"Puzzle": why negative emotions are needed. Negative emotions: what to do with your feelings

Creflo Dollar

Third John 1:2 " Beloved! I pray that you will be healthy and prosper in everything, just as your soul prospers».

Man is a spiritual being. He has a soul and lives in a physical body. We know that a person has not only a spirit. The soul is the part of a person where thinking occurs, where decisions are made and emotions are heard. We know that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. We know how important it is for a person to have godly thoughts in his head. We can make a decision. The Bible teaches that we can choose between life and death, between blessing and curse. We have not yet learned that our emotions do not control our lives and decisions.

When Adam saw the fruit, it was very attractive. His emotions took him places he shouldn't have gone. Emotions are internal sensations caused by pain or pleasure. Emotions are. They are inside a person. Emotions lead you in a certain direction. If your thinking is in line with God's Word, then you will not feel insecure and seek to manipulate people. If you can't manage yours negative emotions, then you will try to manage what God did not give you to manage, i.e. other people. Your emotions follow your thoughts. Satan tries to use negative emotions and thinking to distance you from God's will for your life. And when you find yourself in a terrible place, you wonder, how did I get here? We simply don't pay attention to emotions. And they should have.

It is clear that the righteous will live by faith. But you have emotions. If you don't learn to control them, they will control you. Adam was not controlled by his emotions until his wife wanted to look at that attractive fruit, and showed it to him and gave him something to eat. And they ate it. And based on their decision, they disobeyed God. Their emotional decision led everyone to our present situation. Proclaim: I am in control of my emotions. My emotions, both positive and negative, do not control me. I will not make negative emotional decisions and I will not allow my emotions to rule my life. And lead me away from God's will. Amen.

Feeling powerless. Surely you had such a feeling. There is no worse feeling in the world than being powerless. Feelings of powerlessness are the root of negative emotions, our whole life. If you want to get rid of all this - anger at yourself, which leads to depression, self-judgment, then you will have to get rid of the very root of the problem. Hot temper, anger, anger, depression - these are all things that we don’t like to talk about in church. We love to show ourselves cheerful, clap our hands, sing and dance. It's great when you're here, but when you return home, negative emotions often take over.

I have met people and counseled couples who felt they were unable to change anything. In marital relationships where there are problems, you need to change not your spouse, but yourself. To fix any relationship, you need to change yourself. But when you feel powerless, negative emotions fill you up.

The devil tries to convince us on several points to make you believe that you cannot change:

1. It's like you can't change your circumstances

2. that it’s like you can’t change your character

You've probably met people who say: "I just have this kind of character. That's how my parents raised me." No! You can change your character.

3. It's like you can't change your weaknesses

He convinces you that you cannot quit smoking. And if you quit, you will immediately gain weight. You are simply being deceived. He convinced you and forces you to support him in any way.

You can change everything through God's will. You will change your character, put your emotions in order if you love people. When you are weak, Jesus promises to make you strong. God has given you the right to make changes in your life. You have power over negative emotions, over life circumstances. One must be clothed in a physical body in order to have power on this planet. Demons do not have such power on this earth due to their incorporeality, so they try to take possession of someone in order to gain power through a person. Without a body, we have no power. God Jesus Christ also had to obey this law, which is why He had to be born of a virgin in order to put on a body. God sets laws and, having established them, He Himself obeys them.

There are so many troubles on earth because people do not find time to pray to God, to cry out to Him. If you don't take the time to involve God in your circumstances, He won't be involved. Yes, He is powerful enough, but if you don't allow Him to work in your life, He won't persist. Every day I thank God that He is involved in my life and in the life of my family. Drop this false humility: "Oh God, I know that I am not worthy, I cannot tell You what to do." You don't have to tell Him what to do, you have to release the blessings He has already given you. Whatever you bind on earth will also be bound in heaven. Nothing happens in heaven until you do it down there. You have been given the power to change your circumstances through God's Word. You have been given the power to cast out demons, to bind them, who act through people, causing you harm. But if you don't, you will never exercise the authority that was rightfully given to you as children of God.

You have power, and you put up with things that you don't have to put up with. We hear people say: “It’s not possible...” and we believe them. And the Bible has long written that we have power.

God gave man two gifts - seed and power. The right to lead, to manage the garden, the right to be in this power. And what did the man do? Man handed over his power to Satan. Satan became the god of this world. God couldn't do anything about it because He can't break His Word. God cannot go against His Word. Now that Satan has gained power, man no longer has power over the earth. God will not do anything on this earth, because man himself gave what he had. After Jesus was born to this earth, God took power from Satan. And now the devil is again looking for that same Adam, who will voluntarily give him power, who will believe his word. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and take away from him all power on earth.

You don't have to suffer. No rumors, no knives in the back will hurt you. Because you have the power to change everything that happened. God has given us all power to tread on snakes and scorpions, and nothing will harm you. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers and rulers of darkness.

Win, no matter how difficult it is for you, get together and act! Proclaim that you have power! Conquer your negativism and emotions in order to become like Christ in everything.

Repression of feelings usually concerns a person’s unpleasant experiences. Traditionally, the exiled feelings are anger, fear, and sadness. People do not want to feel these emotions and a protective mental mechanism comes to the rescue:

- A person in danger may not feel fear

- The bereaved person says: “no, I’m not sad, I feel fine”

- Someone whose interests are grossly offended may “not be angry at all.”

The situation contributes to negative emotions, but... these experiences do not exist!

What is this individual feature? “Atrophy of anger”, “innate weakness of sadness”, “underdevelopment of fear”? Or is this disconnection of natural feelings a special level of personal maturity (as many secretly hope)?

No matter how a person explains to himself the “absence of presence” of unpleasant experiences, he, as a rule, perceives this as a good thing.

But in the absence of negative emotions, a person usually has no trace of personal maturity. Moreover, this is not an innate feature. It's all about the defense mechanism that our psyche turns on when faced with strong negative emotions. This defense mechanism can be called repression or denial of feelings. A person has some kind of emotion that is experienced at the level of the body. But a person is not aware of this emotion; it remains in the shadow of his perception. Other people often see this emotion even better than the person himself. So, someone who claims to be “completely calm” may be conveying completely different signals to you at the level of body language. People read these signals and understand that this “completely calm” thing will soon fall on their heads in an avalanche of anger. And being with this “completely calm” person is tense and unsafe.

But it happens that others do not recognize emotions, and the person himself does not understand them. For example, before an exam, your child, completely frozen, claims that he is not afraid of anything. And parents can believe and rejoice that they have such a brave child.

Often, the peculiarities of a person’s upbringing lead to the repression of feelings. Those around us contribute to the fact that a person first stops showing some of his emotions, and then stops being aware of them.

All this is not the result of malicious intent, but occurs under the influence of the most innocent motives. No one wants to raise a psychologically disabled person and deprive their child of the opportunity to fully feel. But adults, nevertheless, with their influence contribute to blocking some of the child’s emotions. Parents can, through words and deeds, sincerely and skillfully encourage the child’s positive emotions - joy, optimism, playfulness, understanding of the situation (“I like it when you are so cheerful”). But they may also unconsciously or intentionally block the expression of fear, sadness, or anger.

So, for example, a sad child is told: “Where is our favorite sunbeam?”

Or a boy who is scared may be told: “You’re not afraid of anything!”

In response to hostility towards the sister, they will say: “Well, you can’t be angry, because you are such a good boy and you love your sister!”

Please note that in all the examples given, the ban on experiencing true feelings (and this was exactly it!) is given very gently!

It is the gentle impact that may be the reason why the parental directive “Don’t feel!” (you can learn more about this directive from the webinar “Be careful with words!”) enters the child’s psyche like a knife through butter. Brutal pressure would more likely cause resistance, could force the child to resist influence and possibly keep his feelings intact. Of course, this is not a call to treat a child roughly so that he can defend his integrity in a war with you! But, here I want to highlight that the dangerous message “Don’t feel!” It can also have a very soft, one might say loving, form of expression. And then it is difficult to reject him. Parents contact me regularly very good children who, for mysterious reasons, begin to exhibit neurotic tendencies.

These could be different types of obsessions, severe emotional breakdowns, unexpected fears or psychosomatic illnesses. And often the reason for these phenomena is precisely the rejection of the dark side, the so-called Shadow of the child. This Shadow consists precisely of unostentatious qualities and emotions that are inconvenient and not liked by others.

A wonderful cartoon about human emotions - “Puzzle”! A cartoon can tell how repression of emotions occurs and what it leads to.

At first we see mainly the inner world of the girl Riley. There are elements of the external world, but they are presented to the viewer in fragments, like pictures - triggers for corresponding emotions. We see that Riley has wonderful parents and a wonderful life.

Joy– the emotion living inside Riley’s head holds the defense and tries not to let Sadness to the girl's mood control panel. Later we will be able to observe why this happens, what external events became the basis for this kind of emotional discrimination.

We see an optimistic picture - Joy He tries his best to make Riley happy. And that's great! She pushes back Sadness, tells her to keep her head down, not to interfere with managing Riley’s mood, not to touch the memories so that they don’t have even a trace of sadness. Perfect option? For the time being, this is true, Riley is small and her life is prosperous.

But the family moves to another city, the girl finds herself in an unusual environment, far from her friends.

How to drive away Sadness

Riley's own attitude and the attitude of her parents, as we will later see, dictate to her - drive away Sadness, it prevents us from rejoicing (but we should always rejoice, right?).

The psychic defense mechanism is well represented in the cartoon, as are the external events that trigger this mechanism. Riley is in a “bed” - a sleeping bag in an empty dirty house, in a strange city after a long journey. Tomorrow is the first day at the new school. Negative emotions overwhelm her. And here’s a conversation with my mother before bed. A great moment to acknowledge, accept, experience these emotions and move on. But, in response to Riley’s sad complaints, her mother tells her: “You’re doing great, you’re an optimist, let’s smile, because it’s so hard for dad now.” In this way, the mother conveys the idea - there is no place for negativity, give here your joy, smile and mischievous disposition. And in Riley's inner world (which we, the audience observe), an exile occurs Sorrows, they always try to wipe it away from the control panel.

The whole situation, events, everything contributes to the appearance on stage Sorrows but they don’t let her in, they discriminate against her and don’t give her a place. Maybe that’s why she can’t stay in the small circle that was assigned to her? She constantly strives to go out, interfere in the matter, touches on memories. And in the end she bursts out with such “unexpected” tears in the presence of the children on the first day of school.

In class, Riley "unexpectedly" cries, Sadness suddenly breaking through while talking about the fun life in her home state. Who knows, such an embarrassment might not have happened if Riley could fully express her sadness to her loved ones. She would have remained in contact with Sadness, would have known it, and it would not have affected her so unexpectedly and strongly. Repressed emotions often burst into life with unexpected breakdowns, tears “for some unknown reason,” panic attacks, nightmares, obsessions, or psychosomatic illnesses. This is a kind of revenge of emotions that were not given their rightful place in life.

Was Riley's mom taking care of herself when she blocked the girl from expressing her true feelings? Perhaps, but only to the smallest extent. She just wanted her daughter to be happy and always smile.

Riley experienced so-called “emotional flooding” - emotions are so strong that she cries in front of the guys. After this, an even deeper suppression of sadness occurs, but joy disappears along with it.

People who repress negative emotions are deprived of the opportunity to deeply experience the positive part of the emotional spectrum.

They have emotions such as joy, interest, inspiration, enthusiasm, but they seem to be erased and muffled. Sometimes such a person considers himself to be little emotional at all, and sometimes, against the background of suppressing negative experiences, he feels something like general apathy. The blockage ultimately affects all senses and the person becomes de-energized.

Adults don't often experience emotions in their original form; usually you experience a mixture of different emotions.

Pay attention to how the cartoon illustrates this point: the control panels behind which the emotions of Riley’s mom and dad “work” are much larger and more complex. And the girl’s emotions are mainly concentrated on one main button. And only after all the events, Riley’s matured and more complex brain acquires a complex control panel, where different emotions can manifest themselves simultaneously. This is how more complex and multifaceted human experiences are formed, which are called feelings.

Emotions are components of feelings, but feelings are more complex and can contain several emotions at once. Thus, the feeling of love is easily interfered with by fear and may have elements of sadness, pity or anger.

The difference between the feelings of an adult and a child is small, but it still exists. Compare the disappointment of a small child who breaks his favorite toy and the disappointment of a scientist who realizes that his many years of experiments have not led to the desired result. In terms of strength and character, these are similar phenomena, but in terms of the number of nuances of experience, the second one is much richer.

Dangerous steps without feelings Following Riley, we see her in the company of the remaining feelings: Fear, Anger, Disgust. As a result of their influence, Riley decides to run away from home. What could stop her? For example, Sadness, which would show her how sad it is to leave those closest to you. But Sadness is banished and cannot influence the girl.

One of the most important functions of negative emotions is to keep us away from things that bring us pain.

Thus, a woman who is treated harshly and humiliatingly by her beloved man, having blocked the experiences of anger and despair, may feel chronically bad, but not be angry with her lover at all, believing that she has “accepted the situation.” She sincerely does not connect her depressed state with those emotions towards him that she constantly blocks.

Let's remember Riley, who has finally lost touch with Sadness and Joy. She feels bad, but she cannot understand and express her condition, since emotions, this complex signaling system of her body, are blocked. Instead, she "acts Joy" in front of her parents. As we remember, the general message of Riley’s parents was: rejoice, everything is fine or will be fine. Therefore, Riley knows that when asked how things are at school, she must answer joyfully. There is no trace of joy, so under Joy alternately camouflage Anger, Fear and Disgust. Looks very impressive! Surely, each of us has encountered such manifestations of “joy,” “friendliness,” or “calmness.” When a loved one tells you with a straight face that “everything is fine,” he Anger depicts calm. And sometimes a friend tells you that you look great, but what you see on her face is far from joy and admiration. Even a welcoming toast can be said in such a way that it will make many people shudder!

There is something What we express. And then With using what we express it. “What” to express, as a rule, is not in our power; these are our true experiences. If you are offended, then you will express offense no matter what you say or do. You can say something friendly, but you will express resentment. If you are angry, then whatever you do will express anger. Hence, by the way, all the misunderstandings from the area - “what did I say?!” The point is that people react to your true emotion, not what words you said. You say one thing and show another. You mask indifference under care, and aggression under feigned friendliness.

But let's return to our story. As a result of her decision to run away from home, Riley ends up on a bus heading to her home state. And he no longer feels anything at all. The control panel in her head has gone out, her emotions are unsuccessfully trying to resuscitate it. Riley is disoriented and unable to realistically appreciate the absurdity and potential danger of the situation.

When I don't feel, I can't think clearly.


Maybe reason would help Riley? This is unlikely; the brain cannot cope with life's tasks without feelings, just like feelings without reason. In addition, the human brain is quite clever; for the most part it serves and explains decisions made on an emotional level.

So Riley, being under the influence of Anger, explains very well to herself why she needs to steal money and run away from home. This may look like a decision “from the mind” (albeit an incorrect one), but in fact the course of reasoning is, of course, triggered by a feeling of anger.

At a critical moment in the plot, when Riley, deprived of contact with feelings, is ready to go to God knows where, Sadness makes its way to the control panel. It has come a long way from the depths of the unconscious and has proven its necessity.

Return of Sorrow Joy Interestingly, by the way, Sadness proved its necessity! It all happens in Riley's head, but through the interaction of the characters we can see the role of negative emotions in human communication. One of the characters, the charming Bingo Bongo, is sad, candy tears falling from his eyes. Sadness tries to prove herself, tickles and entertains him. But Bingo Bongo is crying more and more. Here

sits down next to you and says words that resonate with the mood of Bingo Bongo. Sadness (that's what sadness is!) was able to connect to Bingo Bongo's sad experiences, and he felt supported. This is often the case when people communicate: in order to console someone, it is not necessary (and often not at all necessary) to amuse him. Joy Instead, you can get in touch with his sadness, and this will give the person warmth. In the language of psychology, this is called empathy - the ability to understand the emotions of other people and come into contact with them. Sadness But in order to be able to understand others, you need to have an accurate understanding of your personal emotions. And be able to feel the whole range of emotions, both pleasant and unpleasant.

no matter how hard she tried, she could not dispel Bingo Bongo’s sadness, it was too unlike his inner state. A Sadness I understood his suffering, but also helped to reduce it, since fully experiencing feelings really reduces their intensity. Bingo Bongo's tears stop and he is ready to move on.

At the decisive moment

This belief is very subjective and is usually based on personal experience of observing depressed and pessimistic people. Then the person thinks: “Why do I need this negativity, so that I walk around and whine all the time?” Like any personal experience, such a belief is limited and unreliable. A psychologically healthy person experiences the whole range of feelings without getting stuck for long on any of them.

In the cartoon, Riley cries in her parents' arms and immediately feels joy. This is quite natural, since she cries after all in the arms of those closest to her. And she experiences a complex mixed feeling, including both joy and sadness at the same time. And it doesn't feel like exile at all. Sorrows at the beginning of the cartoon. A person cannot be absolutely positive; he is much more complex.

The “control button” in Riley’s head takes on a complex mixed color, the colors of her memories also change and become more complex, now they include elements of different feelings, Riley becomes a more complex person. The previously lost parts of her personality are restored: Mischief, Friendship, Family. But they are also restored at a more difficult level, for example, on the Island of Friendship for joy Anger a platform for friendly debate appears. The cartoon, of course, has a good ending, the feelings returned and took pride of place behind the more complicated control panel.

Tasks of negative feelings

To summarize, let's summarize why people need negative feelings.

  • Feelings are a connection with reality, indicators. By repressing feelings or not recognizing their strength, we cannot make good choices.

So, convincing yourself that you are not at all so offended by the humiliating remarks of your boss, you obviously will not move to find a more worthy place for yourself. And by blocking the awareness of problems in your own marriage and your unpleasant emotions, you are unlikely to do anything about this to improve the situation.

To start looking for a way out, you need to admit the truth. And getting in touch with what you really feel is the truth.

Human behavior is inert, and emotions (especially negative ones) can serve as fuel for change.

  • Feelings are resonators for communicating with people. If you stubbornly refuse to see and acknowledge your emotions, you will have a very difficult time dealing with those emotions in others. A common story in marriage is that one spouse has an abundance of some trait that the other does not have. He may be anxious, angry, or overly impulsive. The second one does not recognize these qualities in himself (they are precisely emotions - exiles) and condemns the partner for incontinence. Both feel unimportant and blame each other. The way out of this situation can be the gradual appropriation and study within yourself of those emotions with which your partner is abundantly gifted, but which are so unusual for you. If it seems to you that your partner is excessively irritable, and you are a model of calm, then it would be useful to ask yourself the question - how do I hide my irritation from myself?

Suppressing emotions is dangerous and purely physiological, since emotion has its physical embodiment. Chronic and persistent experience of the same emotions affects health. And experiencing emotions outside of one’s own awareness has a doubly effect, since:

You don't solve the situation that provokes the emotion;

You hide the outward manifestations of emotion and do not give people the right feedback, so they are deprived of the opportunity to change their behavior towards you.

Emotions are a real force of nature; it is not possible to completely block it, and it will nevertheless find its embodiment in sudden emotional outbursts, obsessive behavior, and often in diseases of the body. Vegetative-vascular dystonia, intestinal problems, headaches, nightmares may be signs that it is time to pay attention to exiled emotions. The energy of emotions seeks a way out and often finds it through bodily symptoms.

Everything said above does not mean that it would be healthy to have no control over your emotional manifestations. Emotional incontinence is as evil as emotional suppression. However, control over emotions does not mean simply suppressing the expression of feelings, much less erasing these feelings from awareness.

Controlling the emotional sphere is more like finding a form of expression of feelings and a way to use their energy.

© Elizaveta Filonenko

No matter how hard we try, sometimes it is difficult for us to avoid negative emotions. Or maybe it’s not necessary? What to do with them and how to deal with them? This is what we are talking about today.

Negative emotions can lurk around every corner. There are times when you feel like you're about to explode or lash out at someone else, or when every little thing can irritate you. But negative emotions are not limited to anger and irritation: fear, envy, despondency - this is not the whole spectrum. So how to deal with emotions so as not to harm yourself or your interlocutor? How to curb yourself? Let's take a closer look at possible options for working with negativity.

How to get rid of negative emotions?

Accept your emotions. Unfortunately, from childhood we are often taught that we cannot experience negative emotions, we cannot cry and “give up,” we are condemned for showing so-called “wrong” emotions, and as we grow up, we learn to block them. However, it is very important to understand that emotions are a kind of signal from your psyche, a response to the environment and external stimuli. Therefore, it is necessary to accept the fact that you should not subjectively divide them into good and bad. This is useful information that you need to learn to read. Don’t scold or reproach yourself for them, because in this way you only increase the amount of negative experience you experience, going in circles. Allow yourself to experience them, don't try to get rid of them. This does not mean that when you feel angry towards an unpleasant person, you can give free rein to your emotions and attack him, no. This means the fact of accepting these emotions. Are you choked by tears, but you can’t afford them because “men don’t cry” or “you need to be strong/strong”? Nothing like this. Give vent to the negativity. It's no secret that after crying, a person really feels better.

How to throw out negative emotions

Are you experiencing severe anger or irritation? Offense from misunderstanding? Often in such situations we have a strong desire to throw something against the wall, breaking it to pieces, or scatter things, making a real mess. You can give vent to such negativity, but it is not at all necessary to do all of the above.

Redirect your energy and negative emotions into another, more useful direction. For example, you can “blow off steam” in the gym. Sport allows many people to cope with negative emotions, because in addition to the fact that it is an excellent and very useful way to give emotions an outlet, also during sports, endorphins are produced in our body - hormones of happiness. A great way to cheer up, isn't it?

And on top of that, in big cities today you can find excellent services for those who want to vent their anger - dish breaking services. Therefore, if you still want to smash something into pieces, think about this option.

Another possible option for “redirecting” emotions in another direction is humor. A complete reconfiguration of emotions to laughter, which, like playing sports, also contributes to the production of endorphins in our body, which means it will also make you a little happier. You've probably seen, if not in real life, then in movies, that people tend to suddenly burst out laughing in difficult and sometimes hopeless circumstances, and for good reason.

Experiencing negative emotions

You can also try a completely different way to eliminate negative emotions. Try to take advantage of the situation that caused such an emotional reaction in you, perceive it as a new experience gained. Are you angry at your friend for being late? But you have a couple of extra minutes to breathe in the fresh spring air or admire the world around you, and maybe you’ll have time to finish reading the last couple of pages of the book and won’t have to put it off until later. Are you offended by your partner because he doesn’t want to go to a noisy party with you, but prefers to stay at home? It doesn’t matter, think about how many opportunities you have to spend time alone with your loved one. There are always many opportunities, in any situation, just try not to be led by your negative emotions. As soon as you see the benefits in the current situation, negative emotions will dissolve on their own.

And if everything is quite easy with acceptance, then with understanding them it is much more difficult. When experiencing negativity, try to figure it out by asking yourself the right questions, where did this negativity come from and why? When you're angry at a friend for being late for a meeting, think about whether you're actually angry because you can't control the situation? It is very important to understand what causes you to experience negative emotions, because with an understanding of the reasons comes an understanding of what to do next. For example, in the same situation with a friend who is late, you will have a choice: should you be angry and offended at the person for not fitting into your ideal picture of the day? The choice is yours.

In addition to the above, there is another possible option for working with negative emotions, and this option will probably require more of your effort. Take action. Having understood the cause and nature of your negative emotions, you can actively work with them. So, even after understanding the true reason for your irritation towards your delayed friend, try to talk to him, explain how this situation affects you. Or perhaps you are offended by your husband/wife because he/she devotes little time and attention to you? Try to talk to the person, use dialogue to explain the situation to your partner and talk about what exactly offends you. Together, you can probably solve this problem, and with the solution of the problem, negative emotions will go away. Of course, quietly being offended, accumulating resentment and other negativity, is much easier than finding the strength to have a frank conversation, and often we deliberately prefer to remain captive of negative, but such familiar emotions.

As you can see, there are different ways to deal with negative emotions. You can give them a way out, redirect them in a different direction, work through them or the current situation, but the main thing that you need to learn for the future is that there are no bad emotions, and that it is normal to experience negative emotions, because you are alive Human.

If we look at our life from the point of view of the number of negative and positive emotions and memories, then the number of negative emotions will be greater. Why is this happening?

Negative emotions are necessary for a person, like a lighthouse for ships on the high seas. They should guide, but not control a person. But in life, everything happens the other way around; negative emotions overwhelm a person so much that life is not pleasant to him. A person stews in negativity, and his whole world becomes completely negative.

Why is this happening? The fact is that it is much easier to evoke a negative emotion than a positive one. It is much easier to get upset over some trifle and ruin your good mood in one second.

It is much more difficult, when you are in a bad mood, to suddenly assume a good mood and start smiling. Only people who know how to live and want to see beauty in every moment of life can do this. This trait is inherent not only to optimists, but to people with an active lifestyle. Passivity and negativism make the whole world gray and gloomy. Moreover, every person who does not know how to switch from a bad emotion to a good one makes the world like this for himself. Knowing this feature of human psychology, it is easy to manipulate people. It's easy to break the will to win or the desire to fight for something.

Why is negativity dangerous? Like a swamp, it sucks in and destroys the individual. It does not allow you to look objectively and look for ways out of current situations. It is very easy to get bogged down in problems, start feeling sorry for yourself and complaining to others. And the longer you stay in this state, the more hopeless your situation seems.

In fact, there are many more positive moments in our lives than negative ones, but our brain is designed in such a way that it tends to notice and remember the negative rather than the positive. For example, you have eight buttons on your shirt and one of them comes off, you will spend the whole day thinking about that one button rather than being happy that at least you have seven more buttons left.

Your negative feelings and emotions should not accumulate inside you, threatening to break out in the form of a nervous breakdown. They must be disposed of immediately by all available means.

Remember what good happened to you today. What good has happened to you over the past few days? Remember this good thing, and use the bad or not so good as experience for the future.

To learn not to get stuck in a bad mood, just look at the root, learn to see the main thing, and not waste your attention and nerves on trifles. Once you begin to see the main thing in all life situations, you will realize that everything else does not deserve your bad mood.

Try to communicate with positive and active people, learn from them to bypass negative aspects and enjoy life, no matter what surprises it presents to you.

Take more walks in the fresh air and notice the beauty of the world around you. The more you notice beauty, the more positive your thinking will be.

Keep a diary in which you write down all the good things that happen to you, and the next time you are overcome by negative emotions, re-read your diary and be glad that your life is so wonderful.

Life is beautiful if you look at the beautiful and draw conclusions from the rest, and terrible if you see only the bad in it. Appreciate what you have and don't miss the opportunity to have what you want.