The effect of alcohol on digestion and gastrointestinal tract. Chronic diseases that develop as a result of long-term alcohol use

Alcohol disease is a disease characterized by alcohol etiology. Many people are accustomed to perceiving alcohol only as a risk factor for the development of certain disorders in the body. However, doctors have long seen it as the direct cause leading to the most various diseases the whole body. In accordance with this, pathologies that develop as a result of overuse alcohol belong to a separate category and are included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10).

Ethyl alcohol contained in alcohol destroys the body by cellular level. Therefore, diseases caused by its use reveal disturbances in all functional systems body. List of some alcohol-related diseases according to the ICD:

  • alcoholic liver disease;
  • kidney disease;
  • alcoholic cardiomyopathy;
  • alcohol-induced nervous system degeneration;
  • alcoholic gastritis;
  • alcoholic diseases of the musculoskeletal system or polyneuropathy.

Important! Scientists are increasingly inclined to recognize alcohol as a carcinogen.

Alcoholic liver diseases

The liver suffers most acutely from excessive alcohol consumption. This is not surprising, because it acts as a filter for toxins that enter our body. Uncontrolled consumption of alcohol has a very negative effect on this organ.
Presence of hepatotropic viral infection is a risk factor for an alcoholic to develop alcoholic liver disease.

Name of the disease Symptoms Leakage mechanism
Fatty liver - usually asymptomatic

- slight pain on palpation

- bloating

- heaviness in the right hypochondrium

Metabolic disorders between hepatocytes (liver cells) lead to their obesity and an increase in the organ's volume.
Hepatitis - icteric sclera

- euphoria followed by irritability

- hypertrophy of the brow ridges

spider veins(“liver stigmata”)

Inflammatory processes in the liver, reacting to toxic substances, lead to violation liver function. Bilirubin that is not processed by the organ enters the blood and spreads throughout the body, giving the skin a yellowish tint.
Cirrhosis painful symptoms none

- complaints of lack of sleep, appetite, general weakness

- vomiting, nausea

- increase in abdominal volume

- hypotrophy of the mammary glands in women

Organ destruction with replacement functional fabric liver to connective. Enlargement and subsequent shrinkage of the liver.

Important! Cirrhosis of the liver against the background of alcoholic disease is characterized by high tolerance to alcoholic beverages and difficulty in achieving intoxication.

Alcoholic kidney disease

Alcohol consumption impairs kidney function. They cleanse the blood of substances that need to be eliminated through genitourinary system. Ethyl alcohol in the blood negatively affects kidney function and disrupts internal work renal tubules and, over time, replaces the cells of the organ with connective and scar tissue. In this case it suffers water-salt balance in organism. This leads to impaired blood circulation in the kidney and, consequently, to a reduction and shrinkage of the organ.

Alcohol-related diseases of the cardiovascular system

The immediate destructive effects of alcohol are experienced by cordially- vascular system. The only one drunk alcoholic drink significantly affects the functioning of blood vessels and capillaries. When alcohol enters the body, they undergo a sharp expansion, and then an equally sharp spasm. After this, the vascular system does not return to its previous state for a long time, operating in the mode high pressure. Constant drinking can cause deformation of the walls of blood vessels: varicose veins, aneurysms, ruptures.

The composition of the blood undergoes changes. Alcohol disease leads to the fact that red blood cells under the influence of alcohol die and stick together, forming clots in the form of blood clots that interfere with normal blood circulation(“bunches of grapes”). Tissues that do not receive oxygen as a result of impaired blood flow literally begin to suffocate and die.

Name of the disease Symptoms Leakage mechanism
Porphyria - pink urine

- severe abdominal pain

- disturbances in the functioning of consciousness

The disease is associated with disruption of the stages of hemoglobin formation in the blood.
Hypertension headache

- nausea

Increased blood pressure as a result of narrowing of the blood pathways or the formation of blood clots.
Heart attacks and strokes - cognitive impairment

- loss of consciousness

- paralysis

- a loss motor functions

- dizziness

The resulting thrombus, clogging the blood passages, leads to rupture of the vessel walls and, as a consequence, to hemorrhagic hemorrhage (strokes) or oxygen starvation organs (heart attacks).
Cardiomyopathy - shortness of breath

- dizziness

- chest pain

- fainting

Stretching or thickening of the walls of the heart and an increase in size of the organ. Death muscle cells. Deterioration of the pumping function of the muscle.

Important! Permanent high blood pressure leads to ruptures of small capillaries on the face. The consequences of this disease in alcoholics are well illustrated by the redness of the nose - the result of constant microscopic hemorrhages.

Alcoholic diseases of the nervous system

At the cellular level, alcohol negatively affects neurons. This leads to the destruction of the cerebral cortex and the occurrence of a number of other diseases of the central nervous system. For example, necrosis that occurs as a result of drinking alcohol-containing drinks individual areas brain, threatens the loss of cognitive functions.

Name of the disease Symptoms Leakage mechanism
Polyneuropathy - sensitivity disorder

- pain in calf muscles

muscle atrophy

- muscle hypotonia

- increased heart rate

The toxic effects of alcohol may cause problems metabolic processes between nerve cells. This leads to damage to the peripheral nervous system.
Nervous system degeneration functional disorders psyche

- emotional devastation

- irritability

- epileptic syndrome

- delirium

The process of metabolic disturbances in neurons caused by alcohol consumption leads to degeneration of nerve pathways.

Alcoholic gastrointestinal diseases

Alcohol-related diseases are also noted among gastrointestinal diseases. Chronic alcohol consumption affects the digestive organs in the following ways:

  • damage to mucous membranes;
  • violation of acid-base balance;
  • destruction of microflora;
  • circulatory disorders.

The main diseases of an alcoholic are gastritis, which develops into an ulcer.

Name of the disease Symptoms Leakage mechanism
Acidosis - cardiopalmus

- increased pressure

- shortness of breath

Increased acidity in the digestive tract interferes with the absorption of minerals, causing withdrawal useful substances from the body (calcium, sodium, etc.), reduces the volume of oxygen supply to the organs.
Pancreatitis sharp pain in the upper abdomen

constant vomiting without relief

- impaired flow of bile (jaundice)

Inflammation of the pancreas can occur against the background of illness from alcohol. The volume of the enzyme responsible for digesting food increases. The gland seems to be digesting itself.
Gastritis and ulcers - stomach ache

- feeling of nausea

Alcohol getting into gastric juice, causes irritation on the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines. This leads to its inflammation and subsequently to the appearance of a wound on the inner wall of the organ.

Alcohol-related diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Alcohol also causes problems in the functioning of skeletal muscles, bones and joints.

Every tenth resident of our country suffers from diseases that have alcoholic etiology. Unfolding its destructive activity at the cellular level, ethyl alcohol reaches almost all tissues and organs. Therefore, the ICD-10 classification is periodically updated with new diseases caused by the abuse of alcohol-containing drinks.

The value of alcohol as a substance that promotes the digestion of food has been known for a long time. A traditional glass of sherry before meals increases appetite, stimulates the gastric mucosa well and pleasantly relaxes, allowing a person to get optimal pleasure from eating. The ancient Romans drank wine to stimulate their appetite, and the tradition of drinking before meals was firmly established in England by the seventeenth century. Without abuse, a glass of sherry or champagne improves appetite, but, according to research results, alcoholics invariably have a poor appetite, and peculiar eating habits develop due to excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages. Therefore, it is important to know the effect of alcohol on the gastrointestinal tract.

Effects of alcohol on digestion

What changes alcohol causes when affecting digestion is a serious question. Alcohol greatly affects the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. This happens for many reasons and has its consequences, the main ones of which are worth considering.

Enlarged salivary glands

Although alcohol acts as an appetite stimulant, it does not in any way increase salivation. While drinking alcohol, parotid and other salivary glands produce less saliva, which makes food seem dry, which often causes difficulty swallowing. Alcoholics develop sialadinosis, increase in size salivary glands, which is most noticeable when the parotid glands are affected.

Important! Even people who don’t drink that much should pay attention to such an increase in glands, because this may be evidence characteristic lesion liver.

Diseases of the esophagus

The esophagus is also affected negative impact excessive alcohol consumption, which manifests itself in the development chronic inflammation. It is known as esophagitis and affects lower section the esophagus, which is located behind the breastbone. It is characterized by burning pain, more familiar as heartburn. This disease usually worsens early in the morning.

Stomach diseases

Heartburn and chest pain are caused by impaired contractions of the esophagus in the same way as by burning of its mucous membrane. The effect of alcohol on esophageal peristalsis can cause problems with swallowing, in other words, dysphagia. It can be the result of chronic scars in the esophagus or, less commonly, the appearance malignant tumors. Any difficulty swallowing should be checked immediately. The gastric mucosa can adapt to a wide variety of stimuli.

The absorption of alcohol in the stomach is determined by many factors, including the concentration and nature of the drink, its use before or after a meal, and the individual characteristics of the drinker are also taken into account. One reason it takes longer for alcohol to break down on an empty stomach is that fasting lowers the level of alcohol dehydrogenase, a natural enzyme that can break down alcohol. In women, this enzyme works more efficiently with age; in men, the opposite happens.

Bowel disease

The gut and alcohol have a special connection. Alcohol affects work small intestine, affecting both its blood supply and its peristalsis. Scientists have proven that in older people, alcohol can destroy microorganisms ulcerative. But this only applies to people over 65 years of age.

The effects of alcohol on the intestines are worsened if you have certain medical conditions. With the development of chronic pancreatitis, the patient tends to worsen his condition. Chronic pancreatitis often results from alcoholism. Significant alcohol consumption is associated not only with pancreatic diseases, but also with an increase in the amount of triglycerides in the blood, which is one of the blood lipids, which increases the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Important! Judging by latest research, changes in triglyceride levels may be one reason for the loss of the protective effect of alcohol, which is present with moderate consumption, once drinking man begins to abuse alcohol.

Gallbladder diseases

The gallbladder is a kind of reservoir for bile, which makes it a very important part of the digestion process. According to many doctors, its function is improved by alcohol - a dose of alcohol helps to speed up the emptying of the gallbladder after eating. Alcohol also speeds up the filling of the bladder, and this increased bile production is believed to prevent the formation of stones. IN in this case there will be wine the best option, rather than beer or strong alcohol.

The effect of alcohol on the colon

Alcoholic drinks act as a stimulus for gastrointestinal reflux, which has an immediate effect on the colon. Because of this reflex, peristalsis of the colon is caused while food is in the stomach. This problem of an overly sensitive gut often affects people with irritable bowel syndrome when drinking alcohol. This is especially true in the presence of stress. Most people with this syndrome note that the effect of alcohol on the intestines is greater, the darker the drink consumed. Therefore, if you have intestinal diseases, you need to drink alcohol wisely.

Aperitifs and digestifs

When creating a menu for any festive table where alcohol will be present, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the correct serving of alcoholic beverages - they should go well with food and complement its taste. Here it is worth considering such concepts as aperitif and digestif.

Aperitifs (from the Latin aperīre - “to open”) are a group of alcoholic drinks that are served before meals. They are designed to stimulate appetite and promote digestion. Non-alcoholic drinks can also serve as aperitifs - plain, soda, mineral water or sour juices (lemon, orange, tomato, birch). From alcoholic drinks aperitifs include:

  • Absinthe;
  • Champagne;
  • Vodka;
  • Beer;
  • Vermouth;
  • Sherry;
  • Port wine;
  • Cognac (Armagnac);
  • Whiskey;
  • Gin;
  • Strong alcoholic cocktails.

Aperitifs are divided into three groups:

  • Single - contain one drink;
  • Combined – several drinks served at the same time;
  • Mixed – specially prepared mixtures (cocktails).

When choosing aperitifs there are several things to remember: important rules. Firstly, warm, hot or sweet drinks are not served on the table. Secondly, the volume of drinks should be moderate so as not to make people very intoxicated. And finally, you need to choose the right snack.

Digestifs (from the Latin digestivus - promoting digestion) are alcoholic drinks that promote the digestion of food. They are served at the end of the meal. They should be stronger than the aperitifs served, because after a heavy meal the taste of light drinks is difficult to perceive normally. Non-alcoholic digestifs include tea and coffee, but many experts usually classify them as special group. Alcoholic digestifs can be:

  • Fortified and dessert wines;
  • Liqueurs and balms;
  • Grappa;
  • Calvados;
  • Whiskey;
  • Brandy;
  • Cognac.

From the above list it is clear that the same alcohol is suitable for consumption both before and after eating, but it cannot be duplicated during one feast. Therefore, when choosing aperitifs and digestifs, you should be guided by a couple of simple rules:

  • Light drinks are served as aperitifs, dark drinks as digestifs;
  • Digestifs should always be stronger than aperitifs.

By following these simple rules, you can easily choose the optimal alcohol for any feast. There is no single standard here; when choosing, you need to take into account only the tastes and preferences of those who are going to drink these drinks.

The effect of alcohol on the gastrointestinal tract should be considered as predominantly negative. Ethyl alcohol is a natural toxin, and high concentrations This liquid simply destroys the cells of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. On the other hand, the amount and concentration of alcohol is important. Any substance can be a poison, for example - we breathe poisonous oxygen, which destroys even stone. The postulate that alcohol is certainly harmful is based on ignorance of normal human physiology. Alcohol in moderate doses relieves stress, protects blood vessels from atherosclerosis, stimulates work digestive system.

In what quantities and what kind of alcohol does it negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract?

Any alcohol with a strength above 40% certainly damages the mucous membranes ( chemical burn). Of course, there are “heroes” whose mucous membrane is “accustomed” to such loads, but this means that the wear and tear on the resource of this tissue has increased significantly, and complications will manifest themselves through certain time. Strong alcohol provokes esophagitis and gastro-duodenitis. With constant use, chronic inflammatory diseases are formed and the preconditions are created for cancer of the esophagus and stomach.

Who definitely can’t have that same 50 ml or glass of wine:

    persons with a developed dependence on alcohol. Those. if a person has a hangover (even rarely), he takes the initiative to drink alcoholic beverages at least 2 times a month - he should not drink at all;

    for those who already have inflammatory diseases stomach and intestines.

What happens when you drink strong alcoholic drinks?

Alcohol quickly penetrates the mucous membrane and has a pronounced toxic effect onto it and quickly enters the blood and other organs. With constant alcohol consumption, the cells in the walls of blood vessels supplying the stomach are destroyed.

What is the danger of impaired blood supply to the stomach?

    trophism (nutrition) of the mucosal area deteriorates;

    the thickness of the mucous layer decreases, digestion processes degrade;

    gastric juice destroys the weakened area inner surface organ;

    a stomach ulcer forms.

In fact, everything happens even faster, since the mucous membrane is already provoked by the alcohol itself, and then the blood supply is also turned off.

It is at this moment that they arise cutting pains after taking even a small dose of alcohol in a person with an already provoked stomach, the acid begins to destroy the “poisoned” area of ​​the mucous membrane. Stomach pain can be constant if a person takes alcohol in frequent small doses.

In addition to the fact that the mucous membrane is burned by acid, it stops fulfilling its secretory functions– less mucus is secreted, which speeds up the destruction process. The walls become thinner and develop. After some time, acid synthesis also stops. This leads to indigestion, characteristic of alcoholics.

Deformation of the salivary glands

The digestive tract begins with oral cavity. At atrophic changes The salivary glands of the stomach increase compensatoryly. In this way, the body tries to somehow compensate for the lack of stomach secretions. This is what forms “hamster cheeks” in drinkers.

Burns of the esophageal mucosa, reflux esophagitis

The esophagus suffers both directly from the alcohol burn and from the backflow of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus. This phenomenon is called gastroesophageal reflux (or simply reflux). This happens because the valve between the stomach and esophagus relaxes under the influence of ethyl alcohol and smoking (in combination, the effect is stronger).

The result is severe pain and a burning sensation behind the sternum. This condition aggravated by increased weight and large portions of food, because the pressure on the valve depends on the fullness of the stomach and intra-abdominal pressure. Forms quite quickly chronic esophagitis and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). After that even small doses any provoking food or liquid causes intense, raw pain in the chest.

It should be noted that when trying to heal mucosal defects, any episode of alcoholic breakdown completely negates all previous efforts. The mucous membrane recovers poorly in such cases; preventing it from regenerating is quite easy. All contraindications in the medication instructions begin to take effect.

Clinic of acute “alcoholic” gastritis

Attempts to relieve pain with anti-inflammatory drugs can quickly lead to aggravation of the process, because the NSAID group (diclofenac, nimesulide, etc.) further impairs the synthesis of gastric mucus (provokes the disease).

After the first attack of alcohol-induced gastritis, you should stop drinking alcohol. At all.

Symptoms of chronic (alcoholic) gastritis

They are constantly present, the intensity depends on food intake, alcohol, smoking and the stage of the disease.

    heaviness in the stomach and pain in the epigastric (epigastric) region;

    loss of appetite, constant feeling thirst;

    weight loss is observed. This is due to malabsorption nutrients, irregular eating and general intoxication.

Liver damage from alcohol

With alcoholism, there is a depletion of enzyme systems responsible for the breakdown of alcohol in the liver. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) deficiency has various consequences:

    the dose of alcohol is reduced, because the drinker is now knocked out by a relatively small amount of alcohol;

    the frequency of “drinking” increases, because addiction forces you to constantly maintain a certain concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood;

    everyone is progressing inflammatory processes mucous membranes, because irritant now operates continuously.

The parenchymal tissue of the liver itself begins to degrade after this at a much faster rate. Episodes of acute alcoholic hepatitis, then cirrhosis of the liver begins. This, as a rule, leads the alcoholic to fatal outcome. Liver cancer often develops against the background of toxic processes.

Hepatitis manifests itself first as heaviness, and then as pain in the right hypochondrium.

The gallbladder suffers less from alcoholism. The likelihood of developing, as well as the risk of stone formation in gallbladder. Stones are formed when drinking sweet wines and liqueurs.

Alcohol damage to the pancreas

Accompanied by constant diarrhea, the stool has a characteristic odor. The pancreas is a “military warehouse” for the digestive system. A huge number of enzymes are synthesized and stored in it. At alcohol impairment the following may happen:

    acute or chronic pancreatitis develops. Inflammation in such an organ can actually lead to “self-digestion” of the pancreas. The process is accompanied by excruciating pain and often causes the death of the patient;

    when islet cells are damaged, it begins diabetes 1 type, i.e. insulin dependent. This disease in combination with alcoholism leads to a complete fiasco, since blood vessels quickly become unusable due to fluctuations in insulin and sugar levels.

The attack is treated in a hospital. In some cases, they use surgical methods treatment. The point is that you can save most organ, preventing it from self-destructing. Resection of the inflamed lobe is performed. Refusing this manipulation is mortally dangerous.

The effect of alcohol on the large intestine

Alcoholism leads to noticeable defecation defects - often a permanent loose stool. In addition, the balance of acidic and alkaline components is often disturbed, as well as the reuptake of fluid in the terminal parts of the intestine, which leads to constipation. Constipation can be so severe that it forms fecal stones. IN severe cases– the problem is solved surgically.

So, excessive alcohol consumption quite predictably destroys the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver and disrupts intestinal function.

If we compare these states with beneficial effects, characteristic of alcoholic drinks, you can draw your own conclusions about the benefits of alcohol. The effect of alcohol on the gastrointestinal tract is obvious, and this cannot be neglected.

For any pathologies gastrointestinal tract that arise during or after drinking alcohol, you should immediately consult a gastroenterologist for advice. Following the doctor’s recommendations will save you and your loved ones from the troubles described above.

An alternative to alcohol as a stress reliever in the photo

Regular and excessive consumption of alcohol leads to a significant drop in the number of red blood cells - the main carriers of oxygen in the blood.

This condition, called anemia, causes a range of symptoms such as fatigue and constant fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness.

Malignant tumors

Scientists believe that the increased risk of cancer in alcoholism is associated with overeducation acetaldehyde - one of the products of alcohol processing in the body. And this substance, in turn, is a potential carcinogen, that is, it contributes to the development of cancer.

People who drink often develop cancer of the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, as well as tumors of the liver and mammary gland. The risk of cancer increases significantly if, along with alcohol consumption, a person also smokes.

Cardiovascular diseases

Heavy drinking affects platelets (blood platelets), which begin to stick together, forming a thrombus, or blood clot. Blockage of blood vessels in the heart or brain by a blood clot can lead to myocardial infarction or stroke.

Alcohol abuse also contributes to the development of cardiomyopathy. This is potentially fatal disease, in which the heart muscle gradually weakens and eventually loses its ability to contract.

Alcohol-related diseases such as disorders also occur heart rate: atrial and ventricular fibrillation. For atrial fibrillation, or atrial fibrillation, the upper chambers of the heart (atria) begin to contract chaotically.

This promotes the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels. With ventricular fibrillation (the main pumping chambers of the heart), a person quickly loses consciousness, and in the absence of emergency assistance may die.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Alcohol is a powerful poison for liver cells. And therefore, many heavy drinkers develop cirrhosis of the liver - serious disease, in which the liver gradually ceases to perform its functions. However, the likelihood of developing this condition cannot be predicted accurately.

One person can consume alcohol in huge quantities, and he does not develop cirrhosis. And for others, just a couple of glasses of beer a week is enough, which affects the health of the liver. But it is known for sure that women are more susceptible to cirrhosis than men.


As we age, there is a decrease in brain volume: about 2% every 10 years. This is considered the norm. However, in alcoholics, the processes of cell death in the most important parts of the brain are accelerated. This leads to memory loss and other signs of dementia.

Higher executive function suffers nervous activity: the ability to plan, reasoning, and the ability to solve problems are impaired.


It has long been known that depression and alcohol abuse are inextricably linked. However, it remained unclear which condition was primary.

One theory is that depressed people turn to drinking in an attempt to relieve their emotional pain. However, a study conducted a year ago by scientists from New Zealand showed an inverse relationship.

They found that a depressed mood quickly goes away as soon as a person gives up drinking.

Seizures and epilepsy

Drinking can stimulate the development of epilepsy, as well as the appearance of seizures in people who have never suffered from epilepsy. In addition, alcohol can affect the function medicines, which are used for epilepsy, rendering them ineffective.


Gout is another disease caused by alcohol. In this disease, crystals are deposited in the joints and under the skin. uric acid, calling severe pain. Although in some cases gout is caused by hereditary reasons, dietary disorders and alcohol intake play a significant role in its development.

It is also known that drinking alcohol can worsen the course of an existing disease.

High blood pressure

Alcohol affects the sympathetic nervous system which controls contraction and relaxation blood vessels in response to stress, temperature influences, physical activity and other factors. Therefore, heavy drinking can cause increased blood pressure. Over time, the effect becomes permanent. High arterial pressure, in turn, causes other conditions such as kidney disease, heart disease and strokes.

Infectious diseases

Alcoholism is overwhelming immune system, including the green light to many infections: tuberculosis, pneumonia, HIV infection, AIDS, as well as sexually transmitted diseases. Strongly drinking people are often disorderly sex life, which increases the risk of contracting a dangerous infection.

Nerve damage

Alcohol abuse often causes damage to nerve trunks and endings - an alcohol-related disease called alcoholic neuropathy. She is accompanied stabbing pains in the limbs, muscle weakness, urinary and fecal incontinence, constipation, erectile dysfunction and other symptoms. Reason alcoholic neuropathy is immediate toxic effects alcohol on the nerves or nutritional deficiency, which often accompanies alcoholism.


In addition to irritating the stomach lining, alcohol promotes inflammation in the pancreas. Chronic pancreatitis leads to disruption of digestive processes, causes abdominal pain and constant diarrhea that are impossible to cope with.