Primitive food. Fruit or meat? Healthy eating of ancient people - what our ancestors ate

Europe and America are returning to the rules of primitive nutrition. The Paleolithic diet is strictly followed by such famous Hollywood actors as Robert De Niro and Hillary Swank. What is the secret to the incredible popularity of the Stone Age diet?

One of the founders of this direction, whose authority is recognized all over the world today, tells about the Paleolithic diet - Professor State University Colorado in the USA Laurent Cordain.

- Professor, why do you recommend people to return to the diet of distant ancestors? After all, over millions of years, our lives have changed dramatically.
- Life has changed, but the genetic picture has remained almost the same. Imagine: one hundred thousand generations of people were hunters and gatherers. The next five hundred generations depended on the achievements of agriculture. The last ten live in the industrial age. And only two latest generations are "children" of fast food and high technologies in nutrition.
At the dawn of evolution, our ancestors did not consume any grain products, or dairy products, or sugar, or alcohol. What about various chemical food additives there was no speech at all. This situation lasted for many hundreds of years, and then there was a sharp qualitative leap, and the entire food system changed.
But genetically, our body remains tuned specifically to the nutrition of the Stone Age. Genes did not have time to "adjust" to the new realities. The body was forced to adapt to changes in nutrition. The result of this process was the emergence of diseases that did not exist in former times. This cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, cancer. According to the latest data, it is food that is to blame for 75% of premature deaths today.

– But after all, the life expectancy of primitive people was much shorter than ours.
– Yes, the ancient man lived for about 30 years. The cause of early death, if we exclude forced departure from life, were a variety of bacteria. But today we can easily cope with these problems with the help of hygiene and advances in pharmacology. For a long time we watched the diet of the so-called wild peoples, lost in the remote corners of the planet. Their "diet" has hardly changed for thousands of years.
As a result, these tribes practically do not suffer from obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, have greater endurance and strength. But when they face the achievements of modern civilization and switch to modern nutrition, the situation changes dramatically. Very quickly they acquire all those ailments that today have become the scourge of our society.

- What are the main differences between our diet today and the diet of the Paleolithic era?
– The ratio of vegetable and animal food. Primitive people received 65% of all energy from animal food and 35% from plant food. The proportion of protein in their diet was 37%, fat - 22%, and carbohydrates - 41%. Current situation the situation is as follows: 15% protein, 34% fat and 49% carbohydrates. It turns out that today we consume one and a half times more fat. And most of of which are harmful saturated fats processed using modern technologies.
The diet of primitive people was very rich in fiber - its daily rate exceeded 100 grams. And today, 25-30 grams daily is considered a good indicator. Ancient people, moreover, did not have the habit of salting or sweetening food, and even more so pouring it with fat.

- What did the diet of primitive man look like?
“It was quite varied, with lots of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. Here are the main groups of foods that were included in the "diet" of a Paleolithic man:
1 Plenty of fruits and vegetables daily. They contain phytonutrients and antioxidants that can prevent many diseases, including cancer and heart disease.
2 beans. Together with fruits and vegetables, they formed the basis of the diet and supplied fiber.
3 Meat of wild animals and birds. The diet of our ancestors was approximately 35% protein. At the same time, the meat in those days was very dry and contained mainly healthy omega-3 fats.
4 nuts. They served as a source of healthy fats and various nutrients.
5 Various roots, shoots, tubers and other products that you are unlikely to find on sale today.
Naturally, all these products were unprocessed, did not contain any of the dyes, preservatives and flavors that our food is so rich in.

- Primitive man spent great amount energy for survival. To maintain strength and health, he needed much more food than we do now.
- Quite right, primitive man led a very active image life, and the calorie content of his diet, according to our calculations, often exceeded 3-4 thousand calories. But no one is saying that we should blindly copy such nutrition - especially since this is hardly possible. We can only adopt the basic principles, which will allow us to significantly improve our diet.
Of course, today we are not able to eat kilograms of vegetables and fruits every day and must take additional vitamin supplements. But the fact that we should eat more of these foods is undeniable. By the way, active life our ancestors also contributed to the health of their hearts and blood vessels.

– How can you follow the "Stone Age diet" in modern conditions? Can we completely abandon, for example, grain products?
- To eat or not to eat cereals is a personal matter for everyone. Some researchers believe that it is this group of foods that causes problems with the digestion of food, diseases of the stomach and intestines, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases. In my opinion, in order to feel better, it is enough to give up refined and refined grains and switch to whole grains.
The same is true for dairy products. They were absent in the diet of primitive people, but today we can not exclude them from the diet. Only saturated milk fats are dangerous. Therefore, it is worth choosing the most low-fat products.

- And what food, in your opinion, should be completely abandoned?
- First of all, it is sugar and all sweeteners. Primitive people were familiar only with wild honey, which is rich in many useful substances. Believe me, giving up refined sugar will not bring you anything but good. Because sugar and sweet food promote blood pressure, and also affect the production of insulin, causing diabetes and many cardiovascular diseases.
Fats should be chosen very carefully. In the Paleolithic era, for example, there was no trans fatty acids with which our today's table is rich. Saturated fats were also minimal. There is only one advice here: read the labels as carefully as possible and focus on olive or linseed oil, nuts and fatty varieties fish. Remember: an excess of unhealthy fats in the diet leads to heart disease, obesity, inflammatory diseases joints.

– What is left for us? Fruits and vegetables?
- The range of healthy and natural products is quite wide. General principle is: more natural products and as little processed as possible, as well as a minimum of fats and sugars. Your diet should include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, a variety of herbs, and root vegetables.
Try to eat fresh, uncooked foods whenever possible. For example, whole raw carrots are much better than grated or boiled ones. And oatmeal, barley or rye flakes without any additives will bring much more benefit than a piece of bread, muesli or a patty.

What are the health benefits of the Paleolithic diet?
– It is useful for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, obesity and many associated diseases. A large amount of fiber in the diet protects against many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
This diet will also help reduce the risk oncological diseases And cardiovascular diseases. It will also be effective for prevention. allergic diseases. In addition, everyone who follows this diet noticeably increases the level of vital energy, people become more active and positive, their immunity increases.

- Will the diet help those who want to lose weight?
- Undoubtedly. You may lose your overweight, but you will not suffer from a breakdown and bad mood. This diet is high in fiber, which inhibits the absorption of carbohydrates, regulates insulin levels and thus promotes fat loss.
In addition, fiber takes up a significant amount in the stomach, contributing to the feeling of satiety. The absence of sugar and unhealthy fats, vitamins and trace elements also contribute a lot to getting rid of extra pounds. It will be an absolutely healthy weight loss that will benefit your health.

sample menu

Breakfast options:

1. Natural porridge oatmeal with grated apple and cinnamon.
2. Low-fat natural yogurt without fillers and preservatives, nuts and fresh berries.
3. Two boiled eggs, green salad With olive oil, apple.

Lunch options:

1. Grilled chicken, big salad from green vegetables, olive oil.
2. Low-fat cottage cheese, berries and fruits.
3. Mushrooms stewed with herbs, some nuts.

Dinner options:

1. Thinly sliced ​​roasted turkey with steamed vegetables.
2. Herring in oil, grated carrots, onions and soybean sprouts.
3. Fruit.

Stone Age Diet. The paleo diet or the stone age diet is an interpretation of the diet followed by our distant ancestors in stone Age, at a time when there was no agriculture and cattle breeding. Food was obtained only through hunting and gathering.

Probably, the reader has already heard about the existence of training programs created according to the principles physical activity carried by primitive man. Some people try to use these training methods to improve their health and prevent various diseases. Everyone wants to get rid of excess body fat relatively quickly and without any extra effort and always be in good shape. At the same time, most of them want it to be done quickly enough, which is why they resort to express diets. If your goals are to lose weight and improve your health, you may be advised to use the paleo diet, which has been empirically proven by many people to be effective.

The development of a diet that would be based on the diet of our distant ancestors was taken from the book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by W. Price. Many dietitians have studied diets and found that a diet based on the foods our ancestors ate is best for health.

The Paleolithic epoch lasted about 2.5 million years. Its end fell on the period of 18 thousand years BC. The diet of primitive man at that time consisted of meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits. At that time there was no milk, sugar, cereals, milk, legumes, salt, and especially artificially grown products.

Anthropological data suggest that with such a diet, human ancestors had a rather slender appearance, were relatively tall and had good health. If you do not take into account the constant danger from environment(predators, infant mortality, unsanitary conditions, infections), probably our ancestors could have lived to old age. Modern chronic diseases associated with our current way of life were unfamiliar to ancient man. It is assumed that importance in strengthening the health of primitive man had not only a diet, but also physical activity driven by the survival instinct.

The Stone Age Diet: The Evolution of the Paleo Diet

In the 1970s, the physician W. Wegtlin was the first to reveal the connection between the normalization of the state of health and the nutrition of primitive man.

In the mid-80s of the last century, B. Eaton and M. Conner found that, according to the genome, contemporaries and ancient people practically did not differ in terms of food preferences.

The early 90s marked the emergence of solid conclusions in medical sources about the usefulness of the paleo diet. Scientific publications have confirmed the importance exercise in combination with the primitive diet.

In the mid-90s, a doctor from Sweden, S. Lindeberg, published new information that had been obtained while studying the life of the indigenous people of New Guinea. The doctor determined that the natives have a reduced risk of developing diabetes, stroke, coronary artery disease, obesity and hypertension. All this is due healthy diet nutrition.

The book by nutritionist R. Odatta talks about all the advantages of the primitive diet, which is clinically confirmed. The author in the book discusses what the development of agriculture and animal husbandry has led to in relation to the etiology of the development of diseases.

Professor L. Cordain of the American Institute physical culture, published an article about the paleo diet, and then a full-fledged book on communication modern nutrition and lifestyle.

Coming out in 2011 A new book R. Wolf, concerning the topic of nutrition of primitive people.

The Stone Age Diet: Human Culture Changes

Consequences of the agricultural revolution

The human diet in the Paleolithic era consisted of fruits, meat, fish and vegetables. People for a long time ate this way. However, after the introduction of agriculture and livestock breeding into the habitual human activity, people gradually switched to a new diet. It happened about 8 thousand years BC. In addition to the gathering and hunting habitual for people of that time, the ancestors learned to apply the experience of growing grain crops and tame wild animals for their further consumption. After the introduction of new ways of obtaining food became massive, a person began to take a more strategic approach to obtaining food, as a result of which the world and culture of people changed. However, human DNA has remained the same.

Significance of the industrial revolution

The development of industry in the 18th and 19th centuries influenced the progress in the agricultural industry. Machines have replaced working hands, which has not always been to the benefit of man.

food revolution

The rapid development of industry and the use of new technologies in cooking contributed to the appearance on the shelves of stores of products that are immediately ready for use. As a rule, for the basis of food fast food took sugar, white flour, saturated fats and chemical substances that enhance the taste and texture of foods. After World War II, these products became the norm. fast food. Since the beginning of the 70s in America and European countries important components of the products began to be the price and portion size. The usefulness of food began to play a secondary role.

The portion sizes of products sold also increased. today. The average portion of a carbonated drink has increased from 200 ml to 0.5 l.

Fats. Physiology of nutrition

Fats are essential for normal human life. However, oddly enough, even in the face of a rapid increase in the number of low fat foods there are no significant changes in the dynamics of the number of people with obesity.

From the point of view of genetics, our body has not changed much since the Paleolithic. At the same time, changes in nutrition over the past couple of centuries, during which there have been many changes in the agricultural industry, have completely changed the technology of obtaining food and preparing it. The advent of fast food and the growth of the food industry have introduced many foods into our diet with great content saturated fat and sugar.

Despite many changes eating behavior, gastrointestinal tract A person has not yet adapted to a new diet, while the body, as before, well tolerates the principles of nutrition embedded in the genome of our ancestors. However, those products with the help of which cavemen survived and adapted to new conditions can be found less and less in the diet of modern man. One aspect of the emergence of the paleo diet is that the human gastrointestinal tract is not adapted to refined foods, grains, beans, and milk. Indeed, often these products are the main component of the diet.

Every day, people are aware of how strongly the foods consumed and the likelihood of diseases associated with metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, oncopathology, heart and vascular diseases) are interconnected. The goal of transitioning to a paleo diet is not to discard current medical data, it is to introduce a diet that is as healthy as possible and in sync with the biological processes in the human body.

"Apitonus P" to maintain excellent health

With any diet, including the paleo diet, you must additionally take a complex of vitamins " Apitonus P", which includes only natural components - natural vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Taking " Apitonus P» over a long period, you will be able to improve your well-being and feel the result in losing weight in a week.



Athletes-vegetarians today are of little surprise. Many sports stars consciously choose this path and only win. Much more surprising is the fact that this practice existed long before vegetarianism became mainstream. The great athletes of the past basically refused meat, but at the same time they continued to beat record after record. Who are these heroes, and in what ...

The Stone Age Diet, or Paleo Diet, is the result of many years of research conducted by scientists during archaeological excavations, on expeditions to tribes still living in the Stone Age, as well as in the most modern laboratories.

Bread alone

The essence of the diet is counter-revolutionary. Its creators debunk the achievements of the "great agricultural revolution", thanks to which we learned to grow cereals and turn them into flour and cereals. And they began to eat bread, cereals, and other grain products. It happened about 10 thousand years ago - the time for evolution is negligible. Since then, only 500 generations have changed, which means that we have not had time to adapt to these products. They are strangers to us. And no matter how blasphemous it sounds (especially in Russia), but bread, from the point of view of the creators of the paleo diet, does not bring life, but illness and death.

Ancient people, taking up hunting and gathering instead agriculture, learned what obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, infections, caries, anemia caused by iron deficiency, osteoporosis (weakening bone tissue), kidney stones, etc. Their life expectancy has decreased, their height has decreased, and infant mortality has increased. Scientists explain these revolutionary "achievements" primarily by the influence of phytates - substances that are found in cereals and prevent the absorption of many micro and macro elements.

Some believe that in the Stone Age people did not live long and simply fell short of heart attacks and strokes. This is not entirely true: many really died young, but among the ancients there were plenty of “pensioners” over 60 who did not know the current diseases of civilization. This scientific fact. By the way, do not complain about the health and the tribes that have preserved the prehistoric way of life. But as soon as they switch to our diet, they begin to get sick in a “civilized” way.

Better than cattle

It is known that ancient people ate very little salt and did not know sugar at all. In Europe, they met him only 500-600 years ago. Therefore, fans of the Paleo diet avoid both the sugar itself and the products containing it. But the biggest pain point of the paleo diet has to do with meat. Wild animals have meat about 10 times leaner than livestock, and contains many of the most beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. Since these acids are absent in the meat of farm animals due to feed, they are 10-12 times less in our diet than omega-6 acids. And in the Stone Age they were equally divided. How do Paleo fans solve this problem today? They choose lean meat (although it does not completely replace game) and consume fish and seafood rich in omega-3s.

These protein products- the most important in the diet, since, according to scientists, ancient people received 65% of calories from animal food and only 35% from plant food. But the children of the Stone Age also complained about the gifts of nature, because while the men were hunting, the women were gathering fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts. All these are necessary components of the diet, they can be eaten without restriction. They give us a boost of vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and more. the most useful substances, and also do not allow the body to "turn sour", prevent the acid load on the kidneys. The fact is that bread, cereals, cheeses, fatty meats, pickles and smoked products acidify the body, contributing to the development of hypertension, the occurrence of strokes, asthma, osteoporosis and the formation of kidney stones. And vegetables and fruits protect against this bouquet of diseases.

For those who do not believe in the Paleo diet, its developer Professor Lorraine Corden advises a simple test: reduce the consumption of grain products, replacing them with vegetables, fruits, lean meats and seafood. And then assess your health.

By the way

The principles of the Paleo diet: the consumption of lean meat, fish, seafood, vegetables and fruits is not limited; avoid bread, cereal products, beans, dairy and food products made industrially.

Sample menu for the day for a young active woman doing fitness

(daily requirement 2200 kilocalories)


Product quantity (grams)

Approximate number of kilocalories


Salmon, steamed or grilled


Vegetable salad with walnuts

coarsely chopped romaine lettuce leaves

carrots, cut into slices

quartered tomato

lemon juice

crushed walnuts

Lean pork cooked on the grill or in the oven (it is better to take lumbar)


Salad with avocado and almonds

The paleo diet, which has recently become popular in medical circles, was created back in the 1970s by gastroenterologist Walter Vogtlin. He was the first to suggest that the foods our Paleolithic ancestors ate could make us healthier. modern people. Returning to the diet of our ancestors, according to Dr. Vogtlin and a dozen of his followers, can drastically reduce the possibility of developing Crohn's disease, diabetes, obesity, indigestion and a host of other diseases. But is the modern pali diet really similar to the diet of our ancestors?

Features of the paleo diet

At first glance, such a diet has common features with what a Paleolithic man could eat. The diet mainly consists of meat and fish that primitive man would have obtained from hunting and fishing, as well as plants that he might have collected, including nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fruits. Cereals and their products should be avoided, as the prehistoric period preceded the cultivation of crops. Dairy products are also banned - primitive man did not breed animals for milk or meat. Honey is the only sugar that is allowed to be consumed during the diet, because, as we know, refined sugar did not exist at that time. Salt intake is also limited - our ancestors certainly did not have salt shakers on the table. Processed foods of any kind are prohibited. The meat should be obtained from those animals that were fed exclusively with grass, which is as close as possible to the diet of ruminants of that time.

What did early humans actually eat?

However, critics argue that the Paleo diet dramatically simplifies everything that primitive man could eat. In the first place in it, meat or fish are taken out, but there is no evidence that it was proteins that formed the basis of the diet of primitive man. Just like modern eating habits, the diet of the Paleolithic era was highly dependent on where people lived. Groups that settled in places similar to modern deserts would hardly have been able to get their own fish, and meat, most likely, did not often get them for dinner. Most likely, nuts, seeds and even insects played a large role in their diet. Groups that lived in cold regions had limited access to fresh vegetables and fruits. Their diet was almost entirely based on meat, and it is possible that they ate all parts of the animal in order to eliminate the shortage caused by the lack of fresh food. Critics argue that modern paleo diets do not take into account such details.

The main arguments of the critics

However, the most controversial aspect of the Paleo diet is its ability to improve health. While most modern people will benefit from eating more fruits and vegetables, it is very difficult to say whether primitive man was healthier than our contemporaries. After all, many children died before the age of 15, and few adults crossed the 40-year mark.

In addition, a recent study published in The Lancet found alarmingly high rates of atherosclerosis in ancient mummies found. The disease was found in 47 of the 137 mummies discovered. This calls into question the theory that our ancestors were much healthier than we are now.

In ancient times, people were rarely obese. They had their own healthy diet, which has nothing to do with modern diets and other frostbite. just ate natural food, grown by hand, mainly porridge and herbal products, meat, milk. Because they did not have hypermarkets stuffed with sausages and cheeses. As they say, what they raised, they ate. That's why they were healthy.

Regardless of nationality and climate conditions, a person will be healthy if he refuses artificially created products: chips, pizzas, cakes, food filled with sugar in abundance.

It turns out that organizing healthy is very simple. You can borrow some recipes and concepts from the ancients, transfer them to modern life. The basis of the diet is to make easy-to-cook dishes from vegetables, livestock meat, fish, add fruits, cereals and root crops.

The traditional cuisine of the Russian people has partially preserved ancient recipes. The Slavs were engaged in the cultivation of grain crops: barley, rye, oats, millet and wheat. Ritual porridge was prepared from cereals with honey - kutya, the rest of the porridges were cooked from flour, crushed grains. Garden crops were grown: cabbage, cucumbers, turnips, radishes, turnips.

Various meats were consumed, beef, pork, there are even some records of horse meat, but this was most likely in the famine years. Often meat was cooked on coals, this method of baking was also found among other peoples, it was widespread everywhere. All these references date back to the 10th century.

Russian chefs honored and kept traditions, you can learn about this from old books, such as "Painting for the Royal Meals", monastic writings, the dining room book of Patriarch Filaret. These scriptures mention traditional dishes: cabbage soup, fish soup, pancakes, pies, various pies, kvass, jelly and cereals.

Basically healthy eating ancient Rus' was due to cooking in a large oven, which was in every house.

The Russian stove was located with the mouth to the door so that the smoke would be vented from the room during cooking. When cooking, all the same, the smell of smoke remained on the food, which betrayed a special taste to the dishes. Most often, soups in pots were prepared in the Russian oven, vegetables were stewed in cast iron, something was baked, meat and fish were fried in large pieces, all this was dictated by the conditions of cooking. And as you know, a healthy diet is based on boiled and stewed dishes.

Around the 16th century, the division of nutrition into 3 main branches began:

  • Monastic (base - vegetables, herbs, fruits);
  • Rural;
  • Royal.

The most important meal was lunch - 4 dishes were served:

  • Cold appetizer;
  • Second;
  • Pies.

The appetizers were varied but mostly presented vegetable salads. Instead of soup in winter, they often ate jelly or pickle, cabbage soup was served with pies and fish. Most often they drank fruit and berry juices, herbal infusions, the oldest drink is bread kvass, which could be made with the addition of mint, berries and the like.

During the holidays there were often a large number of dishes, among the villagers it reached 15, among the boyars up to 50, and at royal feasts up to 200 types of food were served. Often festive feasts lasted more than 4 hours, reaching up to 8. It was customary to drink honey before and after meals, during the feast they often drank kvass and beer.

The character of the kitchen has retained traditional features in all 3 directions in our time. The principles of traditional nutrition are quite consistent with the now known rules of healthy.

Vegetables, cereals and meat were put forward as the basis of the diet, there was no a large number sweets, sugar pure form was generally absent, honey was used instead. Until a certain time there was no tea and coffee, they drank various juices and brewed herbs.

Salt in the diet of our ancestors was also very limited due to its cost.

It is also worth noting that both the Slavs and the peasants were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, and this is hard physical labor, so they could afford to eat fatty meat and fish. Despite the widespread belief that boiled potatoes with greens - a primordially Russian dish, this is not at all the case. The potato appeared and took root in our diet only in the 18th century.

How did the paleo diet come about?

You can dig deeper and remember that really healthy eating existed even in the Stone Age. Did ancient people live without sandwiches and donuts? And they were strong and healthy. Now the paleontological diet is gaining popularity. Its essence is to give up dairy products and cereal foods (bread, pasta).

The main argument in favor of this diet is this: the human body adapted to life in the Stone Age and, since our genetic structure has remained virtually unchanged, the food of cavemen is the most suitable for us.

Basic principles:

  • Meat, fish, vegetables, fruits can be eaten in any quantity;
  • Salt is excluded from the diet;
  • You will also have to give up beans, cereals, industrial products (cookies, sweets, cakes, chocolate bars) and dairy products.

Menu for the day:

  • Steamed pike perch, melon, together up to 500 grams;
  • Salad of vegetables and walnuts (unlimited), lean beef or pork baked in the oven, up to 100 grams;
  • Lean beef, steamed, up to 250 grams, avocado salad, up to 250 grams;
  • Some fruit or a handful of berries;
  • Carrot and apple salad, half an orange.

However, it is worth considering that such nutrition is more reminiscent than healthy, because modern man draws about 70% of his energy from cereals and dairy products.

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