An effective folk remedy for the common cold. Runny nose: folk remedies

A runny nose is an unpleasant symptom in adults and children, accompanied by copious discharge and nasal congestion. When the nose does not breathe, headaches occur and weakness appears. How to quickly cope with a runny nose at home? Which recipes will be most effective?

Efficiency of using folk remedies

Homemade recipes for the common cold have been used for many centuries. Due to their gentle action, they practically do not cause side effects, but they heal quite quickly.

Traditional methods work best at the initial stage of the disease. Why should you choose this particular method of treatment?

  1. All drug ingredients are easily available and cost mere pennies.
  2. Healing plants have virtually no contraindications.
  3. Traditional methods are gentle and effective.

The choice of a specific method of therapy and a suitable remedy depends on the type of rhinitis. For example, for acute runny nose, characteristic of a cold, drinking warm herbal infusions, steam inhalations, and thermal procedures are usually prescribed. And for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, it is better to use rinses.

Recipes for nasal congestion

Since almost no one immediately runs to the doctor with a common runny nose, traditional methods of therapy are very popular. Below are the most common recipes for the treatment of rhinitis, which have proven their effectiveness over many years of use.

How to treat a runny nose with folk remedies, watch our video:

Treatment of rhinitis during colds

Onions and garlic work best. Very effective. To do this, half an onion and a few cloves of garlic are crushed and placed in a teapot. The spout of the teapot is brought to each nostril in turn and the fumes are inhaled. Garlic and onion vapors help destroy viral agents and facilitate nasal breathing.

Onion drops are no less effective. To do this, squeeze the juice from chopped onions and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:5. Place 2 drops in each nasal passage in the morning and evening. Also, to alleviate the condition, undiluted aloe and Kalanchoe juice are instilled.

Allergic runny nose

The goal of treatment is to get rid of allergens as quickly as possible. To do this, you should regularly rinse the nasal cavity. During the procedure, you can use a soda-salt solution.

It effectively washes away allergens that have entered the nasal passages, helps reduce inflammation, and also heals the inflamed mucous membrane.

The medicine is prepared as follows: dissolve a teaspoon of soda and salt in a glass of boiled water, then cool. You can rinse your nose using a teapot or syringe.

It is recognized as another effective folk remedy for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, dilutes pathogenic secretions accumulated in the nose, facilitates breathing, and helps increase the body's defenses. To prepare the medicine, take approximately 50 grams of ginger root, grind it and squeeze out the juice. It is diluted with a glass of water and a spoonful of natural honey is added. Drink the home remedy morning and evening.

Cough and nasal discharge

Rhinitis complicated by cough can be a symptom of many diseases. How to alleviate the condition in this case? Recipes with viburnum are very effective. The flowers of the plant are poured with hot water (1 spoon per 2 glasses of water). Take 4 times a day, half a glass.

You can also use viburnum fruits. A whole glass of berries is poured with a liter of boiling water, then kept in a water bath for 5-7 minutes. Next, the product is infused, a few tablespoons of honey are added to it and taken in the same dosage.

These two recipes will make it easier, help remove phlegm, and thin nasal mucus. Moreover, recipes with viburnum have an antipyretic and diaphoretic effect.

You can also use steam inhalations when coughing. To do this, use , or . Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dry mixture from a medicinal plant and breathe over the fumes for 10-15 minutes. Boiled potatoes can also be used as a remedy for inhalation.

When you need to quickly cure a runny nose and cough, the following recipes will help:

Persistent rhinitis

Treatment is a rather complex and time-consuming process, since at this stage atrophic changes in the mucosa are already noted.

Application in this case does not have the desired effect and only brings temporary relief. To treat such a runny nose, products with antibacterial properties are used.

To prepare good antibacterial drops, rub beets, squeeze out the juice, then mix it with honey in equal proportions. The product is dripped 2-3 drops four times a day. This recipe effectively relieves inflammation and helps cope with congestion and heavy discharge.

It also helps to cope with a persistent runny nose. Rub a tablespoon of the product well with olive oil (3 tablespoons). Cotton swabs are moistened in the resulting mixture and placed in both nostrils for 10 minutes. The procedure is carried out daily and the result will not be long in coming. The home remedy restores damaged mucous membranes, enhances cell regeneration and restores its functions.

Several effective recipes for treating a runny nose during pregnancy

special instructions

Before you begin, you must consult a doctor to determine the exact cause of the disease. In addition, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. The room where the sick person is located must be regularly ventilated.
  2. If a patient is diagnosed with an allergic rhinitis, windows, on the contrary, should not be opened. You can install devices in your home that help humidify and purify the air.
  3. If you have a runny nose, you should never overcool. A weakened body will catch on very quickly and then complications cannot be avoided.
  4. The amount of fluid consumed should be increased. You can drink compotes, berry fruit drinks, green tea.
  5. Homemade topical products should be warm. If medicines were prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator, they need to be warmed to room temperature.
  6. When performing hot and cold inhalations, care must be taken to prevent burns to the mucous membrane.
  7. Additionally, before going to bed, you can steam your feet and drink hot tea with raspberry jam. However, you should know that thermal procedures are contraindicated for patients with high fever and purulent discharge.


Treatment at home is not always effective. In some cases, folk recipes can only do harm. It is strictly forbidden to treat a runny nose on your own if:

  • sinusitis;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the cardiac system.

All of the above diseases should be treated with pharmaceutical drugs and only under the supervision of a doctor. In some cases, the course of therapy can last for several months.

A problem like a runny nose, which every person faces, is essentially an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Usually, the inflammatory process is caused by pathogenic microbes and viruses. Rhinitis is primarily unpleasant because mucus constantly secretes abundantly from the nose, blocking the free flow of air. What actually clearly characterizes a runny nose, quickly rhinitis in children and adults is the most effective solution with which you can quickly cope with the problem that has arisen.

Thermal procedures for the treatment of runny nose

If the first symptoms of an incipient runny nose appear, in this case the very first thing that is available to everyone is water procedures that involve warming up the feet. However, we draw your attention to the fact that such a procedure is strictly not recommended at elevated body temperatures. To warm up, a comfortable temperature is poured into a small foot bath. water with the addition of dry table mustard and sea salt. Duration of the procedure: 15–20 minutes. To prevent the water from cooling quickly, you can throw a terry towel or blanket over your feet. At the end, you need to thoroughly rub your feet and put on woolen socks.

Note that often one such procedure is quite enough to feel noticeable relief and remove a severe runny nose; treatment with folk remedies for a quickly onset cold and rhinitis implies that it is best to do such a procedure before bed. If you have a fever, it is better to simply rub your feet with alcohol and put on warm socks at night.

Also, at the beginning of the disease it is quite effectively warming the maxillary sinuses and bridge of the nose. For this you can use boiled in peel potatoes, which, in order not to burn the skin, should be wrapped in soft linen cloth and placed in the area of ​​the wings of the nose.

Saline solutions to quickly get rid of rhinitis

The use of saline solutions is not only effective and beneficial, but is also approved by official medicine in the treatment of the common cold. Preparation of saline solution at home is not particularly difficult and anyone can cope with this task. To do this, you will need to add 2 teaspoons of salt to 1000 ml of pre-boiled water. The solution is thoroughly mixed.

This remedy for a runny nose is instilled up to 8 times a day (half a pipette of the remedy in each nostril). This remedy is more effective if you take sea salt instead of ordinary table salt.

Treatment with saline solutions helps:

Saline solution is a time-tested method. With the help of which you can cure a runny nose in a short time, treatment with folk remedies quickly helps restore health with little financial cost.

Preparing drops for rhinitis at home

Prolonged rhinitis involves taking medications such as drops that can effectively get rid of it. The main advantage of this method is that such medicinal drops can be prepared at home yourself. This medicine will help relieve inflammation and swelling of the nasal mucosa, clear the nasal passages of mucus and make breathing easier.

The most proven method is using agave juice, which is in every home. To do this, freshly squeezed plant juice is mixed with honey in equal parts and 1-2 drops are dropped into each nostril several times during the day. Please note that the use of any means to treat a runny nose at home is only possible if the person is sure that he or his family members are not allergic to certain products or components.

There is also a well-known recipe for drops for the common cold, which includes onion juice and honey. To do this, you will need to make onion gruel (2 spoons), which should be filled with 1/4 cup of boiled water. The solution is infused for half an hour, after which it is filtered and 1/2 teaspoon of honey is added to the resulting liquid.

Oil solutions for runny nose

In addition to intense mucus secretions during rhinitis, the nasal mucosa often dries out; for this reason, a more suitable solution to solve the problem would be to use self-prepared oil solutions. Which will help relieve a runny nose, treatment with folk remedies quickly in this way involves the use of oils with natural remedies effective in treating rhinitis.

For example, the most common way is treatment with onion oil solution. To do this, add finely chopped onion (half an onion) to pre-pasteurized vegetable oil (1/2 cup). The mixture prepared in this way is infused for 7–8 hours and filtered. This solution is used applied to cotton swabs, through which the nasal mucosa is lubricated.

Note that oil solutions for rhinitis prepared independently, unlike drops, act more gently on the nasal mucosa. But they also help get rid of the disease with the same success. This method will be an excellent solution for people with sensitive mucous membranes.

Inhalations for a runny nose

Hot drink for rhinitis

Drinking homemade hot drinks is also a great way to get rid of a runny nose. This is due to the fact that many drinks contain active components that dilate blood vessels. As a rule, such hot drinks are recommended in case of hypothermia. The most popular is mulled wine.

To prepare this intoxicating and slightly intoxicating medicine, you will need wine, to which you should add nutmeg, sugar, cloves, and orange zest. The mixture is heated to 80°C, after which brandy is added to it and heated over low heat for a few more minutes. There is no need to bring mulled wine to a boil.

Let's sum it up

Treatment of rhinitis without taking medications quite real and effective. Therefore, if you are interested in how to quickly get rid of a runny nose using folk remedies, you can watch a video about various methods of combating it below.

These are the most effective and efficient methods of dealing with an unexpectedly unpleasant problem.

A runny nose, called rhinitis in medical practice, is a common health problem. Every seasonal cold comes with nasal congestion and sneezing. The disease occurs in people of all ages and segments of the population. In most cases, rhinitis becomes a clinical symptom rather than an independent disease. In order to get rid of it completely, it is necessary to discover the cause of its occurrence.

Sometimes it is easier to cure a runny nose with folk remedies than with drops from a pharmacy. If therapy has not been prescribed by a doctor, then pharmacists offer the buyer symptomatic remedies that temporarily relieve congestion and prevent nasal runny.

The use of drugs does not affect the course of the disease itself, so adult patients often complain that the drugs help them only during use, and after stopping the drops, the runny nose returns again.

Treatment of rhinitis with folk remedies will be quick if the problem is correctly understood. If the infection is caused by bacterial or viral flora, then many natural antiseptics, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents will be effective.

The use of regenerating compounds will show good results. Folk remedies also help cope with chronic rhinitis.

You can also replace this method with mineral water from a bottle, for example Borjomi. Salt inhalations moisturize the nasal mucosa, normalize its secretory activity and create unfavorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic flora.

Decoctions of herbs are actively used for inhalation in a nebulizer: chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, raspberry, currant, pine and eucalyptus. The procedure can be carried out twice a day for 3-5 minutes with a concentrated decoction.

Inhalations with oily substances are not allowed in all electronic inhalers. In this case, you can use a simple kettle or a large container (bowl, pan). It is necessary to boil water, then add 2-3 drops of essential oil to it. Breathe alternately through each nostril through a plastic or homemade kuf placed on the spout of the kettle.

Steam inhalations, which have an exclusively warming effect (for example, breathing over potatoes), are carried out only at normal body temperature and in cases where the purulent nature of the origin of the runny nose is excluded. Modern experts are skeptical about such manipulations, calling them outdated. The latest methods of treating the runny nose, including folk remedies, are more effective.

Warming up

Thermal procedures are not always effective in treating a runny nose. Warming shows good results for nasal congestion caused by a bacterial or viral infection. The procedure will not have any effect if you have an allergic rhinitis. It is forbidden to warm your nose if you have sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and other purulent diseases.

For thermal effects, substances are used that do not retain temperature for long. The most popular means at hand for this were eggs and salt. The protein product must be boiled, wrapped in a soft cloth and applied alternately to the sides of the nose, rolling up and down. The salt is heated in a dry frying pan, after which it is poured into a thick fabric, such as a sock.

A heat compress is applied alternately to the sinuses. It is recommended to carry out the manipulation for no more than 10 minutes on each side. Good reviews are generated by non-traditional heat treatment performed before bedtime.

Ointments and compresses

For bacterial rhinitis, accompanied by increased secretory activity, black radish shows a good effect. The compress is prepared as follows: the root vegetable is peeled and grated, after which it is mixed with honey in a 3:1 ratio. Honey turunda is wrapped in clean gauze and placed in the nose for 10-15 minutes. Radish will have an antimicrobial effect, make breathing easier, and honey will speed up the healing of damaged nasal membranes.

A quarter of an aloe leaf placed in gauze is used as a 10-minute compress for each nostril. This technique promises better results than the usual application of drops. Before the procedure, it is necessary to clear the nasal passages of accumulated mucus.

Using camphor oil, which is rubbed on the wings and sinuses of the nose, you can quickly get rid of colds. After rubbing, it is recommended to wrap yourself in a blanket, drink a hot drink and go to bed.

Oil drops, prepared according to well-known recipes, are applied to the inside of the nose using a turunda. The result of such treatment is superior to the classical use of solutions. An exception is a runny nose caused by inflammation of the adenoids. With such rhinitis, you need to instill the medicine so that it reaches the nasopharyngeal tonsil.

Hot drink

Treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies necessarily includes drinking plenty of fluids. Unconventional practice shows that the most popular is a drink made from milk and honey. You can also add oil to it. The medicine has a warming effect on the upper respiratory tract, and also has a beneficial effect on the lower ones.

Often they try to cure a runny nose with the help of alcoholic beverages, drinking warm beer or wine. This technique will help with colds and make you feel worse if you have allergic or purulent snot.

The safest intoxicating drink for treating colds is mulled wine, which contains a wine base and plant extracts. Jägermeister liqueur has a good effect. It is important to drink alcohol in a minimal dose so that it does not cause a hangover.

Herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices, and plain water are consumed during illness in unlimited quantities, unless there are contraindications for this.

Hot drinking helps cleanse the body, removes mucus from the respiratory tract and moisturizes the mucous membranes. This is a prerequisite for the treatment of rhinitis.

how to cure a cold (ARI), cough, runny nose, sore throat quickly at home using folk remedies

In contact with

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa - runny nose or rhinitis can be infectious, vasomotor, allergic. Regardless of the type, any runny nose can be quickly treated if measures are taken in a timely manner.

Folk remedies for a runny nose - rinsing

A simple procedure for rinsing the nose in the early stages of rhinitis is quite effective. Washing can improve the general condition of the body. After the procedure, phlegm and mucus are thinned and removed, and it becomes easier to breathe.

In addition, rinsing disinfects the nasal mucosa and prevents the infection from spreading further.

How to rinse your nose correctly? You can use a regular syringe, which is filled with a medicinal solution. It’s simple to prepare: add a couple of drops of iodine into a glass of warm boiled water and add a third of a teaspoon of sea salt. Mix everything well.

In addition to saline solution, a decoction of medicinal herbs is used as an effective folk remedy for the common cold: chamomile, St. John's wort, eucalyptus. They are brewed at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water.

You can also use the following to rinse your nose:

Soda solution. To prepare it, dissolve a teaspoon of salt and soda in a glass of warm boiled water. Approximately 10 drops of iodine are added there. It is recommended to use the product for the first 3 days after the onset of the disease. Then only saline solution is used.

Furacilin. A solution for rinsing the nose is prepared as follows: a medication tablet is crushed and dissolved in a glass of warm water. It is necessary to ensure that the tablet is completely dissolved to avoid damage to the nasal mucosa. Washing with furatsilin is carried out three times a day.

Beetroot juice. Add a tablespoon of beetroot juice to a warm saline solution and rinse your nose.

If there is no rubber bulb at hand, then the nose is washed with a medicinal solution from the palm of your hand.

This is done like this: pour the solution into your palm, then draw it in through your nostrils from one palm. Then press the same palm against the nostril and tilt your head to the side so that the healing liquid pours out through the other nostril. Or you throw your head back.

Folk remedies for the runny nose - inhalation

Inhalation using medicinal herbs or essential oils is a popular and effective folk remedy for the common cold. For inhalation, an inhaler or nebulizer is used, which allows medicinal mixtures to have a positive effect on the nasal mucosa, relieving a runny nose.

A steam inhaler is the simplest and most affordable device that can be purchased at any pharmacy. An improved glass model, the Machold inhaler is a convenient and high-quality device used in the fight against colds and runny nose.

Nebulizer means "fog". Using ultrasound, it breaks water into tiny particles, which allows medications to act faster on the mucous membrane. But you can’t use oils in a nebulizer.

To treat a runny nose using conventional steam inhalations, use oils :


tea tree

Sea buckthorn


Fill the inhaler halfway with boiling water, add a couple of drops of any oil and inhale the released vapors.

In addition to oils, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs :

St. John's wort



They are prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of crushed plant per glass of boiling water. The broth is infused, filtered, and poured into the apparatus.

An excellent folk remedy for a runny nose is inhalation with an infusion of raspberry leaf and calendula flowers. Separately, a decoction is made from 20 g of raspberry leaf and a glass of boiling water, 10 g of calendula flowers and the same amount of boiling water. Then the infusions are mixed, the inhaler is filled with them and the healing vapors are inhaled.

In addition to the remedies described above, you can use a ready-made drug that is sold at the pharmacy - Pinosol. It contains pine, mint, and eucalyptus oil. The drug is instilled directly into the nose or inhaled with it.

Using an inhaler or nebulizer to combat a runny nose has a number of advantages. By inhalation:

1. the nasal mucosa is moisturized

2. crusts soften

3. burning, itching is removed

4. mucus thins and is easier to remove from the nose

5. the procedure has no side effects and is easily tolerated

6. the drug reaches all parts of the nasal cavity, including the upper bronchi

Existing runny nose drops quickly enter the mouth and are destroyed by saliva. During inhalation, medications aimed at combating the runny nose are evenly distributed in the nasal cavity. This allows you to achieve maximum effect in the treatment of runny nose.

Folk remedies for the runny nose - time-tested recipes

Helps cure a runny nose menthol oil, which is available in every pharmacy. Place 3 drops of the product into both nostrils several times a day.

In addition, it can be used at home onion or garlic. Grind one of the products and inhale its vapors. Saucers with a mixture of onions and garlic can be placed in your room, periodically updating their contents.

Another good recipe: place chopped onion or garlic in a small metal bowl and place in a water bath. When the water boils, remove the container with the medicine, wrap it up, put a pre-prepared cone made of cardboard on it and breathe through one or the other nostril.

A home plant is rightfully considered a popular remedy for fighting the runny nose. kalanchoe or aloe. Mix fresh leaf juice of one of the plants with honey 1:1 and instill several times a day. Honey is used only if there is no allergy to it.

Honey in combination with onions it is an excellent folk remedy for a runny nose. To prepare the medicinal mixture, take 2 tablespoons of onion pulp, pour it with a quarter glass of warm water, stir, and leave for several hours. Then add half a teaspoon of liquid honey and use it as nasal drops.

To treat a runny nose at home, use soaked beet juice tampons. The juice must first be settled. Then you need to soak gauze or cotton swabs in it and insert it into the nasal passage for half an hour.

If you feel dry nose during a runny nose, then it is advisable to use oil solutions instead of traditional drops. The solution from vegetable oil with onion juice.

To prepare it, you should sterilize the vegetable oil in a water bath. Add a small chopped onion to half a glass of hot oil. Leave the solution for 8 hours, strain and lubricate your nose with it several times a day.

You can cook it at home Eucalyptus oil, which is also successfully used for a runny nose. It is prepared simply: one tablespoon of crushed leaves of the plant is poured with half a glass of vegetable oil and simmered over low heat for several minutes. Then the product is infused, filtered and instilled into the nose.

Folk remedies for the runny nose - thermal procedures

At the first sign of a runny nose, you need to take a good warm up your feet. The procedure is performed provided that there is no elevated body temperature. Add a handful of dry mustard or salt to heated water and steam your feet for 15-20 minutes.

To prevent the water from cooling down, wrap your feet with a blanket. At the end of the procedure, rub your limbs well and put on woolen socks. It is best to do this before bed.

At the beginning of the disease, you can treat the nose by heating it in a frying pan and placing it in a cotton bag. salt(buckwheat will also work).

Also used as a warming agent potato, boiled in peel. Mash a hot potato and, placing it in a cloth made of natural fibers, apply it to the bridge of your nose until it cools. This procedure is also done for children.

In addition to potatoes and salt, a runny nose can be treated by heating hard-boiled egg. When using a hot compress, it is important to ensure that the process itself is comfortable. It is recommended to additionally use a terry towel to prevent burns.

Has a good therapeutic effect in the treatment of runny nose kerosene, which is used to lubricate the feet before going to bed, apply a napkin moistened with it on top and put on warm socks. This remedy relieves a runny nose faster than the well-known one dry mustard.

Folk remedies for runny nose during pregnancy

The main cause of a runny nose in an expectant mother is hormonal changes in the body. They cause swelling of the nasal cavity and increased discharge. To treat a runny nose during pregnancy, the following recipes are used:

1. Finely chop the onion and garlic. Place the mixture in a teapot and pour boiling water over it. Through such an improvised inhaler, inhale medicinal vapors alternately through each nostril.

2. Make a chamomile decoction by steeping 1 tablespoon of the herb in a glass of boiling water. Infuse, strain and rinse your nose using your palms or a syringe.

3. Place fresh aloe leaf juice into your nose several times a day.

4. Mix viburnum juice with honey in a 1:1 ratio and drink a tablespoon at least 3 times a day.

5. Juice of coltsfoot grass, which is diluted with water in equal proportions, is dropped into the nose. The juice is prepared as follows: wash the leaves of the plant, scald with boiling water, grind in a meat grinder and squeeze.

7. You can use hot currant compote as a general tonic for a runny nose.

Using time-tested folk remedies for the runny nose, you will quickly get rid of the disease and various complications will bypass you. However, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor. Traditional methods of treatment are auxiliary, but not the main ones!

Runny nose (rhinitis) is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. This disease must be taken seriously, as it leads to work capacity, deterioration of self-esteem, and interferes with normal communication with people, sleep, and work.

A runny nose needs to be treated in the first stages of its manifestation and not neglected, so it can be cured in a week. If you do not pay attention to it, then a runny nose can become chronic and cause dangerous complications such as sinusitis and otitis media.

With such a disease, traditional medicine is a good help. She knows wonderful remedies for treating a runny nose. But do not forget that such traditional medicine will help cure rhinitis if it is caused by hypothermia or a common cold. If you have a severe form of the disease, then these remedies need to be combined with treatment with modern methods.

Alternative treatment for runny nose in children

Children's runny nose requires special attention, as it develops somewhat differently than in adults. Especially in newborns and children in the first year of life, a runny nose is more severe. This is due to the fact that their nasal passages are narrow and are not able to clear the nose themselves, as adults do. Even with mild swelling of the mucous membrane, the child has difficulty breathing through the nose, which leads to poor sleep and malnutrition. The main difficulty in treating a runny nose in children is medications that may be suitable for adults, but not suitable for children. They may cause more harm than cure the disease. That’s why treating children’s runny nose with folk remedies has become so popular.

But it’s worth remembering that any Treatment of runny nose in children with folk remedies It should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, even if the runny nose is uncomplicated. When a child has a runny nose, folk remedies such as sea salt solution or menthol or sea buckthorn oil will help. It is recommended to instill a salt solution 3-4 drops every hour, and oil solutions also 2-3 drops every 4 hours. But before you start treating a child’s runny nose with folk remedies, you should try this remedy on yourself so as not to harm the child.

The following folk remedies will help get rid of a runny nose in a child:

  • Onion infusion. Onions are one of the first places in the treatment of a runny nose, as they have antimicrobial properties. To prepare the infusion, you need to peel a small onion, chop it and add six tablespoons of refined vegetable oil. The mixture needs to be infused for about 10 hours and can be used within a week. Oil infusion of onion is instilled a few drops two or three times a day.
  • Root vegetable mixture. To do this, you need to finely grate fresh red beets and carrots, then squeeze the juice from the resulting mass and add the same amount of vegetable oil and a couple of drops of garlic juice. This folk remedy is instilled 2-4 drops into each nostril 3-4 times a day.

Runny nose folk remedies during pregnancy

Diseases such as rhinitis and runny nose during pregnancy should be treated with special caution, since everyone understands that they can affect the health of mother and baby. Typically, the cause of a runny nose during pregnancy is hormonal changes that cause the turbinates to swell and increase mucus production.

This disease must be treated and, of course, first of all you need to consult a doctor, since many pharmaceutical drugs during pregnancy can harm you. You can also turn to folk remedies for help. Here are some recommendations and folk recipes for a runny nose during pregnancy:

  • Garlic and onion inhalation.
  • This folk remedy is good for getting rid of a runny nose during pregnancy. To do this, you need to finely chop the garlic and onion, pour it into a teapot and pour boiling water over it. The steam should be inhaled with both nostrils while leaning towards the spout of the teapot. Just be very careful not to burn the mucous membrane.
  • Rinse with chamomile infusion.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of chamomile (preferably flowers) into 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.

Important! Before going to bed, it is better to raise the pillow higher to avoid swelling. Carrying out thermal procedures during pregnancy, such as steaming the legs or mustard plasters, is not recommended, as this can cause a miscarriage.

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of runny nose

  • Aloe juice (Kalanchoe). This folk remedy is great for getting rid of a runny nose. you need to instill 4 drops into each nostril 5 times a day.
  • Garlic tincture. 1 clove of chopped garlic is poured into 10 ml of boiled water, left for 30-40 minutes. Place 2 drops in each nostril 4 times a day.
  • Beet. Another good method for treating a runny nose. Freshly squeezed raw beet juice is instilled into the nose, 5-6 drops at a time, or you can also moisten a cotton swab with the juice and place it in the nose.
  • Black nightshade. This remedy is used for chronic runny nose. Juice from black nightshade leaves is instilled 2 drops into the nose 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 7-9 days.
  • The cuff is ordinary. It not only treats allergic rhinitis, but also stops nosebleeds. Rinse the nose with an infusion of mantle cuff; first, pour 1 tablespoon of the raw material into 1 glass of boiling water.
  • Viburnum juice with honey. Mix 1 glass of viburnum juice with 1 glass of honey, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. After 3 days, mucus comes out.
  • Coltsfoot. In order to prepare the juice, the leaves are first washed, scalded with boiling water, passed through a meat grinder and squeezed. The juice is diluted with water in equal quantities.
  • Mental oil. It needs to be instilled 4 drops 2 times a day, and you also need to lubricate the back of the head, forehead, and temples with oil. This remedy effectively helps with incipient rhinitis.
  • A clove of garlic needs to be mashed and poured with 2 tablespoons of boiled water and left for 40 minutes; after straining, immediately bury it in your nose. This folk remedy is used to treat runny nose in children.
  • If a runny nose is just beginning, it is recommended to make an onion compress. The onion is grated, the resulting mass is wrapped in a bandage and placed on the wings of the nose for about 10 minutes. Before the procedure, the skin is lubricated with vegetable oil.
  • Mustard. Dry mustard is poured into socks and worn for 1-2 days. They also make foot baths from mustard. It is recommended to soak your feet in hot water diluted with mustard before going to bed. Another effective folk remedy for a runny nose.

Video: this nasty runny nose, how to treat it at home