countries with a not very hot climate. Dogs from Great Britain are still the most prized.

Breed standard

The West Highland White Terrier is the most elegant and energetic of the group of short-legged terriers in Great Britain. This is a small but extremely confident and courageous dog. His build allows him to be durable, agile and omnipresent.


Height 26-28 cm.
Weight 7-10 kg.

The Westie stands firmly on the ground, because he has a fairly wide chest and developed pelvic bones. The fore and hind limbs are short, but bony and very well muscled. The paws are gathered into a ball. Westies can climb rocks and climb sloping trees.

The dog gives the impression of a dense bundle of energy; there should be no effeminacy or lethargy in the terrier. A good indicator of a lead's temperament is a “cheerful” tail, that is, a tail set high. Tails are not docked; a “correct” tail is no longer than 15 cm.

The Westie's back is short, straight and strong. In the modern type, the top line is a saddle - the long, wide neck smoothly turns into a pronounced withers and continues to a shortened loin. When viewed from above, the back and loin are wide.

Main signs of news:

  • Compact.
  • Strong.
  • Wider at the back than at the front.

The head of a modern Westie is hidden by a hairstyle, but an experienced expert will be able to evaluate its lines. This should be the head of a working dog, wide, with pronounced brow ridges and a well-filled, slightly shortened muzzle. A flattened skull and narrowed muzzle are not suitable.

The Terrier has large teeth, which require a fairly wide jaw arch to properly position them.

Strictly evaluated:

  • The ears are small and erect.
  • The nose is quite large and black.
  • The eyes are as dark as possible, widely set, oval. The characteristic expression of the eyes is especially checked.

Coat requirements are not limited to white color. Westies are classified as wire-haired terriers, which means that coats that are too soft, wavy, and curled will be rejected. A properly trained terrier exhibits a two-layer coat - a soft, short undercoat covered with a hard guard.

The “chrysanthemum” hairstyle, which has become the hallmark of the news, is not regulated by the standard. It is worth noting that with soft wool of irregular structure, the hairstyle may not look decent. An accentuated haircut with sharp transitions is undesirable.

In any case, the winner is a dog that is proportionally built, with a “trademark” look and light energetic movements.

How to care for the coat of a West Highland White Terrier:

Trimming (plucking)

The first trimming must be done at 3–4 months, when the puppy's fluff changes. In the future, the dog is trimmed on average every 2 months. If you act in this mode, you will be able to maintain a decent appearance of the terrier without completely exposing the skin. Get a comfortable two-layer hairstyle.

If you skip trimming for 4-6 months, the dead fur will have to be plucked completely.

The frequency and complexity of the procedure greatly depends on the quality of the wool. Westies have a very wide range - from a high-quality, hard guard with a moderate undercoat to an undesirable cottony, uniform coat.

Anyone can master the technique of hygienic trimming. A tool called a furminator is very helpful in removing excess hair, especially undercoat. It is recommended to pluck the guard fur by hand.

Westies cannot be cut with scissors or clippers. This leads to a rapid change in the hair structure towards thinning. After two haircuts, the coat becomes thin and soft.

In most cases, this unusual procedure is entrusted to a groomer - a dog hairdresser. At least at first it will be better for a novice dog breeder.

If your dog is quite “tough” by nature, run away from a groomer who does not pluck the hair, but only uses a clipper. The best trimming is the one done with your fingers. Thinning scissors and a machine are allowed only at the last stage of trimming, to fine-tune and smooth out transitions.

Washing and combing

You can brush your terrier every day or every other day. Let's allow up to four days to pass, and then there may be problems with unraveling the fur and accumulation of dead hairs.

Contrary to the belief that white dogs have to be bathed frequently, Westies are bathed only as needed, once every 2-3 months. The coarser the dog's coat, the less often the procedure will be required. Shampoo is selected without a softening effect; dry cleansing powders and foams are convenient.

Unfortunately, the wool of excellent stiffness in Westies, as a rule, does not have an ideal white color - fawn, light sand. This is not the best option for a show, but in everyday life such dogs are much easier to keep. After trimming, the house will be clean.

Bleaching the coat with special means, as well as frequently bathing dogs, is not the best way, knowing that Westies are prone to skin manifestations.

We have to disappoint those who dream of a message with the famous “chrysanthemum”. This hairstyle can only be done for 1-2 days and only with the help of hair retainers. This “flower garden” is intended exclusively for exhibition display.

Like all terriers with a hunting history, Westies have large teeth. Plaque and tartar are common occurrences that require regular treatment.

Small erect ears pose a risk during bathing, so they are usually covered with cotton swabs. The fur inside the ear should be removed regularly by plucking and trimming.

In addition to hygiene and hairdressing procedures, the owner’s main concern is organizing the Westie’s leisure time. Fun games, walks, and communication give the dog tone and interest in life.

Health and disease of the West Highland Terrier

The West Highland White Terrier is genetically an extremely healthy dog. Mobility and a calm attitude towards food add several full years of life to him - up to 14-16. Of course, provided that the owners often walk their dogs and do not overfeed them.

Still, there are problem points:

Heredity plays a role, but it is rarely possible to reliably find out the “history” of the puppy’s parents. Therefore, all new terriers are given universal advice for preventing allergies:

Immediately give preference to hypoallergenic super-premium and holistic dry food.
Avoid protein overfeeding.
Strictly adhere to the diet and do not create a disorderly mixture of products.

Proper care can help prevent some skin diseases.

Character and training

The Westie is a typical terrier, which means that it will be easy and difficult at the same time. Easy - because he is smart, quick-witted and remembers everything well. It can be difficult at first due to the dog’s independence and excessive mobility.

Westies, deprived of hunting leisure, are forced to constantly somehow realize their potential of motor activity, ingenuity and combativeness. The best way to channel energy into a “peaceful direction” is, of course, play.

The education of a puppy and a junior is built on the gaming platform. Given the restlessness of young terriers, lessons should be preceded by good walks. The best results will be achieved if you find the right balance of game elements, rigor and rewards.

Terriers can and should be punished, otherwise they will quickly imagine themselves to be the boss in the house. As for rewards, mutual (!) joy and pleasure works best. Show the Westie that you are happy when he successfully completed a task, and he will try to do it again and again.

Terriers do not suffer from gluttony, and food is not the main thing for them. Gustatory reward is recommended only at the very beginning of the training process to practice basic commands. It is also worth using treats to train him to be trimmed on the table.

Westies enjoy any activity provided they are in good company - people, other dogs and even cats. If the terrier is lucky and has a successful owner, you can practice agility, pitch and go, participate in competitions with a puller, and frisbee. Sports training does not harm a show career at all.

It is too cruel to limit the Westie within the framework of exhibition handling alone. However, it is recommended to accustom him to examinations on the table and movement in the ring already in puppyhood.

In general, terriers can be loaded with a variety of training without fear of a nervous breakdown. Westies think quickly and easily switch to any program of action. This is the case when decorativeness did not turn the dog into a weak-willed toy.

Pros and cons of the breed

The number of points is approximately equal. What seems like a disadvantage to someone does not frighten people with other life attitudes and circumstances at all.


  • Small size.
  • Charming and attractive.
  • Cheerful character.
  • Successfully trained.
  • Has no smell.
  • Does not shed hair (subject to trimming).


  • Very mobile and restless.
  • It may break apart.
  • Regular trimming is required.
  • The “skirt” gets dirty all the time.
  • You need to buy clothes.

In general, starting from the purchase of a puppy, Westies are not cheap and take quite a lot of time. However, the popularity of the breed is growing, which means that the game is worth the candle.

If you are looking for a funny, small, inquisitive and very intelligent dog, then the West Highland White Terrier is what you need. Today this breed of pet is very popular. Of course, his cute face, funny and playful character will hardly leave anyone indifferent. Many people don’t even realize that this dog is actually an excellent underground hunter.

Where did the West Highland White Terrier come from?

Unfortunately, no one can say with certainty the exact historical period of the appearance of this breed. What is known is that the first serious mentions of it date back to this breed. This breed was bred in Scotland; the most likely ancestor of the white terrier is considered to be the Scotch terrier.

Initially, these were working hunting dogs, whose prey was small rodents and burrowing animals. Despite its miniature size, the West Highland White Terrier is distinguished not only by its energy and courage, but also by its strength and endurance. The hunt went like this: the dog had to discover the animal’s hole and drive it out of there. In some cases, white terriers retrieved already dead prey from their shelters, which they had acquired in a difficult battle underground. In the household, these cute creatures helped their owners get rid of rodents.

From a distance, the noticeable white color of the terrier was not invented by chance. There are no wild animals in nature with such fur, so a hunter is unlikely to confuse it with, say, a fox or a badger.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the white terrier received an official name and breed standard that remains unchanged to this day. Only in the modern world it is rarely used as an assistant in hunting. Over time, the West has become a sought-after and indispensable friend to many families around the world.

General description of the dog

The West Highland White Terrier is the only white terrier of its kind. He has a very attractive, even somewhat doll-like appearance, behind which the softness and tenderness hide very hardworking, intelligent, quick-witted and determined animals. If your pet is a Westie, then you must be an active person, otherwise he will simply be bored. These are restless, very playful, intelligent and easy to train dogs that will constantly require your attention.

White Terriers feel great at home; they are obedient and friendly. They constantly accompany and protect their owners and become true, loyal friends for them.

Size and lifespan

These are very small and compact animals, the sizes of which vary between male and female individuals. A white terrier female can reach a weight of 7 kg and a height at the withers of 28 cm, the cables are larger - height at the withers is 30 cm, weight is 10 kg. They have a disproportionate body (the head appears the same as the rest of the body), which makes them even more unusual.

The average terrier is from 12 to 15 years old, but only with proper maintenance of the animal and constant care for it. You need to spend a lot of time with your message. These dogs love to walk and play and should get it every day. Shades of coat color range from white to wheaten.

Detailed description of physique

The West Highland White Terrier looks like this:

  • Compact but strong build with a wide lumbar region, powerful hips and shoulder body.
  • Round head with intense hair. Narrowed, blunt muzzle, massive brow ridges.
  • Strong jaws with
  • Black nose.
  • The eyes are not too protruding, dark in color, and medium in size. Westies have a smart and piercing look. Light-colored eyes are allowed, but this is not very good.
  • Small, triangular, erect ears with light fur on the tips. It is not advisable to trim the hair on the ears of terriers.
  • Slightly elongated wide neck, sloping shoulders.
  • Short and muscular front legs with thick hair. The front paws are larger than the hind paws, have a rounded shape, and the toes are tightly pressed together.
  • Compact body, flat back.
  • The hind legs, also short, have developed muscles. Small paws with black nails and pads.
  • 15 cm straight tail with short hair. Tail docking is strictly prohibited.
  • The coat is not very long with a thick undercoat, there should be no curls.
  • The color is exclusively white.
  • The gait is free, light and straight.

There are some discrepancies in appearance, but all of them are undesirable.


The West Highland White Terrier dog is quite calm, but at the same time mischievous and playful with its owner. With all their intelligence, set of good manners and self-control, pets are ready to fight for loved ones and protect them from any misfortune, engaging in serious fights with even large animals. Terriers fight to the bitter end.

Small, but very brave, they are highly trainable and learn everything very easily and quickly. They require a lot of attention and education, and are rarely stubborn.

Energetic and active, have a good sense of smell. They sense danger and do not leave the arrival of guests unnoticed. They love to be the center of attention, they are sociable, although they tend to be jealous of their owner’s other pets. They love children and treat them with care and caution. They cannot stand being ignored and cannot tolerate being treated rudely.

What diseases is the West Highland White Terrier prone to?

It’s difficult to say that Westies are sickly dogs. However, like any other breed, they have some predispositions to diseases such as:

  • allergies and dermatitis;
  • pulmonary fibrosis;
  • atopy;
  • problems with (usually necrosis or dysplasia of the joint);
  • (including cataracts and conjunctivitis);
  • cardiomyopathy, osteopathy;
  • deafness.

In some cases, congenital meningoencephalitis may occur, a disease to which white dogs are especially prone.

Proper maintenance and care

It is necessary to take care of such a wonderful pet carefully from a very early age. A West Highland White Terrier puppy should be brushed twice a week and should be groomed or trimmed every year.

The fur on the face grows quite actively, so it needs to be plucked (near the eyes and ears). To maintain hygiene, it is good to rid the genitals of excess hair.

This dog needs to be bathed regularly (at least once a month, depending on weather conditions) due to the fact that the coat quickly gets dirty and dirty. And, of course, training! This is an integral moment in the growing up of an animal, and the owner must unconditionally occupy a higher position, he is in charge, and the dog must understand this from a very early age.

Activities of the National Breed Club (NKP)

Such an organization began to exist in the Russian Federation back in 1999. At that time, the NKP included 2 types of dogs: Cairn Terriers and West Terriers. And already in 2004, a separate special breed club appeared.

The West Highland White Terrier National Breeding Club organizes annual events for animals and their owners; dog shows are held in various cities of Russia. Only owners of real West Highlands can enter them; pets must fit the standard “West Highland White Terrier breed”, have all kinds of documentary evidence of this and a good pedigree.

NKP also sells white terrier puppies. Many articles posted on the official website and seminars conducted by the club help the owners of these beautiful creatures answer many questions they have.

Among dogs, there is a group of breeds called terriers - they are used to hunt burrowing animals. There are about 30 such breeds, and among them is our handsome West Highland White Terrier, originally from Scotland. This is a small, stocky dog ​​of exclusively white color, in past times it could easily pull a fox or badger out of a deep hole. Now it is exclusively a pet, which can often be found at exhibitions.

West Highland White Terrier

Breed characteristics

There is an interesting legend about its white color. In ancient times, the Scottish landowner Edward Donald Malcolm, who is considered the founder of the breed (but this has not been proven), created red-colored West Highland White Terriers, but accidentally killed one of the dogs, confusing him with a fox. This incident greatly upset the breeder, and Edward bred snow-white dogs, since they are very visible in the forest.

Breed characteristics:

  • Height – up to 28 cm;
  • Weight – up to 10 kg;
  • Life expectancy – up to 15 years;
  • The coat is hard, straight, long, with a thick, warm undercoat;
  • Color – exclusively white;
  • Intelligence is above average, the dog is easy to train.

Walking the dog

Even though it is small, one may get the impression that the dog can spend all its time in the apartment - this is a very big mistake of inexperienced owners. The West Highland White Terrier (let's shorten the name to lead) is a hunter by nature, he definitely needs walks outside to rummage in the ground, run and jump, this is not a lap dog.

Westies do not get along very well with other pets - this is worth considering before purchasing. This is not due to a bad character, the dog is very kind, but rather to jealousy of the owner. The dog is ready to attack anyone for its owner, but it will not tolerate “competitors” either.

Buying a Westie puppy

You can buy a West Highland White Terrier puppy from an advertisement, but we still recommend choosing the nearest kennel.

New puppy from the kennel

In puppyhood, they look like a cute plush toy, but quite expensive - the price starts at 30,000 rubles. But when you see a photo of this beautiful creature, you realize that this is still a low price.

The more profitable it is to purchase a puppy from professional breeders than from an ad on Avito:

  • Only there will they give you a real pedigree;
  • There are all guarantees that the puppy is healthy, vaccinated, and surrounded by professional care from birth;
  • Serious kennels strictly monitor what dogs eat; nutrition is balanced from birth;
  • You will be introduced to the puppy's parents, told about their habits and character traits, and you will know approximately what to expect from your puppy.

Before purchasing, carefully examine the puppy; its nose should be wet, its eyes and ears should be clean, and its tummy should be soft. Of course, if possible, invite a breed specialist to help you make a choice. But if you don’t need a show dog, but just for the family, then listen to your intuition and choose the puppy who has shown the most interest in you.

The Westie requires no more care than any terrier:

  1. Grooming. Trimming is required, twice a year;
  2. Physical activity, regular walks outside;
  3. Training, training;
  4. A couple of times a month - a bath with mild shampoo (for children).


It’s worth taking a closer look at trimming.


It is recommended to brush your dog daily with a stiff brush. The fact is that the upper, coarse hair does not fall out on its own after it dies. On the one hand, this is good - you don’t have to vacuum your apartment every day, but you still need to get rid of hair. It needs to be plucked (it is better to leave this procedure to professionals), but a stiff brush will partially help. But if you decide to do everything yourself, then watch the visual video.

The first trimming can be done at the age of four months, thereby you will relieve the puppy from itching, and in some cases, from the unpleasant odor, the reviews won’t lie.

Also, for this breed, the service of a hairdresser is often used.

Please note that when plucking old wool, the new one will be harsher than if a haircut was used.

If it’s damp outside while walking, buy special overalls and shoes for your pet, so you won’t have to wash your pet’s paws every time after a walk.


The dog's food must be balanced, which is easy to achieve with the help of ready-made food of at least .

Food for small breed dogs

There is a general rule for pets - no food from our table! They don’t need the salts, sausages, and pasta that we eat. More useful for the West Highland White Terrier:

  • In puppyhood, more dairy products - milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir;
  • From 4 months you can try giving boiled lean meat;
  • From the age of six months, a dog can eat sea fish, cereals, chicken eggs, vegetables and herbs.

There is a rule among dog breeders: it is better to underfeed an animal than to overfeed it. An adult should be fed 2 times a day. The diet should be mostly protein so that the body has enough amino acids. With proper nutrition, the coat will be soft, beautiful, and snow-white.

Dog and children

If you have children under 8 years old in your family, then it is better to refrain from purchasing. A Westie, unlike a Westie, will not allow its tail to be pulled or squeezed. She may even bite the child slightly. West Highland White Terriers, although friendly, do not like to be nervous. It is also important that the dog does not feel threatened by the person (and children, in their eyes, represent this danger with their constant annoyance), otherwise they will not be destined to become friends.

Company of puppies

But again, we repeat - this is not an evil breed, it all depends on the people themselves. If you don’t annoy the dog with excessive love, but just play catch-up, educate and train, then the dog will respond in kind, it will be a snow-white bundle of joy and kindness.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

  • Height at withers: 28-32 cm
  • Weight: 6-10 kg
  • Color: white
  • Lifespan: up to 16 years old
  • Other names: lead, vest, vestik

Pros and cons

  • Great for apartment living
  • Does not shed, low allergy
  • Well trained
  • Gets along well with the family he lives with
  • Easily socialized in urban environments
  • Has an exceptional sense of humor and cheerfulness
  • Needs regular active walking
  • Requires special wool treatment
  • Somewhat stubborn (especially for male dogs)
  • Quite independent in decision making
  • Light wool often gets dirty
  • Dogs bark loudly and often

Description of the breed

The cheerful and cheerful West Highland White Terrier is an excellent acquisition for an active city family. Especially if there are people with allergies. With regular trimming, the dog's coarse hair does not shed and does not remain on carpets and beds.

Until recently, dogs of the West Highland White Terrier breed hunted with might and main in the vast expanses of Scotland, where they were bred precisely for these purposes. Mobile, active, temperamental, they easily walked many kilometers with hunters, after which they willingly went into the hole, hunting for foxes. The mountainous terrain of their native country formed dogs that were hardy, athletic, and not pampered. Their stiff fur perfectly protected their skin when moving in the bushes and during skirmishes with toothy game.

The West Highland White Terrier is an excellent choice for those who dream of a small dog, but do not want a pet with a decorative character and are willing to put up with the fact that he has his own opinion on everything.

Despite the existing prejudice, Westies are dogs with good health. Considering that their size is not dwarf, they can easily live up to 16 years, while remaining active and cheerful.

Dogs of this breed are excellent friends for children and are well suited for those retirees who do not want to sit on the sofa with their nose to the TV. Westies are easy to train, but are not stable in their work. In order for this dog to show good results, training with it must be interesting.

West Highland White Terrier breed standard

The West Highland White Terrier breed standard allows us to conclude that breeders prefer to see it as still one of the dogs capable of prolonged stress and work. Examination of a dog should never be carried out exclusively visually - all parts under the fur must be palpated. A strong build, voluminous weight, strong paws and developed sculpted muscles, a pronounced sexual type are welcomed, when, despite the absence of significant differences in size, males look masculine, and females look feminine. Both high legs and excessive stockiness are undesirable.

The structure of the Westie's head should not resemble tape. It should be wide between the ears, with a pronounced transition from the forehead to a well-filled muzzle. In this case, the characteristic parallelism of the forehead and muzzle is mandatory - upturned and downturned noses are rejected. Dogs with an apple-shaped head, typical of dwarf decorative breeds, are also undesirable.

Like many English breeds, the West Highland White Terrier rarely has perfect teeth. Often, in addition to the recommended scissors, a direct bite is also encountered. The standard allows for the absence of up to 4 premolars, that is, the teeth of these dogs cannot be called complete. The situation with the dental system is aggravated by the modern direction of breeding towards ever shorter muzzles. Dogs with an overshot or underbite, as well as those whose tongue protrudes through the small incisors (this is called an open bite) are considered defective. Strong, solid teeth and a U-shaped lower jaw with a wide range of incisors are encouraged.

The dog's front legs should be larger than the hind legs, and the chest should be deep with convex ribs (right down to the hind and false ribs). The coat is double, consisting of a hard guard and a soft undercoat. Despite the large number of dogs with poor pigment, a black nose and eye rims are encouraged. Seasonal weakening of pigmentation (winter nose) is allowed.

Character and characteristics of the West Highland White Terrier

The main feature of the West Highland White Terrier breed is that, despite its doll-like appearance, it is not a decoration. Potential owners should take into account that while they are similar in appearance to the Bichon Frize, these dogs are very different from lapdogs in temperament and independent character. They never show excessive fixation on the owner, maintaining their own view of things.

You shouldn't get a lead if you don't have enough free time for active walks with him. Dogs of this breed feel great in a large family and in their own home, where, at the first opportunity, they will hunt local game and, in its absence, cats. Especially if you have several Westies living with you. Having discovered the object of hunting, they will not calm down until it runs away or stops resisting.

Modern West Highland White Terrier show dogs often have soft coats that are not easy to care for. If you need a dog for active pastime and sports, it is better to find a wire-haired version, in which, to put a dirty coat in order, you just need to go over it with a brush. A show dog with a soft coat will require regular grooming, washing and treatment with special products to maintain its coat in perfect white color.

Often, Westies with short muzzles also develop tear tracks. A change in diet or hormonal status can cause your dog to turn yellow. Pigmentation disorders are also common in the breed - pink or brown rims on the eyelids and nose.

The most characteristic feature of caring for a dog of this breed is the need for trimming. Pets are plucked two to three times a year, and show dogs every one and a half to two months.

It is also characteristic of the West Highland White Terrier show representatives that their skirt (hair on the belly and sides is never trimmed, but only trimmed. With age, it almost reaches the floor, which is completely inconvenient and is not required for a domestic dog that walks a lot. For such breeds, the most convenient thing is to trim the coat as much as possible so that it does not create any problems in care.

To raise puppies for a Westie mother, a heated summer kitchen or a kitchen in the house, where it will be convenient to look after the babies, is quite suitable. Before mating, it is better to trim the bitch - in this case, she will look great by the time the puppies are sold.

West Highland White Terriers are not prone to freezing and even in winter they are happy to walk without clothes. It is only important that the dog does not stand while walking, but constantly moves. A wardrobe is usually purchased for show dogs that need to keep their skirts at all costs. In this case, preference is given to clothing made from natural fabrics that do not electrify the wool.

Feeding the West Highland White Terrier

A peculiarity of feeding this small terrier is that the presence of colored vegetables or seaweed in the diet causes yellowing of its coat. This is important for show dogs, which must be snow-white.

In addition, like all white dogs, Westies are highly allergic and demonstrate a variety of skin reactions to certain foods. This most often applies to foods such as wheat and chicken.

Choosing a diet for an allergic dog should be done with a veterinarian, eliminating allergens from the diet one by one and never returning to them. One of the most convenient solutions for the owner in this case is ready-made medicinal food.

The most convenient way for a West Highland White Terrier dog owner is to feed the dog with ready-made food. This option is great for busy people, although it is not the best for dogs. For a Westie, you should not choose food intended for small breeds, as they are too high in calories for him. It is better to opt for brands for medium breeds, and if the dog plays sports or has other regular physical activity, try to offer it brands for active dogs.

Lately, natural feeding, based on meat, has become increasingly popular. We are not talking about tenderloin - cartilage and small veins are useful for the dog’s digestion, the main thing is that it is not pork and the source of meat has been checked for the absence of various infections. Low-fat fermented milk products (yogurt, curdled milk) and cottage cheese can be used as an additional source of protein. Meat can be replaced by offal, poultry or boneless fish. Small fish can be rolled whole through a meat grinder, and the bones can be removed from large fish. It is beneficial to give your dog a quail egg on an empty stomach once a day.

To prepare porridges, it is better to use rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, and as healthy additives - salmon oil, flaxseed, brewer's yeast. In winter, chopped nettle, dandelion, and parsley are added to the porridge.

West Highland White Terrier puppies

West Highland White Terrier puppies are little white bundles full of energy. They are not afraid of people, look strong and stocky and are always full of energy. Mother Westie is cheerful, inquisitive and not afraid of people. The bark of this breed is usually exclusively hunting, that is, it is uncharacteristic for them to greet visitors with nervous barking.

Depending on what you are getting a puppy for, the approach to choosing it is different. However, there are some general guidelines for buyers that will help you make the right choice.

    Westie is not a very numerous and popular breed. Therefore, a puppy without documents in it is nonsense, except for the case when the breeder decided not to register a baby with a breeding marriage.

    Terrier breeders are responsible people and will ask you many questions before purchasing to decide if your family is a good fit for their puppy. This shouldn't bother you.

    Try to buy a puppy with good pigment. Weak pigmentation often leads to a weakened immune system and nervous system.

    If the mother bitch is cowardly and hysterical, you should not buy puppies from her. This behavior is consistently inherited, aggravated by early learning, since the behavior of the mother at this time largely models the future behavior of the puppy.

Prepare your home or apartment for the arrival of your baby by getting rid of all the bottlenecks - close the cracks under sofas and cabinets, hide electrical wires, find a secluded closed place for shoes.

You should not neglect preventive vaccinations, especially if you live in a densely populated area.

West Highland White Terrier training

Training the West Highland White Terrier should take into account his assertive and independent nature. The use of violence and constant conflicts with the dog will not help achieve mutual understanding. But joint outdoor games and walks with fetch will give the dog the opportunity to get tired enough and learn something new.

Restless Westies need to work on their self-control. Holding exercises begin with shrinking, laying and feeding. They work first at home, then in a quiet, deserted place, and only then go out into the city with the dog, achieving stable performance of the skills.

West Highland White Terriers are great lovers of running and have a developed prey instinct, like all hunters. Therefore, you can start working with them very early with a rag and a knot, ensuring that the dog catches up and grabs the toy, ruffles it and tries to grab it with its full mouth. After playing with the owner has become firmly established, it can be used as an alternative reward for training.

For most hunting dogs, the habit of biting a person is completely unusual. Protecting the territory with a vest is a desperate and threatening bark, signaling the owner of impending danger. Westies are brave, but are not focused on protective and security work. Their main sports are agility, canicross, frisbee, and freestyle.

History of the breed

Historians date the beginning of breeding white hunting terriers in Scotland to the end of the 19th century. Before this, white puppies periodically appearing in litters of other small terriers were considered a breeding marriage. The Westie's closest relatives are the Skye, Dandie Dinmont, Scotch and Cairn terriers. At that time, these breeds were not divided into several and were called Scottish hunting terriers. Dogs were used for burrow hunting, their main game being fox, otter and badger.

The first white terriers of the eastern mountains were very similar to Scotch and Cairn dogs, and only after a while did they acquire their round heads and doll-like appearance.

Families in several Scottish towns - Pittenweem, Roseneath and Poltalloch - were breeding white terriers. These dogs had one undeniable advantage - they were different in color from the game they hunted, so they were less likely to fall under the bullets of hunters.

One of the authors of the breed is Edward Donald Malcolm, who lived in Poltaloch. It was he who first brought his white terriers to an exhibition at the end of the 19th century. Back then they were white and cream dogs, strong, active and friendly. Also breeding white dogs were the Duke of Argyll from Roznich and Dr. Flaxman, whose dogs were descended from his Scotch Terrier bitch, which regularly produced white puppies.

The first West Highland White Terrier breed club was registered in 1904. The first exhibition of the breed took place in 1907. The standard published in 2010 is currently in force.

Westie puppies cannot boast of the quantity and quality of fur that is the pride of adult dogs. The final coat is formed in dogs by the age of three, and its quality greatly depends on proper grooming.

Despite their toy appearance, West Highland White Terriers are big fans of digging in the ground. Left to its own devices in the garden, your Westie will very quickly dig it up and down.

Celebrities readily adopt dogs of this breed. These include Leonid Yarmolnik, Stanislav Govorukhin, Michael Schumacher.

Prices for West Highland White Terrier puppies

The cost of West Highland White Terrier puppies usually ranges from $300 to $1,000 depending on the kennel and the region in which it is located. The most expensive puppies are traditionally from well-promoted nurseries located in capitals and large cities. It is unlikely to meet a purebred West Highland at the poultry market - this breed has never been very fashionable and is bred by enthusiasts - terrierists or schnauzers.

Due to their nature, Westies sometimes end up among shelter dogs. This happens because the dog was purchased without understanding its breed characteristics. The Shelter West can be an excellent friend for you if taken with a full understanding of its breed character and nature.

A snow-white handsome man, a cheerful friend with a sharp mind - all this is about the West Highland White Terrier. A dog that will conquer and will definitely become the soul of every company and a devoted family friend.

The West Highland White Terrier is a small white dog with a strong build and a harmonious combination of strength and agility.

Height at withers: 23-30 cm
Weight: 6-9 kg

Color: exclusively white - spots of a different color are considered a deviation from the standard.

  • The dog holds its head in a proudly raised position.
  • The muzzle is not snub-nosed. The large nose is black and does not protrude.
  • The eyes are dark brown. The look from under heavy eyebrows is serious and intelligent.
  • The ears are pointed, erect, covered with short hair.
  • The tail is straight, not docked, and covered with rough hair.
  • The coat consists of two layers: the outside is hard, straight hair, each hair is 5 cm long. The undercoat is soft, short, and fits tightly to the body.

History and characteristics of the breed

The birthplace of the breed is Scotland. The Westie's ancestors were terriers of the 19th century, which over time divided into several branches: Scotch terriers, Skye terriers, West Highland white terriers and others. For some time, Scottish terriers were considered representatives of the same breed - dog breeders called them Scottish terriers and crossed them with each other.

The first description of small white dogs appeared in the 13th century - then the French king received six white digging dogs as a gift from the King of England.

The breeding of West Highlands as a separate breed began at the beginning of the 19th century - several Scots families got down to business. It is interesting that then each line of white terriers bore the name of the family in which it was bred - this is how the Pollatochs, Rosenites, Pitteniums and white Scotch Terriers appeared.

A significant contribution to the formation of the breed was made by Edward Donald Malcolm - he and his sons bred white terriers - Half Tullochs - for a century.

The reason for Malcolm's breeding of white dogs was a sad incident that happened to his favorite while hunting - a red terrier was mistaken for a fox and shot. Before this, Malcolm had already hunted with light dogs, and after the tragedy he began to breed exclusively white dogs.

Another breeder was the Duke of Argyll, his line was called “Rosenit”. Roseneath dogs were considered Skye Terriers.

It is also worth mentioning Dr. Flaxman, whose breeding line was called “Pittenium”. One of his dogs in each litter produced white puppies, which became the basis for breeding. Ten years later, Flaxam managed to get pure white dogs.

Individuals of the three lines differed from each other in the structure of the head and body, but in one thing they were similar - their fur was snow-white. White terriers first appeared at a dog show in the 19th century, where they gained fans.

West Highlands were also valued for their working qualities: they were used for hunting burrowing animals- fox, badger, otter. To drive such “game” out of the ground, the dog must be compact, nimble, and courageous. The remarkable intelligence of the Westies also came in handy here - underground the dog relied only on its own ingenuity. Westies worked in a flock, barking, driving the prey to the surface of the earth and notifying the hunters about it. And the white color of the coat helped people not to confuse dogs with wild animals.

Character and temperament

The Westie is a typical representative of the terrier group. His instincts constantly “speak” to him - he loves to bark, dig in the ground and does this with perfect tenacity. The West Highland is full of energy, which it will happily spend with its owner.


  • funny;
  • self-confident;
  • smart;
  • brave;
  • friendly.

Negative features:

  • loves to bark;
  • narcissistic;
  • stubborn;
  • impatient.

Who should start

Previously, Westies were used to hunt burrowing animals, today they have turned into companion dogs. This is an intellectual who loves outdoor games and will happily stick his curious nose into the business of the owner.

A Westie is suitable as a friend for a child over 10 years old; the dog does not stand on ceremony with younger children and does not tolerate disrespectful treatment. You should not leave a small child alone.

The West Highland is unlikely to get along with other pets - no matter how much you cajole the dog, his instincts will speak.

The West Highland is a “perpetual motion machine”; walks should be active, especially if the dog lives in a small city apartment. In the winter season, their paws get cold, so it’s better to wear clothes in cold weather. suits And boots.

Trimming and cutting

Caring for fur is not that easy. Westies do not shed, so trimming is carried out once every three months, and in the intervals between procedures, the coat is combed 1-2 times a week. Vegetation on the face daily comb with a comb.

To prevent the coat from losing its appearance and becoming soft, the dog should not be washed frequently and should not be shaved. Dogs with this type of coat are only suitable for hand trimming.


Feeding your West Highland should be thoughtful and balanced. An incorrect diet provokes metabolic disorders. The ideal type of food is natural or dry food based on rice, turkey, lamb, fish. Chicken meat, wheat cause allergies.

Meals include: lean meat, dairy products, boiled fish 1-2 times a week, quail egg yolks, cereals, vegetables and fruits. West Highlands that regularly participate in shows should be given some vegetables - carrots, beets - with caution (risk of yellowing of the coat). It is important to add vitamins to your food.

Dog training

Westies are smart dogs that learn quickly. But they have a stubborn character, so sometimes training is beyond the power of a beginner.

Training should begin from the first day after the puppy arrives. The “pillars” of success in training a Westie are patience, clarity, consistency of actions, positive reinforcement.

He needs physical and mental exercise in order not to get bored. A suitable option for realizing dog energy is engaging in outdoor sports: agility, flyball. For those who like to learn tricks, circus training is suitable.

Health and life expectancy

West Highland lives on average 12-15 years. But they are prone to various diseases, so careful care is required:

  • cataract;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • deafness;
  • meningoencephalitis;
  • dermatitis and other skin diseases.

The reason for the risk of disease is the white color of the dog's coat. With timely consultation with a veterinarian and proper treatment, these diseases can be avoided.

How much does it cost and where can I buy it?

West Highland White Terriers have become a popular breed, making it easy to buy a puppy. In Russia there is a national breed club where you can find information about reliable breeders and upcoming exhibitions.

Puppy price: from 25 thousand rubles.

Breed photo

A selection of photos of West Highland White Terriers.
