Thesis: preparing and serving the roast beef dish. Roast beef cooking technology Grilled beef roast

Roast beef recipes

Suppose you want to pleasantly surprise guests or family, roast beef in this case will be an excellent option for a main dish that can be served for lunch or dinner. There are many recipes for preparing this dish; we will tell you about the simplest and most successful of them, those that can be mastered by anyone who has never cooked roast beef before.

Classic roast beef recipe

You will need: 400g beef tenderloin, 80g pork fat, 40g wheat flour, salt, marinade - 80g each of vegetable oil, celery root and parsley, 2-3 carrots, 1-2 onions, 1 bay leaf, 2 tbsp. sugar, ground black and allspice.

How to cook roast beef according to a traditional English recipe. Finely chop all the vegetables for the marinade, mix with sugar, butter and pepper until the juice releases. Place the meat in the prepared marinade and leave it in a cool place for a day. Next, the meat is cleaned of vegetables, breaded in flour, and fried in a frying pan with pork fat on all sides. After this, the pan with the meat is placed in the oven and baked until cooked, first at high, then at medium temperature. When pierced, pink juice should come out of the cooked roast beef. Cut the finished roast beef into thin slices along the grain, place on a heated dish, and pour over the juice released during frying.

As a side dish for classic roast beef, it is best to serve fried or mashed potatoes, vegetables in various forms - baked, salad, etc.

As already noted, roast beef has passed from English cuisine into the cuisines of many other countries of the world, and in each of them it is prepared in its own way.

Florentine style roast beef recipe

You will need: 1.5 kg beef fillet, 250 g frozen spinach, 50 ml water, 1 clove of garlic and onion, 2 tsp. port wine, 1 tsp. ground pepper, wheat flour, butter and lightly salted soy sauce.

How to cook roast beef Florentine style. Make deep cuts along the entire length of the piece of meat with a sharp thin knife. Finely chop the onion, crush the garlic, mix, adding ground pepper, with defrosted spinach. Place the mixture into the cuts in the meat, then tie the piece with twine. Bake the meat first at high, then at moderate temperature, based on every 500g of meat - for at least 10 minutes, turn over several times during this time. Wrap the finished roast beef in foil for 15 minutes. Mix all remaining ingredients with the meat juice released during cooking, and bake the sauce at full oven power for 5 minutes. Before serving, cut the roast beef and pour over the prepared sauce.

You can bake roast beef in a particularly appetizing version - with a crust; flour or mustard can be used for this.

Recipe for roast beef in mustard crust

You will need: 1.8 kg of beef sirloin, 90 g of large grain Dijon mustard, 6 red onions, 1 tsp. salt, ½ tsp. thyme and ground pepper, 1 tbsp. horseradish sauce.

How to cook roast beef in short with mustard. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Dry the roast beef using paper towels. Mix thyme, pepper and salt, grate the meat, place it fat-side up on a baking sheet, cover with chopped onion, insert a thermometer into the meat and fry for an hour, stirring the onion occasionally. Mix mustard with horseradish, coat the roast beef that has been fried for an hour, bake for another 20 minutes, then check - the temperature in the middle of the meat should be +57-60 degrees Celsius, or the meat can be brought to readiness. Wrap the finished roast beef in foil for 15 minutes or simply keep it on a heated dish for 15 minutes.

Features of cooking roast beef

Roast beef is always made from beef.
Roast beef meat is always prepared in a large, whole piece; before cooking, it must warm up and reach a temperature of slightly more than +20 degrees Celsius.
Never use lean or frozen meat for roast beef - it will be tasteless, tough and dry.
Roast beef meat can be marinated in advance with various vegetables throughout the day.
Many chefs believe that roast beef is more juicy and tasty if the meat is taken on the bone, so whether to remove the bone or not (if it is present in a piece of meat) depends on personal preference. Try cooking it this way and you can decide which one you like best.
First, the roast beef should be cooked at maximum temperature for about 15 minutes, then the temperature is reduced to approximately +150 degrees and it is brought to full readiness - this is the classic technology for cooking roast beef.
Properly cooked roast beef immediately after it is taken out of the oven in the central layers has a temperature of around +60 degrees Celsius. You can also determine the readiness of roast beef this way: pierce the meat - if reddish juice comes out, then the dish is ready.
Ready roast beef should always be wrapped in several layers of foil and kept for at least 15 minutes before serving - this technique allows you not to lose juice when cutting the meat.

A whole piece of meat baked can decorate both a gala table and a family dinner. But not all housewives know how to cook it correctly. As a result, the flavorful beef tenderloin turns into something tough and completely inedible. In our article we will talk about what roast beef is. Let's take a closer look at how to cook juicy baked beef at home, and present several recipes for preparing this holiday dish.

What is roast beef?

This dish came to us from England and most people associate it exclusively with beef. To see if this is true, you need to understand what roast beef is. Literally from English the word Roast beef is translated as “baked beef”. Indeed, it is customary to cook a large piece of meat in the oven, although sometimes roast beef is baked on a grill or stewed in a sealed container.

One of the secrets to a tasty and juicy dish is the right choice of meat. For beef roast, thin and thick edge (bone-in loin), sirloin or tenderloin are suitable. The meat inside should be marbled, with thin layers of fat. Then, during cooking, it will be soaked from the inside and will turn out juicy. It is not recommended to cook roast beef from frozen and fresh meat.

To prevent the beef from losing its shape during cooking, the entire piece is tied with a strong thread. As a result, the roast beef takes on its characteristic cylinder shape. The finished dish is cut across the grain into thin slices and served with sauce.

Classic beef roast beef recipe

Juicy meat with an appetizing thick crust is obtained by pre-frying it in a hot frying pan. It can be served both as an independent dish and as a slice for sandwiches.

Roast beef according to the classic recipe is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. A piece of beef tenderloin (800 g) is washed under running water and then dried with a paper towel.
  2. The meat is rubbed with salt and pepper on all sides, wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  3. After the specified time, the pickled piece should be removed and left at room temperature for another 30 minutes.
  4. At this time, the oven is preheated to 200°C.
  5. The baking sheet is covered with foil, and a wire rack is placed on top.
  6. The meat is freed from the film and fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil (50 ml) over high heat on all sides. A thick crust should appear on it, but the flesh inside should remain pink.
  7. The beef is placed on the grill and baked for 40 minutes.
  8. The finished roast beef is laid out on a cutting board and cut into thin slices.

English roast beef

A thin edge of 5 ribs weighing about 4 kg is ideal for preparing this dish. Salt (1 tablespoon) and black pepper (1 teaspoon) are used as spices. If desired, you can add Italian herbs or dried thyme (½ teaspoon) to this mixture. The meat, dried with a paper towel, is thoroughly rubbed with spices on all sides.

At the same time, the oven is preheated to a temperature of 240°C. The prepared meat is placed on a baking sheet and baked on the lower level for 2 hours. For the first 15 minutes of cooking, the temperature will remain maximum (240°C), and then it should be reduced to 180°C. Every 20 minutes, it is recommended to baste the meat with the juice released on the baking sheet.

After baking, leave the roast beef to rest on a cutting board for 20 minutes. After this, the meat is cut into portions. Roast beef, according to the recipe presented above, is recommended to be served with Yorkshire pudding. Horseradish sauce is ideal for this meat.

Jamie Oliver's Perfect Roast Beef

Like a true Englishman, the famous chef knows how to bake holiday beef like no other.

His beef roast recipe is as follows:

  1. Beef (1.5 kg) is removed from the refrigerator at least 30 minutes before baking.
  2. The oven is heated to a temperature of 240°C.
  3. At this time, 2 onions, 2 celery stalks, 2 carrots and a head of garlic are peeled, cut into large slices and placed in a baking dish. All you have to do is peel the garlic cloves. Add a sprig of thyme, rosemary and bay leaf on top.
  4. The meat is tied with culinary thread so that it does not lose its shape during baking, and rubbed with a mixture of salt and pepper.
  5. The beef is placed on top of the vegetables and placed in the oven. In this case, the temperature immediately decreases to 200°C.
  6. The meat is baked for 1 hour, and every 10 minutes it needs to be basted with the released juice.
  7. It is recommended to leave the finished dish in the oven for 10 minutes. Then the roast beef is placed on a cutting board and covered with foil for another 15 minutes. The “rested” meat is cut into thin slices.

Beef on a bed of vegetables

In this roast beef recipe, the meat is cooked in wine, with onions, carrots, garlic and herbs, which, after roasting, are used to make a sauce. As a baking dish, it is recommended to choose one that can then be put on fire. Ceramics and fireproof glass are not suitable in this case.

To begin with, the meat is tied with thread, rubbed with salt, pepper, and vegetable oil. Vegetables (2 carrots and onions each) are cut into large pieces, the head of garlic is disassembled into slices. Then they, together with thyme sprigs, are distributed into a mold and filled with dry red wine (100 ml). Meat is placed on top. It is baked in a preheated oven for 50 minutes. Place the finished meat on a clean plate, covering with foil, for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook the sauce. Place the dish in which the beef was baked over medium heat, add meat or chicken broth (100 ml) and cook until the amount of liquid is reduced by half. Then pour in 20% fat cream (80 ml), heat well and remove from heat. As the last ingredient, add a piece of butter (20 g) to the sauce.

Simple roast beef with mustard sauce

According to this recipe, a piece of marbled beef (1.5 kg) is rubbed with salt, pepper, aromatic spices and vegetable oil. Then it is tied with thread and sent to an oven preheated to 250°C for 10 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 180°C and continue baking the meat for another 30 minutes. Place the finished beef roast on a plate, cover with foil and leave on the table for half an hour.

At this time, you can prepare mustard sauce. To do this, mix mustard beans and lemon juice (5 teaspoons each), a little pickled capers and vegetable oil (2 tablespoons). All ingredients are mixed and served with thinly sliced ​​meat.

It is not enough to know what roast beef is to learn how to cook it properly. Novice cooks often make mistakes that result in meat that is too dry and tough. The following secrets will help you bake delicious and juicy roast beef at home, which all your guests will definitely enjoy:

  1. Before cooking, be sure to remove the meat from the refrigerator and bring it to room temperature. Thanks to this simple rule, the beef will bake more evenly.
  2. To give the meat a beautiful crust and a delicious aroma, it is recommended to fry the beef over high heat before baking.
  3. During the cooking process, the roast beef must be poured with juice. Thanks to this, the meat inside is juicy and tender.
  4. It is recommended to bake beef at low temperatures (180°C) so that it does not dry out. However, if the meat has not been pre-fried in a frying pan, the temperature is set to 240°C for the first 15 minutes, which allows the juices to concentrate inside the piece.

1. Introduction.

2. Organization of work.
2.1 Organization of a hot shop.
2.2 Operating rules and safety precautions.
2.3 Personal hygiene.
2.4 Work schedule.
2.5 Hot shop plan.

3. Technological part.
3.1 Preparation of raw materials and semi-finished products.
3.2 Scheme for preparing the dish, side dish and sauce.

4. Requirements for the quality of semi-finished products and finished dishes.

    Rules for serving ready-made dishes.
    Storage conditions and terms of sale.
    Organization of the work of the confectionery shop.
7.1 Layout of the confectionery shop.

8. Technological part.
8.1 Primary processing.
8.2 Scheme for preparing semi-finished baked goods.
8.3 Scheme for preparing the finishing semi-finished product.
8.4 General scheme for preparing a confectionery product.
10. Requirements for the quality of semi-finished products and finished products.
11. Storage conditions and terms of sale of confectionery products.
12. List of used literature.

1. Introduction.

Roast beef - traditionally the meat chosen for roast beef is beef. Use thick edge, thin edge and tenderloin. However, it should be remembered that all parts differ in structure, fat content and taste. Meat should not be frozen.
The appearance of the piece should be marbled. It is certainly better to stick to the meat of a young animal, it is lighter and more tender.
According to the traditional recipe, a large piece of beef is taken, weighing 1-2 kg. The meat is taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it has time to warm up to a temperature of 20-22 degrees Celsius.
The top layer of fat is trimmed right down to the meat so that the heat can penetrate to the center of the piece.
To quickly form a crust, pour olive or vegetable oil onto the surface of the roast beef.
The oven is preheated to maximum temperature. The meat is placed on the grill. You can add water to the leaf.
On average, roast beef is heated to a temperature of +60-70 degrees in the central layers. Then wrap it in several layers of foil and let it sit for 15 minutes to avoid loss of juice when slicing.
It is not customary to serve roast beef as a side dish in the traditional sense. The liquid formed during the cooking process, as well as various sauces and light snacks, are used as accompanying additives.
Roast beef is served hot or cold.
In England, the homeland of this dish, it is traditional to serve cold roast beef with green peas, as well as mustard and horseradish.
You can limit yourself to a piece of butter.
Common side dishes include boiled cabbage, French fries, mixed vegetables, or salads.

Biscuit roll "Lakomka".

2. Organization of work.

      Organization of a hot shop.
In the hot shop, hot dishes, first courses, second courses, side dishes, sauces are prepared and all technological operations for the heat treatment of semi-finished products for the cold shop are performed.
The hot shop is the main one in high-capacity enterprises with several sales floors.
Adjacent to the hot shop are procurement shops, a cold shop, a kitchen utensil washing room, and when dishes are released from the stove - a kitchen utensil washing room.
The placement of equipment in the hot shop should provide the most convenient working conditions for cooks.
The order of arrangement of equipment depends on the types of machines and apparatus used, the fuel used, the area and shape of the kitchen room and the location of the dispensing room.
The stove is located in the center of the hot shop to ensure easy access to it from all sides.
The work table should have: a table board, the necessary knives, a metal rack with spices and seasonings,
To collect food waste, the workshop must be equipped with barrels with tightly closed lids.
      Operating rules and safety precautions.
The preparation for operation of the universal drive is carried out by the cook assigned to this machine, who, before starting work, is obliged to comply with safety requirements and observe occupational safety when working with the machine.
Before starting work, I check the correct installation of the universal drive, the serviceability of the mechanism and the correctness of its assembly.
The presence of fencing devices and grounding are checked.
After making sure that the replacement mechanism and drive are in good working order, perform a test run at idle speed.
It is allowed to regulate the rotation speed during operation only if there is a variator in the machine design.
Prepared products need to be loaded into replaceable mechanisms only after turning on the universal drive; the only exception is the whipping mechanism, in which the products are first loaded into the barrel, and then the universal drive is turned on.
During operation, it is prohibited to overload the replaceable mechanism with products, as this leads to deterioration in quality and spoilage of the products. And also to car breakdown.
It is strictly forbidden to operate the machine without the appropriate safety devices, or to push it with hands.
Inspection of the universal drive and the installed mechanism, as well as troubleshooting, may only be carried out after turning off the electric motor of the universal drive and stopping it completely.
After finishing work, the universal drive is turned off and disconnected from the power supply. Only then can the replacement mechanism be removed for disassembly, washing and drying.
Preventive and current repairs of the universal drive and replaceable mechanisms are carried out by special workers in accordance with the concluded agreement.
The enterprise regulations must establish the following procedure:
    Organization and frequency of occupational safety training for workers.
    Conducting safety training.
    Carrying out fire safety work.
    Equipment maintenance.
    Providing sanitary clothing to workers.
    Monitoring compliance with labor protection rules and regulations for the enterprise as a whole.

2.3 Personal hygiene.

      The cook must undergo a medical examination.
      Chefs with cuts on their hands are not allowed to work.
      Nails should be cut short.
      Sanitary clothing is changed twice a week.
The sequence of putting on sanitary clothing should be as follows:
      shoes with backs
      buttoned jacket
      Work schedule.
      Hot shop plan.

3.Technological part.

      Preparation of raw materials and semi-finished products.
For roast beef;
For frying, use parts of meat that contain delicate connective tissue and unstable collagen. When frying such parts, collagen has time to transform into glutin, which softens the meat tissue. Collagen is most stable in beef.
The meat is prepared as follows:
Boning is the process of separating the flesh from the bones. This operation is carried out very carefully so that no pulp remains on the bones, and the resulting pieces do not have deep cuts.
Trimming and stripping is the removal of tendons, films and cartilage. When stripping parts of meat, remove coarse surface films, tendons, cartilage, and excess fat. The edges are trimmed off. Intermuscular and connective tissues, as well as thin surface films, are left. Clean the meat so that it does not deform during heat treatment. It is more convenient to cut into portioned semi-finished products from trimmed meat.
Meat cutting is carried out in a room with an air temperature no higher than 10 degrees Celsius so that the meat does not heat up.

Preparation and processing of fried potatoes.
Potatoes are sorted in mechanical sorting machines or manually. When sorting, rotten, beaten potatoes, foreign impurities and sprouted tubers are removed, since the eyes of such potatoes contain a toxic substance - corned beef.
Potatoes are calibrated by size in order to reduce waste during machine peeling, since large tubers are peeled faster and a layer of pulp is cut off by the end of peeling.
Washing potatoes helps to quickly clean them and improves the sanitary conditions for their further processing. At the same time, contaminants are removed from the surfaces of the tubers, so that sand does not fall on the moving parts of the potato peeler.
Peel potatoes in batch or continuous potato peelers. Potatoes are peeled by rubbing against a rough surface. Cleaning duration is 2 - 2.5 minutes.
Finishing is done manually with a grooved or root knife. Remove eyes, dark spots, and skin. The processed potatoes are washed in cold water.
Salt - sifted. The fat is cleaned, rolled out and filtered.

      Scheme for preparing a dish or side dish.
Roast beef.
    Requirements for the quality of semi-finished products and finished dishes.

Beef (tenderloin, thick and thin edges) is cleaned into a large piece weighing 1–2.5 kg, sprinkled with salt and pepper, and placed on a preheated baking sheet, greased. The distance between the pieces is at least 5 cm. The meat is fried over high heat until a crispy crust forms, then placed in the oven and continued to fry at a temperature of 160–170 °C. During frying, the meat is periodically turned over and poured with the released juice and fat. Roast beef can be fried to three degrees of doneness: rare (the meat is fried until a crispy crust forms), medium-rare (the meat is pinkish inside toward the center) and well done (the meat is gray inside). The degree of doneness is judged by the elasticity of the meat: rare roast beef is very springy, half-roasted beef is weaker, and fully roasted beef has almost no elasticity. The finished roast beef is cut into 2-3 pieces per serving.

When served, a complex side dish consisting of 3-4 types of vegetables, sliced ​​horseradish, sliced ​​meat, sprinkled with meat juice is placed on a portioned dish. You can use fried or fried potatoes as a side dish.

Roast pork, veal or lamb

Prepared large pieces of pork, or veal (ham, loin, shoulder), or lamb (loin, ham) are sprinkled with salt, pepper, placed on a baking sheet, poured with fat, fried on the stove and finished in the oven. During the frying process, pour over the released juice and fat. The finished meat is cut into 1-2 pieces per serving.

When leaving, put a side dish, sliced ​​meat on a portioned dish, and pour over meat juice. As a side dish for pork, stewed cabbage, fried potatoes, buckwheat porridge, boiled beans, and a complex side dish are served; for veal - fried or boiled potatoes, potatoes in milk, green peas; for lamb - buckwheat porridge, fried or boiled potatoes, beans in oil or tomato.

Roasted pig

Small piglets are fried whole, and large ones (4–6 kg) are cut along the vertebral bone along with the head, sprinkled with salt on the inside and placed on a baking sheet, skin side up (whole piglets with their backs up), the surface of the piglet is smeared with sour cream, poured with butter and fried in oven. During frying, pour over the released fat, do not turn the pig over. Readiness is determined by piercing the ham with a chef's needle. The roasted pig is cut into portions, one piece at a time.

When leaving, put buckwheat porridge seasoned with butter on a portioned dish, you can add chopped eggs, next to it - roast pig, pour over meat juice.

Natural pieces of meat are fried with a small amount of fat (5-10% by weight of the meat) on a stove or electric frying pan. The prepared portioned pieces are sprinkled with salt and pepper and placed on a baking sheet with fat heated to 170–180 °C. After a crispy crust has formed on one side, the meat is turned over and fried until cooked and a crust has formed on the other side. Losses when frying meat in natural portioned pieces are 37%. The meat is fried immediately before serving in order to better preserve its taste and smell. Natural fried dishes are served with a simple or complex side dish. The meat is poured with meat juice, butter or sauce, portioned into 50, 75, 100 or 125 g.


The history of the “truly English” dish

Unlike French or Italian cuisine, British cuisine cannot boast of sophistication and variety. In a country where the weather is damp for half the year and the piercing winds of the North Atlantic constantly blow, the population has no time for culinary subtleties - food should, first of all, be satisfying and saturate with energy for a long time. British dishes, including roast beef, meet these requirements 100%.

The original name roast beef translates as “baked beef”. The British insist that other types of meat will not give the dish the desired taste and texture. In general, in English cuisine there are many recipes with beef, while lamb, pork and poultry are considered “supporting characters”. This is not surprising if we remember that the climate of the British Isles is favorable for cattle breeding and, starting from the 17th century, many new meat breeds appeared here, becoming famous throughout Europe.

Around the same period, the table of wealthy Englishmen was decorated with roast beef - ordinary people could not afford such a treat. Beef has always been considered the food of aristocrats, but after King James I Stuart knighted... a bull carcass in 1617, its consumption became a legalized privilege of high society.

Initially, a piece of meat tied with twine was fried on a spit over coals or an open fire. The result was ideal from the British point of view - a crispy crust and pinkish (often with blood) flesh inside.

In addition to the nobility, soldiers of the British army were fed this elite meat dish, believing that it gave strength and raised morale. The famous 18th-century writer Henry Fielding sang the praises of roast beef in his ballad of the same name, which became the unofficial national anthem.

This work said that after eating beef tenderloin, the British became invincible, instantly dealing with the flimsy “frog” French. In response, the eternal enemies on the other side of the English Channel nicknamed the inhabitants of the British Isles “les rosbifs,” but this sounded more like a compliment.

The tradition of serving roast beef to the table on Sunday took hold in the 19th century, when beef became available to the middle class. Cooking a massive piece of meat required a fairly large fireplace or oven, which was only found in rich homes.

Enterprising Englishmen found a way out - on the way to church, they brought raw meat to bakeries (they didn’t make bread on Sunday), and on the way back they picked up the already cooked aromatic roast.

Yorkshire pudding

In England, this dish made from liquid unleavened dough is served along with fried beef tenderloin. Initially, meat and baked goods were cooked together on two levels. The beef was placed on top, and the pudding, during the frying process, collected the juice and fat dripping from it, soaking in them and becoming incredibly tasty.

In the 19th century, both ingredients of Sunday lunch were served alternately to save money. First they ate a rich pudding and only then meat, of which there was little due to the high cost. As a result, the family was fed and the budget did not suffer.

How to choose the right meat for roast beef

  • Only premium beef is suitable for roast beef. It could be:
  • dorsal part (thick edge);
  • tenderloin;
  • sirloin;
  • fillet (thin edge);


  1. Other things to consider:
  2. When purchasing, pay attention to the degree of maturity. Fresh meat in the full sense of the word is hardly possible to purchase in urban areas. And within an hour after slaughter, the animal’s muscles begin to stiffen, causing the product to become hard, poorly digestible and smell unpleasant. Such meat, like frozen meat, is not suitable for the No. 1 dish of English cuisine. The best option is dry-aged beef, which can be purchased ready-made. It is fermented in special salt chambers at temperatures close to 0ºC for 10 – 28 days. This is an elite product with pronounced taste. Meat is also sold in vacuum packaging, naturally fermented in a humid environment. Its ripening period is much shorter - only a few days, but the consistency and taste are more delicate. Generally, stores offer wet-aged beef as a more affordable option for the general consumer.
  3. The weight of the cut must be at least 1.5 kg. In a large piece, the pulp will not dry out.
  4. Films and connective tissues are undesirable. They will make the dish tough.
  5. The meat of old animals has a characteristic dark red color, and the fat has a yellowish tint. It is better not to buy such a product, it has little taste and benefits, but is high in cholesterol.
  6. Experienced chefs advise choosing a cut with a bone - the roast beef will be more tender and juicy. In addition, it will be more convenient to prepare.
  7. The further the part of the carcass intended for roast beef is from the head, the tougher the meat will be.

By the way, read the useful article How to choose meat for beef steak.

Subtleties of cooking

The ideal beef cut has been selected, but it still needs to be properly “brought to condition.” The technology for preparing roast beef involves storing fresh meat in the refrigerator for complete ripening, production of enzymes and fermentation. Of course, this stage is necessary only if you bought regular beef on the market, and not special - wet or dry aged as described above.

Fresh meat is wrapped in oiled parchment or placed on a wire rack in a container with an airtight lid. In this form, it should lie for 5 to 7 days in the “freshness zone”. You can add bay leaf and allspice.

Before cooking, keep the beef at room temperature for at least 2 hours to ensure it heats evenly. Otherwise, the outer and inner layers will cook at different speeds.

Ideally, the beef is placed on a grill grate and cooked using a convection heater. It is not advisable to place roast beef directly on the bottom of a fireproof dish - it will cook in its own juices. If there is no grill, a pillow of vegetables or a stand, for example, of skewers, is built for the cut.

If the meat is on the bone, it is first baked with the ribs down. You need to turn over and lift the piece with special tongs, and not with a fork, otherwise the juice will leak out. A roll is made from boneless beef.

The easiest way to determine the degree of doneness is with a meat thermometer. Below we provide a table showing all the options for roasting roast beef and the time during which you can achieve the desired result. Let us remember that protein coagulates at 42ºС and, in principle, such meat can already be considered harmless to the human body.

It is clear that a cut weighing 2 kg will have to be cooked about 2 times longer, and so on.

During baking, it is advisable to baste the dish with leaked meat juice every 10 - 15 minutes and immediately put it back in the oven so that it does not cool down.

The finished roast beef is not cut immediately. It will be most delicious on the second day, since the juice will be evenly distributed between the layers of meat.


Even famous chefs do not always pay attention to this point. They believe that it is enough to keep the roast beef in the oven at the same temperature to achieve a completely acceptable result.

However, their opponents are confident that the dish requires a special approach and recommend the following baking algorithm:

  • Preheat the oven to 250ºC, place the meat and cook for 15 minutes, turning over to form a uniform crust;
  • reduce the temperature to 160 - 180 ºС and continue processing the beef, spending an average of 15 minutes for every ½ kg of raw product.

Whether such subtleties are needed, each housewife decides for herself. You can “feel the difference” only through experimentation. But if you consider that previously roast beef was cooked on coals, which gradually cooled, the advice is not unreasonable.

Roast beef according to the classic recipe. Master class with photos

We offer you to prepare delicious and juicy roast beef using a simple, affordable recipe. If you have to choose between beef tenderloin and thick rib, which are the ones that are used most often, we would advise you to go with the second option. It is still better to cook the French equivalent of steak from the tenderloin - “châteaubriand”.

The dish is eaten both hot and cold – it is equally tasty. The British prefer cold roast beef with spicy seasonings: mustard and horseradish.

Roast beef is an original English dish, which over time has become international. To prepare it, you will need a good piece of beef (or better yet, bull) tenderloin, weighing at least 2.5 kg. The quality of cooked roast beef directly depends on the quality of the meat. Sirloin is a very good choice for this - a long muscle that has virtually no connective tissue and wide layers of fat.

An important feature of beef roast beef is the uniform thickness of the entire piece, which avoids dryness of the meat at the edges. The future roast beef is tied crosswise and lengthwise with thick cotton twine. Thus, it is given the shape of a log.

The technology for preparing roast beef is quite simple, and the product turns out very tasty. It can be used as a hot or cold dish, as a slice, in a salad, on a sandwich. Roast beef is a kind of all-natural substitute for sausages. It can be given even to children without fear, since it contains only excellent quality meat.

Required Ingredients

  • beef in one piece – 2.5 kg
  • fresh horseradish, grated – 6 tbsp. l.
  • garlic – 7 cloves
  • fresh rosemary - a few sprigs
  • pepper mixture (preferably freshly ground) – 4 tsp.
  • salt – 4 tsp.
  • butter – 2 tbsp. l.
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • sour cream – 200 g

Cooking method

1. First you need to prepare the marinade sauce. To do this, mix sour cream, freshly ground pepper mixture, some horseradish and salt in a small bowl. It can be prepared in advance and keeps well in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

2. Now you can start preparing the meat. To do this, all the thin film is cut off from its surface. The piece is tied with a rope as described above. A mixture of pepper mixture, horseradish, and salt is prepared. It is necessary to grate the meat, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.

3. A couple of hours before cooking roast beef, the preparation should be removed from the refrigerator. The meat should be at room temperature even inside. A mixture of butter and olive oil is heated in a thick-bottomed frying pan. It is necessary to fry the roast beef on all sides, each for about 5 minutes. The meat should be covered with a golden brown crust.

4. Next, the roast beef is baked in the oven. It heats up to 200°C. The beef is placed in a ceramic or metal baking dish lined with rosemary sprigs. Roast beef is baked for 25-35 minutes, depending on the size of the piece.

5. Place the finished roast beef on a wooden board and leave for 20 minutes, during which it will cool slightly. The roast beef is cut into thin slices and served.