How much to drink after eating. How long after eating can you drink water, tea, coffee: health rules, tips

Attention! This article was written several years ago based on information found on the most popular English-language sites. But every year, the theory that drinking water during a meal can dilute gastric juice, impair digestion and disrupt appetite has been increasingly criticized. So far, there are no studies that unequivocally confirm this (at least, we have not been able to find their published results). But the benefits of drinking unlimited amounts of liquid with meals or shortly thereafter have also not been fully confirmed. Therefore, there is no single unambiguous opinion, and any expert opinion found on the net is not necessarily correct.

The Mayo Clinic (one of the largest research centers in the world) says: “ There is no need to worry that the water will dilute the digestive juices or interfere with digestion.In fact, drinking water during or after a meal actually aids digestion. Water and other fluids help break down food so your body can absorb nutrients. Water also softens stools, which helps prevent constipation.This is one of the most authoritative answers.

Despite this, many professional nutritionists believe in the negative effects of drinking water shortly before, during, or shortly after a meal. Therefore, even most of the recently published articles are based on this theory and recommend abstaining from drinking for 30 minutes. up to 2 hours (recommendations in various sources).

In any case, do not take the text written below as an unequivocal opinion, but only as one of the theories that has not yet been refuted, but not confirmed either.

The question of the benefits of drinking water after eating is very relevant today. But recommendations about how long after a meal you can drink water differ. There are even tips that you can do it right away. But this is not so, according to most experts. Most studies show that drinking water immediately after a meal is not good for the digestive system.

Negative effects of drinking after eating

Between the entry of food into the stomach and the start of the process of its digestion, there is a time interval, which averages 30 minutes. The final breakdown of food and the absorption of useful nutrients occur in special areas of the small intestine, largely due to the action of gastric juice.

Drinking liquid during or after a meal reduces the concentration of gastric juice. As a result, the duration of the digestion process increases significantly and, accordingly, the load on all organs that take part in this process (stomach, duodenum, etc.) increases by one and a half to two times. Since the digestive process slows down, a person feels heaviness, the process of gas formation begins.

Moreover, the liquid helps to increase the speed of passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, bypassing the zones in which absorption of nutrients occurs. If there is undigested food in the intestines, putrefactive processes begin in it, as a result of which highly toxic compounds are formed. They are absorbed into the blood and due to intoxication, serious disorders occur in all internal organs.

Regular drinking of water after a meal for a long time can lead to multiple disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, indigestion, low acidity, etc.).

How soon after a meal can you drink water? The interval depends on the food consumed and the duration of its digestion. Approximately so much time is needed for drinking to definitely not affect the digestion of food:

  • vegetables - approximately 60 minutes;
  • fruit - 30 min.;
  • milk - 2.5-3 hours;
  • protein food - 4 hours;
  • carbohydrate - about 2 hours.

But most sources say that it is enough not to drink ox after eating for an hour (this is an average figure).

Water after meals and weight loss

Scientists have experimentally proven that purified water allows not only to maintain health, but also get rid of extra pounds. This is due to the fact that fluid is necessary for the breakdown of fats in the body. In addition, it helps to eliminate waste and toxins. Based on this, nutritionists pay special attention to the consumption of the required amount of fluid when recommending all diets without exception.

Water is also a natural appetite suppressant. Lack of water in the body can cause increased cravings for food, as the brain does not perceive the difference between hunger and thirst. So when a person thinks they are hungry, the body may actually be signaling that they are thirsty.

Nutritionists recommend drinking at least 6-8 large glasses of water a day. It should be drunk 2-2.5 hours after a meal to complete the digestion process. Drinking liquids immediately after eating leads to the deposition of fat and prevents weight loss. The main goal when losing weight is to drink water constantly and gradually. If a person drinks too much and all at once, the liquid will simply be excreted from the body faster, enriching it less.

It is best to drink purified non-carbonated water. To give it a pleasant taste, you can add fresh orange, lemon or lime juice. The temperature of the water should be at room temperature, because when drinking a cold liquid, the body spends energy on heating it, while fats thicken and are less absorbed. In addition, cold water reduces the duration of the period of food in the stomach (up to 20 minutes less), so the person soon feels hungry again, which sooner or later leads to additional weight gain.

Many have repeatedly heard that it is not necessary to drink food with water after eating, but few know why. Yes, of course, a person will not get sick if he drinks during or after a meal, but this will add an extra load on the body. Liquid after eating, according to doctors, should be taken no earlier than 2 hours later, when the food is already completely processed by gastric juice. Particular attention should be paid to the use of fluids after meals for those who follow their figure, since it is the wrong drinking regimen that often does not allow you to lose extra pounds.

What liquid is harmful after eating

Recommendations to stop drinking liquids during or after meals are due to the fact that it affects the digestion process, but this applies exclusively cold drinks. From drinking a cup of warm or even hot tea, the body will only benefit. The human stomach is a very complex organ in which food entering the body is digested and in which water does not linger and flows almost immediately into the duodenum. It cannot change the concentration of gastric juice or flush out food from the stomach.

Digestion will be harmed if food is washed down with cold, and even more so with ice water or a drink. In this case, when it enters the stomach, even for a short time, the digestion of food is greatly accelerated. As a result, instead of the prescribed 4-5 hours in the stomach, food is digested in 20-30 minutes and sent to the intestines in a state that is not the most convenient for absorption. In addition, due to such a rapid emptying of the stomach, hunger returns almost instantly, and the person starts eating again, eating much more than he needs for life. As a result, excess energy is stored in the form of fat deposits. It is for this reason that people who like to drink cold after eating, in most cases, have increased body weight. In addition, due to the fact that under the influence of cold drinking food leaves the stomach, not yet in the most convenient form for digestion, there is a risk of developing the process of rotting food in the intestines. In this case, a person may experience causeless diarrhea and bloating. In the vast majority of cases, this process does not pose a threat to life, but for a while it can significantly spoil the state.

It is on the pattern that cold drinks speed up digestion and cause hunger as soon as possible after eating that the food system in fast food restaurants is based. The visitor consumes in these places a large amount of greasy food and drinks it with an ice drink. As a result, 3-4 servings are required for full saturation, which is undoubtedly beneficial for the seller and completely unhealthy for the consumer. With regular visits to fast food restaurants, weight increases markedly, and soon overweight turns into obesity.

Cold drinks have a negative effect on the absorption of protein. The fact is that it does not break down into amino acids when washed down with cold liquid. Because of this, the benefits of eating protein are almost completely lost, since the substances contained in it remain in a form that the body is not able to absorb. Thus, from the foregoing, we can conclude that washing down food with cold drinks is harmful to health and is accompanied by:

  • constant feeling of hunger;
  • obesity;
  • improper digestion of protein.

You can drink cold drinks only 2 hours after eating.

What is harmful liquid during meals

While eating, it is very undesirable to drink liquid (both cold and hot). This is due to the fact that the process of digestion begins in the oral cavity. Under the influence of saliva, a number of substances are released from food, which are immediately absorbed through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. When a person drinks at the time of eating, the concentration of saliva in the oral cavity drops rapidly, and it takes several minutes to restore it. As a result, by continuing to eat, a person loses a number of substances that are not released due to the low concentration of saliva.

How to drink before meals

Speaking about how harmful it is to drink food with cold water, one cannot remain silent about how liquids should be consumed before meals. In order to get the maximum benefit for the body, it is worth drinking 1-2 glasses of water or any other non-alcoholic and unsweetened drink 30 minutes before a meal. In this case, the stomach will begin to adjust to work gradually, without immediately receiving a shock load from the fact that a large amount of food has suddenly entered it. If a person is taking any medications with or after a meal, drink a glass of lightly sweetened water. This activates the production of protective stomach mucus, which will prevent the negative effects of the chemical on the organ.

How much liquid can you drink after eating

The amount of fluid you drink after eating also matters. If it is too much, it will lead to excessive stretching of the intestines, which will cause discomfort. In addition, excess water can also cause diarrhea, which will turn out to be a reaction of the body to an unnecessary volume of water and will serve to free it from it. A small amount of water also negatively affects digestion. In such a situation, the food remains too dense and it is quite difficult for the body to move it through the intestines. Because of this, pain syndrome of varying intensity may occur.

The optimal volume of fluid after a meal is 300 ml. In this case, the person is completely drunk, the aftertaste from the products disappears, and the intestines do not receive excessive stretching. It is best to consume unsweetened drinks after meals. Ideally, you should drink green tea with food, which is especially good for the stomach.

Proper fluid intake after meals helps prevent discomfort and weight gain, and promotes healthy digestion.

The opinions of nutritionists differ on the question of whether it is necessary to drink water before meals or on time. At the same time, they all agree that after eating this is definitely not necessary. It is strictly forbidden to drink food with water. This habit can be harmful to health. Why is this happening?

Distension of the stomach

If you drink a lot of water with food, you will stretch the walls of your stomach. At the next meal, you will want to eat significantly more food. Otherwise, you will feel hungry.

Malfunctions of the digestive system

Washing down fatty foods with chilled drinks, you suspend the digestive system. Low temperatures lead to the fact that the consumed fats in the body freeze. An exception can only be dry foods that are allowed to be washed down with a small amount of water.

Stagnation in the stomach

When you drink water with food, you reduce salivation and dilute the juice secreted by the stomach. This leads to indigestion and deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract. Food that enters the stomach does not undergo proper processing and begins to ferment inside the body. During the fermentation process, toxins are released that enter the bloodstream and harm human health. He begins to feel discomfort and heaviness in the stomach.

Drinking water with food dilutes the gastric juice and disrupts digestion. Food starts fermenting inside you. Hence the feeling of heaviness and discomfort.

Various infections

The bactericidal properties of gastric juice are significantly reduced when diluted. During the normal functioning of the stomach, dysenteric amoebae, Escherichia coli and other dangerous infections dissolve and become less dangerous to humans.

Extra calories and excess weight

It is strictly forbidden to drink sweet carbonated drinks, store-bought juices and alcoholic drinks with food. It is not recommended to drink dairy products with meals. They can be used as a separate meal.

When adhering to proper nutrition, the human body receives a sufficient amount of fluid from vegetables, meat, bread or first courses. Drinking them, you consume extra calories that lead to excess weight.

An exception can only be dry wine, which helps food to be absorbed faster.

Doctors and fans of a healthy lifestyle do not get tired of repeating that during the day you need to constantly drink clean water. It is good for both health and figure. How much - depends on the mass of a person and on his lifestyle.

But even in this advice there are exceptions, one of which says that you can’t drink while eating. And after that, it is also not recommended. Although there is no consensus here, and there are several exceptions. Before deciding whether it is possible to drink food or not, it is worth examining all aspects of the issue.

Many still found those times when mothers and grandmothers were forced to drink food. Allegedly, this softens food and improves the production of stomach acid, which is involved in digestion, which helps prevent constipation and flatulence.

After a short time, the opposite opinion appeared that drinking food is harmful. Supporters of this idea argue that the liquid dilutes the gastric juice, which again makes it difficult to digest the incoming food.

In fact, both of these theories are wrong. In order to help your stomach work properly, you should not listen to the advice of friends, but rather follow what the doctors say. The opinion of experts is based on laboratory research and long-term observations of patients. And this gives reason to say that you can drink food. The main thing is to do it right.

How really?

Those who are worried about why you can not drink food can breathe easy. The liquid does not affect the gastric juice in any way. This acid begins to form as soon as food begins to enter the body. Water does not affect this process, since it quickly leaves the stomach.

Also incorrect is the statement that liquid dilutes the stomach acid that is involved in the processing of food, thereby making the process of digesting food longer and more difficult. The fact is that water, entering the stomach, is not able to mix with the secreted juice, no matter how much it is. Firstly, this is due to the different composition. And, secondly, as already mentioned, the water leaves the stomach almost immediately, and simply does not have time to mix with something during this time.

It turns out that the most popular opinions about drinking drinks with meals are just fiction, where there is no real justification. Therefore, if you really want to drink at dinner, then you can do it. But, as in everything related to the work of the body, in this case there are rules that must be observed.

What to do with water while eating?

Most often, people drink water with food because it becomes difficult to swallow a dry piece. But digestion does not begin in the stomach itself, but even before it gets there. When chewing food, saliva begins to be released, which facilitates the passage of pieces through the esophagus, and begins the process of splitting food. Therefore, it is enough to chew longer, and there is no need to resort to the help of a liquid.

But sometimes it happens that you really want to drink just like that. In this case, the main point is that you can not wash down food with cold drinks. The fact is that the proteins contained in food do not break down at low temperatures. In addition, cold water pushes food out of the stomach too quickly. Because of this, the digestion process is significantly reduced.

As a result, the body does not receive as many useful elements as it needs, and after a short time the feeling of hunger appears again. You have to eat something again, and this is unhealthy and unhealthy. Problems with excess weight, heartburn, flatulence and other troubles may begin.

All these things will not happen if you drink warm tea, herbal infusion or water at a comfortable temperature. Under such conditions, digestion proceeds correctly, and there are no fatal consequences.

But again, you should not be zealous with drinks, you can take one or two sips, if you really want to. It is unlikely that this will significantly affect the work of the stomach. Or, alternatively, you can put some water in your mouth between meals, rinse the cavity and spit out the liquid. This will help get rid of the feeling of dryness and will not interfere with the natural process.

But before you sit down to dine, you even need to drink water. Half a glass is enough, and after half an hour you can sit down at the table. The liquid, once in the stomach, will drown out a strong feeling of hunger, which will allow you not to overeat and not only not to gain extra pounds, but also to feel much better, without stomach pain, bloating and other unpleasant phenomena.

Drinks after dinner

Having dealt a little with drinks before and during dinner, it will be useful to understand why you should not drink after eating. In our country, there is rarely a meal without tea. And usually this happens immediately after everyone has eaten.

But, as in the case of water, it is right to take a short break - at least half an hour before enjoying tea. During this time, the food will have time to digest a little, and aromatic drinks will no longer interfere with the natural process.

In addition, tea after meals is not recommended for another reason. This drink contains a lot of tannins. Usually they have a good set of positive qualities (relieve inflammation, fight bacteria, etc.), which can be quite useful for the digestive system. But, interacting with food, these substances impede the process of splitting food, which is quite harmful to the body. This can lead to fermentation of products in the stomach and, as a result, constipation, flatulence, gastritis.

In order to avoid such unpleasant consequences, it is enough to wait for 30-40 minutes before drinking a cup of tea. In addition, it is recommended to drink this drink slightly cooled, which will make it possible to enjoy its qualities to the fullest.

As for coffee after a meal, it is worth taking a break here for the reason that this drink can stimulate the production of gastric juice. As you know, when food enters the body, it is already excreted in sufficient quantities. And coffee, drunk immediately after dinner, can lead to heartburn and gastritis. Alternatively, you can drink a cup of invigorating drink before the meal (30 minutes) to stimulate digestion. But it is better to limit yourself to water.

Conclusion: it turns out that the most correct behavior of those who care about their own health is not to drink cold drinks with food and you can’t drink after eating without waiting some time. In the case when you really want to drink at dinner, then only warm liquids and little by little.

But before eating, you can drink water and even need it. But, again, not immediately before eating. The meal should be started in about half an hour, it’s not worth it earlier. These very simple rules will help you not to overeat, stay full for a long time and not suffer from various unpleasant manifestations of improper digestion.

Our contemporaries began to develop useful habits that their grandfathers and great-grandfathers once neglected - people began to take their own health more responsibly.

When choosing food, we think not only about how useful or harmful it is, but also about the best options for its use: in what form, how much and when the value of what we eat and drink will be as high as possible. What is important for us today is something that no one has puzzled over before, for example, how long after a meal you can drink tea and coffee without disturbing the digestive process.

Is tea water or food for the body?

Experts have no doubts that tea is food for each of us. He, whether it be green tea, black, ginger, Ivan-tea, or some other - different than water, chemical composition. It may contain substances that bring the body not only benefits, but also harm, affecting in a specific way on its various systems.

The main conclusion that experts draw on the basis of these facts is that not a single drink (tea, coffee, herbal decoction) is able to fully satisfy a person's needs for ordinary water. If its use is reduced to zero in favor of other drinks, we can even talk about such a problem as dehydration. By the way, it consists of 70% water, and its reserves must be maintained at the required level.

It is water that performs a number of important functions for our health, its benefits are as follows.:

  • metabolism improves;
  • toxins and other harmful substances are removed;
  • manages to avoid constipation;
  • a positive effect on the circulatory system;
  • aging processes are inhibited (for example, in skin cells).

Tea, unlike water, can flush out such a valuable substance as calcium from the body. If, in addition, the drink was hot, increased sweating begins, leading to water loss in the body. Everyone can make sure that there is a problem by observing their feelings after drinking a cup of tea: aftertaste is felt in the mouth (from different types of drink - different) and very soon dryness appears - the need to quench thirst again.

Experts, speaking of tea as food, emphasize that only water should be used in curative fasting, but if it is water with additives (tea, for example), then this technique is not qualified as fasting, but as a diet.

Can they drink?

Drinking tea during meals and immediately after the meal Not recommended especially if the drink is cold. This can cause flatulence, nausea and will give an unbearable burden not only to the digestive organs, but also to the kidneys, liver, pancreas.

An organism placed in such uncomfortable conditions will have to produce enzymes, thanks to which food is digested, 2-4 times more than usual. If the task is not completed, the formation of toxins will begin, which will spread through the bloodstream throughout the body, and not just through the digestive system.

Modern food hygiene requires timed lunch and tea.

Why can't you drink tea immediately after a meal?

Tannins, which are an integral part of the chemical composition of tea, positively affecting our well-being, in the circumstances under consideration can do a disservice - by reacting with them, food will be absorbed much more slowly than usual. The synthesis of the protein necessary for the body to build new cells will slow down.

After drinking a cup of tea, many of us have noticed how the oral cavity becomes a little numb. A similar thing happens inside the body: the mucous membranes lining the gastrointestinal tract also “go numb” for a while, become more dense, because of this, the release of the so-called protective mucus is reduced. Why is it dangerous? Weakening of protective functions - pathogenic microbes more easily begin to penetrate inside.

As food processing slows down, unused protein, combined with protective mucus and astringents, forms a film that "sticks" to the walls and impairs their sensitivity. The result is a slowdown in peristalsis, an increase in the risk of constipation.

The situation is aggravated by the tannin contained in the tea. Having entered into interaction with the iron present in the foods eaten, it provokes the hardening of food. And to solve this problem with the help of gastric juice does not work quickly - its concentration is insufficient due to drinking tea.

By the way, the deviation of the digestive process from the norm occurs not only in the stomach, but even in the oral cavity: saliva liquefied by tea is no longer able to fully perform its function - to break down simple carbohydrates.

By arguing that tea after lunch or dinner should be waited for, experts care not only about our health. For example, the chemical components that make up tea (tannins, polyphenols), reduce the sensitivity of taste buds, which means that we cannot fully experience all the advantages of cooked food.

Those who are afraid of gaining excess weight also have a problem: tea and coffee, drunk immediately after a meal, stretch the walls of the stomach. One such case of the weather, of course, will not do, but if drinking what you eat becomes a habit, the risk of getting fat becomes a reality.

How soon after a meal can I drink tea or coffee?

Physicians interpret this question differently. The American nutritionist Shelton, for example, advises focusing on the type of food that was eaten, and depending on this, vary the duration of the “timeout”. If the food was rich in carbohydrates, tea and coffee should be drunk no earlier than after 3 hours. If the lunch menu consisted of protein, meat or fish dishes, the break should be 4 hours. The smallest (one and a half hour) break will be required after eating vegetables and fruits.

The temperature of the consumed drink matters - it is desirable that it be room temperature or a little higher. Soft drinks after dinner, even after a certain time, are harmful to drink - they negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Nutritionists have a reason not to recommend drinking tea and coffee immediately after a meal. They warn: if this rule is violated, a person will feel hungry much faster, and the food eaten will be absorbed worse - this can negatively affect the fight against extra pounds. For those who are very thirsty after eating, it is better to simply rinse your mouth.

There is also a point of view that differs from Shelton's, according to which it is useful to drink hot tea 0.5 hours before dinner and after the same period of time after it. It is believed that the high temperature of the drink contributes both to the preparation of the digestive organs for the upcoming load, and the digestion process itself.

Doctors' opinion

Victoria Olegovna, doctor: “My colleagues and I often disagree on whether it is appropriate to drink tea after dinner or not. People of the old school adhere to the rule that has always been promoted before: you can’t eat dry food, you must drink food. I have read the latest research by nutritionists and share the view that tea at the end of a meal has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that the volume of gastric juice decreases in the body, the efficiency of the enzymes contained in it decreases, which means that the process of digestion of what is eaten is disrupted.

Alina Yu., nutritionist: “The use of tea for weight loss is practiced by many who want to get rid of excess weight. People think that by eating a little food, and then "replenishing" the missing tea in order to feel full, they are doing the right thing. In fact, they not only do not solve the problem of losing weight, but also worsen their physiological state.

Ilya S., therapist: “I categorically do not advise patients who have been diagnosed with gastritis to drink tea or coffee with food. These liquid foods change the course of the digestive process, which means they exacerbate the health problems that a person already has. My patients, who began to adhere to the recommended rules, after a while felt that their sensations after eating become much more comfortable.