Why take vitamin b12? Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - characteristics, sources, instructions for use

Vitamin B12 is very important for the health of the brain, nervous system, DNA synthesis and blood cell formation. Essentially, it is food for the brain. Its use is key at any age, but especially as the body ages - vitamin B12 deficiency is associated with cognitive impairment. Even moderate deficiency can lead to decreased mental abilities and chronic fatigue. One of the most important vitamins for vegetarians, since the largest amount of it is found in animal products.

Also known as: cobalamin, cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, methylcobalamyl, cobamamide, Castle's external factor.

History of discovery

In the 1850s, an English physician described a fatal form of anemia, attributing it to abnormal stomach lining and a lack of stomach acid. Patients experienced symptoms of anemia, tongue inflammation, skin numbness and abnormal gait. There was no cure for the disease and it was invariably fatal. The patients were exhausted, hospitalized and had no hope of treatment.

George Richard Minot, MD, of Harvard, had the idea that substances in food could help patients. In 1923, Minot teamed up with William Parry Murphy, building on the previous work of George Whipple. In this study, dogs were made to become anemic and then tried to determine which foods restored red blood cells. Vegetables, red meat, and especially liver were effective.

In 1926, at a convention in Atlantic City, Minot and Murphy reported a sensational discovery - 45 patients with pernicious anemia were cured by taking large amounts of raw liver. Clinical improvement was evident and usually occurred within 2 weeks.

For this, Minot, Murphy and Whipple received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1934. Three years later, William Castle, also a Harvard scientist, discovered that the disease was related to some factor in the stomach.

People with their stomachs removed often died from pernicious anemia, and eating liver did not help. This factor, present in the gastric mucosa, was called "intrinsic factor" and was necessary for the normal absorption of "extrinsic factor" from food. The “intrinsic factor” was absent in patients with pernicious anemia. In 1948, the "extrinsic factor" was isolated in crystalline form from the liver and published by Karl Folkers and his co-workers. It was called vitamin B12.

In 1956, British chemist Dorothy Hodgkin described the structure of the vitamin B12 molecule, for which she received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964. In 1971, organic chemist Robert Woodward announced the successful synthesis of the vitamin after ten years of attempts.

The fatal disease could now be easily cured by injections of pure vitamin B12 and without side effects. The patients recovered completely.

The approximate presence (mcg/100 g) of vitamin is indicated:

Daily requirement for vitamin B12

The recommended intake of vitamin B12 is determined by the nutrition committees in each country and ranges from 1 to 3 micrograms per day. For example, the standard set by the US Food and Nutrition Board in 1998 is as follows:
In 1993, the European Committee on Nutrition established the daily intake of vitamin B12: Age
Men: mg/day (International Units/day) Age
European Union (including Greece) 1.4 mcg/day
Belgium France
2.4 mcg/day Age
Germany, Austria, Switzerland 3.0 mcg/day
Ireland Italy
2 mcg/day Netherlands
2.8 mcg/day France
Nordic countries Netherlands
2.0 mcg/day Portugal
Spain 1.4 mcg/day
Great Britain 1.4 mcg/day

1.5 mcg/day

  • in older people, the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach often decreases (which leads to a decrease in the absorption of vitamin B12), and the number of bacteria in the intestines increases, which may reduce the level of vitamin available to the body;
  • with atrophic gastritis, the body’s ability to absorb natural vitamin B12 from food decreases;
  • with pernicious (pernicious) anemia, the body lacks a substance that helps absorb B12 from the digestive tract;
  • during gastrointestinal operations (for example, truncation of the stomach or its removal), the body loses cells that secrete hydrochloric acid and contain an internal factor that promotes the absorption of B12;
  • in people following a diet that does not contain animal products; as well as in infants whose nursing mothers are vegetarian or vegan.

In all of the above cases, a deficiency of vitamin B12 may occur in the body, which can lead to very serious consequences.

To prevent and treat such conditions, doctors prescribe taking a synthetic vitamin orally or by injection.

Physico-chemical properties of vitamin B12

In fact, vitamin B12 is a whole group of substances containing cobalt.

It includes cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, methylcobalamin and cobamide. In the human body, cyanocobalamin is the most active.

This vitamin is considered the most complex in its structure in comparison with other vitamins.

In food, vitamin B12 is combined with a certain protein, which, under the influence of gastric juice and pepsin, dissolves in the human stomach.

When B12 is released, a binding protein attaches to it and protects it while it is transported to the small intestine. Once the vitamin is in the intestines, a substance called “intrinsic factor B12” separates the vitamin from the protein. This allows vitamin B12 to enter the bloodstream and perform its functions. In order for B12 to be properly absorbed by the body, the stomach, small intestine and pancreas must be healthy. In addition, a sufficient amount of intrinsic factor must be produced in the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking large amounts of alcohol can also affect the absorption of vitamin B12 by reducing stomach acid production.

Beneficial properties and its effect on the body

Interaction with other elements

  • While numerous diseases and medications can negatively impact the effectiveness of vitamin B12, certain nutrients can support its effects or even make them possible altogether: folic acid
  • : this substance is a direct “partner” of vitamin B12. It is responsible for converting folic acid back into its biologically active form after various reactions - in other words, it reactivates it. Without vitamin B12, the body quickly suffers from functional folic acid deficiency, since it remains in our body in a form unsuitable for it. On the other hand, vitamin B12 also requires the presence of folic acid: in one reaction, folic acid (more specifically methyltetrahydrofolate) provides a methyl group for vitamin B12. Methylcobalamin then transfers to a methyl group on homocysteine, causing it to become methionine.: The second biologically active form of vitamin B12, adenosylcobalamin, requires biotin (also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H) and magnesium to perform its important function in mitochondria. In the case of biotin deficiency, a situation may arise where there is sufficient adenosylcobalamin, but it is useless because its reaction partners cannot be formed. In these cases, symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency may occur although B12 levels in the blood remain normal.
  • On the other hand, a urine test shows a vitamin B12 deficiency when in fact there is none. Supplementing with vitamin B12 would also not resolve the associated symptoms, since vitamin B12 simply remains ineffective due to biotin deficiency. Biotin is very sensitive to free radicals, so getting additional biotin becomes necessary in cases of stress, strenuous exercise and illness. calcium
  • : The absorption of vitamin B12 in the intestine via intrinsic factor is directly dependent on calcium. In cases of calcium deficiency, this method of absorption becomes extremely limited, which can lead to a slight deficiency of vitamin B12. An example of this is taking metaphenine, a diabetes drug that reduces calcium levels in the intestines to such an extent that many patients develop B12 deficiency. However, studies have shown that this can be compensated for by the simultaneous administration of vitamin B12 and calcium. As a result of an unhealthy diet, many people suffer from hyperacidity. This means that most of the calcium consumed is used to neutralize acid. Thus, excessive acidity in the intestines can lead to problems with B12 absorption. A lack of vitamin D can also lead to calcium deficiency. In this case, it is advised to take vitamin B12 with calcium to optimize the rate of absorption of intrinsic factor. vitamins B2 and B3

: They help convert vitamin B12 after it is converted into its bioactive coenzyme form.

Absorption of vitamin B12 with other foods

Research shows that consuming the right ratio of folic acid and B12 may improve health, strengthen the heart, and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease; however, if there is too much acid, it can interfere with B12 absorption and vice versa. Thus, maintaining optimal amounts of each is the only way to prevent deficiency from occurring. Folic acid is rich in leafy greens, beans, and broccoli, while B12 is found primarily in animal foods such as fish, organic and lean meats, dairy products, and eggs. Try combining them!

Natural B12 or dietary supplements?

Like any other vitamin, B12 is best obtained from natural sources. There are studies that synthetic food additives can be harmful to the body. In addition, only a doctor can determine the exact amount of a particular substance necessary for health and well-being. However, in some cases, synthetic vitamins cannot be avoided.

In dietary supplements, vitamin B12 is usually present as cyanocobalamin, a form that the body readily converts into the active forms methylcobalamin and 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin. Dietary supplements may also contain methylcobalamin and other forms of vitamin B12. Current evidence shows no differences between forms with regard to absorption or bioavailability. However, the body's ability to absorb vitamin B12 from dietary supplements is largely limited by intrinsic factor capacity. For example, only about 10 mcg of a 500 mcg oral supplement is actually absorbed by healthy individuals.

Vegetarians and vegans especially need to think about additional consumption of vitamin B12. B12 deficiency among vegetarians depends mainly on the type of diet they follow. Vegans are at greatest risk. Some B12-fortified grain products are a good source of the vitamin and often contain more than 3 mcg of B12 for every 100 grams. Additionally, some brands of nutritional yeast and cereals are fortified with vitamin B12. A variety of soy products, including soy milk, tofu and meat substitutes, also contain synthetic B12. It is important to look at the ingredients in a product as not all are fortified with B12 and the amount of the vitamin may vary.

Various infant formulas, including soy-based ones, are fortified with vitamin B12. Newborns receiving formula have higher levels of vitamin B12 than breastfed babies.

  • While exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months of a baby's life, adding a fortified formula with vitamin B12 during the second half of infancy can be quite beneficial.
  • Make sure your diet includes a reliable source of vitamin B12, such as fortified foods or dietary supplements. Generally, it is not enough to consume only eggs and dairy products.
  • Ask your healthcare provider to check your B12 levels once a year.
  • Make sure your vitamin B12 levels are normal before and during pregnancy and if you are breastfeeding.
  • Older vegetarians, especially vegans, may need higher doses of B12 due to age-related issues.

Higher doses will likely be needed for people who are already deficient. According to professional literature, doses ranging from 100 mcg per day (for children) to 2000 mcg per day (for adults) are used to treat people with vitamin B12 deficiency.

The following table contains a list of foods that can be included in a vegetarian and vegan diet and are great for maintaining normal B12 levels in the body: Product Vegetarianism Veganism
Comments Cheese Yes No
An excellent source of vitamin B12, but some types contain higher amounts than others. Swiss cheese, mozzarella, feta are recommended. Cheese Yes Eggs
The largest amount of B12 is found in the yolk. The richest in vitamin B12 are duck and goose eggs. Cheese Yes
Milk Cheese Yes
Yogurt Cheese Cheese Vegetarian spreads with nutritional yeast

Most spreads can be consumed by vegans. However, you need to pay attention to the composition of the product, since not all spreads are enriched with vitamin B12.

Application in official medicine

  • Health Benefits of Vitamin B12:
  • Promotes brain health: Low levels of vitamin B12 have been seen to increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in older men and women. B12 helps maintain low homocysteine ​​levels, which may play a role in the development of Alzheimer's disease.
  • It is also important for concentration and may help reduce symptoms of ADHD and poor memory.
  • May prevent depression: Numerous studies have demonstrated a correlation between depression and vitamin B12 deficiency. This vitamin is necessary for the synthesis of a neurotransmitter associated with mood regulation. One study, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, looked at 700 women with disabilities over the age of 65. Researchers have found that women with vitamin B12 deficiency are twice as likely to suffer from depression.
  • Prevention of anemia and healthy blood formation: Vitamin B12 is essential for the healthy production of red blood cells of normal size and maturity. Immature and inappropriately sized red blood cells can lead to lower oxygen levels in the blood and general symptoms of weakness and exhaustion.

Maintaining Optimal Energy Levels: As one of the B vitamins, vitamin B12 helps convert proteins, fats and carbohydrates into fuel for our body. Without it, people often experience chronic fatigue. Vitamin B12 is also essential for neurotransmitter signaling that helps muscles contract and maintain energy levels throughout the day.

  • Vitamin B12 in dosage form can be prescribed in the following cases:
  • with hereditary vitamin deficiency (Immerslud-Grasbeck disease).
  • It is prescribed by injection, first for 10 days, and then once a month throughout life. This therapy is effective for people with vitamin absorption disorders;
  • with pernicious anemia. Typically in the form of injections, oral or nasal medications;
  • with vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • in case of cyanide poisoning;
  • with high levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Taken in combination with folic acid and vitamin B6;
  • for an age-related eye disease called age-related macular degeneration;

In modern medicine, the three most common synthetic forms of vitamin B12 are cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, and cobabmamide.

The first is used in the form of intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous or intralumbar injections, as well as in the form of tablets. Hydroxocobalamin can only be injected under the skin or into the muscles. Cobamamide is given by injection into a vein or muscle, or taken orally. It is the fastest acting of the three types. In addition, these drugs exist in the form of powders or ready-made solutions.

And, without a doubt, vitamin B12 is often included in multivitamin preparations.

Use of vitamin B12 in folk medicine

Traditional medicine, first of all, advises taking foods rich in vitamin B12 for anemia, weakness, and a feeling of chronic fatigue. Such products are meat, dairy products, and liver.

  • There is an opinion that vitamin B12 may have a positive effect on psoriasis and eczema.
  • Therefore, traditional doctors advise using ointments and creams that contain B12, externally and in the form of courses of treatment.
  • Norwegian scientists have found that low levels of vitamin B12 in infants are associated with subsequent decline in children's cognitive abilities. The study was conducted among Nepali children as vitamin B12 deficiency is very common in South Asian countries. Vitamin levels were first measured in newborns (2 to 12 months of age) and then in the same children 5 years later. Children whose B12 levels were lower performed worse on tests such as putting together a puzzle, recognizing letters, and interpreting other children's emotions. Vitamin deficiency was most often caused by insufficient consumption of animal products due to the low standard of living in the country.
  • A first-of-its-kind long-term study conducted by The Ohio State University Cancer Research Center shows that long-term use of vitamin B6 and B12 supplements leads to an increased risk of lung cancer in men who smoke. Data were collected from more than 77 thousand patients who took 55 micrograms of vitamin B12 every day for 10 years. All participants were between 50 and 76 years of age and were enrolled in the study between 2000 and 2002. As a result of observations, it was revealed that men who smoked had a four times higher risk of developing lung cancer than those who did not take B12.
  • A recent study suggests that taking certain vitamins such as B12, D, coenzyme Q10, niacin, magnesium, riboflavin or carnitine may have a therapeutic effect on migraine attacks.

This neurovascular disease affects 6% of men and 18% of women worldwide and is a very serious condition. Some scientists say it may be due to a lack of antioxidants or mitochondrial dysfunction. As a result, these vitamins and microelements, having antioxidant properties, can improve the patient’s condition and reduce the symptoms of the disease.

The use of vitamin B12 in cosmetology

  • a mask containing vitamins B2, B6, B12 (from ampoules), almond oil and burdock oil (a tablespoon each), 1 raw chicken egg. All ingredients are mixed and applied to hair for 5-10 minutes;
  • a mixture of vitamin B12 (1 ampoule) and 2 tablespoons of red pepper.
  • With such a mask you need to be extremely careful and apply it only to the roots of your hair. It will strengthen the roots and accelerate hair growth.

You need to keep it for no longer than 15 minutes;

mask with vitamin B12 from an ampoule, a teaspoon of castor oil, a teaspoon of liquid honey and 1 raw chicken yolk. This mask can be washed off an hour after application;

The positive effect of vitamin B12 is observed when it is applied to the skin. It is believed that it helps smooth out the first wrinkles, tone the skin, renew its cells and protect it from the harmful influences of the external environment. Cosmetologists advise using pharmaceutical vitamin B12 from an ampoule, mixing it with a fatty base - be it oil, sour cream or Vaseline. An effective anti-aging mask is a mask made from liquid honey, sour cream, chicken egg, lemon essential oil, with the addition of vitamins B12 and B12 and aloe vera juice. This mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes, 3-4 times a week. In general, vitamin B12 for skin combines well with cosmetic oils and vitamin A. However, before using any cosmetic substance, it is worth testing for allergies or adverse skin reactions.

Dogs rarely show signs of vitamin B12 deficiency, but they still need it for normal growth and development. The best sources of B12 are liver, kidneys, milk, eggs and fish. In addition, most ready-made feeds are already fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, including B12.

Cats need about 20 mcg of vitamin B12 per kilogram of body weight to maintain normal growth, pregnancy, lactation and hemoglobin levels. Studies show that kittens can go without vitamin B12 for 3-4 months without noticeable consequences, after which their growth and development slows down significantly until it stops completely.

The main source of vitamin B12 for ruminants, pigs and poultry is cobalt, present in soil and feed. Vitamin deficiency manifests itself in slow growth, poor appetite, weakness, and nervous diseases.

Use of vitamin B12 in crop production

For many years, scientists have been trying to find a way to obtain vitamin B12 from plants, since its main natural source is animal products. Some plants are able to absorb the vitamin through their roots and thus become enriched with it.

For example, barley grains or spinach contained significant amounts of vitamin B12 after adding fertilizer to the soil. Thus, thanks to such research, options are expanding for people who cannot get enough vitamin from its natural sources.

  • Myths about vitamin B12
  • Bacteria in the oral cavity or gastrointestinal tract independently synthesize sufficient amounts of vitamin B12.
  • If this were true, vitamin deficiency would not be so common. The vitamin can only be obtained from animal products, artificially enriched foods, or food supplements. Adequate amounts of vitamin B12 can be obtained from fermented soy products, probiotics, or algae (such as spirulina). In fact, these products do not contain vitamin B12, and its content in algae is very controversial.

Even though it is present in spirulina, it is not the active form of vitamin B12 needed by the human body.

It takes 10 to 20 years for vitamin B12 deficiency to develop.

Clinical cases of vitamin B12 deficiency are extremely rare, and in most cases they are caused by serious metabolic disorders, diseases, or a complete rejection of foods containing the vitamin. Only a doctor can determine whether there is a lack of a substance in your body by conducting special studies. However, if serum B12 levels approach minimum levels, some symptoms and discomfort may occur. The most difficult thing in this situation is to determine whether your body really lacks vitamin B12, since its deficiency can masquerade as many other diseases. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency may include:

  • irritability, suspicion, personality changes, aggression;
  • apathy, drowsiness, depression;
  • dementia, decreased intellectual abilities, memory impairment;
  • in children – developmental delay, manifestations of autism;
  • unusual sensations in the limbs, tremors, loss of sense of body position;
  • weakness;
  • changes in vision, damage to the optic nerve;
  • incontinence;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system (ischemic attacks, stroke, myocardial infarction);
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • chronic fatigue, frequent colds, loss of appetite.

As you can see, vitamin B12 deficiency can “masquerade” as many diseases, and all because it plays a very important role in the functioning of the brain, nervous system, immunity, circulatory system and DNA formation. That is why it is necessary to check the level of B12 in the body under medical supervision and consult a specialist about suitable treatments.

Vitamin B12 is considered to have a very low toxicity potential, so medicine has not established borderline levels of consumption and signs of vitamin excess. There is an opinion that excess vitamin B12 is eliminated from the body on its own.

Interactions with drugs

Some medications can affect the level of vitamin B12 in the body.

  • Such drugs are:
  • chloramphenicol (chloromycetin), a bacteriostatic antibiotic that affects vitamin B12 levels in some patients;
  • drugs used to treat stomach ulcers and reflux; they can interfere with the absorption of B12, slowing the release of stomach acid;

If you take these or any other medications on a regular basis, you should consult with your doctor about their effect on your body's levels of vitamins and minerals.


  • Tormod Rogne, Myrte J. Tielemans, Mary Foong-Fong Chong, Chittaranjan S. Yajnik and others. Associations of Maternal Vitamin B12 Concentration in Pregnancy With the Risks of Preterm Birth and Low Birth Weight: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant Data. American Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 185, Issue 3 (2017), Pages 212–223. doi.org/10.1093/aje/kww212
  • J. Firth, B. Stubbs, J. Sarris, S. Rosenbaum, S. Teasdale, M. Berk, A. R. Yung. The effects of vitamin and mineral supplementation on symptoms of schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine, Volume 47, Issue 9 (2017), Pages 1515-1527. doi.org/10.1017/S0033291717000022
  • Ingrid Kvestad and others. Vitamin B-12 status in infancy is positively associated with development and cognitive functioning 5 y later in Nepalese children. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 105, Issue 5, Pages 1122–1131, (2017). doi.org/10.3945/ajcn.116.144931
  • Theodore M. Brasky, Emily White, Chi-Ling Chen. Long-Term, Supplemental, One-Carbon Metabolism–Related Vitamin B Use in Relation to Lung Cancer Risk in the Vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) Cohort. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35(30):3440–3448 (2017). doi.org/10.1200/JCO.2017.72.7735
  • Nattagh-Eshtivani E, Sani MA, Dahri M, Ghalichi F, Ghavami A, Arjang P, Tarighat-Esfanjani A. The role of nutrients in the pathogenesis and treatment of migraine headaches: Review. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. Volume 102, June 2018, Pages 317-325 doi.org/10.1016/j.biopha.2018.03.059
  • Vitamin Nutrition Compendium,
  • A. Mozafar. Enrichment of some B-vitamins in plants with application of organic fertilizers. Plant and soil. December 1994, Volume 167, Issue 2, pp 305–311 doi.org/10.1007/BF00007957
  • Sally Pacholok, Jeffrey Stuart. Could It Be B12? An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses. Second Edition. Quill Driver Books. California, 2011. ISBN 978-1-884995-69-9.
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      Vitamin B12 is the most complex vitamin in its chemical structure; it was discovered by studying the effect of animal liver consumption on anemic factors. Three scientists received the Nobel Prize in 1934 for the discovery of the beneficial properties of the vitamin - the ability to reduce the risk of anemia.

      Vitamins of group B12 are represented by several chemical substances: cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, methylcobalamin, cobamide. But cyanocobalamin enters the human body to a greater extent and has a beneficial effect, which is what many call vitamin B12 in its narrow sense. It is a red powder, soluble in water, odorless, and can accumulate in the body, concentrating in the liver, lungs, spleen and kidneys.

      Importance of Vitamin B12

      The vitamin plays an important role in maintaining the health of the body:

      • Increases immune defense.
      • Is an additional source of energy.
      • Normalizes blood pressure, especially useful for hypotensive patients.
      • Activates mental activity, improves memory and attention.
      • Helps fight depression, prevent nervous disorders and diseases.
      • Promotes normal growth of the body, regulates appetite.
      • Plays an important role in the prevention of anemia.
      • Supports sexual function in men, increases reproduction.
      • Reduces irritability and nervous excitability.
      • Effective for insomnia.
      • Prevents fatty liver, improving its condition.

      In addition, vitamin B12 accelerates protein synthesis, which leads to an increase in its concentration and accumulation in the body. It promotes the formation of red blood cells, which are the main source of oxygen and other nutrients for all internal organs. Thanks to cyanocobalamin, the absorption of folic acid by the membrane of neurons and red blood cells is accelerated. The vitamin plays an important role in the metabolic process, accelerating the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.


      Vitamin B12 is synthesized independently in the body in the intestines, but this occurs in small doses. With age, with certain diseases or with regular sports training, its natural level decreases, and the body needs additional sources. You can get the vitamin from food.

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      Daily value (instructions for use)

      The daily requirement of vitamin B12 depends on age, lifestyle, and individual characteristics of the body. But scientists standardized the concept of norm and derived its average value for different age groups:


      The amount of vitamin necessary for normal functioning does not always enter the body. If it is deficient, the following symptoms may appear:

      • Lethargy, apathy.
      • Insomnia.
      • Increased nervous excitability and irritability.
      • Dizziness.
      • Anemia due to a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood.
      • Abnormal stool.
      • The appearance of bruises at the slightest pressure on the skin.
      • The occurrence of gum disease and bleeding.
      • Cramps.
      • Deterioration of complexion, pallor.
      • Hair loss, dullness and fragility.

      If you have several symptoms, you need to consult a doctor, who will prescribe the necessary tests and identify the cause of the disorders, and then prescribe the most suitable drugs to eliminate them and treat the root of the problem.

      Read more about diseases associated with vitamin B12 deficiency in the source - Wikipedia.

      Excess vitamin

      Since vitamin B12 is water-soluble, its excess can be eliminated from the body on its own. But uncontrolled use of supplements and violation of the recommended daily intake can lead to unpleasant consequences:

      • problems with stool;
      • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
      • blood pressure surges;
      • the appearance of allergic rashes on the skin.

      If these symptoms occur, it is recommended to stop taking supplements, after which the symptoms of overdose will disappear and the functioning of the body’s systems will return to normal.

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      Indications for use

      Vitamin B12 is prescribed for various pathological changes in the body, including those caused by grueling diets and intense sports training. It is indicated for reception at:

      • anemia;
      • liver diseases, including various forms of hepatitis;
      • frequent colds due to decreased immunity;
      • skin diseases of various etiologies;
      • neuroses and other disorders of the nervous system;
      • decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood;
      • kidney diseases;
      • Cerebral palsy, Down's disease.


      • embolism;
      • leukemia;
      • hemochromatosis.

      Pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 18 years of age, should not take vitamin supplements without consulting a specialist. Individual intolerance to the components is possible.

      Interaction with other drugs

    1. Taking potassium reduces the rate of absorption of cyanocobalamin, so you should not combine the use of these supplements. However, it is worth knowing that due to the fact that vitamin B12 can accumulate and remain in the body for a certain time, a short course of taking potassium for medical reasons will not reduce the level of the vitamin in the blood.
    2. The absorption of cyanocobalamin is reduced when taking antihyperlipidemic and antituberculosis drugs.
    3. increases the amount of vitamin synthesized in the intestines, and is also its conductor into the cell.

    Pills or injections?

    Vitamin B12 is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets and injections. Both forms are intended to replenish the lack of vitamin in the body, but, as a rule, it is the tablets that are prescribed to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency. They are taken in courses and are effective for minor disorders associated with vitamin deficiency; their action is rather aimed at preventing the occurrence of vitamin deficiency. Injections are prescribed for critically low levels of the vitamin in the blood, as well as for concomitant diseases that prevent its production.

    Cyanocobalamin, supplied by injection, is absorbed much faster, since it does not depend on the presence of a special enzyme in the stomach and enters directly into the blood, bypassing the splitting stage. The degree of its absorption reaches 90% versus 70% received orally.

    Vitamin B12 for athletes

    Regular physical activity leads to intensive consumption of all nutrients, including vitamin B12. To replenish the required amount, athletes should take specially developed dietary supplements.

    Vitamin B12, due to its active participation in carbohydrate metabolism, promotes the production of additional energy during sports, which allows you to increase loads and increase training time.

    Due to its beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, cyanocobalamin improves coordination of movements, helps to concentrate on performing a specific exercise, which makes it possible to more thoroughly work out each muscle group.

    Vitamin supplements will be especially useful for vegetarians, since most of it is found in animal products.

    It helps not only to improve the quality of training, but also to recover after competitions by stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system.

    Top 5 Vitamin B12 Supplements

    Photo of packaging


    Manufacturer Release form Application Price
    Vitamin B12Solgar60 lozenges/1000 mcg1 capsule per day800 rubles
    B-12Now Foods250 lozenges/1000 mcg1 lozenge per day900 rubles
    NeurobionMERCKAmpoules/100 mg1 ampoule per day300 rubles for 3 ampoules

    Good day, curious readers of my blog. Is cyanocobalamin often present in your diet? Don't be scared by this scary name - this is not some outlandish product. In fact, this is the second name that vitamin B12 received. Believe me, this cobalt-containing element is simply irreplaceable for every person. And I intend to convince you of this today. If you are ready, then listen.

    Vitamin B12 has a special effect on our mood, energy levels, memory, heart, digestion and so on. This is one of the most important elements. It affects the following processes occurring in the body:

    • DNA synthesis;
    • ensures hormonal balance;
    • maintains healthy nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
    • removes homocysteine;
    • lipotropic function;
    • participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and leukocytes;
    • supports reproductive function;
    • takes part in splitting.

    Deficiency Symptoms

    Due to the importance of B12 for the body, a deficiency of this element is very difficult to miss. It will manifest itself in a variety of negative symptoms. If you lack this substance, you may feel overwhelmed or unfocused in your body.

    Additional symptoms in adults are ( 1 ):

    • muscle pain, joint pain and weakness;
    • difficulty breathing or shortness of breath;
    • dizziness;
    • poor memory;
    • inability to concentrate on business;
    • mood changes (depression and anxiety);
    • heartbeat disturbance;
    • poor dental health, including bleeding gums and mouth ulcers;
    • digestive problems such as nausea, diarrhea, or cramps;
    • poor appetite.

    In more severe forms, deficiency can cause pernicious anemia. This is a dangerous disease that can lead to memory loss, confusion and even long-term dementia.

    There are 2 groups of people who are at increased risk of B12 deficiency. These are elderly people and vegetarians ( 2 )

    Representatives of the first group are very susceptible to vitamin deficiency because they have digestive disorders. As a rule, in older people the production of gastric juice is reduced. But it is so important for the absorption of nutrients by the body.

    As for vegetarians, their deficiency of vitamin B12 is understandable. The best sources of this element are animal products. But vegetarians don't eat them.

    Also, a deficiency of this element is observed in smokers. The reason for this is that nicotine can block the absorption of elements from food. A lack of vitamin B12 is also diagnosed in people suffering from anemia and digestive disorders. And people who abuse alcoholic beverages have a deficiency of this element.

    How to determine B12 deficiency

    The diagnosis of deficiency of this vitamin is made after measuring its level in the blood serum. However, research shows that such research is not always objective. About 50% of patients with vitamin B12 deficiency have normal levels of this element. ( 3 )

    There are more accurate screening options to detect vitamin deficiency. But they, as a rule, do not give 100% accurate results ( 4 ). Therefore, if you suspect that you are deficient in this element, get tested first. If the test result shows everything is normal, talk to your doctor about additional tests.

    What foods contain vitamin B12

    According to a 2007 study, the absorption of vitamin B12 from food in adults is about 50%. However, in reality this figure is often much lower. ( 5 )

    The best food sources of vitamin B12 are meat, fish and poultry, organ meats and eggs.

    Although the cobalt-containing element is absorbed worse from eggs - only about 9% is absorbed by the body. Vegetables and fruits do not contain this element at all.

    For vegans and vegetarians, I have sad news. Such a super-duper product as blue-green algae is a very poor substitute for vitamin B12 ( 6 ). Therefore, those who adhere to a vegetarian diet must take vitamin complexes.

    In general, the exact level of absorption depends on the health of the person’s digestive system. Below I present to your attention the best sources that supply the body with the vitamin (3 mcg for an adult is accepted as the norm).

    With the help of these foods, you can eliminate the deficiency of element b12. To do this, you just need to increase your consumption of such foods.

    Instructions for use

    The body's daily need for this element depends on the person's age. It can vary from 0.4 mcg to 3 mcg.

    So, the daily norm for children is:

    • 0-6 months – 0.4 mcg;
    • 6-12 months – 0.5 mcg;
    • 1-3 years – 0.9 -1 mcg;
    • 4-6 years – 1.5 mcg;
    • 7-10 years – 2.0 mcg.

    For adults, this figure increases to 3 mcg. The only exceptions are pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as athletes. For them, the daily dosage is 4-5 mcg. However, only a doctor can determine the body’s exact need for a cobalt-containing element. And then after the patient passes certain tests.

    Compared to other vitamins, we do not need very large amounts of B12. But it is extremely important to replenish its reserves daily. Therefore, to maintain the recommended level, it is necessary to eat foods rich in this element.

    In addition, vitamin B12 can be taken in tablets that are placed under the tongue or in spray form. In addition, this drug is also available in ampoules. Since this element is water-soluble, the body can flush out all excess with urine and it is impossible to get an overdose. Therefore, cyanocobalamin is safe and non-toxic.

    It is important to remember that vitamin B12, intended for oral administration, has low bioavailability - when it enters the stomach, only 40% of the drug is absorbed by the body. But intravenous injections are characterized by greater bioavailability - up to 98% of the active substance is absorbed.

    Despite the safety of the drug, I do not recommend self-medication. The intake of this vitamin and its dosage should be agreed with your doctor. Otherwise, the price of experimenting with your health will be too high.

    Top 9 Benefits of Vitamin B12

    Here I have highlighted the most striking advantages of this element. Take a look and you might want to reconsider your diet in favor of consuming more meat products.

    1. Supports metabolism. Vitamin B12 is necessary for the conversion of vitamin B, which is used as energy by the body. Therefore, people with a deficiency of this element often complain of fatigue. It is also essential for neurotransmitters, which help muscles contract and give you energy.
    2. Prevents memory loss. B12 deficiency can cause various neurological and psychiatric disorders. The role of this element in the regulation of the nervous system is high. Therefore, this vitamin is used to reduce the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and dementia. ( 7 ) (8 )
    3. Improves mood and learning ability. There have been many studies showing that B12 helps regulate the nervous system. It also reduces depression and anxiety. ( 9 ) This element is also necessary for concentration and cognitive processes (such as learning). Therefore, its lack can lead to difficulty focusing.
    4. Supports heart health. The vitamin helps reduce elevated homocysteine ​​levels. But today it is considered the main risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases. (10) Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid. The content of vitamin B complex in the body depends on its concentration in the blood. There is also evidence that B12 may help control high cholesterol and blood pressure. And group B elements can control atherosclerotic diseases. (eleven)
    5. Essential for healthy skin and hair. Vitamin B12 is important for healthy skin, hair and nails. The reason for this is that it plays a special role in cell reproduction. Plus, this element reduces redness, dryness, inflammation and acne. It can be applied to the skin for psoriasis and eczema. In addition, which includes cyanocobalamin, it reduces hair fragility and helps nails become stronger.
    6. Promotes digestion. This vitamin helps in the production of digestive enzymes to break down food in the stomach. This helps create an environment for the development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Destroying harmful bacteria in the digestive tract and keeping the good ones present is what prevents digestive disorders. In particular, problems such as inflammatory bowel disease are prevented.
    7. Necessary for pregnant women. B12 is needed to create nucleic acid (or DNA - the basic genetic material). Well, it is used to create our body. Therefore, this element is the main nutrient for growth and development. It is also a vital component in helping a healthy pregnancy. The vitamin also interacts with folic acid in the body. This reduces the risk of birth defects.
    8. May help prevent cancer. This vitamin is currently being studied as an aid in reducing the risk of certain types of cancer. Its properties are enhanced by simultaneous intake of the element with folic acid (12). Plus, some preliminary research suggests it may benefit the immune system. This means that b12 potentially helps in the fight against cancer. In particular, it fights cervical, prostate and colon cancer.
    9. Prevents anemia. Vitamin B12 is essential for creating normal levels of red blood cells. Thanks to this, the development of megaloblastic anemia is prevented. Its symptoms are chronic fatigue and weakness. ( 13 )

    Interactions with other drugs

    The absorption of vitamin B12 may be difficult in case of alcoholism or smoking. Moreover, long-term use of antibiotics reduces the stomach's ability to absorb the cobalt-containing element. As a result, the body does not receive enough vitamin B12. And potassium supplements can also reduce the absorption of this substance.

    For this reason, anyone taking stomach medications should consult their doctor. In your case, you may need to take additional vitamin supplements.

    I am sure that today's article has helped you take a fresh look at vitamin B12. And now you understand that not receiving this element can cause serious problems. It is very important to know this. Therefore, share the link to this article with your friends on social networks. And, there are still so many useful and interesting things prepared for you. And that’s all for today – see you again!

    Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble B vitamin. Unlike other substances in this group, it can accumulate in the human body, most of all in the liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. It is absorbed in the small intestine and deposited in the liver.

    It contains cobalt ion, hence its other name - cyanocobalamin, or cobalamin. Cyanocobalamin is resistant to light and high temperature, and is better preserved in food products during heat treatment.

    The activity of cyanocobalamin is very high, and the amount of vitamin B12 in foods is measured in mcg. Accordingly, a person’s need for it is small.

    Amount of vitamin B12 in foods (mcg/100g):

    • Beef liver – 60;
    • Heart – 25;
    • Oysters – 18;
    • Trout – 7.5;
    • Herring – 13;
    • Russian cheese – 1.5;
    • Sardines in oil – 8.5;
    • Rabbit meat – 4.3;
    • Beef – 3.0;
    • Sea bass – 2.4;
    • Cod – 1.6;
    • Dutch cheese – 1.1;
    • Cheese Poshekhonsky – 1.4;
    • Cottage cheese – 1.0;
    • Chicken egg – 0.5;
    • Cow's milk – 0.4;
    • Kefir – 0.4;
    • Butter – 0.1.

    The main source of this vitamin for the body is animal products. A little cobalamin is synthesized in the intestine by its own microflora. Very small amounts are found in soybeans, hops, tops, spinach, and green salad.

    Vitamin B12 intake standards

    Age determines the daily requirement for cyanocobalamin. So, in infants up to 6 months it is 0.4 mcg/day, in children from 6 to 12 months – 0.5 mcg/day, from 1 to 3 years this need increases to 1 mcg/day, from 4 to 6 years – up to 1.5 mcg/day. Children aged 7-10 years require 2 mcg of vitamin per day, adolescents 11-17 years old, as well as adults - 3 mcg/day. In pregnant and breastfeeding women, the need is higher – 4 mcg/day.

    There is also another designation for the amount of vitamin B12 - in international units (IU). 1IU corresponds to the activity of 1 mcg of cyanocobalamin.

    The metabolism of cobalamin in the body occurs very slowly, and it takes at least 5-6 years for its deficiency to develop. If a person takes potassium supplements, then hypovitaminosis develops several times faster.

    If a person smokes, drinks alcohol, or is a vegetarian, the need for vitamin B12 increases.

    With excessive consumption of sweets, carbonated drinks, as well as with chronic diarrhea, the absorption of cyanocobalamin from the intestine worsens, which means its intake into the body decreases.

    If a person uses many different medications, and especially contraceptives, the consumption of cyanocobalamin increases.

    The importance of vitamin B12 in the body

    Vitamin B12 plays a significant role in the biological processes of the body, together with other vitamins it participates in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as:

    • Participates in the formation of red blood cells - erythrocytes;
    • Helps remove homocysteine ​​from the body, an amino acid that contributes to the occurrence of strokes and myocardial infarctions;
    • Reduces fat and cholesterol levels in the body;
    • Improves oxygen availability for cells during hypoxia;
    • Takes part in the regeneration of damaged tissues, participating in the synthesis of nucleic acids;
    • Promotes the formation of active forms of vitamin A;
    • Participates in the formation of the hormone melatonin, which regulates biorhythms;
    • It has an effect on the male reproductive system - it increases the sperm content in the gonads;
    • Regulates the functioning of the immune system;
    • It is a catalyst for biochemical transformations of organic acids, as a result of which myelin is formed - the sheath of nerve fibers.

    Vitamin B12 is very important for hair, for its growth and healthy appearance.

    Vitamin B12 deficiency

    Hypovitaminosis is formed when there is insufficient intake of cyanocobalamin from food, impaired absorption, or when taking certain medications. Signs of its deficiency are the following symptoms:

    • Low hemoglobin, platelets and leukocytes;
    • Disorders of the digestive system;
    • Fatigue, irritability, depression;
    • Feeling of numbness in the limbs and difficulty walking;
    • Stomatitis, glossitis;
    • Headache;
    • Visual impairment;
    • Painful menstruation.

    Lack of vitamin B12 for hair leads to hair loss and early greying.

    Excess vitamin B12

    Cyanocobalamin hypervitaminosis occurs rarely when the dosage is not observed when taking vitamin B12 tablets or when administered parenterally.

    Main symptoms of overdose:

    • Pulmonary edema;
    • Vein thrombosis;
    • Urticaria or anaphylactic shock;
    • Heart failure.

    Use of cyanocobalamin for medicinal purposes

    As a medicine, vitamin B12 in ampoules or tablets is used for diseases such as hepatitis, anemia, radiculitis, polyneuritis, chronic pancreatitis, multiple sclerosis, diabetic neuropathy, radiation sickness, cerebral palsy, peripheral nerve injuries, skin and allergic diseases.

    Vitamin B12 tablets are better absorbed when taken simultaneously with folic acid. It is used in the treatment of anemia at a dose of 30 to 200 mcg per day, every other day, until remission is achieved.

    Vitamin B12 in ampoules is used for intravenous, intramuscular, intralumbar and subcutaneous administration.

    For neurological pathology, including pain, vitamin B12 is administered from 0.2 to 0.5 mg per injection according to an increasing scheme, once every 2 days, for a course of up to 2 weeks.


    Do not use vitamin B12 in ampoules and tablets in case of thromboembolism, erythrocytosis, or individual intolerance. Concomitant angina pectoris requires careful use.


    Homocysteine ​​is a small molecule that is fermented into methionine by a B12-dependent enzyme, and when B12 concentrations fall below optimal levels (hence the enzyme is not activated), homocysteine ​​concentrations increase. B12 supplementation of 100-500 mcg correlates with a decrease in homocysteine ​​concentrations, while 10 mcg has no effect, despite the fact that many studies that used B-complex with B12 used dosages less than 10 mcg.

    Inflammation and Immunology


    It has been established that the liver is a reservoir of B12 and many liver diseases are accompanied by a decrease in B12 concentration, which may elude diagnostic control, because B12 concentration in the liver is not related to plasma concentration. Vitamin B12 also plays a role in the replication of the hepatitis C virus (inhibits translation on the internal surface of the ribosome without a concentration-dependent effect on the cap-dependent mechanism) and is assumed to have protective properties. In patients with hepatitis C who received standard therapy (pegylated interferon a, with ribaverin) or the same therapy but with the addition of B12 (5000 µg intramuscularly every four weeks) for 48 weeks, the following effect was observed: the group that received B12, showed higher results of early (21%) and sustained (34%) viral response. High doses of B12 may somehow have a protective effect against hepatitis C in people who are already infected, and B12 may also reduce viral replication in a dose-dependent manner (only hepatitis C virus was considered). In the same study, while looking at the hepatitis C virus and the effect of inhibiting its replication, swine flu and encephalomyelitis viruses were also considered, which were not affected by B12. It is likely that B12 is effective against hepatitis C virus but not other viruses.

    Vitamin B12 and pregnancy


    Nutrient interactions


    Folic acid is most often used together with B12, because High doses of folate may mask the symptoms of anemia caused by B12 deficiency, which may only worsen the manifestations of macrocytic anemia rather than increase the risk of developing cognitive impairment associated with B12 deficiency. Based on the above, B12 supplementation is used to reduce the risk of undiagnosed anemia due to B12 deficiency. Folic acid supplementation may mask the manifestations of B12 deficiency anemia, so they are most often taken together, not because they work together, but only to reduce the risk of undiagnosed macrocytic anemia associated with B12 deficiency. Supplementation with B12 at doses up to 500 mcg has no effect on plasma folate concentrations.

    Safety and toxicology


    High serum concentrations of B12 (hypercobalaminemia, considered 950 to 709 pmol/L) cause conditions such as chronic myelogenous leukemia, protomyelocytic leukemia, polycythemia and also hypereosinophilic syndrome, which is associated with increased production of haptocorrin (an inactive transporter). These diseases are very dangerous and require immediate diagnosis. There are side effects of some serious conditions that increase plasma concentrations of B12, but B12 itself is not thought to have anything to do with this.

    Foods that contain vitamin B12

    Ultimately, animals must obtain vitamin B12, directly or indirectly, from bacteria, and these bacteria may live in the section of the intestine furthest from the part where B12 is absorbed. Thus, B12 in the rumen of herbivores must either come from bacteria or (if plant material is fermented in the gut) from fecal recirculation.
    Vitamin B12 is found in most animal foods, including fish and shellfish, meat (especially liver), poultry, eggs, milk and dairy products. However, the binding capacity of egg yolk and white decreases markedly after heat treatment. The NIH (National Institute of Health) lists a number of animal food sources of vitamin B12.
    Animal sources of vitamin B12:
    Beef, offal and by-products, liver, boiled, fried: 83.1 mcg vitamin B12/100 g
    Turkey, all grades, giblets, cooked, simmered, giblet fat: 33.2
    Brunswick pork liver sausage: 20.1
    Raw Pacific oysters: 16.0
    Cooked king crab: 11.5
    Raw shellfish: 11.3
    Slow-cooked chicken giblets: 9.4
    Cheese: 3.3
    Beef (raw fillet): 1.15
    Egg (raw eggs, whole chicken): 0.89
    Whole cow's milk: 0.45
    Raw chicken breasts: 0.20
    Apart from certain fermented foods, only a few non-animal food sources of biologically active B12 have been discovered, and none have been tested in humans.
    Some kombucha manufacturers, such as GT Kombucha, list vitamin B12 as one of the ingredients in their product. One such manufacturer even claims that one package of their product contains 20% of the daily value of vitamin B12, making kombucha a potentially “high” dietary source of B12. Since kombucha is produced through a symbiosis of yeast and bacteria, the possibility that it contains B12 does not conflict with the available data. However, no scientific research has yet been published to confirm this fact, or that the B12 in kombucha is biologically active B12.
    Japanese fermented black tea, known as batabata-cha, has been found to contain biologically active B12. Unlike kombucha, which is made by fermenting ready-made tea, batabata cha is fermented while the tea is still loose leaf.
    Chlorella, a freshwater single-celled algae, has been proposed as a source of vitamin B12, but this has not been proven in animal studies. Algae are believed to acquire B12 through symbiosis with heterotrophic bacteria, in which the bacteria supply B12 in exchange for fixed carbon. Spirulina and dried Asakusa nori (Porphyra tenera) primarily contain pseudovitamin B12 instead of biologically active forms of B12. While Asakusa nori (Porphyra tenera) in dry form contains mainly pseudovitamin B12, fresh seaweed has been reported to mainly contain bioactive forms of B12, but even in fresh form the vitamin activity has not been tested in enzyme assays in animals.
    One group of researchers reported that fresh red algae known as Susabi-nori (Porphyra yezoensis) had B12 activity in a rat model, implying that the source would be active in humans as well. These results have not been confirmed.
    B12 fortified foods are also sources of vitamins, although they cannot be considered true dietary sources of vitamin B12 since this vitamin is added in supplement form from commercial bacterial sources such as cyanocobalamin. Examples of foods fortified with B12 include breakfast cereals, fortified soy products, fortified energy bars, and fortified nutritional yeast. The Vegan Society of Great Britain, the Vegetarian Resource Committee and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, among others, deny that non-animal food sources of vitamin B12 are reliable and recommend that all vegans who do not take supplements eat foods fortified with vitamin B12. Not all of them may have the indicated vitamin activity. B12 supplements added to drinks were reported in one study to contain varying levels of pseudovitamin-B12. One report reported that B12 analogues are present in varying amounts in some multivitamins.
    There are also non-traditional natural sources of vitamin B12, but their use as food sources of vitamin B12 is highly questionable. For example, residues of B12 from bacteria present in the soil may be present on plants grown in the ground that have not undergone a rigorous cleaning procedure. B12 can also be found in lakes if the water is not properly sanitized. Some insects, such as termites, contain B12, which is produced by their gut bacteria, in some ways similar to ruminants. The human intestine itself may contain bacteria that produce B12 in the small intestine, but it is unclear whether sufficient amounts of the vitamin will be produced this way to meet nutritional needs.

    Vitamin B12 Supplements

    Injectable Hydroxycobalamin (1000 mcg/ml) is a bright red liquid solution that is supplied in 30 ml brown glass multi-dose vials packaged in paper cartons.
    Vitamin B12 comes as a supplement to many foods and is also available in vitamin tablets, including multivitamins. Healthy people can take vitamin B12 as a liquid, transdermal patch, nasal spray, or injection, and it is available alone or in combination with other supplements. B12 is often found as an ingredient in energy drinks and energy drinks, which typically contain less than the minimum recommended daily allowance of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 supplements are effective in preventing deficiency, especially in vegetarians, and are often sold as a weight loss supplement. However, there are no scientific studies demonstrating the effectiveness of B12 in weight loss.
    Cyanocobalamin is converted to its active form, the former hydroxocobalamin, and then to methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin in the liver.
    The sublingual method of administration, in which B12 is absorbed directly under the tongue, has not been proven necessary or beneficial, although a number of tablets, pills and even lozenges on the market are designed specifically for sublingual use. A 2003 study found no significant differences in serum blood levels with oral or sublingual administration of 0.5 mg cobalamin. Sublingual methods are effective only when taken in high doses (0.5 mg). As noted below, such very high oral doses of B12 may be effective as a treatment even if gastric atrophy (pernicious anemia) interferes with absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.
    Sometimes injections and patches are used if digestive absorption is impaired, but there is evidence that this route of administration is not necessary with the availability of modern high-potency oral supplements (eg, 0.5 to 1 mg or more). Even pernicious anemia can be treated exclusively orally. These supplements contain such large doses of the vitamin that 1 to 5% of high oral doses of free crystalline B12 are absorbed along the entire intestine by passive diffusion.
    However, if the patient has congenital disorders of the methyltransfer pathway (cobalamin C diseases, combined with methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria), treatment with intravenous, intramuscular or transdermal hydroxocobalamin B12 is necessary.

    Morris MS, et al. Folate and vitamin B-12 status in relation to anemia, macrocytosis, and cognitive impairment in older Americans in the age of folic acid fortification. Am J Clin Nutr. (2007)