The inside of my chest hurts. Discomfort in the mammary glands

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Many women at one time or another in their lives have encountered the problem of chest pain. The appearance of these symptoms should not cause panic or fear, but they should not be taken lightly either. In order for every woman to have peace of mind about her health, and, if necessary, to be able to undergo the necessary course of treatment in a timely manner, she needs to become familiar with the symptoms and causes of pain in the mammary glands.

Cyclic and non-cyclical chest pain

Pain localized in the mammary glands has a medical name - mastalgia. Mastalgia is divided into two groups - cyclic and non-cyclic.

Cyclic mastalgia or mammalgia- pain in the mammary glands of a woman, which occurs on certain days of the menstrual cycle, namely two to seven days before the start of the next menstruation. For most women, this pain does not cause discomfort - it is not very strong, more like a feeling of fullness of the mammary glands, a burning sensation inside them. Within a couple of days, these sensations disappear without a trace.

A woman's breasts change throughout life. In one menstrual cycle, the influence of various hormones that are produced in the female body stimulate the tone or relaxation of the walls of the excretory ducts in the mammary glands and affect the tissue of the lobules. About a week before the onset of menstrual bleeding, a large number of epithelial cells and lobular secretions accumulate in the ducts of the mammary glands. The mammary glands swell, more blood flows to them, they become larger in volume and dense, painful to the touch. Cyclic breast pain in women always manifests itself simultaneously in both mammary glands.

In some women, cyclic mastodynia manifests itself pathologically strongly. The pain sometimes becomes simply unbearable, and the woman cannot lead a normal life, do her usual activities, and feels very bad on such days. As a rule, increased pain in the mammary glands is a sign that some pathological process is beginning in the body, and the woman needs to see a doctor for examination and subsequent treatment, if necessary.

Non-cyclical pain in the mammary glands are not associated with a woman’s menstrual cycle; they are always provoked by some other factors, in some cases pathological.

When a woman's body undergoes changes associated with hormonal changes - the level of female sex hormones increases. Under the influence of estrogen and human chorionic gonadotropin, the lobules of the mammary glands begin to swell, secretion is formed in the ducts, and at the end of pregnancy - colostrum. From the first days of pregnancy, a woman’s breasts acquire increased sensitivity, even soreness. As you know, soreness and engorgement of a woman’s mammary glands are. This soreness of the breasts in the first weeks of pregnancy can also be different - from a slight burning sensation, tingling of the nipples, to severe tension in the mammary glands and dull pain radiating to the shoulder blades, lower back, and arms. Such phenomena usually disappear completely by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, by the 10th – 12th weeks.

A woman’s breasts are intensively preparing for the upcoming feeding of the baby and lactation. Women note a significant enlargement of the mammary glands, various tingling sensations in them, feelings of tension, engorgement. But these phenomena are not painful; normally they should not be accompanied by severe pain. If a woman notices pain that does not go away, and even more so if the pain is localized only in one mammary gland, she should seek advice from her gynecologist in order to timely rule out various diseases and pathological processes not related to pregnancy.

What signs indicate that a woman should immediately consult a doctor?

  • Chest pain occurs regardless of the menstrual cycle.
  • The nature of the pain can be described as an unbearable burning sensation, severe compression in the glands.
  • The pain is localized in one breast, is not distributed throughout the entire mammary gland, but is expressed only in a certain area.
  • Pain in the mammary glands does not go away, but intensifies over time.
  • In parallel with pain or discomfort in the chest, a woman notices an increase in body temperature, deformation of the mammary glands, nodes and any formations in the breast, the most painful areas, redness of the glands, discharge of fluid or blood from the nipples (not associated with the last months of pregnancy) .
  • The woman notices pain every day for a long period of time, more than two weeks.
  • Pain in the mammary glands prevents a woman from doing her daily activities, causes neurasthenia, insomnia, and does not allow her to wear regular clothes due to pressure on the breasts.

What diseases are accompanied by pain in the mammary glands?

Mastopathy– these are fibrocystic growths in the mammary glands of a woman, an imbalance between connective and epithelial tissues. Mastopathy causes non-cyclical pain in the mammary glands. Mastopathy appears in women in case of hormonal instability, under the influence of various unfavorable factors that change the normal hormonal background of the female body. These factors include abortion, neuroses, chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases of the female genital area, thyroid diseases, pathological conditions of the pituitary gland, liver diseases, cessation of breastfeeding during increased lactation, and irregular sex life.

Mastopathy in women does not appear suddenly. It is formed over several years, while in the mammary glands of a woman, when normal physiological processes are disrupted, foci of epithelial tissue grow, which compress the ducts, nerve roots, interfere with the normal outflow of secretion in the ducts, and deform the lobules of the mammary glands. Today, mastopathy is the most common benign disease of the mammary glands; it is observed in women mainly 30-50 years old. With mastopathy, a woman notes a feeling of burning, bloating, and compression in the mammary glands. She may also experience other symptoms - nausea, lack of appetite, dizziness, abdominal pain. Mastopathy is a pathological condition that requires observation by a doctor, and in many cases, systematic treatment.

Infectious and inflammatory processes in the mammary glands - diseases that can cause both chest pain and an increase in overall body temperature, deteriorating a woman’s well-being. Pain in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands can be of various types, but most often it is shooting, aching, radiating to the shoulder blades, armpits, and abdomen. Most often, mastitis is observed in women who have recently given birth, during the period of breastfeeding the baby. These diseases require urgent treatment from a doctor.

Breast cancer– a malignant neoplasm in the mammary gland, which is characterized by the formation of large accumulations of atypical cells in it, which form a tumor over time. In some cases, breast cancer develops asymptomatically until a certain stage, so a woman should be especially attentive to any changes in her body. The most common changes in the mammary gland during cancer are “orange peel” in a certain area of ​​the skin, severe peeling of the mammary gland and nipple, deformation of the nipple and the shape of the mammary gland, thickening, retractions in the mammary gland, bloody discharge from the nipple, retraction of the nipple. If pain occurs in the mammary glands, especially in one of the glands, and this pain is in no way related to the menstrual cycle or pregnancy, you should consult a doctor for advice to exclude the development of cancer.

What conditions and diseases of women also cause pain in the mammary glands?

  • Treatment with hormonal drugs for infertility or hormonal imbalance of the menstrual cycle, menopause.
  • Very large breast size; Tight underwear that does not match your breast size.
  • Other diseases that cause pain radiating to the mammary glands are herpes zoster, thoracic osteochondrosis, heart disease, intercostal neuralgia, diseases of the lymph nodes of the axillary areas, cysts in the fatty tissue of the breast, furunculosis.
  • Taking certain oral contraceptives.

In case of unpleasant symptoms and pain in the mammary glands, which continue for a long time and are accompanied by additional pathological symptoms, a woman should definitely contact her treating gynecologist, who, if necessary, will refer her for consultation and examination with a mammologist and endocrinologist.

Examinations that a woman undergoes for pain in the mammary glands not related to pregnancy:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, which is performed a week after the start of menstruation.
  • Study of hormonal levels (thyroid hormones, prolactin).
  • Oncological markers (a set of diagnostic procedures to identify the degree of risk of developing cancer tumors in the mammary gland).
  • Ultrasound of the breast, which is performed in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

Why might your chest hurt? Real reviews:


Several years ago I was diagnosed with fibrous mastopathy. Then I went to the doctor complaining of very severe pain, and this pain was localized not in the mammary glands themselves, but in the armpits and shoulder blades. During the initial examination, the gynecologist felt nodes in the glands and sent me for mammography. During the treatment, I had an ultrasound of the mammary glands and puncture of nodes in the mammary gland. The treatment took place in several stages, with a gynecologist. At the very beginning, I underwent a course of anti-inflammatory treatment, since I also suffered from salpingitis and oophoritis. I was then prescribed hormone therapy using oral contraceptives. As the doctor said, the development of mastopathy could have been influenced by taking oral contraceptives of the old generation, with a high content of hormones.


I was diagnosed with mastopathy at the age of 33, and since then I have been under constant supervision of my gynecologist. Every year I had an ultrasound of the mammary glands, and a year ago the doctor suggested I have a mammogram. All these years I have been bothered by very severe chest pains, which were most severe before menstruation. After the mammogram, I was prescribed a comprehensive treatment, which immediately alleviated my condition - I forgot what chest pain was. Currently, nothing is bothering me; the doctor scheduled a follow-up appointment for me only in six months.


Throughout my life I have not been bothered by pain in the mammary gland, although sometimes I felt discomfort and tingling before menstruation. But last year I felt at first a slight and then increasing pain in my left chest, which I initially mistook for pain in my heart. Having turned to a therapist, I was examined, received a consultation with a cardiologist - nothing was discovered, they sent me to a gynecologist and mammologist. After undergoing tests for oncological markers and ultrasound of the mammary glands, I was sent to the regional oncology clinic in Chelyabinsk. After a biopsy and additional research, I was diagnosed with breast cancer (a tumor 3 cm in diameter, with unclear boundaries). As a result, six months ago I had one breast removed, which was affected by cancer, and I underwent courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. I am currently undergoing treatment, but the latest examination did not reveal any new cancer cells, which is already a victory.


I have been married for two years, there have been no abortions, no children yet. About a year ago I suffered from a gynecological disease - salpingitis with pyosalpinx. The treatment was taken in a hospital, conservatively. A month after treatment, I began to experience pain symptoms in my left breast. The pain was dull, aching, radiating to the armpit area. The gynecologist did not find anything, but referred me to a mammologist. I had an ultrasound, no pathology was detected in the mammary gland, but pain occurred periodically. I was diagnosed with intercostal neuralgia. I took treatment: Mastodinon, Milgama, Nimesil, Gordius. The pain has become much weaker - sometimes I feel tension in my chest a week before my period, but this goes away quickly. The doctor advised me to go swimming, do exercises, and exercise therapy.

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How to do a breast self-examination?

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Update: October 2018

Pain in the mammary glands to one degree or another worries more than half of all women. It ranges from mild discomfort to excruciating burning and heaviness that reduces quality of life. Therefore, it is very important to find the cause of the pain, and then choose an effective treatment.

How are the mammary glands arranged?

The female breast consists of a gland divided by ducts into lobules, connective tissue and fat. The predominance of glandular or fibrous (connective) tissue depends on age, hormonal levels, weight and characteristics of the body. But the mammary gland of any woman is an organ in which changes constantly occur in parallel with the menstrual cycle (see). Hormonal changes look like this:

During the first 14 days (with a 28-day cycle), follicles actively mature in the ovaries. Towards the middle of the cycle, the follicle ruptures and releases the egg. This is combined with the ejection peak. After the release of the egg, a corpus luteum forms at the site of the follicle. This phase is characterized by the production of progesterone. If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum gradually fades away, and the level of both hormones decreases towards the end of the cycle. Menstruation occurs.

The female hormone estrogen has a great influence on the mammary glands. It causes an increase in the number of glandular cells and connective tissue elements. These cells line all the ducts in the chest. Excess estrogen can turn groups of glands into cysts. They are in most cases safe and do not require treatment.

Mammary cancer

Breast cancer is considered the most dangerous of all causes of chest pain. This is a tumor that ranks first among cancer processes in women. In addition to its high prevalence, this cancer is also dangerous due to its high mortality rate, since many women delay visiting a doctor until the last minute.

Risk factors for breast cancer

  • Early menstruation, late menopause, absence of childbirth and pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Age over 60 years
  • Previous history of breast, ovarian or colon cancer
  • Oncological processes of the above organs and close relatives (mother, sister, grandmother)

Among all these factors, one dominates: the effect of estrogen on the mammary gland. It must be remembered that ordinary diffuse mastopathy and cyclic chest pain before menstruation are not risk factors and causes of cancer development.

Heredity, aggravated by cases of oncology, requires careful attention to health. Up to 10% of breast cancers are considered the result of a genetic defect. The presence of special genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 increases the risk of developing cancer tenfold. Therefore, chest pain in a woman whose relatives had breast cancer requires special treatment and special research.

Symptoms of breast cancer

Small tumors without metastases most often do not cause any discomfort. Pain occurs only when there is an “unfortunate” location near the nerve endings. Therefore, an important stage in early diagnosis is.

Paget's cancer is considered a special form of cancer. It is localized in the nipple area, causing its deformation and retraction, as well as pain to the left or right of it.

Breast cancer treatment

In the initial stages of the disease, when the cancer has not spread beyond the breast or nearby lymph nodes, complex treatment is usually used. This includes surgery to remove the cancer, chemotherapy and radiation. Depending on the type of tumor, hormonal drugs may be used. Sometimes a tumor that is too large is reduced with chemotherapy and then removed. The scope of surgical intervention in our country is usually large: the mammary gland, lymph nodes and underlying muscles are removed. In European countries, women detect the disease much earlier, so they undergo partial resection of the mammary gland with cosmetic sutures.

Breast examination methods

If pain occurs in the mammary glands, you need to undergo a series of tests. They will help to establish the cause of discomfort, exclude life-threatening conditions and select adequate treatment.

Breast self-examination

Lying down - to examine the right breast, place a pillow under the right shoulder blade, and place the right hand behind the head. Using your fingertips, examine the entire breast in a circle, from the periphery to the nipple.
Standing - examinations are carried out in two positions: with arms down and arms up.

What to pay attention to during the examination:

  • Seal of any shape and size. Especially: with uneven contours, motionless, large sizes.
  • Nipple retraction
  • Discharge from the nipple of any color (except milk during pregnancy and lactation)
  • Change in breast size (asymmetry)
  • “Lemon peel” type change in breast skin
  • Changes in skin color (redness, blueness) and temperature
  • Pain when feeling
  • Presence of ulcerations on the skin of the chest

All of the above signs are a reason to contact a specialist. This doctor could be a mammologist, gynecologist or therapist. If the doctor has concerns about a woman’s health, he will send her for further examination and consultation with an oncologist. Examining and palpating a woman's breasts helps detect breast cancer in its early stages. But in fairness, it should be noted that most of the tumors were found by the woman on her own. They are benign and do not even require treatment.

Breast examination if pain occurs

Mammography is an x-ray examination of the mammary glands. The method is the standard for diagnosing breast pathology in women over 40 years of age. It allows you to assess the condition of the mammary gland tissue, the prevalence of pathology, and the nature of the growth of the tumor process. But if the glandular dense component predominates in the breast, mammography becomes uninformative. Therefore, young women are recommended to have an ultrasound instead of an x-ray.

Ultrasound of the mammary glands- Ultrasound examination of the breast is indicated in the following cases:

  • in pregnant and lactating women
  • in young women for the purpose of prevention
  • in all women with complaints of pain (as an addition to mammography)
  • for differential diagnosis of cysts

CT and MRI of the mammary glands- computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging - additional examination methods. There is no need to use them when you first consult a doctor or generally for prevention. Usually they are resorted to when the diagnosis is unclear, when mammography and ultrasound give an unclear picture. In addition, MRI and CT help to assess the condition of neighboring organs and detect even distant metastases in malignant tumors.

Aspiration biopsy- with a painful (or painless) formation in the mammary gland, especially in women in menopause and with a family history, one x-ray is not enough. To make a diagnosis, you need to study the cells of the formation for malignancy. For this purpose, aspiration biopsy is often used. In some cases, this stage is skipped, resorting immediately to removal of the tumor and subsequent examination of the resulting material.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes additional examination methods to make a diagnosis.

Treatment of breast pain

Treatment of pain directly depends on the cause that caused it. Therefore, first of all, you need to contact a specialist for a thorough examination.

Treatment of cyclic pain

The so-called diffuse mastopathy with premenstrual pain is a safe and benign phenomenon. At its core, this is a normal reaction to a normal ovulatory cycle. But if a woman is bothered by painful sensations, several methods are used.

  • Conversation with a doctor

Oddly enough, a simple conversation with a specialist is often enough to completely relieve symptoms. After an explanation about the safety of mastopathy, the absence of cancer or the risk of its occurrence, the woman’s condition improves sharply, and the pain subsides.

  • Selecting the right underwear

A tight bra of the correct shape and size can reduce discomfort from cyclic pain

  • Aromatherapy, proper rest and dosed physical activity for PMS
  • Limiting fatty foods and losing weight
  • Oral contraceptives

Taking combined oral contraceptives is a temporary “switching off” of ovulation. No ovulation means no hormone surges. Therefore, discomfort and pain while taking COCs usually decrease or even disappear completely.

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (, and others)
  • Tamoxifen is a drug used for severe mastopathy with very severe pain. It has a number of side effects, so it is prescribed strictly according to indications

It is important to remember that homeopathic remedies (mastodinon and others) that supposedly relieve mastopathy are quackery. The effect is usually based on self-hypnosis. Therefore, there is no point in using drugs with unproven effectiveness and safety when you can limit yourself to proper rest, taking a bath, or one conversation with a doctor.

Treatment of non-cyclic pain

If cysts, tumors, or inflammatory processes are detected, a doctor’s consultation, thorough diagnosis, and in some cases surgery are necessary. After removal of the benign formation, PMS treatment can be used. After treatment of malignant neoplasms, many drugs are contraindicated. Pain in breast cancer with distant metastases is usually very severe, painful, and cannot be relieved by NSAIDs. Sometimes it is necessary to use narcotic analgesics to relieve cancer pain.

Treatment of non-breast pain

A competent doctor will determine the source and cause of pain by prescribing additional examinations. Treatment is selected according to the pathology.

Questions your doctor may ask

Before visiting a doctor, you need to think about some questions that the specialist will probably ask.

  • In what part of the chest does the pain feel?
  • What is the nature of the sensations? (aching, bursting, stabbing pain?)
  • How long does the pain last?
  • Rate the severity of pain on a 10-point scale
  • Do one or two mammary glands hurt?
  • Is there a pattern when pain occurs (menstruation, physical activity, breastfeeding, etc.)
  • When did you have your last mammogram?
  • Are there other symptoms? (breast lumps, nipple discharge, etc.)
  • You are pregnant? Are you breastfeeding? Have you recently had a miscarriage?
  • Have you had a history of breast trauma or breast surgery?
  • Has anyone in your immediate family had breast, ovarian or colon cancer?

Breast pain (mastalgia) is common, mainly in women aged 30 to 50 years.

Pain most often occurs in the upper-outer part of the mammary glands, and can radiate to the armpits or arms. In most cases, the chest pain is moderate, less often the discomfort reaches medium or high intensity, deprives you of peace, and becomes a cause of anxiety and stress. This is largely due to the fear of serious illness. Although pain in the left or right breast itself is not a symptom of breast cancer and does not increase the risk of developing it.

Depending on the time of occurrence, pain in the mammary gland can be:

  • cyclical when your chest hurts before or during menstruation;
  • non-cyclical when pain is not associated with the menstrual cycle.

To determine why the mammary glands hurt, it is useful to keep a diary in which you can track all changes in the mammary glands throughout the menstrual cycle. In a diary or on a calendar, you need to mark the days when the pain appears and when it disappears, what its intensity is, and what it is associated with. If necessary, you can show this diary to your doctor, which will facilitate diagnosis.


Why does my chest hurt?

The cause of cyclic pain in the mammary glands is considered to be a change in a woman’s hormonal levels before the onset of her next period. The pain appears at about the same time every month, usually 1-3 days before the start of menstruation and goes away with its end. The intensity of the pain may vary. Post-menopausal women taking hormone replacement therapy may also experience cyclic pain in the mammary glands. Cyclic chest pain is not a symptom of illness.

The cause of non-cyclic pain in the mammary glands cannot always be determined. Pain in the left or right breast can occur with the following diseases:

  • mastitis - inflammation of the mammary gland, more common in breastfeeding women;
  • breast lumps - there are different types of benign (non-cancerous) lumps, some of which may cause pain;
  • Breast abscess is a painful, purulent formation in the breast tissue.

Non-cyclic breast pain can also be caused by injury, such as a sprained chest muscle or a breast bruise. In rare cases, mastalgia can be caused by medications, such as certain types of antifungals, antidepressants, or antipsychotics.

Breast pain: treatment

If your chest hurts before menstruation (cyclic mastalgia), non-drug treatment methods usually help relieve the condition, and less often - painkillers. If there is a more serious cause for chest pain, your doctor may prescribe specific drug therapy.

In 30% of cases, cyclic chest pain goes away on its own within 3 menstrual cycles. For some women, it periodically appears and disappears over several years. Knowing that discomfort in the mammary glands is not dangerous to health, it is easier to deal with them.

If the mammary gland hurts cyclically, using a comfortable bra that fits in size can provide relief. It must be worn throughout the day. It is also recommended to wear underwear at night, but for sleeping you need to choose a bra with little support. During training and active pastime, it is advisable to use a sports bra.

If necessary, you can take a pain reliever such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. You can also use drugs containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), topical in the form of gels or ointments, for example: indomethacin ointment, diclofenac gel. Follow the manufacturer's directions to make sure the medicine is right for you. For example, topical NSAIDs should not be applied to damaged skin.

Some experts believe that chest pain can be relieved by making lifestyle changes:

  • reduce caffeine consumption, which is found in tea, coffee and Coca-Cola;
  • reduce consumption of saturated fats, which are found in butter, chips and fried foods;
  • stop smoking (if you smoke).

Sometimes women turn to alternative medicine, such as acupuncture or reflexology, to relieve cyclical chest pain, but the effectiveness of these methods has not yet been scientifically proven. If the cause of mastalgia is mastitis, an abscess or another infectious disease, then antibiotics and surgical treatment quickly bring relief.

Drug treatment for mastalgia

Drug treatment is more often required for non-cyclical pain in the mammary glands associated with various benign diseases, but is occasionally prescribed in cases where the breasts hurt before menstruation. For example, your doctor may prescribe danazol, tamoxifen, or goserelin.

These drugs regulate the hormonal balance in the body and can reduce discomfort in the mammary glands. However, in addition to the positive effect, they have significant side effects, for example, such as excessive growth of body hair and an irreversible decrease in the timbre of the voice. Some of these drugs are used in the treatment of breast tumors, but doctors sometimes recommend them to get rid of chest pain.

Danazol is a drug for the treatment of severe pain caused by fibrocystic breast disease, a disease in which benign (non-cancerous) lumps form in the breast. Side effects:

  • rash;
  • weight gain;
  • decrease in voice timbre, sometimes irreversible;
  • hirsutism (excessive hair growth) - for example, on the face.

Tamoxifen is a drug to treat breast cancer, but may also be prescribed for breast pain. Side effects:

  • vaginal bleeding or discharge;
  • hot flashes;
  • increased risk of developing uterine cancer (endometrial cancer);
  • increased risk of thromboembolism - when blood clots form in the veins (thrombosis), which can lead to blockage of the vessel.

Goserelin is a drug to treat breast cancer, but may also be prescribed for chest pain. Side effects:

  • vaginal dryness;
  • hot flashes;
  • loss of sexual desire;

When to see a doctor for breast pain?

Contact your doctor if you notice any of the following breast changes:

  • the appearance of a lump or compaction in the mammary gland;
  • nipple discharge;
  • the appearance of a lump or swelling in the armpit;
  • change in the size or shape of one or both breasts;
  • the appearance of dimples or other breast deformation;
  • rash on or around the nipple;
  • change in the appearance of the nipple, for example, it becomes sunken;
  • chest or armpit pain not associated with menstruation;
  • any signs of infection in the breast, such as swelling, redness
    or chest heat or increased body temperature.

If your breast pain is accompanied by other symptoms or does not go away throughout your menstrual cycle (not just during your monthly bleeding), it may not be cyclic breast pain. To determine its cause, consult your doctor.

If your mammary gland hurts, find a good gynecologist who will diagnose and, if necessary, treat your condition. In difficult cases, for a more detailed examination, you may be referred to a mammologist, who can be found using the NaPopravka service.

Chest pain: truth and myths

Almost all women experience chest pain (or mastalgia) during their lives. Some people become so accustomed to the usual pain that they stop paying attention to it and don’t go to the doctor. Ideas about the causes of such pain are shrouded in many myths and misconceptions, and women often do not realize that discomfort in the mammary glands can not only affect mood and general well-being, but also be symptoms of an alarming disease.

Myth No. 1. Chest pain is normal

This is exactly what most women think. But this is a deceptive and dangerous delusion. “Any pain is a signal from the body about a malfunction of one or another system,” says senior researcher at the Russian Oncology Research Center. N.N. Blokhin RAMS Galina Korzhenkova. — Pain in the mammary glands is most often caused by an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. Violation of hormone levels is accompanied by swelling of the glandular tissue, which causes a feeling of discomfort, tension, pain, and a feeling of increasing breast size. A change in the condition of the glandular and connective tissue of the organ can subsequently lead to the development of mastopathy and other diseases. Pain is always a reason to consult a doctor, who will help determine its cause and recommend remedies to eliminate complaints. Wearing the right underwear, a healthy lifestyle, and a balanced diet are the key to breast health.”

By the way, nervous, irritable women, often exposed to stress and anxiety, are more likely to suffer from chest pain. Due to chronic overwork, disruption of work and rest schedules, hormonal imbalance occurs in a woman’s body. And stress or a nervous breakdown causes a real “hormonal storm” in the body. The mammary gland immediately reacts to the slightest changes in the endocrine system, and, as a rule, this is manifested by chest pain. “A number of drugs can cope with this situation. Recently, special gels with progesterone have appeared that restore hormone deficiency - they can be used externally. But not all forms of mastopathy require treatment; only its extreme manifestations need to be treated,” says Dr. Korzhenkova.

Myth No. 2. Pain in the mammary glands does not require treatment

If nothing is done to eliminate the pain, mastopathy may develop. Experts note that today up to 80% of Russian women can be diagnosed with mastopathy. In recent years, it has been proven that the duration of pain in benign breast diseases is also a risk factor for cancer.

The nature and intensity of pain can be very diverse: heaviness, tingling, burning, burning, pressure, acute pain, discomfort. These processes may also be accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

The main danger is that the pain can be prolonged, but not very intense: a woman gets used to it over time and does not attach due importance to it. And as a result, he either doesn’t see a doctor at all, or does it very late.

By the way, combined oral contraceptives can also cause chest pain. After all, any contraceptive contains a certain concentration of hormones. At the beginning of taking them, the body adapts to an additional dose of estrogen from the outside, which can cause soreness in the mammary glands. However, in modern drugs the doses of hormones are very small, and if they are chosen correctly, the pain should not last long. If they do not go away 3 months after starting to use the drugs, you should consult a doctor who will adjust the course and select the appropriate medications taking into account your age and general condition of the body.


— with higher education and high socio-economic status;

- with no pregnancy or late pregnancy;

- refused to breastfeed;

- with late menopause.

Myth No. 3. Chest pain is a sign of a terrible illness

Chest pain is not always a sign of a serious disease, including cancer. However, this is a serious signal that you need to see a doctor and find out the cause. The cause may be not only fibrocystic mastopathy, which occurs in every third woman in our country, but also severe premenstrual syndrome, improper use of contraceptives, as well as natural hormonal changes associated with puberty, pregnancy, and the onset of menopause. Chronic gynecological diseases, disordered sexual life, and insufficient thyroid function also play a significant role. Cancer occurs extremely rarely in healthy breasts.

However, the risk of breast cancer in women who suffer from long-term breast pain (mastalgia) without adequate treatment is five times higher than in women without it. Therefore, if you experience regular pain in the mammary glands, you need to consult a doctor and understand the reasons.

— Gynecologists today diagnose benign changes in the mammary gland in 42-58% of patients. Even if there are no complaints, any woman should have an ultrasound of the mammary glands once a year, says Tamara Ovsyannikova, professor of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.

— And women over 35-40 years old should have a mammogram. I compare this analysis with compulsory motor liability insurance - it is mandatory,” adds Galina Korzhenkova.

By the way, experts also refute the myth that the likelihood of developing breast cancer increases in women with a large bust size. There is no connection here. And breast cancer happens even in men,” says Galina Korzhenkova.



Menopause or premenopause


Premenstrual syndrome


Taking a number of medications


In October, a social campaign against breast cancer “October in Pink Light” takes place in Moscow. It aims to raise awareness among girls and women about the risk of disease and existing methods of prevention and diagnosis, as well as to attract their attention to the importance of regular health care. Today it is known that early diagnosis allows for complete cure in 94% of cases of the disease.

Within a month, every woman will be able to undergo free examinations using innovative diagnostic equipment in a number of capital clinics. In addition, until October 12, bright pink lighting will decorate the facades of houses on Novy Arbat, Tverskaya and Tverskaya-Yamskaya streets and color the paths of Gorky Park and the Bauman Garden.


World Day against Breast Cancer in Moscow will be celebrated with an original event. On Sunday, October 12, at the Central Park of Culture and Culture named after. M. Gorky opens an unusual museum in the form of a six-meter female torso, made of modern plastic materials. Inside the giant torso, all those present will be able to clearly see how the female mammary gland works, what the mechanism of cancer formation is, how it metastasizes and destroys women’s health.

Two mobile medical complexes will operate next to the museum: a diagnostic and treatment center and a mammography center, where women will be able to undergo free examination on October 12 from 10.00 to 16.00. The exhibition itself awaits visitors from October 12 to October 26, 2014. “We are holding this event in October because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month around the world. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the world. Every third cancer on Earth is a breast tumor. It is very important that breast cancer can be easily treated if detected early,” says the Moscow Department of Health.

In Russia in 2013, 60,701 new cases of breast cancer were identified, in Moscow - 5,782 cases. In the structure of breast cancer incidence in Moscow, women aged 40-60 years made up 43.2% of cases, and women aged 60-69 years made up 24.5%.

There are many answers to the question of why women have breast pain: hormones in various phases of the sexual cycle, pregnancy and lactation, menopause, and various pathologies can be accompanied by this unpleasant symptom. Before you panic, you need to find the cause of the pain.

1. Hormones are one of the causes of breast pain

Hormonal changes occur in the female body constantly: starting from puberty, phases alternate every month, helping the body prepare for a potential pregnancy.

If conception has occurred, hormones come into play to provide nutrition and protection to the fetus and its maturation over the course of 40 weeks. After childbirth, other hormones allow a woman to breastfeed.

With the end of reproductive age, the level of sex hormones decreases, and the woman experiences all the “delights” of menopause.

2. Breast pain during ovulation

During ovulation, approximately in the middle of the cycle. At this time, the egg is released from the burst follicle; if there are sperm in the genital tract, then there is a high probability of conception.

Many girls notice an increase in libido at this time, the breasts become sensitive to the point of pain. A woman becomes more attractive to the opposite sex.

3. After ovulation

After ovulation during PMS. Under the influence of hormones, the ducts of the mammary glands expand, and the adipose tissue retains more fluid. As a result, in the second half of the cycle a week before, the breasts become full, become sensitive, and hurt when pressed.

The pain is especially severe in adolescence, in girls before their first menstruation. The chest and stomach hurt before menstruation; during menstruation, the discomfort disappears.

4. If your period is late

If the due date has come, but there are no periods, then the delay most likely indicates the onset of pregnancy. During pregnancy, the upper part of the chest hurts, especially in the morning, it hurts to touch it.

The effect of hormones is to prepare a woman for breastfeeding: the ducts dilate, the breasts increase in size. If a pregnant woman suddenly stops having breast pain, then it is worth doing an ultrasound: in the short term, such a symptom often indicates a frozen pregnancy.

5. After your period

If your period is over and your breasts hurt like before your period, there is good reason to worry. A positive pregnancy test signals that fertilization of the egg has occurred, but it has not reached the uterus, becoming embedded in the fallopian tube.

With an ectopic pregnancy, there may be no menstruation at all, menstrual-like bleeding may pass, but the breasts still hurt after menstruation.

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, but you need to know that an ectopic pregnancy threatens a woman’s life. The fertilized egg is removed along with the fallopian tube.

6. When taking hormonal drugs

While taking hormonal contraceptives. When taking oral contraceptives, quite complex processes occur in the female body.

Instead of turning on the pituitary gland in the middle of the cycle, which triggers the synthesis of progesterone, the hormone necessary for pregnancy, hormonal contraceptives create the necessary artificial background themselves.

Thus, the female body is deceived: a consistently high level of progesterone “convinces” the brain of pregnancy (false, but nonetheless!), and accordingly, the woman experiences signs of pregnancy.

One of the symptoms is pain in the mammary glands, which are “preparing” for lactation. Oral contraceptives are one of the most reliable and convenient ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy, but a doctor must select the necessary drug.

7. When breastfeeding

Breasts can also hurt when breastfeeding. There are several reasons for this:

  • If the breast hurts in the nipple area, then when feeding the baby does not grasp the nipple correctly. Most often, cracks appear on the areolas, and lactation causes severe discomfort. Videos, articles on the Internet, and a consultation with a visiting nurse will help streamline the process and correct the situation.
  • The breasts swell and hurt if milk remains in the ducts during lactation (the child is not able to eat the entire amount, there is too much milk, or the child is underweight with poor appetite). The remaining milk should be expressed by hand to prevent stagnation.

8. During menopause

Hormonal storms raging in the female body cause severe discomfort, disrupt the usual course of life, cause weakness, dizziness, hot flashes, and sudden mood swings.

The menstrual cycle is disrupted, libido decreases, the vaginal mucosa is poorly moisturized and sexual life turns into a nightmare.

Along with other things, my stomach and chest hurt. If at the age of 50 a woman is mentally ready for menopause, then menopause at 40 is considered early and is corrected with the help of medications. After 50, hormonal changes subside and the intensity of symptoms decreases.

Breasts hurt during menopause because:

  • A decrease in the level of sex hormones leads to an increase in fat cells. Their growth causes unpleasant, even painful sensations;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system worsen with age. Calcium is absorbed less and less well, bones become brittle, the number increases. Some diseases that are not related to the female breast are accompanied by pain radiating to the chest area;
  • Stress, increased fatigue, psychological discomfort can make themselves felt by pain in the chest area;
  • Addiction to alcohol and tobacco provokes metabolic disorders, the growth of adipose tissue, and leads to pain in the chest due to a decrease in the level of sex hormones.

9. For diseases of the mammary glands

Breast diseases are a fairly common occurrence. Modern women do not always find time for themselves and often discover illnesses by accident.

If one breast hurts and the other doesn't, or one breast hurts more than the other, there is a reason to visit a mammologist and get a breast ultrasound.

  • - a condition in which glandular tissue grows pathologically. Nodules and compactions of various sizes form in the chest. Mastopathy can be caused by a sharp deviation in hormone levels, stress, anxiety, pregnancy, or taking hormonal medications. There are 2 forms of mastopathy – nodular and diffuse. The first is removed surgically, the second is corrected with medication and folk remedies. With mastopathy, a lump is felt inside the gland, which becomes noticeable when you touch it (at the initial stage). Later, with serious growth, one breast becomes enlarged or the glands become asymmetry.
  • Cysts are small hollow formations filled with fluid. A breast cyst appears under the influence of sex hormones, psychological and physical trauma, and lack of intimate life. Treatment depends on the location and size of the tumor.
  • A benign tumor, fibroadenoma, is caused by a pathological proliferation of tissues that compress the ducts of the glands, causing unpleasant pain (dull nagging pain). Fibroadenoma has a clear edge and is treated surgically.
  • Mastitis is an inflammatory process in the breast. Very often, mastitis becomes the result of stagnation of milk, improper feeding, but can develop before childbirth, as well as without any connection with pregnancy. With mastitis, the breasts become painful, the sensitive nipples become rough, the skin around them is red and hot to the touch. The inflammatory process causes an increase in body temperature and a feeling of fullness in the chest. The chest hurts, burns, discharge from the chest is purulent in nature.
  • breast – malignant neoplasm. Detected at an early stage, the disease is treatable with medication with a favorable prognosis. In later stages, surgical intervention (removal of the mammary gland) can save the patient’s life. To diagnose a tumor as early as possible, a woman should regularly independently examine her breasts from all sides in various positions. The slightest dissatisfaction or suspicion is a reason to visit a doctor.

10. For chest injuries

Chest injuries. Bruises and hematomas are associated with mechanical trauma to tissue not only from falls, blows, accidents, but also from excessive physical exertion. As a result, a bruise appears on the skin, the chest aches, swells, and is painful to the touch.

A large number of nerve endings guarantees unpleasant sensations even with a relatively weak impact. Discharge from the nipples that is purulent or mixed with blood indicates damage to the milk ducts.

Engorgement, hyperemia of the skin and an increase in body temperature indicate the beginning of the inflammatory process.