What does the name Alena mean in Greek? Sunny name Alena: what secrets does it keep?

What does our name carry, what is its secret and influence on fate? How not to make a mistake in choosing? Let's figure it out.

Alyona. Characteristics of the name

There are two versions of the origin of this name. According to one, it is believed that Alena is the folk form of Elena, meaning “light”. According to another version, this name is of Slavic origin, it was the name of the pagan goddess of dawn. Tribes living in the European part of the country named themselves in her honor. It means “scarlet”, “fiery”, “beautiful”.

Little Alena. Meaning of the name

Alyonushka’s character is similar to that of her namesake from a Russian fairy tale: quiet, modest, silent, calm. Spends his childhood reading books. She loves to dream when she is among children; it seems that only her physical shell is here, and her thoughts are carried away to a completely different place. It is not surprising that kindergarten teachers and neighboring grandmothers sympathize with her. She is gullible, but if she is deceived, she can take revenge, showing ingenuity worthy of the Count of Monte Cristo. Kind, but not with fists. He can bring home an abandoned puppy, but if the parents demand to get rid of him, he will take him back to the street, bitterly shedding tears.
As a child, he had a large number of hobbies. Loves everything beautiful and enjoys handicrafts. You don’t have enough perseverance, and how will you have time if you simultaneously start embroidering a picture, making a dress for a doll and knitting a scarf? He studies well, but gets good grades more due to his abilities, good memory and sympathy for the teacher than to diligence. She looks like her father, especially in character. Emotional, does not recognize halftones.

Alyona. Characteristics of the name. Mature years

Having matured, Alena will not become a quarrelsome and capricious young lady. She will not be a leader in an unfamiliar company; at first glance she may seem timid and shy. But among close people she transforms, becomes cheerful, her laughter rings like a bell. He will never open up to the first person he meets. The girl is very vulnerable. She tries not to let anyone know about her weaknesses. There are few close friends, but they know how loyal and devoted a friend Alenka is. She is interested in understanding herself. Can reflect for a long time, remembering some important moments. Self-knowledge will become her main hobby. He can spend his entire life discovering himself and finding new traits.

Alyona. Characteristics of the name. Professional activity

Chooses professions that require communication with people. She is responsible, understands what duty is, and will not take a careless approach to work. Can become a psychologist, accountant, designer. He loves variety; if he doesn’t allow him to travel, he will be happy to go on a business trip. He is analytical but has poor technical understanding.

Alyona. Characteristics of the name. Love and marriage

Amorous, feminine. Easily adapts to a man, it can become an ideal for almost anyone. Compassionate and compassionate. He would rather choose a poor touching romantic with whom he can sympathize than a callous, cynical businessman. He believes that it is more important for a man to have a good education and be a great lover than to be able to earn big money. Her home is cozy and calm. Caring, good mother. Can prepare a delicious dinner, but does not strive to surprise guests with exquisite and complex dishes.

Names for girls. Alyona

Alena is affectionately called Alyonushka, Alenka, Alenochka, Alenky.

The girl grows up as a capricious and spoiled child; she skillfully manipulates her loved ones to achieve what she wants. Alena behaves modestly with strangers, giving the impression of a little angel, but with relatives the girl is unrestrained and overly emotional, often throwing hysterics, showing her true character.

The girl has a genuine interest in everything beautiful, loves to do needlework and creates real masterpieces with her own hands, arousing the admiration of her parents and people from her immediate circle. Alena draws well, plays the piano and loves to spend time reading adventure literature.

Alena is doing well at school, but laziness and lack of responsibility prevent her from becoming an excellent student. She can study diligently for a whole month and do homework in all subjects, but then the girl gets tired of it, and she stops paying attention to her studies, spending all her time on her favorite hobby.

The character of a girl named Alena, born at different times of the year:

  • Winter is persistent, used to getting her way by any means necessary. Alena tries to be the first in everything, is very demanding of her friends, resourceful, cheerful and active.
  • Spring is selfish and stubborn, looking for her own benefit in everything. She is selfish and envious, does not forgive her offenders and tries to take revenge on them at every opportunity.
  • Summer is a calculating intriguer, she is used to making decisions on her own, and does not pay attention to the advice of close people and relatives.
  • Autumn is far-sighted and smart, practical. She loves to criticize, is very picky and demanding.

Most people associate the name Alena with the image of a young red-cheeked lady from the wrapper of a well-known chocolate bar. But what kind of representative of this name actually is? What kind of character does he have, does he have Russian roots?

Origin of the name Alena

The origin of the name is associated with the ancient Slavic tribes Alen or Alons, living in southwestern Russia. Fearless and strong warriors chose “flame” and “sword” as their emblem. If we adhere to this version, then the meaning of the name sounds like “scarlet”, “fiery”. However, history offers other variations, for example:

  • translated from Greek it means “light”, “torch”;
  • from Hebrew - “oak”;
  • The indigenous Yakuts interpret it as “rain rustling on the river” and call the Lena River Alena.

For a long period of time, everyone was convinced that Alena was a variation of the more popular one. But in the modern world, most scientists agree that these are two different names, each of which has its own history and meaning.

The name Alena dates back to the 17th century, because it was in those times that mentions of Alena of Arzamas, a militant Cossack woman who organized a peasant uprising in support of Stepan Razin, first appeared. For disrespect for the boyars and dignitaries, the girl was burned in a log house, and her name was crossed out from the calendar. Even mentioning the name of a rebellious Cossack woman was considered a terrible sin. In this way, the boyars hoped that the people would forget about their heroine and erase her from their memory. That is why for a long time it was believed that such a name did not exist and that there were only variations of the name Elena.

The first mention of the name Alena refers to Alena Arzamasskaya, a militant Cossack woman who organized a peasant uprising in support of Stepan Razin

Forms of the name Alena

Variations of the name: Alyonushka, Alchik, Alyonka, Lelya, Leka, Alik, Elya, Lesya, Olya.

Alyonochka - an affectionate address to a girl named Alena

Church name

Alena does not have her own name day, because it is not included in the list of church calendars. However, due to the fact that it was previously considered a derivative of the name Helen, the patrons are considered to be the same saints: Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helen, Venerable Helen of Diveyevo, Venerable Queen Helen of Serbia. That is why Alena celebrates her name day at the same time as Elena:

  • 10th of August;
  • June 3;
  • July 24;
  • September 17;
  • March 19;
  • November 12.

Table: the name Alena in different languages

Name transliteration

Name Alena for a foreign passport or bank card: Alena.

Autumn Alena is meticulous about any matter

What middle name does the name Alena harmonize with?

The name Alena goes with many middle names, but the most beautiful sounds:

  • Alena Alexandrovna;
  • Alena Sergeevna;
  • Alena Yurievna;
  • Alena Pavlovna;
  • Alena Viktorovna.

The only exception is the patronymic Andreevna, since it has a negative impact on our heroine and she develops not very good qualities. Alena Andreevna is characterized by greed, quarrelsomeness, laziness, and a consumerist attitude towards other people.

Video: Slavic “Alyonushka”

Characteristics and influence of the name

Even in ancient times, people were sure that the name and fate of its owner were secretly connected. At the same time, it was believed that knowing only one name, a person could easily be damaged. That is why babies were always given two names: one for people, the other secret, for the soul. Since that time, there have been rumors that if you want to change your destiny, change your name. Some modern scientists are of the same opinion. For example, the famous professor of psychology Boris Khigir, knowing the name (and ideally also the patronymic and year of birth), could talk about a stranger to him as a best friend who trusted him with the most intimate secrets.

Scientist Pavel Aleksandrovich Florensky supports his colleague and also assures that a person’s name and his character are interconnected. He even wrote a research paper on this issue, published in 1988 in the journal Sociological Research.

Shortly before this, Chicago experts became interested in the topic, who found out that the name greatly influences the fate and health of its owner. If it is capable of causing ridicule, then a person from childhood has to take a defensive position, fight for a normal attitude towards himself, which is imprinted on his psyche, health and character. They also told the story of the original parents who named their children: Meningitis, Laryngitis and Appendicitis, as a result of which they greatly ruined their lives.

French theologian Pierre Rouget published the book “The Influence of a Name on Human Life,” in which he wrote about the “music of the name.” He believed that each letter is a source of a certain vibration that affects a person’s character.

Rhymes for the name: Alena - worthy of the throne; Alena is as charming as Madonna; Alena - relaxed; Alena is a serious and smart person.

Among strangers, little Alena keeps to herself

How the name Alena affects the character of a child

Little Alyonushka cannot be called an overly sociable and open child. On the contrary, among strangers, the girl will try to stay apart, not imposing her company on anyone and living only in her inner world. However, in a familiar environment, she transforms, becomes cheerful and cheerful.

The girl grows up kind, honest, and sympathetic to the grief of others, which her peers often take advantage of. The only negative is the lack of firmness of character. For example, Alyonushka can bring home a street kitten, bathe it, warm it, feed it and even cry over its bitter fate, but if the parents turn the animal out of the house, the girl will not say a word in its defense. Despite this, it is impossible to call Alyonka a “cute, fluffy bunny” who never shows her teeth. If she understands that she is in even the slightest danger, she almost instantly turns into a cunning and resourceful tigress who can hurt anyone who tries to encroach on her peace of mind.

As a child, Alyonka loved fairy tales and, thanks to her good memory, knew many of them by heart. However, she is generally an ideal child: the girl is smart, hardworking, assiduous, which helps her master reading, mathematics, and sometimes foreign languages ​​even in her preschool years. That is why, when sending a child to first grade, parents are confident in her success. However, laziness and reluctance to focus on sciences that are uninteresting to her do not allow Alena to be an excellent student - the girl is an average student.

Natural laziness does not allow Alena to study perfectly

How the name Alena influences the character and fate of an adult

As she grows up, Alena’s character also changes. From a timid, calm child, she turns into a purposeful girl, ready to achieve her goal at any cost. Alena is a creative person, so she has mood swings. Perhaps it is because of this that she often takes on several things at the same time, but her quickly fading interest does not allow her to finish at least something to the end.

Alena's character flaw can be called excessive impulsiveness and emotionality - qualities that she adopted from her father.

Because of them, the girl cannot soberly assess the situation and quickly make the right decisions. For this reason, Alena sometimes gets into unpleasant stories that “sober” her, acting like a tub of cold water poured directly on a heated head.

Fortunately, even these sudden steps of fate do not break the girl. Alena again pulls herself together and systematically moves towards her intended goal. It should be said that the owners of this name often achieve great heights, but in the process they lose true friends.

Alena is an attractive girl who does not lack attention from the opposite sex

Poems dedicated to Alyonushka: I. Bunin “Alyonushka”, A. Barto “Mysterious Question”, E. Martynov “Alyonushka”.

Professions, business and career

Alena is very witty and does not accept hard physical labor. That’s why he chooses professions in which he needs to think with his head. She often becomes a teacher, doctor, social worker, economist or accountant. But it is advisable for Alena not to meddle in commerce.

The girl quickly gets tired of regular trips, meetings with partners, and the machinations of competitors, as a result of which she stops developing her brainchild and investing money in it. Alena will stay afloat only if a more experienced person pushes her.


Thanks to her active lifestyle, Alena’s immunity is well developed, so she rarely gets sick. The girl’s only weak spot is her back, but if she initially manages to find a good specialist who will identify the problem, she will get rid of the pain once and for all.

Alena’s only weak spot is her back, so she should find a good specialist in this area

For Alena, a love relationship is not just intimate intimacy. This is selfless devotion, mercy bordering on pity. As a result, you shouldn’t be surprised if a girl, instead of an accomplished, confident guy, gives preference to a loser with his head in the clouds. A girl’s feelings are always sincere, pure, real, bordering on self-sacrifice. Alena is of little interest in the financial side. The main thing is that the chosen one loves, respects and appreciates her as a person.

Natural charisma, pleasant appearance, sensuality - all this does not escape the male gaze, so Alena never feels a lack of admirers. However, the girl herself prefers not to waste time on trifles and remain faithful to one chosen one, if, of course, he meets her requirements. The sexual side of a relationship is very important for Alena, so she will demand complete dedication from her companion, otherwise she will quickly find a replacement for him.

Alena is far from an exemplary housewife, although she tries to keep the house clean and takes care of her family. Her house is always clean and there is delicious food, but the girl does this out of necessity, without inspiration. Among her family, Alena always tries to take a leading position, which she often succeeds in. The girl’s opinion is never discussed and is accepted by the household in its original form.

Alena doesn’t like doing housework too much

Table: Alena’s compatibility with other names

The fateful years of Alena's life

There are periods in Alena’s life that play a huge role in her destiny:

  • 21 years old - it is at this age that a girl will make an important decision that will turn her life 180º;
  • 27 years old - serious internal changes will occur, both moral, psychological and physical;
  • 32 years is a period that determines what should be and what should go;
  • 35 years is the time of final determination in life in terms of profession and family. A second marriage is possible;
  • 42 years old is another crisis that can affect both family life and health;
  • 63 years old - reassessment of values.

There are periods in Alena’s life that play a huge role in her destiny.

Astrology and talismans named after Alena

Each name has its own talismans, and Alena also has them:

  • planet - Sun, Pluto;
  • Zodiac sign - Gemini, Libra, Pisces;
  • element - fire;
  • number - 5, 7;
  • color - red, orange, scarlet;
  • totem animal - scarab, lion;
  • season - spring;
  • wood - Chinese cherry;
  • plant - garden rose, lavender;
  • metal - gold;
  • mineral - aventurine, chalcedony and onyx;
  • lucky day - Tuesday, Sunday.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Alena

Each letter in a word carries a special semantic and emotional load. Knowing the meaning of the letters in a name, you can feel its full depth and imagine what impact it will have on your destiny:

  • A - thirst for physical and spiritual comfort, desire to create and reach new heights;
  • L - sophistication, artistry, constant search for oneself and one’s purpose in life, the desire to be useful to everyone;
  • E - increased emotionality, sexuality, easy adaptability to any situation;
  • N - the presence of an internal “iron” core, wit, the ability to criticize one’s actions, hard work.

The first letter is considered the most significant, especially if it is repeated several times in the name.

"A" is considered the most significant letter of the name, as it comes at the beginning and is repeated twice

Characteristics of a name according to the time of year

The time of year in which a person is born is also of great importance:

  • Alena, who was born in the winter, is a persistent and principled person who always achieves what she wants. It is very important for her to have the best, so she is too picky even in choosing friends and a life partner. Purposefulness and pedantry help Alena bring all her ideas to life;
  • spring Alena loves comfort and material wealth. She is smart, ambitious, stubborn and calculating. A girl gets married late because she devotes her best years to her career;
  • year-old Alena loves intrigue and often becomes their main character herself. A significant flaw in her character is envy. Perhaps this is why summer Alena has no close friends. She gives care, tenderness and attention only to her family;
  • Autumn Alena is prudent and careful, demanding and a little picky in her approach to any task. The girl is used to dominating, so it’s not easy for those close to her. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that Alena’s instructions are often not without meaning.

Photo gallery: famous people in history with the name Alena

Alena Apina - Russian pop singer, composer and poetess, Honored Artist of Russia (2002), ex-soloist of the group "Combination" Alena Vodonaeva - media personality who gained fame as the most scandalous participant in the TV show "Dom-2" Alena Shishkova - successful model, second vice Miss Russia 2012 Alena Sviridova - Russian singer, songwriter, composer, actress, TV presenter Alena Yakovleva - Russian actress of the Moscow Satire Theater, who received the title of People's Artist of Russia in 2008 Alena Khmelnitskaya - Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter Alena Venum - successful blogger , which over the year of its channel’s existence has gathered an audience of millions

Songs about Alyon: V. Gorbunov “Dear Alyonushka”, gr. Nancy "Alyonushka", Mr. Credo "Alyonushka".

Horoscope named after Alena

The zodiac sign also affects the meaning of the name and the character of its owner:

  • Aries - the girl is overly authoritarian, which manifests itself both in relationships with household members and in communication with colleagues. However, if relatives are ready to forgive Alena, then her colleagues break off all contacts with her, since they do not intend to tolerate her excessive emotionality and impulsiveness;
  • Taurus is a principled and self-confident person who is used to manipulating people and this is how he achieves his goals. However, in her relationship with her chosen one, Alena-Taurus changes radically, becoming a helpless, weak woman who is ready to do anything for the sake of her feelings;
  • Gemini is a charming and attractive girl, optimistic about everything around her. Has many fans and easily overcomes all life's obstacles;
  • Cancer - a girl rarely achieves the tasks she sets for herself, since her dominant qualities are restlessness and excessive fussiness. In addition, the lady is convinced that she is never to blame for anything and that it is the villainous fate who has turned her back on her. Alena also shows dissatisfaction with her loved ones, believing that members of the household do not take part in her life and do not help her in any way;
  • Leo - a constant desire to be the center of the Universe, excessive self-confidence and importunity play bad jokes on Alena - those around her try to avoid her, since the girl simply irritates them with her assertiveness. Alena often treats her husband like furniture, believing that he must unconditionally recognize her authority and never try to challenge her decisions;
  • Virgo - a girl lives according to a strictly planned plan, so it is very difficult for her to find a partner. As a rule, her chosen one is a person who can easily go through life, not paying attention to the excessive self-organization of his companion;
  • Libra - Alena, born under this sign, is often the life of the party. A cheerful chatterbox and laugher, she easily goes through life and always achieves what she wants. He doesn’t have a shortage of partners, but he will choose only his complete opposite as a wife - a serious man who stands firmly on his feet;
  • Scorpio is a true creative person, who is characterized by inattention, hot temper, and impressionability. She always acts in a fit of emotion, which she often regrets later. A girl cannot control her emotions even with her loved one, which is the reason for frequent quarrels between lovers;
  • Sagittarius - Alena’s characteristic inconstancy and desire not to depend on anyone lead to the fact that the girl cannot achieve harmony either in the family or in relationships with colleagues. She is too flighty, loves new relationships and acquaintances. Therefore, for a long time he cannot decide on a life partner;
  • Capricorn is a sensible and generous woman who is demanding both of herself and of others. He does not like pettiness and falsehood, he immediately erases such people from his life;
  • Aquarius - the main quality of this person is intelligence. She will never allow herself to judge the actions of other people or interfere in their lives. She will only marry a man who will not try to control her and encroach on her freedom;
  • Pisces - the girl is very delicate, sensitive and good-natured. She will never impose her company or try to help if she is not asked to do so. He has no shortage of fans and believes in love at first sight.

Video: meaning and interpretation of the name Alena

The meaning of the name helps to recognize a person’s character and makes it possible to slightly lift the veil of secrecy about the future. If parents decide to name their daughter Alena, then they can be sure that this girl will have unusually bright appearance, artistry and determination.

Short form of the name Alena. Lena, Lenochka, Lenusha, Lenusya, Lesya, Elenya, Elya, Elya, Elyusha, Elusya, Lyusya, Elenka, Alyonka, Ali, Alya, Lena, Lesya, Lelya.
Synonyms for the name Alena. Alena, Olena, Olena, Helen, Helen, Elena, Lean.
Origin of the name Alena. The name Alena is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Alena has different versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Alena (Alena) is a folk, non-church version of the name Elena. The name Alena began to be more actively used separately from the name Elena in the last decades of the twentieth century, and later became a completely independent name. Also, a colloquial version of the name Elena was the name Olena.

According to the second version, the name Alena is of ancient Greek origin and means “sunny”, “shining”. There are some other translation options - “exciting”, “spiritualizing”, “attracting”, “bewitching”.

The name Alena is a feminine version of the European male name Alan.

In addition, the name Alena is a short form or diminutive of some female names - Magdalena (Madeleine) and Alina. The addresses Lesya and Alya are also independent names. In some cases, in addition to writing the name with the letter “e”, different pronunciations are also possible, both through “e” and “e”.

From a very early age, Alena has her own opinion on everything. Her personal view of the world helps her discover it better. She is interested in absolutely all areas of life, but she is still closer to philosophy, psychology, archeology, design and economics. Alena loves to explain something in detail to someone, but she herself cannot stand the explanations, especially if it concerns such concepts as technology and exact sciences.

Alena is a person of mood, but overall she is a very cheerful and cheerful person. If you offend her or hurt her with a word, she seems to withdraw into herself, climb into a capsule, and you need to have remarkable patience and ingenuity to get her back from there. Alena needs change, she loves to travel and change her environment. She gets tired of the monotony and thus entertains herself.

Alena knows how to consciously manipulate people perfectly, but sometimes she does it unconsciously. She has a strong character, envy and vindictiveness are alien to her. Alena is an open and simple person. She does not depict feelings, but simply and directly experiences and experiences them.

Alena has high self-esteem, but not inflated. She can choose one thing: career or family. Alena has great inner charm, she understands men well. But she doesn’t really like to deal with everyday life, she prefers to spend her time more creatively - she will like going to the movies much more.

Sound. Alena is a name of average length in which all consonants are voiced. Almost everyone pays attention to his tenderness. Also often noted is the beauty (90%), lightness (88%) and mystery (81%) of the sound of the name. Some discern a certain femininity in him (87%). The names most similar in phonosemantic profile are Olesya, Nina and Asya.

Alena's birthday

Famous people named Alena

  • Alena Arzamasskaya (erz. Erzyamasson Olena) (in Russian chronicles she is called Temnikovskaya; comrade-in-arms of Stepan Razin, one of the leaders of the peasant uprising of the 17th century)
  • Alena Sidko (Russian athlete, member of the Russian Olympic cross-country team at the Olympics in Turin)
  • Alena Sviridova (née Leonova; Russian singer, actress, TV presenter, author of the book “Suitcase Mood”)
  • Elena (Alena) Khmelnitskaya ((born 1971) Russian actress)
  • Alena (Elena) Babenko ((born 1972) maiden name - Baranova; Russian actress)
  • Alena (Elena) Apina ((born 1964) surname at birth - Levochkina; Russian pop singer, Honored Artist of Russia (2002))
  • Alena Telpukhovskaya (photographer)
  • Alena Ivantsova (singer)
  • Alena Lanskaya (Belarusian singer; winner of the International Competition for Young Popular Music Performers “Atlantic Breeze-2010”)
  • Alena Vysotskaya ((born 1980) Russian singer)
  • Alena Bondarenko ((born 1984) Ukrainian tennis player, the first racket of Ukraine. Winner of the 1st Grand Slam doubles tournament (Australian Open-2008), semi-finalist of the 1st Grand Slam doubles tournament (Roland Garros-2008), winner of 6 WTA tournaments ( 2 - in singles).)
  • Alena Vinnitskaya ((born 1974) according to the passport - Olga Vinnitskaya; author and performer of pop-rock songs, former soloist of the female pop group "VIA Gra". Stage name - Alena Vinnitskaya)
  • Alena (Elena) Yurkovskaya ((born 1983) Ukrainian athlete, multiple Paralympic champion, Hero of Ukraine)
  • Alena Kartashova ((born 1982) Russian female wrestler, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, member of the Russian national team since 1998. Silver medalist of the 2008 Olympic Games. World champion 2002, European champion 2004. Champion of Russia. After completion in 2011 year of sports career - coach of the Russian national team, responsible for working with the regions.)
  • Elena (Alena, Olena) Shoptenko ((born 1987) two-time world champion of 2006 in ballroom dancing among youth under 21, champion of Ukraine in 2007 in ten dances among youth under 21. Winner of the Ukrainian project “Dancing with the Stars.”)
  • Alena Torganova ((born 1980) singer, lead singer of the group “Reflex”)
  • Alena (Elena) Azernaya ((born 1966) is a Russian artist working in the genre of naive art. In her dream-like and allegorical paintings, she describes her personal world, where Slavic mythology, traditional Russian folk tales and biblical motifs are mixed. She combines a style of naive art with a confident use of light, color and rhythm.)
  • Alena Khomich ((born 1981) Russian hockey player, playing as a defender, participant in three Winter Olympics (2002, 2006 and 2010). Master of Sports of international class. Three-time champion of Russia, Bronze medalist of the Junior World Hockey Championship (2001), winner of the Cup European champions of the 2008/2009 season.)
  • Alena Akhmadullina ((born 1978) Russian fashion designer, creator of the Alena Akhmadullina brand. Participant in various Russian and international fashion competitions. Participant of the “Snob” project since April 2009.)
  • Alena Shulga ((born 1983) former Minister of Economic Development of the PMR (January - March 2012))
  • Alena (Elena) Zvantsova (Russian screenwriter and director. She made her film debut with a small acting role in the television series “Strawberry.” Later she began writing scripts and took up directing work.)
  • Alyosha (Alyosha) ((born 1986) real name – Elena (Olena) Kucher; Ukrainian singer. Alyosha won the national selection and represented Ukraine at the international song contest “Eurovision 2010” in Oslo, where she took 10th place.)
  • Alena Sviridova ((born 1962) née Leonova; Russian singer, actress, TV presenter. Member of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation (2002), Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2004).)
  • Alena Sidko ((born 1979) Russian athlete, member of the Russian Olympic cross-country team at the Turin Olympics. Bronze medalist of these Games, won a medal in the 1.5-kilometer sprint race. In addition, winner of a bronze medal at the World Ski Championships races in the sprint relay (Obesdorf-2005), which she won together with Yulia Chepalova.)
  • Alena Savchenko ((born 1984) Ukrainian and German figure skater. Since 2004 she has been performing pair skating for Germany with Robin Szolkowy. They are bronze medalists at the 2010 Olympics, four-time world champions (2008-2009, 2011-2012) and four-time European champions ( 2007-2009, 2011). Previously, competing for Ukraine with Stanislav Morozov, Savchenko was the world champion among juniors in 2001. As of May 11, 2011, the couple ranks 1st in the ranking of the International Skating Union.)
  • Alena Vrzanova ((born 1931) also known as Aya Vrzanova, and after 1957 as Aya Zanova; former Czechoslovak figure skater who competed in women's singles. Two-time world champion (1949 and 1950), as well as European champion in 1950.)
  • Alena Egorova ((1905 - 1971) Soviet actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1935))
  • Alena (Elena) Zubrilova (Ogurtsova) ((born 1973) Ukrainian and Belarusian biathlete, winner of 17 world championship awards in 1996-2005, including 4 gold. She ended her career in big-time sports in 2006, moving to the position of coach Belarus youth biathlon team.)

Alena is a pure and sincere girl. Calmness and love of life are the main traits of her character. The name consists of smooth melodious sounds, without sharp transitions. This girl is not subject to impulsiveness and will not commit rash acts.

From ancient Greek the name Alena is translated as “sunny”, “fiery”.

Origin of the name Alena:

It is believed that Alena is an ancient Slavic pronunciation of the Greek name Elena. The Slavs often replaced the first vowel of their name with the letter “A”. The name Alena in Rus' was associated with fire.

But there is another version of the origin of the name. According to this version, the name Alena comes from the name of the ancient Alan tribe. The Alans are the ancestors of today's inhabitants of Ossetia.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Alena:

As a child, Alena is a cheerful, affectionate, cheerful girl, but only in the presence of people she knows; in front of strangers, she becomes constrained and withdrawn. Often, in kindergarten, it is difficult for her to join the team, she withdraws from it and plays with herself. She doesn’t have many friends, but she completely trusts them with all her thoughts and feelings and seeks their support and advice in difficult life situations. In turn, he will try in every possible way to help a friend in trouble.

At school, Alena is characterized as a diligent, hardworking girl. She is diligent, diligent, and asks herself for any assignments. In high school, Alena usually does not study at full strength, more often relying on her previously acquired reputation as a “good girl.” She makes great progress in playing sports, but sports, most often, remains just her hobby.

As an adult, Alena is more relaxed and more sociable. It’s as if she’s playing a different role every time; the world for her is a theater. She considers herself an actress and director in this world of theater. The girl is unusually multi-talented. She can become both a writer and an economist, both a scientist and a businesswoman. Alena will be successful everywhere. The girl is very smart, she has an excellent memory and erudition. Alena’s leader is strict, she strictly sets the limits of what is permitted to her subordinates, does not accept negligence, however, at the same time, she remains a kind, sincere and fair person.

Alena is an impressionable person, she takes any problems of her family to heart, she is very trusting and open. Communicating with her is easy and pleasant. Alena does not know how to lie, and expects sincerity from her interlocutors. But even after catching them in a lie, he quickly forgives, and, in the future, will also trust and believe these people. She is curious and inquisitive, often interfering in things that are not her own business. In skirmishes he will zealously defend himself and his opinion. She won’t just be convinced that she’s wrong, she can’t stand criticism.

Alena likes the attention of the opposite sex, she loves expensive gifts. She expects sensuality, romance, and masculinity from her partner. Gets married early. Family for her is the most important thing in life. She is a good housewife and a caring, faithful wife. Alena’s children come first. With great joy she plays and walks with them, and even when they grow up, she continues to take care of them. She often takes the position of a mother-friend. It is vital for her to be needed by someone. He demands fidelity from the chosen one; he can forgive betrayal, but he will remember it all his life.

Alena has powerful intuition and often has prophetic dreams. Therefore, a girl named Alena is very often interested in esotericism, numerology, and fortune telling. Because of her gullibility and hobbies, she is a tasty morsel for all kinds of religious sects.