Application anesthesia treatment with antiseptic solutions. When is topical anesthesia used in dentistry?

Local or topical anesthesia for dental purposes is used to relieve or reduce pain threshold gingival and mucosal areas. In this case, a drug is used that is absorbed by the oral mucosa and enters the tissues. This method is the ideal solution for small surgical interventions Oh. Below is information on how topical anesthesia is used in dentistry.

The actions of anesthetics are aimed at temporarily stopping nerve endings, as a result, the person does not feel pain. The main advantages include the effectiveness and absolute safety of the drug, if the correct dosage is administered. Local anesthesia acts on certain place and does not affect the state of the body as a whole, as with general anesthesia.

In children's dental clinics most often, such preparations are found in the form of a gel, supplemented with a pleasant fruit or berry aroma. In addition, anesthetics are available in the form of aerosols or ointments.

In dental procedures, anesthetic is used in such cases:

  • At .

  • With caries or.

  • Pulpe and.

Such drugs have two spectrums of action: the first belong to cauterizing agents, the other dehydration drugs belong to the group of anesthetics with a physiological effect. In the second case, their action is aimed at removing fluid from the tissues, which subsequently leads to the removal pain. In this case, strontium or fluoride paste is usually used.

Superficial anesthesia is a freezing or lubrication of a specific area anesthetic drugs. General anesthesia is used in dentistry only in some cases, such as severe vomiting, during procedures oral cavity, in the presence of an allergy to local preparations and when many teeth are removed at once.

Painkillers are prescribed based on the patient's pain defect and general indications.

Operating principle

This method of anesthesia has fast action, which occurs due to the instant absorption of the drug into the tissues and mucous membranes. The principle of operation of application anesthesia depends on the agent used.

If the drug is applied to the mucous membrane, it is quickly absorbed from it and is also rapidly distributed throughout the tissues. Within a few seconds, the anesthetic reaches the nerve endings, blocks their action, and subsequently the patient's sensitivity decreases.

When formulations with strontium or fluoride paste are used as an anesthetic, they active ingredients directed at the micropores of the periodontium, while blocking pain.

In the case of using drugs with silver nitrate, pain is relieved by reducing the pores and vessels of the mucous membrane.

It does not matter how anesthesia will act, the effect is achieved in a period of several seconds, ending with minutes. The duration of the result obtained is stored for thirty minutes.


Anesthesia can be classified according to the principle of action:


This is the first method of pain relief that uses strong drugs such as: silver nitrate; zinc chloride, etc. With their help, not only the periodontium, but also dental tissues are subject to freezing.

When such drugs penetrate the tissues, they narrow the pores and thereby prevent any effect on nerve cells. This method gave good results, but did not become too common due to the substances used. Since they belong to the toxic group, when they enter the mucous membranes and tissues, they have a destructive effect on tooth enamel.


In this case, the drugs have dehydration properties that are aimed at reducing pain. In most cases, these are bicarbonates or carbonates, for example: potassium, sodium, etc. with a similar effect.

They reduce the sensitivity of tissues and teeth, as they remove moisture from enamel and dentin. This method is often used for minimal manipulations on the teeth and also for high-quality brushing of the teeth.

Compounds with a physiological effect

Such preparations include strontium, aspirin and sulfidine paste. Their action is directed to dentinal receptors, thereby stopping the transmission of impulses to nerve cells.

In addition, such pastes, or rather the substances contained in them, have therapeutic effect, as a result, they are used in the treatment of teeth with damaged enamel etc. Periodic use of such compositions restores destroyed tissues and helps strengthen teeth.

Most well-known drugs surface anesthesia. With their help, you can quickly anesthetize the area for a certain period of time. For this specialists use anesthetics with a concentrated composition: lidocaine, tetracanine, etc. Substances quickly block the sensitivity of nerve endings.

Contraindications and side effects

Before choosing this method of anesthesia, you first need to consider all possible contraindications, if any, there are limitations in the application of such a method.


  • Allergic reaction to at least one of the components.
  • Diabetes.
  • Various heart diseases, such as a previous heart attack or stroke.
  • Improper functioning of the endocrine system.

A common contraindication to the use of local anesthetics is an allergic reaction. If application preparations are used in correct dosage, you can protect yourself from side effects as much as possible. An important point is that such anesthesia cannot be used alone at home.

In this case, you can choose another, more safe way. Namely, infiltration or application anesthesia is also a type of local anesthetic. But at the same time, it is necessary to understand that the first method is used only when the second one is not suitable for some reason. The main difference between these methods of anesthesia is that infiltration is administered by injection.

What drugs can be used? In the case of application anesthesia, such funds should be prescribed by a specialist. Because their range is quite wide.

List of drugs:

  • . One of the common drugs used for local anesthesia- both for adults and children in the treatment or extraction of teeth. It is found in pharmacies in the form of gels and ointments. It is also sold in liquid form.

  • "Tetrikain" ("Dikain"). Available in the form of a powder, ointment or liquid solution. Because of toxic substances, included in its composition, is used extremely rarely. Not suitable for use on children.
  • . Can be purchased at pharmacies in the form of glycerin or oil solution. It also refers to a local anesthetic, mainly used in dentistry by adult patients.

  • "Pyromecaine". Has good application performance. Available in the form of an ointment, and also administered with anesthesia.
  • Propolis solution, infused with alcohol, reduces pain.

The cost of drugs

In Moscow and the Moscow region, the price of local painkillers ranges from 80 to 200 rubles, slightly lower than the price of drugs administered by injection. In other regions of Russia, the cost may be lower.

This price is indicated for one dosage and, accordingly, for one procedure related to the oral cavity.

Possible Complications

Side effects after use similar drugs occur extremely rarely. It could be: itching, allergic reactions, swelling, irritation of mucous membranes.

For infants and pregnant women bad influence on the body of such anesthesia has not been fully studied. Therefore, it is not recommended for such patients.

The main key to successful implementation dental operations using local anesthesia is a high qualification of the attending physician.

Dentistry became humane only after scientists invented painkillers. Until that moment, the only reliable painkiller for doctors was a blow to the head with a wooden mallet. The patient lost consciousness, the doctor got the opportunity to treat. Fortunately, today there are many less traumatic methods of anesthesia.

What does it represent?

Anesthesia helps the patient to painlessly endure all medical manipulations. In dentistry, pain relief is most often done by injection. This method has a significant drawback: many patients, especially children, are terrified of needles and syringes and therefore experience the strongest pain in the dentist's office. psychological discomfort. Then application anesthesia comes to the rescue.

Application anesthesia is a non-injection pain relief. The defining word in this type of anesthesia is the word "application". It means the application and impact of a drug blocking the nerve endings to a specific area of ​​​​the body. In dentistry, it is a tooth, a section of the gum or oral mucosa.


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Most often, application anesthesia is used in pediatric dentistry for simple surgical intervention. However, it is also indicated for adult patients before the following procedures:

  • fitting of crowns;
  • removal of calculus and plaque;
  • hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity;
  • fixation of crowns and bridges.

Application anesthesia is able to cope with more serious problems, including surgical interventions on occasions:

  • pulp removal;
  • opening of purulent formations;
  • removal of postoperative sutures;
  • treatment of teeth affected by caries.

There are cases when a tooth with deep-seated roots is to be extracted. Then, for those who are terribly afraid of an anesthetic injection, they offer the following scheme: an agent for application anesthesia is applied to the area where the injection will be injected, an injection is made, and surgery follows.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dentists choose topical anesthesia because it:

  • does not damage the oral cavity;
  • has an effect immediately after application;
  • safer for the body than injectables;
  • psychologically tolerated easier than an anesthetic injection.

There are application anesthesia and cons, these are:


The list of patients with contraindications to the application method of anesthesia should include those who:

  • has mental illness;
  • sick with diabetes;
  • prone to allergies to individual components in the composition of the drug.

Pregnant and lactating mothers should consult a doctor before using topical anesthesia. The same applies to children under 2 years of age.


Preparations for application anesthesia are available in the following forms:

  • ointments;
  • liquid solutions;
  • chewing plates;
  • powder mixtures;
  • aerosol spray cans;
  • films adhered to the oral mucosa.

All of the above forms allow the content of aromatic flavors in the composition, which make the use of the drug not only an anesthetic, but also quite pleasant. Manufacturers make sure that dental procedures are as comfortable as possible.

Thanks to the variety of modern painkillers, the treatment of teeth and gums is painless and as comfortable as possible. Already today, most people fearlessly visit dentists at the first symptoms of the disease. Timely assistance of a doctor solves the problems of patients, reduces the number of complications and preserves invaluable health.

To date, three main methods of anesthesia are used. Among them, a significant place is occupied by local application anesthesia.

Comfortable dental treatment

Dentophobia - fear of a dentist, appears as a result of the following reasons:

  • negative memories associated with previous treatment;
  • negative transmitted from parents (friends, relatives);
  • fear of infection dangerous infections transmitted through biological fluids;
  • fear of pain during medical procedures.

Many people confirm that, despite the fact that the treatment does not take much time and is not accompanied by pain, the fear of the next visit to the doctor still persists. To avoid worries, dentists recommend visiting clinics to check the health of teeth and gums as a preventive measure. Dynamic Surveillance will allow timely detection of the disease and eliminate it with minimal medical intervention.

Morale is very important before visiting the doctor. A few drops of Valerian and Motherwort will help eliminate fear and believe in the best.

In most cases, patients suffering from dental phobia have many additional fears. If this feature greatly influences peace of mind and is harmful to health, conversations with a psychotherapist can help a person.

Today, even the most serious surgical interventions are carried out under the local. The action of anesthetics is so strong that the patient may experience discomfort and psychological stress, but not pain. Depending on the specific case, the doctor chooses the type of anesthesia, dose and active drug. If sensitivity persists during treatment, the dentist is to blame.

When strong fear before treatment, doctors resort to using general anesthesia. Many modern clinics offer to carry out medical interventions in a state of deep artificial sleep.

Painless anesthesia

Application anesthesia helps to eliminate pain sensitivity during medical procedures.

The method has significant positive features:

  • lack of need for special knowledge and skills in the application;
  • achieving a rapid therapeutic effect;
  • enough long-term action drugs;
  • safety in use;
  • no discomfort.

During application anesthesia in dentistry, the active drug is applied directly to the mucous membranes of the gums. The drug quickly penetrates into periodontal tissues and provides the desired effect. The preparations have convenient forms of release: gels, ointments, creams, aerosols, special strips and dressings.

In addition to the application method, conduction and infiltration anesthesia are successfully used in dentistry.

Anesthesia is carried out using a special cartridge syringe and capsules with anesthetics. Despite the fact that the needles of the injector are very thin and sharp, the injection procedure is very unpleasant. Local anesthetics help relieve sensitivity.

In addition to the obvious advantages, application anesthesia has disadvantages. These include: the development of allergic reactions, the impossibility exact dosage, penetration active substances into the bloodstream, gum bleeding, superficial therapeutic effect.

Let's start treatment

After describing the advantages and disadvantages of application anesthesia, the question arises - in what cases is it carried out?

The indication for the use of the method is:

  1. Removal of mobile milk teeth.
  2. Carrying out preventive cleaning.
  3. Withdrawal orthopedic casts(with increased gag reflex).
  4. Sample crowns.
  5. Treatment superficial caries at hypersensitivity teeth.
  6. Restoration of the crown of the tooth after root treatment.
  7. Anesthesia of the injection site before the injection.
  8. Temporary elimination pain sensitivity with inflammation of the gums;
  9. Carrying out treatment on the oral mucosa (treatment of superficial wounds, opening of submucosal abscesses, bandaging).

Contraindication for use local preparations is the presence of individual sensitivity and allergic reactions to a particular medicinal substance. Some types of anesthetics are prohibited for use in pediatrics due to the increased aggressive action of the drugs.

Used drugs

Medicinal painkillers are produced in convenient forms: gels, ointments, spireas, aerosols.

The active ingredients are Lidocaine, Benzocaine, Tetracaine.

Commonly used drugs in dentistry include:

  • Disilan- Paste based on Benzocaine. Available in orange, tutti frutti, apple, currant, peach, watermelon and cherry flavors. The drug has nice smell. After application, the effect of the drug occurs after 1 minute, persists for 12-15 minutes. Disilan is successfully used in pediatrics, in children from 5 years old;
  • Carried Aroma paste is a powerful application anesthetic, which simultaneously includes 3 active ingredients (Tetracaine, Dibucaine, Ethylaminobenzoate). Antibacterial action provides Homosulfamine. The drug is available in a tube in the form of a paste, has a strawberry smell and taste;
  • Lidoxor gel and spray- Contains the active ingredient Lidocaine. After applying the drug, there are no negative sensations. Due to the pleasant flavoring additives, the use of the drug is comfortable. The effect occurs at 2 - 3 minutes, the duration of action lasts up to 20 minutes;
  • Desensetin suspension and gel - preparations based on Lidocaine. Positive properties: pleasant taste, easy application, efficiency, not a large number of contraindications;
  • Topex - active substance is Benzocaine. Gel for application anesthesia is well tolerated, successfully used in pediatrics.

The types of application anesthesia include: dehydration, cauterization, the use of physiological and local anesthetic agents.

The application procedure is simple. The dentist asks the patient to open his mouth, treats the necessary area with an antiseptic solution, and then applies an anesthetic drug. After 2 - 3 minutes, the effect of the drug begins, the dentist proceeds to the main treatment. The duration of anesthesia lasts for 15-20 minutes. This time is sufficient for necessary procedures. If necessary, the drug is applied again.

The combination of application and infiltration anesthesia in a child can be viewed on the video:

Possible Complications application anesthesia: allergic reactions, redness of the mucosa, biting of soft tissues with teeth due to lack of sensitivity (in children), development of dental phobia (due to an unpleasant feeling of numbness).

Question answer

How much does topical anesthesia cost?

The price for superficial anesthesia varies depending on the level of prestige of the Moscow clinic and on average ranges from 100 to 300 rubles.

Is it possible to treat root canals under local application anesthesia?

Unfortunately no. The method provides only superficial anesthesia. For endodontic and surgical interventions, it is necessary to use conduction or infiltration anesthesia.

How long does mucosal numbness last after application anesthesia?

The effect of the drug in most cases does not exceed 15-20 minutes.

Is it possible to use local anesthetics on my own to relieve a toothache?

No, this is absolutely not recommended. As a result of inadequate drug use, there is Great chance development of side effects. If you have a toothache, but there is no way to immediately visit the dentist, it is recommended to take an analgesic in tablet form. Eliminate discomfort will help: Nimesil, Paracetamol, Ketorol, Dexalgin, Nise, Baralgin, Nurofen.

Although most analgesics provide fast and good effect, do not abuse their use. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Application anesthesia in dentistry in Latin means attachment. Many people don't like syringes that have sharp needles, especially when pointed at them. Therefore, scientists have developed a non-injection method of local anesthesia.

The emergence of topical anesthesia in dentistry means that it innovative way elimination of pain during dental operations. An anesthetic in the form of an ointment or gel is applied by the orthodontist to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the pulp and nearby hard tissues tooth.

Due to the high percentage of diffusion, the gel penetrates more than 2 mm into the tissues, reaching its target - the terminal fibers of the nerve endings. The downside is that the effect does not last long - about half an hour. Hence, this way anesthesia is not suitable for long-term surgical procedures.

Application anesthesia is widely used in pediatric dentistry. Little patients are not afraid of injections and allow anesthesia to be carried out calmly. Plus, it is worth noting that milk teeth pass the drug much more efficiently, as they have a developed network of tubules in the dent. However, the anesthetic is used only for manipulations that leave a living pulp.

To increase the bioavailability of medicines, suction of accumulated saliva is carried out to isolate the required area.

The price of the drug is even lower than that of some injectable anesthetics, and fluctuates around two hundred rubles. That's why medical preparation available to people with different financial backgrounds.

The basis of the anesthetic is made up of three basic ingredients: benzocaine, lidocaine and tetracaine. All three chemicals dull pain by stopping the function of nerve endings.

Indications for use may be:

- simple caries that has not reached the pulp;

- hypersensitivity of dental nerve endings;

- grinding of the tooth surface before a longer operation or crown setting;

- pulpitis. A swab soaked in an ointment is placed at the bottom of carious corrosion, which removes the sensitivity of the nerve tangle;

- removal of milk and permanent damaged teeth;

- removal of tartar.

However, like all drugs, application anesthesia has side effects that occur extremely rarely, manifesting themselves in the form of allergic reactions and inflammation. With the latter, hoarseness of voice, difficulty in breathing, due to inflammatory processes mucous membranes. Allergic reactions consist in the aggressive perception of antibodies to the molecules of the drug, which are allergens. There is itching, swelling and redness of the mucous tissues.

Thus, it is possible to sum up the question what is topical anesthesia in dentistry. This painless way anesthesia, which does not provide for long-term manipulations. Therefore, they are eligible to be used by experienced qualified orthodontists for short operations. The use of such anesthetics is excellent for the treatment and extraction of milk teeth. This is very useful and effective drug, on the action of which specialists work in the laboratory.

Modern dentistry provides patients with a large number of services for the correction of dental defects. However, not all procedures can be considered painless. That is why during the majority of them application anesthesia is used.

What is the procedure?

It consists in the impact of special on the terminal nerve endings of the tooth without the use of a syringe. Naturally, different drugs provide miscellaneous action. Pain relief is superficial. The drug is applied to the desired area in the form of a gel, ointment or spray.

It should be noted that application anesthesia is not always allowed. Therefore, the type of anesthesia should be chosen by the doctor, depending on the operation to be performed, as well as on the characteristics of your body.

Indications for use

Local application anesthesia is usually done in such cases:

  • in the treatment of caries.
  • To reduce pain sensitivity in the area where you need to make an injection.
  • To painlessly remove a loose tooth.
  • To remove tartar.
  • For the purpose of restoring natural form crowns.
  • To prevent the action of the gag reflex during the operation to remove the cast from the dentition.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Application anesthesia has some advantages:

  1. High efficiency of action.
  2. Safety for the patient.
  3. No discomfort during anesthesia. The fact is that the drugs are applied with a cotton swab, so it does not cause any pain.

However, there are also disadvantages. For example, the duration of most drugs is limited to 30 minutes, and the doctor may not have time to do everything necessary for this time period. Despite the safety of the use of drugs, they still penetrate the systemic circulation and can cause side effects. Another disadvantage of using such anesthesia is the inability to control the dosage of drugs that are made in the form of an aerosol.

Contraindications and side effects

Before application anesthesia is applied, it is necessary to study all contraindications that make it impossible to use this method of anesthesia. Among them are the following:

  • Individual intolerance to the drug or its components.
  • emergence allergic reaction.
  • Acute forms of heart disease and blood vessels, as well as a recent heart attack or stroke.
  • Diabetes.
  • Violation of the endocrine system.

The most important side effect such pain relief is allergy. If the drugs used are dosed correctly, then complications can be avoided. Please note that you can not use such drugs at home. The presented type of anesthesia can be replaced. There are other ways to administer drugs.

Application and infiltration anesthesia There are two types of local anesthesia. In this case, the second of them is used in cases where it is impossible to use the first. differs in that it is administered by injection.

Types of application anesthesia

Before you carry out anesthesia, you need to figure out how it will be done. Most often it is classified according to the mechanism of action. Anesthesia can be divided into four groups:

  1. Moxibustion. For its implementation, a nitrogen solution and other substances are used. However, this method is not always used, as it can severely damage tissues and pulp.
  2. Dehydration. In this case apply special means, which can reduce the sensitivity of tissues to pain by reducing the amount of fluid in them.
  3. Facilities physiological action. These include aspirin paste, strontium paste and other substances. After the product has been applied to dental tissue, it blocks the conduction of pain sensations along the receptors of the dentinal tubules. Therapeutic effect in this case very pronounced.
  4. Local anesthetic. It can block the conduction of peripheral nerve endings. Such a substance should be used to treat hard dental tissues.

What drugs are used?

If you need topical anesthesia, the preparations for its implementation should be chosen by the attending physician. There are enough of them. The most common are:

  • "Dicain" ("Tetracain"). This tool can be sold in the form of ointments, solution or special powder. It is rarely used because it has a high degree toxicity. For the treatment of teeth in children, it is better not to use it.
  • "Lidocaine". This is the most common drug that is used in pediatric and adult dentistry. It can also be purchased in the form of an ointment and gel. There is also liquid solution this drug.
  • "Pyromecain". The medicine provides a good analgesic effect. It is available in ampoules or in the form of an ointment.
  • "Benzocaine". The presented drug is sold in the form of an oil or glycerin solution.
  • Alcohol solution of propolis. This substance is also able to eliminate pain.

Features of the procedure

So, before using a drug, such as a gel, for topical anesthesia, you need to make sure that the patient does not have an allergic reaction to it.

You can apply drugs with a cotton swab. In this case, the substance is either rubbed into the mucous membrane of the mouth, or simply applied to a specific area. If the anesthetic effect was not achieved the first time, then the procedure can be repeated. During anesthesia, it must be taken into account that each tooth differs from the other in the degree of pain perception. Therefore, in each individual case, it can be applied different dosage drug.

If the doctor decides to use an aerosol, then it is applied to the required area by spraying. It should be taken into account that the drug will also get to other parts of the oral mucosa. This may be highly undesirable.

If you need to undergo a dental procedure using anesthetics, you should not drink alcohol the day before your visit to the doctor. They can reduce the analgesic effect.

If you have fear at the mere thought of visiting a doctor, then at night you can take mild herbal sedatives. If there are infectious or inflammatory diseases in the body, it is better to transfer the treatment procedure.

Women should not go to the dentist during menstruation. This period is accompanied hyperexcitability nervous system, as well as susceptibility to some drugs becomes stronger. This can cause severe bleeding.

In any case, the application (we have already considered the drugs) is very common. But only a qualified doctor can use it. Only he is able to assess the patient's condition, take into account the characteristics of the patient's body and determine the dosage of the drug. Be healthy!