Swimming pool metro Medvedkovo with sea water. Sanatorium "Svetlana" Elk Island The benefits of sea salt on the child's nervous system

The sanatorium is located in a forest area, which is part of the Losiny Ostrov national park.

Pool characteristics:

Water - sea
Water temperature - 32`С
Cleaning method - ultraviolet and sand filter
Pool size 4x6m, depth 1.25-1.45m
There is a phyto sauna - 75-80`С


Water is obtained through our own well, from a depth of 1300m from the ancient sea.

The natural sea water in the pool, in terms of mineral composition, is between the water of the Black and Red Seas.The unique healing properties of sea water are confirmed by the conclusion of the Russian Scientific Centerrestorative medicine and balneology.

Water aerobics for pregnant women

A group lesson in a seawater pool according to a special program for pregnant women is conducted by experienced instructors of the company. Exercises for all muscle groups. Emphasis on the muscles involved in labor. Stretching and breathing exercises.

Rules for visiting the pool

1. When visiting the pool, you must have:
- medical certificate
- swimming caps
- bathing suit
- replacement shoes for the pool
- for children under 2 years old, special diapers for swimming

2. The administration reserves the right to change the schedule.

Activities for children (4 age groups)

Participation in group water aerobics classes is carried out by appointment, with a medical certificate from the supervising obstetrician-gynecologist.

"The water of our pool"

The Devonian Sea is what sets our pool apart from others. Especially for him, in the forest territory of the Svetlana sanatorium, mineral water is extracted from wells from a depth of 1300 meters. This is the water of the Devonian Sea - a sea that is not on geographical maps of the world.

The Devonian Sea is the oldest sea on earth! It appeared more than 400 million years ago during the period of the same name. This period is called the cradle of life, when the seas occupied most of the earth's surface. Over millions of years, geological transformations have changed the profile of our planet, and the sea has left its former shores. However, it did not retreat to the ocean - its waters went into the depths and were stopped by a solid crystalline platform, which became the bottom of a new, underground sea.

For millions of years, the Devonian Sea rested underground, year after year the water became thicker and saltier, accumulating and concentrating its most beneficial properties. Today, the concentration of minerals and nutrients in the Devonian Sea is most beneficial for human health and is unique in its composition.

The healing power of the water of the Devonian Sea is similar in terms of indicators to the water of the Dead Sea - but is much more enriched with oxygen and beneficial minerals - this is the best natural combination. Unlike the waters of the Dead Sea, there is no access to the Devonian Sea, preserved at a depth of 1300-1500 m, and its composition is not affected by either poor ecology or man himself. Devonian water does not mix with other waters; people do not swim in it, like in other seas, and ships do not sail on it. This allows the water to maintain a consistently constant composition.

There are only two operating sources of water from the Devonian Sea in the world: in the Canadian ski resort of Whistler-Blackcomb (used by the Innu Indian tribes) and in our sanatorium in Moscow.

Water from the Devonian Sea comes to the surface only through a well - sea water is used as the basis for therapeutic baths and hydromassage procedures, and the swimming pools of the Svetlana sanatorium are also filled with it.

The water of the Devonian Sea - brine - is clear, heavy, viscous and oily. It is essentially an oxygen cocktail rich in antioxidants.

A person receives minerals from food and water, but with age, the processes of natural consumption are inhibited, and in order to strengthen and improve metabolic processes, it is desirable that the body also receive additional minerals from external sources. These minerals increase the level of skin hydration, promote its elasticity, strengthen cell membranes, as a result of which the skin is reliably protected from moisture loss and harmful environmental influences.

As a result of taking sea baths, due to the various effects of diffusion and high oxygen concentration, the intercellular fluid and blood plasma are saturated with minerals, and the electrolyte balance in the body improves.

The composition of sea water is almost identical to the composition of human blood. Scientists claim that sea water is isotonic to the composition of human blood. This interesting property of sea water is not accidental, because it is known that the process of development of life on earth began in sea water, and the cells of the first living creatures consisted mainly of the same chemical elements and their compounds as the surrounding sea.

Perhaps we can say that if underground mineralized waters originated from ancient seas and oceans, then man is flesh and blood from the blood of these seas. Here we come to the main mystery of the sea - its direct and highly beneficial effect on man, his skin and the central nervous system associated with it.

If simple water is useful for a person - bathing, swimming, then sea water has an even greater positive effect on the body. Firstly, because the chemical effect of salts on nerve endings in the skin is more pronounced than in fresh water bodies at the time of the procedure itself, and secondly, it lasts longer: the salts remain on the nerve endings - receptors and irritate them, like would remind a person of the sea, sun, waves, beautiful sea air. The latter is inextricably linked with the water element of the seas, oceans and the microclimate of swimming pools on mineralized water.

Sea water is not a food product - although housewives should prefer sea salt to ordinary table salt - but all processes vital for our body are sea ​​water stimulates and activates, while simultaneously strengthening the immune system and enhancing its ability to “deal” with pathogens of various diseases.

The minerals in it are in ionized form, and therefore it has an alkalizing effect on the human body - and this is very useful, taking into account the fact that today there are more than enough oxidizing agents that destroy our cells.

Beneficial properties of sea water for children.

1. Purifies the blood and increases hemoglobin.

When bathing in sea water, ions of salts dissolved in it penetrate into the skin of children, into tissues, and then into the blood. They improve the functioning of the thymus gland and bone marrow, which renew the composition of children's blood, stimulate the production of hemoglobin, protecting the baby from anemia.

2. Normalizes metabolism and the functioning of the endocrine system

The properties of sea salt, or rather sea water, are such that it contains many healing macro and micro elements (iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur) and special catalyst minerals that improve metabolic processes and increase the efficiency of the hormonal system of the child’s body, as well as There is also a large number of biogenic stimulants that tone, activate the work of the endocrine glands and have a general strengthening effect.

3. The benefits of sea salt on the child’s nervous system

Sea water will strengthen the child’s nervous system and, of course, yours. This is the third property of sea salt. Bromine, which is contained in sea salt, calms, and magnesium removes excess fluid, including from under the meninges, reducing increased intracranial pressure, due to which children and adults complain of headaches when the weather changes. Moreover, sea salt acts on skin receptors for a long time. A “salt cloak” forms on the upper layer of the epidermis; it will be washed off only after 3-4 weeks. All this time the child is getting healthier.

4. The properties of sea salt improve the condition of children's skin, and through it the body as a whole.

Sea salty “waves” gently massage the baby’s body and have a beneficial effect on active points that are reflexively connected to the baby’s internal organs.

5. The beneficial properties of sea salt promote growth and intellectual development.

Iodine, which is contained in sea salt, is vital for the children's body to produce thyroid hormones. They stimulate the baby's growth and make him smarter. Children who lack iodine are slightly behind in psychological and physical development. Children may be lethargic and overweight. You must definitely swim with such children in sea water and soon you will not recognize your child.

6. Sea salt provides the child’s body with microelements that there is nowhere else to get.

Many children in Russia living far from the sea have a selenium deficiency. Namely, the microelement selenium protects the child’s cells from destruction by free radicals that are formed during the metabolic process, and especially under the influence of unfavorable ecology. The younger the child, the less perfect the mechanisms for protecting his body from free radicals and the higher his need for selenium. When the body does not have enough selenium, its thyroid gland and heart suffer, and there is a higher tendency to colds, allergies and bronchial asthma. Swimming in sea water with your child helps replenish selenium in the body.

7. The properties of sea salt also affect the prevention of colds and strengthening the immune system.

Children living in the city have to breathe not very clean air, in which viruses, bacteria, dust, heavy metals and harmful gases are carried. The weak nasopharynx does not always cope, hence allergic reactions and regular acute respiratory infections. But if you swim and dive in sea water more often, this will strengthen local immunity, help the nasal mucosa to withstand the impacts of the external environment, and simply allow you to physically get rid of environmentally harmful “garbage”. For babies, this procedure is especially relevant, since their nasal passages are narrow and short, the protective forces of the epithelium are still very weak, and babies do not yet know how to blow their nose into a handkerchief. The anti-inflammatory properties of sea water will help cope with ENT diseases. This is not only part of the complex treatment of tonsillitis, rhinitis and otitis, but also an excellent preventive measure. Dentists also recommend rinsing - after all, sea water contains a lot of minerals that make teeth strong.

Yoga is aimed at helping a woman from the first days of pregnancy. The sooner a pregnant woman starts doing yoga, the more guarantees that her health will be excellent for 9 months, the pregnancy will pass without complications,
and childbirth will be natural and easy.

Benefits of yoga during pregnancy:

Relieves pain in the lower back and sacrum in the later stages, when the stomach becomes large;

Correct stable posture promotes active lactation after childbirth;

Blood supply to internal organs improves;

Aligns and balances hormonal levels;

We fill the children's pool with natural mineral water of the Devonian Sea, which is extracted from a well (1300 meters deep) located on the territory of the Svetlana Sanatorium. Mineral water is similar in composition to Dead Sea water.

Pool water temperature: 30-32°C

Cleaning method: ultraviolet and sand filter

There is a phytosauna: 75-80°C

We provide swimming lessons with an instructor for children from 2 months. up to 12 years old.

Regular swimming lessons develop the habit of a healthy lifestyle in children, strengthen the immune system, and accelerate physical and mental development. Water exercises improve the functioning of the respiratory apparatus and cardiovascular system, form correct posture, strengthen muscles and give children a great mood.

Groups are formed in accordance with the age and level of preparation of children. Children aged 3 years and older already have sufficient strength and coordination to master basic swimming techniques. At this age, a child can already go into a shallow and warm children's pool and practice swimming independently, under the guidance of an experienced sports coach.

Each lesson consists of 2 parts: exercise therapy on land and swimming in water, duration of classes is 45 minutes.

Our instructor: Zemtsova Olga Evgenievna

She graduated from the Smolensk State Institute of Physical Culture with a degree in physical education. Professional growth was facilitated by advanced training courses in 2007 on the topic “Modern technologies for teaching swimming in preschool educational institutions.” In 2010-2011, she completed advanced training courses at the Moscow Institute of Educational Institutions on the topic “Organization of work and methods of classes with children belonging to a special medical group due to health reasons.”

In recent years, accumulated e exclusive experience of teaching swimming to children of various age groups who were previously recognized as unable to swim (due to the consequences of past illnesses, excess weight, stressful perception of the aquatic environment, etc.). This technique, in addition to purely swimming skills, includes an extensive set of general developmental exercises aimed at strengthening various muscle groups, the respiratory system, as well as unique psychological training aimed at adapting the child’s psyche under conditions of significant physical activity, unusual situations and characteristics of the aquatic environment. Personal participation in the adaptation of children in water, as well as the involvement of parents as observers in the classes, became a kind of know-how.

Groups are divided by age from 2 to 4 years, from 4 to 7 years, from 7 to 12 years. There are no more than 7 children in groups.

In the group from 2 to 4 years old, children enter the water with their mothers; during the lessons, mothers help their child perform exercises that the trainer shows. In groups aged 4 years and older, children are in the water independently.

To visit the pool, a child’s certificate from a pediatrician with tests for I/G and enterobiasis is required, and for the mother, a certificate from a therapist with a skin examination.

To practice in the pool, the child must have with him: a cap, swimming trunks, rubber flip-flops, a towel, soap accessories, swimming goggles, and arm protectors according to the child’s weight.

Our pool has free swimming sessions where mothers can swim independently and work out with their child. You can come to these sessions with your whole family.

Price list for pool services:

Swimming pool with instructor from 2 to 12 years:

  • 650 rub.
  • Subscription for 5 visits – 3000 rub.
  • Subscription for 10 visits – 5500 rub.
  • Individual lesson with an instructor (children under 2 years old) – 3500 rub.
  • Individual lesson with an instructor (children from 2 years old, adults) – 3000 rub.

Swimming pool with instructor from 1 year to 2 years:

  • Cost of a one-time visit – 900 rub.
  • Subscription for 5 visits – 4000 rub.

Swimming pool with instructor from 2 months. up to 1 year:

  • Cost of a one-time visit – 1400 rub.
  • Subscription for 5 visits – 4500 rub.
  • 50% discount on first lesson - 700 rub.

Free swimming:

  • Family session “Mom + baby + dad” – 1050 rub.
  • Single visit for mother and 1 child – 600 rub.
  • Subscription for 5 visits for mother and 1 child – 2700 rub.
  • Subscription for 10 visits for mother and 1 child – 4500 rub.
  • One-time visit for a child – 300 rub.
  • Subscription for 5 visits to a child – 1350 rub.
  • Subscription for 10 visits to a child – 2500 rub.

You can sign up for swimming by phone.

Sanatorium "Siberia" is the largest health resort in the West Siberian region, located on an area of ​​69 hectares near the city of Tyumen on the banks of the Pyshma River in a picturesque pine and birch forest. The staff of the health resort do everything to ensure that visiting the sanatorium is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. The center has modern medical technologies and a team of professionals, constantly introducing new services and procedures.

Sanatorium and resort complex "Rus" is a new type of medical and health institution, an innovative format in the health industry. Such a level has so far been achieved only in a few Western balneological resorts. Traditional Russian resorts with their healing mineral water deserve the highest level of service, and now this level is available to Russians at home. The Rus sanatorium is designed to receive a large number of guests: on an area of ​​6.4 hectares there are two modern 9-story residential buildings with 418 rooms, a medical building, the ElMont SPA SPA center and a complex of highly professional dietary nutrition, a business center and a conference -halls. All buildings are connected by warm passages, and there is an extensive park area.

Specialized center for the treatment of the spine and related diseases. Republic of Adygea, Maykop district. International level of service, healing climate, spiritual practices, balneological hospital, individual menu. The Lago-Naki health resort was included in the top ten of the Investment Attractiveness Rating for 2016 and 2017 “TOP 100 Russian Health Resorts”.

The purest mountain air and treatment in the atmosphere of a European resort! Complete relaxation and tranquility! The sanatorium is located some distance from the city center, on a mountain, so it is so quiet, calm and secluded that the nervous system will recover as quickly as possible.

State sanatorium located on 275 hectares in the village. Kiritsy, Spassky district, Ryazan region, is famous for the healing climate of the adjacent forest zone, which has a beneficial effect on the health of young patients. In addition, modern diagnostic facilities, high-quality equipment and comprehensive inpatient treatment also show remarkable results in the treatment of children. There are 4 medical buildings on the territory of the sanatorium. There is a secondary school in the sanatorium. All children are educated according to a general education program that fully complies with state requirements and standards.

Today “Sestroretsky Resort” is a multi-profile balneological and mud sanatorium. The procedures use our own healing mud and mineral water. The Sestroretsky Resort sanatorium offers medical programs: “Anti-stress”, “Healthy spine”, “General strengthening”, “Healthy pregnancy”, “Cardiology. Myocardial infarction, unstable angina”, “Cardiology. Operated heart", "Cardiology. Prevention, healing and treatment”, “Comprehensive cleansing of the body”, “Comprehensive cleansing of the body Plus”, “Health”. The Sestroretsky Resort sanatorium, in addition to therapeutic and diagnostic services, provides extensive opportunities for good rest. There are a cafe, billiards, gyms, a rental base, a library, a museum of the history of the sanatorium, a lecture hall, a cinema, concert and dance halls, and a children's playroom. Creative meetings with popular theater and film artists, concerts, dance evenings, and entertainment programs are systematically held. Bus excursions around the suburbs of St. Petersburg and walking excursions around the Sestroretsk resort are organized. The Sestroretsky Resort sanatorium has a medical building and a mud bath, where most medical procedures are performed. The main building provides vacationers with accommodation in single and double rooms of various comfort categories. The sanatorium is now ready to simultaneously accommodate up to 540 people.

Sanatorium “Svetlana” – This is one of the first balneological health resorts in Moscow, operating since 1980, which is located in a pine forest on the territory of the Losiny Ostrov National Park. The sanatorium complex consists of a 10-story building with an elevator, which is connected by a warm passage to a 4-story medical center building.

Balneological sanatorium specializes in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, various allergies, dermatitis, problems with the cardiovascular and nervous systems and a number of other ailments. For these purposes, there is an excellently equipped, powerful diagnostic base, a balneology department, an inhalation room, a physical therapy room, alternative medicine rooms, colon hydrotherapy rooms and others.

The restaurant offers you a delicious menu with elements of "high" kitchens both for residents and for banquets and weddings. The sanatorium has three halls with a total capacity of more than 300 people. On the territory of the park area you can sit on an open veranda for 200 people or in numerous gazebos and tents with barbecues scattered throughout the most cozy corners of our forest. And our dietitian and chef will always select dietary food for every taste.

Children are allowed to stay at Svetlana, no age restrictions, who can also be provided with effective treatment, and in the pool there is a special section for them, with heated mineral water. There is also a playroom with a teacher and an outdoor area.

The sanatorium also took care of organizing active recreation. bunch of guests. In particular, the complex has a gym, a fitness room and a gym, as well as aerobics, fitness and Pilates classes.

3 meals a day diet POOL
Indoor: in the SPA complex, 5 m x 8 m, with hydromassage, open daily from 8 to 20.00
Mineral water: brine
Children's department: 6 m x 9 m, heated with mineral water (brine), paid
Use of the swimming pool is included in the price: for those undergoing treatment programs
Paid additionally: for hotel residents ROOMS 10-storey building, designed for 200 beds Double 1-room Standard(20 sq.m., two single beds/one double bed, bedside tables, wardrobe, split system, TV, telephone, refrigerator, bathroom with shower (tray), slippers: disposable, toiletries, hairdryer, bathrobe. Extra bed chair-bed. Service: room service, Wi-Fi: for a fee, change of towels: 1 time in 3 days, change of bed linen: 1 time in 3 days, room cleaning: daily.

Double 1-room Junior Suite(30 sq.m., two single beds/one double bed, bedside tables, wardrobe, split system, TV, telephone, refrigerator, bathroom with bath or shower, slippers: disposable, toiletries, hairdryer, bathrobe. Extra bed sofa. Service: room service, Wi-Fi: paid, towels changed: daily, bed linen changed: daily, room cleaning: daily.

Double 2-room Suite(50 sq.m., double bed, set of upholstered furniture, bedside tables, dressing table, wardrobe, safe, split system, TV, telephone, refrigerator, bathroom with bath or shower, slippers: disposable, toiletries, hairdryer, robe. Room service, Wi-Fi: for a fee, towels changed: daily, bed linen changed: daily, room cleaning: daily.

Accepted: from 0 years
Treatment is provided to children: from 4 years old
When placing an extra bed, discounts are provided for children under 12 years old
For children: children's pool: in the SPA complex, from 9 to 20.00, children's food hall, playroom: from 8 to 22.00, playroom with a teacher: from 9 to 17.00, playground: in spring and summer
Rental: baby cots (free upon reservation), high chair in the catering hall (free upon reservation)
Service: children's menu, teacher services in the playroom, babysitting services (for an additional fee) TREATMENT

Main treatment profile:

Allergic and chronic skin diseases
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Cardiovascular diseases
Endocrine system diseases
Nervous system diseases
Respiratory diseases
Gynecological diseases

Treatment and diagnostic base of the Svetlana sanatorium:

Department of Functional Diagnostics, Laboratory of Clinical Immunology, General Clinical Laboratory, Biochemical Laboratory, Bacteriological Laboratory, Ultrasound Research, Hardware Physiotherapy (UHF Therapy, CUV Therapy, Magnetic Therapy, Pneumomassage of the Upper and Lower Limbs, Laser Therapy, Amplipulse, Darsonvalization, Lymphostimulation by Electrophoresis , magnetic laser therapy, electrophoresis), Massage (aerohydromassage, metabolic facial massage, children's massage, general therapeutic classic massage, zonal, manual massage, vacuum massage (cupping massage, LPG machine), relaxing massage, anti-cellulite massage, drainage massage), Balneotherapy (pearl baths, iodine-bromine baths, pine baths, turpentine baths), Showers (Charcot shower, ascending shower, circular shower, Vichy shower, underwater massage shower, fan), Inhalations (with mineral water, oil inhalations, herbal), Mud applications with Tambukan mud, Drinking treatment with mineral water, Oxygen cocktail, Acupuncture, Colonoproctology, Health therapy, Therapeutic swimming, Ozone therapy, Psychotherapy, Hirudotherapy, Speleotherapy, Aromatherapy, Juice therapy, Herbal medicine.

Cancellation conditions:
- in case of cancellation of the trip 21 days before the arrival date, 100% of the prepayment is returned.
- if the trip is canceled less than 21 days before the arrival date for a valid reason, 100% of the prepayment is returned.
- in other cases, the refund is at the discretion of the hotel.

**The promotion does not apply to all accommodation facilities, please check with the manager for details.

The tour price includes: accommodation, meals of your choice, treatment as prescribed by a doctor (if the tour includes treatment). CHECKOUT HOUR
Check-in time/check-out time 12:00/12:00 ADDRESS

Moscow, Taezhnaya street, 1

How to get to the Svetlana sanatorium
by public transport - to the station. metro station “Babushkinskaya”, then by bus or minibus No. 605, 696 to the stop “Ulitsa Malygina. "Svet" store. Electric train of the Yaroslavl direction to the “Los” stop.