Business selling old shoes. How to open a shoe store from scratch

Children's goods are a very profitable trade segment. Many entrepreneurs, especially women, choose this niche due to the constant demand for the product. In this article we will talk about how to open a business selling children's shoes and what methods to promote it in your city.

Business format

Why children's shoes? The answer is simple, children are constantly growing, and shoes are bought for them at least 3-4 times a year, while the next season they are too small again and parents go for another pair of boots or sneakers for the baby. The demand is very high, but the competition is not small, so only with the right approach can you get good results in the sale of children's shoes.

Here are a number of basic work formats:

— trade in the clothing market. Typically, such outlets sell cheap shoes, but there is always a demand for this product. For an entrepreneur, this type of trade is the least expensive, since you can spend a minimum on rent and advertising.

— renting a store in a shopping center. Also a good option, especially if the shopping center has been operating for several years and has regular customers. In this case, you will also save on advertising.

- a separate store. It’s more difficult here, because to attract clients you will need to actively work with advertising, and this always means extra money. But if the product is unique or the store has a narrow focus, for example, only sports shoes for children, then yes, this format of trade is quite suitable.

— sale of used children's shoes (thrift store). Also a wide niche, especially in times of crisis. The main thing is to work with goods that are not very worn out and offer discounts to your customers.

— trading on the Internet. Having your own website or promoting groups on social networks can allow you to earn good money with minimal start-up capital, especially for beginning entrepreneurs. You will be able to test the niche and get regular customers. Over time, you can launch an offline store.

As you can see, there are many formats, you just need to choose the one that suits you.

Search for premises and purchase of equipment for trade

Before you open a children's shoe store from scratch, you will need to take care of the most important thing, namely choosing a good place for trading. We have already written above that with such goods it is best to rent retail space either in already promoted shopping centers or in clothing markets where there is a constant flow of customers.

The size of the premises for selling children's shoes should be from 25 sq.m. This area is most optimal for demonstrating the main range of products.

The first thing you will need from retail equipment are racks with shelves on which the goods will actually be placed. They come in both wooden and glass versions.

Also, you need boxes to store the entire line of sizes and a special stand for selling sports shoes.

Also keep in mind that you will need to organize a workplace for the seller.

Assortment and suppliers

The business of opening a children's shoe store requires a very careful analysis of the market and the compilation of a high-quality assortment of goods. People love choice and your goal is to give them that choice. When analyzing competitors, you first need to pay attention to the following main factors:

  • product quality
  • price segment
  • availability in stock
  • Are there any discount and promotion programs?
  • weak points in the assortment.

Your goal is to improve the assortment and provide the buyer with the most profitable and high-quality options in a different price range.

  • winter shoes
  • demi-season shoes
  • sneakers
  • shoes
  • rubber boots
  • baby booties
  • Crocs
  • slippers
  • Czechs
  • Summer shoes
  • flip-flops and more.

Additional assortment in the business of selling children's shoes may include shoe care products and accessories, socks and more. It's up to you to decide whether you should install the entire range at once or start working with a narrow segment of categories. Much will depend on the starting capital, and sometimes this option is the most promising.

To find suppliers, you need to go to clothing wholesale markets and look for those suppliers with whom you will cooperate. So, for example, there you can evaluate the quality of the product and negotiate favorable purchasing conditions.

There is also the option of searching for sales representatives of large manufacturers of children's shoes in your region and starting to cooperate with them.


Like any business, a children's shoe store requires investment in promotion to attract customers and form a base of regular customers. Here is a list of basic marketing techniques that you can apply and determine for yourself whether it is profitable for you to use them or not. Over time, you will create the ideal “mix” of advertising that will give the maximum effect for the money invested.

  • advertising in local media;
  • distribution of discount flyers
  • banners around the city demonstrating the discount program
  • Internet advertising. This includes search engine promotion and contextual advertising.
  • promotion of profile groups on social networks. After all, children's clothing is one of the goods that is profitable to trade on the Internet.

At first, you will need to include quite serious investments in an advertising campaign in the business plan of your children's clothing store. Over time, word of mouth will work for you and young parents will recommend your store to each other, provided that the product is constantly updated and its quality is maintained.

How much money do you need to start?

It’s not enough to say that I want to open a children’s shoe store; I need to calculate everything correctly and take into account the entire sector of costs for organizing this business. Depending on the level of investment, store location and assortment, starting investments can vary significantly. But we give you a list of the main expenses.

  • Room rental – $200 – $250
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $200
  • Initial purchase of goods – $12,000 – $18,000
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​$1000 – $1500
  • Advertising – $450 (+ online advertising)
  • Transportation costs - $60.

How much can you earn?

Everything will depend on the assortment, choice of trading location, customer service and other factors. In our business ideas section, we indicate only the average markup on the product, which in the case of children's shoes will be 45% - 90%.

From these figures, you can estimate what sales volume can ensure your store's profitability.

A shoe store is a very profitable business, because people buy shoes all year round, be it fur-lined boots for the winter or light sandals for the summer. However, a beginner in this business may face obstacles that he is not even aware of. So how to open a shoe store and succeed in this business?

Studying the market

When you firmly decide to yourself that you want to open a shoe store, the second step for you will be to determine the format of your store: its size, target audience, trade format, type (sports, winter, men's, women's), class (elite, for the middle class or low) and so on. Regardless of which format you choose, you must evaluate the conditions for running a shoe business in your city, and this is exactly what market research is done for.

  • First, study in detail all the shoe stores in your city, namely their location, product range, price category and number of customers.
  • Highlight your strongest competitors.
  • From the information obtained, determine the most profitable areas in your city and note where your competitors are located nearby.
  • It is especially recommended to conduct a short survey of residents of profitable areas: where they prefer to buy shoes, how often and approximately at what price.
  • Select the market segment in which you are going to operate: whether your store will be for low-income (constant sales), medium or high-income (premium store) customers. Evaluate the information you have collected for the selected segment.

Now that you have an idea of ​​the demand and competition in the footwear market, you can roughly estimate whether your business will generate income in such conditions. If your answer is “yes,” then you should determine the strategy and direction of business development. And to do this, you need to ask yourself how your shoe store will differ from other stores, that is, how you can attract customers.

Choosing a place

When choosing a location for your store, base it on the results of your market research. The best option is to rent premises in a shopping center. The advantages of such a rental: a constant flow of visitors and reduced costs for repairs and security. Disadvantages: high fees and difficulty in obtaining the lease itself, since usually shopping centers choose well-known brands as tenants, and negotiate a lease in the shopping center as early as possible, even at the stage of construction of the center.

If it is not possible to rent premises in a shopping center, then it is important to ensure that the premises you choose comply with all necessary sanitary standards and fire safety rules.

Also, you should not make the sales area small (less than 50 sq. m.), otherwise this will create inconvenience for customers when trying on shoes. The room should also have a small space for storage where boxes of shoes will be hidden.

We resolve legal issues

To open any business, you first need to register with the tax service as a subject of taxation, whether it be yours or. If you do not plan to work with legal entities and open a chain of stores in the future, then registering an individual entrepreneur will be quite enough.

If you want to open a small enterprise (up to 100 employees), then you are subject to (STS) - 6% of income, or 15% of income minus expenses. Some experts, however, recommend (UTII). For retail trade, UTII is calculated depending on the area of ​​the sales floor and the number of days of business activity in a month as a taxpayer. Both tax systems are accepted on a voluntary basis, and you have the right to choose the most convenient one for your company or combine both.

From the documents, you will also need expert opinions from the SES and fire supervision to be able to conduct trade in a certain premises.

In addition, to trade some types of shoes, additional documents are required. Thus, certification is required for rubber and leather shoes (children's and special ones). For some other types, such as rubber (not counting children's), sports rubber, shoes with artificial leather uppers, and so on, declarations of conformity are required.

We purchase equipment

The most important equipment in your store will be the cash register, which should be sealed and registered with the tax office. In addition to the cash register, you will need the following:

  • racks and podiums for shoes;
  • mirrors;
  • poufs, rugs, spoons for trying on;
  • display cases for other products (creams, brushes, accessories, etc.);
  • counter for cash register;
  • signboard.

We purchase products

Your product range will mainly depend on the results of your market research. As a rule, children's shoes are in greatest demand, followed by women's shoes. People buy men's shoes less often. In addition, your store may sell products such as bags, suitcases, shoe polishes and brushes, hosiery, and so on.

You can purchase products directly from shoe manufacturers. To do this, you should establish business relationships with them. You can also buy shoes on the wholesale market and sell them in your store at retail prices, but this scheme will be less profitable.

We are recruiting employees

A medium-sized self-service store with a sales area of ​​about 50 square meters. m. the following personnel will be required:

Accounting can be maintained by both the administrator and the business owner himself; or you can use the services of a third party.

We calculate costs and payback

Before opening a shoe store, you should calculate the initial costs and return on investment. Below are approximate calculations for a small store.

So, let's assume that you rent a separate premises with a sales area of ​​50 sq. m. m., located not in a shopping center, but in a place with a constant flow of clients. The price segment is medium, the tax system is UTII.

The average revenue of a small shoe store can be about 1.5 million rubles. To calculate the cost, let's take the average market markup for shoes of 90%. Hence the cost will be 1,052,000 rubles.

Based on the calculation that capital costs will be 4,200,000 rubles, and net profit will be 235,000 rubles, the store will fully pay for itself in about 18 months.

As you may have noticed, the numbers have been averaged and rounded to give you a rough idea of ​​the costs and profitability of a shoe store. Thus, using this information, you can create a shoe store business plan that will help you in the step-by-step implementation of your idea.

One of the most popular is opening your own store. For example, how to open a shoe store from scratch? Not everyone knows where to start their own business, what authorities to contact and what funds will be needed for this.

Sample business plan for a shoe store

  1. First you need to determine what exactly you will sell. Expensive or cheap product? Or maybe exclusive designer models that can only be purchased from you?
  2. You need to think about what exactly your shoe business will be. Wholesale or retail? Or are wholesale and retail sales possible?
  3. It is important to correctly calculate the competitiveness of your project. Your shoe business simply has to be something different from the rest. Exclusive high-quality goods, low prices, high quality service, a wide range of models or any other parameters must make your store, albeit small, but the best of its kind, stand out.
  4. How to open your own store if you don’t have suppliers of goods? No way. Therefore, before you start calculating anything or looking for a suitable place for your business, you need to find at least one supplier. To do this, you just need to go to the Internet and type, for example, the following phrase - “shoes from China wholesale.” There are also specialized exhibitions where wholesale companies present their products. It is worth considering the fact that each supplier has its own requirements for the buyer. Usually this is signing an official contract with the supplier (for this you need to have an already opened individual entrepreneur or LLC), compliance with the RRP (recommended retail price) and purchasing from a certain amount (you can buy goods in bulk, but only in batches of 50,000 rubles). It must be remembered that the store has the right to set prices for goods higher than the RRP, but not lower than this indicator. Otherwise, the supplier has the right to stop working with you.
  5. A person just starting a business should read the contract with the supplier very carefully. If you have any questions regarding documents, it is best to consult a lawyer (you can get a free consultation with a lawyer via the Internet).
  6. The location of the store plays a huge role in promoting this business. You need to choose a passable place. What it is? It's simple. Where would you rather go? To a store that is located next to the metro (train station, bus station) on a busy street or far from the metro and in courtyards? It is much easier and simpler to go to a store that is prominently located. Stores with exclusive products are an exception - customers will come to them regardless of location.
  7. An exclusive product is most often first searched for on the Internet. In any case, whatever the chosen premises, you will have to make repairs and purchase equipment (shelving, cash register, mirrors, etc.). It is advisable to call several construction companies and agree on the cost of repairs to the premises, as well as find out the cost of all the necessary equipment. If your goal is an online store, this item is not for you.
  8. Advertising. You shouldn't forget about her. It is not needed only by grocery stores. People will come there anyway. But any other business needs correctly delivered and well-designed advertising. Advertising comes in different types.

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Types of advertising for a store

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When a person is looking for something specific, most often he just goes to the Internet and looks for this thing there. Therefore, a site on the first page of a search engine is the most effective advertising even for. It is very difficult to rank first in a search engine; it can take several years and a lot of money.

For such cases, we have our own site promotion program. These are Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords. They are available online on the Internet. Only those who have their own officially opened business can register in these programs. A special “company” is being created to promote the site. From the very first day of using these programs, your site will be in first place for your search queries. It is worth noting that the use of these programs is not free and requires constant monitoring on your part.

It is best to create an online store so that a site visitor can immediately navigate the store’s assortment. It will also be convenient for the client to place orders via the Internet with pickup or courier delivery.

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Advertising on TV and radio

It is quite expensive, which a beginner businessman cannot afford. When opening, you can’t count on such advertising for the first 3-4 years. For opening a store (where you will already invest a lot of money), this type of advertising is simply inappropriate.

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Advertisements in newspapers and magazines

Quite a worthy way to attract your first customers. You just have to point out that big discounts will be provided on the opening day of the store. Advertisements are submitted in advance, about a week before the publication of the magazine. A regular line ad may not be noticed, so it’s worth making a beautiful, attention-grabbing picture.

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Leaflets, business cards and booklets

Cheap and cheerful. Place a promoter in front of the store. Pay him for the number of booklets distributed. And most importantly, if the promoter brings a real buyer to the store, he will receive additional money. That's pretty good motivation for the person you hired. Maybe this person wanted to pass by, but then came in and bought goods for 10,000. And this happens.

Now you know the basic prices, you know how much the product, rental (purchase) of premises and advertising cost. Next you need to sit down and calculate a few things.

There will always be a need for clothes and shoes, and this can be said with great confidence. Despite the crisis in the country and difficult economic times, shoe stores do not cease to exist. Therefore, we cannot ignore such a profitable business idea as opening a shoe store from scratch. In today's article we will share with you the secrets of success in the modern shoe business.

Each of us buys shoes and clothes all the time. Even a family with a small budget spends on average about 30% of their monthly earnings on clothes. People buy new shoes for a variety of reasons. Firstly, this is seasonal; you won’t wear boots in the summer and shoes in the winter. Secondly, this is fashion, many people follow it very carefully and constantly update their wardrobe. In addition, you will have to buy a new pair of shoes if the old one has already been worn out, and in the case of children's shoes, has become too small. Thus, we can draw obvious conclusions that even the most frugal people still have to buy a new pair of shoes or boots from time to time. Therefore, opening a shoe store can be considered an excellent business idea.

How to open a shoe store from scratch?

Surely every aspiring entrepreneur is wondering where to get money and how much does it cost to open a shoe store?

Everyone understands perfectly well that opening your own business from scratch is quite difficult, so there are not so many people trying to start their own business. In the case of a shoe store, a considerable amount of start-up capital is required in order to purchase goods, rent a store and pay employees. But do not despair, because there are no unrealistic tasks, there is only wrong thinking.

Where can I get money?

  1. Bank loan. You can get the necessary amount to open your business from the bank by providing and filling out all the necessary documents. But it is worth noting that this option for receiving money is not very reliable, given all the risks that may arise when organizing your own business. I recommend that you think carefully about everything before deciding to take such an important step.
  2. Help from the state. There is a specially developed program of cash assistance for young entrepreneurs from the state. To receive money, you need to be registered with the employment service as unemployed, draw up a business plan and submit all the necessary documents for the accrual of this state assistance.
  3. Joint opening of a store. If you lack start-up capital, you can find yourself a partner who will invest part of his money in the development of a common business. This way, you will have the necessary amount to start, which will be enough to open a shoe store.

Business registration

In order to start your activity, you need to register your business. To do this, you will need to collect and complete the entire package of documents.

Documents and permits for opening a shoe store:

  • Certificate of state registration of the enterprise (IP or LLC);
  • Registration of the type of activity with the tax service;
  • TIN certificate;
  • Charter of the enterprise, in case of registration of a legal entity (LLC);
  • Space lease agreement or certificate confirming ownership of the premises;
  • The range of goods sold agreed with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Permits from the fire department to operate the premises;
  • Permits from the sanitary-epidemiological service on the compliance of the premises and equipment with all sanitary standards.

Certificates for goods sold

It is worth noting that every specialized shoe store must have certificates confirming the quality and safety of the products sold. In accordance with legislative norms, the following types of footwear are subject to mandatory certification: rubber and leather, both children's and special ones.

The following footwear is subject to declaration of conformity:

  1. Rubber (except for children);
  2. Sportswear (sneakers, moccasins, etc.);
  3. Yuft and chrome shoes (except for children);
  4. Products with a textile upper (felt), made of synthetic leather, with the exception of military leather;
  5. Casual shoes with faux leather upper.

Video on the topic

Shoe store format

Before you plunge headlong into business, you need to decide on the format of your outlet, so to speak, choose a direction. Naturally, you can sell children's, women's and men's shoes at the same time, but in this case you will have to sacrifice something, and, as a rule, this is the quality of the goods.

Children's shoe store

Opening a specialized children's shoe store from scratch is a great business idea that deserves detailed analysis. To make it more clear to you, I will give you several arguments that will convince you of the profitability of this direction.

Why is it profitable to sell children's shoes?

  1. The child’s feet grow very quickly, so you have to constantly buy a new pair of shoes;
  2. Children's shoes, unlike adult ones, are most often not repaired, but new ones are immediately purchased;
  3. On average, even a small child has much more shoes than an adult: boots, boots, sandals, slippers, sneakers, shoes, spare shoes, and this is an incomplete list.

Thus, we can conclude that even people with average incomes regularly spend a certain amount of money on purchasing children's shoes. It's no secret that adults will often sacrifice themselves, but they will buy the things the baby needs. Therefore, the conclusion is obvious: selling children's shoes is a profitable business.

Women's shoe store

Women's shoes are very popular at any time of the year. Unlike men, ladies will not stop at one pair of shoes or boots and, if possible, will definitely add a new model to their wardrobe. Therefore, opening a women's shoe store is no less profitable than selling children's shoes.

Men's shoe store

If you decide to open a men's shoe store, you should know that the demand for them is much less than for children's or women's. But this does not mean that this area is unprofitable; its only disadvantage is the longer payback period for the business.

Having decided on the format of the outlet, you can begin choosing its location.

Where to open a shoe store?

Attracting customers is the main task of any entrepreneur. What needs to be done to get buyers? That's right, get them interested in profitable promotions, attract their attention with a bright sign and a good location of the outlet.

It is best to open a shoe store in crowded places with high traffic. For example, it is profitable to open a retail outlet in a central or business district by renting space in a large shopping or entertainment center.

Square. If possible, it is advisable to rent an area of ​​at least 40 square meters. m., in order to accommodate a large assortment of goods.

If you don’t have money to rent a place in the center, then you can open a shoe store at the local market or in a residential area of ​​the city; usually in such places there is quite a lot of traffic. When choosing a location, consider the ability of buyers to pay. Agree, it’s stupid to open a luxury shoe store in a residential area.


The store must be properly equipped so that customers have access to the goods, they feel comfortable moving around the store and trying on the shoes they like.

Necessary equipment:

  • Showcases are a place where product samples will be displayed;
  • Shelves for boxes with shoes;
  • Shelving;
  • Upholstered furniture (sofa, poufs for convenient shoe fitting);
  • Mirrors. They need to be placed at foot level so that the buyer can evaluate the model being tried on from the outside;
  • Equipped seller's place (table, chairs, cash register, computer).

Hired personnel

Depending on the area of ​​the store, select the required number of employees to serve customers.

If you open a small retail outlet, it is enough to hire one or two sales consultants to work in shifts.

If you are opening a large store, then it is additionally worth hiring a manager, a cleaner and a security guard if necessary.

Your profit and retail outlet traffic directly depend on the work of sales consultants. Therefore, be responsible when choosing staff. A sales consultant must be pleasant in appearance, have excellent knowledge of the product range, be attentive and friendly towards his clients.

Assortment and purchase of goods

As noted above, you can trade either a single type of footwear (for example, children’s) or all of them at the same time. Depending on the chosen direction, decide on the range of products.

Shoes are a product that changes with the seasons. Take this into account and offer your clients current models. In addition, organize sales of winter and summer shoes with discounts - this will attract additional customers.

Products should be purchased only from trusted manufacturers. You shouldn’t be fooled by low prices and buy shoes from dubious brands; it’s better to focus on quality.


A well-developed advertising concept will help you attract customers. Depending on the location of the outlet, advertising costs will vary significantly. For example, in a shopping center, a bright sign with the name of the store and a well-designed display window will be enough. As for a store located in a residential area of ​​the city, it is worth informing customers about it by distributing leaflets with the address of the outlet, as well as by posting advertisements in crowded places.

  • Store location
  • Price policy
  • Suppliers
  • Conclusion
  • What equipment to choose for the store
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?
  • What documents are needed to open a business?
  • Which tax system to choose for a shoe store
  • Do you need permits to open a shoe store?
  • Shoe sales technology
        • Similar business ideas:

The shoe business will always exist - there is no doubt about it. A person cannot do without shoes and clothes, unless of course he is an “African resident”. Every person is forced to update their shoes at least 1-2 times a year. Those who pursue fashion traditions do this much more often. The demand for shoes, like food products, remains unchanged from season to season. Even in conditions of fierce competition, a shoe store can bring significant income to its owner.

How much money do you need to open a shoe store?

If you want to create a competitive shoe store, you need to be prepared to invest a considerable amount of money into the business. We are talking about 1.0 - 1.5 million rubles just for creating the assortment and design of the outlet. The “golden years” of the 90s, when the business grew from selling 20 pairs of shoes, are long gone.

As in any business, there are certain risks: poor location, lack of buyers, error in selecting the store’s assortment, high competition, opening outside the sales season, and so on. All this hits a novice entrepreneur very hard and discourages any desire to do business.

You can reduce the risk of losing funds at the start of a project by purchasing a franchise. Fortunately, today there are plenty of companies offering to work under their brand. The advantage of working under a franchise is obvious. The entrepreneur does not need to think about the design of the outlet, assortment, equipment, or train staff - the franchise company does everything for him. A businessman buys a business that is already ready and established in practice, generating income for its owner.

The downside of such cooperation is the lack of complete business freedom, which many entrepreneurs pursue. Any deviation from the franchisor's rules may result in deprivation of rights to the franchise.

However, if you decide to master the difficult path of the “shoe business” on your own, you need to start by drawing up a clear plan of action - from searching for investments to choosing suppliers of goods.

Store location

Having decided on the sources of financing for the project, you need to select the premises of the shoe store. And here many newcomers may have difficulty assessing the potential of a particular place. A successful retail outlet must have sufficient customer traffic. Assessing customer flow is an important stage in business planning.

In this regard, large shopping centers or street retail with high traffic are considered the most profitable places. The external environment of the store is also important, which includes ease of approach and access for vehicles, and the availability of parking spaces.

It’s difficult for budding businessmen to get into the city’s popular shopping centers - the rental price in such places is usually “prohibitively” high. Only chain stores and famous brands can afford this luxury. And even if you manage to get a “golden” place, the policy of the property owners is such that at any moment the rental rate can be increased significantly. New shopping centers are also a risky option - there is a chance of getting a low customer flow.

For small shoe stores, a good option is to rent the first floors of multi-storey buildings. There are plenty of such places in the residential areas of the city. And although the attendance here is not the same as in the city center, the rent is much lower. Ideally, the premises for a store should be purchased as a property so as not to depend on the owner’s appetite. In this case, the residential premises must be converted into non-residential premises, in accordance with the type of permitted use.

It would be good if next to your store there is a grocery store, pharmacy, clothing store or bus stop. There is a great chance to lure visitors to these establishments to your outlet. The best advertising in this case is an attractive showcase. It contains the most popular items of goods, for example women's boots at discounted prices.

Retail space and assortment

The assortment of a shoe store directly depends on the area of ​​the premises. Each quadrature has its own assortment matrix. When displayed, products are grouped into product groups: men's, women's shoes, children's shoes, bags and related products. Then within each group there is a division according to season, age and style.

The display cases located at the entrance to the store should be filled with the most popular products. These include women's shoe models for the current season. The main goal in this case is to make the client stay in your store and purchase the product he needs.

Experts do not recommend filling most of the shelf space with assorted goods. Since the main buyers of a shoe store are women, the best places should be given to popular women's goods - boots, shoes, and so on. All other products, including men's shoes, must be placed away from the entrance.

It is also important to create a pleasant shopping atmosphere. The visitor should enjoy the process of choosing a product. The presence of a large number of fitting places is a big plus for a shoe store. A comfortable environment is created by installing soft sofas, rugs in the fitting area and musical accompaniment.

Price policy

When opening a shoe store, you should decide on the price segment. Who will be your main buyer, what is their income? The most popular stores in peripheral cities are economy format stores, which are aimed at “average” and “lower average” income levels. The choice of shoe suppliers depends on what price group you work in.

It wouldn’t hurt to hold all sorts of promotions, competitions with gift certificates and other loyalty programs. You can create club discount cards using a cumulative system - 5%, 7% and 10% depending on the number of purchases. This will increase the influx of regular customers and your profits accordingly.


It is not unimportant when opening a shoe store to choose suppliers of products.

As you know, most of the shoes on our market - about 50% - come from China. Chinese suppliers do not always offer high-quality products, but they captivate with their low prices. Among the well-known domestic factories, one can highlight the Chelyabinsk company Unichel and the Moscow factory Paris Commune. Footwear production is well developed in the Rostov region.

If you order shoes from Russian manufacturers, then there should be no problems with delivery times. The same cannot be said about working with foreign companies, when delays can last for weeks or even months. This can create some problems when preparing for the shoe store sales season. In this part, it is necessary to optimize work with transport companies and calculate the entire logistics chain in advance.


The shoe business can generate stable income and develop only through constant optimization of costs and purchasing prices. It is also necessary to learn to increase sales volume - without it, no savings will help. Your store should focus on increasing sales volumes combined with increasing business efficiency. In this case, success will be in your hands.

Step-by-step plan for organizing a shoe store

If you decide to open a shoe store, the first step is to study consumer demand and the competitive environment in this business and, based on this, determine the format of the future store. And then proceed to the next steps:

  1. Choose a favorable location for the store and the appropriate premises.
  2. Equip retail space.
  3. Purchase goods according to the assortment.
  4. Hire staff.
  5. Organize advertising of the store and product.

How much can you earn selling shoes?

The revenue of a small shoe store operating in the middle price segment will be about one and a half million rubles (if the markup on goods is on average 90%). Minus current expenses and net profit will approximately be about 250 thousand rubles. Business profitability is within 15-16%.