Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgical Technologies named after Academician A.M. Granova

Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgical Technologies Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

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The date of birth of the institute is considered to be October 8, 1918. From its founding, it was the pride of the young Soviet republic - "The First Bolshevik" they called it in Petrograd. In September 1920, V.K. Roentgen wrote to Professor M.I. Nemenov:

How majestically your institute was planned and implemented: I am amazed and very happy that you managed to bring such a huge enterprise to a happy end under difficult conditions!

In wartime Leningrad, four buildings, a power plant, and a clinic were destroyed by bombs at the institute, but in 1944 the TsNIRRI was restored in full.

The institute has the latest equipment - modern PET/CT, MRI, MSCT, SPECT and SPECT/CT installations, linear accelerators of the latest generation, equipment for intracavitary radiation therapy, X-ray therapy unit, allowing for a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Every year, the Center treats about 2.5 thousand inpatients and 14 thousand outpatients. The center continues to develop - a new medical building and a hotel are being built, which will increase the capacity of the institution.

V. Putin: “Quite recently, specialists in the field of nuclear energy visited this center, they said that they were even surprised at the level that was created in this medical and research institution.”

V.I. Matvienko: “The main tradition of the team is a sincere, creative and highly professional attitude to the treatment of patients. Today, not only residents of the northern capital, but also patients from all regions of Russia, as well as foreign countries, receive consultations and treatment here.”

The center produces a wide range of radiopharmaceuticals for positron emission tomography, has in its arsenal the latest medical equipment and modern techniques in many areas of diagnosis and treatment. The base is being expanded with the construction of new buildings.


The Federal State Institution “Russian Scientific Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies” of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (RSRCHT) is a research center with a well-developed clinical base for providing the most modern high-tech medical care to the population.

Today, the center is a unique institution that carries out Russian and international fundamental and applied scientific projects in the field of nuclear medicine, trains personnel to provide radiation technologies, provides specialized and high-tech medical care using x-ray surgery, radionuclide, positron and proton methods of diagnosis and therapy.

The center's hospital has a multidisciplinary clinical base with 260 beds. Unique methods of examining and treating patients with various diseases are used. Active work is being carried out to introduce and implement the latest technologies in the field of interventional radiology, technologies for donor related and cadaveric liver transplantation. The center has 6 operating rooms, fully equipped for carrying out unique oncological, cardiovascular operations and organ transplantation, including under artificial circulation.

The main direction of scientific and practical activity of the Department of X-ray endovascular and operative surgery is the development and implementation of new methods of surgical and complex treatment of diffuse and focal liver diseases, malignant neoplasms of the pancreas and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

The Department of X-ray Endovascular and Operative Oncourology is a subdivision of the Department of Interventional Radiology and Operative Surgery of the Russian Research Center for Chemistry and Chemistry and Chemistry, established in 1985. The department simultaneously treats 40 patients. The department has 4 researchers and 3 doctors. The department's equipment allows for comprehensive examination and treatment of urological patients in full. The methods used for diagnosing and treating urological and oncological diseases comply with modern world standards. The medical activities of the department are successfully combined with scientific work and teaching activities.

The Department of Radiation Therapy for Diseases of the Pelvic Organs and Retroperitoneal Space (OLRTZOMTiZP), founded in 1996, has a capacity of 30 beds. The department provides radiation and combination therapy for patients with tumors of various locations - patients with urological oncology (prostate cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer), patients with tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, patients with breast cancer, thyroid cancer, metastatic bone lesions, hemangiomas liver, spine and soft tissues, gynecological diseases (cervical cancer).

The Department of Radiosurgical Gynecology treats patients with ovarian, cervical and uterine cancer, combining surgical treatment with chemotherapy and radiation therapy within one department. When treating patients, modern methods of combination and complex therapy are used. Modern diagnostic and monitoring methods are used: computer, magnetic resonance, positron emission tomography, three-dimensional ultrasound, tumor markers, immunohistochemical studies, etc.

The outpatient department provides advisory assistance and selects patients for inpatient treatment. Leading specialists from the Russian Research Center for Chemical Technology are involved in this work.

Russian Scientific Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies is a multidisciplinary research medical institution. The clinic's modern clinical and diagnostic equipment allows it to provide high-tech and effective care to the population. Highly qualified specialists, professors, doctors of medical sciences, candidates of medical sciences, doctors of the highest category provide consultations in the areas of oncology, surgery, radiation therapy, endocrinology, ophthalmology, chemotherapy, otorhinolaryngology, diagnostics and many others.


Granov Anatoly Mikhailovich − Director of the Center, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor.

Ovchinnikov Igor Vladimirovich − acting chief physician, professor, doctor of medical sciences, doctor of the highest qualification category.

Evgeniy Vladimirovich Rozengauz − head of the X-ray computed tomography department, doctor of the highest category, doctor of medicine, leading researcher.

Artemov Maxim Vladimirovich − Head of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Department, radiologist.


The computed tomography department is equipped with Toshiba tomographs: 64-, 128- and 320-slice. The equipment allows for highly accurate diagnosis of the condition of even the smallest vessels, both peripheral and visceral (located in organs). A special place among the examinations performed is the study of the coronary arteries, which is performed in 0.35 seconds - the time between heart beats when it is at rest, which eliminates interference from the movement of the muscle wall, which can interfere with diagnosis. Automatic injectors are used to administer the contrast agent.

The magnetic resonance imaging department examines all anatomical areas: head and brain, spine and spinal cord, mammary glands, abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, pelvic organs, joints and soft tissues, as well as contrast MR angiography of blood vessels.

Reviews from people
Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgical Technologies

Everything is good and wonderful in this center. Treatment, examination and medical work. personnel Zhanna Yu. Date: 05/19/2018
Alexander Petrov. 20-21.02.18 I was examined for PET CT with 11C Choline and PSMA with Ga 68. Despite the workload, the staff went to meet me and, since I arrived at Choline 1 day earlier, they found time for me to undergo diagnostics for PSMA with Ga 68. Many thanks to everyone for professionalism, kind attitude and organization. Special thanks to the medical staff of the treatment room and PET. Cheerful and very professional, they lift your spirits and inspire confidence. The only thing that is not clear is why also Choline if there is ultra-precise PSMA? Alexander Petrov, Saratov, 69 years old. Alexander P. Date: 02/25/2018
I underwent FGDS/FCS with anesthesia in January 2018 (for the first time). Everyone acts quickly and smoothly: doctors, nurses, anesthesiologist. At the same time, attention and friendliness to the patient is at a high level. Thank you... Olga Date: 02/09/2018
Professionals work here. Thank you for your help! Evgeniy F. Date: 01/18/2018
It so happens that having four pensioners in my family, I do CT and MRI scans at this center regularly.
The main thing that attracts attention is that the clinic is very calm. There are no irritated screaming queues, doctors do not rush around like scalded cats, but calmly and thoughtfully talk with patients (they talk!!), convey the necessary information and answer questions. The center is spacious, fresh air, fairly clean toilets, and there is always a place to sit. Even the security is quite sane; non-ambulatory patients can be taken to the entrance to the desired building without any extreme influences. Doctors recommend this clinic - both in terms of the level of equipment and the quality of the reports.
Guest Date: 12/07/2017
My sister and I went to the Granovskaya Center on October 12 on the recommendation of a gynecologist, with suspicion of early stage uterine cancer. We had an appointment with oncogynecologist Vladimir Evgenievich Mokshin. This “wonderful doctor”, without tests, examination, MRI, or computed tomography, diagnosed stage 3 cancer, I think it is clear that in fact it is not operable. As a sister, he told me that everything is bad, he doesn’t know where to start treatment. Thanks to the MRI doctor Maria Semenova, a very good doctor, warm-hearted and competent, who, after looking at the results, said that she did not see anything critical, everything could be operated on. Mokshin prescribed radiation and 6 chemo treatments, then surgery and 6 more chemo treatments. “Thank you” to him for his terrible attitude towards sick people, we are so lucky to have met him. Without hesitation, my sister flew to a clinic in Germany, where she underwent surgery on November 6, the stage of cancer was STAGE 1 and not of the uterus, she didn’t need any radiation or chemistry at all, you can imagine how this Mokshin ruined her here. God forbid anyone gets to see such a doctor. Health to everyone!!! Larisa Date: 11/19/2017
I would like to leave a review about the doctor of the MRI department, Maria Dmitrievna Semenova. He is a wonderful person and a true specialist in his field. I had the following tests: MRI of the pelvis and MRI of the fetus. Considering my state of health during pregnancy, the doctor was nearby and, if necessary, I had to stop the procedure. Maria Dmitrievna controlled everything and explained. The results of the study were ready on the same day. Thank you very much to Doctor Semenova Maria Dmitrievna for your participation, excellent knowledge, professionalism, competence and incredible cordiality that she showed in her difficult work! Faith Date: 10/08/2017
Thank you very much for the sensitivity and responsiveness of the staff. I traveled 150 km from St. Petersburg for a CT scan. I received everything on the same day. I didn’t have to travel that far the second time. Very competent and attentive doctors. God bless you all!! Tatiana Date: 10/06/2017
A breast examination (ultrasound and mammography) was performed at the diagnostic center. I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart the women who carry out this diagnosis. I came 300 km from St. Petersburg for an examination. Thanks to these women, I received all the necessary conclusions in one day and got an appointment with a doctor. Also, many thanks to the doctor who gives an opinion on the results of the mammography. I really received humane treatment from the medical staff. Thank you! Yana T. Date: 06/11/2017
Low bow to everyone! From the housewife's sister to the doctors! Great happiness to everyone, and long life!!! I am eternally grateful to you. Tsvetinsky Date: 02/14/2017
competent, kind, responsive doctors and nurses) Anya Nikityuk Date: 09/04/2014
I'm just starting treatment. the clinic is wonderful! The doctors here are the coolest! but when I see young girl patients in wigs, my heart skips a beat with fear and sympathy.... Maria Troitskaya Date: 03/27/2013

The Russian Scientific Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies, better known in St. Petersburg under the old name CNIRRI, is a large specialized scientific and clinical center, the basis of which is the development and implementation of new medical technologies. 150 candidates of science and doctors of the highest category, 35 doctors of science, 24 professors work here, many of whom are members of Russian and foreign Academies and teach at St. Petersburg universities and medical academies. Based on the totality of personnel, hardware and technological capabilities, the Russian Research Center for Chemistry and Chemistry is one of the elite of world medical centers.

Currently, the Center is a large multidisciplinary research and medical institution with the most modern technical capabilities for clinical and scientific activities. This is, first of all, the latest diagnostic equipment: a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner with the latest software, an X-ray computed tomograph (CT), 2 angiographic complexes, devices for digital radiography, devices for ultrasound diagnostics of the latest generation, 2 positron emission tomographs of the latest generation (PET) for the whole body, gamma cameras, single-photon emission computed tomograph, endoscopic devices, modern clinical and biochemical laboratory. There is a multi-purpose cyclotron complex, which includes 2 domestic cyclotrons (MGTs-20 and SS-19), a modern radiochemical laboratory and a unit for the production of radiopharmaceuticals, which fully supplies the institute and medical institutions of the North-West with drugs for radionuclide diagnostics, as well as ultra-short-lived drugs for positron emission tomography. The center has a fleet of the latest equipment for radiation therapy. The Center has an intensive care unit and operating rooms equipped with the latest medical technology.

Hospitalization procedure

The Russian Scientific Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies (FGU "RNTsRKhT"), like many other federal institutions, provides most medical services within the framework of (GP). Types of high-tech medical care provided by the institute: