The color of the teeth is gray to white. How to choose the color of your teeth

Natural color of teeth

The natural (natural) color of the teeth is determined by such parameters as:

  1. genetic features inherent in each race and individual peoples
  2. skin color that accentuates or diminishes the effect of white teeth
  3. The natural color of healthy teeth is almost independent of the human environment.

Certain colors and shades may occur more or less frequently among an ethnically homogeneous population, and some are practically undetectable. For example, among the Slavs living in the European part of Russia, yellowish-white and yellowish-red shades of teeth predominate, but gray color, which is inherent in the Anglo-Saxon peoples living in the USA and Western Europe, there are practically no ethnic Slavs.

Yellow teeth, photo

Gray teeth, photo

Many believe that the Negroid race has whiter teeth than all other representatives of the Asian and European races. This is wrong. Dark skin and voluminous lips, with a wide red border, create the effect of enhancing the yellowish-white color of the teeth of blacks.

White color of teeth, photo

What affects the color of teeth

In natural and healthy teeth, the color of the teeth is influenced by two tissues:

  1. tooth dentin
  2. tooth enamel

The main factor that determines the color of a healthy undamaged tooth is the color of the dentin.

What is tooth dentin?

Dental dentin is the main hard tissue tooth, from which the crown part of the teeth, as well as the roots are created. The crown part of the dentin is covered with enamel, and the roots of the teeth are covered with cementum. The shades and structure of dentin provide a spectrum of coloration ranging from light to dark tones. How younger man, the healthier his dentin is, which is expressed in the absence of areas of secondary or sclerosed dentin. And this affects the completeness and uniformity of the internal color of the tooth. Thus, answering the question: “Why do teeth turn yellow in adults after 40 years?”, It should be noted that the significant role of dentin is in this.

Tooth dentin, photo

What defines tooth enamel? In its structure, the enamel resembles a transparent quartz lens; the structure of the enamel is determined by the mineral crystals of hydroxylapatites. The thicker and smoother the enamel layer, the better the sunlight sinks and passes to the dentin, then on the way back it is refracted and reflected into the eye of the observer, thereby showing the saturation (brightness) of the tooth. Over time, when there is a decrease in the density and thickness of tooth enamel, the brightness of the teeth decreases, they become duller, and dentin begins to shine through a thin layer of enamel. Thus, the teeth become duller and darker than in younger years.

In the dentition, the darkest (yellowish) teeth are the canines. The color of the tooth crown is not quite uniform, closer to the cutting edge the color of the teeth brightens, and darker closer to the neck.

How to choose the color of teeth

There are certain situations where dental treatment and prosthetics require the right color of teeth. At the same time, there are several parameters that the prosthodontist must take into account when giving recommendations to his patient regarding the choice of the color of composite restorations and dentures:

  1. If several teeth are missing, then the color of their counterparts should match the patient's natural teeth. Primarily focused on adjacent teeth, then on the more distant teeth of the jaw that is subject to prosthetics. Lastly, attention is paid to the teeth of the other jaw, which are located in the area of ​​prosthetics.
  2. It must be taken into account that the color of solid ceramics, zirconium dioxide, metal ceramics and acrylic (plastic teeth) differ in brilliance and brightness.
  3. If the patient has no teeth left at all, then any tooth color can be chosen, but it is best to focus on the color of the whites of the eye, teeth that are much whiter than the whites of the eyes look a little unnatural.

The conditions in which it is best to choose the color of future dental crowns and bridges, which should match with your teeth, are:

  1. The patient's lips must be without colored lipstick.
  2. Light in the room should be daylight
  3. The patient's clothing should be free of bright colors.

Scale "Vita" for determining the color of the teeth

For work on different types dentures, orthopedic dentists and dental technicians are guided by various tables to determine the color of the teeth. Most widespread received the Vita color scale, which is used by the vast majority of specialists in the world, including in Russia.

According to this scale, natural teeth have 4 shades:

  • A - whitish yellow
  • B - yellow tint
  • C - gray shade
  • D - yellowish brown shade
  • In each hue, the levels of brightness (saturation) of the color are determined, from 1 to 4

The brightest options are 1, the least is 4.

Thus, the dentist and dental technician, when determining the color artificial teeth define hue and brightness.

Vita scale, photo

Baby teeth color

Normally, the color of milk teeth in a child is white and transparent. Various color deviations temporary teeth indicate violations of mineralization, caries and other diseases. The laying of milk teeth occurs at the 6th week of pregnancy, and by the birth of the baby, the rudiments of all 20 teeth of the milk bite are fully formed. Taking certain medications, such as tetracycline antibiotics, leads to dark staining of children's teeth, so-called tetracycline teeth appear, which are practically impossible to whiten. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is necessary to consult with specialists about taking certain medications.

Tooth has changed color

If the tooth has changed its color, this may indicate a number of diseases that cause discoloration of the teeth.

The following is a list of diseases that can lead to discoloration of teeth:

  1. Tooth trauma - Pink staining of the dentin may occur, as a result of a fracture of its crown and rupture of the vessels of the pulp
  2. Tooth with removed nerves - Within 1-2 years, darkening of the enamel is observed, the color becomes grayish.
  3. Installation of an amalgam filling - A black border is observed along the border with the filling due to the penetration of the filling into the dentin.
  4. Fluorosis of the teeth - whitish dots and stripes appear on the tooth surface, as a result of a violation of the exchange of fluorine in the body
  5. Tetracycline teeth - This lesion occurs after the mother of the child takes antibiotics of the tetracycline series during pregnancy. Staining of the tooth occurs over the entire surface in Brown color different intensity.
  6. Resorcinol teeth - Have a dentin color ranging from pink to dark red. This lesion occurs after filling the root of the tooth with resorcinol formalin mixture.

Discoloration (darkening) of the tooth, photo

Tetracycline teeth, photo

Resorcinol teeth, photo

White spot on the tooth, what is it?

Depressed whitish spots or stripes may be a sign of imperfect amelogenesis, in other words, this pathology is called immature (underdeveloped) tooth enamel. This pathology is the result of a violation embryonic development teeth.

Imperfect amelogenesis, photo

Aesthetic tooth color restoration

To correct the color of teeth modern dentistry offers several methods that varying degrees efficiency solve the problem of stained teeth. The fastest and cheap ways This is the use of pencils and dyes that mask the dark color of the teeth. You can just color your dark teeth V White color. True, such an update is enough for a maximum of a day.

For longer periods, you can use different variants teeth whitening, from home whitening to laser whitening. The result may last for several years.

A radical solution to the problem of the bad color of your teeth is possible with the installation of ceramic veneers or lumineers, as well as ceramic crowns and zirconia. IN this option light color teeth will last for 10 to 20 years.


The natural shade of human teeth is yellowish or grayish. When choosing a filling material, it is very important to choose the right tone, the aesthetics of the patient's smile directly depends on this.

For convenience, there is a special Vita color scale, it is with its help that dentists solve the problem of selecting the optimal shade.

General presentation and purpose

This scale is presented in the form of a plastic tape, on which mock-ups of human teeth are attached. different material(plastic, ceramics, porcelain, paper, etc.). This scale contains 16 different shades.

Today, no dentist will conduct whitening without first comparing the initial and final results on the Vita scale. It is equipped with special retractable structures, thanks to which it is very convenient to compare the shades of hard-to-reach teeth.

In total, there are 4 main groups of tonality that the human eye can evaluate:

  1. Group A. This includes teeth with a reddish-brown tint.
  2. Group B includes red-yellow shades.
  3. Group C - shades of gray.
  4. Group D - shade red-gray.

According to the degree of brightness, each group includes from 1 to 4 tones, which vary in ascending order from the lowest to the highest. That is, units having 4 shades will be the darkest in a room with natural level lighting.

It is worth noting that the elements of the human jaw arch have different shades, depending on location. Therefore, an experienced dentist will make a comparison at several points, only in this case, you can get the most reliable result.

The Vita scale, made of paper, plastic, gives a less accurate result. It is best to use slats with ceramic or porcelain tooth examples.

Definition technique

The accuracy of determining the color of the tooth depends on many factors: the experience of the dentist, the quality of the lighting in the office, the material for making the scale, etc. Therefore, before visiting the dental clinic, you need to make sure that qualified specialist and equipment.

Otherwise, the patient may not get the desired result after the completion of dental procedures (whitening, filling, prosthetics, etc.).


Determining the color of teeth requires a number of preparatory procedures:

  1. On the day of visiting the dentist, women should refrain from using decorative cosmetics or lipstick, this can distort the natural color.
  2. The clothes in which the patient will be dressed should be calm, not defiant shades.
  3. Use of the Vita scale is allowed only in natural daylight or in a room where specially calibrated medical lamps are used. The most ideal is the restriction of direct sunlight.
  4. In the dentist's office, furniture of calm and light colors should prevail.
  5. It is not recommended to apply a rubber dam to the teeth before measurements, it tends to distort the natural shade.
  6. Periodically, you need to moisten the layout in order to bring its appearance closer to the natural environment.
  7. The dentist must be extremely attentive and not be distracted by extraneous sounds.

The selection procedure itself is not complicated, it takes place in several stages:

  • the doctor carefully applies each scale to the required tooth, finds a suitable option;
  • selects brightness;
  • shows the result to the patient with the help of a mirror.

If you follow all the necessary conditions, then the risk of error is minimal.

Factors affecting perception

The dentist may mistakenly choose the wrong color due to a number of negative factors:

  • bad environment(change of light, harsh sounds etc.);
  • inexperience of a specialist;
  • non-compliance with the basic requirements when using the Vita scale;
  • non-compliance with the rules for preparing patients.

Another very important point is the age of the doctor. As you know, over time, the protein in the eyes acquires a yellowish tint. That is why a person begins to recognize colors in a darker direction.

That is why you need to carefully approach the choice of a specialist who will be engaged in the selection of the shade of the teeth.

If the doctor feels tired, then it is better to postpone the procedure, otherwise you should not count on a high accuracy of the result. Measurements on the Vita scale are recommended to be carried out in daytime(up to 14 hours).

Ideal Conditions

Before carrying out the procedure for determining the tone, it is necessary to carry out professional cleaning elements of the jaw rows. Thus, they remove excess plaque and get a natural color.

special instructions

It is very important that the doctor takes into account all the slightest nuances in the process of making a comparison. These include the difference in the color of enamel in different parts of the same tooth.

This is due to the thickness of the dentin, the level of illumination and the degree of transparency. Therefore, an experienced doctor will definitely take three measurements: near the gums, at the edge of the tooth and in the central region.

In the case of a comparison for prosthetics, all the results are sent to the laboratory, where in the future specialists make structures in full accordance with the selected color.

If the Vita scale is used for whitening frontal zone, then after each procedure it is determined by how many tones it was possible to lighten the teeth.

The video presents the nuances of the qualitative determination of the color of the teeth on the Vita scale.

Anatomic shade

Normally, each person has an individual color of enamel. First of all, it depends on the type of skin. For people of Slavic nationality, a red-brown hue is characteristic.

Another factor on which the color of enamel depends is the age level of the state of the dentin. The younger the patient, the denser the top layer, so the teeth look whiter.

In older people, the dentition has a yellowish tint. This is due to the fact that over time, the top layer of enamel becomes thinner, and dentin begins to shine through it, which gives a brownish, grayish or yellowish color.

All teeth have their own shade: the fangs are always darker than the incisors, they are darker at the root than at the edge, etc. In addition, the color of the enamel depends on the person’s diet and lifestyle.

Smokers have a yellow tint to their teeth, the same goes for people who abuse coffee, teas and other “coloring foods”.

Therefore, when selecting a shade on the Vita scale, all factors should be taken into account, and, ideally, eliminate negative impact on the enamel, this will help prevent future staining.

Recovery Methods

Today, there are many ways to restore tooth enamel, the most common are:

  1. Professional cleaning. The procedure involves the removal of excess plaque and dental deposits with the help of special dental equipment.

    It is carried out in the dentist's office. Helps to slightly lighten the enamel.

  2. Home whitening. To do this, use special gels, ointments, pastes, adhesive tapes, etc. They allow you to lighten the enamel by several shades, the effect is short.

    Wearing orthodontic caps is considered more effective at home. They are made according to individual casts, a special bleaching agent is applied inside, the design is put on at night. With the help of caps, you can whiten your teeth by 8-10 tones.

  3. Professional whitening. Carried out using various techniques: photobleaching, laser application, etc. The latter is considered the most effective. It provides a long-lasting effect and maximum whitening of the enamel.
  4. Orthopedic techniques. Includes the installation of prostheses, veneers, implants and other prosthetic systems.

    This method allows you to choose the natural shade as accurately as possible and restore the dentition with high quality. Such treatment is expensive, takes place in several stages and has a number of contraindications.

The attending physician will be able to choose the appropriate technique, taking into account individual characteristics the body and the structure of the tissues of the patient's teeth. Do not self-medicate, it can only cause unwanted complications.

Preventive measures

It is necessary to visit the dentist once every six months, to clean from plaque and deposits, to treat possible diseases in a timely manner.

By following all these simple rules, you can significantly extend the natural shade of tooth enamel.

It is worth noting that with age in people, in any case, the shade of enamel changes due to the structural features and porosity of hard tissues. Therefore, it is better to take care of this in advance - visit the dentist and pick up effective method whitening.

In the section on the question Dentistry! Does anyone know the colors of A2 and A3 crowns, which one is lighter? very, very necessary to know .... given by the author Jeanne the best answer is Lighter - A2, and even lighter than A1, if you really want completely snow-white (the color of milk teeth), then this is B1. In general, ask any dentist to show you the "Vita" scale, you can determine for yourself what suits you best. And don't forget to define the color when daylight. Good luck to you! Let this help you!
In fact, A3 is a more common color, A2 may look unnatural. It all depends on your natural color. The main thing is that the teeth look natural. There, in addition to color, you need to take into account the shape, transparency. And then you can make it light and without transparency, then the teeth will look like plumbing. Or too transparent, in which case the opaque layer will be visible - also not beautiful. My advice to you: don’t go to the fitting alone, so that someone can look from the outside, it is desirable that someone be a woman from 18 to 25 years old, because about 6% of men do not distinguish slight differences in colors. If you don’t like something, you can insist that the dentist redo everything. Just try to do everything correctly, because the doctor gets very upset when the result of the work is unsatisfactory, as a result, both the doctor and the patient and the work done suffer.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Dentistry! Does anyone know the colors of A2 and A3 crowns, which one is lighter? very very important to know...

Modern advances in dentistry will help those who are not gifted by nature to smile widely and without hesitation strong teeth. In dentistry, several ways of a therapeutic, prophylactic and surgical nature have been found that can restore the teeth to their former aesthetic appeal. One of the most effective methods is rightly considered the installation of veneers. The colors of the veneers may vary depending on the material and aesthetic need.

Veneers are not only a tooth shield from destructive action harmful microorganisms and substances, as well as from the influence external environment. First of all, this is “clothing” for each tooth, allowing it to look healthy, even and attractively white. Veneers smooth out small defects in the dentition, they also mask chips, cracks and dark spots on enamel.

Patients often ask themselves, “But what about the color of the veneers? Won't they look defiantly unnatural? The question is justified and requires a detailed answer, because beauty primarily includes naturalness.

Natural color of veneers

The attractiveness of a smile is characterized by three main parameters: the color of each tooth, its position in the dental “system” and the shape (state of integrity). This is understandable: pure and white tooth, which correctly occupies a position in the dentition, moreover, without chips, stone and cracks, it looks much more attractive than a crooked tooth yellowed from plaque.

If there are no pronounced defects in the dentition, then the color of the teeth is the first thing that catches your eye when you smile. Regardless of the subjective opinion, the assessment of the significance of the interlocutor by the condition of the teeth is at the level of the reflex. According to the condition of the teeth, the physiological “reliability” of a person, his health, endurance and strength are determined. Therefore, wide snow-white smile according to natural and human canons, it is attractive, conducive to trust. And, on the contrary, a person with ugly teeth, with bad smell out of the mouth, arouses our antipathy.

It would seem that by installing snow-white veneers, a person makes a smile beautiful and attractive. From one point of view - yes, it is beautiful and even, but from the other ... Deliberate snow-whiteness creates a feeling of fake, falseness. Maybe this is the concern of patients that the teeth may look unnatural? Each person has “his” color of healthy teeth. The unnaturalness of even an immaculately white smile is striking and may even have the opposite effect of the desired effect - by no means attractive.

In this regard, dentists have developed a special color scale for veneers, which facilitates the selection of colors that are closest to the patient's dentition. The advantage of the reference scale is not only to facilitate the work of the dentist when choosing the color for veneers, but also that the standardization of the color selection leads to a clear algorithmization of the process, due to which the probability of an unsuccessful color selection is sharply reduced.

Vita Veneer Color Chart

The scale was developed on the basis of the principles of artistic colorimetry. Shades are divided into four categories, denoted by the symbols A, B, C and D.

The principle of the distribution of shades: if we add a drop of red, green, yellow or gray paint to a palette of pure white, then we get the corresponding categories:

  • A-category. Reddish brown shades.
  • B-category. Reddish-yellowish shades.
  • C-category. Gray shades.
  • D-category. Reddish gray shades.

Thus, the selection of veneers according to the color of the teeth is carried out according to two parameters: shade (A, B, C or D) and brightness value (1, 2, 3, 4), and the color for each veneer according to the color of the tooth is determined by a double symbol, for example, veneers color A1.

This is the plus of standardization: no matter which dental office you turn to, if you know the result of the selection that seemed the most successful, then you just need to name these designation symbols. So the color B1 veneer will be everywhere exactly the same in hue and brightness, as it was during the initial color selection.

Rules and conditions for determining the color of teeth

The color of the tooth is determined at three points: in the middle part of the tooth, in the cervical and cutting-occlusal. This is necessary to create the effect of natural color, since the surface of the tooth enamel in different areas of the tooth has different shade. In the manifestation of the difference in shades on the surface of the tooth, the condition of the gums, the tooth itself, as well as the thickness of the tooth enamel, are involved.

For the optimal selection of veneers according to the color of the teeth, the following conditions must be met:

  • The color of the teeth is determined only in daylight. Any artificial lighting has a predominant shade in its spectrum, which is associated with the nature of a particular material that emits this light. In this case, the intensity of illumination should not exceed 1500 lux. Neglect of the last requirement may cause an error in determining the desired brightness of the hue. In some dental offices use installations that imitate the light of the solar spectrum. The advantage of such settings is that they are adjustable in light intensity, which allows you to create conditions close to ideal for determining the shade and its brightness.
  • White color is more reflective than absorbing, therefore, to determine the most suitable shade, it is necessary to take into account that the office in which the color selection is carried out does not include the interior of “flashy” tones, the walls are painted in even light colors. Distortion in perception when choosing a shade can also be introduced by clothing, its accessories, and dentist gloves. If you want to achieve quality when choosing a color, you need to take into account any little thing that can distort the natural shade.
  • Not the last role in determining the color of the teeth is played by their moisture content. Dry enamel has a completely different reflective ability than moistened enamel. In addition, you need to take into account such details as the makeup and lipstick of the patients. Of course, any "extra" paint on the patient's face can greatly distort the correct perception of color.
  • Some dentists also believe that the natural perception of tooth color is influenced not only external factors, but also emotional condition patient, so you need to worry in advance about a comfortable and friendly environment when communicating between the dentist and the patient.

After the conditions for optimal definition the colors of the teeth are observed, the dentist performs a simple color selection procedure: the first step, by comparing with the applied scale standards, the shade is selected, and then, when the shade is selected, the brightness is determined.

Attractiveness and self-expression

There is a category of patients who turn to dentists not so much to restore their teeth, correct their bite or hide imperfections. This category of patients wants to enhance the attractiveness by changing the color of the teeth or applying various decorations to the teeth.

In these cases, the selection of the color of the veneers is at the request of the patient. If the patient, for example, is not embarrassed by the whitest color of veneers, without the shades that are characteristic of natural tones, then the dentist can help in showing how such teeth will look from the outside.

Gold, which has long been used in dentistry, does not lose prestige and extravagance. Metal veneers are the new fashion trend - "grillz" set famous stars stage, actors and top models.

Gold (platinum) veneers are not just a necessity, many young people consider them the same way of self-expression as tattoos or piercings.

Veneers are gaining popularity, decorated with appliqués of precious metal petals or inlaid precious stones. The advantage of such decoration of the teeth is that no additional grinding or drilling is required, which in the future, of course, only benefits the preservation of the teeth.


Each of the patients can decide what aesthetic load the veneers will bear, based on this, a selection of the color and material of the veneers is carried out.

  • Material. Composite veneers are not as expensive as porcelain veneers, but porcelain veneers have an important advantage - they do not change color over time. Metal veneers (particularly gold veneers) have a lot of good points. The only significant drawback can be considered that the metallic color is far from natural color teeth.
  • Color. In the bulk, patients strive for natural shades of white. Frequent change veneers for teeth is not desirable, so if the patient decides on an extravagant shade of veneers, then such an act requires a preliminary explanation that each change of veneers will be accompanied by an impact on tooth enamel which negatively affects the teeth.
  • Decorations. Jewelry that is attached to the veneers themselves does not have any effect on the teeth, since they do not come into contact with the tooth enamel. Such decorations in the form of appliqués and fixed pebbles are easily removed from the veneers, respectively, one decoration can be changed to another with the same ease.

Hello, to all those who came to read this review, which means they are on their way to perfection) or at a crossroads, to do or live on without the smile of their dreams!

I'll start with the fact that since childhood, after milk teeth, there was curvature, but at that time neither my parents nor the pediatric dentist were particularly worried about this. Years passed, after 16 years wisdom teeth began to grow (I wrote a separate review about this . I raised them for a long time, there was not enough space for them, the gums were cut, there was a lot of torment, and most importantly, they really put forward the upper anterior tooth. the lower ones are also far from even, but when I smile and talk, only the upper ones are visible to me, so much so that with such a wide smile, nature was obliged to endow with white even teeth) but I was somewhere else when my teeth were handed out)))

and now it’s 2016, I’m 23, I’m already making decisions myself, I also have the financial opportunity, which means that no one and nothing will convince me, reading the reviews I conclude one thing: only those who did it cheaply and had no luck inexperienced doctors.

The search for a magician did not last long) and now, after almost a year, I can write about the main points that worried me (already on a sober head, so to speak))

1 point and this is of course PAIN

Was it painful and terrible for me? NO!! no one will cut your teeth and send you home to conquer your husband (boyfriend) with bare, worn teeth. while the teeth are bare (filed), you are under anesthesia. It hurts, no, it doesn’t hurt, but it’s unpleasant when installing the veneers themselves, since the gums are raised with threads, and, of course, the injections of anesthesia themselves are also not very pleasant.

teeth are not filed, but filed and these are completely different things. don't imagine hemp in your mouth! you won’t even see yourself like this, you will be allowed to go home in temporary overlays. You will not experience discomfort at this stage for sure! Personally, I was already glad to see the changes even in the overlays. I finally had straight teeth and I was in anticipation of what beauty they would install for me one of these days. I wore temporary overlays for no more than a week. They didn't interfere with eating.

3 points financial)

expensive? not cheap for sure, but personally I did not regret a single ruble.

And if in more detail:

1 ceramic veneer 19000

casts, temporary overlays, etc. about 7000

hygienic cleaning2000

whitening zoom-4 -15000 (for a promotion, at a price of 20000) - I personally consider it superfluous for myself and do not recommend it.

zoom-4 whitening review…

a total of 6 veneers and beautiful smile cost me about 140.000

4 "You'll regret it later!" everyone told me...

It’s not that I didn’t regret it, I’m happy that I decided and enjoy my smile)

If you have any questions, I will definitely help you))

First veneers (for 10 upper teeth) I put a few years ago (reasons and a detailed description of the procedure here). To say it changed my life is an understatement! In addition to the aesthetic component (I have naturally bad thin small teeth, the color of which was hopelessly spoiled by taking tetracycline - this is a separate chapter of my life when, on the recommendation of a doctor, I took this antibiotic for the treatment of acne for several years), the reason is that my teeth filled with fillings. They can no longer withstand the weight of new fillings and as a result crumble and break. When I smile, I "show" only upper teeth, but during a conversation, the lower ones are also visible. Several years have passed and yesterday I put veneers on lower teeth. Why did I wait several years? main reason- financial. By themselves, veneers would not solve my problems - yes, everything would look great, but I have accumulated other factors. As you know, teeth wear out with age. Features of my bite here also contributed. As a result, for the last six months, it has already been difficult for me to even chew, so my procedure included not only eight veneers, but a "bite lift" and lengthening of the teeth. For veneers, the teeth are minimally ground (much less than for crowns). Then a few days I went with temporary veneers. Because surgical intervention was not (as with the upper teeth, when my gums were lengthened and I had to wait until they healed), the whole process took only a week. It could be faster, but I live quite far from my dentist and can only come to her on Saturdays. Turning took a couple of hours, additional procedures- a couple more. Yesterday I was again given anesthesia (a lot, since I have hypersensitivity teeth that I acquired from laser whitening *) - the fact is that in America both veneers and crowns are placed on “live” teeth, that is, the nerve is not removed and the canals are not filled, and everything was finished!

About the color of the veneers. The color of my veneers is B1 (according to the classification of Vita 3-D Master it is 1M1) - one of the whitest colors of veneers and crowns. It's not the whitest color but I don't like the color teeth toilet paper(a prime example is the terribly unnatural teeth of Joe Biden, the US vice president, I don’t think anyone in their right mind would want such a smile, although Biden, apparently, is very pleased with his teeth, especially compared to how they looked his teeth at the beginning of his political career. Our politicians, with their miserable rotten teeth**, should consider asking for his dentist's phone number). I did not choose the color myself, as I completely trust my doctor Zinaida Kniter, who specializes in aesthetic dentistry***.

And now I want to talk about cosmetic effect veneers. Teeth give away our age and often make us much older than our years. We all know the terrible term “toothless old age” - we associate short, eaten teeth with old age. "Eaten Teeth" stop holding the muscular frame of the face contributing to sagging skin. Veneers can solve this problem by lengthening the teeth and restoring a normal bite. Here I just had exactly this kind of "sagging". Of course, age also affects and you can’t get away from it, it will only help plastic surgery, but still now my oval visually pulled up a little due to a change in bite and lengthening of the teeth.

I am a fierce supporter of improving the appearance of teeth and I don’t think that you need to hold on to “your” ugly teeth, even if they are at least a hundred times “healthy” (although what kind of health is there when some of our actresses just have a black edge on the gums?) . At one time, I expressed my attitude towards “natural” in a column in SNC, which is called “I don’t like natural” - a real war broke out in the comments there. Everyone was especially touched by the mention of the short teeth of the actress Churikova, and I continue to believe that she just needs to lengthen her teeth, she is not a grandmother from the village to walk with such shameful stumps. In general, my friends, I still have a little pain(yesterday I took Vicodin not without pleasure), but I am so happy! I have a lot of problems with my face that I can't do anything about. For example, when I was 11 years old, I suffered from neuritis of the facial nerve (paralysis of half of the face) and the mobility of the muscles did not fully recover - one eyebrow would not rise for me (my doctor corrects this with Botox), with a grin, one half of the mouth does not fully open - and as a result, not only do I have an asymmetrical face, but also due to the weak muscle of the left side of the face, the sagging on the left cheek is much more pronounced than on the right (once in the comments I was asked if this was due to the fact that I have there are no teeth - no, it’s not connected, it’s just that the consequences are very unpleasant disease). But here is something we can correct through dentistry.

And one more thing - you should be given a guarantee for veneers - my doctor has 7 years. I described that during the installation of my first veneers, one of them broke, it was replaced for me completely free of charge. I'll say the same about the cost. average price veneers in Los Angeles— $1,000 per item and may vary depending on doctor's reputation, office location, and your personal relationships with a doctor.

*My experience and my opinion on whether to do it laser whitening teeth
**Why do Russian politicians have such bad teeth?
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Dental veneers: what are they, which ones are better?

talking in simple terms, veneers are microprostheses, with which you can give the desired color and shape to one or a group of teeth. These plates are attached to the front surface of the tooth. Most often they are used by those patients who want to change appearance anterior incisors that form a smile.

Dental veneers look just like real teeth. A similar effect is provided due to the fact that during their manufacture the color of the patient's teeth is very accurately copied.

Often, vinyl records become the last hope for the patient to restore the desired shape and whiteness of the teeth after they have become disillusioned with other methods. The main advantage of using veneers is that they can eliminate serious defects very quickly.

In recent years, many dental clinics are starting to offer installation services to patients. ceramic or composite linings. With them, it is very easy to achieve an even and radiant smile. The most popular today are the following types onlays used to restore the appearance of teeth.

Composite veneers

Their main advantage is that the procedure for manufacturing and installation on chewing teeth carried out right in the dentist's office, and it passes very quickly. Used to create overlays filling material, while the patient only needs to visit a specialist once to return home with beautiful snow-white teeth. The installation of veneers does not harm the enamel in any way, since there is no need to grind them to improve the quality of the connection between the composite and the surface. In some cases, veneers can be made to restore one or two teeth. This option is much cheaper, but they will serve much less.

No less often, patients order in dental clinics ceramic veneers. This is a fairly versatile solution, since they can be installed in the most different places. Their disadvantage is that they are made for a very long time, since this process takes place in the laboratory. In addition, for the installation of such veneers, it is necessary to grind off the top layer of enamel.

In terms of other characteristics, these veneers do not lose, but even surpass composite counterparts. This is due to the fact that heavy-duty medical porcelain or zirconium dioxide is used to create them.

For decades, they retain their original appearance and color, and therefore the patient does not have to polish them. Such a solution will be of interest to people with severely damaged teeth who previously had to treat caries or remove the dental nerve. The opaque material is also attractive because it can be used to mask the changeable color of the enamel. Veneers of this type are mainly used to restore the smile area.


Experts distinguish another type of overlays - Hollywood Ultraneers or Lumineers. But they are not intended for the restoration of teeth that have been damaged as a result of medical intervention. They are used as a decoration, since the thickness of the plate is so small that it is impossible to mask the changed color of the enamel with its help. Therefore, if you have teeth in which a nerve has been removed, then you should not put Hollywood pads on them.

To pick up best option overlays, it is desirable to discuss this issue with your doctor before. To do this, he will have to take into account not only the pros and cons of modern veneers, but also the condition of the patient's teeth.

Indications and contraindications

Veneers are an effective way to correct an overbite and are most often prescribed for the following defects:

But at the same time, you need to remember that not all patients are shown veneers. First of all, it concerns the owners of deformed teeth. To be able to use these overlays, they will have to first cure all carious lesions. In addition, there should be no weak gums in the oral cavity. Sometimes, with prolonged tooth decay or as a result of treatment, the enamel can be seriously damaged. In such cases, it is best to install not veneers, but a crown. Veneers are not recommended for patients with bruxism.

Are veneers harmful: pros and cons, pros and cons

The installation of any prostheses is always a certain intervention in oral cavity which can lead to both positive and negative consequences. If you have doubts about what is better to choose - onlays or crowns, then you, first of all, need to consider contraindications for veneers. If you are sure that you can use veneers, then before making a final decision, you should familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of using them.



  • Veneers require grinding of the top layer of enamel, which causes serious damage to the enamel. If you want to remove veneers, please note that you will no longer be able to return your teeth to their original appearance without special treatment. The fact is that as a result of processing the upper layer of tooth enamel, serious damage is caused.
  • A serious obstacle, due to which the patient may lose the desire to install veneers on the teeth, can be their high price. But you can live with this, considering what an excellent result you can get, because these plates can easily hide any visible defects and the effects of injuries.
  • Remember that the color of the tooth will remain the same if you do not provide it with appropriate care. Any substances that enter the oral cavity will change the color of the cement base under the porcelain plate. And if you don't provide necessary care, then after a while the colored cement will become noticeable. A similar drawback may also appear in the case of using composite plates.

Currently practiced two methods of installing veneers for damaged or deformed teeth:

If, after evaluating all the pros and cons of veneers, you still decide to install them, then it will not hurt you to get acquainted with the technology of their manufacture and installation. First of all, you need to discuss this issue with your dentist. To begin with, he will examine your teeth, determine if you have contraindications for the installation of veneers, and then carry out a sanitization of the oral cavity and prepare the teeth to make an impression or immediately begin the installation of composite plates.

After completing the preparation procedure for veneers, the doctor will receive an impression that will help create ceramic onlays. The process of making veneers takes place in the laboratory, and you will have to be patient, as it takes one week on average.

Before installing veneers, the teeth will have to be processed. It is necessary not only to cure caries and eliminate defects, but also to remove the top layer of tooth enamel. This procedure can be unpleasant for people with hypersensitive teeth. To avoid pain, the doctor can use painkillers. Temporary veneers can be placed on the teeth until the permanent veneers are installed.

The main difficulties in manufacturing are related to the choice of the appropriate color of the overlays and the observance of the exact dimensions that must correspond to the previously obtained print. If these issues have been successfully resolved, then it remains only to install veneers. Once the pre-fitting of the veneers has been completed, they are bonded to the teeth using a flowable composite adhesive and cement. For their speedy solidification, the light of a special lamp is used.

At the finishing stage, the dentist is required to remove existing defects and roughness so that the patient does not experience the slightest discomfort during the use of veneers. Remember that veneers do not guarantee the preservation of a Hollywood smile for many years, but if you properly care for them, then you will not soon be faced with the question of restoration or replacement of linings.

Finally found the time to scribble a message.
Dima DM Uploaded some pics for you too.

So, in this topic, I have already written a lot about ceramic veneers, rustle the search. I would like to present you photos of the work that I did to our teammate recently. I have no right to give the patient's name, because this is a medical secret, which I strictly adhere to.

Photos are live medical, not made for a glossy magazine, therefore Nervous and squeamish DO NOT LOOK

We take such photographs before treatment, during treatment and after, to document and record the entire period of treatment.

Read the comments below the photos.


Photo 1 shows teeth before treatment. IN this case the patient wanted to make his teeth whiter, smoother, larger, to remove gaps, chips and abrasion of teeth.
The treatment plan in this case is the manufacture of 20 ceramic veneers for all front upper and lower teeth. While permanent veneers are being made in the laboratory, the patient walks with temporary veneers, they are made of special plastic and glued to the teeth.


Photo 2 was taken during work. Temporary veneers are partially worn on the upper teeth so that the doctor and the patient understand what kind of plan he wants teeth.


In photo 3, all temporary veneers are already on the upper teeth and part of the veneers on the lower ones. See the difference on the left and right? Teeth become longer, straighter, whiter - whatever the patient wants.


Photo 4 shows all 20 temporary veneers, with which the patient walks for 2 weeks, while permanent porcelain veneers are made in the laboratory. During this period, the patient can contact the doctor and tell him what he likes and dislikes about temporary veneers, this information can be used to make adjustments in the manufacture of ceramics.


The black and white photo shows the picture after fixing (gluing) the final ceramic veneers. A black and white photo allows you to understand what shape the teeth turned out to be. color photo allows you to understand the nuances of color.



The 7th and 8th photos show photos before and after treatment.
I myself liked this work, but I am a dentist and I look at such photographs differently, like a professional. For ordinary people, these photographs may not seem quite presentable, because they are intraoral - medical, of course, magazine photos that have more artistic value, rather than documentary, can be better perceived. With this photo session, I just wanted to roughly explain how you can improve your teeth with ceramic veneers.

This work looks amazing in real life!

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