What does increased creatinine in the blood of an adult mean? Creatinine is elevated in the blood: reasons

Creatinine is a chemical substance that is formed in human muscles during physical activity as a result of the breakdown of chemical compounds (creatine - creatine phosphate reaction), which are the source of energy for the contraction of muscle fibers.

From muscle fibers, creatinine enters the bloodstream and, after purification of the blood serum by the kidneys, is completely excreted from the body in the urine. An increase in creatinine in the blood is called hypercreatinemia and indicates disorders of the excretory or musculoskeletal systems of the body.

To determine the normal level of creatine phosphate reaction products, the first test is a biochemical blood test for creatinine, which is performed if renal failure is suspected.

Norm of cretin by age (table)

The normal level of creatinine in the blood differs depending on gender, age and the amount of muscle mass in each person. At the same time, the concentration of creatinine is stable and depends little on external physical factors (for example, nutrition).

In women, the normal level of creatinine in the blood is almost two times lower than in men, due to less muscle.

To assess kidney function, a set of tests called creatinine clearance (or Rehberg test, glomerular filtration rate) is used.

Clearance in medicine is the speed and quality of blood purification by the kidneys from waste products of human vital activity. Creatinine clearance determines the amount of purified blood in 1 minute. Thus, the functioning of the kidneys and the degree of disruption of the cleansing processes are assessed.

To calculate creatinine clearance, you need to take a blood and urine test. In this case, urine is collected several times over 2-5 hours, depending on the research method. There are special formulas for assessing the cleansing work of the kidneys using creatinine in both biological fluids.

A clearance study is prescribed when creatinine increases, if systemic lupus erythematosus, glomerulosclerosis, nephropathy, or renal failure are suspected.

Causes of elevated creatinine in the blood

Among the reasons for increased creatinine, the main categories can be distinguished: disruption of chemical processes in muscles (destruction of proteins), as well as malfunctions of the excretory system.

A significant increase in creatinine in the blood can occur with the following diseases:

  • renal failure in acute or chronic stages;
  • liver and kidney tumors;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • blockage of the urinary tract;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, when increased breakdown or growth of muscle tissue occurs (hyperthyroidism, acromegaly, gigantism);
  • adrenal hypofunction;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • internal bleeding;
  • dehydration.

If creatinine is significantly higher than normal, then this may also indicate an increase in other blood parameters (bilirubin, uric acid, red blood cells, protein, etc.) exceeding the norm due to pathology of the liver and kidneys.

There is the concept of a false increase in creatinine, which is used in cases where the reasons for the increase are related to physiological processes in the body. Such reasons include:

  • significant amount of muscle mass;
  • physical exercise;
  • taking a creatine supplement;
  • use of medications to lower blood pressure (Capoten, Zofenopril, Benazepril, Lisinopril);
  • long-term use of drugs that have a toxic effect on the kidneys (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, immunosuppressants, immunoglobulins).

In cases where high creatinine occurs due to long-term use of drugs that have a toxic effect on the kidneys, it is necessary to reconsider the treatment and change the drugs. If you do not take measures and continue treatment with nephrotoxic drugs that increase the amount of creatinine in the blood, then after some time kidney failure may occur.


As a rule, a significant increase in creatinine indicates renal dysfunction and may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nagging pain in the lower back;
  • the occurrence of edema;
  • impaired urine output;
  • high blood pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • muscle pain during movement and at rest;
  • constant fatigue;
  • nausea and loss of appetite;
  • memory impairment;
  • apathy.

Since an increase in creatinine levels indicates a violation of the kidneys, additional blood and urine tests are performed to fully diagnose the excretory system:

  • excretion of albumin in urine;
  • level of uric acid in the blood;
  • norm of catecholamines in daily urine;
  • urea clearance.

How to reduce creatinine levels

Reducing creatinine levels consists of drug therapy and a therapeutic diet, the effect of which is aimed at improving the functioning of the excretory system.

Most often, elevated creatinine in the blood is normalized when using drug therapy with the following drugs:

  • enterosorbents – drugs that are used to cleanse the body of waste products, as well as toxic substances (Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb, Lignin);
  • drugs that improve the excretion of protein breakdown products - creatinine, uric acid, urea (Ketosteril, Chitosan, Lespefan);
  • diuretics - activate the kidneys and promote the removal of fluid from the body (Indapamide, Trifas, Diuver, Furosemide);
  • blood pressure lowering agents (for hypertensive patients with elevated creatinine) (Hydrosaluretil, Hypothiazide).


Therapeutic nutrition for increased creatinine in the blood consists of eliminating foods from the diet that put a strain on the kidneys:

  • purine compounds - when digesting proteins of animal origin (they contain purines), an additional concentration of creatinine, uric acid, urea, etc. occurs, which must be removed from the body;
  • phosphates (phosphorus salts) are vital compounds, but in excess they lead to a decrease in calcium levels in the body (present in meat, fish, canned food, and in products with preservatives in their composition).

In order to reduce creatinine in the body (in the blood and in the urine), medicinal therapy is used, as well as table 7a and 7b, which are prescribed at different stages of acute and chronic nephritis.

To improve the excretory capacity of the kidneys, the diet consists mainly of plant carbohydrates with a minimal amount of protein. If there is a high level of creatinine in the blood, the main diet should consist of the following foods:

  • vegetables (except potatoes), herbs, moderately sweet fruits, berries;
  • dried fruits, nuts, honey;
  • low-fat fermented milk products (cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, kefir);
  • cereal porridges and soups with vegetable broth;
  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • dietary salt-free bread;
  • vegetable oil.

In limited quantities you can use:

  • dietary meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit) 2 times a week;
  • low-fat fish;
  • potato;
  • boiled eggs – 3 pieces per week;
  • low-fat fish.

If creatinine significantly exceeds the norm, the above foods are completely excluded from the diet.

When creatinine increases, the following foods are prohibited:

  • fatty meats (pork, duck, goose);
  • fatty fish;
  • smoked and fried foods;
  • hot seasonings and sauces;
  • a lot of salt;
  • baked goods;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • milk.

In the process of cooking, preference is given to boiling, stewing, baking, and steaming.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes, which are used if creatinine in the blood is elevated, are aimed at improving kidney function. As a rule, infusions and decoctions of herbs with diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties are used.

Nettle tea. Nettle leaves are known in folk medicine as a blood purifier, and can also reduce creatinine concentrations and stimulate the urinary system.

To prepare one serving of tea you will need 3 teaspoons of dried nettle leaves and a glass of boiling water. The tea is steeped for 7-10 minutes and half a teaspoon of honey is added for taste.

Tea made from dried nettle leaves is consumed 2-3 times a day for a month.

Chamomile infusion. Chamomile helps remove toxic substances from the body and reduces creatinine in the blood.

To prepare the infusion, mix two teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers and 200 ml of boiling water and cover with a lid for 5-7 minutes. Next, the chamomile infusion should be filtered and consumed as tea several times a day.

Treatment with chamomile infusion is carried out for no more than 3 weeks. After a ten-day break, the course can be repeated.

Cinnamon. Consumption of cinnamon improves kidney function, namely, it activates the filtration and throughput capacity of the excretory organs, thereby reducing urea, uric acid and creatinine in the blood. You need to add cinnamon to your diet every day, but do not consume more than 1 teaspoon per day.

Eleutherococcus or Siberian ginseng. Eleutherococcus is able to stop the increase in the amount of creatinine, since it enhances circulatory processes and blood circulation in the kidneys, stimulates the functioning of the nervous and hormonal systems.

You can use dragees, tablets, capsules with Eleutherococcus or a tincture of the plant in alcohol. The dry extract of the plant (in tablets, etc.) must be taken three times a day for a month. Eleutherococcus tincture should be consumed depending on age from 15 to 30 drops 2 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 25-30 days.

Creatinine is the end product of protein metabolism, it is regularly formed and excreted from the body, there is a constant continuous process that is associated with the liver, kidneys and muscles. In itself, an increase in its level in the blood is not dangerous, but it always interacts with certain diseases and often signals failures in the kidney system.

Very often, a temporary increase in creatinine occurs due to dehydration, also if there is a lot of protein in the food (for example, a lot of meat in the diet) and when taking certain medications.

Normal blood levels

There are no identical creatinine norms; it is different for all people, and therefore, when checking creatinine levels, the gender and age of the person must be taken into account.

Creatinine levels may vary:

  • With age;
  • For various pathologies;
  • If kidney function is impaired;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • When taking certain medications, antibiotics.

Table of normal creatinine levels.

The activity of the body depends on the level of creatinine, and in men and women these norms are different, and in children the creatinine norm depends on age.

WomenWomen weigh less and have less physical activity, not counting athletes and bodybuilders
MenMen weigh more and have more physical activity
ChildrenIn children, creatinine levels depend on age; the child grows, gains weight, and creatinine increases accordingly.
Physical exercise
Hormonal backgroundMenstruation and pregnancy
Volume and massRapid weight gain, excess weight
NutritionIf there is a lot of protein in the diet, creatinine levels increase.

Hypercreatininemia and hypocreatininemia

Hypercreatininemia is a condition in which the level of creatinine in the blood is elevated. Usually it does not manifest itself in any way, but is felt only with sudden changes from the norm to a high level. Hypocreatininemia, a condition in which creatine levels are low, is associated with metabolism.

Causes of low creatinine:

  • Starvation and exhaustion of the body during diets;
  • Weight loss with diets;
  • Muscle dystrophy due to their diseases;
  • The first trimester of pregnancy, as the body undergoes restructuring and constant toxicosis.

Symptoms and consequences of high creatinine in the body

  • Pain in muscles and sometimes in joints;
  • Fatigue and general weakness of the body;
  • Edema of the lower extremities;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, anemia, shortness of breath;
  • Increase or decrease in daily urination;
  • Changes as a result of a general urinalysis.

Reasons for increased creatinine

The reasons can be pathological and physiological.

Physiological ones include:

Since creatinine is excreted from the body only by urine, this may primarily be due to kidney failure.

A high level of creatinine in the body can occur against the background of such diseases (pathological causes):

  • Muscle injuries;
  • Operations;
  • Severe burns;
  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Diabetes;
  • Heart failure;
  • Kidney failure.

How to lower elevated creatinine in the blood

To significantly reduce the level of creatinine in the blood to its normal level, it is first necessary to cure the disease that caused the increase in creatinine.

You can also reduce creatinine with the help of a balanced diet and diet, and give up bad habits.

If high creatinine is detected in the blood, a full examination is prescribed to find the cause and possibly the disease that caused the increase. You definitely need to consult a nutritionist about adjusting your diet.

You should refuse:

  • Fatty meat;
  • Fried, smoked and spicy;
  • Coffee, strong tea;
  • Flour products and sweets in the form of cakes and pastries.

The amount of food is also taken into account. Drink plenty of fluids, herbal teas based on sage, dandelion and nettle.

SagePour 2 teaspoons of sage into 200 ml of hot water, leave for about 30 minutes, then strain. You can add honey to taste. Take 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.
Dandelion root decoctionIt is advisable to buy dandelion roots at a pharmacy or collect them in an environmentally friendly area. Grind the root, take 4 teaspoons and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for another 15 minutes, then strain and cool to room temperature. Take 0.25 ml glass 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
NettlePour 1 tablespoon of nettle into 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for about an hour, then strain. Take 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals, three times a day.

Video: Diet to reduce creatinine. Three foods that harm your kidneys.

Biochemistry for creatinine and urea associated with chronic renal failure (chronic renal failure)

A biochemical analysis is prescribed by the attending physician and submitted in order to establish the reasons for the increase in creatinine, and in the future the specialist prescribes treatment, diagnosis and recommendations for reducing it. In people with chronic renal failure, creatinine is constantly elevated, and it increases several times.

The concentration of urea and creatinine serves as an indicator of the functioning of the kidney system. The formation of urea, as well as creatinine, increases when eating large amounts of protein. An increase in creatinine levels occurs earlier than an increase in urea.

Based on the results of biochemical analysis, indicators of the level of creatinine and urea in the blood or urine help determine various pathologies and the general condition and functioning of the kidneys. Unit of measurement: mg protein albumin per g or mmol creatinine

. There are several stages of chronic renal failure and at all these stages there are different creatinine levels.

Kidney structure

Biochemical analysis can be carried out in two stages:

Video: Creatinine

The formation of creatinine occurs through the exchange of energy in muscle cells. This substance is quite toxic, but is present in the blood of every person. Depending on lifestyle, age, body weight, creatinine levels change. Often the level increases due to poor nutrition, when a person neglects vegetables and foods rich in carbohydrates, giving priority to protein foods. As blood volume increases, creatinine levels decrease. When internal organs function properly, creatinine is excreted from the body in the urine. If creatinine is not excreted from the body, its level increases greatly and this signals improper functioning of the kidneys.

The energy of life

Every person's body contains creatine; it serves as an energy supplier. Creatine is formed in the kidneys and liver and is needed so that muscles contract and a person can carry out normal life activities. After creatine has served its purpose, it is broken down to form creatinine. Creatinine is a rather toxic substance and can lead to intoxication. During normal functioning of internal organs, creatinine is constantly eliminated from the body by the kidneys. In a healthy body, the creatinine level corresponds to the norm, but if it is elevated, it means that the functioning of the internal organs has failed.

IMPORTANT! A high creatinine level indicates a problem with the kidneys.

An increase in creatinine occurs when more than a third of the kidney no longer works.

The greater the volume of muscles in the human body, and the more they contract, the higher the creatinine level. There is less creatinine in the female body than in the male body. With age, this level decreases.

During different periods of life, the amount of creatinine changes. This depends on active muscle growth during adolescence, for example. Or at the birth of a child, when the child is growing quickly. Despite the changing indicator, standards for the amount of this substance exist.

Table of norms for creatinine levels in the blood and according to age:

Creatinine levels can vary and are sometimes calculated individually by your doctor. For example, an overweight person may have higher creatinine levels than those of the same age due to increased muscle load.

If there is only one kidney in the human body, then the level of creatinine in the blood is significantly increased. The amount is calculated in each case separately, but the average value for such people is 180 mmol/l. Perhaps the organ will take on all the work, and then the indicator will be within the normal range for healthy people.

In the body of a pregnant woman, the level decreases due to the fact that the blood volume has increased. After 7 months, the figure is restored if there is no reason for the decrease in creatinine, other than increased blood volume.

Increased performance in healthy people

A high creatinine level does not always indicate pathology. There are often less dangerous reasons for this, such as physical activity.

ATTENTION! Creatinine levels increase when exercising.

Creatinine levels may increase with exercise. This is due to the breakdown of more keratin. With constant physical activity, the level of creatinine returns to normal, as the body gets used to new conditions and removes the substance in the required volume.

Another reason why creatinine in the blood is elevated is eating a large amount of protein. Often, people who are not used to eating a lot of meat begin to feel unwell after having eaten only it. In this case, there is no nausea, but there is a general malaise. The body thus signals an excess of protein and its breakdown product. It is necessary to maintain a balanced diet, eat more vegetables than proteins.

ATTENTION! A balanced diet leads to a reduction in high creatinine levels and improved well-being.

How to reduce

Pathological increase in indicators

A deviation of the creatinine level by more than two times from the norm signals a serious malfunction in the functioning of the human body. The specialist analyzes the results of the blood test and, if necessary, prescribes new tests. First of all, the doctor may doubt the proper functioning of the kidneys; it is the kidneys of a healthy body that excrete the substance. There are other reasons for the increase in the substance in the blood.

A high level of creatinine may indicate the following pathologies:

  • Improper kidney function is the most common cause. If the kidneys cannot cope with their task, the level of the toxic substance increases. If the level of the substance in the blood is extremely high, the doctor prescribes artificial blood purification.
  • In heart failure, blood moves more slowly through the body and creatinine levels rise.
  • Extensive injury to muscle tissue leads to the removal of creatinine from cells. The rate decreases as the injury heals. Burns can also be included in this category.
  • Malignant tumors can destroy muscles, especially if they metastasize. Some forms of cancer destroy the kidneys. If the level of protein breakdown product is elevated, the presence of oncology is carefully checked.
  • Malfunctions of the endocrine system can affect the analysis. Hormones, when there are too many of them, have a detrimental effect on the muscles and destroy them. The breakdown of muscle tissue leads to excess creatinine.
  • Indicators are increased after kidney removal. If the remaining organ takes on the load, the indicator will be normal, but in most cases this indicator is higher than normal.
  • Dehydration.

When is the test ordered?

Creatinine is a toxic substance. A high level of creatinine in the blood worsens a person’s general well-being.

Important! High creatinine levels can cause symptoms similar to intoxication.

An elevated creatinine level is indicated by:

  • pain and discomfort in the muscles, as well as in the lumbar area;
  • pale skin;
  • decreased performance, poor health;
  • decrease in urine volume;
  • legs may swell;
  • high blood pressure.

If such symptoms appear, you should contact your doctor for advice and a referral for analysis. Before taking the test, it is important not to eat meat or other proteins for a day. Physical activity also needs to be cancelled. Immediately before donating the biomaterial, you can only drink water.

IMPORTANT! Before taking the test, you need to exclude protein intake for the day, otherwise the result will be distorted.

If the study reveals an increase in creatinine slightly above normal, this is most likely due to diet and lifestyle. If creatinine in the blood is twice as high, it is necessary to find out which organ has begun to function incorrectly. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe additional studies or draw a conclusion based on the available data.

After the final diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the necessary therapy for the organ that caused the increase in creatinine. It is important to follow your doctor's recommendations and take the medications prescribed by him correctly.

Blood is the most important indicator of a person’s overall well-being. When health problems arise, the doctor first prescribes general and biochemical blood tests. Based on the results of these examinations, the picture of the disease becomes clearer, and it becomes clear which organ has failed. One of the most important indicators in human blood is the level of creatinine. What is creatinine in a biochemical blood test and why is it so important to know about the norm of this blood component, we will talk in the article.

What is creatinine

Protein metabolism occurs smoothly in the body. The result of these exchanges is a substance called creatinine. To avoid confusion, it is important to understand that muscle creatine is involved in metabolic processes. But the result of the work of muscle creatine and proteins is energy and creatinine. Next, the body cleverly distributes everything - it uses energy for its own benefit, and creatinine remains aside as unnecessary. It will then leave the body through urine.

The liver and kidneys are responsible for the timely removal of creatinine from the body. It is synthesized in the liver, and filtered in the kidneys and prepared for release. When the functioning of one of these organs is disrupted, “stagnation” of creatinine occurs, and accordingly, its readings in biochemical analysis become higher than normal.

Creatinine itself is not dangerous in any quantity, but the fact that it is not excreted from the body is a symptom of a serious pathology.

The level of creatinine in the blood of a healthy person is usually constant. It cannot be changed by poor diet, alcohol abuse, or excessive smoking. Only a failure in the functioning of the kidneys, liver and other systems leads to a decrease or increase in the norm of the serum component.

Blood test for creatinine

Today, a biochemical blood test is the most informative in identifying the level of creatinine in a patient’s blood.

Indications for this study are:

  • suspicion of urolithiasis or urea pathologies;
  • comprehensive diagnostics of the kidneys and muscular system;
  • facial symptoms of increased creatinine: pain in the lumbar region, difficulty breathing, persistent feeling of weakness and fatigue;
  • research of biomaterial of a person wishing to become a kidney donor;
  • control over the excretion of the drug as a result of renal filtration.

Rules for donating blood

In order to obtain a high-quality and reliable analysis result, it is necessary to follow the main points of preparation for submitting biomaterial:

  1. Donate blood strictly on an empty stomach in the morning
  2. A few days before the procedure, you need to adjust your protein intake. There is no need to remove them from the diet at all - protein is responsible for the proper functioning and development of all body systems.
  3. Avoid physical activity the day before the test
  4. Avoid alcohol, strong tea, and caffeinated drinks
  5. Organize your thoughts and calm down. Various types of stress can negatively affect blood tests.

To ensure reliability of the results and a more thorough examination, biochemistry is carried out in combination with advanced urine tests.

Creatinine norm in biochemical blood test

We have already said that creatinine is a constant value in a healthy body. Therefore, the concept of norm is quite relative. When processing the results, the following factors are taken into account:

  • gender in combination with body weight;
  • age;

A high-quality interpretation of the analysis is the key to proper treatment.

It should be remembered that any change in the norm is just a symptom, not a diagnosis.

Deviations from the norm: symptoms and causes

When the transcript of the laboratory diagnostics is in hand, the doctor will be able to assess the complexity of the situation. In most cases, creatinine is too high, but there are cases with a low level of the serum component.

Let's look at what diseases a change in creatinine up or down may indicate:

Degree of deviation from the norm Pathological causes Causes not related to pathologies
Creatinine is elevated
  • Malfunction of the thyroid gland
  • Severe dehydration
  • Diabetes
  • Acute renal failure, characterized by stoppage of kidney function.
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Cancerous tumors
  • Severe infections
  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Heart problems, including acute heart failure
  • Muscle damage: injuries, surgeries, burns
  • Taking antibacterial drugs
  • "Meat" diet. Protein products predominate in the diet
  • Childhood characterized by increased growth
  • Stress
  • Pregnancy
Creatinine decreased
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Inflammatory processes in the acute stage
  • Dehydration
  • Starvation
  • Protein-deficient diet. Often found in vegetarians.
  • Pregnancy
  • Dystrophy
  • Taking hormonal medications

Symptoms of serious kidney pathologies

Unfortunately, for many of us, feeling unwell is not a reason to seek medical help. However, there are a number of symptoms that, together with an increased level of creatinine in the blood, should prompt an immediate visit to the doctor. This is the only way to avoid serious and sometimes irreversible consequences.

In addition, reasons to donate blood for creatinine may include muscle pain without good reason, swelling caused by poor fluid outflow from the body, a decrease or increase in the daily volume of urine.

Adjusting blood creatinine levels

Before you begin any manipulations to normalize your creatinine level, consult your doctor. Only he can answer all your questions.

In any case, it is important to understand that it is not the symptom that needs to be treated, but the disease. Therefore, even if you take a set of measures to reduce creatinine levels, the problem will not be solved.

If the increase is caused by non-pathological factors, then there are a number of recommendations for normalizing creatinine in the blood:

  • Change your usual menu by removing some protein products from it. It is better not to eat meat, fish, cottage cheese. Various cereals, vegetables and fruits help stabilize the indicators.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eliminate everything salty
  • Create a daily routine, strictly observe your sleeping and waking hours.
  • If you are taking any medication, talk to your doctor about stopping it or switching to a lighter option.

No test is prescribed by a doctor just like that. Therefore, it is so important to undergo the prescribed examination to avoid unpleasant consequences. Timely treatment will preserve your nerves and health.

Creatinine is the end product of protein metabolism, it is regularly formed and excreted from the body, there is a constant continuous process that is associated with the liver, kidneys and muscles. In itself, an increase in its level in the blood is not dangerous, but it always interacts with certain diseases and often signals failures in the kidney system.

Very often, a temporary increase in creatinine occurs due to dehydration, also if there is a lot of protein in the food (for example, a lot of meat in the diet) and when taking certain medications.

Normal blood levels

There are no identical creatinine norms; it is different for all people, and therefore, when checking creatinine levels, the gender and age of the person must be taken into account.

Creatinine levels may vary:

  • With age;
  • For various pathologies;
  • If kidney function is impaired;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • When taking certain medications, antibiotics.

Table of normal creatinine levels.

The activity of the body depends on the level of creatinine, and in men and women these norms are different, and in children the creatinine norm depends on age.

WomenWomen weigh less and have less physical activity, not counting athletes and bodybuilders
MenMen weigh more and have more physical activity
ChildrenIn children, creatinine levels depend on age; the child grows, gains weight, and creatinine increases accordingly.
Physical exercise
Hormonal backgroundMenstruation and pregnancy
Volume and massRapid weight gain, excess weight
NutritionIf there is a lot of protein in the diet, creatinine levels increase.

Hypercreatininemia and hypocreatininemia

Hypercreatininemia is a condition in which the level of creatinine in the blood is elevated. Usually it does not manifest itself in any way, but is felt only with sudden changes from the norm to a high level. Hypocreatininemia, a condition in which creatine levels are low, is associated with metabolism.

Causes of low creatinine:

  • Starvation and exhaustion of the body during diets;
  • Weight loss with diets;
  • Muscle dystrophy due to their diseases;
  • The first trimester of pregnancy, as the body undergoes restructuring and constant toxicosis.

Symptoms and consequences of high creatinine in the body

  • Pain in muscles and sometimes in joints;
  • Fatigue and general weakness of the body;
  • Edema of the lower extremities;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, anemia, shortness of breath;
  • Increase or decrease in daily urination;
  • Changes as a result of a general urinalysis.

Reasons for increased creatinine

The reasons can be pathological and physiological.

Physiological ones include:

Since creatinine is excreted from the body only by urine, this may primarily be due to kidney failure.

A high level of creatinine in the body can occur against the background of such diseases (pathological causes):

  • Muscle injuries;
  • Operations;
  • Severe burns;
  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Diabetes;
  • Heart failure;
  • Kidney failure.

How to lower elevated creatinine in the blood

To significantly reduce the level of creatinine in the blood to its normal level, it is first necessary to cure the disease that caused the increase in creatinine.

You can also reduce creatinine with the help of a balanced diet and diet, and give up bad habits.

If high creatinine is detected in the blood, a full examination is prescribed to find the cause and possibly the disease that caused the increase. You definitely need to consult a nutritionist about adjusting your diet.

You should refuse:

  • Fatty meat;
  • Fried, smoked and spicy;
  • Coffee, strong tea;
  • Flour products and sweets in the form of cakes and pastries.

The amount of food is also taken into account. Drink plenty of fluids, herbal teas based on sage, dandelion and nettle.

SagePour 2 teaspoons of sage into 200 ml of hot water, leave for about 30 minutes, then strain. You can add honey to taste. Take 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.
Dandelion root decoctionIt is advisable to buy dandelion roots at a pharmacy or collect them in an environmentally friendly area. Grind the root, take 4 teaspoons and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for another 15 minutes, then strain and cool to room temperature. Take 0.25 ml glass 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
NettlePour 1 tablespoon of nettle into 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for about an hour, then strain. Take 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals, three times a day.

Video: Diet to reduce creatinine. Three foods that harm your kidneys.

Biochemistry for creatinine and urea associated with chronic renal failure (chronic renal failure)

A biochemical analysis is prescribed by the attending physician and submitted in order to establish the reasons for the increase in creatinine, and in the future the specialist prescribes treatment, diagnosis and recommendations for reducing it. In people with chronic renal failure, creatinine is constantly elevated, and it increases several times.

The concentration of urea and creatinine serves as an indicator of the functioning of the kidney system. The formation of urea, as well as creatinine, increases when eating large amounts of protein. An increase in creatinine levels occurs earlier than an increase in urea.

Based on the results of biochemical analysis, indicators of the level of creatinine and urea in the blood or urine help determine various pathologies and the general condition and functioning of the kidneys. Unit of measurement: mg protein albumin per g or mmol creatinine

. There are several stages of chronic renal failure and at all these stages there are different creatinine levels.

Kidney structure

Biochemical analysis can be carried out in two stages: