Homemade tincture of hawthorn berries and flowers - for drinking and treatment. Hawthorn decoction: benefits and contraindications, recipes

Recently, the name of this drink has been associated with a cheap drug, sometimes taken for intoxication. But this is a big misconception. In fact, tincture of hawthorn berries, properly prepared at home, is a very tasty alcohol, easy to drink and has a pleasant aroma and great beneficial properties. It received this characteristic thanks to its main natural ingredient - berries. They are quite unpretentious and grow in many places, which makes the drink not expensive to make.

Making hawthorn tincture at home does not require many ingredients or effort. Most often, only the berries themselves, alcohol and flavoring additives for sweetness and aroma, such as sugar, vanilla or honey, are used. That’s why you should definitely try making this healthy drink yourself.

- This is a wild berry. It is distributed in many territories, making it widely available. This berry is simply a storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances, which it transfers to alcohol when infused. Thanks to this, hawthorn liqueur has the following beneficial properties:

  • Slowing down the aging of the body.
  • Cancer prevention.
  • Relieving heart pain.
  • Normalization of the cardiovascular system.
  • Sedative.
  • Normalization of joint function.
  • Relief of attacks of rheumatism.
  • Improving the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Uplifting mood.
  • Improved memory and performance.

Homemade hawthorn tincture has a complex effect on the entire human body. You should definitely prepare the liqueur yourself. This is the only way to select the highest quality and ripe berries and good alcohol. It is the combination of first-class raw materials and home-made aging that gives such a positive health effect and a pleasant taste for consumption.

It is worth considering the fact that some tinctures are prepared for ordinary use, and some for medicinal use. Their recipes may differ, as well as their positive effect on the body. Therefore, when choosing a preparation technology, you need to immediately decide what kind of liqueur you want to get. The medical infusion can be taken only in small doses, but should be taken regularly over a long period of time. On the contrary, table liqueurs made from hawthorn are consumed more, but the positive effect of taking them will not be as noticeable as the previous ones.

How to prepare hawthorn tincture

Hawthorn fruit tincture is primarily berries. Therefore, the initial stage of preparation is the selection and preparation of raw materials. The easiest way to purchase hawthorn berries is to buy them at your nearest pharmacy. But medicinal fruits may not be ripe enough or of high quality. It is better to prepare it in advance so that it remains for the winter.

Hawthorn is not only red. This is just how we are used to seeing him most often. In fact, berries can have a yellow, scarlet, brown or even brown tint. The tincture can be made from any variety, since hawthorn has no poisonous species, and it is impossible to make a mistake. You just have to take into account that the majority of recipes are designed for the use of red, which is sold in all pharmacies. If the berry was picked independently and has a different variety, then you need to take into account its taste properties and, if possible, add additional ingredients to obtain a pleasant drink.

The berries are collected at the end of the first autumn month and thoroughly dried. To do this, the fresh harvest needs to be sorted from leaves and debris and laid out in one layer. It is important that the room is well ventilated, and, when using a special dryer, the temperature in it does not exceed 50 degrees.

The second stage is mixing the ingredients before infusion. In order for the tincture to be of high quality, good alcohol is selected. Most often used for these purposes are: vodka, alcohol or carefully purified homemade moonshine. Hawthorn tincture with vodka or alcohol is kept in a dark container at home. It is important that it is made of a material that will not interact with the alcohol component. Metal and plastic should not be used. Aging in such containers produces harmful substances that spoil the taste of the drink.

Hawthorn berries are poured into the selected container. It should occupy approximately three-quarters of the total volume. The rest of the jar is filled with alcohol. If there are other ingredients in the recipe, they are also added at this stage. Sometimes the berries have to be kneaded, soaked or boiled beforehand. This is worth paying attention to when choosing a recipe.

Sometimes, to enhance the taste and transfer as much of the hawthorn extracts as possible to the alcohol, the berry is mashed to obtain juice. There are also recipes with decoction. This method of preparation has its advantages, but due to heat treatment, hawthorn will lose most of its beneficial properties.

The filled jar is tightly sealed and sent for storage. At this moment the third stage begins. Infuse the mixture in a dark, preferably cool place. The room temperature should not exceed 23 - 25 degrees. The tincture aging period takes from one to two months, depending on the recipe. The finished drink is filtered through a sieve to separate the solid part and poured into a container convenient for storage. It needs to be kept cool. Additional infusion of the liqueur is not always required, but the longer it is stored, the better the bouquet opens and the brighter the taste becomes.


The simplest and most popular method of preparation is hawthorn tincture with vodka. This fresh berry recipe includes two main ingredients. Hawthorn and alcohol are mixed and infused until fully cooked. In more complex recipes, flavoring and aromatic additives are added. Honey, vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, various spices and much more may be present, for which the author’s imagination is enough, since the preparation of hawthorn tincture is not limited in composition to rigid boundaries. Every cook can bring something of their own to even the most unusual recipe.

In addition to flavoring additives, the tincture may also include hawthorn inflorescences. Even the berries themselves can be added either whole or crushed. The bones are also separated or preserved depending on the recipe. Often they are not recorded anywhere, but are simply passed on from year to year from experienced manufacturers. The most ancient technologies are learned by heart and are periodically improved.

To make the taste even more interesting and multifaceted, they add other wild berries to the liqueur. The most popular: rowan and rosehip. They are slightly similar in their properties and taste characteristics to hawthorn, so its taste is not shaded by additives, but, on the contrary, is enriched and revealed with new notes.

Hawthorn tincture with vodka: an old recipe

The recipe for hawthorn tincture with vodka is considered a classic and has a pleasant mild taste and aroma. It is perfect for the table as an aperitif and has an accessible and fairly cheap list of ingredients.

  • Dry hawthorn berries – 200 grams.
  • Vodka – 1 liter.
  • Cinnamon sticks – 1 piece.
  • Vanilla - on the tip of the knife.
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon.

In this recipe, real vanilla can be replaced with vanilla sugar, but you will need a little more of it - about half a standard bag. Honey can also be replaced with regular granulated sugar. But it is better to use exactly the specified ingredients. Thus, the traditional taste obtained since ancient times is preserved.

The classic recipe involves 2 stages of infusion. First, you need to put the berries in a jar and fill them with vodka. The mixture is hermetically sealed and shaken thoroughly. The container is placed in a dark place away from direct sunlight and kept for 20 to 30 days. The ambient temperature should be neither hot nor very cold, around 23 – 25 degrees. All this time, the container needs to be shaken 2 times a week to distribute the berries evenly. The readiness of the primary tincture is determined by the loss of color of the berries. They turn light or yellow, depending on the initial color.

After this, the liquid must be separated from the berries by squeezing them. The resulting tincture can be left alone and a sweet additive can be prepared. The honey needs to be melted. When using sugar, you do not need to touch it. Honey or granulated sugar is mixed with vanilla and added to the filtered liquid. Cinnamon goes there too. The entire mixture is tightly sealed with a lid and infused under the same conditions for another week.

The hawthorn tincture obtained after aging must be filtered through cheesecloth. It is better not to use a sieve, as you need to separate the cloudy sediment. The clean liquid is poured into containers for further storage and placed in a cool place. Such a drink will have a strength of 33 to 35 degrees and can be stored for up to three years.

Hawthorn liqueur with rowan

The recipe for making liqueur from these berries is quite simple and quick. It doesn’t take a lot of berries or time to age. With this cooking technology, additional infusion is used, but it is not great. Therefore, this method of obtaining hawthorn tincture is suitable for those who are in a hurry to prepare for any holiday, or simply do not like to wait long. For preparation you will need:

  • Vodka or alcohol – 1 liter.
  • Hawthorn berries – 100 grams.
  • Rowan berries – 100 grams.

The selected berries are cleared of leaves and other debris, washed and placed in a jar. You can crush them a little first. So that they give juice in the future. But you don’t need to completely mash the berries into puree. This will be redundant. The fruits are filled with the selected alcohol and sent for aging. The room for this must be chosen in such a way that it provides a stable temperature of 23 degrees and excludes direct sunlight. Various pantries are good for this. The holding time is about two weeks. The liquid should be the color of the berries.

After this, you need to separate the tincture from the berries themselves through gauze or a sieve. The resulting liquid is mixed with sugar. It is added to taste, so the amount may vary and may not be the same as specified in the recipe. This tincture is poured into a container for storage and kept for another 2-3 days, shaking occasionally, until the sugar is completely dissolved. After the time has passed, you can begin tasting.

Hawthorn in vodka with rosehip and galangal

Preparing hawthorn tincture with rose hips and galangal at home is another popular recipe. The combination of hawthorn and rose hips only improves and enhances the taste of the tincture. Plus, rose hips add a piquant sourness to the drink. If everything is clear with this berry, then not many people know what galangal is. This is the root of a plant somewhat reminiscent of ginger. It has a bitter, pungent taste and many beneficial properties. Its addition gives the tincture cognac-woody notes that ennoble the drink. For preparation you will need:

  • Vodka – 1 liter.
  • Hawthorn berries – 100 grams.
  • Rosehip berries – 100 grams.
  • Ground galangal root – 5 grams.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tablespoon.

The berries are mixed with ground galangal root and placed in a container. Instead of ground, you can use fresh root, but then you need to cut 3 thin slices. The mixture is poured with alcohol and sent to infuse in a dark place at constant room temperature. The bottle needs to be shaken every three days. The holding time is about one month. Readiness is determined by the liquid becoming scarlet in color.

After this, the tincture is filtered from berries and galangal and mixed with pre-prepared granulated sugar syrup. This mixture is bottled for storage and kept for another couple of days, constantly shaking. Only after this can the tincture be considered ready and begin tasting.

Tincture "Erofeich" with moonshine

A tincture of hawthorn on moonshine with such a sonorous and rare name was at one time even produced on an industrial scale. Now, to enjoy this taste you will have to work a little, since the tincture contains a lot of different herbs. Its taste, unlike its counterparts, is quite bitter and tart, which is not for everyone. But it’s worth trying to make such a drink yourself at least once. For preparation you will need:

  • Pure moonshine 5 degrees – 1 liter.
  • Hawthorn berries – 5 grams.
  • A mixture of herbs mint, lemon balm, St. John's wort and oregano - 5 grams each.
  • A mixture of thyme, marjoram, sweet clover, yarrow and wormwood - 3 grams of each.
  • Plain anise - 2 grams.
  • Cardamom seed – 2 grams.

The entire long list of ingredients is mixed in one container with alcohol and shaken thoroughly. The resulting mixture is kept in a dark place at room temperature for two weeks. The resulting tincture must be carefully filtered. For this, gauze is used, folded several times with cotton wool between the layers. The finished drink is bottled for further storage and infused for another couple of days until it is completely ready. After this, you can start tasting.


This drink does not have any specific contraindications, other than the traditional ones applicable to alcoholic products. This drink should not be consumed by minors, especially young children. Also, we must not forget about this restriction for pregnant girls and nursing mothers. Those who have problems with the stomach, pancreas or liver should use it with caution. If you have a peptic ulcer, you should stop using hawthorn tincture. In other cases, you just need to be careful when using it. Allergic reactions to the components of the tincture are possible. In this case, use stops.

Hawthorn tincture is a very healthy and tasty drink when prepared correctly. A non-medicinal drink can now hardly be found on store shelves. That is why you should definitely try to cook it yourself.

All people know about the dangers of excess alcohol for the human body. However, if you consume some alcoholic beverages in moderation, you can reap health benefits from them. An example of this is the hawthorn tincture on moonshine. This medicine is sold in pharmacies and is taken by a person in case of vascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.). The tincture of hawthorn with alcohol, offered in the pharmacy, has a strength of 70 revolutions, so this medicine is taken in a dose of a few drops. The same remedy can be prepared at home, especially if you have a moonshine still.

Hawthorn tincture on moonshine

Alcohol recipes with hawthorn

If a person wants to prepare exactly the same hawthorn tincture as offered in the pharmacy, then according to the recipe he will need 100 grams of dry berries of this plant and 0.5 liters of moonshine. It is desirable that the moonshine taken to prepare the infusion be subjected to double distillation, and its strength should be 40 revolutions.

  1. Hawthorn berries are poured with the required amount of moonshine.
  2. The container with the workpiece is tightly closed with a lid and left to infuse for two weeks. Moreover, the product should be placed in a dry, dark place.
  3. It is recommended to shake the tincture every two days throughout its storage period.
  4. After two weeks, the infusion should be poured into glass containers, having previously filtered it.

Hawthorn tincture on moonshine will have a bright red color, and its smell will be slightly sweet. If the drink was prepared according to the rules, it can be stored for several years.

Among the recipes for preparing hawthorn tincture with moonshine, one can highlight the one according to which the drink is prepared from fresh hawthorn fruits. A liqueur made from fresh hawthorn berries will have a richer color, taste and smell. To prepare hawthorn tincture with moonshine, you should take one glass of fresh fruit for each glass of moonshine. The drink must be infused for three weeks, not forgetting that it must be shaken every day.

You can also prepare a tonic tincture from hawthorn and moonshine. To make it, you should take moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees. For each glass of moonshine, also take 5 tablespoons of hawthorn berries. All components are placed in a pan, mixed and heated to a temperature of 50 degrees. After the workpiece is heated, it should be strained through several layers of gauze. The drink is cooled and filtered, after which it is bottled.

Tinctures for feasts

Hawthorn tinctures can be taken not only for the purpose of treatment. It turns out that you can make delicious alcohol for a feast from bright red berries and moonshine. Such drinks have a mild, pleasant taste and aroma.

How to prepare hawthorn tinctures:

1) To prepare the drink, take a liter of moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees, a glass of dried hawthorn berries, a pinch of vanillin, a cinnamon stick and a tablespoon of sugar. Hawthorn is poured into a jar and immediately filled with moonshine. The infusion is infused for 25 days in a room where room temperature is maintained. The jar with the preparation must be shaken weekly. During this time, the berries will acquire a yellowish tint.

The infusion should be filtered through cheesecloth, and the juice should be squeezed out of the berries. After this, you need to melt the honey in a water bath and mix it with vanillin, then add it to the infusion. Mix everything, close the container and put the drink in a cool place for seven days. At the end, the drink should be filtered through several layers of cotton wool and bottled. The shelf life of such an infusion can be three years.

2) At home, you can also prepare a hawthorn tincture with rose hips. To prepare this drink, take 0.5 liters of moonshine, a tablespoon of rose hips, 2 tablespoons of hawthorn fruits, half a teaspoon of ground galangal root, 50 grams of sugar and 50 milliliters of water. The berries are first placed in a jar and filled with moonshine. After this, they are infused for thirty days in a warm, dark place. After a month, the drink should be completely cleared of berries.

Water and sugar need to be mixed and heated, bringing to a boil. Boil the sugar and water for five minutes, remembering to remove the foam from the surface of the syrup. After this, the syrup should be cooled to room temperature. The syrup is then poured into the infusion and stirred. The almost finished drink should be left to steep under the lid for five days, after which it can be bottled for storage. This liqueur is recommended to be consumed chilled.

Hawthorn tincture, like all alcoholic drinks, should be consumed in moderation, since an overdose of both hawthorn and alcohol can be hazardous to health. An allergy to hawthorn (rose hips, if present in the product) is considered a contraindication to taking the drink.

is an effective herbal remedy for many diseases. It contains substances that have a positive effect on the immune system, help the heart work and heal the stomach (this is not the entire list of health properties). Thanks to the benefits it brings, people are increasingly trying to prepare hawthorn tincture at home. How to do this correctly, what recipes exist, we will consider in detail in this article.

In appearance, hawthorn is a shrubby plant of small height. The hawthorn is covered with thick thorns, leaves, white flowers and red berries. The fruits and flowers of the plant are mainly used to prepare medicinal products.

Hawthorn loves the atmosphere of a temperate climate. The plant is widespread in the Northern Hemisphere of the earth. In total, scientists count about 1,200 varieties of hawthorn and only 15 in our country.

The plant is rich in active substances, flavonoids, fatty acids, glycosides, various sugars, vitamins, pectin, choline, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, micro and macro elements, tannins.

Hawthorn tincture - a remedy

The components of the plant made:

  1. Angina pectoris, heart failure, cardioneurosis. The product helps well against pain in the heart area, especially after serious physical exertion.
  2. Diseases of the nervous system.
  3. Rheumatism.
  4. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  5. Stomach diseases.

Hawthorn tincture reduces high blood pressure by relaxing the walls of blood vessels. The drug enhances the effect of heart medications. The positive effect of treating cholecystitis and chronic hepatitis while taking hawthorn becomes several times greater.

Long-term use helps reduce blood cholesterol and improve fat metabolism.

A tincture on hawthorn leaves is more effective than a remedy prepared on the fruit.

To prepare hawthorn tincture at home and heal with it, you must go through the following steps:

  1. Preparation of raw materials.
  2. Preparation of the composition.
  3. Excerpt of the composition.
  4. the resulting tincture.

Preparation of raw materials

It is important!If the drug does not cause adverse reactions, then it should be taken as long as possible. Long-term use of hawthorn tincture prepared at home significantly improves well-being.

Security measures!

You should be careful about drinking drinks after taking hawthorn tincture. Drinking cold water after consuming the product can cause intolerable intestinal colic.

The medicinal properties of this plant have been known since ancient times. This plant is also called boyarina or glot. The bark, flowers and berries of this shrub are used to make medicine. This plant contains a lot of useful substances, vitamins A, B, C, K, E, minerals, tannins. Thanks to all these microelements, hawthorn is recommended in official medicine as a remedy for heart disease. Flowers and leaves can also be used to make the drug; it can be drunk both to prevent diseases and to cleanse the body.

It is also important that this particular plant contains ursolic acid, which is very rarely found in other plants. This acid helps in treating the cardiovascular system.

With the help of this plant, they strengthen the heart muscles, cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol, preventing blockage of veins and heart obesity, treat hypertension and arteriosclerosis, and angina pectoris. They also treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, bladder and problems with the nervous system.

The medicine from this plant helps physical and mental workers, it restores the functioning of the muscular system, calms the nervous system, improves blood circulation and brain function, and treats insomnia. Alcohol medicine is better than a medicine made with plain water, since it can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator.

How to prepare hawthorn for tincture?

To make your own medicine at home, you will need berries. They can be purchased dried at the pharmacy or collected and dried yourself. The bushes of this plant have many types, they are found very often, and this plant can also be planted at home or in the country.

Hawthorn leaves and flowers should be harvested in the spring at the beginning of May. Collect flowers before they have even bloomed; in dry weather there should be no dew on them. Dry in the sun in the fresh air, you can dry on the balcony.

You need to start picking berries from the second half of September until the end of October. By mid-autumn, the berries ripen and become bright red or orange. You should not pick berries in the rain or with dew; the berries must be dry. Then they should be sorted out, black or spoiled berries should be thrown away, and only bright and healthy ones should be left. It is better to dry in the sun, but you can also dry it at home in an oven or dryer at 40℃. Dry berries can be stored for up to 8 years in a dry, well-ventilated area.

How to prepare the tincture?

Recipe 1.

To make hawthorn tincture with vodka you need to take 5 tbsp. spoons of dried berries into a saucepan and pour 200 ml of vodka. Heat to temperature 40 and then leave to cool for 40 minutes. Then strain through cheesecloth and pour into a dark glass container. The medicine is ready for use and can be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2.

There is another recipe for vodka, for this you need to grind 150 g of dry hawthorn berries and pour a liter of vodka in a glass container. Close the lid tightly and leave for 20 days in a dark, cool place. It needs to be shaken daily. After which it must be strained through four layers of gauze and poured into another container. Keep refrigerated.

Recipe 3.

To prepare a tincture with alcohol, you need to take a glass of fresh berries, crush them and pour 70% alcohol - 200 ml. Close the container tightly and place in a dark, cool place. It should infuse for three weeks. The bottle needs to be shaken daily. After the expiration date, the medicine should be filtered through four layers of gauze. Store the medicine in the refrigerator.

Recipe 4.

To make a medicine from dry berries, you need to fill 1/10 of the jar with berries and fill it with 70% alcohol. For example, 100 grams of berries per 1 liter of alcohol. It should brew for 20 days in a dark and cool place. At the same time, shake the jar daily. It is advisable to wrap the jar in dark matter. After the expiration date, strain the medicine through four layers of gauze and you can take it.

Recipe 5.

You can also prepare medicine from the fresh flowers of this plant. First you need to collect the flowers, they must be dry and free of any defects. For 100 ml of 70% alcohol you need 25 g of flowers. Mix it all in a container made of dark material and place it in a dark, cool place for 20 days, shaking it daily. If you don’t have fresh flowers, you can make this product from dried flowers. To do this, you need to pour 10 g of dried flowers with 100 g of alcohol and infuse in the same way as fresh ones. After two weeks, the flowers need to be strained, and the finished product should be stored in the refrigerator in a dark bottle.

Recipe 6.

Before taking the medicine, you must shake the bottle, as all the beneficial substances settle to the bottom of the bottle. You need to take 20-30 drops of alcohol tincture, and 50 drops of vodka tincture before meals, three times a day. Starting with 20 drops and gradually increase to 30 drops. The drops should be diluted in a tablespoon of boiled or purified water. You should not drink this medicine in the morning on an empty stomach; it is better to drink a glass of kefir or eat something light half an hour before taking the medicine, otherwise severe dizziness, cramps, nausea, and vomiting may occur. You can drink it for a month, after which you take a break of 10 days. The course can be repeated if necessary. The tincture can also be drunk to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and to restore and normalize the nervous system.


Hawthorn infusion is very dangerous if the proportions are not followed. If you use this medicine for more than three months, it can lead to negative consequences. The heart's function will be disrupted, blood pressure will drop significantly, and frequent dizziness will begin.

Also, alcohol tincture or vodka product should not be drunk by children under 12 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers. People suffering from chronic diseases are advised to first consult their doctor.

People with bradycardia, arrhythmia, and hypotension should not use the medicine from hawthorn. This is very dangerous and can cause cardiac arrest.

People who are allergic to the components of this drug should not take this product. You should also not take it together with potent drugs, drugs and glycosides of the cardiac group and antibiotics.

It is worth remembering that with constant and frequent use of hawthorn infusion, symptoms such as malaise, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure may appear. In such cases, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Tinctures and compotes, as well as jams, are prepared from hawthorn. Hawthorn tincture with vodka is useful if prepared and consumed correctly.

The benefits of hawthorn tincture on vodka

Hawthorn tincture improves heart function and vascular elasticity. It helps reduce tachycardia and arrhythmia.

When used in moderation, the tincture lowers blood sugar and improves immunity, helps fight depression, insomnia and vitamin deficiency. In tincture.

For a more saturated solution, it is better to use dried hawthorn fruits.


  • hawthorn – 0.2 kg;
  • vodka – 1 l;
  • honey – 30 gr.;
  • cinnamon, vanilla.


  1. Take a clean jar with a volume of 1.5-2 liters.
  2. Place dried hawthorn berries and pour in a liter of vodka or any alcohol of appropriate strength.
  3. You can use cognac or diluted alcohol.
  4. Seal tightly with a lid and place in a dark place.
  5. Approximately once a week, the contents of the container should be shaken.
  6. After three weeks, the solution will turn red and the berries will give up all the beneficial substances to the tincture.
  7. Strain the solution through cheesecloth, carefully squeeze the berries and add vanilla, cinnamon and honey to taste.
  8. Leave in the dark for another week.
  9. It is better to store the finished tincture in a dark glass container.

For medicinal purposes, it is enough to drink one teaspoon per day.

Tincture of hawthorn and rosehip

Hawthorn tincture with vodka at home, with the addition of rose hips, is enriched with vitamins and has a slightly sour taste.


  • hawthorn – 50 gr.;
  • rosehip – 50 gr.
  • vodka – 0.5 l;
  • sugar – 50 gr.;
  • water.


  1. Place dried hawthorn and rose hips in a glass jar of suitable size.
  2. Pour in vodka and seal tightly with a lid.
  3. Leave in a dark place for one month, shaking occasionally.
  4. At the end of the period, strain through cheesecloth and carefully squeeze the berries.
  5. Prepare sugar syrup by dissolving granulated sugar in a small amount of water.
  6. Bring to a boil and let cool completely.
  7. Add to the container with the tincture and stir.
  8. Leave for about another week, then strain and pour into a dark glass bottle.


  • hawthorn – 1 kg;
  • vodka – 0.5 l;
  • sugar – 30 gr.;
  • cinnamon, vanilla.


  1. Ripe berries need to be sorted, stems removed and washed thoroughly.
  2. Dry the hawthorn on a paper towel and place in a suitable sized glass jar.
  3. Fill with vodka or purified moonshine and seal tightly with a lid.
  4. Leave for about a month in a cool, dark place.
  5. In this recipe, sugar can be added immediately; when shaken, it will completely dissolve by the end of the specified period.
  6. Strain and pour the tincture into a bottle.

It should be used in therapeutic doses to relieve tension, increase immunity, and prevent colds and viral infections.

Tincture of hawthorn and rowan

You can also make a medicinal tincture with the addition of chokeberry, which ripens simultaneously with hawthorn.


  • hawthorn – 150 gr.;
  • rowan – 150 gr.;
  • vodka – 1 l;
  • sugar – 100 gr.


  1. Fresh berries need to be sorted, removing spoiled fruits and twigs.
  2. Rinse thoroughly under running water and dry on a paper towel.
  3. Place the berries in a jar and fill with vodka.
  4. After two weeks, add sugar and mix thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved in the drink.
  5. Leave it to steep for a few more days.
  6. After this, the solution must be filtered and poured into bottles.
  7. This tincture should also be used in medical doses.

This drink has a rich, beautiful color and a light, pleasant bitterness.

Tincture of hawthorn berries is a strong remedy and has contraindications for use by people who should not drink alcohol. Before using this remedy, consult your doctor.

Hawthorn tincture with vodka should not be given to children, pregnant women, or people who are allergic to any component.

Try preparing hawthorn tincture according to any of the suggested recipes, and your loved ones will not have problems with heart disease, depression and seasonal colds.