Chief Narcologist of the Russian Federation Evgeniy Brun: Forced treatment is a necessary and life-saving measure. The problem of desomorphine drug addicts should be discussed, experts say Evgeniy Brun was removed from his post

Now at the highest level of the medical hierarchy the issue of introducing compulsory measures for hard-core alcoholics and drug addicts is being decided. Perhaps very soon they will be forced to wean them off their bad habits. The law, which is still under development, has caused a lot of conflicting opinions. For many fellow citizens, the cold specter of a “forced labor camp” has already loomed in the air - this is how the government abbreviation “LTP” was popularly deciphered. We asked the chief narcologist of the Russian Federation, Evgeniy Alekseevich Brun, to explain the situation.

–The idea of ​​introducing compulsory treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction is sounding more and more persistent. Do you think Russians are no longer able to cope with their problems alone? Is there really any need for intervention from above?

– For one heavy drinker to recover from his addiction, he needs to spend a lot of effort - and the result is not guaranteed. But in order for a chronically ill society to stop drinking, imagine how much effort and money must be put in. With drug addiction, everything is also complicated. In any case, the only way to cope with this is through state forces, and, of course, all possible resources, including legislative ones, must be mobilized to solve the problem.

– What are the statistics on alcoholism and drug addiction in the country today?

– The number of drug addicts in the Russian Federation today is 550 thousand people, in Moscow there are 30 thousand people. But, according to expert calculations, this number should be multiplied by a factor of 2.5, and in Moscow by a factor of 7. This means that there are approximately 1.5 million drug addicts in Russia, and those who have used drugs but are not addicted 50 times more. Another approximately 10% of people treated in general somatic hospitals in the country are people with diseases directly related to alcohol and drug abuse.

– Isn’t coercion in such a matter a violation of individual rights and freedoms? And in general, is it possible to treat a person if he himself does not want it?

– I would say – and I think many will support me here – that forcing them to give up alcohol and drugs is not only possible, but also necessary. Although, of course, without the goodwill of the patient, it is difficult to expect an absolute effect from treatment. Psychiatrists and narcologists have an unwritten rule: it is impossible to cure, but it is possible to recover. As experience shows, positive dynamics in the treatment of a patient with alcoholism or drug addiction are observed only when the patient himself strives for healing. So, we will direct all our assets to ensure that this coercion brings positive results and the person can then return to society and not hold a grudge against doctors. When accepting a patient, we always first begin to impress upon him that this is vitally necessary. Do you think that alcoholics and drug addicts just run to hospitals? In fact, almost none of them want to undergo voluntary treatment. Agreeing to undergo a course of treatment, such a patient usually simply meets his relatives halfway or gives up under the influence of the moment, fear or some other subjective circumstances, but, as a rule, he does not have a sincere intention to get rid of his problem. Most of them start asking to go home on the second day! We are doing titanic work with them, persuading them to stay within the walls of the hospital. However, we do not have the right to forcibly detain them, and they again indulge in all seriousness and doom themselves and often their loved ones to death. That is why in such a matter coercion is a necessary and saving measure.

– How do you see coercion without humiliation?

– If such a legislative measure is adopted and addicts begin, as you say, to be forced into treatment, then this will not happen at all in a repressive or humiliating form. Right now we are working on the mechanism of this very “coercion”. First, the rule of law will be strictly observed. Perhaps someone will be given a chance to first solve their problem on their own; if necessary, they will help them undergo treatment voluntarily. Secondly, no one will be able to “hide” anyone under this sign, we also promise to take care of this. But when the patient enters treatment, a whole staff of doctors, psychologists and social workers will begin to work with him, and in the end he will begin to cooperate with them. Therefore, it is not worthwhile now, when a positive shift has just begun in such a serious matter, to criticize in advance, in fact, the only possible program to rid society of this scourge. To begin with, we all need to understand that in the fight against drunkenness and drug addiction - as in war - all means are good. If you want to moralize on the topic of freedom of choice, then first ask the opinion of those in whose families such a misfortune has already happened, or whose loved one drinks or injects drugs. These unfortunate people are not only making life miserable for themselves! And then, figuratively speaking, it’s contagious. If the father uses in the house, then in 90% of cases the son will take the baton, and already in adolescence! Those who do not know this from personal experience will not understand to what degree of despair alcoholics and drug addicts bring their mothers, wives, husbands and children, into what torture they turn their existence, not to mention their own. Therefore, I can regard all the talk about the violation of freedoms in this situation as irresponsible populism. When almost half the population drinks, including women and children, such slogans are inappropriate. And also regarding freedom - I ask you to think: can a person who is completely dependent on a potion consider himself free? Is he really free? He is already up to his neck in slavery to his destructive passion. In addition, this person must be saved purely physically, since alcoholism is a slow suicide. And this is a serious mental illness.

On this topic

The Estonian Parliament advocated expanding the list of sanctions against Moscow and also adopted a statement demanding that Russia release Ukrainian sailors detained in the Kerch Strait.

– Where is the treatment supposed to take place? Will the institutions belong to the penitentiary system or the health care system?

– There is no final decision yet, as well as a ready-made scheme for subsequent actions. Everything is under development. I can only say that even if separate institutions are created for these purposes, they will in no case become duplicates of Soviet LTPs. In particular, we are now studying foreign experience - the experience of those countries where compulsory treatment exists and, in general, justifies itself. For example, in the USA this practice has existed for a long time and successfully, and society is quite happy with it. Perhaps some of the useful foreign developments can be useful here too. In any case, I promise that we are not going to dot the country with barbed wire correctional camps.

– How will they get there – by court decision, by application from relatives?

– Of course, it will not be possible without the participation of both the judicial authorities and the patient’s immediate circle.

– What about those who want to “give up”? Wait for someone to give a signal about him? Or will it be necessary to commit some unseemly act in a public place?

- Well, this is absurd. On the contrary, such people are now receiving all possible help, they are hospitalized at the first visit, so there is no reason to change anything in the future.

– But are there enough places in public hospitals? And why do people believe that treatment for alcoholism costs fantastic money?

– Thanks to widespread advertising of commercial clinics and private narcology, which really costs a lot of money and does not guarantee any results. And even worse, private drug treatment can only harm the patient, since it works only for its own pocket, by and large crippling those who turn to its help, and charging cosmic sums for it. I argue that the only possible treatment for alcoholics and drug addicts can only be provided by the state medical care system, which includes a whole range of necessary techniques, while private providers use one narrow method that is not suitable for all patients. Therefore, I insist on making the treatment and rehabilitation of drug and alcohol addicts the prerogative of state medicine.

– And yet we have problems with beds in state drug treatment hospitals. In any case, on the periphery this is much more difficult than in the capital; people are practically left to their own devices. Are you going to solve this problem?

– The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation is already directing large amounts of funds to regional drug treatment, stricter control is being established over local drug treatment centers, and we will try to ensure that not one of the most remote corners of our country is left without the necessary drug treatment assistance.

krupnov at Brun should be fired immediately! (Evgeny Brun - chief narcologist of the Russian Federation)

The problem of desomorphine drug addicts should be discussed, experts say

RIA News. Vitaly Ankov
MOSCOW, May 16 - RIA Novosti. ScandalousStatement by the country's chief narcologist Evgeniy Bryun that the sale of codeine-containing drugs is not a medical problem, but a police one, should be the subject of public discussion with the participation of the Minister of Health and the country's leadership, says Yuri Krupnov, an expert in the field of combating drugs, chairman of the supervisory board of the Institute of Demography, Migration and Regional Development.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev proposed introducing prescription sales of medications, especially those containing codeine, in April of this year. It was planned that from May 1, drugs, which, according to the Federal Drug Control Service, are often used by drug addicts to make drugs, such as desomorphine, will be sold in pharmacies only with prescriptions from attending physicians. Pentalgin-N, Caffetin, Codelac, Solpadein, Nurofen Plus and Terpinkod could be banned. However, according to a RIA Novosti source, the introduction of prescription drugs will be postponed to November 1.
Heads of more than 70 regions have asked to introduce prescription sales of codeine-containing drugs, reported the head of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, Viktor Ivanov. According to him, if this is not done by the end of the year, the amount of desomorphine will increase, because the drug police cannot control the pharmacy chain. As the head of the investigation department of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, Sergei Yakovlev, explained to RIA Novosti, at the moment the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia can stop cases of sale of codeine-containing drugs only if it proves the connection of the sellers with the owners of drug dens or manufacturers of desomorphine.
The chief narcologist of the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development, Evgeniy Bryun, said on Monday that in Russia drugs containing codeine, from which drug addicts make the narcotic substance desomorphine, should not be “demonized.” According to Brun, 40 million people in Russia use codeine-containing drugs for therapeutic purposes, while only about 5 thousand drug addicts using desomorphine are registered with drug treatment services.

"The amazing thing is that in a second or at worst a minute he (Brun) was not fired from his position (after such statements). Even children, not to mention specialists, know that in a year at least 5 thousand very young boys and girls die from desomorphine, which is easily obtained by “cooking” from codeine-containing drugs, which are still, despite all the decisions and requests of the governors , the population are freely sold in pharmacies without a prescription,” Krupnov said.

According to the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, there are 650 thousand drug addicts officially registered in the country, but according to expert estimates, this figure reaches 2.5 million people.
“In this case, we have a scandalous situation, and it seems that this should be the subject of an open public statement not only by the Minister of Health and Social Development Tatyana Alekseevna Golikova, but also by the country’s leadership,” the expert believes.
(about the problem in detail in

About this and much more - our conversation with the chief narcologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, director of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Evgeniy Brun.

Crafty numbers

Seraphim Berestov, AiF. Health”: — Evgeniy Alekseevich, how adequate do you, as a narcologist, think the official figures of “alcohol” statistics are? How much do they drink in Russia?

Evgeny Brun:— The official figure for alcohol consumed in our country is 13.5 liters of so-called “absolute alcohol” per capita, which is about 60 bottles of vodka for every drinking person. On average a bottle per week. And then we need, albeit largely conditional, but still calculations. Whether someone likes it or not, half of the Russian population practically does not drink. Children, old people, convinced abstainers and “ulcer sufferers” do not drink.

— Against this background, no, no, yes, information “stuffing” appears. For example, a figure has been circulating for six months now: the average man in Russia drinks 150 bottles of vodka a year.

-  I know. Others are also walking. For example, it is claimed that 30 thousand Russians die annually from poisoning from low-quality alcoholic beverages. But all this is “stuffing up” of obscure origin. Allegations without references, without sources, without calculations.

— It seems that alcohol statistics have too many sources. And they do not always agree with the doctors’ figures.

-  Agree. Perhaps this is because each department has its own tasks. Let's say there is such a federal service - Ros-Alcohol Regulation. Among its tasks is monitoring the situation with alcoholic beverages. For example, the country's distilleries produced a certain amount of vodka per year. Rosalkogolregulirovanie informs about this in good faith. But for some reason the public consciousness is not aware that citizens drank all this vodka in a year. The latter is far from a fact.

Horror stories and truth

— At the same time, no one considers the volume of counterfeit...

- And this too. But first of all, no one has ever considered the moonshine drunk by our citizens. We basically don’t know this figure. It’s unclear what’s happening with moonshine, especially in rural areas and in cities with a population of less than 30 thousand.

Also, alas, there is practically no drug treatment there. I think there is no government regulation of the alcohol market there either. There are only deliveries of alcohol to private stores that are in no way connected with each other through a variety of intermediaries. And as a result, either horror stories from well-wishers in the community, or, at best, numbers spied on the ceiling, pop up in the media.

— What about the mortality rate from poisoning with low-quality alcohol?

— About the same “dark forest.” Here comes the figure I mentioned—30 thousand people died from poisoning. Nobody knows where it came from. In fact, only forensic experts have the right to determine poisoning from low-quality vodka in each specific case. Which, to our deepest regret, almost never happens in practice.

Without this, the public, including the medical community, accumulating a volume of information, has the right only to make assumptions. In fact, everything happens the other way around: we sometimes usually pass off “horror stories” or very conditional conclusions as statistics. So data appears about 150 bottles of vodka for every Russian per year. Or about 8 million Russian drug addicts. In the case of this myth, the West periodically raises its hands pathetically. And every time he proposes to introduce methadone programs in Russia. But why, tell me, do this if the initially stated figure does not correspond to reality?

Source of troubles

— What other myths do you encounter?

— Rather not with myths, but with the ability to manipulate numbers and terms. For example, with the word “alcoholization”. Indeed, in 76% of cases it begins at a young age, up to 20 years. Does it sound scary?

In fact, before the age of 20, a person will try alcohol at least once. And it’s not at all a fact that all 76% will get drunk. And only 5% of the population – the so-called “natural abstinents” – will not try alcohol before the age of 20. But half of the mentioned 76% will not become addicted either.

I think that before believing in horror stories, everyone needs to remember their personal experience. I first tried alcohol when I was 3-4 years old - I was treated with vodka and pepper. So, is this a test, or what?

— What determines the incidence of alcoholism?

- Mainly from genetics. It’s better to focus on other numbers that are more reliable. For example, about 17% of men and about 8% of women in developed countries drink alcohol daily. In Russia, in my opinion, this figure is higher, but not significantly - by 3-4%. And the main drunkards have long been known - the Germans and the British, strange as it may sound to people who wonder why Russia has not yet become drunk. Let me also explain: the problem of alcoholism exists wherever alcohol is freely sold.

- So how many alcoholics do we have in our country?

— In order not to invent too much, I adhere to the following “strong points”: in any drinking country, 2% of the population suffers from alcoholism with mental disorders. Another approximately 10% of the population is alcoholic with somatic disorders. In Russia, this category of patients does not come to the attention of narcologists because they are treated by other specialists. Mainly from therapists and neurologists.

— The “alcohol shadow” again?

- Alas! We will identify such patients. There is already research in this area. It is very significant that the problem of hidden alcoholism is being addressed not only in Moscow, but also in the provinces. For example, in distant Chita - Professor Nikolai Vasilyevich Govorin, head of the department of psychiatry, narcology and medical psychology of the Chita Medical Academy. He introduces calculation methods that make it possible to identify alcoholics among general somatic patients.

Sorrows and joys

— According to your drug addiction colleagues, the problem of alcoholism in Moscow has become less acute.

- I agree with them. But Moscow is not all of Russia. It's not just about the relative health of health care. Also in the special psychology of the city itself. For example, even in unfavorable economic times, people come here to work, not to drink. And this is certainly reflected in medical statistics. For example, during the past winter holidays, the admission of patients to the Moscow narcology department decreased sharply, almost 5 times. Previously, it was the other way around - the influx of patients during the “alcohol-New Year’s” holiday was a quarter more than on weekdays. This means that today we began to work more, count money more and... think more.

The drug addiction picture is approximately the same in large Russian cities. And what is happening in “small” Russia, we say frankly! - we don’t know.

- You don’t even know?! Why?

“There are two conflicting processes going on in the country right now. On the one hand, the state is still reducing and normalizing the alcohol market. Smoothly, correctly - according to the time of sale, according to retail outlets. On the other hand, unscrupulous business has become more active. Moonshine stills, for example, have even appeared in hardware stores. Immediately with the “application” - alcoholic yeast. Do I need to explain further?

Another touch is the so-called alcohol sales on weekends: “Drink, guys, everything is for you! I don’t care what happens in the morning.”

- What will happen in the morning?

“The most unpleasant thing for me is to admit: in the morning many of these people have nowhere to go.” A modern drug treatment service, with an effective combination and mutual complement of inpatient and outpatient components, has yet to be created in the province. There is a working model of this service, a sample. It works great in Moscow, the Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and in most large regional centers. But narcology still owes a debt to the Russian hinterland.

— Psychologists, sociologists, doctors are increasingly saying: society is gradually recovering. Do you agree with this point of view? Do you see this in your patients?

- I guess so. There is a theory of “big waves”. Roughly speaking, one generation that drinks is replaced by another that drinks less. We are now in such a period. The 90s were the darkness of alcohol and drug consumption. Then stabilization occurred. After 2010, there has been a gradual decline in demand for psychoactive substances. Another generation has grown up with the negative experiences of their elders before their eyes. It does not accept this “spectacle”.

And, of course, today the country has approached its spiritual ascent: the crisis not only makes you think, it unites.

RIA News. Vitaly Ankov
MOSCOW, May 16 - RIA Novosti. ScandalousStatement by the country's chief narcologist Evgeniy Bryun that the sale of codeine-containing drugs is not a medical problem, but a police one, should be the subject of public discussion with the participation of the Minister of Health and the country's leadership, says Yuri Krupnov, an expert in the field of combating drugs, chairman of the supervisory board of the Institute of Demography, Migration and Regional Development.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev proposed introducing prescription sales of medications, especially those containing codeine, in April of this year. It was planned that from May 1, drugs, which, according to the Federal Drug Control Service, are often used by drug addicts to make drugs, such as desomorphine, will be sold in pharmacies only with prescriptions from attending physicians. Pentalgin-N, Caffetin, Codelac, Solpadein, Nurofen Plus and Terpinkod could be banned. However, according to a RIA Novosti source, the introduction of prescription drugs will be postponed to November 1.
Heads of more than 70 regions have asked to introduce prescription sales of codeine-containing drugs, reported the head of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, Viktor Ivanov. According to him, if this is not done by the end of the year, the amount of desomorphine will increase, because the drug police cannot control the pharmacy chain. As the head of the investigation department of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, Sergei Yakovlev, explained to RIA Novosti, at the moment the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia can stop cases of sale of codeine-containing drugs only if it proves the connection of the sellers with the owners of drug dens or manufacturers of desomorphine.
The chief narcologist of the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development, Evgeniy Bryun, said on Monday that in Russia drugs containing codeine, from which drug addicts make the narcotic substance desomorphine, should not be “demonized.” According to Brun, 40 million people in Russia use codeine-containing drugs for therapeutic purposes, while only about 5 thousand drug addicts using desomorphine are registered with drug treatment services.

"The amazing thing is that in a second or at worst a minute he (Brun) was not fired from his position (after such statements). Even children, not to mention specialists, know that in a year at least 5 thousand very young boys and girls die from desomorphine, which is easily obtained by “cooking” from codeine-containing drugs, which are still, despite all the decisions and requests of the governors , the population are freely sold in pharmacies without a prescription,” Krupnov said.

According to the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, there are 650 thousand drug addicts officially registered in the country, but according to expert estimates, this figure reaches 2.5 million people.
“In this case, we have a scandalous situation, and it seems that this should be the subject of an open public statement not only by the Minister of Health and Social Development Tatyana Alekseevna Golikova, but also by the country’s leadership,” the expert believes.
(about the problem in detail in ?)

Evgeniy Bryun is the President of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology, Deputy Chief Psychiatrist of the Moscow Department of Health for Narcology, Chief Freelance Specialist Narcologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Council on Problems of Drug Addiction Prevention of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Narcology at the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

From work experience

Evgeniy Alekseevich Bryun is a narcologist with thirty years of experience; he has thousands of people cured of drug addiction. Relationships are maintained with some of the former patients and connections are maintained. The Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology not only offers treatment and rehabilitation to drug addicts, but the center’s staff attach great importance to follow-up support, helping former addicts get an education and find a job. Sometimes those who are cured, having received specialized education, return to the center as specialists.

Evgeny Brun believes that treatment should be comprehensive, and moreover, that the result here depends not only on one narcologist. Firstly, a whole team of specialists works with an addict: a psychiatrist-narcologist, a psychologist, a social worker. But the participation of the patient himself, his motivation, efforts, the attitude of the family, and its involvement in the process are also important. If all participants in treatment and rehabilitation are maximally interested in the result, then recovery occurs. Therefore, Evgeniy Alekseevich tries not to place the patient and the doctor on opposite sides of the barricades in his work. On the contrary, interaction is important in healing, the understanding that everyone is doing the same thing.

Narcologist Evgeniy Brun - short biography

The future chief narcologist of the Russian Federation was born in the Northern capital in 1950. At the age of ten, he moved with his parents to the Far East, which he considers his second homeland. His parents were associated with the navy by occupation. His father, being an engineer, built a base for submarines in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, and his mother worked as an economist in a military unit. She saw her son's future in a military career and wanted him to serve in the navy.

However, the young man himself had a very definite vision of his life’s work; he wanted to become a civilian doctor. Therefore, he refused the offer to enter the naval school or military medical academy in Leningrad. And he entered the Khabarovsk State Medical Institute to specialize as a general practitioner, psychiatrist, and psychiatrist-narcologist.

Training at the institute

Studying was easy, the institute was interesting, although at school Evgeniy Bryun was not particularly diligent. The specialty was chosen to my liking, and already in the third year I became interested in pathophysiology. It was in this area that he wrote his first scientific works; the doctor still considers it one of the most important, especially at the training stage. This area of ​​medicine is most indicative of understanding the functioning of the human body as a whole, which is important for a future specialist. Evgeny Brun himself, through his passion for pathophysiology, came to his specialty: psychology, psychiatry and narcology.

After receiving higher education, Evgeniy, as a young specialist, was assigned by the institute and went to Magadan to work in a psychiatric hospital. Here he worked for two years, after which he moved to the capital. In Moscow, he completed his residency at the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry and defended his Ph.D. thesis. Since 1987, he has carried out all his professional activities in the field of treatment and rehabilitation of substance abusers.

Contribution to anonymous treatment of drug addicts in the USSR

In the Soviet Union “there was no drug addiction,” or rather, the problem was hushed up. Nevertheless, there were patients, they needed to be treated. In those years, drug addiction was condemned by society more strictly than now; today this problem is so familiar and widespread that the average person no longer has the strength to wash the bones of every drug addict. In the USSR, in addition to the condemnation of relatives and acquaintances, there was also the institution of public shame: at work, at school. Obviously, in this situation, few people wanted to go for treatment officially, with registration at a drug dispensary and with all the problems that arise from this.

In 1987, then still a very young doctor, just starting his journey in addiction medicine, Evgeniy Bryun, with the same active young specialists, organized the first anonymous youth office for drug addicts in the capital. The abbreviation turned out to be quite symbolic - MAK.

In those early years, it was not easy for young doctors who began helping drug addicts. There was no special training, no methodological developments, no ready-made rehabilitation programs, no research was conducted in the country on drug addiction, the topic was practically closed. This was from the side of official medicine and the state.

There was pressure from addicts, many of whom belonged to criminal structures, drug addicts were afraid to ask for help, they thought there was a catch, they expected the police to catch them. Trust did not come immediately.

The narcologist, psychologist and social worker of that first office had to learn practically from the addicts themselves, receiving answers to questions first-hand. Why does addiction occur? How does it destroy a person and his life? It was invaluable practical experience.

Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology

Two years after the opening of the anonymous office, the first department in the Union for voluntary treatment for drug addiction was opened. From the MAK and the department for drug addicts, a few years later the State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology of the Moscow Health Department" grew.

SPC today is one of the largest centers in Russia for the creation of programs and technologies in the field of treatment and rehabilitation of drug and alcohol addicts. At its base, psychiatrists and narcologists undergo specialized residency and postgraduate studies. There are advanced training programs and active preventive and educational activities on the problem of drug addiction. The center's programs and methodological developments are being implemented in specialized clinics and RCs across the country. The center sets itself such tasks as modernization and systematization of processes in narcology and rehabilitation.

The SPC has opened centers for the rehabilitation of drug addicts, in particular in the Stupinsky district of the Moscow region and in Lipetsk.

Free help for drug addicts and alcoholics

GBUZ "Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology of the Moscow City Health Department" provides free drug treatment assistance to residents of the city of Moscow, as well as to those who have official temporary registration.

The SPC has various treatment programs; they are selected by specialists in accordance with the nature of addiction, length of use, and general condition of the patient. For example, this could be a monthly medication treatment program. During this time, the patient’s body is completely detoxified and its general condition is stabilized. Then rehabilitation is carried out, also for a month. However, if the disease requires a longer recovery process, then in rehabilitation centers at the Scientific and Practical Center you can undergo a program for up to two years.

For nonresident citizens of the Russian Federation, treatment is paid, but quite affordable. According to Evgeniy Bryun, there is an opportunity to find adequate rehabilitation programs in any region, but if an addict wants to be treated in its center, then this is also a justified investment. Because it is often important for an addict to break out of their usual environment for a long period, change their place of stay, environment, atmosphere.

About the field of narcology in Russia

According to the chief narcologist, Russian legislation is structured in such a way that much in the development of this area depends on local authorities. This is why the problem is being solved so differently in different regions, in some places very successfully, in others not.

Even with fairly extensive statistics, it is difficult to talk about the general trend in the spread of drug addiction in the country. In the same year, studies may show a decrease in the amount of psychoactive substances consumed, and at the same time, there is an increase in the number of registered addicts, which may be due precisely to more effective detection, and not to an increase in the number of drug addicts in general.

Why does a person become a drug addict?

Evgeniy Alekseevich believes that there will always be a certain number of drug addicts and alcoholics as long as there are surfactants and the opportunity to buy them. There are people who are predisposed to these diseases. Their psychological peculiarity is that ordinary life is felt by them as gray, monotonous, it is devoid of emotions, brightness, and interesting goals. Such a person, having tried alcohol or a drug and experienced strong sensations, almost immediately becomes psychologically dependent on them. At first, consumption is considered by him as a remedy for the blues, but soon it becomes a disease and requires treatment.

A narcologist with thirty years of work experience and extensive experience in personal communication with addicts is inclined to believe that social and cultural living conditions, material level of income and the degree of a person’s involvement in the social life of society are not the main causes of the disease. Still, the main reason lies in the psychological characteristics of a person, some of which are determined by genetics.

Female alcoholism

Having the opportunity to observe the statistics of alcoholism in Russia, Evgeny Brun notes that the number of women who abuse alcohol has increased in the country. The female body gets used to alcohol faster - this is a fact, but the reason for its use is more likely to be laxity of morals. Unfortunately, notes the chief narcologist of Russia, Evgeniy Bryun, in social life too much is accompanied by drinking alcohol. Even several corporate events with alcohol consumption can be fatal for a woman.

Professional achievements

Since 1987, Evgeny Brun has headed the drug addiction department of the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR. For four years, Evgeniy Alekseevich was deputy director of the Institute of Clinical Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (1991-1995).

In 1998, the doctor became director of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for the Prevention of Drug Addiction of the Moscow Department of Health, which in 2005 was transformed into the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology. Since 2017, Evgeniy Brun has been its president.

Evgeniy Alekseevich Bryun is, first of all, a psychiatrist and narcologist, and despite all the administrative and social workload, he does not leave scientific work. The author has written and published more than eighty scientific papers, three monographs, created and registered two patents, and written more than twenty-eight methodological and clinical recommendations. Evgeny Brun was awarded the “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation” award in 2013. The specialist is the president of the All-Russian public organization “Russian Narcological League”, president of the Association of Narcologists of Russia.


Almost every person has their own little hobby, creative passion. The chief narcologist of the Russian Federation, Evgeniy Bryun, also has it. It is quite unusual for a Russian resident - this is the writing of haiku (Japanese tercets). This is some light entertainment with deep thoughts.

Evgeny Brun also grows bonsai. And not all tree species, but precisely those that, according to biblical legend, grew in Paradise. In the country house of the famous doctor there is something like a personal botanical garden. Plants are brought from various cities where he has to visit due to his line of work.