Top 50 most requested drugs. Modern medicine and healthcare

1. Actovegin

Active ingredient: protein-free extract from calf blood

Similar drug: "Solcoseryl"

The drug is focused almost exclusively on the CIS market, is not approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and is not registered in Western European countries. Manufacturers' claims of effectiveness are not supported by evidence-based clinical trials. As with other animal tissue extracts, the pharmacodynamics of the drug are unclear.

2. Essentiale

Active ingredient: essential phospholipids

Similar drugs: "Liv 52", "Legalon"

Experts' conclusion: has no right to be in the top 20.

3. Codterpin

Active ingredient: codeine

Similar drugs: “Terkodin”, “Terpinkod”

Despite the fact that the product is effective, its active ingredient, codeine (a narcotic poppy alkaloid), is confusing. If desired, the drug desomorphine can be obtained from codterpine, which is an order of magnitude stronger than morphine. That is why in many countries such drugs are sold strictly by prescription, which in itself significantly limits their sales volumes. Accordingly, he should not occupy such high places in the ranking.

Experts' conclusion: has no right to be in the top 20.

4. No-Shpa

Active ingredient: drotaverine

Similar drugs: “Drotaverin-Forte”, “Drotaverin-Darnitsa”

5. Cardiomagnyl

Active ingredient: acetylsalicylic acid + magnesium hydroxide

An inexpensive drug aimed at the CIS markets. Acetylsalicylic acid is an antiplatelet agent with proven effectiveness.

Experts' conclusion: it has the right to be in the top 20.

6. Mildronate

Active ingredient: trimethylhydrazinium propionate

Similar drugs: Cardionat, Meldonium

A drug with an unclear mechanism of action. There are no serious clinical trials. It is not used in any Western country.

Experts' conclusion: has no right to be in the top 20.

7. Sodium chloride

Active ingredient: sodium chloride

The main drug for intravenous infusions, used both independently and as a solution for many medications.

Experts' conclusion: it has the right to be in the top 20.

8. Preductal

Active ingredient: trimetazidine dihydrochloride

Similar drugs: “Angiosil Retard”, “Rimekor”, “Trimetazidine”

A 2005 meta-analysis shows significant effectiveness of the drug compared to placebo in the treatment of coronary heart disease. At the same time, it is more often used only in combination with traditional antianginal agents, which are not included in the TOP-20. It is almost never used in the West, but is being aggressively promoted in the CIS markets. As for other claimed effects, there is insufficient evidence yet. In particular, the effectiveness for the treatment of chorioretinal vascular disorders has not been confirmed in a number of studies. Accordingly, he should not have taken such high places in the ranking.

Experts' conclusion: it has the right to be in the top 20.

9. Augmentin

Active ingredient: amoxicillin + clavulanic acid

Similar drugs: “Ecoclave”, “Amoxiclav”

Augmentin’s high ranking may be explained by the popularity of the drug and self-medication. Perhaps its position would have been lower if the drug had been dispensed strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Experts' conclusion: it has the right to be in the top 20.

10. Ceraxon

Active ingredient: citicoline

Similar drugs: “Somazina”, “Somaxon”, “Neurodar”

From the point of view of evidence-based medicine, it is not possible to talk about the effectiveness of citicoline due to insufficient research. Another nootropic (neurometabolic stimulant) aimed at the CIS markets.

Experts' conclusion: it has the right to be in the top 20.

11. Linux

Active ingredient: Lebenin

Similar drug: "Hilak"

It is prescribed, as a rule, for the treatment of a non-existent pathology (intestinal dysbiosis), which often hides psychosomatic (irritable bowel syndrome) and other diseases that require the prescription of other, effective drugs.

Experts' conclusion: has no right to be in the top 20.

12. Enap

Active ingredient: enalapril

Similar drugs: “Bagopril”, “Renitek”, “Berlipril”

A rather outdated drug from the group of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Currently, it should be replaced with long-acting drugs from the same group.

Experts' conclusion: has no right to be in the top 20.

13. Ceftriaxone

Active ingredient: ceftriaxone

Similar drugs: “Norakson”, “Cefodar”, “Ceftriaxone-BHFZ”

Such a high ranking of the drug may be explained by the popularity of the drug and self-medication. Perhaps its position would be lower if the drug was dispensed strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Experts' conclusion: it has the right to be in the top 20.

14. Traumeel S

Active ingredient: no data

Similar drugs: no data

As with other homeopathic remedies, the effect of the drug does not exceed the effect of placebo.

Experts' conclusion: has no right to be in the top 20.

15. Canephron

Active ingredients: centaury herb, lovage root powder, rosemary leaf powder, etc.

Similar drugs: “Vitaprost”, “Afala”

It is essentially a dietary supplement. The effect has not been confirmed by clinical trials.

Experts' conclusion: has no right to be in the top 20.

16. Spasmalgon

Active ingredients: metamizole sodium, pitofenone, fenpiverinium bromide

Similar drugs: “Spazgan”, “Baralgetas”

Side effects of metamizole sodium are rare, but very significant for the person who develops them (agranulocytosis). In many countries, including Sweden (since 1972), Japan, Australia and most EU countries, metamizole sodium preparations are prohibited. In Germany they are available only with a doctor's prescription. Thoughtless use of combined analgesics is dangerous not only because of its side effects, but can itself lead to the development of drug-induced headaches. In addition, often eliminating pain as a symptom, the patient does not promptly consult a doctor to eliminate the cause of the disease.


How and for what were St. Petersburg residents and Russians treated in 2014? Which pills were purchased more often than others? “City 812” has compiled a rating of the most popular drugs in St. Petersburg.

H The more useless I eat, the more popular I eat.

The range of medications that Russians choose for treatment depends on various factors. Each region, it turns out, has its own preferences. The analytical company DSM Group studied the Russian pharmaceutical market and compiled ratings of medications that are leading in terms of sales in pharmacies in the country.

The first places in the all-Russian top all last year were occupied by several drugs, among them: Essentiale (“to protect the liver”), Actovegin (“for blood vessels”), Kagocel (antiviral).

The popularity of these drugs is a purely Russian phenomenon. According to the chief clinical pharmacologist of St. Petersburg, Alexander Hadjidis, not one (!) of them has convincing evidence of effectiveness. That is, doctors do not know whether these pills actually help or not. They are not sold anywhere in other developed countries, and in some states they are prohibited.

Thus, Essentiale drugs, produced by the transnational corporation SANOFI-AVENTIS (headquartered in Paris), should - as follows from the advertisement - protect the liver from harmful effects. However, many scientists have doubts about the effectiveness of the drug. A large-scale study conducted in the USA in 2003 did not reveal the promised beneficial properties of Essentiale. Moreover, there is evidence that in acute and chronic viral hepatitis it is harmful, as it can increase bile stagnation and inflammatory activity. Essentiale is not included in the pharmacopoeias of the United States and Europe and is not included in the Clinical Guidelines for Doctors, which are, in fact, the Western analogue of state standards for treatment.

It’s a similar story with Actovegin, another popular drug that ranks first in the pharmacy preferences of Russians. It is produced by the Austrian branch of the Swiss company Nycomed. According to Alexander Khadzhidis, 85-90% of all Actovegin produced by the company is sold in the Russian Federation. The rest is in the CIS, China, South Korea. There are international studies showing that in countries where Actovegin is used, the incidence of dementia (acquired dementia) in the population is one third higher than in countries where it has never been used. For this reason, Actovegin is prohibited in Canada and the USA. In Western Europe, Australia, and Japan, it is not approved for use as a medicine.

Another leader of the domestic pharmaceutical market, Kagocel, is produced in Russia. Our people willingly buy it to fight viruses and treat colds.

Despite the hype, the benefits of this medicine are questionable. It has not been proven that it has immunostimulating and antiviral activity. The manufacturer, by the way, is changing positions. Then he states that the drug is antiviral. “And then he calls it an immunomodulator,” Khadzhidis is perplexed.

According to St. Petersburg pharmacists, Kagocel became a sales leader thanks to powerful PR. The drug promotion campaign was awarded a number of advertising awards.

A huge number of drugs that are available in pharmacies are of no value. The pharmaceutical business produces what sells well, but this does not mean that these drugs are useful and necessary. Not only are they expensive and ineffective, but they can also cause harm! What is actively advertised, as a rule, does not bring benefits. Both the population and even doctors, under the influence of advertising - and I call it zombies - begin to believe that the medicine helps. And they buy. Instead of turning to serious medical sites and checking the information they are fed, says Alexander Hadjidis.

How to save money during a crisis

The medicinal preferences of St. Petersburg residents are similar to those of all Russia. In 2014, city residents most often bought Essentiale Forte (to “protect the liver”), Kagocel (antiviral), Nise (for pain and fever), Exoderil (against fungus), Tizin xylo spray (for the runny nose), Ingavirin (antiviral), Troxevasin gel (“for veins”).

From this medicinal basket one can judge what ailments tormented the townspeople. At the same time, seasonality is noticeable. In spring and summer, antifungal drugs were most often purchased - Exoderil and Lotseril, from which we can conclude that in the warm season, St. Petersburg residents are attacked by a fungus. And in the fall and winter, on the contrary, the flu attacks, as sales of cold medications jump significantly. In the top 20 best-selling drugs, starting in September, 13 positions were occupied by drugs for sore throat, runny nose and fever.

According to the head of the pharmacy of one of the city pharmacy chains, Dmitry Reznikov, this situation repeats itself from year to year. This is common. In summer, people worry about the health of the skin of their feet and nails, and also buy weight loss products. In the spring, vitamins are sold out, in the fall - all sorts of “immune” products. On the eve of the holidays (New Year, March 8), the demand for weight correction products and hepatoprotectors, including Essential, jumps.

On the eve of the last New Year holidays, the demand for dietary supplements increased in St. Petersburg. Especially for dietary supplements that improve potency and men's health. On the contrary, they began to ask for Viagra less often.

It is strange that instead of medicines, the effectiveness of which has been proven for men, people prefer to trust some strange roots and powders. Perhaps it's the price? - suggests Dmitry Reznikov.

The average price for one Viagra tablet and a package of dietary supplements “for men’s health” in St. Petersburg pharmacies fluctuates around a thousand rubles. This is probably how people save money during a crisis: it is better to buy a pack of dubious pills for the same amount than one single pill from the premium segment.

According to expert Reznikov, the demand for alcohol tinctures - motherwort and valerian - has also increased in pharmacies. Probably also due to the crisis. Because it is high-proof, well-refined and cheap alcohol.

The drug that, according to the pharmacist's observations, citizens began to ask for less often is Arbidol.

The most fashionable tablets

Throughout Russia, the situation with the seasonality of drug purchases is similar. In summer the country is treated for fungus, in winter - for influenza. But the whole country chooses not the same pills that they are used to treating in St. Petersburg. For example, the average Russian with symptoms of ARVI usually drinks Anvimax (an analogue of Antigrippin, consisting of paracetamol, vitamin C, antiallergic and other components) and cough medicines - ACC, Lazolvan.

St. Petersburg residents swallow antiviral drugs - Kagocel, Ingavirin, Oscillococcinum, Anaferon and Arbidol (they occupy leading positions in the autumn sales rankings). This behavior is also a consequence of zombie advertising, says the chief clinical pharmacologist of St. Petersburg. Since the effectiveness of all these drugs, in his opinion, is also questionable.

Oscillococcinum is essentially a homeopathic medicine. I didn’t find any active substance in its composition, and it’s unclear how it can even act! The same story with Anaferon. Ingavirin was used as a drug in oncology practice for about 30 years, and suddenly in 2008 - without any additional research - it was declared an immunomodulator. Why the fright? Arbidol has generally become the talk of the town. This drug is already about 40 years old. It is constantly being researched, but the most authoritative international pharmaceutical organizations have not recognized it as a medicine, but recommended it for use only as a dietary supplement. Immunity is generally a subtle matter. There is a main reason for its decline: stress. There is no need to rely on medications. Because there are only a few medications that truly support the immune system. And these are very serious drugs, the number of contraindications for their use is much greater than the indications, says pharmaceutical expert Hadjidis.

According to another expert, Dmitry Reznikov, the choice of medicines that city residents buy in pharmacies depends on the general medicinal literacy, income and even the level of culture of the population. And also from fashion. And the larger the city, the more fashionable there is for medicines.

The more media sources there are in a city, the easier it is to formulate a strategy for consumers to switch to the drugs the business needs. St. Petersburg is a large metropolis with a good sales market, so representatives of pharmaceutical companies are active here, and they shape fashion,” explains Reznikov.

Pharmaceutical companies use all sorts of methods to promote their drugs. Various arrangements between businesses, doctors and pharmacies continue to be popular.

As a rule, the less well-known a drug or dietary supplement, the stricter the reporting on it. For example, an agreement is concluded with a doctor at a district clinic that he will send patients to a specific pharmacy to purchase the necessary drug. And the pharmacy also makes an agreement that they will supply a certain number of buyers of this drug. So that pharmacies purchase this drug. Sometimes very long-term cooperation is built on such a multi-stage scheme. Because no one canceled sales plans. This is a business,” explains Dmitry Reznikov.

Pharmacy secrets of the resort city

Based on which medications are most often purchased in a particular city, it turns out that you can learn a lot about the city itself. For example, in prosperous Sochi, the top-selling ranking included several drugs for the treatment of viral hepatitis B and C - Pegintron and Pegasys. Neither the Moscow, nor the St. Petersburg, nor the all-Russian pharmacy ratings contain these drugs.

Lyrica tablets are also very popular in Sochi. This is the best-selling (!) medicine at the resort. According to the Russian Medicines Register, Lyrica is intended for the treatment of epilepsy. The pharmacy layout, unexpected for the resort, was explained by pharmacist Dmitry Reznikov. According to him, drug addicts use Lyrica to achieve the effect of altered consciousness. This drug is especially popular in the south of the country, and in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic the problem of pharmacy drug addiction has generally become an epidemic. The same “narcotic” reason explains the popularity of drugs for the treatment of viral hepatitis in Sochi.

The top 20 most popular drugs in Moscow are similar to the St. Petersburg list. The difference is that capital residents prefer to treat a sore throat with Bioparox, while northerners prefer to treat it with Tantum-Verde and Hexoral sprays. And in Penza, for example, colds are more often treated with folk remedies. Anti-cold medications were not included in the ranking of the most purchased drugs in this city. Most often, Penzyan residents buy medicines to treat cancer, blood vessels and rheumatic diseases.

According to DSM Group, the average cost of a pack of tablets in Russia in November 2014 (there are no more recent data yet) was 130.4 rubles. For comparison: in November 2013, the same average package cost 110 rubles.

Over the year, the share of imported drugs increased by 2% and reached 45% of the total number of packages sold in the country’s pharmacies. In monetary terms, foreign drugs accounted for 76% of sales volumes in November. Pharmaceutical companies Novartis, Sanofi-Aventis, Bayer were the leaders in terms of revenue in November .

The list of 100 largest enterprises in Russia includes several pharmacy chains. The largest companies in terms of profit, included in the Top 7, are the companies ASNA, Rigla, Pharmacy Chain 36.6, Implozia, Planet Zdorovya, Erkofarm Group of Companies, Neo-Pharm.


The last few years, amid the crisis, have shown the dynamics of falling demand for medicines. A study of the pharmaceutical retail market conducted by the analytical company KMPG in 2016 marked the beginning of a turning point - for the first time in several years, there was a positive increase in the revenue of pharmacy chains.

Analysis of the table shows that Russian pharmacy chains in the TOP 10 have strengthened their positions in the market. Their total share increased to 45%. The revenue ratio of 2016 to 2015 increased by 26.6%. These figures indicate ongoing market consolidation.

RNC Pharma, a well-known analytical observer, presented a rating of Russian pharmacy chains based on the results of the 1st quarter of 2017.

Table 2. Top 7 pharmacy chains by share in the retail market

Pharmacy chain

Central office location

Number of points as of 01.04. 2017

Market share based on the results of the 1st quarter of 2017

The market as a whole, without LLO

Pharmacy chain 36.6


Planet Health

Erkafarm Group of Companies

If we compare the results of 2016 and the 1st quarter of 2017, we can note some serious changes in the TOP-7. Rigla was ahead of Pharmacy Chain 36.6, Raduga flew out of the coveted seven - its place was taken by Neo-Pharm.

According to researchers, the pharmacy market is close to saturation - today it is increasingly difficult to find suitable space in places with a sufficient amount of traffic. Global investment programs promise certain opportunities, such as the renovation project in Moscow. However, it is local in nature. Increased interest in the pharmaceutical market from non-pharmaceutical retail promises a serious increase in competition in the foreseeable future.

Table 3. Main sources of increased competition in the market during 2016

Aggressive pricing policy of players

The existing high concentration of pharmacy chains in the regions where the company operates

Future strengthening of the geographical presence of local players

Development of new formats by other players (pharmacy-supermarkets, discounters)

The emergence of new players, mainly regional ones, in the areas where the company operates

The emergence of new players, mainly federal ones, in the places of presence of the company

Business diversification by other players (for example, launching your own production or distribution)

That is why leading players are rushing to capture the remaining space in the market - in 2017, according to a KMPG survey, 90% of large retail chains plan to expand their presence by opening new sales points. The geographical placement of pharmacy points is carried out on the basis of preliminary marketing research.

Some players speak out about the need to limit the market. More than 58% of pharmacy chain managers are in favor of legislatively limiting the number of pharmacies in the country, following the example of Western European countries: France, Spain and Germany.

There cannot be an oversupply of pharmacies in Russia - Nadezhda Sharavskaya, deputy head of the department for control of the social sphere and trade of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), expresses her disagreement with the heads of pharmacy chains. This is a commercial market, pharmacies are opening, which means they are profitable and they have demand, she argues. Many pharmacies operate in the capitals of the constituent entities; the restriction will lead to higher prices and interfere with competition, from her point of view.

Let's look at large Russian pharmacy chains that are considered leaders in the pharmaceutical market.


ASNA is an association of independent pharmacies, which includes more than 5,000 pharmacies in many cities of Russia. The ASNA company is a new format among pharmacy chains, since the members of the association are independent pharmacies and pharmacy chains united by a common goal - to make medicines, medical equipment and related products more accessible to customers. Today, the territory of the Association extends far beyond the capital, occupying the territory from the south to Kamchatka. ASNA is present in more than 100 cities and more than 60 constituent entities of the Federation. Regional representative offices have been opened in Nizhny Novgorod, Izhevsk, and Kazan. The company has 150 marketing contracts with manufacturers.

Legal address: 125368, Moscow, st. Mitinskaya, house 33, building 1

2. Rigla

Founded in 2001, the national pharmacy chain is the second largest in Russia in terms of sales. As of December 2016, the network has 1,769 retail outlets in 47 regions of Russia. Rigla represents the retail segment of the business of the Protek Group of Companies, the largest pharmaceutical holding in Russia. The pharmacy chain's assortment includes 18 thousand assortment items, of which about 60% are parapharmaceutical products. The Rigla pharmacy chain includes 1,768 pharmacies at the end of 12 months of 2016. Pharmacies under the Be Healthy! brand. and Zhivika operate as discounters. At the end of 2016, there were 1,214 discount pharmacies in the network.

Legal address: 115201, Moscow, st. Chermyanskaya, 2

Information about the owners: parent company "Protek"

Capitalization: 23 billion rubles.

3. Pharmacy chain 36.6

PJSC Pharmacy Chain 36.6, founded in 1991, is a leading Russian company in the retail sector of health and beauty products. In January 2016, the largest shareholders of the Group and the controlling shareholders of A5 Pharmacy Retail Limited (the parent company of the A5 pharmacy chain) reached preliminary agreements on the merger of pharmacy chains. The merger was completed in December 2016 as part of an additional issue of shares of PJSC Pharmacy Chain 36.6, which remained the parent company of the merged group.

Legal address: 121096, Moscow, st. Vasilisa Kozhina, 1

Information about the owners: Major shareholders as of 2016:

  • Palesora Ltd. (Cyprus, owners - Vladimir Kintsurashvili and Ivan Saganelidze) - 60.58%;
  • Walgreens Boots Alliance - 15%.

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Ivan Saganelidze

General Director - Vladimir Kintsurashvili

Capitalization- 16.6 billion rubles.

Gross profit in 2016 was 10,766 million rubles.

Promotion price - 6.99 rubles.

4. Implosion

Implosia LLC was registered in 1991. Since 1993, the main activity has been trade in medicines. In addition to our own pharmacies, goods are sold through pharmacies of other legal entities operating under a partnership agreement. Sales of products through the pharmacy chain are carried out in the following regions of Russia: Samara, Saratov, Penza, Orenburg, Ulyanovsk regions, Moscow, Bashkiria, Tatarstan. At the moment, in Tatarstan and Bashkiria, Implosia is represented only by partners, in other regions - both by its own pharmacies and by pharmacies of partner companies.

In 2003, the company was divided in order to minimize economic and legal risks into several companies: Farmerspektivu LLC, I-Trans LLC, I-Cube, Implosia-Finance LLC and others.

Legal address: 432072, ULYANOVSK, PR. GENERAL TYULENEV, 7

Information about the owners: Implosion has an opaque ownership structure. In the largest operator of the holding - LLC "Pharmperspektiva" ("FP") - Grant Bezruchenko controlled 27.19%. 24% of the company belonged to his brother Valery Bezruchenko. The brothers' partners in "FP" were Dmitry Podgornov (27.19%) and Oleg Teplyakov (21.6%). After the death of the company’s founder, Grant Bezruchenko, in 2015, his share was purchased by the beneficiaries.

Capitalization: 15 billion rubles.

5. Planet Health

LLC "Planet Health" is one of the most actively growing players in the Russian pharmaceutical retail industry. Among the regions that the network is developing, the Perm Territory, the Kirov Region and the Udmurt Republic remain key. Moreover, in Perm, “Planet Health” is an unconditional monopolist. The network also operates in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and other large regions.

Legal address: 614068, PERM REGION, CITY OF PERM, LENIN STREET, 83/34

Information about the owners: Founder - individual Alexey Evgenievich Kislov

6. Erkafarm Group of Companies (Doctor Stoletov & Ozerki)

The ERKAFARM group of companies was founded in 1994. Today, the group includes more than 360 pharmacies in 12 regions of the Russian Federation, operating in various formats from discounters to pharmaceutical markets. "ERKAFARM" includes several pharmacy chains: "Doctor Stoletov", "Ozerki", "Good Pharmacy", "People's Pharmacy" and "Pharmacy No. 1". The total number of employees of ERKAFARM Group of Companies is more than 3,500 people.

Legal address: 107005, Moscow, Bakuninskaya Street, 14

Information about the owners: Individual, Ivan Givievich Saganelidze, Prestige Market LLC, Proftekhgroup LLC, Russian Trust Alliance “Your Savings” LLC, Sana-MT LLC, Enterprises Service LLC

7. Neo-farm

The history of NEOPHARM Group of Companies began as a small family business - with several pharmacy kiosks in the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region. Today, NEOPHARM Group of Companies includes almost 300 pharmacies under two brands - NEOPHARM and STOLICHKI, with more than 3,000 employees and over 25 million customers a year.

Legal address: 123423, Moscow, Otkrytoe highway, 2, bldg. 12

The 100 best proven medications are still not outdated and help better than others. All this will help you stay healthy.
Eyes .
Zovirax is an eye ointment that is indispensable for viral conjunctivitis.
Quinax is the best preventative for cataracts.
Korneregel is a gel that effectively restores the tear film on the cornea of ​​the eye.
Xalacom - it combines two drugs xalatan and timalol. They enhance each other's action.
Xalatan (travatan) - effective for glaucoma, you can drop it once a day.
Systane is an artificial tear, the advantage is that you can drop it once a day.
Uniclofen is a good non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in drops.
Floxal - drops, antibiotic, acts on a wide range of microorganisms.
Floxal ointment is indispensable for bacterial conjunctivitis.
Cycloxan is a strong antibiotic in drops, a panacea for acute conjunctivitis.

Anaferon is a good homeopathic remedy for the treatment of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract.
Kolustan is an aerosol that relieves swelling and inflammation well.
Lugol's dissolved in glycerin is the best external remedy for laryngitis.
Proposol-N - has pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, does not have an irritating effect on the body.
Sinupret - has an antibacterial and anti-edematous effect, can be prescribed to children - available in the form of drops.
Tonsilgon is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic that helps reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
Tonsilotren - increases the activity of the mucous membrane.
Flemoxin solutab is an effective instant antibiotic for purulent sore throat, used both internally and for rinsing.
Faringosept is an antiseptic that tastes good (dissolves in the mouth). Does not affect intestinal microflora.
Falimint is a product with a cooling effect for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx. Indispensable on the eve of operations, during dental prosthetics and for lecturers.

Altan is a domestically produced herbal preparation that is indispensable for peptic ulcers.
Acidin-pepsin - the drug increases acidity in the stomach.
Gastritol - drops of plant origin, good for babies.
Motilium - normalizes gastric motility, improves the movement of food through the stomach.
Sea buckthorn oil - reduces inflammatory processes in the stomach.
Pariet is one of the latest generation of drugs that are good at reducing acidity in the stomach.
Pilobact is the newest remedy for Helicobacter.
Renorm is a domestic phytoconcentrate with a strong anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes digestion.
Riabal - relieves stomach cramps well, it is prescribed to children. Available in syrup and drops.
Phosphalugel is a gel that relieves heartburn attacks well and is less toxic than its analogues.

Venlaxor is an antidepressant with virtually no side effects and quickly relieves severe depression.
Busperon is a strong anti-anxiety drug and does not create the effect of inhibition. Can be used by drivers and students before the exam.
Gidazepam is a mild hypnotic that does not affect the driver’s reaction. But you can get used to it - you can’t drink it for more than a month!
Zyprexa - has no serious side effects, provides immediate relief.
Imovan (sonap, somnol, sonavan) are the most modern sleeping pills.
Paxil is an antidepressant that effectively eliminates panic, fear, obsessive states (phobias), helps against anorexia, and also prolongs sexual intercourse as a side effect.
Pramestar improves memory in general and makes it easier to remember information.
Rispolept - long-lasting, convenient - dissolves in the mouth like candy.
Sulpiride (eglanil) - simultaneously treats nerves and stomach. Another plus: I drank today - today is the result.
Finlepsin - treats seizures and neuritis, and also stabilizes mood.

Liver .
Antral is a domestic original drug, it has no analogues in the world, it protects liver cells from any microbial aggression.
Galstena - drops, an indispensable medicine for young children.
Lioliv - improves the condition of the liver in case of jaundice (low bilirubin).
Lipoferon - the drug is taken orally, it is 5 times cheaper than injectable interferons!
Potassium orotate - improves liver function, protein synthesis, and overall metabolism.
Silymarin is a hexal. Herbal preparation. It contains much more active ingredient than its analogues: karsil, silybor, hepaben.
Cholenzym is an inexpensive choleretic drug that helps digest food and improves the production of enzymes.
Holiver is a choleretic drug of plant origin.
Hepel is a homeopathic German remedy without side effects.
Essentiale - for 20 years there has been no more effective drug for treating the liver.

Aksef is an antibiotic, convenient because it can be taken as tablets or injected. It is sold individually, complete with solvent.
Blemaren is the most effective dissolver of kidney stones.
Canephron is a herbal preparation without side effects.
Movalis is a suppository, a non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drug that does not irritate the rectal mucosa.
Nephrofit is a combined herbal medicine with anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. Without side effects, prescribed to children over 5 years old and pregnant women.
Ofloxin is not aggressive to the stomach and rarely causes allergies.
Urosept - suppositories, act only on the urinary system.
Urolesan is a herbal preparation that removes sand well from the kidneys and is often prescribed to children. Available in syrup form.
Flemoklav solutab - a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action, recommended for weakened patients.
Ceftriaxone is a broad-spectrum antibiotic with a minimum of side effects and is approved for use even by pregnant women.

Azitrox is an antibiotic, convenient - one tablet per week.
Gatifloxacin is the newest, fast-acting antibiotic.
Zoxon - gives minimal side effects, convenient - one tablet at night.
Penisten - reduces the volume of the prostate, reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer.
Prostamol UNO is a herbal preparation without side effects.
Prostatilen (Vitaprost) - extract from the prostate gland of cattle, biostimulant.
Proteflazide is a herbal immunostimulant, effective for prostatitis.
Focusin does not lower blood pressure.
Funid is an antifungal drug of the latest generation.
Unidox Solutab is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that penetrates well into the prostate tissue.

Arbidol - increases the antiviral activity of all body systems.
Ibupron is a strong pain reliever, it acts quickly, in the form of effervescent tablets it is gentle on the stomach, and in suppositories it is convenient for children.
Coldrex is an excellent vasoconstrictor drug. It works quickly because it is dissolved in hot water.
Nazol - relieves a runny nose and prevents the nasal mucosa from drying out, lasts 12 hours.
Nurofen is an ambulance, it acts quickly. There are suppositories for babies, but they greatly worsen the quality of the blood.
Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan) is an excellent antipyretic, indispensable for asthmatics.
Polyoxidonium - stimulates the immune system, is prescribed to children, suitable for emergency care and for prevention during an acute respiratory viral infection epidemic.
Ribomunil - restores immunity, recommended for children as the most effective remedy.
Sanorin is the fastest remedy for a runny nose with antiallergic components.
Flukol-B is a cheap and effective drug, but contains 8% alcohol and is contraindicated for drivers.

Aspirin is indispensable for gout.
Alflutop - improves blood metabolism and activates metabolic processes in muscles.
Dona - strengthens cartilage tissue.
Dicloberl is a non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drug. They are used in suppositories, but injections can also be given.
Diclofen has fewer side effects than others.
Diclofenac is effective, but affects the condition of the blood.
Ketanov is an effective injection drug.
Olfen is convenient because it is in suppositories and does not harm the gastric mucosa.
Osteogenon is an effective chondoprotector that relieves joint laxity.
Retabolil - improves peripheral blood circulation.

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic that actively fights the main pathogens that cause ENT diseases.
Clavicillin (amoxicillin + clavulanic acid) - in addition to microorganisms sensitive to amoxicillin, the drug also has an active effect on some types of bacteria.
Otofa - ear drops, an antibiotic used for inflammatory diseases of the middle ear.
Otipax is a combination drug for topical use with a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The combination of phenazone and lidocaine reduces the time of onset of the anesthetic effect.
Nimesulide - has both analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.
Noxprey - when administered through the nasal cavity, causes a narrowing of the mucous membrane, reduces its swelling, as well as swelling around the mouths of the Eustachian tubes, improves drainage in case of eustachitis and otitis media.
Ciprofloxacin is an effective local remedy for otitis, has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and vasoconstrictor effects, reduces swelling.
Cefaclor, cefixime, cefpodoxime, cefprozil, cefuroxime are second and third generation cephalosporins. They are prescribed to those who are not affected by ampicillin.
Edas-125 tonsillin - homeopathic drops, prescribed to children from 2 years of age for otitis media, adenoids, chronic tonsillitis with water or on a piece of sugar.
Erythromycin - prescribed to those who are allergic to penicillin drugs.

He compiled a list of the most popular drugs in the United States, based on data from the international research company IMS Health. In a list of 15 items, 14 are generics, i.e. substitutes for expensive branded drugs.

The most popular prescription drug turned out to be the painkiller Vicodin, familiar to fans of the TV series House. It contains the narcotic substance hydrocodone and acetaminophen. According to IMS Health, which calculates drug sales for pharmaceutical companies, Vicodin was prescribed 128 million times in the United States in 2009.

Vicodin, which is taken by the main character of the TV series “House,” the brilliant diagnostician Gregory House played by Hugh Laurie, is already 40 years old. The US Food and Drug Administration recommends that it be banned because it is addictive. People familiar with the series know this fact because House periodically, but rather unsuccessfully, tries to get rid of his addiction to this painkiller. A particular danger with Vicodin, the magazine notes, is that patients can easily start increasing their dosage once they become immune to the drug.

In the Forbes list, Vicodin appears not under the name familiar from the series, but by the name of the main active ingredient, since its cheap generics are no less popular among Americans. Moreover, despite the dangers of addiction, it is not becoming less popular, since there is currently no substitute for it that is adequate for pain relief.

Of the 15 most popular drugs, only one—Pfizer's cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor—is a product of a major pharmaceutical brand.

A complete list of the most popular drugs in the United States:

No. 1 Hydrocodone, acetaminophen (pain reliever)

Number of prescriptions issued in 2009: 128.2 million
Cost per month: $12
The most popular painkiller in the United States, it is sold under various names, including known as Vicodin. The panel of physicians that the FDA recommended banning the addictive drug is still weighing its decision.

No. 2 Simvastatin (lowering cholesterol)
Number of prescriptions written: 83 million
Cost per month: $28
Brand name Zocor, the drug helped Merck conquer the pharmaceutical market in the 1990s.

No. 3 Lisinopril (high blood pressure)

Number of prescriptions issued: 81.3 million
Cost per month: $13
Another Merck drug was sold under the names Prinivil and Zestril before the patent expired.

No. 4 Levothyroxine sodium (thyroid conditions)

Number of prescriptions issued: 66 million
Cost per month: $15
Thyroid hormone replacement.

No. 5 Acithromycin (antibiotic)

Number of prescriptions issued: 53.8 million
Cost of treatment for the most common cases: $44
It was actively advertised under the brand name Zithromax.

No. 6 Metformin (diabetes)

Number of prescriptions issued: 52 million
Cost per month: $13
Bristol-Myers Squibb marketed this diabetes drug under the name Glucophage. It is still considered one of the best drugs for lowering sugar levels.

No. 7 Lipitor (cholesterol lowering)

Number of recipes: 51.5 million
Cost per month: $136
Pfizer's cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor is the only brand-name drug on the top list. All others have expired patents. Lipitor had sales of $11.4 billion last year.

No. 8 Amlodipine (pressure reduction)

Number of recipes: 50.9 million
Cost per month: $8
Known as Norvasc (Pfizer).

No. 9 Amoxicillin (antibiotic)

Number of recipes: 49.2 million
Cost per month: $12 or more
Popular with pediatricians. Millions of children are prescribed it for ear infections, even though most ear infections are caused by viruses, not bacteria.

No. 10 Hydrochlorothiazide (pressure reduction)

Number of recipes: 47.1 million

No. 11 Omeprazole (heartburn)

Number of recipes: 45.4 million
Cost per month: $34
Prilosec, the name AstraZeneca sold this purple heartburn pill under, was once the world's best-selling drug.

No. 12 Alprazolam (sedative)

Number of recipes: 44.4
Cost per month: $70
Originally produced by Pfizer under the name Xanax, it overtook Valium in popularity.

No. 13 Furosemide (pressure reduction)

Number of recipes: 42.8 million
Cost per month: $14
Sold under the name Lasix.

No. 14 Metroprolol tartrate (angina, high blood pressure)

Number of recipes: 40.5 million
Cost per month: $13
Known as Toprol - an AstraZeneca brand.

No. 15 Atenolol (angina, high blood pressure)

Number of recipes: 38.6 million
Cost per month: $18
The first of a class of drugs known as beta blockers is used for chest pain and high blood pressure.