Veterinary ophthalmology Frunzenskaya. Veterinary ophthalmologist

The portal site provides information about veterinary clinics ah of St. Petersburg, where you can find a specialist in the treatment of eye diseases in animals: an ophthalmologist. We collected contact numbers and addresses of clinics, the cost of visiting doctors, and presented all this in visual and easy-to-compare tables. Feedback from clients of veterinary clinics who have already entrusted their pets to specialists will also be useful.

Veterinary ophthalmology deals with the study of the structure and diseases of the eyes of animals. A veterinarian ophthalmologist faces a serious and difficult task - to promptly detect a pet’s illness and cure it. Unfortunately, many owners ignore such a symptom as suppuration of the eyes in dogs, cats or guinea pigs, believing that it will go away on its own. However, this is not always the right decision and the animal’s condition can worsen significantly over time.

When might a veterinary ophthalmologist be needed? Symptoms to watch out for

Avoid unpleasant consequences Due to lost time, attention to detail and the well-being of pets will help. Ophthalmological diseases of animals can manifest themselves in the form of the following symptoms:

In addition, an appointment with an ophthalmologist is required in the presence of eye injuries, even in the absence visible damage. Even the slightest doubt about the health of your pet’s eyes will be a reason to visit a veterinary clinic.

Ophthalmologist for animals - diagnosis and treatment

To make a correct diagnosis, the ophthalmologist and veterinarian must ask the pet owner about the approximate time of occurrence of the problems, their manifestations and the presence of attempts. self-treatment. Thus, he will be able to more accurately select best practices research and prescribe medications.

In small veterinary clinics and private doctors, a diagnosis can be made without serious research, since modern equipment is quite expensive and not every veterinary clinic can afford it. Of course, not every disease requires specific analyzes and tests; many problems can only be determined after a visual examination of the patient. But in some cases, eye diseases of cats, dogs, rodents and other animals can only be determined by making a change intraocular pressure, Ultrasound of the eye, performing full analysis blood or tear fluid by taking an x-ray. These procedures significantly increase the likelihood of a quick and complete recovery for your pets.

In some cases, the veterinary ophthalmologist may recommend referral to other doctors, as eye problems may indicate the presence of more serious illnesses other organs and systems. An illustrative example is clouding of the lens of the eye, which occurs as a result of increased blood sugar. Veterinary ophthalmology will not be able to select the correct dose of insulin, despite the fact that this problem affects the vision of animals. Therefore, it is great if the examination is carried out not only by an ophthalmologist, but also by a therapist or infectious disease specialist.

Need animal ophthalmology? Finding a veterinary clinic in St. Petersburg is easy!

Eye diseases in cats and dogs are very common. Treatment prescribed on time helps to quickly cope with the problem and restore good health to pets. Our portal contains telephone numbers and addresses of veterinary clinics in St. Petersburg, which provide the services of a veterinarian ophthalmologist. Get more detailed information Feedback from patient owners, as well as posted prices for services, will help veterinary ophthalmologist. The cost largely depends on the procedures included in the service and the professionalism of the doctor.

Veterinary ophthalmologist

The Vysota Clinic in Moscow provides all veterinary services. The clinic is receiving experienced doctors all specialties that will help prevent and treat the most various diseases pets.

The VYSOTA veterinary clinic in Moscow provides all veterinary services. The clinic welcomes experienced doctors of various specialties who will help prevent and treat a variety of diseases in pets. The VYSOTA veterinary clinic is equipped with high-tech and modern equipment, including an ophthalmic surgical microscope, which allows ophthalmologists to perform complex operations.

Veterinary ophthalmology is a separate branch of medicine for animals. Specialists this direction They treat the eyes of dogs and cats, as well as treat concomitant diseases.

The structure and mechanism of the animal's eye is significantly different from the human eye. A veterinarian-ophthalmologist thoroughly knows the intricacies of the visual work of different animals and will timely diagnose correct diagnosis, will prescribe the correct treatment.

Symptoms of eye diseases in animals

Pets encounter eye problems quite often. Fortunately for owners, the presence of the disease is indicated by easily detectable symptoms.

  • It is necessary to contact a veterinarian-ophthalmologist for any eye injuries. Even if a cat or dog simply scratched the eye area, you need to go to the doctor to rule out cases of inflammation and infections.
  • Swelling and redness in the eyelid area may indicate extensive disorders. Without consulting an ophthalmologist and competent diagnostics can't get by here.
  • The presence of serious problems manifests itself through increased lacrimation. The pet may squint one eye for no reason; there may be traces of blood, spots, clouding, or discoloration in the eye.
  • Problems with vision are indicated by disturbances in the animal’s spatial orientation.
  • Like humans, the pupils of animals react to light, so they in good condition constantly changing shape. Constantly dilated or constricted pupils indicate problems in your pet's health.

Our clinic offers effective hardware diagnostics eye disorders in animals. An ophthalmologist or veterinarian will provide assistance to your pet and select appropriate medications. He will do everything to maintain healthy eyesight for the animal.

Prevention of eye diseases in animals

To reduce the risk of developing vision problems in cats and dogs, several factors must be taken into account. Controlling the animal's leisure time will help prevent conjunctivitis: walking in windy and frosty weather leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Animals' eyes should be protected from household products. detergents, sand, glass fragments. Some individuals react extremely poorly to popular allergens. Contact with fungal, bacterial or viral infection often causes serious problems if not promptly consulted by a veterinary ophthalmologist.

Do not forget about the natural disposition of many breeds to eye diseases. Pekingese and pugs are more susceptible than other breeds inflammatory processes on the cornea. Exotic cat breeds quickly develop tear duct obstruction.

If your pet's eye problem is not corrected in time, it can lead to irreparable consequences.

Features of diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases in cats and dogs

When contacting a doctor, the ophthalmologist must be informed in detail about all existing symptoms. In many cases it turns out necessary tonometry - measuring the pressure inside the eye helps diagnose glaucoma, uveitis and other vision disorders.

A veterinary ophthalmologist is a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of vision diseases in pets. On our resource, every visitor can choose a good professional veterinarian from a variety of worthy candidates.

Symptoms of eye diseases in pets

Although a cat or dog cannot tell its owner about visual impairment, identifying health problems in a pet is not that difficult. Ophthalmic diseases usually manifest themselves in the following symptoms:

  • the formation of irregularities, bumps or warts on the surface of the eyeballs;
  • changes in color and visual impairment of the transparency of the cornea;
  • periodic noticeable release of tears without exposure to external irritants;
  • increase or decrease in eye size;
  • availability purulent discharge, as well as pronounced redness of the eyeballs;
  • fear of light, involuntary spasms of the eyelids due to pain.

Features of diagnosis and treatment of visual organs in animals

Professional veterinary ophthalmologist begins diagnostics ophthalmological disease from detailed questioning of the pet owner. The most important information for an ophthalmologist is information about the approximate time of appearance of the first signs of the disease and attempts to independently treat them.

Many serious ophthalmological diseases are almost impossible to determine without a set of tests (tear fluid tests, X-rays or ultrasound). Specialists will also need appropriate equipment. Eye diseases are often associated with problems in other organs and systems of the animal’s body. Therefore, additional consultations with doctors may be required: a therapist, an infectious disease specialist.

On our website you can always find a good veterinarian in the field of ophthalmology for pet. There are also real reviews about specialists from resource users.

Symptoms of eye diseases

If your pet shows the first signs of eye disease, it is better not to delay the process and not expect that the disease will pass herself. Practice shows that the earlier treatment begins, the more opportunities the doctor has to restore the animal’s vision.

Signs of eye disease:

  • Itching, watery eyes, discharge from the eyes (clear, purulent);
  • Swelling, redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes and eyelids;
  • Foreign body in the eye;
  • Photophobia, squinting;
  • Eye injury;
  • Change in eye color (cloudness, film appearance);
  • Neoplasms on the eyelids
Changes in animal behavior:
  • Disorientation in the dark and in space in general;
  • In a new place, the pet shows fear and uncertainty;
  • When leaving a lighted room into a dark one, the animal gets lost;
  • Fear when going up and down stairs;
  • When playing, the animal misses the toys;
  • While eating, the pet cannot find a bowl, drinking bowl, etc.
  • The animal leads an apathetic lifestyle: does not strive to play, run, sleeps a lot, shows weakness and lethargy

In addition, it is worth highlighting a number of diseases that can cause complications in the eyes. In these cases, it is recommended to undergo Ultrasound eyeball:

  • Cardiac and renal hypertension ;
  • Chronic and renal failure;
  • Viral peritonitis, viral immunodeficiency;
  • Oncological blood diseases;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the pancreas

What diseases are treated at the ZOOVET clinic?

An ophthalmologist will diagnose and prescribe effective treatment when eye diseases are detected:

  • tumors of the organs of vision and eyelids;
  • obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct;
  • inversion and eversion of the eyelids;
  • eye injuries;
  • retinal diseases and optic nerve;
  • inflammatory eye diseases ( conjunctivitis , keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis);
  • viral and infectious diseases eye ( herpesvirus , toxoplasmosis , chlamydia);
  • autoimmune eye diseases (pannus, plasmoma, punctate keratitis).
Diagnosis and treatment methods

Diagnosis of eye diseases is carried out using special equipment, the diagnosis is established accurately. Since animals, unlike humans, cannot tell the doctor about the state of their vision, therefore only instrumental diagnostics can assess the severity ocular pathology.

Today, the most progressive diagnostic method is carried out using electroretinography (ERG). The method is safe and reliable. The technology is as follows: electrodes are applied to the head, eyelid and cornea and retinal impulses are generated using flashes of LED lamps.

The full range of examination includes:

  • Biomicroscopy;
  • Tonometry;
  • Measuring intraocular pressure;
  • Ultrasound of the eyeball;
  • Determination of the patency of the nasolacrimal duct;
  • Electroretinogram (ERG);
  • Examination of the eyeball using special equipment;
  • Examination of the retina and optic nerve;
  • Diagnosis of corneal damage.
A comprehensive examination allows you to assess the form and severity of eye pathology and select a method of medical or surgical treatment.

Preparing for an animal examination

The examination is prescribed by an ophthalmologist after the initial examination of the patient. Before the examination, it is not recommended to eat for 8 hours - in case tests are required, as well as the use of eye drops so as not to affect the accuracy instrumental diagnostics. If you have previously been treated, bring your medical record to review the diagnosis and treatment plan. This is necessary to assess the patient’s eye condition over time.

Duration of the examination

Appointment with a doctor and further comprehensive diagnostics last for an hour. Modern equipment allows you to carry out all procedures quickly and painlessly. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe a treatment regimen. Depending on the diagnosis it is possible therapeutic treatment or surgery .

Therapeutic method treatment

Therapy includes drug treatment, without surgery. An ophthalmologist may prescribe eye drops, ointments, eye injections (tissue around the eyeball), tablets, intravenous or intramuscular injections. Treatment is possible both in a hospital and at home, it all depends on the doctor’s recommendations.

Surgical intervention

If there are indications, the ophthalmologist may prescribe surgery:

  • operations on the eyeball;
  • cataract treatment;
  • treatment of glaucoma;
  • corneal surgery;
  • plastic surgery on eyelids and skin;
  • operations on the lacrimal ducts;
  • removal of eyelid tumors.
Recommendations for preserving vision in animals
  • If pet are over six years old and you have not yet visited an ophthalmologist, we recommend that you do so. According to statistics, animals over 6 years of age are susceptible to eye diseases: glaucoma, cataracts, diseases of the retina and optic nerve. On early stages development of the disease, treatment is prescribed with medication, without surgical intervention;
  • Protect animals' eyes from bright sunlight. It is not recommended to stay outside for a long time when the sun is most active. Bright sun rays may damage the cornea of ​​the eyes.
  • Monitor the condition of blood pressure, kidneys and heart; Conduct preventive examinations if the animal has diabetes;
  • Protect animals from eye injuries with mown grass.
How to choose a clinic for eye treatment for your pet?

The portal provides information about veterinary clinics in Moscow where you can find a specialist in the treatment of eye diseases in animals: an ophthalmologist. We collected contact numbers and addresses of clinics, the cost of visiting doctors, and presented all this in visual and easy-to-compare tables. Feedback from clients of veterinary clinics who have already entrusted their pets to specialists will also be useful.

Veterinary ophthalmology deals with the study of the structure and diseases of the eyes of animals. A veterinarian ophthalmologist faces a serious and difficult task - to promptly detect a pet’s illness and cure it. Unfortunately, many owners ignore such a symptom as suppuration of the eyes in dogs, cats or guinea pigs, believing that it will go away on its own. However, this is not always the right decision and the animal’s condition can worsen significantly over time.

When might a veterinary ophthalmologist be needed? Symptoms to watch out for

Paying attention to details and the well-being of your pets will help you avoid unpleasant consequences due to lost time. Ophthalmological diseases of animals can manifest themselves in the form of the following symptoms:

In addition, an appointment with an ophthalmologist is required if there are eye injuries, even in the absence of visible damage. Even the slightest doubt about the health of your pet’s eyes will be a reason to visit a veterinary clinic.

Ophthalmologist for animals - diagnosis and treatment

To make a correct diagnosis, the ophthalmologist and veterinarian must ask the pet owner about the approximate time of occurrence of the problems, their manifestations and the presence of attempts at self-treatment. Thus, he will be able to more accurately select the optimal research methods and prescribe medications.

In small veterinary clinics and private doctors, a diagnosis can be made without serious research, since modern equipment is quite expensive and not every veterinary clinic can afford it. Of course, not every disease requires specific analyzes and tests; many problems can only be determined after a visual examination of the patient. But in some cases, eye diseases in cats, dogs, rodents and other animals can only be determined by changing intraocular pressure, ultrasound of the eye, performing a complete blood or tear fluid test, or taking an x-ray. These procedures significantly increase the likelihood of a quick and complete recovery for your pets.

In some cases, a veterinary ophthalmologist may recommend contacting other doctors, since problems with the eyes may indicate the presence of more serious diseases of other organs and systems. An illustrative example is clouding of the lens of the eye, which occurs as a result of increased blood sugar. Veterinary ophthalmology will not be able to select the correct dose of insulin, despite the fact that this problem affects the vision of animals. Therefore, it is great if the examination is carried out not only by an ophthalmologist, but also by a therapist or infectious disease specialist.

Need animal ophthalmology? Finding a veterinary clinic in Moscow is easy!

Eye diseases in cats and dogs are very common. Treatment prescribed on time helps to quickly cope with the problem and restore good health to pets. Our portal contains telephone numbers and addresses of veterinary clinics in Moscow, which provide the services of a veterinary ophthalmologist. Reviews from patient owners, as well as posted prices for veterinary ophthalmologist services, will help you obtain more detailed information. The cost largely depends on the procedures included in the service and the professionalism of the doctor.