Aerosol instructions for use. Aerosol "Spregal": composition, purpose, instructions for use and contraindications

Mast cell membrane stabilizer. Antiallergic drug

Release form, composition and packaging

Aerosol for inhalation dosed (after spraying and evaporation of the propellant, it is a white powder).

Excipients: povidone K30, macrogol (polyethylene glycol) 600, hydrofluoroalkane (HFA-227).

112 doses - aluminum aerosol cans (1) - packs of cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

Intal refers to anti-allergic anti-inflammatory anti-asthma drugs. The active substance of this drug is sodium cromoglycate. With systematic use, it leads to a decrease in the symptoms of allergic inflammation in the respiratory system.

Sodium cromoglycate inhibits both the early and late stages of an allergic reaction, preventing the degranulation of mast cells and the release of inflammatory mediators from them (histamine, bradykinin, a slow-reacting substance, leukotrienes, prostaglandins). Thanks to these properties, Intal prevents bronchospasm caused by contact with an allergen or other provoking factor (cold air, physical stress, stress). In addition, it allows you to reduce the intake of other anti-asthma drugs (bronchodilators, glucocorticosteroids).

The action of the drug develops gradually. After 4-6 weeks of using Intal, the frequency of asthma attacks decreases. Treatment must be long-term. With the abolition of the drug, the resumption of attacks of bronchial asthma is possible. For the relief of acute attacks of bronchial asthma, the drug is not used.


Bronchial asthma

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After administration by inhalation, the maximum concentration of sodium cromoglycate is reached after approximately 15 minutes. Sodium cromoglycate is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Only 8% of the administered dose is subject to systemic absorption.

T 1/2 is 46-99 minutes (average about 80 minutes). Sodium cromoglycate is not metabolized. It is excreted unchanged from the body with urine and bile in approximately equal amounts. The rest of the drug is excreted from the lungs with a current of exhaled air or settles on the walls of the oropharynx, then swallowed (without significant absorption - less than 2%) and excreted from the body through the digestive tract.


- prophylactic treatment of bronchial asthma (including exercise asthma) in children and adults.


- children's age up to 5 years;

- Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.

WITH caution the drug should be used to treat patients with impaired renal and hepatic function. It should take place under the constant supervision of a physician (it is advisable to reduce the dose). If eosinophilic pneumonia occurs, the drug should be discontinued.


Adults (including the elderly) and children- 2 inhalations 4 times / day.

Upon reaching the optimal therapeutic effect, you can switch to a maintenance dose (1 inhalation 4 times / day), which provides optimal control of the disease. In severe cases, as well as with a high concentration of allergens, the dose of the drug can be increased to 2 inhalations 6-8 times / day.

After achieving a therapeutic effect, you should not suddenly stop using Intal. If necessary, the drug is withdrawn gradually over a week. During a dose reduction, the symptoms of the disease may recur.

An additional dose of the drug can be made immediately before exercise to prevent exercise-induced asthma or before contact with suspected allergens.

With concomitant therapy with bronchodilators, they must be taken before Intal inhalation.

In patients receiving corticosteroids, the addition of Intal may allow for a significant dose reduction or elimination.

The basis of effective treatment is the correct use of the inhaler.

Using an inhaler

When using for the first time, shake the inhaler and press the dosing valve once or twice.

When inhaling, the following instructions should be followed:

Remove the dust cap. Inspect the inside and outside of the mouthpiece (tip) to make sure they are clean. Shake the inhaler vigorously. Hold the inhaler upright with your thumb on the canister base. Exhale as completely as possible, then insert the mouthpiece into your mouth between your teeth (but without biting it) and tightly clasp your lips.

Starting to inhale air through the mouth, press the base of the can so as to spray a dose of Intal; at the same time continue to breathe in calmly and deeply. Hold your breath, remove the inhaler from your mouth. Continue to hold your breath as much as possible.

If you need to immediately enter a second dose of Intal, repeat the procedure. After inhalation, always close the mouthpiece with a dust cap.

Side effects

The drug can cause irritation of the upper respiratory tract, dry mouth, unpleasant taste sensations, hoarseness, cough, short-term bronchospasm. In the case of recurring bronchospasm, a bronchodilator is inhaled beforehand, and the cough is soothed by taking water immediately after inhalation.

As with any inhalation therapy, bronchospasm may suddenly develop immediately after inhalation. In this case, you should stop taking the drug and prescribe to the patient another treatment.

The above undesirable effects can be reduced by the combined use of Intal with a spacer.

TO rare Adverse events include anaphylaxis, headaches and dizziness, painful or difficult urination, frequent urination, nausea, and rash.

After discontinuation of the drug, exacerbation of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic infiltrate of the lung is possible.

Very rarely cases of eosinophilic pneumonia have been reported.


Sodium cromoglycate has low toxicity, so the risk of overdose and the development of any toxic effects is small.

drug interaction

Sodium cromoglycate can be used in combination with bronchodilators and glucocorticosteroids.

special instructions

For the relief of bronchospasm, the drug is not used.

With concomitant therapy with bronchodilators, they must be taken before Intal inhalation.

The maintenance dose of glucocorticosteroids can usually be reduced, and in some cases completely canceled.

While reducing the dose of glucocorticosteroids, the patient should be under close medical supervision: the rate of dose reduction should not exceed 10% per week.

Spray Spregal contains active ingredients uhsdepalletrin(esbiol) And piperonyl butoxide .

Also, the aerosol contains auxiliary components: 96% ethanol, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, macroglycerides, HFA propellant.

Release form

The product is produced in the form of an aerosol for external use. It is a clear solution of light or dark yellow color. Contained in aluminum aerosol cans with a continuous valve of 152 g.

pharmachologic effect

The composition of the product includes the neurotoxic poison for insects esdepalletrin, which damages their nervous system. The mechanism of action is associated with a violation of the cation exchange of nerve cell membranes. The substance piperonyl butoxide stimulates the effect esdepalethrin . The tool begins to act after the first application.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

In human blood, those components that make up the drug are determined 1 hour after using the aerosol. The maximum concentration of the substance esdepalletrin is noted after 1 hour, the substance of piperonyl butoxide is observed two hours after the external use of the drug. After 24 hours after the application of Spregal, no traces of the active components of the agent are found in the blood.

Indications for use

Spregal is used for scabies, and the treatment can be performed on patients of any age. It is also indicated for the treatment of skin .


The tool is indicated for use in such diseases and conditions of the body:

  • obstructive bronchitis ;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • high sensitivity to the components of the agent.

The drug is carefully prescribed during pregnancy.

Side effects

In the process of applying the aerosol, a slight burning sensation may be noted, which, as a rule, disappears after a while. In very rare cases, patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug may develop allergic manifestations in the form of itching of the skin, rash. If any negative reaction occurs, a doctor should be consulted.

Aerosol Spregal, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The official instructions for the use of Spregal indicate that the spray should be applied in the evening to ensure its effect at night. After the spray has been applied, do not wash.

Shake the container before using the aerosol. The agent is applied to the surface of the body by spraying it at a distance of approximately 20 cm from the surface of the skin. On the face, on the scalp, the drug is not applied.

According to the instructions, initially the aerosol must be sprayed on the torso, and then on the limbs. Very carefully, the product is sprayed between the fingers and toes, as well as in the perineum, armpits, and other diseased bends. On the skin, the product should be left for 12 hours. Next, thoroughly wash the entire body and wipe it dry.

In most cases, it is enough to apply the aerosol once to completely heal. But patients should take into account that even after treatment, they may still have symptoms of the disease for 8-10 days. If unpleasant manifestations are observed after the expiration of this period, you can repeat the application of the aerosol.

If the product is used to treat a child, then before spraying, you need to close the nose and mouth of the patient with a napkin. If there are scratches on the face, you need to carefully treat them with a cotton swab that has been moistened with the product.

Spregal with demodicosis can be used at any age. With demodicosis on the face, you need to apply the solution with a cotton swab.

Doctors recommend determining the sensitivity of the microflora to its active ingredients before using the product. Initially, the drug is used to treat the patient, then, for the purpose of prevention, the surface of the skin of all family members of an infected person is treated with Spregal. To avoid re-infection, you need to additionally disinfect bedding and clothes.

In the treatment of infected scabies should be treated initially impetigo , that is, a pustular superficial lesion of the skin. With scabies, which is accompanied , you need to lubricate the affected areas with glucocorticoid ointment a day before using Spregal.

One aerosol can is enough to treat three patients.


Data on overdose of the drug Spregal are not available.


There is no information on the interaction of Spregal with other medicines.

Terms of sale

You can buy Spregal without a prescription.

Storage conditions

It is necessary to store the aerosol in places inaccessible to children, the storage temperature is room temperature. Please note that the cylinder is under pressure, therefore it is necessary to prevent sunlight from reaching the cylinder, as well as temperatures above 50 ° C. Do not pierce the can or burn it after use. Do not spray on hot objects and sources of fire.

Best before date

The shelf life of the aerosol is 2 years.

special instructions

You need to spray the product in a room that is well ventilated.

The content of one balloon is enough to treat 3-4 people.

Do not direct when applying towards the nose, eyes, mouth. It should be prevented from getting the solution from the balloon on the mucous membranes, as well as in the eyes. If the product accidentally gets into the eyes, rinse them thoroughly with warm water.

People suffering from bronchitis, bronchial asthma should not use an aerosol, but you can apply the solution using a cotton swab.

The medicine must not be swallowed.

Spregal's analogs

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Aerosol analogues are agents that have a similar effect on the body. These are the means , Belogent , Yuraks .

There are no analogues of Spregal for active components.


It can be used to treat children at any age, taking into account the dosage and instructions. When spraying on the skin of a child, you must first cover his mouth and nose with a napkin.

During pregnancy and lactation

Can be taken during pregnancy, only if the expected benefit outweighs the possible risk. During lactation, Spregal is not used.

P N013684/01-170308

Tradename: Intal ®

International non-proprietary name:

cromoglycic acid

Dosage form:

dosed aerosol for inhalation

The composition of the drug
Each dose of Intal contains active substance: sodium cromoglycate - 5 mg,
Excipients: povidone K30, macrogol (polyethylene glycol) - 600, hydrofluoroalkane (HFA-227).

Description: Aluminum bottle with dosing outlet valve. The contents of the balloon after evaporation of the propellant is a white powder.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

antiallergic agent - stabilizer of mast cell membranes

CodeATX-R03B C01

pharmachologic effect
Intal refers to anti-allergic anti-inflammatory anti-asthma drugs. The active substance of this drug is sodium cromoglycate. With systematic use, it leads to a decrease in the symptoms of allergic inflammation in the respiratory system. Sodium cromoglycate inhibits both the early and late stages of an allergic reaction, preventing the degranulation of mast cells and the release of inflammatory mediators from them (histamine, bradykinin, a slow-reacting substance, leukotrienes, prostaglandins). Thanks to these properties, Intal prevents bronchospasm caused by contact with an allergen and other provoking factors (cold air, physical stress, stress). In addition, it allows you to reduce the intake of other anti-asthma drugs (bronchodilators, glucocorticosteroids). The action of the drug develops gradually. After 4-6 weeks of using Intal, the frequency of attacks of 6ponchial asthma decreases. Treatment must be long-term. With the abolition of the drug, the resumption of attacks of bronchial asthma is possible. For the relief of acute attacks of bronchial asthma, the drug is not used.

After administration by inhalation, the maximum concentration of sodium cromoglycate is reached after approximately 15 minutes. Sodium cromoglycate is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Only 8% of the administered dose is subject to systemic absorption. The half-life is 46-99 minutes (average about 80 minutes). Sodium cromoglycate is not metabolized. It is excreted by the kidneys and with bile in approximately equal amounts unchanged. The rest of the drug is excreted from the lungs with a current of exhaled air, or settles on the walls of the oropharynx, then swallowed (without significant absorption - less than 2%) and excreted from the body through the digestive tract.

Indications for use
Prevention and treatment of bronchial asthma (including exercise asthma) in children and adults.

Hypersensitivity to any components of the drug.
The drug should not be given to children under the age of 5 years.

Carefully the drug should be used to treat patients with impaired renal and hepatic function. Treatment should take place under the constant supervision of a physician (it is advisable to reduce the dose).

Pregnancy and lactation
The drug should not be prescribed to women in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Cromolyn sodium can be prescribed by a doctor only when the expected benefit to a pregnant or lactating woman outweighs the possible risk to the fetus or infant.

Dosage and administration

Adults (including the elderly) and children
2 inhalations 4 times a day.
Upon reaching the optimal therapeutic effect, you can switch to a maintenance dose (1 inhalation 4 times a day), which provides optimal control of the disease. In severe cases, as well as with a high concentration of allergens, the dose of the drug can be increased to two inhalations 6-8 times a day. After achieving a therapeutic effect, you should not suddenly stop using Intal. If necessary, the drug is withdrawn gradually over a week. During a dose reduction, the symptoms of the disease may recur.
An additional dose of the drug can be made immediately before exercise to prevent exercise-induced asthma or before contact with suspected allergens.
With concomitant therapy with bronchodilators, they must be taken before Intal inhalation.
In patients receiving corticosteroids, the addition of Intal may allow for a significant dose reduction or elimination. The basis of effective treatment is the correct use of the inhaler. The use of the inhaler by children is recommended only under adult supervision.

Using an inhaler
When using for the first time, shake the inhaler and press the dosing valve once or twice.
When inhaling, the following instructions should be followed:
Remove the dust cap. Inspect the inside and outside of the mouthpiece (tip) to make sure they are clean.
Shake the inhaler vigorously.
Hold the inhaler upright with your thumb on the base of the can. Exhale as completely as possible, then insert the mouthpiece into your mouth between your teeth (but without biting it) and tightly clasp your lips.
Starting to inhale air through the mouth, press the base of the can so as to spray a dose of Intal; at the same time continue to breathe in calmly and deeply. Hold your breath, remove the inhaler from your mouth. Continue to hold your breath as much as possible.
If you need to immediately enter a second dose of Intal, repeat the procedure. After inhalation, always close the mouthpiece with a dust cap.

Side effect
The drug can cause irritation of the upper respiratory tract, dry mouth, unpleasant taste sensations, hoarseness, cough, short-term bronchospasm. In the case of recurring bronchospasm, a bronchodilator is inhaled beforehand, and the cough is soothed by drinking water immediately after inhalation. As with any inhalation therapy, bronchospasm may suddenly develop immediately after inhalation. In this case, you should stop taking the drug and prescribe to the patient another treatment.
The above undesirable effects can be reduced by the combined use of Intal with a spacer.
Rare adverse events include: anaphylaxis (difficulty swallowing, hives, itchy skin, swelling of the face, lips and eyelids, severe stridor or labored breathing, low blood pressure), headaches and dizziness, painful or difficult urination, frequent urination, nausea and rash .
After discontinuation of the drug, exacerbation of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic infiltrate of the lung is possible.
Cases of eosinophilic pneumonia have been reported very rarely.

Sodium cromoglycate has low toxicity, so the risk of overdose and the development of any toxic effects is small.

Interaction with other drugs
Beta-agonists, glucocorticosteroids (GCS), antihistamines and theophylline increase the effect.
The combined appointment of sodium cromoglycate and GCS allows you to reduce the dose of the latter, and in some cases completely cancel them.
Bronchodilators must be taken (inhaled) before inhalation of the drug.

special instructions
For the relief of bronchospasm, the drug is not used. With concomitant therapy with bronchodilators, they must be taken before Intal inhalation.
The maintenance dose of glucocorticosteroids can usually be reduced, and in some cases completely canceled. While reducing the dose of glucocorticosteroids, the patient should be under close medical supervision: the rate of dose reduction should not exceed 10% per week. If eosinophilic pneumonia occurs, the drug should be discontinued.

Release form
Aerosol for inhalation dosed 5 mg/dose.
The amount of the drug is equal to 112 doses in an aerosol aluminum can placed in a dosing plastic device with a dust cap, 1 can together with instructions for use or 1 can together with an additional dosing device and instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions
At a temperature not higher than 30°C.
Protect from direct sunlight.
Do not refrigerate or freeze.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
2 years.
Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
On prescription.

Aventis Pharma Holmes Chapel, UK

Manufacturer's address:
72 London Road - Holmes Chapel, Crewe - Cheshire CW4 8BE, England

Consumer claims should be sent to:
115035, Moscow, st. Sadovnicheskaya, house 82, building 2.

Antiseptic for the oral cavity, which is available in the form of a spray and rinse solution. The active substance exhibits bactericidal activity against most bacteria, as well as fungi of the genus Candida. Can be used in adults and children. When used correctly, it does not cause adverse reactions and acts only locally.

Dosage form

Hexoral is an antiseptic drug that is used for diseases of the oral mucosa and gums. The drug is available in 2 forms:

  1. Solution. It is a clear red liquid. It has a mint flavor. The drug is available in vials of 200 ml. The tool is sold in cardboard packs.
  2. Aerosol. A clear liquid with the smell of menthol is placed in a 40 ml bottle. It comes with a spray nozzle. The cylinder, instructions and sprayer are placed in a cardboard box.

Description and composition

The main active ingredient of the drug is hexetidine. It is antiseptic and kills most known bacteria. The medicine also contains auxiliary substances, the list of which includes:

  • levomenthol;
  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • oil of eucalyptus leaves;
  • purified water;
  • 96% ethanol;
  • polysorbate 80;
  • sodium saccharin;
  • sodium calcium edetate;
  • nitrogen.

The mechanism of action of hexoral is associated with a violation of oxidative processes occurring in the cell. That is why the remedy is so effective against most bacteria, pathogens of infectious diseases and inflammations, as well as fungi belonging to the genus Candida.

However, it must be borne in mind that the remedy is not able to help in the fight against Proteus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. They are drug resistant.

The active substance of hexoral has an unexpressed analgesic effect. When the spray is applied to the throat, the components of the drug are evenly distributed over the mucous membrane, forming a film. The active substance is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation. The tool remains active for several hours.

Pharmacological group

Hexoral is included in the 24.012 pharmacological group. It is a drug with antibacterial, antifungal action for local use in ENT practice and dentistry.

Indications for use

for adults

The list of indications for which the use of the drug is prescribed is very extensive. Geksoral use:

  • before and after surgery in the mouth and pharynx;
  • with, tonsillitis, glossitis,;
  • to eliminate bad breath;
  • in the treatment of severe purulent or febrile diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx;
  • with colds (used as an adjuvant);
  • with the appearance of autotrophic ulcers;
  • with fungal infections of the mouth and pharynx;
  • if infection of the alveoli occurs after tooth extraction;
  • as a hygienic remedy for general diseases;
  • with bleeding gums or gingivitis;
  • in the presence of collapsing tumors in the mouth and pharynx;
  • with periodontal diseases or the presence of their symptoms.

for children

Pediatricians prescribe Hexoral Spray to children in the presence of infectious diseases in the mouth and pharynx. The tool helps fight:

  • fungal infections in the mouth;
  • colds;
  • , glossitis, gingivitis;
  • inflammation of the alveoli that appeared after the extraction of teeth;
  • purulent, accompanied by fever and intoxication;
  • and tonsillopharyngitis.

Geksoral does not adversely affect the health of the child during pregnancy or lactation. The drug is prescribed in the presence of diseases caused by bacteria. The use of the drug without prior consultation with a specialist is strongly discouraged.


Geksoral spray is suitable for almost all people suffering from infectious diseases of the nose and mouth. You should refuse to use the remedy if:

  • the child has not yet reached the age of 3;
  • a person has an individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug;
  • the patient has an individual hypersensitivity to the main active substance of the remedy.

Applications and doses

for adults

The drug is applied topically. A single dose is administered over 1-2 seconds. Hexoral is used 1-2 times a day after meals. Doctors advise spraying in the morning and evening. If necessary, the tool can be used more often. Hexetidine adheres to the mucous membrane. Thanks to this, the tool gives a lasting effect. The duration of the course of treatment is determined on an individual basis.

To spray the drug in the throat and treat the affected areas, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Place the aerosol tube into the appropriate hole in the top of the vial. To do this, you need to lightly press on it. Point the tip of the tube away from you.
  2. Holding the aerosol tube, direct it to the affected area of ​​the pharynx or oral cavity. The vial itself must be kept upright at all times.
  3. Enter the correct amount of the drug. To do this, press on the spray head for 1-2 seconds.

During the introduction of the drug you need to hold your breath.

for children

The method of application and dosage for children are similar.

for pregnant women and during lactation

Taking Hexoral during pregnancy or lactation is possible after visiting a specialist.

Side effects

The drug has practically no side effects. However, a hypersensitivity reaction to the components of the agent is possible. If Geksoral is used for a long period of time, there may be a violation of taste.

Interaction with other drugs

Clinically significant interactions of Hexoral with other drugs are not described in the official instructions. It is better not to combine the drug with other medicines.

special instructions

For children, the remedy is prescribed when they stop resisting a foreign object in their mouth and can hold their breath. There must be no danger of uncontrolled swallowing. The official instructions indicate that the drug can be used from the moment the child reaches 3 years of age. However, some experts recommend shifting the age of starting the drug to 6 years.


The drug is non-toxic if the dosage is strictly observed. When using the drug in large quantities, it may occur. Its appearance prevents the absorption of the drug. In practice, cases of poisoning with Hexoral have not been recorded.

If you have swallowed a large amount of the drug, you should consult a doctor. He will perform a gastric lavage, as well as carry out symptomatic therapy. Manipulations are performed within 2 hours from the moment of ingestion of the drug. Self-medication in this situation is prohibited.

Storage conditions

The product should be stored out of the reach of children at an air temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. The drug is suitable for use within 2 years from the date of manufacture. The use of a product with an expired expiration date is fraught with negative consequences. The specified period is relevant only if the person complied with the storage conditions of the drug.


The drug has a number of cheaper analogues. By giving preference to them, a person will be able to save up to 70% of the cost of funds. Replace Hexoral capable of:

  1. . It is the closest analogue of the drug. The agent contains hexetedine and other substances in proportions similar or approximately equal to hexoral. The medicine is not recommended for children under 8 years of age.

on the medical use of the drug

Registration number:

P N014010/01-291012


Geksoral ®

International non-proprietary name:


Dosage form:

topical aerosol


100 ml of the drug contains:
active substance- hexetidine - 0.200 g;
Excipients: polysorbate 80 - 1.400 g, citric acid monohydrate - 0.070 g, sodium saccharinate 0.040 g, levomenthol 0.070 g, eucalyptus rod leaves oil - 0.0011 g, sodium calcium edetate - 0.100 g, ethanol 96% - 4.333 g, sodium hydroxide - q.s. up to pH 5.5 ± 0.2, purified water - q.s. up to 100 ml, nitrogen - q.s. up to 5 bar.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATX code: A01AB12.

Pharmacological properties

The antimicrobial effect of the drug "Gexoral ®" is associated with the suppression of oxidative reactions of bacterial metabolism (thiamine antagonist). The drug has a wide spectrum of antibacterial and antifungal activity, in particular against gram-positive bacteria and fungi of the genus Candida, but the drug "Geksoral ®" may also have an effect in the treatment of infections caused, for example, by Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Proteus spp. At a concentration of 100 mg / ml, the drug suppresses most strains of bacteria. The development of resistance was not observed. Hexetidine has a weak anesthetic effect on the mucous membrane. The drug has an antiviral effect against influenza A viruses, respiratory syncytial virus (PC-virus), herpes simplex virus type 1, affecting the respiratory tract.
Hexetidine adheres very well to the mucous membrane and is practically not absorbed. After a single application of the active substance, its traces are found on the gum mucosa within 65 hours. In plaque, active concentrations remain for 10-14 hours after application.

Indications for use

As a symptomatic remedy.
Symptomatic treatment for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the oral cavity and larynx:
- tonsillitis, tonsillitis (including Plaut-Vincent's tonsillitis, tonsillitis of the lateral ridges), pharyngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, glossitis, periodontal disease;
- fungal diseases;
prevention of infectious complications before and after surgical interventions on the oral cavity and larynx and in injuries, including prevention of infection of the alveoli after tooth extraction;
oral hygiene, including to eliminate bad breath.


Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
erosive-desquamous lesions of the oral mucosa;
children's age up to 3 years.

Use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding

There is no information about any undesirable effects of the drug "Gexoral ®" during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. However, before prescribing the drug "Gexoral ®" to pregnant or lactating women, the doctor should carefully weigh the benefits and risks of treatment, given the lack of sufficient data on the penetration of the drug through the placenta and into breast milk.

Dosage and administration

locally. Children from 3 to 6 years old: the use of the drug is possible after consultation with a healthcare professional.
Adults and children over 6 years of age: treat the affected areas while holding the breath, 1 injection for 1-2 seconds 2 times a day.
Hexetidine adheres to the mucous membrane and thus gives a lasting effect. In this regard, the drug should be used after meals.

General recommendations for administration
The drug is sprayed into the mouth or throat. With the help of an aerosol, you can easily and quickly treat the affected areas. You need to do the following:
put a spray nozzle on the aerosol can;
direct the end of the spray nozzle to the affected area of ​​​​the oral cavity or pharynx;
during the administration of the drug, the vial should be kept constantly in a vertical position, as shown in the figure;
inject the required amount of the drug by pressing on the head of the spray nozzle for 1-2 seconds, do not breathe when introducing the aerosol.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Side effect

Adverse reactions identified during post-registration use of the medicinal product were classified as follows: very frequent (≥1/10), frequent (≥1/100, <1/10), not frequent (≥1/1000, <1/100), rare (≥1/10000, <1/1000), very rare (<1/10000), частота неизвестна (частота возникновения не может быть оценена на основании имеющихся данных).
Immune system disorders. Very rarely: hypersensitivity reactions (including urticaria), angioedema.
Nervous system disorders. Very rarely: ageusia, dysgeusia.
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders.
Very rarely: cough, shortness of breath due to the appearance of a hypersensitivity reaction.
Gastrointestinal disorders.
Very rarely: dry mouth, dysphagia, nausea, salivary gland enlargement, vomiting.
General disorders and disorders at the injection site. Very rarely: reactions at the site of application (including irritation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx, burning sensation, paresthesia of the oral cavity, discoloration of the tongue, discoloration of the teeth, inflammation, blistering and ulceration).
If any side effects indicated in the instructions are aggravated or you notice other side effects, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


It is unlikely that hexetidine can have a toxic effect when used according to the instructions for use of the medicinal product.
Swallowing large amounts of a preparation containing ethanol may lead to signs/symptoms of alcohol intoxication.
In any case of overdose, consult your doctor immediately. Treatment is symptomatic, as in alcohol intoxication. Gastric lavage is necessary within 2 hours after swallowing an excess dose.

Interaction with other drugs

No data available.

special instructions

There are no special instructions.
Children can use the drug from an age when there is no danger of uncontrolled swallowing or when they do not resist a foreign object (spray nozzle) in the mouth when using an aerosol and are able to hold their breath when injecting the drug.
The ethanol content in the preparation is 5.15%. One dose of the drug contains 20.3 mg of ethanol (in terms of absolute alcohol). The contents of the aerosol can are under pressure. Do not open, pierce or incinerate, even if the container is empty.
If the medicinal product has become unusable or the expiration date has expired, do not pour it into wastewater and do not throw it out into the street! Place the medicine in a bag and put it in a trash can. These measures will help protect the environment!

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and engage in other potentially hazardous activities

The drug "Geksoral ®", an aerosol for local use does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and engage in other potentially hazardous activities.

Release form

Aerosol for local use 0.2%.
40 ml of the preparation in an aluminum aerosol can with an internal varnish coating. 1 aerosol can complete with one spray nozzle or four spray nozzles of different colors along with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

3 years.
Do not use the drug after the expiration date indicated on the package.
The contents of the aerosol can should be used up within 6 months after the first use.

Holiday conditions

Over the counter.


Famar Orleans, France
Legal address: Famar Orleans, 5 avenue de Concyr, 45071 Orleans Cedex 2, France
Organization receiving claims: Johnson & Johnson LLC,
Russia, 121614, Moscow, st. Krylatskaya, 17, building 2.