Breathe spray for children. Breathe spray oil

Manufacturer: JSC "Akvion" Russia

Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Spray.

General characteristics. Compound:

Demineralized water, mint oil (oleum menthae), eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti), cajeput oil (oleum cajeputi), levomenthol, wintergreen oil (oleum wintergreen), juniper oil (oleum juniperi), clove oil ( oleum caryophylli), emulsifier polysorbate (Tween 80).

Pharmacological properties:

The vapors of juniper essential oil prevent the spread and increase the body's resistance.
Peppermint oil vapors have an invigorating and analgesic effect. In the aromatic composition of Breathe oil, the fresh and invigorating scent of mint dominates. Makes breathing easier when you have a runny nose. Used as an analgesic (relieves headaches) for colds.
Clove essential oil is used as an antiseptic and pain reliever. Has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Vapors from clove essential oil disinfect the air.
Essential oil obtained from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree has an antipyretic effect. Increases resistance to infectious diseases. Used for colds and flu. Inhibits the activity of pathogenic bacteria.
Cajeput oil
Essential oil obtained from the evergreen cajeput tree (also known as “white tea tree”) is popular as a treatment for colds. Has an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. Used as an antiseptic.
Wintergreen oil
Oil obtained from wintergreen leaves reduces inflammation of the respiratory system.
Naturally occurring menthol. Has a moderate antispasmodic effect, reduces the severity of symptoms, and.

Thus, Breathe oil can disinfect the air and thereby reduce the risk of infection during the “cold season” at home, in transport, at school or in the office.

Indications for use:

When everyone around you is sick.
During this period, you can become infected with the flu and other colds anywhere: on public transport, at work, in a store, in an elevator or on the street. Breathe Oil will make a “dangerous environment” safe.
When “the disease is near”:
- you have to communicate with a person who is already sick (for example, one of the family members has a cold);
- you are on the verge of illness - you are cold, wet in the rain;
- the very first signs of a cold have appeared: the throat is sore, the nose begins to get stuffy, etc.
In all these situations, it is too early to take medicine, but it is necessary to fight back the disease. Breathe Oil Spray will stop a cold at the very beginning and protect the whole family.
Breathe Oil is a composition of natural essential oils that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties. Vapors of essential oils disinfect the inhaled air and thereby prevent the spread of pathogenic viruses and bacteria.
Remember, Breathe oil is only effective in the early stages of colds and flu. If the illness is in full swing, you should not expect a miracle from him. But even in such a situation, it is necessary to use Breathe oil - to relieve symptoms, as well as to prevent colds in other family members.
Breathe Oil Spray is a unique product that makes the prevention of colds and flu more effective and more convenient.

Important! Get to know the treatment

Directions for use and dosage:

To aromatize the air: make 1-2 sprays in the room.
-For acupressure: apply a small amount (1 spray) to the skin at pulsation points. Do not apply to head or face.
The duration and frequency of use of the Oil Breathe spray are not limited.
Immediately before use, remove the protective cap, keep the bottle in an upright position, and then quickly and sharply press the applicator.
When using the spray for the first time, it is recommended to press the dispensing device several times until a compact cloud of aerosol appears.
After use, close the pump spray with the protective cap.

Features of application:

Do not apply to mucous membranes or damaged skin.
In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.
If Breathe Oil Spray causes you to have an unusual reaction, consult your doctor.
Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Side effects:

No data.

Interaction with other drugs:

Not identified.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Data on overdose are not provided.

Storage conditions:

At a temperature not exceeding 25 °C, out of the reach of children.

Vacation conditions:

Over the counter


30 ml dark glass bottle with pump spray.

When you have a cold, you want to find an effective solution so that you can return to your daily life in a fairly quick period of time. Breathe is a unique composition of essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

The components that make up the product have antiseptic properties, produce a tonic effect, are an excellent way to get rid of the inflammatory process. In addition to preventive purposes, drugs in this series are also used to treat symptomatic signs of viral diseases and their main causes.

It is necessary to note the uniqueness of the composition. After all, this is a whole complex of useful plants that help cope with colds.

Important. The medicine is presented in the form of oil, spray, lozenges, hot teas, gel. For a runny nose, use drops or a patch.

Indications for use

For preventive purposes, different forms of release of the product are used. This oil and spray Breathe. Their use helps minimize the occurrence of influenza and other colds. Breathe oil for infants has a well-chosen composition that protects the body from pathogenic organisms.

If you have discomfort in the throat, you should take lozenges, which are available in the following options:

  • the lozenge in the first version contains honey, aloe, raspberries, and essential oils;
  • in the second case it is linden, mint, zinc gluconate.

If you have a cold, you can use the antiviral drug Dyshi, presented in drink. An appropriate series is selected for individual age categories.


Do not use the product for allergic diseases.

If you have these diseases, you should definitely consult a specialist before starting to take the medicine.

Also, a number of contraindications include individual intolerance to individual components contained in the medicine.

How to use it

It is necessary to consider the instructions for use of the Breathe spray for children. The necessary measures should be taken at the first symptoms. After all, there is a fairly high risk that all family members will get sick.

Important. As a preventative measure, sprinkle a few drops of medicine on the scarf.

The drink can be used both at home and at work. The lozenges should be consumed about 3 times daily until a beneficial effect is obtained.

For small children, the application is carried out in a similar way. The only difference is the reduction in concentration. First you need to spray the medicine on the baby’s clothes and pillow. The application site should not come into contact with his skin.

Experts advise applying the gel around the nose area for a faster recovery. This helps relieve dryness and irritation.


The drug is available in different release forms. It contains only natural ingredients that complement and enhance each other’s effects.

If necessary, you can use the medicine anywhere. The risk of disease is significantly reduced. Natural, herbal base helps to minimize the risk of side effects and makes the drug effective.

During the cold season, I always look with great enthusiasm for an effective and safe remedy for the prevention of ARVI, preferably local. To begin with, I tried to make friends with Oxolinic ointment, which needs to lubricate your nose before going outside. Did not work out…. It caused me a severe allergic reaction! Then I continued my search, and reviews caught my eye about the oil “Breathe” "as a safe and effective remedy. Naturally, I decided to buy it!

A bottle of oil cost about 250 rubles for 10 ml of product . The price seems to be not too cheap, but since the bottle lasts for a long time, it completely pays off!!!

Here are the complete instructions for the oil:

The bottle is small, compact, easy to put away even in the smallest handbag, you can take it with you anywhere absolutely without any problems.

The oil has a VERY strong, pungent, irritating odor!!! A mixture of essential oils, menthol and something else medicinal.

I used it like this:

I applied 1-2 drops to a handkerchief and placed it on my desk. After some time, the air around me was filled with this smell, but in a small concentration, it did not bother anyone, neither me nor my colleagues.

Once I was on a bus during rush hour, there were a lot of people coughing and sneezing around and I had to use oil to somehow protect myself. I put a few drops on my scarf. The smell was very strong, I don’t know about those around me, but it made me feel sick. I don’t remember how I crawled out of that bus... I had a headache... Some circles and stars flashed in my eyes, I felt nauseous... After this incident, I avoided butter for a long time, its smell caused me a persistent disgust.

But one day I had to go to the clinic, I had nothing at hand except this oil, and I decided to use it again.

At the clinic, she dripped it onto a handkerchief and began holding it under her nose. The patients arrived, the coughing and sneezing was incredible, I brought the handkerchief closer and closer and at the end I was sitting completely buried in it.

Now I use just a little bit of this oil on a handkerchief and place it at a sufficient distance from myself.

Bacteria and viruses will not pass through with “Breathe” oil, that’s for sure! The main thing is not to suffocate with them!

P.S. Also in my first aid kit there are other similar equally effective remedies:

Wonderful multifunctional ointment Doctor MOM, VERY effective during the season of viruses and colds;

Dr. Theiss Eucalyptus aromatic ointment, warming and good for a runny nose and cough;

And well known to everyone Balm Golden Star- our savior from various misfortunes!!!

Medical product. Is not a medicine

Composition of natural essential oils

Demineralized water, mint oil (oleum menthae), eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti), cajeput oil (oleum cajeputi), levomenthol, wintergreen oil (oleum wintergreen), juniper oil (oleum juniperi), clove oil ( oleum caryophylli), emulsifier polysorbate (Tween 80).

Vapors of juniper essential oil prevent the spread of colds and increase the body's resistance.
Peppermint oil vapors have an invigorating and analgesic effect. In the aromatic composition of Breathe oil, the fresh and invigorating scent of mint dominates. Makes breathing easier when you have a runny nose. Used as an analgesic (relieves headaches) for colds.
Clove essential oil is used as an antiseptic and pain reliever. Has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Vapors from clove essential oil disinfect the air.
Essential oil obtained from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree has an antipyretic effect. Increases resistance to infectious diseases. Used for colds and flu. Inhibits the activity of pathogenic bacteria.
Cajeput oil
Essential oil obtained from the evergreen cajeput tree (also known as “white tea tree”) is popular as a remedy for the treatment of colds. Has an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. Used as an antiseptic.
Wintergreen oil
Oil obtained from wintergreen leaves reduces inflammation of the respiratory system.
Naturally occurring menthol. It has a moderate antispasmodic effect, reduces the severity of symptoms of acute rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and bronchitis.

Thus, Breathe oil can disinfect the air and thereby reduce the risk of infection during the “cold season” at home, in transport, at school or in the office.


  • To aromatize the air: make 1-2 sprays in the room.
  • For acupressure: apply a small amount (1 spray) to the skin at the pulsation points. Do not apply to head or face.
    The duration and frequency of use of the Oil Breathe spray are not limited.
    Immediately before use, remove the protective cap, keep the bottle in an upright position, and then quickly and sharply press the applicator.
    When using the spray for the first time, it is recommended to press the dispensing device several times until a compact cloud of aerosol appears.
    After use, close the pump spray with the protective cap. In what situations should Breathe Oil spray be used?
  • When everyone around you is sick.
    During this period, you can become infected with the flu and other colds anywhere: on public transport, at work, in a store, in an elevator or on the street. Breathe Oil will make a “dangerous environment” safe.
  • When “the disease is near”:
    - you have to communicate with a person who is already sick (for example, one of the family members has a cold);
    - you are on the verge of illness - you are cold, wet in the rain;
    - the very first signs of colds and flu have appeared: the throat is sore, the nose begins to be stuffy, etc.
    In all these situations, it is too early to take medicine, but it is necessary to fight back the disease. Breathe Oil Spray will stop a cold at the very beginning and protect the whole family. Breathe Oil is a composition of natural essential oils that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties. Vapors of essential oils disinfect the inhaled air and thereby prevent the spread of pathogenic viruses and bacteria.
    Remember, Breathe oil is only effective in the early stages of colds and flu. If the illness is in full swing, you should not expect a miracle from him. But even in such a situation, it is necessary to use Breathe oil - to relieve symptoms, as well as to prevent colds in other family members.
    Spray Oil Breathe is a unique product with which the prevention of colds and flu becomes effective and more convenient.

    Do not apply to mucous membranes or damaged skin.
    In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.
    If Breathe Oil Spray causes you to have an unusual reaction, consult your doctor.
    Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.
    At a temperature not exceeding 25 °C, out of the reach of children.
    3 years from the date of manufacture.
    30 ml dark glass bottle with pump spray.
    Biosphere LLC, Russian Federation, 152020 Yaroslavl region, Pereslavl-Zalessky, st. Magistralnaya, 10a, commissioned by JSC AKVION, Russian Federation, 125040 Moscow, 3rd st. Yamskogo Polya, 28.

    Medicines for colds are varied; they can be represented both by means of vitamins for prevention and substances for the treatment of the disease itself. Undoubtedly, the best way out is not to get sick at all, having done everything to prevent the disease. For this purpose, you can use Dyshi spray, the action of which is based on natural ingredients. A doctor can prescribe such a product, but it is very unusual in its method of application - we will consider it in more detail.

    Composition of the spray Breathe

    The composition of the drug in question includes a number of natural extracts - six essential oils (mint, eucalyptus, cajeput, clove, juniper and wintergine) in combination with pure water and levomenthol. The components of the composition have a cross-action, which allows you to achieve maximum efficiency when using the spray:

    • juniper oil increases the body’s resistance, thereby minimizing the risk of pathogen spread;
    • Clove oil is used as a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and mild pain reliever. Thanks to it, microorganisms are destroyed and swelling from irritation of the nasal mucosa is relieved;
    • mint vapor relieves pain and makes breathing easier when you have a runny nose. This component also helps get rid of headaches that so often accompany colds;
    • eucalyptus helps lower temperature and has a beneficial effect on the degree of natural defense of the body;
    • wintergreen oil is a component that copes with inflammatory processes in the respiratory system;
      oil from evergreen cajeput tones the body, relieves inflammation and disinfects the nasal cavity;
    • the levomenthol component is a menthol of natural origin and helps relieve spasms and alleviate the intensity of symptoms of rhinitis, bronchitis, laryngitis and adenoids.

    The principle of action of the drug for the nose

    The manufacturer indicates that this drug is really effective only in the early stages of the development of a cold, but this does not mean that the spray cannot be used at the height of the problem - it can be used to combat unpleasant symptoms in the form of a runny nose and use it to prevent other family members. The product works on the principles of aromatherapy.

    The drug is based on a mixture of essential oils, which determines its beneficial effect. Thus, during the cold season, dangerous microorganisms are very easily transmitted from person to person through the air, thereby spreading quickly. Once in the nasal cavity and encountering not only natural immunity, but also the disinfecting properties of spray oils, microorganisms die before they can cause illness. Thus, the drug works on the principle of air disinfection of the so-called gates of the body - the initial element of the human respiratory system.

    Indications for use of the drug

    A spray with natural oils should be used to prevent diseases in the following situations:

    • during cold and flu season;
    • after hypothermia on the street, exposure to rain;
    • when the first signs of a cold appear - sore throat, sneezing, nasal congestion, etc.;
    • after communicating with an infected person.

    With a timely reaction, it will be possible to prevent the disease by destroying it at a very early stage.

    At what age can children use the spray?

    Considering the fact that the spray cannot be used inside the body and when treating a room or clothing does not come into contact with the skin at all, but only acts as aromatherapy through the saturation of inhaled air, its use has no age restrictions, the product is used even for infants. An allergic reaction to its components may be an obstacle to using the product, but this is very rare. The manufacturer's studies were conducted among children aged from three months to 15 years, and cases of a negative reaction occurred only in two small patients (they were expressed by a headache and the appearance of a minor skin rash).

    Instructions for use for children and adults

    It is immediately worth noting that this spray is very concentrated, and it is prohibited to apply it to the mucous membranes, so it cannot be used in the classical way by instilling it into the nose, only for application to the skin or objects to disinfect the inhaled air. So, to treat a room in which a sick person is located, you need to spray the curtains 5 times.

    To prevent colds or flu when leaving home in a public place, the manufacturer advises applying a mixture of oils in the amount of 3-4 injections onto a scarf or outerwear in the area near the face. Light oils do not leave marks on most fabrics, but just in case, it is still worth applying the composition to an inconspicuous area. Using oil, you can perform self-massage by applying a little product to the skin. To prevent illness in a child, you can apply 1-2 injections of the composition to soft toys.

    The product is very convenient to use– all you need to do is inhale the vapors of the oils. At the same time, you can go about your business, and the drug will have a beneficial effect on the body. It is worth considering that you need to protect yourself from getting the composition on mucous membranes and damaged skin.

    Can the drug be used during pregnancy?

    Spray oil is sprayed onto items of clothing and elements in the room; its components are not taken internally, so that with a normal reaction to such aromas, the drug cannot harm a pregnant woman. Thus, during pregnancy, the spray can be actively used regardless of the period, the same applies to the period of breastfeeding. Restrictions may only apply to other products in this series that require oral administration (drinks and lozenges).


    The drug consists of natural oils, and taking into account the characteristics of its use, it does not harm the body and has no contraindications. The only limitation in use can be that essential oils are strong allergens, and if a person is predisposed to allergic reactions, then the spray will have to be abandoned. There are also cases of intolerance to oils, which results in headaches as a reaction to bright aromas.


    The closest analogue of Dyshi oil is Olbas product, which is also a composition of essential oils. It contains seven elements: mint, cajeput, eucalyptus, wintergreen, juniper, clove oils and levomenthol, which fully corresponds to the components of the Breathe spray.

    The only disadvantage of Olbas is the lack of a spray form, which makes its use not so convenient; the product is available only in the form of drops in volumes of 10 and 28 milliliters. The analogue in question is also prohibited for ingestion; it is used to disinfect indoor air by applying a few drops to a napkin and placing it in a convenient place. Olbas can also be used for children older than three months.

    Video: how to use Breathe spray for a runny nose

    In order to avoid any difficulties in using the product in question, you can familiarize yourself with this video - this is a detailed video instruction on the use of Dyshi spray oil.