Physiotherapy of the mammary glands with ultrasound. Optimal methods for treating mastitis during breastfeeding

Lactostasis refers to a condition when breast milk stagnates in the ducts of the mammary glands of a nursing woman. This problem can arise at any stage of breastfeeding, both immediately after the baby is born and a year later. In addition, it can either occur once or be repeated after a certain period of time. Lactostasis can cause significant discomfort to a young mother, and also jeopardize the entire process of breastfeeding. Comprehensive treatment of this condition includes physiotherapeutic procedures. In this review, we will look at how to identify lactostasis in a nursing mother, the symptoms of such manifestations and treatment methods.

Why does it occur

What is lactostasis? Why might he appear at all? There are a number of reasons that cause this condition. One of the main ones is improper attachment of the baby to the breast. The baby should be turned to face the mother's chest, the head and torso should be located in the same plane. The baby's mouth should cover most of the areola. If the baby is attached to the breast correctly, the mother does not feel pain. The only exception is the first stages of feeding. If the baby is not applied correctly, the breast will not empty completely. As a result, breast milk may stagnate in the ducts. This condition is called lactostasis.

Another common reason for stagnation of milk is feeding the baby not on demand, but by the hour. Milk may come in, but it does not reach the baby. As a result, lactostasis occurs.

Other reasons

There are also a number of negative factors that can cause lactostasis in a nursing mother. Treatment may depend on the causes of the disease.

Typically occurs as a result of the following conditions:

  • Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract in the mother (the reason in this case is also tissue swelling).
  • Hyperlactation (increased milk content in the mammary glands). This condition usually develops as a result of irrational frequent pumping.
  • Swelling of the breast tissue can occur when wearing incorrectly selected underwear. The seams of your bra can put excessive pressure on you.
  • Breast injury (tissues in the area of ​​impact may swell, the ducts become compressed, and milk does not drain as expected).
  • Anatomical features: in many women, the ducts of the mammary glands are too narrow or excessively tortuous.
  • Sagging breasts.
  • Sleeping on your side or stomach with compression of the mammary glands.
  • Physical overexertion.
  • Psycho-emotional stress.

Stagnation of milk in the duct can cause an increase in pressure in the entire lobule. As a result, tissue swelling occurs, which can turn into painful compaction. Milk, having no outflow tract, can be partially absorbed into the blood. This causes an increase in body temperature. Due to prolonged hypertension in the lobules, milk production is reduced until lactation completely stops. This condition is called total lactostasis.


Let's look at this in more detail. It is not difficult to identify this condition. The first thing a woman usually notices is pain in a certain area of ​​the breast. Along with this, a feeling of heaviness and distension arises. When palpated, a painful lump may appear. There may also be an increase in temperature to subfebrile (37-38 degrees) and febrile (38-39) values. The disease may be accompanied by a state of chills. Many sick mothers first notice weakness, and only then pay attention to the elevated temperature, and after that they try to find the cause of this condition. Even at home, a woman may well palpate a painful lump deep in the mammary gland.

It should be noted that not every mother will be able to independently detect a lump. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. Some women don't even have a fever. With lactostasis, feeding is accompanied by severe pain. Over time, the lump may increase in size and the skin over it may turn red. If the woman is not given medical assistance at this stage, an infection may develop in the stagnant milk. As a result, mastitis develops. This can lead to the accumulation of pus in the mammary gland.


What is lactostasis and how to treat it? To eliminate this disease, experts recommend that nursing mothers express milk using a breast pump. First of all, it is worth noting that in case of stagnation in the early stages, a woman can cope with the problem on her own. It is enough to simply put the baby to the breast. The simplest method of treating milk stagnation is frequent feeding. However, you must ensure that they are correct. Then the manipulations discussed will be more effective. The baby should be positioned so that his chin is directed towards the seal. Thanks to this, additional massage will also be provided. If there is congestion in the upper segments, it is recommended to place the baby upside down. In this case, the young mother will have to try hard, but the result will not be long in coming.

Is it possible to somehow prevent lactostasis (ICD-10 code 091 - mastitis)? Many qualified professionals recommend taking a warm shower before feeding. Water jets should be directed to the area between the blades and to the area where the compaction is localized. Warm jets of water will provide a kind of massage, as a result of which the ducts and muscles that are in a state of spasm will be relaxed. You can also try using a compress instead of a shower. It is applied for 15-20 minutes before the intended feeding.

Experts recommend using compresses with camphor alcohol. However, it is worth noting that this remedy can reduce the level of lactation. Restoring the original condition can be extremely difficult. This method is completely justified and can be used if lactostasis is caused by hyperlactation.

Before and after feeding, doctors advise doing a gentle massage. Previously, it was believed that stagnation of milk in the breast could only be “broken,” thereby causing excruciating pain to the young mother. Such a massage often left behind many bruises. Too harsh mechanical impacts can cause swelling of the delicate breast tissue, which will subsequently lead to a whole series of lactostasis.


Traditional methods of treating milk stagnation are not always effective. Therefore, many are interested in how ultrasound is used for lactostasis.

This technique has many advantages:

  1. Ultrasonic influence is applied directly to the area of ​​compaction. Not all restoration techniques have this feature.
  2. Ultrasound on the mammary glands during lactostasis does not cause any harm to soft tissues and other structures.
  3. The impact on milk stagnation is carried out through micro-type massage.

In tissues treated with ultrasound, improved blood circulation and accelerated metabolic processes are also observed. This has a positive effect on all functions of the young mother’s body.

Features of the technique

The use of ultrasound in medicine has become quite widespread. It consists of exposure to frequency fluctuations up to 3000 kHz, which must be strictly dosed. Ultrasound can only be used under the supervision of a mammologist. He will be able to determine all the features of a woman’s condition.

Due to the influence of ultrasonic waves, mechanical, thermal and physico-chemical effects can be achieved. In essence, the presented technique plays the role of an irritant that can trigger the body’s natural defense mechanisms. As a result, accelerated tissue regeneration is observed.

Is ultrasound effective for lactostasis? Reviews from patients confirm that pain goes away quite quickly when using this technique.


This issue deserves special attention. Despite its high efficiency, ultrasound cannot always be used for lactostasis.

Mammologists identify the following contraindications to such physical procedures:

  • damage to the nervous system;
  • cancer tumors and malignant formations;
  • exacerbation of mastitis.

Less serious contraindications include hormonal disorders. The problem is that some of their forms lead to the development of cancer. Therefore, in this case, ultrasound cannot be used for lactostasis. Contraindications also include cystic diseases (mammary fibroadenomatosis).

Exploratory survey

Before you start using ultrasound for lactostasis, you must undergo a medical examination. Only based on tests, mammograms and ultrasound results, the doctor will be able to prescribe appropriate therapy. This will help prevent the development of complications and eliminate lactostasis in a nursing mother. Treatment usually includes a whole course of physiotherapy, as well as medication.

At home

What is lactostasis? Is it possible to fight this condition at home? Doctors strongly advise the use of special complexes of vitamins and minerals. These drugs will help improve the general condition of the young mother.

How is mastitis treated in a nursing mother? Let us repeat, 091 is the ICD-10 code for lactostasis. The most effective technique is ultrasound. If you follow a number of recommendations, it can be used even at home. Some preparation is required. First, you should stop taking hormonal medications. It is also not recommended to drink alcohol before the procedure. This can worsen the general condition of the body and will minimize the therapeutic effect of treatment.

In order for ultrasound to be as effective as possible for lactostasis, it is recommended to massage the breasts with soft relaxing movements before the procedure. This will speed up the process of milk absorption.


In this review, we looked at what lactostasis is in a nursing mother, the symptoms of this condition and treatment methods. Before carrying out any procedures, it is better to consult a specialist. Take care of yourself and your baby!

Aeroionotherapy. When working with the AIR-2 device, it is installed so that the distance from the front shield of the aeroionizer to the nipple is 10 cm. If the procedure is carried out using the AF-3 device, use the head electrode; the distance from the points furthest from its center is 5-7 cm; field strength is 20-30 kV. In both cases, the duration of the procedure is 5-8 minutes. Treatment is carried out daily. Course - up to 10 procedures.

UV irradiation. The dose of UV radiation energy, the number of procedures (course of treatment) and their distance (duration of breaks between exposures) are determined by the clinical features of the pathological process and the purpose of therapy. For hypogalactia, the dose is from 1/3 of a biodose, increasing after every 2 procedures by 1/3 of a biodose to 2-3 biodoses; treatment is carried out daily; course - up to 20 procedures. Lactation mastitis is serous and in the infiltration stage: the dose is 2-3 or 3-4 biodoses, respectively, treatment is carried out daily, the course is 5-6 procedures; in order to enhance the process of epithelization of the wound after surgical treatment of purulent mastitis: dose - from 0.5 biodoses, increasing with each subsequent exposure by 0.25 biodoses to 2 biodoses, treatment is carried out every other day until the epithelization process is completed.

5. VMP-1 device with a carbolite semicircular vibratode.

On the left is a vibratode in the form of a spike attachment.

Mud therapy(mud “bra”). Apply applications to both mammary glands or only to the right one, including the area of ​​the areola and nipple. When using silt mud, the thickness of its layer is 5-6 cm, the temperature is 38-46 ° C (most often 42-46 °), when peat treatment the thickness of the mud layer is 6-8-10 cm, its temperature is usually 2 ° higher than silt. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. After exposure, the patient washes off the dirt in the shower (water temperature 38°). Treatment is carried out every other day, less often - daily. Course - 5-10 procedures.

Inductothermy. The nipple is covered with a sterile gauze pad. When exposed to PeMF HF, DKV-2 or IKV-4 devices are used; An inductor cable in the form of a conical spiral of 2.5 turns is placed on the mammary gland. The current strength is until the patient experiences a feeling of moderate warmth (anode current 200-250 mA). Duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Treatment is carried out daily. Course - up to 20 procedures.

When exposed to UHF PeMF, devices for UHF therapy (UHF-30, -62, -66, “Ekran-1 and -2”) and a resonant inductor EVT-1 with a diameter of 6 or 9 cm (depending on the size of the pathological focus) are used. The intensity of the effect is with the patient feeling a slight or moderate warmth. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Treatment is carried out daily. Course - up to 10 procedures.

SMV therapy. When carrying out the procedure using the Luch-58 apparatus, a cylindrical emitter with a diameter of 9 cm (unilateral pathological process) or rectangular (bilateral pathological process) is used, installing it respectively over one or both mammary glands with an air gap of 5 cm (remote exposure); intensity of impact - with the patient feeling mild heat (power 40 W) for serous mastitis or moderate heat (power 60-70 W) for mastitis in the infiltration stage.

To carry out the procedure using the Luch-2 device, the nipple is first covered with a sterile gauze cloth; use a cylindrical emitter (with a removable cap) with a diameter of 11.5 cm, placing it on the mammary gland without an air gap (contact effect); intensity of exposure - with the patient feeling weak heat (power - 4-6 W) with serous mastitis or moderate heat (power - 8-12 W) with mastitis in the infiltration stage. The duration of the procedure for both remote and contact exposure is 15 minutes. Treatment is carried out daily. Course - up to 12 procedures.

DMV therapy. The procedure is carried out in the same way as with SMV therapy. For remote exposure, use the “Volna-2” device and a cylindrical emitter (for a unilateral process) or oblong (for simultaneous treatment of both mammary glands), the intensity of the exposure (depending on the stage of mastitis) - with the patient feeling a slight warmth (power - 20 W) or moderate heat (power 30-40 W). For contact exposure, use the “Romashka” device with a cylindrical emitter with a diameter of 10 cm (Fig. 6); intensity of impact (depending on the stage of mastitis) - with the patient feeling weak heat (power - 4-6 W) or moderate heat (power - 10-12 W). The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Treatment is carried out daily. Course - up to 12 procedures.

6. “Romashka” device with a cylindrical emitter.

UHF therapy. Capacitor plates (electrodes) with a diameter of 8 or 11 cm each are placed tangentially on both sides of the mammary gland, creating air gaps of 1 cm. The intensity of the effect is with the patient feeling a slight warmth. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. Treatment is carried out daily. Course - up to 12 procedures. Influence e. UHF should not be applied simultaneously to both mammary glands, placing one electrode at the outer quadrants of each of them.

Galvanization(modified method of Mykertchyanets and Kellat). The cathode is bifurcated and placed on both mammary glands (in case of heart disease, the cathode is placed only on the right mammary gland); the metal part of the electrode and the electrode gasket have the shape of a circle (gasket diameter - 8-12 cm) with a cutout in the center for the nipple and areola, which should not be exposed to electric shock. The anode (electrode pad measuring 15X15 or 15X20 cm) is placed in the suprapubic area. Current strength - up to 12 mA. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. Treatment is carried out daily, according to indications, 2-4 times a day with 1-2 hour breaks. Course - up to 15 procedures.

Vibration massage(method of Kolodina and Razina). The VMP-1 apparatus is used. We carry out procedures using a carbolite vibratode, which has the shape of a semicircle; The vibratode is disinfected with alcohol twice (after the previous exposure and immediately before this procedure). The mammary gland is massaged in a circular motion from the base to the nipple, without affecting it. The intensity of vibration at the beginning of the procedure is minimal; during the massage it should be increased to the maximum allowed by the device. The duration of the first procedure is 2 minutes, the subsequent ones are 3 minutes. Treatment is carried out daily. Course - up to 10 procedures.

Ultrasound therapy. Treatment of hypogalactia (method of Kolodina and Razina). UTP-1, UZ-T5 or UZT-31 devices are used. The ultrasonic radiation generation mode is pulsed, pulse duration is 10 ms. Direct contact, contact medium - vaseline oil. The technique is mobile, the nurse slowly moves the head of the ultrasound emitter over the skin of the breast in a circular motion, excluding the areola and nipple. The intensity of ultrasound radiation during the first three procedures is 0.4 W/cm 2 , during subsequent procedures it is 0.6 W/cm 2 . The duration of the first two procedures is 2 minutes, increasing with each subsequent exposure by 1 minute to 5 minutes. The authors recommend carrying out treatment for 2 days in a row with a one-day break; we carry out the effects daily. Course - up to 8 procedures.

Treatment of lactostasis and lactation mastitis. The ultrasonic radiation generation mode is continuous. Direct contact, contact medium - vaseline oil. The technique is flexible; the areola and nipple are not exposed; in case of left-sided mastitis, massaging circular movements of the ultrasound head are performed tangentially only in the area of ​​the outer quadrants of the gland (in order to exclude the direct effect of ultrasound vibrations on the heart). The intensity of ultrasound radiation during the first 3-5 procedures is 0.2 W/cm 2 (lactostasis and serous mastitis) or 0.4 W/cm 2 (mastitis in the infiltration stage), during subsequent procedures - 0.4 W/cm 2 or 0.6-0.8 W/cm2. The duration of the procedure is 5-6 minutes. Treatment is carried out daily. Course - up to 12 procedures.

With timely and correct treatment in the acute infiltration phase, it is possible to stop the process and achieve its reverse development in a fairly large number of patients. To eliminate the process at this stage, semi-synthetic penicillins (ampicillin, methicillin 500,000 units 4 times a day), physiotherapy (UVR, Sollux, UHF therapy, etc.) should be used.

You should not allow milk to stagnate and stop feeding from this breast. If there is insufficient release of the mammary gland through feeding, it is necessary to express or suck out the milk with a breast pump. In the abscess phase, surgical treatment is indicated in most cases.

In severe general condition, the operation should be performed immediately upon admission to the hospital under intravenous mask anesthesia.

1 - incision for intramammary pustule with counter-aperture;
2 - oval incision through the subgland for a retro-mammary abscess.

An incision 7–10 cm long is made at the site of fluctuation or greatest pain in the radial direction, not reaching the isola or 2–3 cm away from the nipple. The skin and subcutaneous tissue are dissected and the abscess cavity is opened. With a finger inserted into the cavity of the abscess, all existing cords and bridges should be separated.

If there is an abscess in both the upper and lower quadrants of the mammary gland, an incision should be made in the lower quadrant and through it the abscess located in the upper quadrant should be emptied. If it is difficult to empty the abscess from one incision, it is necessary to make a second radial incision - a counter-hole. After clearing the pus, rubber or vinyl chloride drainage should be inserted into the cavity.

"Guide to purulent surgery",
V.I.Struchkov, V.K.Gostishchev,

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Physiotherapeutic treatment was once treated only as an additional, rather preventive, auxiliary measure that did not deserve special attention.

Fortunately, doctors quickly noticed and re-evaluated their attitude towards physical therapy techniques for breastfeeding problems.

Today, physiotherapy for lactostasis is used as widely as possible.

And most women are immensely grateful to precisely these treatment methods, which were able to quickly and effectively correct their breastfeeding of newborns.

And all because modern medicine has begun to treat physiotherapeutic treatment as the most effective, time-tested procedures that allow adequate treatment for lactostasis.

Various physiotherapeutic techniques allow you to quickly and most importantly effectively get rid of painful lumps in the chest. And in addition, physiotherapeutic treatment helps prevent the development of more complex infectious processes of the mammary gland (mastitis, for example).

The main advantage of full-fledged physiotherapeutic treatment for lactostasis can be considered the absolute absence of even minimal pain during the procedure, and in addition, the complete and unconditional safety of such treatment for both the mother and her child.

In addition to full physiotherapeutic treatment for lactostasis, correct breastfeeding is of great importance. It is important that a nursing mother understands how to properly attach a baby to the breast, what the feeding regimen should be, and what positions to use. However, let's not get ahead of ourselves, and we'll figure it out in order.

Main types of physiotherapeutic treatment of lactostasis

As we have already noted, physiotherapeutic treatment methods are the most effective and safe ways to relieve women of painful congestive processes that occur in the mammary gland.

All physiotherapeutic techniques are absolutely safe, quite effective and can give the desired effect as quickly as possible.

Most often, with lactostasis, women who experience difficulties with the outflow of breast milk are recommended to undergo:

  • Several sessions of ultrasound therapy.
  • UHF therapy sessions.
  • Electrophoresis sessions with certain medications, herbal infusions, etc.

It is these techniques that make it possible to eliminate dangerous stagnation phenomena as quickly as possible, avoiding the degeneration of the process into inflammatory forms. When using such physiotherapeutic techniques, along with congestion, painful nipple cracks can disappear faster and other microtraumas of the breast can be eliminated.

The mechanism of action of such procedures, first of all, lies in a noticeable improvement in the processes of outflow of breast milk, in improving blood circulation, in increasing lymphatic outflow, etc.

First of all, such reactions of the body to procedures occur due to a moderate increase in temperature in the treated areas, due to a moderate massage effect.

In addition, all three mentioned procedures have an important anti-inflammatory effect for this disease, which is excellent as an excellent prevention of the development of mastitis.

Note that in some cases, physiotherapy for congestion in the breast of a nursing mother can use methods of stimulating the adrenal cortex. We are talking about reconciling low-intensity high-frequency magnetic therapy for this disease.

Lymphatic drainage techniques, such as alcohol compresses and medicinal electrophoresis with the addition of oxytocin, can also be more than effective for milk stagnation.

But the most important thing that needs to be said about the choice of physiotherapeutic treatment for women suffering from lactostasis is the fact that such treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor who can first make sure that the soreness of the mammary gland is associated precisely with milk stagnation, and not with other, more dangerous , diseases.

How to adjust feeding during stagnation

It is believed that you need to put your baby to the breast as often as possible. It is very important to understand exactly how to attach an infant so that he is able to correctly grasp the mother’s breast and, as a result, empty it as much as possible.

E. Malysheva: Lately I have been receiving a lot of letters from my regular viewers about breast problems: MASTITIS, LACTOSTASIS, FIBROADENOME. To completely get rid of these problems, I advise you to familiarize yourself with my new technique based on natural ingredients...

  • Rule one is the mother’s convenience while feeding the baby. At the same time, it is important to try to ensure maximum comfort not only for the baby, but also for yourself. Feeding for both should be similar to rest!
  • Rule two is choosing the ideal pose. Literally in the very first days of meeting your baby, try to try several different options for comfortable positioning of the baby when feeding him. In this case, you need to choose not one, but two or even three convenient positions, which it is advisable to alternate later.

It is important to remember that there are situations when changing the baby’s position during feeding is not only desirable, but very important and even necessary.

We are talking about nipple injuries, when the baby needs to be positioned so that he does not injure the affected area, etc. So, we would like to dwell in more detail on choosing the right positions when feeding.

Which feeding positions are most preferable?

Of course, each mother must choose a comfortable and correct position for feeding her baby strictly individually. The choice of positions depends on the baby’s activity, the shape of the mother’s breasts, and the individual preferences of both.

However, we want to describe several of the most successful positions to make it easier for mothers to make their choice.

  • Cradle position. In this position, the mother sits comfortably, the baby’s head is located on the mother’s elbow, and the baby lies with his tummy facing the mother. The position provides maximum comfort for the newborn since he lies almost like in a cradle, but only in his mother’s arms.
  • Hand feeding position. When the baby lies on the pillow directly under the mother’s arm (like a bundle under the armpit), facing the chest. The position is comfortable with a complete absence of pressure on the mother’s abdomen and a comfortable grip on the breast for the baby.
  • Position – both on their sides. This is a position when the baby and his mother lie on their sides, facing each other. The position is most convenient for milk stagnation, since it allows you to avoid even minimal pressure on the affected breast and, in addition, the second breast will also be in the most favorable physiologically correct position.

Of course, we have not given all the possible positions for proper feeding, but nevertheless, these are precisely the positioning options that allow you to most effectively combat the manifestations of lactostasis, resorting to the help of your baby.

Do you still think that it is completely impossible to heal your body?

How can you identify them?

  • nervousness, sleep and appetite disturbances;
  • allergies (watery eyes, rashes, runny nose);
  • frequent headaches, constipation or diarrhea;
  • frequent colds, sore throat, nasal congestion;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • chronic fatigue (you get tired quickly, no matter what you do);
  • dark circles, bags under the eyes.

Benign diseases of the mammary gland occupy one of the leading positions in the problems of the female reproductive system. The treatment of these diseases, and in particular, physiotherapy for mastopathy, is of great interest among the fair sex. To get rid of pathology, it is important to understand the essence of the disease and the possible consequences of using physical influence on the chest, as well as to understand the permitted and prohibited options for conducting physical procedures.

Read in this article

What is mastopathy

Modern medicine calls any benign formations in the mammary glands the term “Mastopathy”. There are more than three dozen such diseases, and they differ significantly from each other in symptoms and tissue changes.

If pathological processes in the mammary gland are not associated with the menstrual cycle and menopause, experts say that the patient has breast cancer, which usually occurs in two main variants - diffuse and nodular forms of the disease. Changes in the female breast in this case are caused by pathological changes in the percentage of the main types of tissue.

In the diffuse form of the disease, rapid growth of the epithelium comes to the fore, while in the nodular form, connective tissue predominates. Since diffuse tumors in the mammary glands are more susceptible to degeneration into a cancerous process, treatment of mastopathy with physiotherapy in this case can lead to serious complications.

Experts consider it necessary to highlight changes in the female glands during menstruation. An increase or pain in them during this period is called mastalgia. With such a pathology, the effect on the mammary glands with physiotherapeutic methods of treatment is contraindicated only during the period of ovulation.

Since the main cause of this disease is a hormonal imbalance in the body, it must be complex in nature. Physiotherapy can also be one of the components of therapeutic measures for mastopathy.

Physiotherapeutic techniques are allowed for mastopathy

If a patient is diagnosed with fibrocystic mastopathy, modern medicine recommends a fairly large selection of physiotherapy procedures for its treatment. Good results have been obtained using laser therapy, magnetic influences, and high-frequency currents.

Electrophoresis for mastopathy

Among the most popular techniques is electrophoresis on the mammary gland area. The advantages of such treatment are that there is a positive effect on the woman’s immune system, which contributes to the growth of the body’s defenses.

Electrophoresis for mastopathy is used in gentle doses; specialists ensure that the impact of current does not exceed permissible parameters.

For diseases of the mammary glands, a procedure with zinc is used, which helps relieve swelling, reduce pain and soften dense nodules.

In addition to the positive effect directly on the affected organ, electrophoresis increases muscle tone and strengthens the immune system. Due to its biological activity, this method of treatment is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory in nature, which is important for preventing the development of the inflammatory process in the female breast.

Radon baths are a good help for specialists dealing with the problems of benign diseases of the female genital area. First of all, such procedures have a strengthening effect on the nervous system of a young woman, putting in order the psyche shaken by the disease and disturbed sleep.

It is no secret that any hormonal pathology disrupts the mental sphere of the female body. Radon can help solve this problem better than any tranquilizers.

These baths also have a positive effect on the mammary gland. Inflammation is relieved, pain in swollen breasts is reduced, and small glandular formations are resolved. Experts have not found a connection with the use of radon baths for mastopathy with an increase in the malignancy of benign tumors in patients.

It should be noted that the listed procedures, although not prohibited for fibrocystic mastopathy and are included in the range of spa treatment, can only be used after examination by a doctor. Mammologists and oncologists are skeptical about any type of physical therapy in the mammary glands, especially if there are benign tumors there.

This caution is due to the fact that any physiotherapy stimulates increased blood supply at the site of application, which can lead to the growth of pathological cells and progression of the process. Therefore, the answer to the question whether physical therapy for mastopathy is possible is within the competence of doctors only.

Physiotherapy completely excluded for women with breast problems

Most experts are inclined to the point of view that with the correct regimen and care, fibrocystic mastopathy will not pose a serious threat to patients. There are several simple rules, which include restrictions for the use of physiotherapy in the mammary glands:

  • First of all, the use of UHF for mastopathy is prohibited. This is a popular remedy for treating various inflammatory diseases. However, in the presence of tissue changes in the mammary glands of a hormonal nature, it can cause rapid proliferation of affected cells. Yes, this method of physiotherapeutic treatment is widely used for mastitis and lactostasis. However, these pathologies are inflammatory in nature. In this case, mechanical vibrations of ultra-high frequency stimulate an increase in the speed of blood and lymph flow in the affected breast. In the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy, it is necessary to avoid any influences at the local level; such procedures can only speed up the process of tissue restructuring.
  • Similar problems may arise in patients when trying to use the Darsonval apparatus for mastopathy. The mechanism of action when using this treatment method on the body also includes stimulation of blood flow and exchange between cells, which is the case with benign tumors. Experts agree that if mastopathy of the mammary glands is limited and is not associated with various disorders of other organs, Darsonval can be used. You just need to exclude the chest and nearby areas of the choroid plexuses from the sessions.
  • In case of problems with the female mammary glands, it is also completely prohibited. The reasons here are about the same as when using UHF. This method is good for combating congestion in the female breast and preventing mastitis. However, if a patient is diagnosed with fibrocystic disease, massage of the mammary glands almost always leads to the growth of damaged cells, tissue imbalance and the risk of oncological pathology.
  • The water treatments that many women love cannot be used either. Contrast showers for mastopathy are completely prohibited. Its effect on the female breast is very similar to massage, so the negative aspects of using this method of physiotherapy are the same as massage movements. Strong jets of water, alternating temperatures cause the release of adrenaline, dilation of blood vessels and increased blood flow. What this leads to in case of mammary gland mastopathy has already been discussed above.
  • For this group of patients, it is extremely harmful to be exposed to direct rays of the sun or to sunbathe, especially in an open swimsuit. Solar activity is also fraught for healthy people, and for women with hormonal benign tumors in the breast, this is a direct path to oncology. Before choosing a place to rest, such patients are recommended to discuss this problem with their doctor. Warm countries are not always ideal for a vacation or even a weekend.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is a fairly serious and difficult to treat disease. In the presence of such a pathology, there are quite a lot of prohibitions for patients, and many methods of physiotherapy are among them. However, benign breast tumors are not a death sentence. Full contact with the attending physician and strict adherence to his recommendations will help a large number of patients with mastopathy to avoid complications and relapses.