What are nerves in biology. What is the human nervous system: the structure and functions of a complex structure

There are several systems in the human body, including the digestive, cardiovascular, and muscular systems. The nervous one deserves special attention - it makes the human body move, respond to irritating factors, see and think.

The human nervous system is a set of structures that performs function of regulation of absolutely all parts of the body, responsible for movement and sensitivity.

In contact with

Types of the human nervous system

Before answering the question of interest to people: “how does the nervous system work”, it is necessary to understand what it actually consists of and what components it is usually divided into in medicine.

With the types of NS, not everything is so simple - it is classified according to several parameters:

  • area of ​​localization;
  • type of management;
  • method of information transfer;
  • functional affiliation.

Localization area

The human nervous system in the area of ​​localization is central and peripheral. The first is represented by the brain and bone marrow, and the second consists of nerves and the autonomic network.

The central nervous system performs the functions of regulation of all internal and external organs. She makes them interact with each other. Peripheral is the one that, due to anatomical features, is located outside the spinal cord and brain.

How does the nervous system work? The PNS responds to stimuli by sending signals to the spinal cord and then to the brain. After the organs of the central nervous system process them and again send signals to the PNS, which sets, for example, the leg muscles in motion.

Information transfer method

According to this principle, reflex and neurohumoral systems. The first is the spinal cord, which, without the participation of the brain, is able to respond to stimuli.

Interesting! A person does not control the reflex function, since the spinal cord itself makes decisions. For example, when you touch in a hot surface, your hand immediately withdraws, and at the same time you did not even think to make this movement - your reflexes worked.

Neurohumoral, to which the brain belongs, must initially process information, you can control this process. After that, the signals are sent to the PNS, which carries out the commands of your think tank.

Functional affiliation

Speaking about the parts of the nervous system, one cannot fail to mention the autonomic, which in turn is divided into sympathetic, somatic and parasympathetic.

The autonomic system (ANS) is the department responsible for regulation of the lymph nodes, blood vessels, organs and glands(external and internal secretion).

The somatic system is a collection of nerves found in bones, muscles, and skin. It is they who react to all environmental factors and send data to the think tank, and then follow its orders. Absolutely every muscle movement is controlled by somatic nerves.

Interesting! The right side of the nerves and muscles is controlled by the left hemisphere, and the left side by the right.

The sympathetic system is responsible for the release of adrenaline into the blood. controls the heart, lungs and supply of nutrients to all parts of the body. In addition, it regulates the saturation of the body.

Parasympathetic is responsible for reducing the frequency of movements, also controls the functioning of the lungs, some glands, and the iris. An equally important task is the regulation of digestion.

Type of control

Another clue to the question "how does the nervous system work" can be given by a convenient classification by type of control. It is divided into higher and lower activities.

Higher activity controls behavior in the environment. All intellectual and creative activity also belongs to the highest.

The lower activity is the regulation of all functions within the human body. This type of activity makes all body systems a single whole.

The structure and functions of the National Assembly

We have already figured out that the entire NS should be divided into peripheral, central, vegetative and all of the above, but there is still much to be said about their structure and functions.

Spinal cord

This body is located in the spinal canal and in fact is a kind of "rope" of nerves. It is divided into gray and white matter, where the first is completely covered by the second.

Interesting! In the section, it is noticeable that the gray matter is woven from the nerves in such a way that it resembles a butterfly. That is why it is often called "butterfly wings".

Total the spinal cord is made up of 31 sections, each of which is responsible for a separate group of nerves that control certain muscles.

The spinal cord, as already mentioned, can work without the participation of the brain - we are talking about reflexes that are not amenable to regulation. At the same time, it is under the control of the organ of thought and performs a conductive function.


This body is the least studied, many of its functions still raise many questions in scientific circles. It is divided into five departments:

  • cerebral hemispheres (forebrain);
  • intermediate;
  • oblong;
  • rear;
  • average.

The first department makes up 4/5 of the entire mass of the organ. He is responsible for vision, smell, movement, thinking, hearing, sensitivity. The medulla oblongata is an incredibly important center that regulates processes such as heartbeat, breathing, protective reflexes, secretion of gastric juice and others.

The middle department controls a function such as. Intermediate plays a role in the formation of the emotional state. Also here are the centers responsible for thermoregulation and metabolism in the body.

The structure of the brain

The structure of the nerve

The NS is a collection of billions of specific cells. To understand how the nervous system works, you need to talk about its structure.

A nerve is a structure that consists of a certain number of fibers. Those, in turn, consist of axons - they are the conductors of all impulses.

The number of fibers in one nerve can vary significantly. Usually it is about one hundred, but there are more than 1.5 million fibers in the human eye.

The axons themselves are covered with a special sheath, which significantly increases the speed of the signal - this allows a person to respond to stimuli almost instantly.

The nerves themselves are also different, and therefore they are classified into the following types:

  • motor (transmit information from the central nervous system to the muscular system);
  • cranial (this includes visual, olfactory and other types of nerves);
  • sensitive (transmit information from the PNS to the CNS);
  • dorsal (located in and control parts of the body);
  • mixed (capable of transmitting information in two directions).

The structure of the nerve trunk

We have already covered such topics as "Types of the Human Nervous System" and "How the Nervous System Works", but a lot of interesting facts have been left aside that are worthy of mention:

  1. The number in our body is greater than the number of people on the entire planet Earth.
  2. There are about 90–100 billion neurons in the brain. If all of them are connected in one line, then it will reach about 1 thousand km.
  3. The speed of movement of impulses reaches almost 300 km/h.
  4. After the onset of puberty, the mass of the organ of thinking every year decreases by approximately one gram.
  5. Men's brains are about 1/12 larger than women's.
  6. The largest organ of thought was recorded in a mentally ill person.
  7. The cells of the central nervous system are practically not subject to restoration, and severe stress and unrest can seriously reduce their number.
  8. Until now, science has not determined how many percent we use our main thinking organ. Known are the myths that no more than 1%, and geniuses - no more than 10%.
  9. Thinking organ size not at all does not affect mental activity. It was previously believed that men are smarter than the fair sex, but this statement was refuted at the end of the twentieth century.
  10. Alcoholic drinks greatly suppress the function of synapses (the place of contacts between neurons), which significantly slows down mental and motor processes.

We learned what the human nervous system is - it is a complex collection of billions of cells that interact with each other at a speed equal to the movement of the fastest cars in the world.

Among many types of cells, these are the most difficult to recover, and some of their subspecies cannot be restored at all. That is why they are perfectly protected by the skull and vertebral bones.

It is also interesting that NS diseases are the least treatable. Modern medicine is basically only capable of slowing down cell death, but it is impossible to stop this process. Many other types of cells with the help of special preparations can be protected from destruction for many years - for example, liver cells. At this time, the cells of the epidermis (skin) are able to regenerate in a matter of days or weeks to their previous state.

Nervous system - spinal cord (grade 8) - biology, preparation for the exam and the OGE

The human nervous system. Structure and functions


Absolutely every movement, every thought, glance, sigh and heartbeat is all controlled by a network of nerves. It is responsible for the interaction of a person with the outside world and connects all other organs into a single whole - the body.


Nervous system is a system that regulates the activity of all human organs and systems. This system determines: 1) the functional unity of all human organs and systems; 2) the connection of the whole organism with the environment.

From the point of view of maintaining homeostasis, the nervous system provides: maintaining the parameters of the internal environment at a given level; inclusion of behavioral responses; adaptation to new conditions if they persist for a long time.

Neuron(nerve cell) - the main structural and functional element of the nervous system; Humans have over 100 billion neurons. The neuron consists of a body and processes, usually one long process - an axon and several short branched processes - dendrites. Along the dendrites, impulses follow to the cell body, along the axon - from the cell body to other neurons, muscles or glands. Thanks to the processes, neurons contact each other and form neural networks and circles through which nerve impulses circulate.

A neuron is the functional unit of the nervous system. Neurons are susceptible to stimulation, that is, they are able to be excited and transmit electrical impulses from receptors to effectors. In the direction of impulse transmission, afferent neurons (sensory neurons), efferent neurons (motor neurons) and intercalary neurons are distinguished.

Nervous tissue is called excitable tissue. In response to some influence, the process of excitation arises and spreads in it - the rapid recharging of cell membranes. The emergence and spread of excitation (nerve impulse) is the main way the nervous system implements its control function.

The main prerequisites for the occurrence of excitation in cells: the existence of an electrical signal on the membrane at rest - the resting membrane potential (RMP);

the ability to change the potential by changing the permeability of the membrane for certain ions.

The cell membrane is a semi-permeable biological membrane, it has channels for potassium ions to pass through, but there are no channels for intracellular anions that are held at the inner surface of the membrane, while creating a negative charge of the membrane from the inside, this is the resting membrane potential, which is on average - - 70 millivolts (mV). There are 20-50 times more potassium ions in the cell than outside, this is maintained throughout life with the help of membrane pumps (large protein molecules capable of transporting potassium ions from the extracellular environment to the inside). The MPP value is due to the transfer of potassium ions in two directions:

1. outside into the cage under the action of pumps (with a large expenditure of energy);

2. out of the cell by diffusion through membrane channels (without energy costs).

In the process of excitation, the main role is played by sodium ions, which are always 8-10 times more outside the cell than inside. Sodium channels are closed when the cell is at rest, in order to open them, it is necessary to act on the cell with an adequate stimulus. If the stimulation threshold is reached, sodium channels open and sodium enters the cell. In thousandths of a second, the membrane charge will first disappear, and then change to the opposite - this is the first phase of the action potential (AP) - depolarization. The channels close - the peak of the curve, then the charge is restored on both sides of the membrane (due to potassium channels) - the stage of repolarization. Excitation stops and while the cell is at rest, the pumps change the sodium that has entered the cell for the potassium that has left the cell.

AP evoked at any point of the nerve fiber itself becomes an irritant for neighboring sections of the membrane, causing AP in them, and they, in turn, excite more and more new sections of the membrane, thus spreading throughout the cell. In myelin-coated fibers, PD will only occur in myelin-free areas. Therefore, the speed of signal propagation increases.

The transfer of excitation from a cell to another occurs with the help of a chemical synapse, which is represented by the point of contact between two cells. The synapse is formed by the presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes and the synaptic cleft between them. Excitation in the cell resulting from AP reaches the area of ​​the presynaptic membrane, where synaptic vesicles are located, from which a special substance, the mediator, is ejected. The neurotransmitter enters the gap, moves to the postsynaptic membrane and binds to it. Pores for ions open in the membrane, they move inside the cell and a process of excitation occurs.

Thus, in the cell, the electrical signal is converted into a chemical one, and the chemical signal is again converted into an electrical one. Signal transmission in the synapse is slower than in the nerve cell, and also one-sided, since the mediator is released only through the presynaptic membrane, and can only bind to the receptors of the postsynaptic membrane, and not vice versa.

Mediators can cause in cells not only excitation, but also inhibition. At the same time, pores are opened on the membrane for such ions, which increase the negative charge that existed on the membrane at rest. One cell can have many synaptic contacts. An example of a mediator between a neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber is acetylcholine.

The nervous system is divided into central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

In the central nervous system, the brain is distinguished, where the main nerve centers and the spinal cord are concentrated, here there are centers of a lower level and there are pathways to peripheral organs.

Peripheral - nerves, ganglia, ganglia and plexuses.

The main mechanism of activity of the nervous system - reflex. A reflex is any response of the body to a change in the external or internal environment, which is carried out with the participation of the central nervous system in response to irritation of the receptors. The structural basis of the reflex is the reflex arc. It includes five consecutive links:

1 - Receptor - a signaling device that perceives the impact;

2 - Afferent neuron - leads the signal from the receptor to the nerve center;

3 - Intercalary neuron - the central part of the arc;

4 - Efferent neuron - the signal comes from the central nervous system to the executive structure;

5 - Effector - a muscle or gland that performs a certain type of activity

Brain consists of accumulations of bodies of nerve cells, nerve tracts and blood vessels. Nerve tracts form the white matter of the brain and consist of bundles of nerve fibers that conduct impulses to or from different parts of the gray matter of the brain - the nuclei or centers. Pathways connect the various nuclei, as well as the brain with the spinal cord.

Functionally, the brain can be divided into several sections: the forebrain (consisting of the telencephalon and diencephalon), the midbrain, the hindbrain (consisting of the cerebellum and the pons), and the medulla oblongata. The medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain are collectively referred to as the brainstem.

Spinal cord located in the spinal canal, reliably protecting it from mechanical damage.

The spinal cord has a segmental structure. Two pairs of anterior and posterior roots depart from each segment, which corresponds to one vertebra. There are 31 pairs of nerves in total.

The posterior roots are formed by sensitive (afferent) neurons, their bodies are located in the ganglia, and the axons enter the spinal cord.

The anterior roots are formed by axons of efferent (motor) neurons whose bodies lie in the spinal cord.

The spinal cord is conditionally divided into four sections - cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. It closes a huge number of reflex arcs, which ensures the regulation of many body functions.

The gray central substance is nerve cells, the white one is nerve fibers.

The nervous system is divided into somatic and autonomic.

TO somatic nervous system (from the Latin word "soma" - body) refers to the part of the nervous system (both cell bodies and their processes), which controls the activity of skeletal muscles (body) and sensory organs. This part of the nervous system is largely controlled by our consciousness. That is, we are able to bend or unbend an arm, a leg, and so on at will. However, we are unable to consciously stop perceiving, for example, sound signals.

Autonomic nervous a system (translated from Latin “vegetative” - vegetable) is a part of the nervous system (both the cell body and their processes) that controls the processes of metabolism, growth and reproduction of cells, that is, functions that are common to both animals and plants organisms. The autonomic nervous system controls, for example, the activity of internal organs and blood vessels.

The autonomic nervous system is practically not controlled by consciousness, that is, we are not able to relieve gallbladder spasm at will, stop cell division, stop intestinal activity, expand or narrow blood vessels

Nerves(nervi) - these are anatomical formations in the form of strands, built mainly from nerve fibers and providing a connection between the central nervous system and innervated organs, vessels and the skin of the body.

Nerves depart in pairs (left and right) from the brain and spinal cord. There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves; the totality of nerves and their derivatives makes up the peripheral nervous system, which, depending on the characteristics of the structure, functioning and origin, is divided into two parts: the somatic nervous system, which innervates the skeletal muscles and the skin of the body, and the autonomic nervous system, which innervates the internal organs, glands, circulatory system, etc.

The development of the cranial and spinal nerves is associated with the metameric (segmental) laying of the muscles, the development of the internal organs and the skin of the body. In a human embryo (at the 3rd-4th week of development), respectively, each of the 31 segments of the body (somite) has a pair of spinal nerves innervating the muscles and skin, as well as internal organs formed from the material of this somite.
Each spinal N. is laid in the form of two roots: anterior, containing motor nerve fibers, and posterior, consisting of sensory nerve fibers. On the 2nd month of intrauterine development, the anterior and posterior roots merge and the spinal nerve trunk is formed.

In an embryo 10 mm long, the brachial plexus is already defined, which is an accumulation of nerve fibers from different segments of the spinal cord at the level of the cervical and upper thoracic regions. At the level of the proximal end of the developing shoulder, the brachial plexus divides into the anterior and posterior neural plates, which subsequently give rise to nerves that innervate the muscles and skin of the upper limb. The anlage of the lumbosacral plexus, from which the nerves innervating the muscles and skin of the lower limb are formed, is determined in an embryo 11 mm long. Other nerve plexuses are formed later, however, already in an embryo 15-20 mm long, all nerve trunks of the limbs and trunk correspond to the position of N. in a newborn. Subsequently, the features of N.'s development in ontogenesis are associated with the timing and degree of myelination of nerve fibers. Motor nerves are myelinated earlier, mixed and sensory nerves later.

The development of cranial nerves has a number of features associated primarily with the laying of the sense organs and gill arches with their muscles, as well as the reduction of myotomes (myoblastic components of somites) in the head region. In this regard, the cranial nerves lost their original segmental structure in the process of phylogenesis and became highly specialized .

Each nerve consists of nerve fibers of a different functional nature, "packed" with the help of connective tissue membranes into bundles and an integral nerve trunk; the latter has a fairly strict topographic and anatomical localization. Some nerves, especially the vagus, contain nerve cells scattered along the trunk, which can accumulate in the form of microganglia.

The composition of the spinal and most of the cranial nerves includes somatic and visceral sensory, as well as somatic and visceral motor nerve fibers. The motor nerve fibers of the spinal nerves are processes of motor neurons located in the anterior horns of the spinal cord and passing through the anterior roots. Together with them, motor visceral (preganglionic) nerve fibers pass in the anterior roots. Sensory somatic and visceral nerve fibers originate from neurons located in the spinal ganglia. The peripheral processes of these neurons as part of the nerve and its branches reach the innervated substrate, and the central processes as part of the posterior roots reach the spinal cord and terminate at its nuclei. In cranial nerves, nerve fibers of various functional nature originate from the corresponding nuclei of the brain stem and nerve ganglia.

Nerve fibers can have a length of several centimeters to 1 m, their diameter varies from 1 to 20 microns. The process of the nerve cell, or axial cylinder, is the central part of the nerve fiber; outside it is surrounded by a thin cytoplasmic membrane - neurilemma. In the cytoplasm of the nerve fiber there are many neurofilaments and neurotubules; electronograms reveal microbubbles and mitochondria. Along the nerve fibers (in the motor in the centrifugal, and in the sensitive in the centripetal directions) the neuroplasm flow is carried out: slow - at a speed of 1-3 mm per day, with which vesicles, lysosomes and some enzymes are transferred, and fast - at a speed of about 5 mm per day. 1 hour, with which the substances necessary for the synthesis of neurotransmitters are transferred. Outside of the neurolemma is the glial, or Schwann sheath, formed by neurolemmocytes (Schwann cells). This sheath is the most important component of the nerve fiber and is directly related to the conduction of the nerve impulse along it.

In part of the nerve fibers between the axial cylinder and the cytoplasm of neurolemmocytes, a layer of myelin (myelin sheath) of varying thickness is found - a membrane complex rich in phospholipids that acts as an electrical insulator and plays an important role in the conduction of a nerve impulse. Fibers containing a myelin sheath are called myelin, or pulpy; other fibers that do not have this sheath are called amyelinated, or non-myelinated. Non-fleshy fibers are thin, their diameter ranges from 1 to 4 microns. In non-fleshy fibers outside of the axial cylinder there is a thin layer of the glial membrane. formed by chains of neurolemmocytes oriented along the nerve fiber.

In the pulpy fibers, the myelin sheath is arranged in such a way that the areas of the nerve fiber covered with myelin alternate with narrow areas that are not covered with myelin, they are called nodes of Ranvier. Neighboring nodes of Ranvier are located at a distance of 0.3 to 1.5 mm. It is believed that such a structure of the myelin sheath provides the so-called saltatory (jump-like) conduction of a nerve impulse, when depolarization of the nerve fiber membrane occurs only in the Ranvier intercept zone, and the nerve impulse seems to “jump” from one intercept to another. As a result, the speed of nerve impulse conduction in a myelin fiber is approximately 50 times higher than in an unmyelinated one. The speed of nerve impulse conduction in myelin fibers is the higher, the thicker their myelin sheath. Therefore, the process of myelination of nerve fibers inside N. during the period of development plays an important role in achieving certain functional characteristics of the nerve.

The quantitative ratio of the pulpy fibers having different diameter and different thickness of a myelin cover considerably varies not only in different N., but also in the same nerve at different individuals. The number of nerve fibers in nerves is extremely variable.

Inside the nerve, nerve fibers are packed into bundles of different sizes and unequal lengths. Outside, the bundles are covered with relatively dense plates of connective tissue - perineurium, in the thickness of which there are perineural gaps necessary for lymph circulation. Inside the bundles, nerve fibers are surrounded by loose connective tissue - endoneurium. Outside, the nerve is covered with a connective tissue sheath - epineurium. The sheaths of the nerve contain blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as thin nerve trunks that innervate the sheaths. The nerve is sufficiently abundantly supplied with blood vessels that form a network in the epineurium and between the bundles; the capillary network is well developed in the endoneurium. The blood supply to the nerve is carried out from nearby arteries, which often form, together with the nerve, a neurovascular bundle.

The intratrunk beam structure of the nerve is variable. It is customary to distinguish small-fascicular nerves, usually having a small thickness and a small number of bundles, and multi-fascicular nerves, which are characterized by greater thickness, a large number of bundles and many interfascicular connections. Monofunctional cranial nerves have the simplest intratruncal structure, and spinal and cranial nerves, which are branchial in origin, have a more complex bundle architectonics. The plurisegmental nerves, which form as branches of the brachial, lumbosacral, and other nerve plexuses, have the most complex intratrunk structure. A characteristic feature of the intrastem organization of nerve fibers is the formation of large axial bundles traced over a considerable distance, which provide a redistribution of motor and sensory fibers between numerous muscle and skin branches extending from the nerves.

There are no uniform principles for the classification of nerves; therefore, a variety of signs are reflected in the nomenclature of nerves. Some nerves got their name depending on their topographic position (for example, ophthalmic, facial, etc.), others - according to the innervated organ (for example, lingual, upper laryngeal, etc.). N., innervating the skin, are called skin, while N., innervating muscles, are called muscle branches. Sometimes the branches of the branches are called nerves (for example, the upper gluteal nerve).

Depending on the nature of the nerve fibers that make up the nerves and their intratrunk architectonics, three groups of nerves are distinguished: monofunctional, which include some motor cranial nerves (III, IV, VI, XI and XII pairs); monosegmental - all spinal N. and those cranial N., which by their origin belong to the gills (V, VII, VIII, IX and X pairs); plurisegmental, resulting from the mixing of nerve fibers. originating from different segments of the spinal cord, and developing as branches of the nerve plexuses (cervical, brachial and lumbosacral).

All spinal nerves have a typical structure. Formed after the fusion of the anterior and posterior roots, the spinal nerve, upon exiting the spinal canal through the intervertebral foramen, immediately divides into anterior and posterior branches, each of which is mixed in the composition of nerve fibers. In addition, connecting branches to the sympathetic trunk and a sensitive meningeal branch to the meninges of the spinal cord depart from the spinal nerve. The posterior branches are directed posteriorly between the transverse processes of the vertebrae, penetrate into the back region, where they innervate the deep intrinsic muscles of the back, as well as the skin of the occipital region, the back of the neck, the back, and partially the gluteal region. The anterior branches of the spinal nerves innervate the rest of the muscles, the skin of the trunk and extremities. The easiest way they are arranged in the thoracic region, where the segmental structure of the body is well expressed. Here, the anterior branches run along the intercostal spaces and are called the intercostal nerves. Along the way, they give short muscle branches to the intercostal muscles and skin branches to the skin of the lateral and anterior surfaces of the body.

The anterior branches of the four upper cervical spinal nerves form the cervical plexus, from which the plurisegmental nerves innervating the skin and muscles in the neck are formed.

The anterior branches of the lower cervical and two upper thoracic spinal nerves form the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus entirely provides innervation to the muscles and skin of the upper limb. All branches of the brachial plexus in terms of the composition of nerve fibers are mixed plurisegmental nerves. The largest of them are: the median and musculocutaneous nerve, which innervate most of the flexor and pronator muscles on the shoulder and forearm, in the area of ​​the hand (a muscle group of the thumb, as well as the skin on the anterolateral surface of the forearm and hand); the ulnar nerve, which innervates those flexors of the hand and fingers that are located above the ulna, as well as the skin of the corresponding areas of the forearm and hand; the radial nerve, which innervates the skin of the posterior surface of the upper limb and the muscles that provide extension and supination in its joints.

The lumbar plexus is formed from the anterior branches of the 12 thoracic and 1-4 lumbar spinal nerves; it gives short and long branches that innervate the skin of the abdominal wall, thigh, lower leg and foot, as well as the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis and free lower limb. The largest branch is the femoral nerve, its cutaneous branches go to the anterior and inner surface of the thigh, as well as to the anterior surface of the lower leg and foot. Muscular branches innervate the quadriceps femoris, sartorius and pectus muscles.

Anterior branches of 4 (partial), 5 lumbar and 1-4 sacral spinal nerves. form the sacral plexus, which, together with the branches of the lumbar plexus, innervate the skin and muscles of the lower limb, so they are sometimes combined into one lumbosacral plexus. Among the short branches, the most important are the superior and inferior gluteal nerves and the pudendal nerve, which innervate the skin and muscles of the respective areas. The largest branch is the sciatic nerve. Its branches innervate the posterior thigh muscle group. In the region of the lower third of the thigh, it is divided into the tibial nerve (it innervates the lower leg muscles and the skin of its posterior surface, and on the foot - all the muscles located on its plantar surface and the skin of this surface) and the common peroneal N. (its deep and superficial branches on The lower legs innervate the peroneal muscles and extensor muscles of the foot and fingers, as well as the skin of the lateral surface of the lower leg, dorsal and lateral surfaces of the foot).

Segmental innervation of the skin reflects the genetic connections formed at the stage of embryonic development, when connections are established between neurotomes and the corresponding dermatomes. Since the laying of the limbs can occur with cranial and caudal displacement of the segments going to their construction, the formation of the brachial and lumbosacral plexus with cranial and caudal displacements is possible. In this regard, there are shifts in the projection of the spinal segments on the skin of the body, and the same-name involvement of the skin in different individuals may have different segmental innervation. Muscles also have segmental innervation. However, due to the significant displacement of the material of the myotomes used for the construction of certain muscles, as well as the polysegmental origin and polysegmental innervation of most muscles, we can only talk about the predominant participation of certain segments of the spinal cord in their innervation.


Nerve damage, incl. their injuries were previously referred to as neuritis. Later it was found that in most neural processes there are no signs of true inflammation. in connection with which the term "neuritis" is gradually giving way to the term "neuropathy". In accordance with the prevalence of the pathological process in the peripheral nervous system, mononeuropathy (damage to a separate nerve trunk), multiple mononeuropathies (for example, multifocal ischemia of the nerve trunks in systemic vasculitis causes multiple mononeuropathy) and polyneuropathies are distinguished.


Neuropathy is also classified depending on which component of the nerve trunk is predominantly affected. There are parenchymal neuropathies, when the nerve fibers themselves that make up the nerve suffer, and interstitial - with a predominant lesion of the endoneural and perineural connective tissue. Parenchymal neuropathies are divided into motor, sensory, vegetative and mixed, depending on the primary lesion of motor, sensory or autonomic fibers, and into axonopathy, neuronopathies and myelinopathy, depending on the damage to the axon (it is believed that in neuronopathy, the neuron dies primarily, and the axon degenerates secondarily) or its myelin sheath (predominant demyelination with the preservation of axons).

According to etiology, hereditary neuropathies are distinguished, which include all neural amyotrophies, as well as neuropathies with Friedreich's ataxia (see Ataxia), ataxia-telangiectasia, some hereditary metabolic diseases; metabolic (for example, in diabetes mellitus); toxic - in case of poisoning with salts of heavy metals, organophosphorus compounds, some drugs, etc.; neuropathy in systemic diseases (eg, porphyria, multiple myeloma, sarcoidosis, diffuse connective tissue diseases); ischemic (for example, with vasculitis). Tunnel neuropathies and injuries of the nerve trunks are especially distinguished.

Diagnosis of neuropathy involves the detection of characteristic clinical symptoms in the zone of innervation of the nerve. With mononeuropathy, the symptom complex consists of motor disorders with paralysis, atony and atrophy of denervated muscles, the absence of tendon reflexes, loss of skin sensitivity in the area of ​​innervation, vibrational and joint-muscular feeling, autonomic disorders in the form of impaired thermoregulation and sweating, trophic and vasomotor disorders in the zone of innervation.

With an isolated lesion of motor, sensory or autonomic nerve fibers in the zone of innervation, changes are observed associated with the predominant lesion of certain fibers. Mixed variants with the deployment of a full symptom complex are more often noted. Of great importance is an electromyographic study, recording denervation changes in the bioelectrical activity of denervated muscles and determining the speed of conduction along the motor and sensory fibers of the nerve. It is also important to determine changes in the parameters of the evoked potentials of the muscle and nerve in response to electrical stimulation. When a nerve is damaged, the speed of impulse conduction along it decreases, and most sharply during demyelination, to a lesser extent - with axonopathy and neuronopathy.

But with all variants, the amplitude of the evoked potentials of the muscle and the nerve itself decreases sharply. It is possible to study conduction in small segments of the nerve, which helps in the diagnosis of a conduction block, for example, in carpal tunnel syndrome or a closed injury of the nerve trunk. In polyneuropathies, sometimes a biopsy of the superficial cutaneous nerves is performed in order to study the nature of the damage to their fibers, vessels and nerves, endo- and perineural connective tissue. In the diagnosis of toxic neuropathy, biochemical analysis is of great importance in order to identify a toxic substance in biological fluids and hair. Differential diagnosis of hereditary neuropathy is carried out on the basis of the establishment of metabolic disorders, examination of relatives, as well as the presence of characteristic concomitant symptoms.

Along with common features, dysfunctions of individual nerves have characteristic features. So, with damage to the facial nerve, simultaneously with paralysis of the facial muscles on the same side, a number of concomitant symptoms are observed associated with the involvement in the pathological process of the adjacent lacrimal, salivary and gustatory nerves (lacrimation or dryness of the eye, taste disturbance in the anterior 2/3 of the tongue, salivation sublingual and submandibular salivary glands). Concomitant symptoms include pain behind the ear (involvement in the pathological process of a branch of the trigeminal nerve) and hyperacusis - increased hearing (paralysis of the stapedial muscle). Since these fibers depart from the trunk of the facial nerve at its different levels, according to the existing symptoms, an accurate topical diagnosis can be made.

The trigeminal nerve is mixed, its lesion is manifested by loss of sensation on the face or in the area corresponding to the location of its branch, as well as paralysis of the masticatory muscles, accompanied by deviation of the lower jaw when opening the mouth. More often, the pathology of the trigeminal nerve is manifested by neuralgia with excruciating pain in the orbit and forehead, upper or lower jaw.

The vagus nerve is also mixed, it provides parasympathetic innervation to the eye, salivary and lacrimal glands, as well as almost all organs located in the abdominal and chest cavities. When it is damaged, disorders occur due to the predominance of the tone of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Bilateral shutdown of the vagus nerve leads to the death of the patient due to paralysis of the heart and respiratory muscles.

Damage to the radial nerve is accompanied by drooping of the hand with arms extended forward, impossibility of extension of the forearm and hand, abduction of the first finger, absence of ulnar extensor and carporadial reflexes, sensitivity disorder of I, II and partially III fingers of the hand (with the exception of the terminal phalanges). Damage to the ulnar nerve is characterized by atrophy of the muscles of the hand (interosseous, worm-like, eminence of the fifth finger and partially of the first finger), the hand takes the form of a “clawed paw”, when you try to squeeze it into a fist III, IV and V fingers remain unbent, anesthesia of the fifth and half of the fourth is noted fingers from the side of the palm, as well as V, IV and half of the III fingers on the back and medial part to the level of the wrist.

When the median nerve is damaged, atrophy of the muscles of the elevation of the thumb occurs with its installation in the same plane with the second finger (the so-called monkey hand), pronation and palmar flexion of the hand, flexion of 1-III fingers and extension of II and III are disturbed. Sensitivity is disturbed on the outer part of the palm and on the palmar half of the I-III and partially IV fingers. Due to the abundance of sympathetic fibers in the trunk of the median nerve, a kind of pain syndrome - causalgia, can be observed, especially with traumatic damage to the nerve.

Damage to the femoral nerve is accompanied by impaired flexion of the hip and extension of the lower leg, atrophy of the muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh, a sensory disorder on the lower 2/3 of the anterior surface of the thigh and the anterior inner surface of the lower leg, and the absence of a knee reflex. The patient cannot walk up stairs, run and jump.

Neuropathy of the sciatic nerve is characterized by atrophy and paralysis of the muscles of the back of the thigh, all muscles of the lower leg and foot. The patient cannot walk on heels and toes, the foot hangs down in the sitting position, there is no Achilles reflex. Sensitivity disorders extend to the foot, outer and back of the lower leg. As with damage to the median nerve, causalgia syndrome is possible.

Treatment is aimed at restoring conduction along the motor and sensory fibers of the affected nerve, trophism of denervated muscles, and functional activity of segmental motor neurons. A wide range of rehabilitation therapy is used: massage, exercise therapy, electrical stimulation and reflexology, drug treatment.

Injuries to the nerve (closed and open) lead to a complete interruption or partial disruption of conduction along the nerve trunk. Conduction disturbances along the nerves occur at the time of its damage. The degree of damage is determined by the symptoms of loss of movement functions, sensitivity and autonomic functions in the area of ​​innervation of the damaged nerve below the level of injury. In addition to the symptoms of prolapse, symptoms of irritation in the sensitive and vegetative sphere can be detected and even predominate.

There are anatomical breaks in the nerve trunk (complete or partial) and intrastem nerve damage. The main sign of a complete anatomical nerve break is a violation of the integrity of all fibers and membranes that make up its trunk. Intra-stem injuries (hematoma, foreign body, rupture of nerve bundles, etc.) are characterized by relatively severe widespread changes in nerve bundles and intra-stem connective tissue with little damage to the epineurium.

Diagnosis of nerve damage includes a thorough neurological and complex electrophysiological examination (classical electrodiagnostics, electromyography, evoked potentials from sensory and motor nerve fibers). To determine the nature and level of nerve damage, intraoperative electrical stimulation is performed, depending on the results of which the question of the nature of the necessary operation is decided (neurolysis, nerve suture.).

The use of an operating microscope, special microsurgical instruments, thin suture material, new suture technique and the use of interfascicular autotransplantation significantly expanded the possibilities of surgical interventions and increased the degree of recovery of motor and sensory function after them.

Indications for nerve suture are a complete anatomical rupture of the nerve trunk or nerve conduction disturbances in an irreversible pathological neural process. The main surgical technique is an epineural suture with precise alignment and fixation of transverse sections of the central and peripheral ends of the transected nerve trunk. Methods of perineural, interfascicular and mixed sutures have been developed, and for large defects, the method of interfascicular H autotransplantation. The effectiveness of these operations depends on the absence of nerve tension. at the suture site and accurate intraoperative identification of intraneural structures.

There are primary operations, in which the nerve suture is performed simultaneously with the primary surgical treatment of wounds, and delayed ones, which can be early (the first weeks after injury) and late (later than 3 months from the date of injury). The main conditions for the imposition of a primary suture are a satisfactory condition of the patient, a clean wound. nerve injury with a sharp object without crush foci.

Results of an operative measure at N.'s damage depend on duration of a disease, age of the patient, character. the degree of damage, its level, etc. In addition, electro- and physiotherapy, absorbable therapy are used, drugs that improve blood circulation are prescribed. Subsequently, sanatorium-resort and mud therapy are shown.

Nerve tumors:

Nerve tumors are either benign or malignant. Benign ones include neuroma, neurinoma, neurofibroma, and multiple neurofibromatosis. The term "neuroma" combines tumors and tumor-like formations of peripheral nerves and sympathetic ganglia. Distinguish between post-traumatic, or amputation, neuroma, neuromas of tactile endings and ganglioneuroma. Post-traumatic neuroma is the result of nerve hyperregeneration. It can form at the end of the cut nerve in the amputation stump of the limb, less often in the skin after injury. Sometimes neuromas in the form of multiple nodes occur in childhood without any connection with trauma, apparently as a malformation. Tactile ending neuromas occur predominantly in young people and are a malformation of lamellar bodies (Fater-Pacini bodies) and tactile bodies (Meissner bodies). Ganglioneuroma (ganglionic neuroma, neuroganglioma) is a benign tumor of the sympathetic ganglia. It is clinically manifested by vegetative disorders in the zone of innervation of the affected nodes.

Neurinoma (neurilemmoma, schwannoma) is a benign tumor associated with the Schwann sheath of nerves. It is localized in soft tissues along the peripheral nerve trunks, cranial nerves, less often in the walls of hollow internal organs. Neurofibroma develops from elements of the endo- and epinervium. It is localized in the depths of soft tissues along the nerves, in the subcutaneous tissue, in the roots of the spinal cord, in the mediastinum, and in the skin. Multiple, associated with the nerve trunks nodes of neurofibroma are characteristic of neurofibromatosis. In this disease, bilateral tumors of the II and VIII pairs of cranial nerves are often found.

Diagnosis in an outpatient setting is based on the localization of the tumor along the nerve trunks, symptoms of irritation or loss of sensory or motor function of the affected nerve, irradiation of pain and paresthesia along the branching of the nerve during its palpation, the presence, in addition to the tumor, on the skin of spots of the color "coffee with milk", segmental autonomic disorders in the zone of innervation of the affected autonomic nodes, etc. The treatment of benign tumors is surgical, which consists in excising or exfoliating the tumor. The prognosis for life with benign tumors of N. is favorable. The prognosis for recovery is doubtful in multiple neurofibromatosis and favorable in other forms of neoplasms. Prevention of amputation neuromas consists in the correct processing of the nerve during limb amputations.

Malignant tumors of the nerves are sarcomas, which are divided into neurogenic sarcoma (malignant neurilemmoma, malignant schwannoma), malignant neurofibroma, neuroblastoma (sympathogonioma, sympathetic neuroblastoma, embryonic sympathoma) and ganglioneuroblastoma (malignant ganglioneuroma, ganglion cell neuroblastoma). The clinical picture of these tumors depends on the location and histological features. Often the tumor is noticeable on examination. The skin over the tumor is shiny, stretched, tense. The tumor infiltrates the surrounding muscles, is mobile in the transverse direction and does not move in the longitudinal direction. It is usually associated with a nerve.

Neurogenic sarcoma is rare, more often in young men, can be encapsulated, sometimes represented by several nodes along the nerve. It spreads through the perineural and perivascular spaces. Malignant neurofibroma occurs more often as a result of malignancy of one of the neurofibroma nodes. Neuroblastoma develops in the retroperitoneal space, soft tissues of the extremities, mesentery, adrenal glands, lungs, and mediastinum. Sometimes it is multiple. It occurs mainly in childhood. It grows rapidly, metastasizes early to the lymph nodes, liver, bones. Bone metastases from neuroblastomas are often misdiagnosed as Ewing's sarcoma.

Ganglioneuroblastoma is a malignant variant of ganglioneuroma. It occurs more often in children and young people, in clinical manifestations it is similar to ganglioneuroma, but less dense and prone to sprouting into neighboring tissues. The most important role in the diagnosis is given to the puncture of the tumor, and in cases where there is a suspicion of neuroblastoma, to the study of the bone marrow. Treatment of neurogenic malignant tumors - combined, includes surgical, radiation and chemotherapy methods. The prognosis for recovery and life is uncertain.


The isolation of the nerve from the scars in order to facilitate its recovery can be an independent operation, or a stage, followed by resection of the altered sections of the nerve. Depending on the nature of the damage, external or internal neurolysis can be applied. With external neurolysis, the nerve is freed only from the extraneural scar caused by damage to neighboring tissues. With internal neurolysis, the interfascicular fibrous tissue is excised, which leads to the removal of axonal compression.

Neurotomy (dissection, intersection of the nerve) is used for the purpose of denervation in non-healing leg ulcers, tuberculous tongue ulcers, to relieve pain, spasticity in paralysis and reflex contractures, athetosis, and amputation neuromas. Selective fascicular neurotomy is performed in cerebral palsy, post-traumatic hemitonia, etc. Neurotomy is also used in reconstructive operations on peripheral nerves and the brachial plexus.

Neurectomy - excision of the nerve. A variant of this operation is neurexeresis - pulling out the nerve. The operation is performed for pain in the amputation stump, phantom pain caused by the presence of a neuroma, cicatricial processes in the stump, as well as to change muscle tone in Little's disease, post-traumatic hemitonia.

Neurotripsy - crushing a nerve in order to turn off its function; operation is rarely used. It is indicated for persistent pain syndromes (for example, with phantom pains) in cases where it is necessary to turn off the function of the nerve for a long time.

Nervous system(sustema nervosum) - a complex of anatomical structures that ensure the individual adaptation of the body to the external environment and the regulation of the activity of individual organs and tissues.

Only such a biological system can exist that is capable of acting in accordance with external conditions in close connection with the capabilities of the organism itself. It is this single goal - the establishment of an adequate environment for the behavior and state of the body - that the functions of individual systems and organs are subordinated to at each moment of time. In this regard, the biological system acts as a single whole.

The nervous system, together with the endocrine glands (endocrine glands), is the main integrating and coordinating apparatus, which, on the one hand, ensures the integrity of the body, on the other hand, its behavior, adequate to the external environment.

The nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord, as well as nerves, ganglions, plexuses, etc. All these formations are predominantly built from nervous tissue, which:
- capable get excited under the influence of irritation from the internal or external environment for the organism and
- excite in the form of a nerve impulse to various nerve centers for analysis, and then
- transmit the "order" developed in the center to the executive bodies to perform the response of the body in the form of movement (movement in space) or change the function of internal organs.

Brain- part of the central system located inside the skull. It consists of a number of organs: the cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem and medulla oblongata.

Spinal cord- forms the distribution network of the central nervous system. It lies inside the spinal column, and all the nerves that form the peripheral nervous system depart from it.

peripheral nerves- are bundles, or groups of fibers that transmit nerve impulses. They can be ascending, if they transmit sensations from the whole body to the central nervous system, and descending, or motor, if the commands of the nerve centers are brought to all parts of the body.

The human nervous system is classified
According to the conditions of formation and type of management as:
- Lower nervous activity
- Higher nervous activity

How information is transmitted:
- Neurohumoral regulation
- Reflex regulation

By area of ​​localization:
- Central nervous system
- Peripheral nervous system

By functional affiliation as:
- Autonomic nervous system
- Somatic nervous system
- Sympathetic nervous system
- Parasympathetic nervous system

central nervous system(CNS) includes those parts of the nervous system that lie inside the skull or spinal column. The brain is a part of the central nervous system enclosed in the cranial cavity.

The second major part of the CNS is the spinal cord. Nerves enter and leave the CNS. If these nerves lie outside the skull or spine, they become part of peripheral nervous system. Some components of the peripheral system have very distant connections with the central nervous system; many scientists even believe that they can function with very limited control from the central nervous system. These components, which seem to work independently, constitute a stand-alone, or autonomic nervous system, which will be discussed in later chapters. Now it is enough for us to know that the autonomic system is mainly responsible for the regulation of the internal environment: it controls the work of the heart, lungs, blood vessels and other internal organs. The digestive tract has its own internal autonomic system, consisting of diffuse neural networks.

The anatomical and functional unit of the nervous system is the nerve cell - neuron. Neurons have processes, with the help of which they are connected to each other and to innervated formations (muscle fibers, blood vessels, glands). The processes of the nerve cell are functionally unequal: some of them conduct irritation to the body of the neuron - this dendrites, and only one branch - axon- from the body of the nerve cell to other neurons or organs.

The processes of neurons are surrounded by membranes and combined into bundles, which form the nerves. The shells isolate the processes of different neurons from each other and contribute to the conduction of excitation. The sheathed processes of nerve cells are called nerve fibres. The number of nerve fibers in various nerves ranges from 102 to 105. Most nerves contain processes of both sensory and motor neurons. Intercalary neurons are predominantly located in the spinal cord and brain, their processes form the pathways of the central nervous system.

Most of the nerves in the human body are mixed, that is, they contain both sensory and motor nerve fibers. That is why, when nerves are damaged, sensitivity disorders are almost always combined with motor disorders.

Irritation is perceived by the nervous system through the sense organs (eye, ear, smell and taste organs) and special sensitive nerve endings - receptors located in the skin, internal organs, blood vessels, skeletal muscles and joints.

The nervous system controls the activity of all systems and organs and ensures the connection of the body with the external environment.

The structure of the nervous system

The structural unit of the nervous system is the neuron - a nerve cell with processes. In general, the structure of the nervous system is a collection of neurons that are constantly in contact with each other using special mechanisms - synapses. The following types of neurons differ in function and structure:

  • Sensitive or receptor;
  • Effector - motor neurons that send an impulse to the executive organs (effectors);
  • Closing or plug-in (conductor).

Conventionally, the structure of the nervous system can be divided into two large sections - somatic (or animal) and vegetative (or autonomous). The somatic system is primarily responsible for the connection of the body with the external environment, providing movement, sensitivity and contraction of skeletal muscles. The vegetative system affects the growth processes (respiration, metabolism, excretion, etc.). Both systems have a very close relationship, only the autonomic nervous system is more independent and does not depend on the will of a person. That is why it is also called autonomous. The autonomous system is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic.

The entire nervous system consists of the central and peripheral. The central part includes the spinal cord and brain, and the peripheral system represents the outgoing nerve fibers from the brain and spinal cord. If you look at the brain in section, you can see that it consists of white and gray matter.

Gray matter is an accumulation of nerve cells (with the initial sections of processes extending from their bodies). Separate groups of gray matter are also called nuclei.

White matter consists of nerve fibers covered with myelin sheath (processes of nerve cells from which gray matter is formed). In the spinal cord and brain, nerve fibers form pathways.

Peripheral nerves are divided into motor, sensory and mixed, depending on what fibers they consist of (motor or sensory). The bodies of neurons, whose processes are made up of sensory nerves, are located in ganglions outside the brain. The bodies of motor neurons are located in the motor nuclei of the brain and the anterior horns of the spinal cord.

Functions of the nervous system

The nervous system has different effects on the organs. The three main functions of the nervous system are:

  • Starting, causing or stopping the function of an organ (secretion of the gland, muscle contraction, etc.);
  • Vasomotor, which allows you to change the width of the lumen of the vessels, thereby regulating the flow of blood to the organ;
  • Trophic, lowering or increasing metabolism, and, consequently, the consumption of oxygen and nutrients. This allows you to constantly coordinate the functional state of the body and its need for oxygen and nutrients. When impulses are sent along the motor fibers to the working skeletal muscle, causing its contraction, then impulses are simultaneously received that increase metabolism and dilate blood vessels, which makes it possible to provide an energy opportunity to perform muscle work.

Diseases of the nervous system

Together with the endocrine glands, the nervous system plays a crucial role in the functioning of the body. It is responsible for the coordinated work of all systems and organs of the human body and unites the spinal cord, brain and peripheral system. Motor activity and sensitivity of the body is supported by nerve endings. And thanks to the autonomic system, the cardiovascular system and other organs are inverted.

Therefore, a violation of the functions of the nervous system affects the work of all systems and organs.

All diseases of the nervous system can be divided into infectious, hereditary, vascular, traumatic and chronically progressive.

Hereditary diseases are genomic and chromosomal. The most famous and common chromosomal disease is Down's disease. This disease is characterized by the following symptoms: a violation of the musculoskeletal system, the endocrine system, lack of mental abilities.

Traumatic lesions of the nervous system occur due to bruises and injuries, or when squeezing the brain or spinal cord. Such diseases are usually accompanied by vomiting, nausea, memory loss, disorders of consciousness, loss of sensitivity.

Vascular diseases mainly develop against the background of atherosclerosis or hypertension. This category includes chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, cerebrovascular accident. Characterized by the following symptoms: attacks of vomiting and nausea, headache, impaired motor activity, decreased sensitivity.

Chronically progressive diseases, as a rule, develop as a result of metabolic disorders, exposure to infection, intoxication of the body, or due to anomalies in the structure of the nervous system. Such diseases include sclerosis, myasthenia, etc. These diseases usually progress gradually, reducing the efficiency of some systems and organs.

Causes of diseases of the nervous system:

The placental route of transmission of diseases of the nervous system during pregnancy (cytomegalovirus, rubella), as well as through the peripheral system (poliomyelitis, rabies, herpes, meningoencephalitis) is also possible.

In addition, the nervous system is negatively affected by endocrine, heart, kidney diseases, malnutrition, chemicals and drugs, heavy metals.