I make a natural aftershave lotion for my husband with just three ingredients: a simple recipe. Choosing the Best Aftershave and Making Your Own How to Make Your Own Aftershave

I have long given up ready-made masks and scrubs that you can buy in the store. I cook them myself. I mix natural ingredients and enjoy the effect. And I thought for a long time about how I could prepare something for my husband. And then a great idea came to my mind - aftershave lotion.

Why is it needed at all?

Aftershave lotion is the most effective way to soothe irritated skin. But quite often the finished lotion turns out to be too harsh. This happens due to the chemicals, preservatives and flavors in its composition. There is definitely no one who would want to apply these harmful and aggressive ingredients to skin irritated by shaving. In order not to harm my husband’s health, I decided to prepare the lotion myself.

How is it different from store-bought?

This homemade aftershave lotion for men combines cucumber and mint and has a delicate texture. He copes with several tasks assigned to him at once:

  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • helps soothe the skin;
  • closes pores and prevents dirt and oil from entering them.

How homemade lotion protects delicate skin

Before shaving, men typically use warm water to moisturize their face and soften coarse hair. This leads to the opening of pores and helps them become clogged with dirt and oil accumulated on the face.

This homemade and natural lotion not only disinfects the skin and cuts but also helps in shrinking the pores to normal size. Ready-made aftershave products use alcohol. In most cases, it causes even more severe irritation and an unpleasant burning sensation.

Sharing my proven recipe

My homemade lotion:

  • fights germs;
  • has a calming effect;
  • does not contain harmful and toxic substances.

It consists only of natural products. Peppermint extract leaves a feeling of freshness, cools irritated skin and acts as a natural astringent. Cucumber has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and prevents skin irritation after shaving.

Required ingredients:

  1. Mint extract - 1/4 cup.
  2. Cucumber - 1/2 part.
  3. Distilled water - 1 glass.


Combine all ingredients in a blender bowl and mix them at high speed. Then strain through cheesecloth and store in the refrigerator in a glass, airtight container. Apply lotion to your face after shaving using a cotton pad.

In just a few minutes you can prepare homemade and natural aftershave lotion. My husband is grateful to me for this product, which does not irritate, but protects the delicate skin of his face.

Lotions (tonics) - recipes on how to make at home

Lotions, and now it is fashionable to call this product a tonic (skin tonic), are used to care for the skin, and not only the face or neck, but the entire body. Lotions are made in different ways: some clean the skin, others relieve inflammation and treat acne, others promote an even tan, others are used only by men - after shaving, others tone the skin and smooth out wrinkles, etc. Here, on this page, are given some recipes for lotions based on medicinal plants. They, among other things, also have medicinal properties: they disinfect, improve blood circulation, restore the natural acidity of the skin, rejuvenate...

Body lotion (collection of herbs)

Take the following components in equal quantities: chamomile, coltsfoot, sage, yarrow, horse chestnut flowers, horsetail herb, rosemary, marshmallow (root), dandelion. Mix everything, then pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of water, boil over low heat for 30 minutes, and strain after cooling. Add 2 more tablespoons of cognac or vodka and 1 tablespoon of camphor alcohol to the resulting broth, shake. Before use, the skin must first be thoroughly cleaned with a damp swab, and then this lotion must be applied with another swab. The lotion recipe is used to care for body skin with blackheads, porous skin, etc.

Acne lotion (from chamomile)

Make chamomile infusion: 2 table. spoons of crushed chamomile flowers, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave until cool, strain. Then pour drinking alcohol into the infusion in a 1:1 ratio. Use this lotion for acne, skin inflammation, redness of the face - wipe the face.

Lemon lotion

Squeeze 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and pour it into 0.5 liters of water. Wipe your face with this solution morning and evening. Lemon contains vitamins B1 and PP, citric acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese. Used to wipe the skin after washing - makes it elastic and whitens. Lemon also softens the skin of your hands and removes dark spots after peeling vegetables.

Lotion for dry skin No. 1 (collection of herbs)

This is one of the homemade lotion recipes for dry and sensitive skin. You need to take the following herbs in equal parts - St. John's wort, sage, yarrow, chamomile, coltsfoot, marshmallow (root), thyme, horsetail. Then pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into a thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. After straining, add another 2 tablespoons of vodka or 1 tablespoon of ethyl alcohol, and 2 ampoules of vitamin B1. Wipe the skin of the face using a cotton swab soaked in lotion in a circular motion along the line of its least stretch.

Lotion for dry skin No. 2

Prepare the following collection: chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, thyme, coltsfoot, marshmallow (root), yarrow, horsetail - take in equal quantities. Next, pour 2 tablespoons of this mixture into 1/2 liter of boiling water, cover with a lid, wrap and leave for 8-12 hours. Afterwards, strain and add 1 tablespoon each of vodka and glycerin and mix. Use this lotion for dry skin.

Lotion for loose, sagging and porous skin (collection of herbs)

Take yarrow, St. John's wort, wormwood (herb), dandelion, coltsfoot, rowan fruits and leaves, lemon and orange zest in equal parts. Then, pour 5 tablespoons of the mixture into a thermos, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 12 hours, then strain and add 2 tablespoons of white wine or vodka. In the evening, before going to bed, wipe your face with this lotion. And also, make ice from this infusion: fill the mold and put it in the freezer. In the morning you will need to wipe your face with this ice, immediately after waking up.

Softening lotion

Take 3 ripe lemons, squeeze out the juice and chop the zest, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. Afterwards, strain the infusion and pour into the juice. Separately mix 200 ml of camphor alcohol and 2 tablespoons. spoons of liquid honey. Combine the first and second solutions, mix and add another 50 drops of rosehip oil, and mix again. Keep refrigerated. Use lotion to soften the skin and remove dark spots.

Lotion for aging skin (rejuvenating)

Leaves and flowers of mint, chamomile flowers, leaves and fruits of rowan - take in equal parts. Then pour 3 tablespoons of this mixture into 3 glasses of water, add a piece of lemon zest and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, leave for another 10 hours, then strain and add 2 tbsp. spoons of glycerin and 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka, shake. The lotion gives freshness to the skin. Keep refrigerated.

Refreshing herbal lotion

Take 4 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort decoction, 1 tbsp. spoons of chamomile decoction, 3 tbsp. spoons of vodka, 1 tbsp. spoon of glycerin. Mix everything thoroughly and wipe your face every evening. This lotion cleanses well, restores color and improves the elasticity of facial skin. Store the lotion in the refrigerator.

Lotion made from linden flowers, parsley and sage

Take 1 tablespoon of linden blossom, 1 table. a spoonful of chopped parsley and 1 teaspoon of sage leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain and pour in 2 tablespoons of vodka. The lotion tones, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin.

Kalanchoe lotion for acne

2 table. spoons of finely chopped Kalanchoe leaves, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave, wrapped, for 2 hours. Then, strain and wipe your face with this lotion after washing. Kalanchoe lotion eliminates unnecessary oiliness, tightens pores, and disinfects the skin.

Cucumber tanning lotion

Infuse cucumber seeds in vodka in a ratio of 1:10 for 2 weeks. Before use, dilute the tincture with water (make a lotion), also in a ratio of 1:10. Wipe the face and body as a means of protecting the skin from excessive tanning and the appearance of freckles.

Pine needle aftershave lotion

50 grams of fresh pine needles, collected away from the road, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 7-10 days. This lotion has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect; it is used to wipe the face after shaving. Pine needle lotion is also effective for acne, but in this case it must also be diluted with boiled water 1:1 and lubricated on the face 1-2 times a day.

Pine needle lotion for aging skin

Place 1 tablespoon of pine needles in a thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Then, strain and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 drop of rose essential oil to the infusion, shake. Moisten a cotton swab with lotion and wipe the skin of the face and neck.

Rosemary lotion (for fresh skin, women adore)

Slavic women have always been famous for the freshness of their skin and they had their own secrets. One of them is the use of tincture of rosemary flowers: pour 2 tablespoons of flowers with 1 glass of good vodka and leave for 1.5 months, shaking occasionally every 3 days. Then strain and wipe the skin on the face and neck along cosmetic lines with a tampon soaked in the tincture, 2 times a day.

Echinacea, Chamomile and Calendula Lotion (for problem skin)

You need to take equal quantities of fresh flowers of echinacea, calendula and chamomile. You need to mash them in a mortar so that they release juice and then pour in good vodka in a ratio of 1:7. Next, shake the mixture and leave to infuse in a dark place for 2 weeks, then strain. Morning and evening, wipe your face (problem areas) with this lotion (tonic) after washing.

The final element of the hair removal procedure is the use of an aftershave product, one of which is lotion.

This article provides an overview of the best aftershave lotions. We dwelled in detail on the functions of this tool, advantages and disadvantages.

A nice bonus is a recipe for preparing such a product from natural ingredients at home.

First, men's aftershave lotion provides skin care, has a calming effect after mechanical damage to the epidermis with a razor.

He has a beneficial effect on the protective properties of the skin, refreshes and tones it.

In addition, the alcohol contained in the composition helps speed up healing, has a disinfecting effect.

Pros and cons of aftershave lotion

Like any product, shaving lotion has its pros and cons.


The advantages include the following:

  • does not contain fatty components, so it does not leave any traces after use;
  • absorbs quickly;
  • has a light texture.


Due to the presence of alcohol may cause dry skin. Also, not everyone likes the pronounced aromas of these products.

Did you know?On average, about 150 microcuts are caused to the face during shaving; they may not even be noticeable to the naked eye.

Selection rules

For comfortable use it is necessary to choose the right product after hair removal, which would not leave negative consequences and would cause a feeling of comfort and have a pleasant aroma.

To do this, pay attention to the following important criteria.


When choosing this cosmetic product it is better to give preference to well-known brands, which have long proven themselves in the market.


Ingredients vary slightly depending on what skin type intended remedy.

So, for sensitive skin Appropriately labeled aftershave lotions are suitable; they usually contain soothing ingredients, vitamin E and do not contain alcohol (or contain small amounts).

For dry skin choose a product containing an oily component.

For oily A lotion with antiseptic ingredients is suitable.

Other criteria

Ideally it should be from the same line as the shaving foam, cream or eau de toilette. Then they will have the same aroma.

DIY aftershave lotion

You can make your own shaving lotion by simply mixing the necessary ingredients.

The main component is alcohol and alcohol-containing liquids. You can take either pure medical alcohol or vodka, rum or gin.

Alcohol acts as an astringent, but dries out the epidermis. Therefore, part of it can be replaced with another binder, for example, oak bark tincture.

Did you know? The first razors for ancient people were shark teeth, flint, and mollusk shells.

To alcohol add glycerin or petroleum jelly. You can add potassium alum - this is a component that has a hemostatic effect.

Then drip a couple drops of essential oil(e.g. lavender, eucalyptus, citrus). Mix everything thoroughly and the lotion is ready.

Here are approximate proportions:

  • alcohol-100 ml;
  • oak bark tincture - 50 ml;
  • glycerin-1 tbsp;
  • essential oil - 3–4 drops;
  • alum - 1 pinch.

Terms of use

No matter how basic it is to use shaving lotion, we recommend keeping a few tips in mind.

Following these simple tips will help you get only a pleasant feeling from using aftershave lotion.

The most important thing is to prepare your skin for applying lotion and use the correct application technique.

How to prepare your skin

Before applying it, you must remove any remaining gel from the skin or shaving foam.

To do this, wash your face with water and pat your face with a towel.

Applying lotion

Apply to slightly damp skin with patting movements.. Distribute a small amount between your palms and then over your face.

Important! For more economical use, apply it to a cotton pad and wipe the skin.

Popular aftershave lotions


Nivea aftershave lotion has a thick, opaque texture and contains a unique Active Comfort complex that provides skin hydration.

He also relieves redness and soothes skin. The line for sensitive skin does not contain alcohol. Available in 100 ml bottles. Price - slightly above average.

The Gillette company produces alcohol-containing lotions in containers of 50 and 100 ml. They are distinguished by fresh, invigorating aromas.

They include softening, soothing and healing components. Middle price segment.

Old Spice lotions are available in 100 ml containers. They contain alcohol, as well as moisturizing and softening components, which prevents the feeling of skin tightness. Middle price segment.


Products from L’Oreal Paris have a low alcohol formula, which is why do not dry out the skin.

The composition includes vitamins and caffeine, as well as elements that have cooling effect. The bottle volume is 100 ml, slightly above the average price segment.

Novaya Zarya is a Russian brand that produces alcohol-based aftershave lotions in 100 ml bottles. They are designed for use with both a regular razor and an electric razor.

Contains aloe extract, which has a moisturizing and antiseptic effect. Belong to the low price segment.

Important! When using an electric razor, apply lotion before shaving. Thus, it forms a protective layer on the skin.

The aftershave series from Mennen consists of four masculine scents in 100 ml containers. They have a refreshing, tonic and protective effect on the skin.

The composition includes provitamin B5, which moisturizes and softens dry skin. Middle price segment.


Avon aftershave absorbs quickly, soothes and moisturizes the skin.

Among the active components in the composition, aloe extract is famous for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties, and stearic acid protects the skin from external adverse factors and gives it a velvety feel. Available in a 100 ml tube, low price segment.

The idea of ​​making aftershave lotion at home was suggested by a member of the “Classics of Shaving” group, Arthur Garanich. The experiment turned out to be extreme.

Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum

I have never made my own cosmetics. Moreover, alcohol aftershaves don’t suit me, so I don’t use them. But sometimes I like to experiment, so I grabbed the idea of ​​a fellow hobbyist.

It was not difficult to find recipes for alcoholic aftershave on the Internet. One of them immediately caught my attention. It's easy to prepare. In addition, all the necessary ingredients were available at home thanks to the thriftiness and culinary talents of the wife. So I immediately made the lotion and let it steep.

Bay Rum Aftershave Recipe

As you understand, we will talk about the famous bay rum or Bay Rum. It is believed that this mixture was invented by pirates. They spent months on ships. Apparently, there were problems with hygiene on the ships. Therefore, through experimentation, they found a recipe for a universal product that can be used as eau de toilette, deodorant and aftershave.

To prepare Bay Rum you will need:

  • 120 ml vodka.
  • Two tablespoons of Jamaican rum.
  • Peel of a small orange.
  • Cinnamon stick.
  • Two dry bay leaves.
  • A quarter teaspoon of allspice.

The wife uses rum to make baked goods. There is vodka in the house for the same purposes. Spices and orange were also found.

Not for internal consumption: preparing aftershave “Bay Rum” at home

I decided that allspice would be best used in pea form. There were seven peppercorns in a quarter teaspoon.

The cinnamon stick had to be broken in half. It also seemed to me that the peel of half an orange would be enough for the stated amount of vodka and rum.

All that remains is to put the ingredients in a clean bottle with a lid and leave to infuse for two weeks.

Please note that some connoisseurs recommend infusing aftershave in the refrigerator. I think this is incorrect. In medicine, it is recommended to prepare extracts and tinctures at room temperature, since cooling slows down all reactions and prevents the extraction of substances from spices and plants.

During the steeping process, I opened the lid several times. The smell was simply driving me crazy. The wife even said that she would take the potion for herself and use it as eau de toilette.

She also said that all ingredients except bay leaf are added to different types of baked goods. And then I remembered that some expert on Badger and blade wrote that to prepare aftershave you need to use not the same bay leaf that is thrown into the soup, but some other one.

Investigation revealed that in English the term bay leaves is actually used to refer to two different types of bay leaves. Almost everyone caught the first one in soup. And the second is American laurel, bay or bay tree, clove pepper, pymenta racemosus.

That is, I infused the lotion with the wrong bay leaves. I was unable to find Pimento racemosus either in a spice store or even in online stores. Only ready-made bai-tree essential oil is available for sale.

Alternative recipe for lotion with vodka and rum

I decided not to pour out the wrong bay rum. It smells very pleasant, so it can be considered a variation on the Bay Rum theme.

I also made an alternative alcoholic aftershave, which I called “Spicy Citrus.” Here are the ingredients:

  • Vodka - 100 ml.
  • Jamaican rum - two tablespoons.
  • Peel of half an orange.
  • Allspice - seven peas.
  • Cinnamon - one stick.
  • Cardamom - seven grains with peel.
  • Carnation - three cloves.

According to the wife, this spice mixture is very widely used in baking. The smell of the new mixture was also very pleasant. Apparently, cardamom, which is considered the king of spices, added nobility to the aroma.

Bay rum trials

While the lotions were infusing, I bought very convenient 100 ml bottles from an online store. They have lids with a dispenser and tamper evident.

Bottles for aftershave

When two weeks had passed, I strained the Bay Rum on irregular bay leaves through a strainer and poured it into a bottle. It smells so good it makes you drool. The base of the aroma is orange and cinnamon. But the spices are also noticeable.

Ready-made aftershave lotion

The entire experimental aftershave didn't fit into the bottle. Therefore, I left a little product in a large container. The lotion is light brown in color.

Fund balance

Before using the aftershave, I performed a sensitivity test. Apply a little product to the inner surface of the forearm and wait half an hour. While I was waiting, I almost choked on my saliva. The smell is so pleasant that your stomach begins to rumble. The aroma is not persistent. It disappears after about 15 minutes.

There was no reaction on the skin of the forearm. So I applied some aftershave to my face. I shaved in the evening and used lotion in the morning. That is, the skin has already recovered from yesterday’s contact with the blade.

For the first minute or two there was no sensation. The alcohol content of the lotion is low, so it does not burn. I enjoyed the aroma. And then all hell broke loose. My face suddenly started to burn. I looked in the mirror and saw that it had turned red. It looks like I steamed it over a pot of potatoes.

I realized that the redness and feeling of heat were caused by the local irritant effect of the spices: cinnamon and pepper. The reaction is explained by the reflex dilation of blood vessels. The redness was so strong that my wife suggested taking an antihistamine. But we were not talking about allergies, but rather about the strong local irritating effect of essential oils.

After waiting for half an hour, I washed my face. Literally a minute later the feeling of heat disappeared, and after 10 minutes the redness almost disappeared.

Who is guilty

The pirates are to blame. They gave us a recipe that not everyone can use. Making lotion is easy, but the consequences can be unpredictable. Perhaps the irritating effect stimulates local blood circulation and promotes the healing of microtraumas of the epidermis. But hardly anyone wants to go to work with a red face. Of course, unless he works as the captain of a pirate ship.

By the way, don’t even think about drinking the prepared aftershave. If your skin reacts sharply to spices, imagine how the stomach lining will react.

I will use the prepared aftershaves as eau de toilette and as a mood improver. Simply apply a few drops to your wrist to enjoy the invigorating scent for 10 or 15 minutes. And after shaving, I prefer to use moisturizing balms.

Perhaps someday I will experiment with making balms at home. Moreover, cool bottles with convenient caps are available. But for now there is no need for this, since there are two tubes in stock.

The Internet is full of recipes for other alcohol-based aftershaves. But I haven't prepared them yet. But I don’t want to write about something I haven’t tried. If you have experience making your own lotions or balms, write in the comments.

Let's continue the topic of aftershave lotions. To begin with, let me remind you that lotions are divided into two main groups - alcohol-based and alcohol-free. Each group has two more subgroups. Water-based (alcohol) or creamy. Otherwise, everything depends on the composition and imagination of the manufacturers. I won’t touch the fantasy, but the composition divides lotions into perfumery and cosmetic or medical and cosmetic products. Aftershave lotions in the fragrance and cosmetics category represent the largest share of the lotion segment. They have an almost equal balance between perfume and components to soothe and restore the skin. Therefore, they can be found mainly in stores selling cosmetics and perfumes. Lotions of the medicinal and cosmetic category occupy a relatively small share of the segment. Here the balance is shifted towards medicinal components, and the perfume part is minimized or absent altogether. These products are sold mainly in pharmacies and are rarely found in perfume stores.

I had to talk a little more about the types of lotions, since there are nuances in their use. Let me start with the fact that the lotion can be used directly after shaving or after some time has passed. Applying lotion immediately after shaving is important if you cut yourself or are in such conditions that it obliges you. For example, bad water, hot climate with high dust or sand content, excessively humid climate. Under normal conditions, you should not immediately apply the lotion. It is better to wait 15-20 minutes and then apply it to the skin. There are two reasons. The first is that, as a rule, many people shave in the morning before breakfast. Perfumery and cosmetic lotions have a persistent odor that can be transmitted. You pick up the food in your hands and then eat food with the acquired smell of your lotion. We must not forget that your relatives also do not really want to smell the smell of your perfume while sitting at breakfast. I am sure that at this moment the aroma of a delicious breakfast and morning coffee is much more pleasant. The second reason is that shaving traumatizes the skin, so you apply alcohol lotion, which adds a little more stress and thrill. Do not use lotion right away, let the skin rest a little and restore its natural temperature. Believe me, it will be less of a thrill.

How to apply lotion? There are two main options. Anyone who loves a thrill and a strong scent of perfume, as a rule, generously pours the lotion into the palm of their hand and immediately applies it to the face if it is a bottle without a spray (Splash). If the bottle has a sprayer, then simply spray it directly on your face. This is of course not very correct. What is especially bad is that the lotion begins to perform the function of cologne or eau de toilette. Let me remind you that this is a skincare product first and foremost and therefore you shouldn’t literally pour it on yourself so that you can smell a kilometer away. The second option is more correct. Regardless of whether there is a sprayer or not, the lotion is not immediately applied to the face, but rubbed lightly in the palms and then pressed against the face. In this option, the consumption is less and the lotion does not have such an aggressive effect on the skin. This applies to water-based (alcohol-based) perfumery and cosmetic lotions.

Creamy lotions (balms and creams) are applied 15-20 minutes after shaving. This is due to the fact that the natural temperature of the skin must be restored. Most of us use cool or cold water to rinse away any remaining suds and help the pores close faster. This is correct, but at low temperatures the susceptibility to the products and their medicinal components is significantly reduced. It is for this reason that it is worth the wait. And the second reason is breakfast again.

It is better to use medicinal and cosmetic products according to the recommendations of a doctor or manufacturer. But do not forget about the above recommendations.

I hope this article has helped you when it comes to using lotions. Of course, this is not a mandatory recommendation to follow. Everything can be learned by comparison, and you yourself will understand what is more correct for you.

I remind you that aftershave lotions

Lotions (tonics) - recipes on how to make at home

Lotions, and now it is fashionable to call this product a tonic (skin tonic), are used to care for the skin, and not only the face or neck, but the entire body. Lotions are made in different ways: some clean the skin, others relieve inflammation and treat acne, others promote an even tan, others are used only by men - after shaving, others tone the skin and smooth out wrinkles, etc. Here, on this page, are given some recipes for lotions based on medicinal plants. They, among other things, also have medicinal properties: they disinfect, improve blood circulation, restore the natural acidity of the skin, rejuvenate...

Body lotion (collection of herbs)

Take the following components in equal quantities: chamomile, coltsfoot, sage, yarrow, horse chestnut flowers, horsetail herb, rosemary, marshmallow (root), dandelion. Mix everything, then pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of water, boil over low heat for 30 minutes, and strain after cooling. Add 2 more tablespoons of cognac or vodka and 1 tablespoon of camphor alcohol to the resulting broth, shake. Before use, the skin must first be thoroughly cleaned with a damp swab, and then this lotion must be applied with another swab. The lotion recipe is used to care for body skin with blackheads, porous skin, etc.

Acne lotion (from chamomile)

Make chamomile infusion: 2 table. spoons of crushed chamomile flowers, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave until cool, strain. Then pour drinking alcohol into the infusion in a 1:1 ratio. Use this lotion for acne, skin inflammation, redness of the face - wipe the face.

Lemon lotion

Squeeze 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and pour it into 0.5 liters of water. Wipe your face with this solution morning and evening. Lemon contains vitamins B1 and PP, citric acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese. Used to wipe the skin after washing - makes it elastic and whitens. Lemon also softens the skin of your hands and removes dark spots after peeling vegetables.

Lotion for dry skin No. 1 (collection of herbs)

This is one of the homemade lotion recipes for dry and sensitive skin. You need to take the following herbs in equal parts - St. John's wort, sage, yarrow, chamomile, coltsfoot, marshmallow (root), thyme, horsetail. Then pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into a thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. After straining, add another 2 tablespoons of vodka or 1 tablespoon of ethyl alcohol, and 2 ampoules of vitamin B1. Wipe the skin of the face using a cotton swab soaked in lotion in a circular motion along the line of its least stretch.

Lotion for dry skin No. 2

Prepare the following collection: chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, thyme, coltsfoot, marshmallow (root), yarrow, horsetail - take in equal quantities. Next, pour 2 tablespoons of this mixture into 1/2 liter of boiling water, cover with a lid, wrap and leave for 8-12 hours. Afterwards, strain and add 1 tablespoon each of vodka and glycerin and mix. Use this lotion for dry skin.

Lotion for loose, sagging and porous skin (collection of herbs)

Take yarrow, St. John's wort, wormwood (herb), dandelion, coltsfoot, rowan fruits and leaves, lemon and orange zest in equal parts. Then, pour 5 tablespoons of the mixture into a thermos, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 12 hours, then strain and add 2 tablespoons of white wine or vodka. In the evening, before going to bed, wipe your face with this lotion. And also, make ice from this infusion: fill the mold and put it in the freezer. In the morning you will need to wipe your face with this ice, immediately after waking up.

Softening lotion

Take 3 ripe lemons, squeeze out the juice and chop the zest, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. Afterwards, strain the infusion and pour into the juice. Separately mix 200 ml of camphor alcohol and 2 tablespoons. spoons of liquid honey. Combine the first and second solutions, mix and add another 50 drops of rosehip oil, and mix again. Keep refrigerated. Use lotion to soften the skin and remove dark spots.

Lotion for aging skin (rejuvenating)

Leaves and flowers of mint, chamomile flowers, leaves and fruits of rowan - take in equal parts. Then pour 3 tablespoons of this mixture into 3 glasses of water, add a piece of lemon zest and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, leave for another 10 hours, then strain and add 2 tbsp. spoons of glycerin and 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka, shake. The lotion gives freshness to the skin. Keep refrigerated.

Refreshing herbal lotion

Take 4 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort decoction, 1 tbsp. spoons of chamomile decoction, 3 tbsp. spoons of vodka, 1 tbsp. spoon of glycerin. Mix everything thoroughly and wipe your face every evening. This lotion cleanses well, restores color and improves the elasticity of facial skin. Store the lotion in the refrigerator.

Lotion made from linden flowers, parsley and sage

Take 1 tablespoon of linden blossom, 1 table. a spoonful of chopped parsley and 1 teaspoon of sage leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain and pour in 2 tablespoons of vodka. The lotion tones, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin.

Kalanchoe lotion for acne

2 table. spoons of finely chopped Kalanchoe leaves, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave, wrapped, for 2 hours. Then, strain and wipe your face with this lotion after washing. Kalanchoe lotion eliminates unnecessary oiliness, tightens pores, and disinfects the skin.

Cucumber tanning lotion

Infuse cucumber seeds in vodka in a ratio of 1:10 for 2 weeks. Before use, dilute the tincture with water (make a lotion), also in a ratio of 1:10. Wipe the face and body as a means of protecting the skin from excessive tanning and the appearance of freckles.

Pine needle aftershave lotion

50 grams of fresh pine needles, collected away from the road, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 7-10 days. This lotion has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect; it is used to wipe the face after shaving. Pine needle lotion is also effective for acne, but in this case it must also be diluted with boiled water 1:1 and lubricated on the face 1-2 times a day.

Pine needle lotion for aging skin

Place 1 tablespoon of pine needles in a thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Then, strain and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 drop of rose essential oil to the infusion, shake. Moisten a cotton swab with lotion and wipe the skin of the face and neck.

Rosemary lotion (for fresh skin, women adore)

Slavic women have always been famous for the freshness of their skin and they had their own secrets. One of them is the use of tincture of rosemary flowers: pour 2 tablespoons of flowers with 1 glass of good vodka and leave for 1.5 months, shaking occasionally every 3 days. Then strain and wipe the skin on the face and neck along cosmetic lines with a tampon soaked in the tincture, 2 times a day.

Echinacea, Chamomile and Calendula Lotion (for problem skin)

You need to take equal quantities of fresh flowers of echinacea, calendula and chamomile. You need to mash them in a mortar so that they release juice and then pour in good vodka in a ratio of 1:7. Next, shake the mixture and leave to infuse in a dark place for 2 weeks, then strain. Morning and evening, wipe your face (problem areas) with this lotion (tonic) after washing.

Anyone who truly cares about their skin wants to use only safe and as natural cosmetics as possible. Fortunately for many women, today you can buy a variety of creams, lotions or masks, the composition of which is based on the use of natural ingredients. Making cosmetics at home is very popular these days, and not only women, but also men are keen on this business. It is known that you can independently select the most optimal component composition that is most suitable for a specific skin type and condition. We offer a recipe that will allow you to make aftershave lotion at home.

You can find many recipes on how to make lotion at home on the Internet, but to choose the best one, you should listen to your own skin and your sense of smell. The main astringent properties in them are vodka and dark rum, but it should be remembered that excessive use of these components (their richness) can cause a burning sensation. A simple way to reduce the effect of alcohol is to dilute it with a solution of witch hazel or distilled water. To give the lotion moisturizing properties, add glycerin or olive oil. For flavor, add sage, cinnamon, nutmeg or ginger. You'll have to experiment to find the perfect combination. Instead of spices, you can use essential oils, which are sold not only in specialized stores, but also in regular pharmacies.

Aftershave lotion ingredients

To make aftershave lotion at home you will need:

dark rum or vodka;
witch hazel solution or distilled water;
glycerin or olive oil;
spices or essential oils.

Pour vodka or rum into a glass bowl. While stirring with a metal spoon, slowly pour in the witch hazel solution or distilled water. Also add glycerin or olive oil while stirring. Add a pinch of alum and stir thoroughly. Alum is an excellent tonic and will also help stop bleeding if you accidentally cut yourself.

Place the selected spices or essential oils in a glass bottle and fill with the alcohol mixture using a watering can. Seal tightly and shake.

Store the prepared aftershave lotion in a cool, dark place and shake occasionally. After two weeks, open the bottle and smell it. If you like the smell, you can use the lotion immediately. If you want a stronger aroma, leave it to brew. After another week or two, check the aroma and determine if it is strong enough. If it is still too weak, add some more spices or a few drops of essential oil and let it sit for some time.

When the lotion is ready, strain it through a coffee filter to separate the liquid from the spices. Pour the filtered lotion back into the bottle and store in a cool, dark place or in the refrigerator. Cold lotion after shaving will refresh your skin well.

If you have sensitive skin, reduce the alcohol content and use distilled water instead of witch hazel.

As you can see, making aftershave lotion at home is not very difficult. If you wish, you can choose your own composition of essential oils and spices that will maximize your individuality.

The final element of the hair removal procedure is the use of an aftershave product, one of which is lotion.

This article provides an overview of the best aftershave lotions. We dwelled in detail on the functions of this tool, advantages and disadvantages.

A nice bonus is a recipe for preparing such a product from natural ingredients at home.

First, men's aftershave lotion provides skin care, has a calming effect after mechanical damage to the epidermis with a razor.

He has a beneficial effect on the protective properties of the skin, refreshes and tones it.

In addition, the alcohol contained in the composition helps speed up healing, has a disinfecting effect.

Pros and cons of aftershave lotion

Like any product, shaving lotion has its pros and cons.


The advantages include the following:

  • does not contain fatty components, so it does not leave any traces after use;
  • absorbs quickly;
  • has a light texture.


Due to the presence of alcohol may cause dry skin. Also, not everyone likes the pronounced aromas of these products.

Did you know?On average, about 150 microcuts are caused to the face during shaving; they may not even be noticeable to the naked eye.

Selection rules

For comfortable use it is necessary to choose the right product after hair removal, which would not leave negative consequences and would cause a feeling of comfort and have a pleasant aroma.

To do this, pay attention to the following important criteria.


When choosing this cosmetic product it is better to give preference to well-known brands, which have long proven themselves in the market.


Ingredients vary slightly depending on what skin type intended remedy.

So, for sensitive skin Appropriately labeled aftershave lotions are suitable; they usually contain soothing ingredients, vitamin E and do not contain alcohol (or contain small amounts).

For dry skin choose a product containing an oily component.

For oily A lotion with antiseptic ingredients is suitable.

Other criteria

Ideally it should be from the same line as the shaving foam, cream or eau de toilette. Then they will have the same aroma.

DIY aftershave lotion

You can make your own shaving lotion by simply mixing the necessary ingredients.

The main component is alcohol and alcohol-containing liquids. You can take either pure medical alcohol or vodka, rum or gin.

Alcohol acts as an astringent, but dries out the epidermis. Therefore, part of it can be replaced with another binder, for example, oak bark tincture.

Did you know? The first razors for ancient people were shark teeth, flint, and mollusk shells.

To alcohol add glycerin or petroleum jelly. You can add potassium alum - this is a component that has a hemostatic effect.

Then drip a couple drops of essential oil(e.g. lavender, eucalyptus, citrus). Mix everything thoroughly and the lotion is ready.

Here are approximate proportions:

  • alcohol-100 ml;
  • oak bark tincture - 50 ml;
  • glycerin-1 tbsp;
  • essential oil - 3–4 drops;
  • alum - 1 pinch.

Terms of use

No matter how basic it is to use shaving lotion, we recommend keeping a few tips in mind.

Following these simple tips will help you get only a pleasant feeling from using aftershave lotion.

The most important thing is to prepare your skin for applying lotion and use the correct application technique.

How to prepare your skin

Before applying it, you must remove any remaining gel from the skin or shaving foam.

To do this, wash your face with water and pat your face with a towel.

Applying lotion

Apply to slightly damp skin with patting movements.. Distribute a small amount between your palms and then over your face.

Important! For more economical use, apply it to a cotton pad and wipe the skin.

Popular aftershave lotions


Nivea aftershave lotion has a thick, opaque texture and contains a unique Active Comfort complex that provides skin hydration.

He also relieves redness and soothes skin. The line for sensitive skin does not contain alcohol. Available in 100 ml bottles. Price - slightly above average.

The Gillette company produces alcohol-containing lotions in containers of 50 and 100 ml. They are distinguished by fresh, invigorating aromas.

They include softening, soothing and healing components. Middle price segment.

Old Spice lotions are available in 100 ml containers. They contain alcohol, as well as moisturizing and softening components, which prevents the feeling of skin tightness. Middle price segment.


Products from L’Oreal Paris have a low alcohol formula, which is why do not dry out the skin.

The composition includes vitamins and caffeine, as well as elements that have cooling effect. The bottle volume is 100 ml, slightly above the average price segment.

Novaya Zarya is a Russian brand that produces alcohol-based aftershave lotions in 100 ml bottles. They are designed for use with both a regular razor and an electric razor.

Contains aloe extract, which has a moisturizing and antiseptic effect. Belong to the low price segment.

Important! When using an electric razor, apply lotion before shaving. Thus, it forms a protective layer on the skin.

The aftershave series from Mennen consists of four masculine scents in 100 ml containers. They have a refreshing, tonic and protective effect on the skin.

The composition includes provitamin B5, which moisturizes and softens dry skin. Middle price segment.


Avon aftershave absorbs quickly, soothes and moisturizes the skin.

Among the active components in the composition, aloe extract is famous for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties, and stearic acid protects the skin from external adverse factors and gives it a velvety feel. Available in a 100 ml tube, low price segment.


Adidas shaving lotions for men feature original scents.

Render gentle care thanks to a uniquely developed formula, it prevents, and the feeling of freshness after use remains for the whole day. The price segment is above average.

How to make a natural toner or lotion with your own hands. What you need to make tonic at home. What is the difference between toner and lotion? Tonics and lotions for oily, dry and normal skin.

Before you start preparing lotion and tonic, you should understand the difference between these cosmetics.

LotionLatin - ablution)– an antiseptic, a hygienic drying agent for the skin, which contains biologically active substances infused in an aqueous-alcohol solution. The lotion may include herbal infusions, essential oils, vitamins and organic acids.

Used to cleanse the skin, degrease, eliminate inflammation, acne, rashes and pigmentation. Apply after washing with cosmetic milk to remove traces of oiliness. Used before cosmetic procedures (nourishing, moisturizing masks). Not recommended for people with very dry skin.

Tonic (tonik – English – tonic)– a product that is used after cleansing procedures to improve the functioning of epidermal cells and to restore the acid-base balance. Contains no or very little alcohol. The composition includes biologically active substances, hydrolates, essential oils, vitamins. Used for rejuvenation, refreshment, skin tone, narrowing pores, softening the skin, moisturizing and retaining moisture, nutrition, strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

As a rule, tonic is used in the morning before applying cream. This is a great product for people with dry skin and is great for all skin types.

It is advisable to have both lotion and toner in your cosmetics set.

To prepare Lotion and Tonic you will need the following ingredients:

  • For oily skin.
  • For dry skin.
  • For normal skin.
  • For combination (mixed) skin.
  • For aging skin.
  • For problematic skin.
  • For whitening and removing pigmentation.
  • After shaving skin care product.

Recipes for Oily Skin:

Herbal tonic for oily skin

  • Dried herbs (plantain and yarrow)
  • Essential oil Chamomile Pharmacy – 6 drops
  • Calendula tincture – 3 teaspoons
  • Water - 250 ml

Make a decoction of herbs, strain and refrigerate. Add essential oil to the alcoholic infusion of calendula. Add calendula to the cooled broth. Pour into a bottle and place in a dark place to mature for 14 days.

Wipe your face after cleansing procedures.

Mint tonic "Summer Freshness" for oily skin

  • Water 250 ml.
  • Alcohol – 2 teaspoons.
  • Peppermint essential oil – 15 drops (or mint decoction).
  • Calendula tincture – 2 teaspoons.
  • Lemon juice – 2 teaspoons.

Dilute essential oil in alcohol and mix with calendula tincture. Add water and lemon juice. Close tightly and place in a dark place to ripen. After 14 days you can use it. This tonic has cooling properties. Can be used as a spray in hot weather.

Refreshing toner with aloe and cucumber for oily, inflamed skin

  • Cucumber juice – 1 tablespoon.
  • Aloe juice – 1 tablespoon.
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.
  • Distilled water - 30 ml.
  • Essential oil of bergamot or grapefruit -5 drops.
  • Alcohol – 1 tablespoon.

Prepare lemon, cucumber and aloe juice. Mix everything and add water. Dilute essential oil in alcohol and add to juice and water. Pour into a bottle with a tight lid. Shake everything thoroughly and leave in a cool, dark place to mature. After 3-4 minutes you can use the toner.

Healing aloe toner for oily, inflamed skin

  • Aloe juice – 3 tablespoons.
  • Lemon juice – 2 teaspoons.
  • Lemon essential oil – 5 drops.
  • Spring water - 200 ml.
  • Alcohol – 1 teaspoon.

Pour spring water over aloe leaves. They must be picked from the plant about a week in advance. Let it brew for 3 days and strain. Then, dilute the essential oil in alcohol and pour it into the aloe vera infusion. At the end, add lemon juice and leave to ripen in a dark place for 2 weeks.

Green tea lotion for oily skin

  • Brewed green tea with jasmine aroma – 200 ml.
  • Jasmine essential oil – 2 drops.
  • Rose - 3 drops.
  • Lemon juice – 2 tablespoons.
  • Alcohol – 20 ml.

Brew tea using soft spring water. Let it cool. Add lemon juice to your tea. Dilute jasmine and rose essential oils in 96% alcohol. Add the mixture to your tea. Store the resulting tonic in the refrigerator. This tonic will perfectly cleanse your facial skin and prolong your youth.

Lotion "Chamomile" for oily, inflamed skin

  • Dry collection of chamomile flowers - 1 tablespoon.
  • Essential oil – Roman or Chamomile – 8 drops.
  • Distilled water – 200 ml.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon.
  • Alcohol – 1 tablespoon.

Make a chamomile infusion over low heat. Do not bring to a strong boil. Then remove from heat. Close the lid and cover with a towel - let it brew and cool. After 2-3 hours, strain through a fine sieve and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or acetic (malic) acid (9%) to the broth. Dilute Chamomile essential oil in alcohol - this is one of the healthiest oils due to its high azulene content (chamomile decoction does not contain azulene). Add to the broth. Close tightly and shake. Should be stored in the refrigerator in a dark place.

Honey tonic with lemon and rose, for oily skin and color evening

  • Honey – 1 tablespoon.
  • Lemon juice – 3 tablespoons.
  • Rose hydrolate or distilled water – 200 ml.
  • Lemon extract on glycerin – 10-15 drops.

Dilute the honey in a water bath to a liquid consistency. Add lemon juice to it. Pour in water or hydrosol. Add the extract. Do everything while slowly stirring the mixture. This tonic does not require alcohol, since it contains honey, it will perfectly dissolve the rose essential oil. Pour the toner into a bottle with an airtight cap. Shake. Store in the refrigerator. With daily use, your skin will acquire a matte shine and even color.

Recipes for Dry Skin:

Lotion Nutmeg for dry skin

  • Clary sage essential oil - 15 drops
  • Avocado extract on glycerin – 5 drops
  • Water – 80 ml
  • Alcohol – 15 ml

Dilute essential oil in alcohol. Add water. Add extract. Shake the mixture and pour into the bottle. Leave to ripen for 14 days.

Oatmeal toner with rose oil for dry skin

  • Oatmeal – 1 tablespoon.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Jojoba or wheat germ oil – 1 tablespoon.
  • Rose essential oil – 10 drops.
  • Glycerin extract (peach, papaya, guava, avocado) – 15 drops.

Soak the cereal in hot water. Let sit for 30 minutes. Then strain the infusion through a sieve. Dissolve rose oil in oil and pour into the infusion. Add the extract and mix everything. Pour into a sterile bottle and store in the refrigerator. Wipe your face twice a day after cleansing procedures. Shake before use! Due to the oil content, you won’t get a homogeneous mass, but what a result!

Tonic “Summer Garden”

  • Collection of fresh flower petals - 1 cup.
  • Distilled water.
  • Rose essential oil – 5 drops.
  • Essential oil – orange – 10 drops.
  • Essential oil – lavender – 5 drops.
  • Honey – 1 teaspoon.
  • Jojoba oil – 20 ml.
  • Peach extract – 15 drops.

For flower picking, you can use (lavender, chamomile, rosemary, mint, lemon balm, rose, chrysanthemum, calendula, mock orange (in our area, considered jasmine), clover, yarrow...) whatever you can pick in your garden. Make a decoction over low heat and let it brew for 3 hours. Then dilute the essential oil in honey and mix with jojoba oil. Strain the broth and mix all the ingredients. Place in a dark place for 2-3 days. Store in the refrigerator. Use Tonic, preferably within 1 month.

Soft lotion for dry skin

  • Rosemary hydrolate or distilled water – 200 ml.
  • Alcohol or alcohol tincture of calendula – 1 teaspoon.
  • Honey – 1 teaspoon.
  • Rose essential oil – 3 drops.
  • Roman or German chamomile essential oil – 3 drops.
  • Myrrh or sandalwood essential oil – 5 drops.

Dilute essential oil in alcohol and add honey. Add the mixture to distilled water or rosemary hydrolate. Shake and place in a dark place to mature. After 2 days you can use it. Keep refrigerated.

Recipes for Normal skin:

Rosemary tonic for normal and aged skin

  • Calendula tincture with alcohol – 2 teaspoons.
  • Rosemary essential oil – 8 drops.
  • Distilled water (hydrolate or rosemary decoction) – 250 ml.
  • Papaya glycerin extract or avocado– 1 5 drops.

Add essential oil and extract to the calendula tincture, then add water. Place in a dark place to ripen for 3 days. Use to improve skin tone. Keep refrigerated. May be contraindicated in people with high blood pressure.

Birch sap tonic for normal to dry skin

  • Birch sap – 100 ml.
  • Calendula tincture with alcohol – 2 teaspoons.
  • Ylang-ylang essential oil – 7 drops.
  • Cedar essential oil – 5 drops.
  • Grapefruit extract – 10 drops.
  • Hazelnut oil – 1 teaspoon.
  • Vitamin E – 6 drops.

Bring the juice to a boil and strain. Dilute essential oils in alcohol tincture or pure alcohol. Dilute the extract in oil. Mix everything. Transfer to a storage bottle with an airtight cap. Place in the refrigerator for 2 days. Use twice daily. Keep in mind that all cosmetics without preservatives do not last long.

Tonic "Isabella" for dry and normal skin

  • Dry wine “Isabella” – 200 ml.
  • Honey – 1 teaspoon.
  • Grapeseed oil – 2 teaspoons.
  • Kalanchoe or aloe juice - 2 teaspoons (leaves should be cut 5-6 days before).
  • Bergamot essential oil – 4 drops.
  • Lavender – 5 drops.
  • Palmarosa – 3 drops.

Dissolve all the essential oils suggested in the recipe or chosen by you in vegetable oil. Add honey. Heat the wine to 40 degrees. Pour into a toner bottle. Add all ingredients and quickly seal. Leave in a cool, dark place overnight. Use twice daily. Store in the refrigerator.

Recipes for combination skin:

Simple creamy tonic for all skin types.

This toner is not intended to be stored, so it needs to be made 5 minutes before application.

  • Cream or milk – 1 teaspoon
  • Essential oil can be any one that suits you - 1-2 drops
  • Cucumber or aloe juice – 1 teaspoon

Melissa Tonic with Lemon for combination skin

  • Distilled water or lemon balm decoction – 200 ml
  • Lemon juice – 2 teaspoons
  • Glycerin extract of lemon or grapefruit – 15 drops
  • Calendula alcohol or tincture – 2 teaspoons
  • Lemon balm essential oil – 3 drops
  • Lemon (lemongrass) essential oil – 3 drops
  • Geranium essential oil – 3 drops

Make a decoction of lemon balm herb. Dilute essential oil in alcohol. Add to the broth, combine all ingredients. Pour into a bottle for storage. Use on clean skin 1-2 times a day. Keep refrigerated.

"Wine" tonic for combination skin.

  • Dry white Muscat wine – 200 ml.
  • Avocado glycerin extract - 15 drops.
  • Honey – 1 teaspoon.
  • Nutmeg essential oil – 5 drops.
  • Clary sage essential oil – 5 drops.
  • Atlas cedar – 5 drops.
  • Lavender – 5 drops.
  • Aloe or Kalanchoe juice – 2 teaspoons.

Warm up the wine and pour into a bottle for storage. Dilute essential oil and extract in honey. Add the mixture to the bottle and shake thoroughly. The tonic should mature for 3-5 days. Keep refrigerated. Apply 2 times a day.

Recipes for Problem Skin:

Wormwood lotion for inflammation and acne, for oily skin

  • Tauride wormwood – 15 drops (you can use wormwood decoction)
  • Water or wormwood decoction - 300 ml
  • Lemon juice - tablespoon
  • Boric alcohol – 30 ml

Dilute essential oil in boric alcohol. Add water and lemon juice. Place in a dark place to ripen. Use as a cleanser after removing makeup.

Chamomile Tonic, for sensitive, allergy-prone skin.

  • Distilled water or chamomile flower decoction - 250 ml.
  • Calendula tincture – 2 teaspoons
  • Roman chamomile or chamomile - 7 drops

Tonic "Berry" for combination and oily skin.

  • Juice of any sour berry (viburnum, cranberry, lingonberry, red currant) – 2 tablespoons
  • Currant and raspberry leaves – 5-6 pieces
  • Dry white wine – 200 ml
  • Honey – 1 teaspoon
  • Jasmine (absolute) – 1-2 drops
  • Alcohol - 3 ml
  • Mandarin – 5 drops
  • Vinegar – 1 teaspoon

Pour wine over the leaves, heat over low heat until boiling. Let it brew for 5-6 hours. Dilute jasmine absolute in alcohol. Mix essential oil and oil with a teaspoon of honey; if you are allergic to honey, you can replace it with 1 teaspoon of alcohol. Strain the cooled broth and combine all ingredients. Pour into a bottle and let it brew for 2 days. Keep refrigerated.

Recipes for age spots:

Parsley lotion, from postpartum spots

  • Alcohol – 30 ml
  • Water or parsley decoction – 250 ml
  • Parsley essential oil – 10 drops
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon

Dilute essential oil in alcohol and add to the decoction. Leave in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Use after cleansing procedures on areas of increased pigmentation. This tonic will gradually rid you of postpartum age spots and freckles.

Tonic "Dandelion"", from freckles and age spots

  • Distilled water – 250 ml
  • Dandelions (flowers) – 2 – 3 tablespoons
  • Alcohol - 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon or lime essential oil – 5 drops

Cook for 25 minutes over low heat. Strain, cool. Dilute lemon oil in alcohol and add to the decoction. Pour the mixture into a bottle and store in the refrigerator.

Whitening Lotion for oily skin.

  • Mineral water – 200 ml
  • Cucumber juice - 3 tablespoons
  • Alcohol 70% - 20 ml
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • Lemon or parsley glycerin extract -20 drops
  • Parsley essential oil – 5 drops
  • Lemon essential oil – 10 drops

Pour cucumber and lemon juice into mineral water. Dilute essential oil in alcohol and add to the mixture. Drip glycerin extract according to the recipe (can be replaced with regular glycerin). Transfer everything into a storage bottle and place it in a dark place. Keep refrigerated. Use daily for cleansing procedures.

Recipes for Aging Skin:

Rosemary tonic for normal and aging skin

  • Calendula tincture – 2 teaspoons
  • Rosemary essential oil – 15 drops
  • Distilled water or rosemary decoction – 250 ml

Add essential oil to the calendula tincture, then add water. Place in a dark place to ripen for two weeks. Use to improve skin tone. Rosemary may be contraindicated in people with high blood pressure.

Lotion of Youth, for aging skin against wrinkles

  • Rosemary essential oil – 5 drops
  • Roman chamomile or chamomile essential oil – 8 drops
  • Peppermint essential oil – 5 drops
  • Cedar essential oil – 6 drops
  • Calendula tincture – 30 ml
  • Water – 300 ml
  • Pineapple extract with glycerin – 6 drops

Add essential oils to the calendula tincture: first Rosemary and chamomile, then cedar and finally Peppermint, shake everything. Add to distilled or mineral water. Add pineapple extract. Allow the Lotion to mature for 14 days. Wipe the skin after cleansing or removing makeup, then apply toner and night or day cream. It is advisable to use twice a day.

Astringent tonic, for aging skin prone to oiliness

  • Mineral water – 200 ml
  • Honey – 2 teaspoons
  • Lemon juice - 3 teaspoons
  • Calendula alcohol or tincture – 1 tablespoon
  • Cypress essential oil – 5 drops
  • Frankincense – 3 drops
  • Rose – 8 drops

Rejuvenating Tonic from Money Tree or Crassula leaves, for aging skin.

  • Distilled water – 80 ml
  • Juice of 7 Crassula leaves
  • Retinol acetate (vitamin A) – 3 drops
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) – 3 drops
  • Sandalwood essential oil – 3 drops
  • Petitgrain essential oil – 5 drops
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon

Dissolve Crassula juice in water. Dissolve essential oil in tocopherol, add vitamin A, mix everything, add lemon juice at the end. Pour into a bottle and let it mature for 3 days. Store in the refrigerator. Gives an amazing rejuvenating effect.

Recipes for aftershave skin care products:

Citrus lotion for sensitive skin

  • 250 ml distilled water
  • Orange – 6 drops
  • Lime – 4 drops
  • 10 ml - alcohol
  • Sandalwood - 6 drops of oil
  • Glycerin extract of grapefruit or lemon – 20 drops

Dissolve a mixture of essential oils in alcohol. Mix and add water. Then put it in a dark place for 7 days. Shake before use. Keep refrigerated.

Fragrant lotion, after shaving for oily skin

  • Hydrolate of any citrus fruit or distilled water – 200 ml
  • Alcohol – 15 ml
  • Grapefruit essential oil – 5 drops
  • Lime essential oil – 5 drops
  • Lemon – 5 drops
  • Myrrh – 7 drops
  • Lemon, orange, lime, grapefruit juice - 3 tablespoons

Before adding to water, dissolve all essential oils in alcohol, and add citrus juice at the end. Keep refrigerated.

Use your imagination, try, create and share your results and recipes with site readers in the comments.

Anyone who truly cares about their skin wants to use only safe and as natural cosmetics as possible. Fortunately for many women, today you can buy a variety of creams, lotions or masks, the composition of which is based on the use of natural ingredients. Making cosmetics at home is very popular these days, and not only women, but also men are keen on this business. It is known that you can independently select the most optimal component composition that is most suitable for a specific skin type and condition. We offer a recipe that will allow you to make aftershave lotion at home.

DIY aftershave lotion

You can find a lot of recipes on how to make lotion at home here and on the Internet, but to choose the best one, you should listen to your own skin and your sense of smell. The main astringent properties in them are vodka and dark rum, but it should be remembered that excessive use of these components (their richness) can cause a burning sensation. A simple way to reduce the effect of alcohol is to dilute it with a solution of witch hazel or distilled water. To give the lotion moisturizing properties, add glycerin or olive oil. For flavor, add sage, cinnamon, nutmeg or ginger. You'll have to experiment to find the perfect combination. Instead of spices, you can use essential oils, which are sold not only in specialized stores, but also in regular pharmacies.

Aftershave lotion ingredients

To make aftershave lotion at home you will need:

Dark rum or vodka;
witch hazel solution or distilled water;
glycerin or olive oil;
spices or essential oils.

How to make aftershave lotion at home

Pour vodka or rum into a glass bowl. While stirring with a metal spoon, slowly pour in the witch hazel solution or distilled water. Also add glycerin or olive oil while stirring. Add a pinch of alum and stir thoroughly. Alum is an excellent tonic and will also help stop bleeding if you accidentally cut yourself.

Place the selected spices or essential oils in a glass bottle and fill with the alcohol mixture using a watering can. Seal tightly and shake.

Store the prepared aftershave lotion in a cool, dark place and shake occasionally. After two weeks, open the bottle and smell it. If you like the smell, you can use the lotion immediately. If you want a stronger aroma, leave it to brew. After another week or two, check the aroma and determine if it is strong enough. If it is still too weak, add some more spices or a few drops of essential oil and let it sit for some time.

When the lotion is ready, strain it through a coffee filter to separate the liquid from the spices. Pour the filtered lotion back into the bottle and store in a cool, dark place or in the refrigerator. Cold lotion after shaving will refresh your skin well.

If you have sensitive skin, reduce the alcohol content and use distilled water instead of witch hazel.

As you can see, making aftershave lotion at home is not very difficult. If you wish, you can choose your own composition of essential oils and spices that will maximize your individuality.




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DIY natural shaving creams.

Natural shaving creams. Ideas, master classes

DIY shaving cream. Master Class

I greet you on the pages of my diary!

I think the topic of creating natural remedies for getting rid of unwanted hair will be of interest to many, especially those who have sensitive skin, suffer from allergies, or are simply attentive to their own health. Moreover, making shaving creams and lotions is absolutely not difficult, and the benefits from them are great :) Moreover, do not forget that the New Year holidays are coming and anyone will be very pleased to receive a natural cream as a gift :)

When it comes to shaving, men, of course, get more :) You and I can also go for hair removal, fortunately now there are many different options, and the procedure is quite safe and painless, for example, check out the website Biomed Laser Therapy Center— http://biomedlaser.ru/ and, what’s important, the results last a long time :) Men have a hard time, so let’s take care of them first. Natural shaving creams mean healthy skin and, by and large, savings. I want to offer you several options for making shaving creams, all of them are simple, do not require special materials and tools, anyone can do it if they want. Enjoy watching!

We’ll start, let’s be honest – the photographs are too beautiful :) – with the work of Lindsey G., author of the Homemade Mommy resource (homemademommy.net). Lindsey, first of all, created the cream for herself; she has very sensitive skin and industrial creams and soaps are absolutely not suitable for her.

It is not necessary to use essential oils in shaving cream, but it is advisable, because they have an excellent effect on the skin. If we talk about shaving creams, I would recommend focusing, of course, on personal preferences, but choosing first of all those oils that have a softening, moisturizing, antibacterial and wound-healing effect. For example, eucalyptus, rosemary, citrus, lavender, geranium, jasmine, tea tree oils, etc. If this is your first time using certain essential oils, you need to check your reaction to them - smell the oil to see if it will cause sneezing, try applying a drop to your skin - if the skin turns red and itches, this essential oil is not suitable for you :) Treat with Be careful with essential oils - their benefits are extraordinary, but they can cause allergic reactions.

The next recipe (the photo is also great!) from Shaina (foodformyfamily.com) is also aimed at sensitive skin and is prepared with oils.

The recipe is very similar to the previous one. Ingredients: 1/3 cup shea butter, 1/3 cup coconut oil, 1/4 cup jojoba oil or almond oil, 10 drops rosemary essential oil and 3 drops peppermint essential oil. The preparation is identical to the previous recipe - heat solid oils in a water bath, add liquid ones, after cooling, add essential oils and beat.

The following recipe is from the already familiar craftswoman Jill (onegoodthingbyjillee.com). Here olive oil and baking soda are added to the recipe. The cream has moisturizing and softening qualities.

Ingredients: 2/3 cup coconut oil, 2/3 cup shea butter, 1/4 cup olive oil, 10 drops lavender essential oil, 5 drops peppermint essential oil, 2 teaspoons baking soda.

Baking soda is added along with essential oils after the oil mixture has cooled. By the way, it is convenient to cool the oils after mixing in the refrigerator.

And this is a shaving gel or lotion also from Jill.


1/2 cup liquid natural soap, 1/4 cup warm water, 1/4 cup Aloe Vera gel, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons glycerin, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 8 drops tea tree essential oil, 5- 10 drops of any other essential oil (the author’s is lavender).

Dissolve salt in warm water, add all other ingredients, mix, store in the refrigerator.

And another option from the craftswoman Jill for a moisturizing cream, but this one contains industrial products. However, everyone really likes this option, the reviews are the most pleasant - well, we’ll try to choose the safest drugs possible :)


1 glass of shampoo, 1 glass of hair conditioner (not to be confused with balm:)), 5 tablespoons of cream or body lotion, 5 tablespoons of coconut oil. Melt coconut oil in a water bath, add the remaining ingredients, beat. You can add essential oils if desired. Jill really praises this particular recipe. You can see exactly what products she used in the photo.

The following recipe is from Sarah Lipoff (savvysugar.com), she uses natural soap and witch hazel extract in the recipe.

Recipe: 3/4 cup of grated natural soap (the author uses shea butter), 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 1/4 tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel, 1/4 cup of witch hazel extract, 5-10 drops of any essential oil. Grate the soap, add coconut oil, witch hazel and melt the mixture in a water bath. After cooling, add Aloe Vera gel and essential oils and whisk.

Here's an interesting point: this is a photo process of filling a tube with the mixture - the author placed the mixture in a bag, cut a corner and squeezed the contents into the tube :) This cream must be stored in the refrigerator!

And another recipe from Hilda (hildehauc.blogspot.com). Its beauty is in the use of clay.


Melt coconut oil in a water bath, add soap and clay, after cooling, add essential oil, beat.

It doesn’t look very good, of course, but judging by the composition, it’s a very useful thing :)

As you understand, you can use any clay you like or have in stock :) Yes, and don’t forget about perfume fragrances, with which you can add sophistication to even homemade shaving cream :)

Well, let's try to make a healthy shaving cream ourselves? If you have any questions, ask, I will be happy to help everyone!

I wish everyone a great mood and sunny weather!

DIY shaving product

Persuading your man to shave in the cold season can be very difficult. After all, in winter the skin becomes overdried, irritation easily appears on it, causing unpleasant painful sensations for a man.
A real salvation for your loved one can be a homemade shaving product that does not dry out the skin.
Whatever your skin is (normal, dry, oily or combination), in winter it suffers from the cold in any case, becomes chapped and becomes very sensitive.
In the process of shaving the blade, along with the stubble, the top layer of horny cells is removed, which perform the protective function of the skin. In addition, as a result of mechanical damage to the skin, microscratches often appear, that is, the skin of the face suffers doubly.
And if, despite all this, a man still uses an alcohol-based aftershave, then the skin irritation will only become stronger.
Homemade shaving product is made from regular baby soap. You will also need natural grass, which contains a lot of tannins that relieve inflammation, peeling, and irritation - these are alder fruits.
To prepare one “serving” of homemade shaving product (about 200 ml), we need 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons of crushed alder fruits.
Fill the weed with hot water (temperature - 90 degrees) and place in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. After this, you need to let this decoction brew for two hours.
After two hours, strain the broth through cheesecloth.

Once the soap has melted, it's time to add natural oils to your homemade shaving product:
50 grams of coconut oil,
1 teaspoon olive oil,
0.5 teaspoon of glycerin (since we have as much as 200 ml of soap base, in this case glycerin will not dry out the skin).
After all components have been added, remove the mixture from the water bath and cool.
The cooled mass must be thoroughly whisked with a regular kitchen whisk so that the shaving product has a foamy consistency. The longer we beat, the more “fluffy” it will turn out.

The final stage is adding essential oils to the already whipped soap base:
3 drops of orange oil,
3 drops rose essential oil.

That's it, our shaving product is ready!

Now let's make a homemade aftershave.
To do this, take 100 ml of rosemary hydrolate, which you can buy either at a pharmacy or at a cosmetic store.
Add active substances there: 1 teaspoon of honey, 10 ml of alcoholic infusion of calendula (which will act as an antiseptic) and 2 drops of chamomile essential oil.
By the way, in order for the essential oil to dissolve well, it is better to add it to the calendula tincture (take an incomplete tablespoon of the tincture and add a couple of drops of chamomile oil).

Mix our solution thoroughly.
Homemade aftershave is ready! For more comfortable use, the resulting lotion can be poured into a spray bottle.

Both homemade shaving foam and lotion can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 months.

With such shaving products, your man will very quickly forget about redness and irritation after shaving. The razor will glide softly, and thanks to homemade aftershave lotion, the skin will not become dry.

Try preparing such remedies for your beloved man, and he will definitely appreciate such self-care.

MagicSoap.ru Home.

If you or your man use some nice shaving cream (for example, this one: “Stormy Youth”), then he doesn’t have to use anything soothing and softening after this daily execution.
However, everyone’s preferences are different, so today, for the sake of experiment and interest, I made this simple cream after shaving.

It soothes and regenerates, works as an antiseptic, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Try it - maybe you and your man will like it!

0.5%-1.5% or
as needed*

*BTMS emulsifier changes the PH of your cream to slightly alkaline. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust it with lactic acid. Do this carefully so as not to sour the product too much.
Also, other ingredients and preservatives can change the PH, for example, the preservative suttocid gives a sharply alkaline PH, so more acidifying agent may be needed.

Melt the fatty phase in a water bath
Heat the aqueous phase (no more than 60 degrees)

Dissolve water-soluble components in the aqueous phase

Mix the fatty and aqueous phases
Beat with a mini mixer

Mix the active ingredients and preservative into the cooling cream and sour it a little with lactic acid (read above about lactic acid).

If desired, you can add essential oils or fragrance.

Essential oils suitable for skin after shaving: bergamot, cedar, patchouli, rosewood, tea tree, lavender. cedar, juniper, etc.

Fragrance will help give your man a scent that is familiar and dear to his heart.

In addition, both essential oils and fragrance will mask the odor of the assets. For example, the test man categorically does not like the smell of chamomile (although I personally love it very much!), so I had to mask it :)

Let the cream cool and pour into jars

Aftershave cream according to this recipe may seem greasy to your man. You can reduce the oil content to 4-6%.
The consistency is quite thick, so you only need a little bit of cream - about the size of a pea :)

Have I not yet said that this would be a great gift for your man for the New Year or another holiday? 🙂 I say 🙂

By the way, this same cream is perfect for you, regardless of whether you shave or not - you can safely use it on your body, your skin will only thank you!

The article was written based on materials from the sites: greensashet.ru, pokasijudoma.ru, www.liveinternet.ru, www.izkis.ru, magicsoap.ru.