A group of algae that lives at the greatest depths. structure nutrition reproduction of algae. Basic review questions


Lack of sunlight prevents algae from colonizing depths of the sea. Only a small fraction of the rays of the daylight penetrate through the thickness of the water, so such conditions are absolutely not suitable for most plants. Green algae prefer the coastal zone to live and most of them do not go deeper than 20-40 meters.

“Experiments in themselves do not have huge environmental consequences, we can learn a lot from them,” Bueseler said. “It was a successful way to study the ocean and climate.” Since abiotic mechanisms are widely discounted, these deposits have only one source - absorption through photosynthesis. what is ignored is that of dead zones - incredibly, the authors above suggest that a dead zone "may occur" as a result of large-scale photosynthetic stimulation of the ocean via iron.

This is simple and obviously a case of emulating equal mineral densities, so there is no need to "prove" that fertilization can be done in a way that is beneficial to the networks and ecology food products in the world. This already occurs in all interstitial and coastal environments, continental shelves and polar regions. This causes the hydrocarbons to slowly degrade, producing H2O and some methane, which is "hydrostatically" locked into a position at depth and carbon-rich sediments, locking the carbon.

Green algae use the red part of the spectrum for photosynthesis. Red is the most difficult color to sink to the seabed; it is retained by layers of water, and only blue and green rays penetrate deeper. Therefore, the deepest sea algae, red algae, had to slightly change the structure of their chloroplasts. Unlike green plants, which have chlorophylls a and b, chlorophylls a and d predominate in the chloroplasts of red algae. Also in the cells of red algae there are additional coloring substances - carotenoids, phycoetrins and phycocyans, which help to make the most of the water supplied to the plants. sunlight. Carotenoids also give red algae their characteristic color.

If you "reset" a large number of hydrocarbons in deep water, you will suppress the local oxygen supply in deep circulating waters. This is what we want at depth by increasing the surface biomass and its “fallout”. Changes in ocean circulation will also affect these processes. Previous research had shown that ocean algebra blooms led to an increase in marine "snow" falling to the ocean floor, but it was re-oxidized by deep and middle water. This was in fact - although they did not realize it - the result of short-term local effects.

Not all red algae prefer to settle at depth. Many species live in coastal waters, not descending more than one or two meters. However, some species are able to continue living at depths of over 260 meters. Algae living in such extreme conditions, can reach huge sizes(up to fifty meters).

If there large areas seeded with additional growth, you get deoxygenation of the deep waters circulating at the interface between the seabed and the ocean - allowing for continuous carbon removal, resulting in hydrocarbon precipitation. There is no need to prove that this is happening, it is an extension of first principles and visibility in the grandeur of the geological record! Increasing surface photosynthesis in the middle of the ocean will have little effect on these ecosystems near the shore and may actually help them remove toxic elements in the water.

Red algae are of great importance to humans. They are used as food to make soups, salads, seasonings and even candies. A red algae derivative, agar-agar, is also widely used in industry. IN Lately Scientists are paying even more attention to these plants, hoping that the sulfated carbohydrates they contain will help in the fight against AIDS.

Surface photosynthesis simply apparently causes surface water to warm up due to increased absorption sun rays per cm depth, which automatically increases the rate of evaporation and heat loss back from the ocean. This will cause, if not intelligently and topographically stimulated, increased storms and rain, but it can be used for both good and bad. The question is how much energy will it take to produce iron? Since abiotic mechanisms are widely discounted, these deposits have only one source - absorption through photosynthesis.

Algae are a large group of photosynthetic organisms, including 12 divisions and more than 40 thousand species. Algae primarily live in water, but some of them have adapted to life on land - in the soil, on stones and tree trunks.


The body of algae is not differentiated into vegetative organs (stem, leaf, root); it is represented by a thallus, or thallus. For this reason, they are often called thallus, or thallus, plants. Algae can float freely in the water or attach to various objects, such as soil and stones at the bottom of the reservoir.

Now the factor that has been ignored is dead zones - incredibly, the authors suggest, a dead zone "could occur" as a result of large-scale ocean photosynthesis stimulated by iron. It is simply and self-evidently a case of emulation of the same mineral densities, so there is no need to "prove" that fertilization can be done in a way that is beneficial to the world's food networks and ecology, and this is already happening in continental and coastline, continental shelf and polar regions.

More than 40 thousand species of algae are known; they are usually divided into two subkingdoms - True algae and Purple algae. Real algae are divided into several divisions - Green, Golden, Diatoms, Brown, Characeae. They differ from each other in the set of photosynthetic pigments, the structure of the thallus, the characteristics of reproduction and development cycles.

This leads to slow degradation of hydrocarbons. getting H2O and some methane, which is a "hydrostatically" fixed overlay at depth, and carbon-rich sediments locking away the carbon. If you "dump" a lot of hydrocarbons in deep water, you will greatly suppress the oxygen supply in the depths. circulating waters. This is what we want at depth, increasing surface biomass and its "loss". Changes in the ocean affect these processes.

Previous studies have shown that oceanic algebra. blooms have resulted in more marine "snow" falling to the ocean floor, but re-oxidizing in deep and middle water. It was in fact - although they did not understand them - the result of short-term local effects. If you have large crops with additional growth, you get deep water deoxygenation. circulating at the boundary between the seabed and the ocean, which gives a constant character. removal of carbon, resulting in hydrocarbon precipitation.

Most algae cells do not differ significantly from typical cells higher plants, but they have a number of features. Cell membrane consists of cellulose and pectin substances; in many algae it contains additional components such as iron, lime, alginic acid and others. The cytoplasm is usually located in a thin layer along cell wall, surrounding a large central vacuole.

There is no evidence that this is happening, it is an extension of first principles and appearances. in the enormity of the geological record! Increasing surface photosynthesis in the mid-ocean would have little effect on these ecosystems. near the shore, and can actually help them by taking out toxic elements in the water. I have a great idea to rip out the oil and burn fossil fuels and find alternatives. The idea that people come up with may or may not work to slow climate change, but the problem is not addressed, and tinkering with the laws of the planet and how it works is not the way to go.

Algae cells contain chromatophores that differ from the chloroplasts of higher plants. They are more diverse in structure, set of pigments, shape and size. Algal chromatophores can be ribbon-shaped, plate-shaped, disc-shaped, star-shaped or cup-shaped.

Algae are characterized by morphological diversity, among them there are unicellular (Chlorella, Chlamydomonas), colonial (Volvox), and also multicellular. Among multicellular algae, lamellar and filamentous forms are known. Their sizes are also very diverse - from 1 micron to tens of meters.

At 7 billion people, 4 billion over what the planet can handle, and we're still increasing the population which doesn't make sense. With all the information that informs our situation, and if we continue what will happen and little has changed, we continue to build oil pipelines and promote the use of oil. We are indeed a very stupid race, perhaps our extinction is for the best as we cannot learn from the past.

Has anyone considered the possible role of viruses in undermining this process? In principle, any study that seeks to plug carbon into the ocean floor is better off looking at the effects and at the viruses that infect blooming organisms. Does anyone know that the single element carbon requires so many variables to happen in a time sequence is astronomical. However, carbon is one of the most abundant elements in the universe.

Contains chloroplasts. Algae have different shape and sizes. They live mainly in water to depths where light penetrates.

Among the algae there are both microscopically small and giant ones, reaching a length of over 100 m (for example, the length of the brown alga Macrocystis pear-shaped is 60-200 m).

Algae cells contain special organoids - chloroplasts, which carry out photosynthesis. U different types they have different shape and sizes. Necessary for photosynthesis mineral salts And carbon dioxide algae are absorbed from the water by the entire surface of the body and released into environment oxygen.

Formation atomic nucleus carbon requires a nearly simultaneous triple collision of alpha particles in the core of a giant or supergiant star, which is known as the triple alpha process, as the products of further nuclear fusion reactions of helium with hydrogen or another helium nucleus produce lithium-5 and beryllium-8 respectively, both of which are very unstable and decay almost instantly back into smaller nuclei. This occurs under conditions of temperatures greater than 100 megaquinvin and helium concentrations that allow rapid expansion and early cooling.

Multicellular algae are widespread in freshwater and marine reservoirs. The body of multicellular algae is called a thallus. A distinctive feature of the thallus is the similarity of cell structure and the absence of organs. All cells of the thallus are structured almost identically, and all parts of the body perform the same functions.

Algae reproduce asexually and sexually.

The universe is forbidden and therefore no significant carbon was created. during the Big Bang. Instead, the interiors of stars in the horizontal branch convert three helium nuclei into carbon using this triple alpha process. To be available to form life as we know it, this carbon would then have to be dispersed into space as dust, in a supernova. explosions, as part of the material that later forms a second one. third generation star systems that have planets associated with them. dust.

The solar system is one of these star systems third generation. Microbial species are known to occupy a vast range of environments that were previously unimaginable. New discoveries have revolutionized scientific understanding Earth's biosphere, have opened up new insights into the history of life on Earth and expanded the ways in which life could evolve elsewhere in space.

Asexual reproduction

Single-celled algae usually reproduce by division. Asexual reproduction algae is also carried out through special cells - spores, covered with a shell. Spores of many species have flagella and are able to move independently.

Sexual reproduction

Algae are also characterized by sexual reproduction. The process of sexual reproduction involves two individuals, each of which passes on its chromosomes to its descendant. In some species, this transfer is carried out by the fusion of the contents of ordinary cells; in others, special sex cells - gametes - stick together.

The name applied to this new field of biology research is extremophile research. Extremophiles are defined as organisms that occupy an environment judged to be harsh by human standards. They cover both physical and chemical extremes. Examples aquatic environment, characterized by extremes, are given in the accompanying table.

Different classes of extremophiles have been defined based on the nature of the environments where they are found. For example, extremophiles adapted to high temperatures are called thermophiles. Those that require low temperatures for growth and reproduction, are called psychrophiles. Organisms that live under high pressure, are called piezophiles, and those that are in environments with high level radiation have not yet been named. Some organisms simultaneously occupy more than one ecological extreme and are known as polyextremophiles.

Algae live primarily in water, populating numerous marine and freshwater bodies of water, both large and small, temporary, both deep and shallow.

Algae inhabit water bodies only at those depths to which sunlight penetrates. Few species of algae live on stones, tree bark, and soil. Algae have a number of adaptations for living in water.

Although primarily microbial, extremophiles include several species of multicellular organisms such as worms, amphibians, molluscs, and crustaceans. Microorganisms are known to thrive in a wide range of physical conditions. extreme temperatures. For high temperatures these environments include geysers and hot springs, boiling mud baths, and hydrothermal vents on the deep sea floor.

At the lower end of the temperature environment are sea ice, ground ice, permafrost and subglacial lakes such as Lake Vostok in Antarctica, a deep subglacial lake located more than 4 kilometers deep. Beneath the Antarctic ice sheet. Some difficult multicellular organisms, such as the tree frog, can tolerate up to 65 percent of their water freezing during hibernation. Pressure, which is measured relative to atmospheric pressure at sea level, increases with depth in the oceans.

Adaptation to the environment

For organisms living in oceans, seas, rivers and other bodies of water, water is their habitat. The conditions of this environment are markedly different from those on land. Reservoirs are characterized by a gradual weakening of illumination as they dive deeper, fluctuations in temperature and salinity, low content oxygen in water is 30-35 times less than in air. In addition, for seaweed The movement of water poses a great danger, especially in the coastal (tidal) zone. Here algae are exposed to such powerful factors as surf and wave impacts, ebb and flow (Fig. 39).

In the ocean, this hydrostatic pressure increases at a rate of about 1 bar per 100 meters. The lithospheric pressure measured inside the crust increases at a rate almost twice the hydrostatic one. Live microorganisms obtained from Mariana Trench, himself deep place in the oceans, grow successfully in surface conditions, while others have been shown to be obligate piezophiles that grow only under high pressure.

The color gradations in the Great Prismatic Spring of Yellowstone National Park are due to various types algae and other microbes. When it's hot spring water leaves the ground, it cools as it moves outward, creating different temperature zones, with cooler zones located further from the outlet. Every microbial species adapted to a very specific temperature zone, as evidenced by the color patterns caused by their presence.

The survival of algae in such harsh aquatic conditions is possible thanks to special devices.

  • With a lack of moisture, the membranes of algae cells thicken significantly and become saturated with inorganic and organic substances. This protects the algae body from drying out during low tide.
  • The body of seaweed is firmly attached to the ground, so during surf and wave impacts they are relatively rarely torn off the ground.
  • Deep-sea algae have larger chloroplasts with a high content of chlorophyll and other photosynthetic pigments.
  • Some algae have special bubbles filled with air. They, like swimming trunks, hold the algae at the surface of the water, where it is possible to capture the maximum amount of light for photosynthesis.
  • The release of spores and gametes in seaweed coincides with the tide. The development of the zygote occurs immediately after its formation, which prevents the tide from carrying it into the ocean.

Representatives of algae

Brown algae


The seas are inhabited by algae that are yellow-brown in color. These are brown algae. Their color is due to the high content of special pigments in the cells.

Body brown algae looks like threads or plates. A typical representative of brown algae is kelp (Fig. 38). It has a lamellar body up to 10-15 m long, which is attached to the substrate with the help of rhizoids. Laminaria reproduces by asexual and sexual methods.


In shallow water, dense thickets are formed by fucus. Its body is more dissected than that of kelp. In the upper part of the thallus there are special bubbles with air, due to which the body of the fucus is held on the surface of the water.

On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • what algae don't have

  • encyclopedia about algae representatives

  • what are algae made of? Wikipedia

  • how do unicellular algae work and how do they move?

  • structure nutrition algae reproduction

Questions for this article:

  • What organisms are algae?

  • It is known that algae inhabit seas, rivers and lakes only at those depths to which sunlight penetrates. How can this be explained?

  • What is common and distinctive in the structure of unicellular and multicellular algae?

  • What is the main difference between brown algae and other algae?