Symptoms and treatment of cytomegalovirus infection

Despite the fact that the disease caused by cytomegalovirus is considered very dangerous, the symptoms of cytomegalovirus infection, as a rule, do not cause sufficient concern for the sick themselves. This is explained by the fact that it is accompanied by symptoms, with

How is human papillomavirus transmitted?

Most people do not see the potential danger in the appearance of small epithelial tumors on the body, but papillomas are not just a cosmetic defect. In some cases they can lead to irreversible consequences. Growths appear after

Incubation period of influenza

Many doctors argue that the incubation period of influenza is one of the most dangerous periods of this disease, since the first symptoms have not yet appeared, but the person is already contagious and the infection continues to develop and spread - as in

What viruses do humans have?

Viruses can cause a wide variety of diseases, depending on the type of infection and the characteristics of the infected tissue. What types of viruses do humans have? There are a huge number of them, and throughout their lives people come into contact with most of them in one way or another.